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Asia PacificIndustry

The industry magazine for Asia.July 2013 - Issue 03

04 EEC One new version

20 Directed High-Pressure Coolant Tooling

17 Shaft coupling with integrated torque

measurement10 Kennametal South Africa


13 Steute RF RC 10

06 Clean In Place Systems for Pharmaceutical and

Chemical companies.

18 Spray water and dust protection in over 300


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Page 3: Industry Asia Pacific 03

table ofC O N T E N T S

BALLUFF First magnetostrictive position measuring systems with IO-Link

De Dietrich O"ers cutting-edge CIP (Clean In Place) Systems for Pharmaceutical and Chemical companies.

KENNAMETAL Kennametal South Africa Relocation

NORD Russia’s industry needs e#cient drive solutions...

STEUTE sWave® wireless standard allows for modern and $exible production concepts

SECO TOOLS Seco advances holemaking in composites with new PCD-tipped drills

MAPLESOFT Maplesoft and JSOL partner to combine powerful modeling techniques-New product...


MAYR Shaft coupling with integrated torque measurement




20PROSOFT ProSoft Technology® releases the 802.11n Industrial Wireless Access Point/Bridge/Repeater with Fast Roam Technology



TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP Spray water and dust protection in over 300 versions

SECO TOOLSReducing Directed High-Pressure Coolant Tooling

Page 4: Industry Asia Pacific 03

Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-20134

Eplan EEC One: New version, new languages

The key elements of this new development are even deeper integration into the Eplan Platform and increased international orientation with four additional software languages. The existing integration with support for value sets, variants and script technology has also been extended. In future, users will be able to access the parts database in the Eplan Platform directly from EEC One. Selected parts and their properties are adopted directly in EEC One and can be used for further DXWRPDWLRQ�SXUSRVHV��7KH�EHQH¿WV�DUH�FOHDU��Increased levels of automation for schematic production, reduced manual input and lower error levels, plus optimised, user-friendly operation. Of course, the new version supports the current Eplan Platform 2.2.

Automation with compliant representationCompanies active in the US American market QHHG�WR�FRQ�¿JXUH�WKHLU�V\VWHPV�DQG�SODQWV�not only in compliance with IEC standards, they also need effective mastery of ladder technology. The new version of the EEC One generates schematics to this typically American standard. Simple switching between IEC and

ladder views is also a bonus. Depending on the setting in EEC one, plans are generated automatically either to the IEC standard or based on ladder technology. The UHDO�SUDFWLFDO�EHQH¿W��GLIIHUHQW�WDUJHW�PDU�NHWV�can be served from a single data source.

Multi-talented - now in 6 languagesWith four new languages (French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese), the EEC One is now all set for the global market.In conjunction with the (SODQ�3ODWIRUP��FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ�HQJL�QHHUV�FDQ�now generate projects automatically in their own language. 7KH�DGYDQWDJH��/DQJXDJH�EDUULHUV�DUH�UHPRYHG�DQG�WKH�GHJUHH�RI�HI¿FLHQF\�RI�VRIWZDUH�XVH�increases. Inter-national companies with cross-border locations will appreci-ate the new move - the Eplan Engineering Center One (EEC One) has already established itself in Germany and English-speaking countries within the space of a year.

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-2013 5

Position measuring systems from Balluff stand for the precise detection of measurement paths in large parts of the manufacturing and DVVHPEO\�LQGXVWU\��:LWK�WKH�0LFURSXOVH�%7/��3UR¿OH�3)�,2�/LQN�PRGHO��%DOOXII�LV�WKH�¿UVW�company worldwide to equip magnetostrictive SRVLWLRQ�PHDVXULQJ�V\VWHPV�ZLWK�,2�/LQN�

All measured values and status data are sent digitally and via a simple, three-wire cable via ,2�/LQN�PDVWHU�WR�WKH�FRQWURO�OHYHO�� The contact-free transducers with intelligent communication interface are used preferably ZKHUH�FRPSUHKHQVLYH�,2�/LQN�GHVLJQV�DUH�WR�VLPSOLI\�WKH�FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ��DFFHOHUDWH�WKH�installation and reduce costs during wiring. 7KDQNV�WR�,2�/LQN��WKH�HQG�UHVXOWV�DUH�streamlined and productive manufacturing VROXWLRQV�WKDW�SHUPLW�DXWRPDWLF�FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ�during running operation and transparent diagnostics down to the process level.

PF magnetostrictive position measuring systems IURP�%DOOXII�DUH�FKDUDFWHUL]HG�E\�WKHLU�ÀDW�construction and a robust, shock-, vibration- and soiling-insensitive design in enclosure rating IP 67.

Thanks to multi-magnet technology, the contact-free transducers reliably detect the measurement position and ensure absolute and precise results. Measurement lengths from 50 to 4,570 mm can be realized; the position measuring systems tolerate a vertical and horizontal offset of the position encoder to the VHQVRU�SUR¿OH�RI�XS�WR����PP�

With its point-to-point connection under QHWZRUNV�RI�DQ\�W\SH��,2�/LQN�HVWDEOLVKHV�D�high-performance communication channel in both directions. Against the background of LQFUHDVLQJ�GHPDQG�IRU�,2�/LQN�GHVLJQV��%DOOXII�has, with the Micropulse 3)�,2�/LQN��HTXLSSHG�DQRWKHU�GHYLFH�IURP�LWV�product line with the intelligent interface. The contact-free position measurement technology communicates with a speed of ���N%��DFKLHYHV�D�SURFHVV�GDWD�F\FOH�RI���PV�DQG�RIIHUV�D�UHVROXWLRQ�RI���P�� As a result, even fast movements can be UHOLDEO\�GHWHFWHG��9LD�0���FRQQHFWRUV�ZLWK�D�standard sensor cable, the transducers are FRQQHFWHG�TXLFNO\�DQG�HDVLO\�WR�WKH�,2�/LQN�master and integrated in the controller.

First magnetostrictive position measuring systems with IO-Link

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-20136

De Dietrich offers cutting-edge CIP (Clean In Place) Systems for Pharmaceutical and Chemical companies.

De Dietrich´s state-of-the-art CIP systems improve cleaning quality, reduce operating time in order to optimize reactor operations, DQG�VLJQL¿FDQWO\�ORZHU�VROYHQW�FRQVXPSWLRQ��,Q�addition, the repetitive cleaning cycle provides FRQVWDQW�HI¿FLHQF\� CIP systems are also less labor intensive and reduce the risk of dangerous chemical exposure to workers. To meet traceability and GMP standards, pharmaceutical and chemical companies are turning to CIP systems to meet cleaning requirements.

Analytical approachThe success of CIP technology is based on the coverage of the solvent and the internal equipment parts. 7KH�PDLQ�GLI¿FXOW\�IRU�SURMHFW�PDQDJHUV�RU�engineers is to ensure that the CIP system will have full coverage. 'H�'LHWULFK�KDV�GHYHORSHG�D�VSHFL¿F�DSSURDFK�and a high- quality process that solves the full coverage problem. With this new method, CIP component selection DQG�RSWLPL]LQJ�LV�YHU\�HDV\��$�VSHFL¿F�QXPHULF�

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-2013 7

simulation is performed on the equipment to obtain the requested coverage, and the report is precise on type, number and localization of each spray-ball. This high-value simulation can be done for existing equipment or for equipment in the process of being manufactured. On-Site TestingTo validate equipment performances, 5LERÀDYLQH�RU�&RQGXFWLYLW\�WHVWV�FDQ�EH�GRQH�on existing equipment in our facilities or on customer site. With this additional step, De Dietrich experts demonstrate that requested coverage is met.

The expansion of the De Dietrich process provides a guarantee for pharmaceutical and chemical companies that the cleanability of equipment will be optimized and conform to their needs. )XUWKHUPRUH��DOO�UHTXHVWHG�LQIRUPDWLRQ��ÀRZ�rate, pressure) is known in the early stages of the project.

De Dietrich offers numerous advantages for clients, from cleanability studies and tests to optimization of tank and unit designs. The company offers an extensive range of KLJK�HI¿FLHQF\�&,3�HTXLSPHQW��DQG�SURYLGHV�FRPSOHWH�HQJLQHHULQJ�VROXWLRQV�IRU�¿[HG�DQG�movable CIP skids and units. *03�UHJXODWLRQV��SDUW��������DQG���VLPLODU��SDUW���������VWDUWV�E\��(TXLSPHQW����VKDOO�EH�maintained in a clean and orderly manner.... The main concerns of the FDA concerning FOHDQDELOLW\�DUH�

Avoiding contamination of productAvoiding cross contamination (by improper cleaning, bad maintenance)“Call back” action of product.

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-20138

New Beyond EADE™ Solid Ceramic Endmills from Kennametal Set New Speed and Tool Life Benchmarks Machining Nickel-Based High-Temperature Alloys1HZ���ÀXWH�%H\RQG�.<6���VROLG�FHUDPLF�HQG�PLOO�IURP�.HQQDPHWDO� Perhaps the most basic assumption in machining is that cutting high-strength materials takes higher-strength tools. Proprietary nickel-based alloys used in gas and steam turbines, for example, are among the world’s strongest materials, continually being developed to allow power plants to run at much higher temperatures. This not only provides more power to those that QHHG�LW��LW�LQFUHDVHV�SODQW�HI¿FLHQF\�DQG�UHGXFHV�or eliminates harmful emissions. Superalloys such as Inconel®, Waspaloy®, Rene®, and others come into play in turbine blades and other parts that require high strength, excellent high temperature creep resistance, phase stability, and resistance to oxidation and corrosion.

But machining such materials can be a slow, laborious, and cost-intensive experience. In general, solid carbide tooling commonly runs at speeds between 65 and 200 SFM (20 to 60 m/min) in such materials with limited tool life. New %H\RQG�.<6����JUDGH�VROLG�FHUDPLF�HQGPLOOV�IURP�.HQQDPHWDO��KRZHYHU��DUH�SUHVHQWLQJ�orders-of-magnitude improvements in machining high-strength nickel-based alloys, roughing DW�FXWWLQJ�VSHHGV�XS�WR�������6)0�������P�min) with tool life two to three times longer than comparable solid-carbide tools.

Industry FirstCutting tools made of ceramics, mainly aluminum oxide (Al2 O3) have existed since the early 20th Century. Patents on ceramic FXWWLQJ�WRROV�ZHUH�LVVXHG�LQ�*HUPDQ\�LQ������and were commercially available in the US in WKH�����V��&HUDPLF�LQGH[DEOH�LQVHUWV�KDYH�their place today because they can operate at

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higher speeds in selected applications, but solid ceramic end mills were rarely seen because such tools were more brittle than carbide and did not perform well. In fact, many turbine manufacturers have taken to producing their own solid carbide end mills in house due to the high consumption of these tools.

.HQQDPHWDO¶V�QHZ�6L$O21�.<6���FHUDPLF�grade and the overall design of the solid ceramic endmill now offers the most effective way to rough nickel-based high-temperature alloys. “Cutting speeds on nickel-based superalloys can be up to 20 times higher compared to solid carbide end mills, and due to ceramic’s outstanding heat resistance and stronger cutting edges (negative rake), tool life can last ¿YH�WLPHV�ORQJHU�RU�PRUH�´�VD\V�7KLOR�0XHOOHU��JOREDO�SURGXFW�PDQDJHU�DW�.HQQDPHWDO�

The wear mechanisms and wear indication on the solid ceramic end mills is completely different from carbide, allowing running ceramic end mills far beyond the point where carbide tooling would need to be replaced. That’s also WKH�UHDVRQ�WKDW�WKLV�QHZ�.<6���JUDGH�HQG�PLOO�is a throw-away type of tooling to allow usage beyond regular type of wear.

Turbine Blade MachiningWhether powered by fossil fuels, hydro, or nuclear power, almost all electrical power on earth is generated by a turbine of some type. Producing, managing, and maintaining these critical components are vital to keeping the SRZHU�ÀRZLQJ�

This puts a lot of pressure on manufacturers to continually update their machining strategies. 0DQ\�IDFWRUV�DIIHFW�WKLV��DUH�ODUJH�QXPEHUV�RI�similar blades required or small volumes of different blade designs? Are multiple setups and machining centers involved or single multi-axis multitasking machines? What is the CAD/CAM system being used and what is the expertise of the operators?

And, of course, what are the best tooling choices for the machining operations? Recent WHVW�UHVXOWV�LQYROYLQJ�WKH�QHZ�.<6���VROLG�ceramic end mill are insightful. )LUVW�RI�DOO��WKH�.<6���%H\RQG�JUDGH�FHUDPLF�

LQ�ERWK�WKH�IRXU�ÀXWH�DQG�VL[�ÀXWH�YHUVLRQV�features an enlarged core design that improves WRRO�ULJLGLW\�DQG�UHGXFHV�GHÀHFWLRQ�DW�KLJK�cutting speeds. Optimized end geometry and a 40-degree helix angle increase shearing action and chip evacuation.

,Q�URXJKLQJ�WKH�SUR¿OH�RI�D�VPDOO�WXUELQH�EODGH�PDGH�RI�,QFRQHO������PDFKLQHG�GU\��WKH�($'(�IRXU�ÀXWH�HQG�PLOO�ZDV�UXQ�DW�����P�PLQ�������6)0���IHG�DW������PP�]���������,37���'HSWK�RI�FXW��DS��ZDV�����PP���������LQFKHV��DQG�ZLGWK�RI�FXW��DH��ZDV������PP��������LQFKHV��� Compared to a conventional solution, the EADE IRXU�ÀXWH�PLOO�ODVWHG�WKUHH�WLPHV�ORQJHU�GRLQJ�WKH�roughing in less time. This application resulted in three times more parts being produced per mill.

7KH�VL[�ÀXWH�($'(�VROLG�FHUDPLF�HQG�PLOO�ZDV�WHVWHG�SUR¿OLQJ�D�EOLVN��EODGH�LQWHJUDWHG�GLVN��PDGH�RI�,QFRQHO�����DQG�UXQ�ZLWK�FRPSUHVVHG�air for chip evacuation. Unlike conventional carbide tooling, roughing to near net shape creates chips closer to dust than traditional curled chips, requiring only compressed air to blow them out of the cut. 7HVW�FRQGLWLRQV�ZHUH�FXWWLQJ�VSHHG�RI�����P�PLQ�������6)0���IHHG�RI������PP�]���������IPT), and the depth of cut varied up to 0.5 mm ��������LQFKHV��

The results were two blisk segments machined ZLWK�RQH�WRRO�DW�D����PLQXWH�PDFKLQLQJ�WLPH�per segment, which test personnel deemed “unprecedented.”

.HQQDPHWDO�LV�RIIHULQJ�WKH�QHZ�.<6���FHUDPLF�HQG�PLOOV�LQ�WKH�UDQJH�RI������±�ò�LQFK����±����mm). Running the tool does not require use of special clamping, the use of common high performance collet, power, or hydraulic chucks LV�IXOO\�VXI¿FLHQW��DOWKRXJK�WKH�FKXFN�PXVW�EH�able to run at the high speeds necessary for superalloy machining. To ensure highest tool OLIH��¿QDO�EDODQFLQJ�LV�UHFRPPHQGHG��0RUH�information is available at

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-201310

Kennametal South Africa - Relocation


“The new facility combines numerous functions including state-of-the-art conical and surface PLQLQJ�PDQXIDFWXULQJ��VDOHV��¿QDQFH�DQG�administration under one roof in one location,” VDLG�.HQQDPHWDO�6RXWK�$IULFD¶V�0DQDJLQJ�Director Mike Hankin, a company that is a VXEVLGLDU\�RI�1<6(�OLVWHG�.HQQDPHWDO�,QF���EDVHG�LQ�/DWUREH��3HQQV\OYDQLD�LQ�WKH�8QLWHG�States. “This new facility increases our local presence, enabling us to better serve our customers in the UHJLRQ�ZLWK�.HQQDPHWDO�7ULFRQ�SURGXFWV�DQG�services.”

The new plant enables improved, continuous DQG�LQWHJUDWHG�PDWHULDO�ÀRZ�ZLWKLQ�WKH�production processes; faster lead times for the VXSSO\�RI�SURGXFW�WR�.HQQDPHWDO¶V�FXVWRPHUV�and an enhanced competitive edge within the industry.

.HQQDPHWDO�KDV�LQYHVWHG�LQ�VWDWH�RI�WKH�art machinery, building and infrastructure, including Tricon equipment. With this new IDFLOLW\�.HQQDPHWDO�ZLOO�EH�DEOH�WR�EHWWHU�VHUYH�customers mainly in the Earthworks business by RIIHULQJ�.HQQDPHWDO¶V�FRPSOHWH�SURGXFW�SRUWIROLR�and custom solutions for the oil & gas industry, surface and underground mining, construction and Tricon products and technology.

The grand opening of the new facility took place with a four-day open house including a Family Day on Saturday, and a Customer and Press 'D\�RQ�7XHVGD\��WK�0D\�������

“We are excited about the new facility and ORRN�IRUZDUG�WR�WKH�LPSURYHG�HI¿FLHQFLHV�LW�will provide to customers as well as future JURZWK�RSSRUWXQLWLHV�LQ�WKH�UHJLRQ�´�DI¿UPHG�Brian Maglosky, vice president manufacturing ,QWHJUDWHG�6XSSO\�&KDLQ�DQG�/RJLVWLFV�(0($��

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-2013 11


%DUJWHKHLGH�±�/RRNLQJ�WR�OHDUQ�DERXW�HQHUJ\�HI¿FLHQW�GULYH�WHFKQRORJ\��5XVVLDQ�3UHVLGHQW�Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel stopped by the booth of German drive PDQXIDFWXUHU�125'�'5,9(6<67(06�RQ�WKHLU�tour of select exhibitors after jointly opening the �����+DQQRYHU�0HVVH��6LQFH�WKH�FRXQWU\¶V�ODVW�WXUQ�DV�KLJK�SUR¿OH�SDUWQHU�RI�WKH�ZRUOG¶V�OHDGLQJ�industrial fair in 2005, Russia has witnessed a surge in awareness for sustainable business practices, environmentally sound technology, and green growth strategies. Given this trend, the leaders of the two nations made NORD, D�UHQRZQHG�SURYLGHU�RI�KLJK�HI¿FLHQF\�GULYH�solutions, a port of call on their brief round of visits to major German brands and industrial innovators. Electric drives play a crucial role throughout all industrial sectors, since they constitute core components of machines and plants and have a major bearing on these systems’ total energy requirements. At this year’s booth in Hanover, NORD is showcasing a drive solution for conveyors based on integrated drive units that boast particularly low consumption. (DFK�RI�WKHVH�IXOO�ÀHGJHG�XQLWV�FRPELQHV�a geared motor complying with the strictest

FXUUHQW�HQHUJ\�HI¿FLHQF\�FODVVL¿FDWLRQ��,(���6XSHU�3UHPLXP�(I¿FLHQF\���ZLWK�D� motor-mounted frequency inverter that delivers versatile drive control. These drives were at the center of the exchange between Merkel, Putin, and NORD’s top management team. Optimizing conveying technology is a particularly effective step in the implementation of new, economically viable and ecologically progressive solutions. NORD DOVR�VXSSOLHV�D�ZLGH�UDQJH�RI�HI¿FLHQW�JHDUHG�motors for various other applications as well as a comprehensive portfolio of suitable power electronics. As demand for such technology is on the rise in Russia, NORD’s local activities and investments KDYH�UHFHQWO\�EHHQ�VLJQL¿FDQWO\�H[SDQGHG��DQ�all-new manufacturing site in Saint Petersburg was inaugurated only months ago in order to further enhance NORD’s service and delivery performance for Russian customers. In addition to this plant, NORD maintains a nationwide presence throughout the country with bases in another seven Russian cities.

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-201312

SK 180E: New distributed frequency inverters from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS

&RPSOHPHQWLQJ�WKH�6.����(�OLQH�RI�IUHTXHQF\�LQYHUWHUV��125'�'5,9(6<67(06�LQWURGXFHV�WKH�6.����(�ZKLFK�LV�PRXQWHG�on asynchronous motors, just like its larger counterparts. Featuring proven ISD vector FRQWURO��WKH�6.����(�LV�HYHQ�PRUH�FRVW�effective than the currently available range of decentralized units. The new inverter focuses on the core requirements of speed control and HI¿FLHQF\��)HDWXULQJ�WZR�DQDORJ�LQSXWV�DQG�integrated process and PI controller functions, it can autonomously manage simple drive applications. It is suitable both for stand-alone variable frequency drives and for synchronized operation with several units. $�W\SLFDO�H[DPSOH�RI�WKH�ODWWHU��GLVWULEXWHG�horizontal conveying applications requiring no positioning or encoder feedback, no special safety functions or braking resistors, and with motor power outputs from 0.25 to 2.2 kW. 7KH�6.����(�DOVR�FRQWDLQV�DOO�QHFHVVDU\�functions for many fan and pump applications. Here, it can save up to 30 % energy by automatic magnetization adjustment under

SDUWLDO�ORDG��3URYLGLQJ�FODVV�&��UDGLR�interference suppression and a discharge FXUUHQW�EHORZ����P$��WKH�6.����(�FDQ�HYHQ�EH�operated in residential and business buildings in nearly every country in the world. For use in mobile pumps, shredders, or mixers, variable frequency drives are available complete with a conventional mains plug. The drives have typical RYHUORDG�UHVHUYHV�RI�������IRU����VHFRQGV�DQG�EULHÀ\�HYHQ�XS�WR��������$OO�GLVWULEXWHG�GULYH�electronics from NORD follow the same simple DQG�YHUVDWLOH�RSHUDWLRQ�FRQFHSW��WKH\�FDQ�EH�programmed directly, by means of parameter boxes, or via computer using the free-of-charge NORD CON software. Parameters can be quickly exported to other devices using the internal system bus or Ethernet interfaces.,Q�DGGLWLRQ�WR�WKH�6.����(�DQG�WKH�6.����(��which can also control diagonal and vertical conveying tasks with safety requirements up WR�6,/���125'¶V�GHFHQWUDOL]HG�VROXWLRQV�DOVR�LQFOXGH�WKH�YHU\�HFRQRPLF�QHZ�6.����(�VRIW�and reverse starter which can carry out simple switching tasks in logistics and conveying.

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-2013 13

sWave® wireless standard allows for modern DQG�ÀH[LEOH�SURGXFWLRQ�FRQFHSWV���ZLUHOHVV�sensors for industrial Automation

At the Hanover Fair, in addition to electromechanical wireless switchgear working according to the »energy harvesting« principle, WKH�VWHXWH�EXVLQHVV�¿HOG�ª:LUHOHVV©�KDV�introduced a new generation of wireless sensors using the sWave® wireless protocol, developed E\�VWHXWH�DQG�UXQQLQJ�RQ�WKH�����������0+]�frequency band. 7KH�5)�5&�����KRXVHG�LQ�D�FRPSDFW��VTXDUH��WKHUPRSODVWLF�HQFORVXUH��FDQ�EH�ÀH[LEO\�integrated in machine construction. It is equipped with reed contacts, while the cylindrical wireless sensors RF GS M25 and RF GS M30 detect the target by the GMR effect. This offers the advantage for users that the sensor can also be mounted on vibrating machines and plants because vibrations cannot


The multi-network capability of the sWave® wireless technology permits use of several sensors within one transmission area. Bi-directional signal transmission is one of the VSHFLDOLWLHV�RI�WKH�ZLUHOHVV�SURWRFRO��ZLWK�DQ�in-built time delay, acknowledgement is sent of HDFK�WUDQVPLVVLRQ�FRQ¿UPDWLRQ�

The sensors have a calculated life of more than one million operations and a switching IUHTXHQF\�RI�PD[���������WHOHJUDPV��LQFO��repetitions) per hour. They are available for WUDQVPLVVLRQ�UDQJHV�����0+]��(XURSH��$VLD��DQG�����0+]��$PHULFD��DQG�FDQ�WKXV�EH�DSSOLHG�worldwide.

For all three sensors, power is supplied by a long-life lithium battery that lasts for several years thanks to the extremely low energy consumption of the sWave® wireless protocol.

The wireless sensors have been designed for reliable position detection without wiring or pipe laying and for application in an industrial environment. Because no wires are required, steute offers electrical engineers the chance to DSSO\�QRQ�FRQWDFW�VHQVRUV�PRUH�ÀH[LEO\�WKDQ�before. Thus the sensors are optimally suited to integration in plants designed on the basis of »Industry 4.0« and »Smart Factory« and are characterised by decentralised intelligence and LQFUHDVHG�ÀH[LELOLW\�

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-201314

Seco advances holemaking in composites with new PCD-tipped drills

6HFR¶V�QHZ�&;��DQG�&;��VROLG�SRO\FU\VWDOOLQH�diamond-tipped drills bring increased tool life, productivity and quality to manufacturers machining holes in composite materials. Unlike traditional PCD, vein or dual brazed tip designs, WKH�&;��DQG�&;��IXUWKHU�SUHYHQW�GHODPLQDWLRQ�DQG�XQFXW�¿EUHV�E\�IHDWXULQJ�D�VROLG�3&'�GRPH�and solid PCD cap, respectively, on a solid carbide drill body. This new PCD technology has also enabled Seco to develop the industry’s ¿UVW�3&'�WKUHH�ÀXWH�JHRPHWU\��&;���IRU�composite drilling. 7KH�&;��DQG�&;��GULOOV�RIIHU�ZKDW�WKH�FRPSDQ\�deems the sharpest and strongest cutting edges currently available. This performance is possible because the new drills use solid PCD tips that can be much sharper than diamond coated drills where the coatings wrap around a drill’s cutting edges and actually create a dulling effect. Other EHQH¿WV�RI�WKH�QHZ�VROLG�3&'�WLSSHG�GULOOV�include high cutting speeds, low friction, good heat transfer, multiple re-sharpening and high process reliability.

For effective drilling through “plain” composite PDWHULDOV��WKH�WKLUG�ÀXWH�RQ�WKH�&;��SURYLGHV�high levels of stability in the hole as well as decreased vibrations and improved roundness. )XUWKHUPRUH��WKH�GRPH�VKDSHG�WLS�RI�WKH�&;��offers a double-angle geometry. This geometry JUHDWO\�UHGXFHV�XQFXW�¿EUHV�DQG�GHODPLQDWLRQ�

in composite-only applications. Grinding these highly complex types of geometries was previously impossible using conventional brazed or similar such PCD techniques. Plus, the dome cap makes it possible for the drill point to be reconditioned and resharpened up to three times.

7KH�&;��LV�D�ÀDW�JHRPHWU\�GULOO�SRLQW�IRU�machining stacked composite materials with layers of aluminium or titanium. With this geometry, a PCD cap is used because the drill SRLQW�LV�D�����GHJUHH�SRLQW�DQJOH�WKDW�SURYLGHV�HI¿FLHQW�FKLS�EUHDNLQJ�DQG�HYDFXDWLRQ�TXDOLWLHV��This reduces the risk of metal chips damaging the hole when transitioning between layers of metal and composites. As a result, the CX2 NHHSV�WKH�VXUIDFH�¿QLVK�RI�WKH�FRPSRVLWH�LQWDFW�

%RWK�WKH�&;��DQG�&;��VHULHV�LQFOXGH�D�PL[�RI�dimensions for holes that range in size from �����WR������������´�WR������´���&KDPIHUV�FDQ�also be incorporated into the drill designs to IXUWKHU�LQFUHDVH�DSSOLFDWLRQ�ÀH[LELOLW\�)RU�PRUH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�RQ�WKH�&;��DQG�&;���please visit

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-2013 15

Maplesoft and JSOL partner to combine powerful modeling techniques-New product easily integrates JMAG models in MapleSim

Maplesoft announced a new product that allows XVHUV�WR�FRPELQH�WKH�SRZHUIXO�¿QLWH�HOHPHQW�analysis abilities of JMAG with the advanced physical modeling approach of MapleSim. The MapleSim Connector for JMAG-RT allows HQJLQHHUV�WR�SURGXFH�KLJK�¿GHOLW\�V\VWHP�models that seamlessly incorporate components from each system. MapleSim is an advanced physical modeling and simulation tool that applies modern techniques to dramatically reduce model development and analysis time while producing IDVW��KLJK�¿GHOLW\�VLPXODWLRQV��-0$*�LV�D�SRZHUIXO�¿QLWH�HOHPHQW�DQDO\VLV��)($��WRRO�that allows engineers to develop, analyze, and ¿QH�WXQH�HOHFWULF�PRWRUV�DQG�JHQHUDWRUV��WDNLQJ�into account such diverse factors as thermal, structural, and vibration issues. With the new connector, engineers can incorporate their JMAG motors and generator models into a MapleSim system-level model.

This ability allows users to study interactions between their motors and generators with other FRPSRQHQWV�RI�WKH�¿QDO�SURGXFW��)RU�H[DPSOH��in a hybrid-electric vehicle, the behavior of the battery, the internal combustion engine, the tires, and other elements of the car can have D�VLJQL¿FDQW�LPSDFW�RQ�WKH�SHUIRUPDQFH�RI�WKH

electric motor. By incorporating all these diverse elements into a single system-level model, the engineer can better understand and optimize the behavior of the entire design, avoiding unpleasant surprises at the prototype stage.

“Different tools are suited for different tasks, so it is vital that today’s engineers have the ability to easily move from tool to tool as they work on their project, without incurring tremendous RYHUKHDG�FRVWV�LQ�WKH�SURFHVV�´�VDLG�/DXUHQW�Bernardin, Executive Vice President and Chief Scientist, Maplesoft. “That’s why toolchain connectivity is such an important aspect of MapleSim. The MapleSim Connector for JMAG-RT is the latest in a large collection of connector tools and products for MapleSim, which include FRQQHFWRUV�IRU�6LPXOLQN���/DE9,(:���dSPACE® Systems, VI-CarRealTime, C code generation, and more.

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-201316


7KH�WKUHH�QHZ�W\SH�VHULHV�7.$����7.$����7.$���DQG�WKH�7.$���FRPSOHWH�WKH�SRUWIROLR�RI�FORVHG�FDEOH�FDUULHUV�E\�768%$.,�.$%(/6&+/(33��7KH�7.$�SURGXFW�IDPLO\�therefore comprises over 300 versions. The cable carriers with an especially tight design reliably protect cables against dirt, chips and spray water.

7KH�GHVLJQ�RI�WKH�7.$�FDEOH�FDUULHUV�HIIHFWLYHO\�prevents the intrusion of foreign bodies into the cable space and ensures reliable protection of the cables right up to the connection area. 7KH�7.$���ZDV�WHVWHG�DFFRUGLQJ�WR�,3���DQG�FRQ¿UPHG�E\�7h9�125'��7KH�GHVLJQ�RI�WKH�side bands and the cover system protects cables against spray water from any angle and DJDLQVW�WKH�LQWUXVLRQ�RI�GXVW��$OO�7.$�W\SH�VHULHV�are optionally available as extremely heat-

UHVLVWDQW�PRGHOV��$�VSHFLDO�PDWHULDO�VHFXUHO\�protects cables against negative effects, for example from chips with a temperature of up to �����&�

The three new type series were developed on WKH�EDVLV�RI�7.$����(VVHQWLDO�SURGXFW�IHDWXUHV�are the optimized geometry of the chain links and a triple encapsulated stroke system which allows large self-supporting lengths while being highly torsion-resistant. The integrated gliding surfaces make the cable carrier ideally suited for long travel lengths. The covers can alternatively be opened inside or outside and provide secure hold even with heavy mechanical loads, e.g. when using hydraulic cables. An internal damper system ensures noise and vibration damping.

More information on the internet at www.NDEHOVFKOHSS�GH�VROXWLRQV�����

TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP present three new type series of the TKA cable carrier

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-2013 17

ProSoft Technology® releases the 802.11n Industrial Wireless Access Point/Bridge/Repeater with Fast Roam Technology

7KH�������DEJQ�)DVW�,QGXVWULDO�+RWVSRW�LV�DQ�advanced, high-speed wireless Ethernet solution GHVLJQHG�IRU�SODQW�ÀRRU�DXWRPDWLRQ��6&$'$�systems, mobile worker Wi-Fi infrastructure and process control systems. This Hotspot offers a broad range of industrial wireless capabilities including unique features such as Fast Roaming and has excellent packet-per-second performance and robust communications in demanding industrial environments.

-XQH������3UR6RIW�7HFKQRORJ\��LV�SOHDVHG�WR�DQQRXQFH�WKH�UHOHDVH�RI�WKH��������DEJQ�)DVW�,QGXVWULDO�+RWVSRW��7KH�QHZ�������DEJQ�)DVW�,QGXVWULDO�+RWVSRW��5/;���IHDWXUHV�EUHDNWKURXJK�advancements in client/bridge fast roaming between access points, Ethernet packet optimization, and enhanced diagnostics.

These new capabilities provide seamless high-speed Ethernet connections for moving machines and vehicles traveling long distances in assembly plants, crane systems and mining. The secure, high speed wireless network reduces project costs, while improving productivity by eliminating mechanical festooning, rails and slip rings for economical and reliable mobile applications.

The radio’s Fast Roaming technology uses less than 50msec time between access points and provides full device bridging. 7KH�PRGXOH�SURYLGHV�VHFXUH�������L�DQG� ����ELW�$(6�(QFU\SWLRQ�DQG�RSHUDWHV�VHFXUHO\�in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands. It also has advanced management tools. These tools include IH Browser Utility, web server and OPC server. The microSD card will DXWRPDWLFDOO\�VWRUH�ORDG�FRQ¿JXUDWLRQV��UHGXFLQJ�down time. The Hotspot is designed for extreme environments and hazardous locations, including oil and gas systems. It is an ideal ZLUHOHVV�VROXWLRQ�IRU�3URGXFHU�&RQVXPHU�3/&�PAC networking, remote I/O, safety I/O, plant backhaul networking, remote video and mobile worker connectivity. The Hotspot utilizes extended operating WHPSHUDWXUHV�RI�����WR�����&������)�WR������)��DQG�KDV�DJHQF\�DSSURYDOV�DQG�FHUWL¿FDWLRQV�ZLWK�&ODVV���'LYLVLRQ���DQG�$7(;�=RQH���� The module is high shock/vibration tested. 7KH�6KRFN�,(&�LV��������������J����$[LV��DQG�9LEUDWLRQ�,(&�LV��������������J���������+]���

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-201318

0DSOH6LP�����KDV�QHZ�$3,�FRPPDQGV�IRU�programmatic analysis and a new transparency option to add additional visual context to models.

0DSOHVRIW��WRGD\�DQQRXQFHG�D�QHZ�UHOHDVH�RI�0DSOH6LP���WKH�DGYDQFHG�V\VWHP�level modeling and simulation platform. With improved performance, more tools for programmatic analysis and model development, and expanded connectivity options, MapleSim ����KHOSV�HQJLQHHUV�PHHW�DQG�H[FHHG�WKHLU�system-level requirements.

MapleSim offers a modern approach to physical modeling and simulation, dramatically reducing model development and analysis time while SURGXFLQJ�IDVW��KLJK�¿GHOLW\�VLPXODWLRQV��,Q�0DSOH6LP������LPSURYHPHQWV�WR�WKH�VLPXODWLRQ�engine mean that MapleSim can produce simulations faster than ever before. In addition, the MapleSim Application Programming Interface (API), a collection of procedures for manipulating, simulating, and analyzing a MapleSim model in the Maple document environment, has been expanded to provide PRUH�ÀH[LELOLW\�IRU�PRGHO�FUHDWLRQ�DQG�DQDO\VLV��For instance, new API commands make it easier to analyze the parameters in a model programmatically. These commands can take advantage of the full processing power of the computer, automatically detecting and using all available processor cores to perform

computations in parallel whenever possible. As a result, engineers can perform large numbers of computations rapidly and get results faster.

Other improvements include expanded connectivity options with the new MapleSim Connector for JMAG®-RT, enhanced support for Modelica, and a new transparency option for the visualization of multibody objects that allows engineers to add additional visual context to WKHLU�PRGHOV��0DSOH6LP�����LV�IXOO\�FRPSDWLEOH�ZLWK�WKH�UHFHQWO\�UHOHDVHG�0DSOH�����VR�MapleSim customers can also take advantage RI�DOO�WKH�HQKDQFHPHQWV�RI�0DSOH�����LQFOXGLQJ�a wide variety of improvements in both the computation engine and interface.

“Advanced projects require advanced tools, and our customers appreciate the open, ‘white-box’ modeling environment of MapleSim that gives them immense control over their modeling and DQDO\VLV�´�VD\V�'U��/DXUHQW�%HUQDUGLQ��([HFXWLYH�Vice-President and Chief Scientist at Maplesoft. “MapleSim is a vital component of the toolchain for many organizations, and with the new IHDWXUHV�LQ�0DSOH6LP������LW¶V�HYHQ�HDVLHU�IRU�customers to perform the analyses they want and get the results they need, fast.”


)DVWHU��PRUH�ÀH[LEOH�0DSOH6LP�RIIHUV�LQFUHDVHG�support for advanced model development and analysis

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-2013 19

Shaft coupling with integrated torque measurement

The torque-measuring shaft coupling ROBA®-DSM is based on the tried-and-tested backlash-free shaft coupling ROBA®-DS. This torque measurement coupling can be used in many different applications, from test stand construction to serial machines, right up to condition monitoring. The system allows easy condition monitoring of machines and systems. Using the data collected by the coupling, machines can be optimally used to capacity. The measurement of rotating parts requires the transmission of energy onto the rotating part and the transmission of data from the rotating part. Many different systems are available for this purpose. In the past, energy and data were mainly transmitted inductively. However, this principle has several disadvantages in comparison to the data transmission of the new ROBA®-DSM.

A big disadvantage of the inductive systems is that data can only be transmitted over short distances. Therefore, they work mainly using “enclosing” stators, which are also partly bearing-supported. The enclosure makes both installation and replacement far more complex. Furthermore, the installation must be carried out very precisely, as the distances are very short. Another disadvantage is the low tolerances in case of vibrations and shaft run-out. Bearing-supported systems also make a torque support mandatory. Here, it is also important to observe the installation position, so that the bearing friction torques are not included in the measurements.

Systems, which are not bearing-supported, require an installation aid in order to centre the rotor and the stator. The ROBA®-DSM does not require an enclosure and therefore only needs a small installation space. The stator can easily be mounted in any position on the circumference. When adjusting the stator, large tolerances are permitted in all directions. Potential distances of up to 5 mm are substantially larger than on enclosing systems. Another major disadvantage of the inductive systems is the usually low transmission bandwidth on analogue versions or the low data rate on digital variants. In most cases, such V\VWHPV�DUH�VSHFL¿HG�XS�WR���N+]��'XH�WR�WKH�transmission of energy and measurement data via a carrier, these systems require a complex separation of signals.

The new torque-measuring ROBA®-DSM makes use of two completely separate paths for the transmission of energy to the rotor and the transmission of data to the recipient. Due to the high bandwidth of up to 3.5kHz, it can even record fast, dynamic processes reliably. The preparation of the data on the rotor permits RSWLPXP�DPSOL¿FDWLRQ�DQG�RIIVHW�FRPSHQVDWLRQ��2Q�WKH�URWRU�WKHUH�LV�D�SURJUDPPDEOH�DPSOL¿HU��which is programmed via the radio interface. In this way, the customer can undertake offset compensation on the rotor even after installation. In addition, the user can adjust the address encoding and radio channel with the aid of software. Another advantage is the use of an encoded radio system in the 2.4GHz ISM band.

Therefore the operator can quickly obtain an overview over the current performance data. In addition, records can easily be made, even over extended periods of time. The evaluation RI�WKH�GDWD�FDQ�WKHQ�WDNH�SODFH�RIÀLQH�XVLQJ�appropriate programs such as DIADEM or DOVR�(;&(/��DQG�RWKHU�WDEXODU�FDOFXODWLRQ�programs. In addition, online evaluation is possible, whereby the data are read in directly, IRU�H[DPSOH�XVLQJ�/$%9,(:��DQG�SURFHVVHG�LQ�real time.

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Industry Asia-Paci!c 7-201320

There are high expectations for today’s coolant delivery tooling systems* to do more than just cool metal cutting processes. When you choose or are even forced to use coolant, IXQFWLRQDO�HI¿FLHQF\�VKRXOG�EH�DW�DV�KLJK�D�OHYHO�DV�SRVVLEOH�DQG�EH�DEOH�WR�SUHVHQW�VLJQL¿FDQW�opportunities to release hidden productivity. Equally importantly, especially in turning RSHUDWLRQV��WKH�PRGHUQ�FRRODQW�ÀXLG�GHOLYHU\�tooling systems must provide effective chip control.

7KH�EHQH¿WV�RI�XVLQJ�FRRODQW�WR�UHPRYH�KHDW�and lubricate (reduce friction) are well known; with coolant usually being applied by simply ÀRRGLQJ�WKH�PDFKLQLQJ�DUHD��$OWKRXJK��IRU�coolant to be really effective, it needs to remove heat quickly from the cutting zone, and a GLUHFWHG�KLJK�SUHVVXUH�FRRODQW�ÀRZ�WKDW�SXWV�coolant precisely where it is required is much PRUH�HI¿FLHQW�

Challenges in cooling the metal cutting processThere are several examples of challenges found at the cross-roads of coolant application and productivity demands in machining, but one of the more striking can be taken from the aerospace materials e.g. titanium alloy Ti6Al-4V. Ti6Al-4V alloy has low thermal conductivity and low modulus of elasticity, making it a suitable material for the high-strength, heat-resistant and lightweight parts in jet engines. However, it is notoriously costly to machine because required cut¬ting speeds are typically quite low, chips are impossible to control and cutting tool life relatively short. Unbroken, long chips can result in chip jamming, subsequent tool failure and, in the worst case, damage costly parts. They FDQ�DOVR�VFUDWFK�VXUIDFH�¿QLVKHV�DQG�FDXVH�D�valuable component to be scrapped.

Bird-nest-like tangles of chips generated by WKH�PHWDO�FXWWLQJ�SURFHVV�FDXVH�VLJQL¿FDQW�

Directed High-Pressure Coolant Tooling

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productivity losses in attended production, making it almost impossible for machines to run unattended in lights-out operations. This particularly holds true when machining with toolholders or toolblocks with conventional coolant nozzles that are not located close to the cutting edge.

:KLOH�VLJQL¿FDQW�DGYDQFHPHQWV�KDYH�EHHQ�made in high-pressure systems, most PDQXIDFWXUHUV�VWLOO�UHO\�RQ�ÀRRG�W\SH�FRRODQW�systems that drench coolant over a cutting tool and the component being machined to reduce KHDW��,Q�DGGLWLRQ��PRUH�ÀH[LEOH�FRRODQW�QR]]OHV�often move, making them inaccurate when it comes to directing coolant to the cutting zone. Such systems also lack adequate control for VXI¿FLHQW�SUHVVXUH�

$V�ÀRRG�FRRODQW�MXVW�ZDVKHV�RYHU�WKH�FXWWLQJ�zone, it can also heat up locally to a point where a steam vapour barrier forms. This vapour then actually insulates the cutting zone and keeps heat from dissipating. To combat this situation, high-pressure cooling systems can remove heat fast enough and with enough pressure to prevent such vapour barriers from developing.

Manufacturers must also keep in mind that there are differences between high-pressure coolant delivery tooling systems. The most common of those differences involve distance from the cutting zone, or how far away a system’s coolant outlet is from the workpiece/cutting tool interface. Some system outlets may not be close enough to effectively and accurately reach the optimum point within the cutting zone for the PRVW�EHQH¿W��6\VWHPV�WKDW�LQFRUSRUDWH�FRRODQW�outlets situated further away from the cutting zone must use higher pressures to compensate for the increased distance.

If a system’s coolant outlets are too far from the cutting zone, additional pumps may be needed. Comparatively, this results in higher costs to achieve the same level of results provided by a system that has outlets closer to the cutting zone. When coolant is channeled through holders then through inducers, as with Seco Tools’ Jetstream Tooling® system, coolant outlets can be arranged in very close proximity to the cutting zone, achieving better results with pressure generated from a machine’s standard

coolant pump. The need for a second high-pressure pump is thus eliminated. %HQH¿WV�RI�GLUHFWHG�KLJK�SUHVVXUH�FRRODQWIt is to overcome the drawbacks of existing coolant delivery systems that developers of coolant delivery tooling systems, such as Seco, have worked to optimise system performance by boosting the pressure and precision with which coolant streams are directed into cutting zones.

Systems such as Seco’s Jetstream Tooling® incorporate strategically placed coolant exit holes machined into swiveling top clamps (inducers) on insert holders. Coolant pressure, ÀRZ�DQG�WKH�VPDOO�GLDPHWHU�KROHV�DUH�ZKDW�enable the acute, high-velocity stream of coolant to easily penetrate and lubricate the primary heat zone just behind the cutting edge.

Seco has discovered that providing a coolant “wedge”, very close to the cutting edge, proves most effective. This means that the system’s exit outlet positions the jetstream of coolant between the insert rake cutting zone and chip, contributing to the lifting and breaking off of the chip.

The latest generation of Jetstream Tooling® for turning, grooving and parting-off provides holders with coolant outlets directed towards rake faces, but also towards insert clearances ¤±�WKH�VHFRQGDU\�KHDW�]RQH��7KH�FRRODQW�MHW�underneath provides optimal cooling just below the cutting edge. This extra coolant jet directed towards insert clearance increase tool life by DQRWKHU����SHUFHQW�DQG�LPSURYHV�VXUIDFH�¿QLVK�

When coolant delivery tooling systems provide both cooling and optimised chip control, manufacturers also eliminate downtime and gain problem-free, lights-out machining capability. %XW�MXVW�DV�EHQH¿FLDO��WKH\�DUH�DEOH�WR�LQFUHDVH�turning speeds and feeds, extend cutting tool life DQG�LPSURYH�WKH�VXUIDFH�¿QLVK�RI�WKH�FRPSRQHQW�±�DOO�EHFDXVH�RI�DGYDQFHG�FKLS�FRQWURO��,Q�some cases, speeds and feeds can be doubled or even tripled, and tool life can also often be doubled. This increases productivity and SUR¿WDELOLW\�E\�PDFKLQLQJ�PRUH�SDUWV�IDVWHU�


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IW�PLQ���IHHG�UDWH�RI������PP�UHY�������LSU��DQG���PP�������LQ��GHSWK�RI�FXW�ZLWK�ÀRRG�FRRODQW�JDYH�D�¿YH�PLQXWH�F\FOH�WLPH��5HVHDUFKHUV�then applied a high-pressure coolant delivery tooling system to the operation and were able WR�LQFUHDVH�WKH�FXWWLQJ�VSHHG�WR����P�PLQ������ft/min) and reduce cycle time by half, as well as LQFUHDVH�WRRO�OLIH�E\������

Today’s machine tool coolant pumps generally SURYLGH�EHWZHHQ����EDU������SVL��DQG����EDU�SUHVVXUH�������SVL���ZKLFK�LV�D�UDQJH�PRUH�WKDQ�adequate for high-pressure coolant delivery tooling systems such as Seco´s Jetstream Tooling®. Seco’s system for instance, offers the versatility to operate from low pressures with some productivity impact at as low as 5 bar (70 SVL��WR�KLJK�SUHVVXUHV�DW����EDU�������SVL���DQG�to ultra-high pressures 350 bar (5 000 psi) with the same system.

$W�EHWZHHQ���������SVL��DQG����EDU������SVL���VLJQL¿FDQW�SURGXFWLYLW\�ERRVWV�ZLWK�6HFR�Jetstream Tooling® can be seen as well as improved chip control in most applications and different workpiece materials. The performance LQFUHDVHV�ZLWK�WKH�DPRXQW�RI�SUHVVXUH�DQG�ÀRZ��O�PLQ���$QG�����EDU��������SVL��LV�TXLWH�DGHTXDWH�to break the most demanding chips formed from sticky, long chipping commercial materials. Applications and industriesTurning, parting off and grooving operations EHQH¿W�WKH�PRVW�IURP�KLJK�SUHVVXUH�FRRODQW��,Q�these operations, the contact time between the cutting edge and the part is often a few seconds RU�ORQJHU�DQG�GH¿QHG�DV�³FRQWLQXRXV�FXWV�´�7KH�continuous cuts generate high temperature in the cutting zone, and therefore, the cutting parameters need to be adapted to prevent UDSLG�ÀDQN�ZHDU�DQG�SODVWLF�GHIRUPDWLRQ��7KH�combination of a continuous cut and a gummy, ductile material can produce a very long, uncontrollable chip that is highly undesirable.

0RVW�LQGXVWULHV�FDQ�EHQH¿W�IURP�KLJK�SUHVVXUH�coolant, but traditionally power generation, aerospace and medical areas have adapted to this trend the most with their many exotic materials where intense chip formation management is required.

For example, titanium, often used in aerospace

and medical applications, is a poor conductor of heat, which causes high temperatures to remain in the cutting zone. This can lead to welding, galling and smearing, all of which can quickly destroy a tool’s cutting edges. To make matters worse, machining titanium produces WKLQ��KLJK�YHORFLW\�FKLSV�WKDW�DUH�GLI¿FXOW�WR�EUHDN�into manageable lengths. These chips will also carry critical coolant away from the cutting zone, causing thermal damage to component surfaces. Conventional tools with high positive rakes and sharp edges can minimise the detrimental effects caused by machining titanium, but high-pressure coolant delivery tooling is needed to control chips and optimise overall machining operations. University H[SHULPHQWV�DQG�VWXGLHV�FRQ¤¿UP�WKDW�D�UDSLG�temperature reduction in a chip as it passes over the cutting edge invokes a hardening effect, much the same way as quenching a hot piece of metal very quickly. The hardness of the titanium chip is increased. The combination RI�WKH�GLUHFWLRQ�RI�ÀRZ��WKH�ZHGJH�HIIHFW�DQG�pressure of the coolant against the chip with its increased hardness force the chip to break into small, easily managed pieces.

In general, it is better to run coolant when cutting any of the more challenging types of workpiece materials. Again, some of the best machining improvements documented resulting from high-pressure coolant delivery tooling systems have been with applications involving today’s exotic materials, such as titanium and nickel-based and cobalt-based alloys such as 1LPRQLF�&�����,QFRQHO������8GLPHW�����DQG�Waspaloy. These materials are very gummy and ductile and thus require high levels of chip control attained by high-pressure coolant delivery tooling systems.

However the exotic alloys are not the only materials to show improvements when using high-pressure coolant delivery tooling systems. The automotive, marine, nuclear and food & beverage industries involve the use of ductile, long-chipping materials with rather low machinability. Austenitic and duplex stainless steel, low-carbon steels, and aluminium alloys, all show vast increases in metal removal rates, improvements to cutting data, chip control DQG�VXUIDFH�¿QLVK��DV�ZHOO�DV�UHGXFWLRQV�LQ�production time.

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As Seco Jetstream Tooling® eliminates chip evacuation issues, there is no need for operator interven-tion and therefore no disruption in production. Chip removal time is no longer part RI�WKH�ÀRRU�WR�ÀRRU�WLPH�FDOFXODWLRQ��$GGLWLRQDOO\��the coolant inducer pivots of the Seco system allow machine operators to index a new cutting edge very quickly, guaranteeing that the FRRO¤DQW�LV�ZKHUH�LW�ZDV�EHIRUH�±�LQ�H[DFWO\�WKH�right place. To cool, or not to coolIt should be noted that some turning operations DUH�EHWWHU�UXQ�GU\�ZLWKRXW�ÀRRG�RU�GLUHFWHG�KLJK�pressure coolant. For instance, applications with intermittent or interrupted cutting conditions RIWHQ�JHQHUDWH�WKHUPDO�VKRFN�DQG�EHQH¿W�IURP�running dry, as coolant can further magnify the negative effects of that thermal shock. In these cases, a high-pressure coolant tooling solution may circumvent the negative effects of coolant application.

Generally, continuous cutting conditions are typically best run with coolant. But where there are environmental issues, open-structure lathes or with certain types of steels, turning operations can be performed dry and with good results. Seco´s Duratomic® CVD-coated inserts with their effective heat resistance capabilities are well suited for this. Operations such grooving and parting-off, however, become more GLI¿FXOW�ZKHQ�UXQ�GU\�PDLQO\�EHFDXVH�RI�FKLS�EXLOG�XS��,Q�WKHVH�RSHUDWLRQV��FRRODQW�±�PRUH�VSHFL¿FDOO\�GLUHFWHG�KLJK�SUHVVXUH�FRRODQW�±�FDQ�VLJQL¿FDQWO\�LPSURYH�SHUIRUPDQFH�

Finishing operations often also should be run with coolant. Otherwise, shops can experience issues with component accuracy, as well as ZLWK�VXUIDFH�¿QLVK�TXDOLW\��:KLOH�PRVW�VKRSV�XVH�FRRODQW�LQ�XS�WR�����RI�WKHLU�PDFKLQLQJ�applications, some choose to run all of their operations dry e.g. for environmental reasons. Doing so requires closely monitoring and adjusting for heat generation within their machine tools, then keeping it in check to ensure component accuracy in terms of size and VXUIDFH�¿QLVKHV��,W�LV�ZLWKRXW�GRXEW�FKDOOHQJLQJ�and worth another tooling discussion, but fully possible today. Productivity and tool life UHGXFWLRQV�DUH�VLJQL¿FDQW�ZKHQ�PDFKLQLQJ�GU\�

compared to machining with coolant. The ideal systemWhen considering high-pressure coolant delivery tooling systems, manufacturers should evaluate systems not only based on their performance, but also on versatility and simplicity covering whole ranges of available coolant pressure levels in the machines. Systems should be easy to assemble and install into turning machines.

Ideal systems will also offer the choice of coolant being fed to a turning or grooving toolholder externally or internally. For feeding externally, systems such as Seco’s for shank toolholders, use hoses attached at the sides or underneath holders. Manufacturers can obtain a wide range of hose kits to easily connect the coolant supply at almost any position on a machine turret or toolblock. If the user no longer wishes to run the system, it can easily be removed and the machine restored back to its original coolant setup. For feeding internally, the system has channels within holders, as is the case when feeding coolant through the taper interface for Seco-Capto-style holders.

ConclusionNo matter what type of coolant system is incorporated, the key to effective chip control, tool life optimisation and increased production LV�¿UVW�JHWWLQJ�WKH�FRRODQW�VWUHDP�DV�FORVH�WR�WKH�cutting zone as possible then directing it to the right place within the cutting zone. Jetstream Tooling® toolholders are a very minimal part of a machine investment in relation to the savings they provide in reduced cost per part. Any costs saved by purchasing a slightly lower priced low-pressure coolant system and tooling will EH�LQVLJQL¿FDQW�ZKHQ�FRPSDUHG�WR�SRRU�WRRO�OLIH�and production losses due to machine downtime caused by chip build up.

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