Download - Influencer Relations 3.0: The New Rules of PR Engagement



Influencer Relations 3.0The New Rules of PR Engagement

Mutesa SitholeContent Marketing Manager

Let’s talk about…

1.Why we should care about Influencer Relations

2.Our survey says...

3.Any questions?


An individual who has the power to affect decisions of others because of their (real or perceived) authority, knowledge, position or relationship.

courtesy of Bill

People trusted opinions of their friends, family and advocates back then.What has changed 70 years on?

Profile of an opinion leader has evolved, how we connect with them

has changed and their potential audience has grown.

Influencers help you to navigate discussions

Help you crowdsource ideas and grow support

Crowdfund your venture

Sell your products

Shape a debate

We say...

Use the right tools!

Opinion: published Metro, 9 April 2015

“This analysis doesn’t just show the people with the most Twitter followers: it looks at who’s talking about political issues and has the platforms to make themselves heard.”

Chris Moon, head of insights & analytics, Telegraph Hill


We say...

A large audience doesn’t necessarily mean influence. A captive, niche audience can be very valuable.

“Paying for influence is like paying for sex. Those that need to pay for influence are probably not engaging enough to get it for free.”

Alex Myers, Manifest London



“Expecting to use someone’s time and influence to your advantage for free is big can be exponentially more beneficial to focus on choosing influencers wisely, compensating them fairly and building long-term relationships...” Daniel Newman, The New Rules of Customer Engagement

We say...

Influencers can be compensated for their work, but influence cannot be bought.

We say...

Focus. Identify influencers most relevant to the group you’re aiming to…well…influence!

Try to keep efforts around a specific topic or objective.

Useful readsBased on some of the discussions at the seminar:

1. Psychology of sharing content: Why people share stories online?

2. Content Shock, term originally coined by Michael Schaefer, useful post on Heidie Cohen’s blog

3. Google’s ZMOT (zero moment of truth)

4. PR is dead?5.

Are you sitting comfortably? Jon Morter, oh and check out condescending corporate brands if you fancy a self-deprecating giggle

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Mutesa [email protected]