Download - Industrializations Effect on the Environment


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Industrialization and the Environment A Jacob Carley Enterprise productionUN1015Dr. Hingst


Pollution numbers

Works CitedThe USA Online. History of the Industrialization of the US and Reform. 2015. Web. 17 Mar 15. Advameg Inc. Pollution Issues, 2015. Web. 6 Feb 2015. Dasgupta, Susmita., Benoit, Laplante., Hua, Wang., and Wheeler, David. "Confronting the Environmental Kuznets Curve."Journal of Economic Perspectives, 16.1 (2002): 147-168.Environmental Protection Agency. Overview of Greenhouse Gasses. July 2014 Web. 21 March 2014. Frenkel, Steve. Coal Power: Air Pollution. Union of Concerned Scientists 2015.: Web. Mclamb, Eric. "The Ecological Impact of the Industrial Revolution." Ecology Global Network 18 Sept. 2011, 1.: Web.

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