Download - Information organization + access INLS 705. Organization and accessing creativity LIFE HACKS.


Information organization + access INLS 705 Organization and accessing creativity LIFE HACKS Objectives Organizing materials Books Journals Medical conditions/concepts Cooperation and interoperability NLM Classification MeSH ICD-10 HL7, UMLS NLM Classification for books MeSH for organizing articles Medical classification ICD for organizing diseases and conditions UMLS for organizing cooperation and interoperability, 1 UMLS for organizing cooperation and interoperability, 2 HL7 for organizing cooperation and interoperability Information access Goals Access in the library Everybody has a role Library access trends/issues Centralization and integration of services Physical access Security Remote storage Electronic access Wireless networks in clinics Geographic dispersion DOCLINE/Loansome Doc Open access journals Open Access journals NIH Public Access Policy Summaries/Readability Cochrane Library EBM journals Txt2MEDLINE: Text-Messaging Access to MEDLINE/PubMed Welch Library Information Suites Linking resources together Activity Read Lindberg DA, Humphreys BL. Rising expectations: access to biomedical information. Yearb Med Inform. 2008: Identify themes problems and solutions unresolved problems How are we changing our behavior in response? Propose solutions or the path to a solution