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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction:

Nowadays the Internet is playing a very important role in different domains. During

the previous years a lot of research has been done for trying to develop applications, which

make it possible to supervise and control industrial processes using the World Wide Web.

Although different experiments have proven that this technology has a great impact in the

future there are still some problems.

It is often desirable to monitor or control industrial equipment from a remote location.

Whether for the purpose of controlling a process, monitoring performance or performing

remote diagnostics, the cost and time saving of remote monitoring can often justify large

expenditures in infrastructure costs. Fortunately, with the advent of the Worldwide Web and

low-cost Web server hardware, remote monitoring and control can often be added for very

little additional cost to the manufacturer.

Remote monitoring and intelligent maintenance is one of the most important criteria

for maximizing production and process plant availability. Wireless media has been

undergoing a rapid innovation process in search for a reliable, simple and business-viable

technology for fast, easy and inexpensive diagnosis of faults in process plants. With the

complexity and interdisciplinary nature of emerging engineering designs and solutions, it is

vital that groups working in industry and academia share information at a rapid pace, with the

collective aim of increasing product quality and reducing development time and costs. The

rapid growth of global internet connectivity, coupled with improved security norms and

standards, gives us a powerful tool to achieve these goals.

The internet protocol has made it possible to send a lot of data from one side of the

world to the other side in almost no time. The use of the Internet for real-time interaction of

the remote controlling and monitoring of the plants would give us many advantages. This

technology cannot only be used in the industry, but also in the field of medicine, education,

etc. Although all this looks promisingly two main problems should be faced before the web

based control and monitoring can be implemented. The first one is the aspect of time delay,

which can lead to irregular data transmission and data loss. In the worst-case this can make

the whole system unstable. The other one is the problem of security. When malicious hackers

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

can grant access to a system the consequences can be catastrophic. Other problems concern

the distance or logistics. If something goes wrong with the system, a lot of time and

preparation can be needed before somebody can intervene to requirement specifications and

system implementation.

This project presents a practical approach to monitor and control the process in

industries by computer using IP connection. Internet Protocol (IP) is the protocol for

communication on the Internet. IP is responsible for sending the packet to its destination

along a route.

The user can monitor and control the process by using computer. Programming

software also will be used to program this microcontroller. By using this IP on this project, a

lot of advantages we can get such as the user can be at any place to monitor and control the

system as long as they have computer along with the internet connection. It also can maintain

the productivity and prevent losses of the product in industries.

Wireless data transmission is ubiquitous. It has touched all aspects of life from cordless

phones, garage door openers, wireless LANs at home and business to high-speed Internet

access in rural areas. Consumers have quickly embraced wireless technologies in pursuit of

simplicity, productivity and mobility.

In industrial automation, users have realized the benefits of adopting wireless

technologies in eliminating the need for cables in hard to reach areas within the plant,

increasing data availability and quality and monitoring and controlling remote assets that

otherwise were inaccessible. Several radio frequency technologies, such as licensed Very

High Frequency (VHF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radios have been used for decades.

Due to license restriction and the complexity of the deployment, UHF/VHF radios required

radio experts to setup and maintain the systems. The allocation of radio spectrum for

Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) license-free band have propelled the use of wireless

in industrial applications. Vendors were able to create products that are easy to deploy,

configure and maintain.

1.2 Necessity of project:

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

Internet protocol is the protocols for communication on the internet. Industrial process

monitoring and controlling using internet protocol can be described as the whole of operations

performed to control or monitor a system situated in a closed network.

Protocol has key role in today's communication world, without protocol it is not possible

for one computer to communicate with another computer.

Using the power of internet, remote monitoring and controlling takes a new meaning. Use of

internet protocol and wireless technology provides greater flexibility to our project.

It also provides long range of operation as we are controlling by two PC’s which are

synchronized through internet protocol address. Closed loop control provides automatic

operation and important consideration is, it reduces the human power and it can save cost

from taking many employees and save time because the system can be monitored and

controlled by less number of persons. Wireless technology makes system more flexible as

there is an absence of wires.

1.3 Objectives of project:

The main objective of this project is aimed at monitoring and controlling the

industrial process with the help of internet protocol and wireless technique and it is purposely

designed to easier the user to monitor and control the process in industries by computer using

IP connection.

Long range of operation is provided

Closed loop control is used.

By using temperature and liquid sensors we can control temperature and liquid

levels automatically.

Chapter 2

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique


Egwin Warnier, Leena Yliniemi and Pasi Joensuu. [1] Nowadays the Internet is playing a

very important role in different domains. During the previous years a lot of research has been

done for trying to develop applications, which make it possible to supervise and control

industrial processes using the World Wide Web. Although different experiments have proven

that this technology has a great impact in the future there are still some problems. These

problems concern architectures, requirement specifications, and security aspects. This report

will give a brief overview about the design methods and architectures developed so far for the

Internet-based process control systems and also about the problems concerning security


Internet based process control has been examined. Internet-based control is only an

extra control level added into the existing process control hierarchy. When designing

architecture the requirement specifications, user interface, universally platform-independent

programming languages and security measures are important issues. Internet technologies can

provide web clients a platform, not only for remotely.

Monitoring the behavior of process plants, but also for remotely controlling the plants

as well. One of the key problems in the Internet based process control is the Internet time

delay. If the Internet is heavily loaded, the responses may be delayed and the operator

corrections may take too long time for correcting the system. More advanced technologies

should be implemented to properly deal with the Internet transmission delay.

K. K. Soundrapandian, Manoj Rao and Sameer Khandekar [2]The development of a

remote-access real-time laboratory (RART-Lab) is described, and a case study is presented of

its application to a real-time mechanical engineering experiment, namely a study of thermo-

hydrodynamics of flow through mini-channels. (The study of such flows is vital for many

applications, ranging from electronics thermal management to fuel cells.) The RART-Lab

concept encompasses data acquisition during the experiment, storage, post-processing and

online transmission of data to multiple users logged on to their respective web browsers.

Control of the experimental process parameters (e.g. liquid mass flow rate and heater power

level) from one (or more) remote stations over the web in real time is also incorporated.

Online video images of the experimental facility, visualization modules and color-indexed

temperature data can be transmitted by webcam. The system developed has a friendly

graphical user interface. It also allows transmission of process parameter alarm signals via an

e-mail client server or via an SMS text message to a mobile telephone. Simultaneously,

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

conventional chatting has also been incorporated to add vibrancy to inter-user

communication. In addition, three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations

have also been done simultaneously with the real-time laboratory to mimic the experiments.

Such an integrated development greatly widens the possibilities of collaborative research,

development, simulation and experimentation, to overcome the need for the physical

proximity of the experimental hardware and experimenters. Such generic tools not only make

academic interactions and real-time data sharing more fruitful but also greatly facilitate joint

research and development activities between academia and the industrial community.

Nurul Izyan Binti Ahmad Tarmizi [3]. Practical approach to monitor and control the

process in industries by computer using TCP/IP connection. Transmission Control Protocol

(TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) are the protocols for communication on the Internet

where a stream of data that is sent over the Internet is first broken down into packets by the

TCP and IP is responsible for sending the packet to its destination along a route. The system

contains two main parts that is a local digital controller and graphical user interface (GUI)

application. The local digital controller which controls the system is implemented on a

PIC18F4620 microcontroller. The graphical user interface (GUI) application by using visual

basic makes the users easier to monitor and control the system when uses TCP/IP protocol.

The user can monitor and control the process by using computer. Programming software also

will be used to program this microcontroller. By using this TCP/IP on this project, a lot of

advantages we can get such as the user can be at any place to monitor and control the system

as long as they have computer along with the internet connection. It also can maintain the

productivity and prevent losses of the product in industries.

Sanath Alahakoon, Lilantha Samaranayake, Thilakasiri Vijayananda, Mats Leksell [4]

Ethernet today is the most widely used information carrier and the service provider for many

important applications in our day-to-day life such as e-mail, voice-image data and web based

information. It is also emerging strongly in the area of industrial communication. This paper

presents research and development being carried out to enhance the possibilities of using

standard TCP/IP Ethernet for real-time condition monitoring and distributed real-time


Chapter 3


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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

3.1 Model development:3.1.1 Block diagram:

Remote operation arrangement

PC arrangement inside Industry

Process Control arrangement inside the Industry

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Remote PC

Decoder A S K Receiver

Opto Couplers

Data Encoder

Communication Port

PC Inside Industry


Internet Protocol



User Inter Action Data

A S K Transmitter

Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

Fig 3.1.1 Block diagram

3.1.2 Explanation:

1. User Interaction Data And Internet Protocol:

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Temp Controlling Process

Driving Stage Driving Stage Driving Stage

Level Controlling Process

Machine Controlling Process

Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

It is nothing but the command which the key person of the industry enters into the

remote PC. Internet protocol is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one

computer to another on the internet. Each computer (known as a host) on the internet

has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computer on the


2. Remote PC and PC Inside Industry:

It is the PC which is located in the remote area from which the commands are entered

and it is received by the PC which is inside the industry and the communication is

build up.

3. Communication Port:

Here we used Line Print Terminal (LPT) port as a communication port. This

communication port is found on the back of older PCs and is used for connecting

external devices. An LPT port has an 8-bit data bus and four pins for control output

(Strobe, Linefeed, Initialize, and Select In), and five more for control input (ACK,

Busy, Select, Error, and Paper Out). Its data transfer speed is at 12,000 k bit/s.

4. Opto couplers:

Opto couplers are the optically isolated devices which consisting of LED and

photodiode internally the LED Signals are connected from the PC parallel port as per

the data execution from the remote PC. The data bits of every operation is given to the

input terminal of the Opto coupler that is LED input now the LED goes to Saturate

and turn on me transistor which gives the logical data incompatible with electronic

circuit the data of PC and electronic circuit and The logical data is Synchronized with

electronics circuit.

5. Data Encoder:

The need of encoder here is to concert data from parallel serial for the purpose of

send the data bit by bit with a transmitting frequency of 433 MHz towards the

industry location where the process has to be control.

6. A S K Transmitter And Receiver:

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The transmitter and receiver used here are A S K type with a frequency of 433MHz.

The transmitted RF data is interact with receiver inside the industry where a process

has to be control the data now available in the form of serial.

7. Decoder:

The decoder has one input serial data terminal and four output data terminals each bit

which is available from the receiver Unit is convened into a parallel data with

synchronized frequency between encoder and decoder. The decoded data is connected

to microcontroller for further operation. .

8. Microcontroller:

The controller used here is 89 c51 which is haring inbuilt memory of 8k and it’s a

kind of flash memory So that modifications to the codes can be easily possible. The

data which is connected to the Controller is continuously monitoring and the

controller is so programmed that the particular process has to be controlled with

driving unit.

9. Driving Stage:

The driving unit is designed with relays and transistors from which the different

industrial processes can be possible to control. The need of relays here is to drive the

process control voltages with logical data from the Controller. Relays provide the

complete isolation between microcontroller and process system.

10. Temperature Controlling Process:

The temperature or oven Control is possible by just Connecting a thermister or a LM-

35 sensor the data can be Send to control the operation of over after reaching to a

particular temp.

11.Level Controlling Process:

The level Sensing process can be possible to Control after the float level Sensor

senses the level of the liquid using Control bit the particular level can be stopped

using the control bit.

12.Machine Controlling Process:

The machine operation can be controlled by a switching action from the controlling unit.

3.2 Hardware Design:

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

3.2.1 Wiring diagram:

Fig 3.2.1 Wiring diagram

3.2.2 Working principle:

The system uses two PC one is remote PC from which the key person of the industry

send the required control signal and the PC which is in Industry communicate with Internet

protocol and intercommunication we can build and the process in the Industry gets controlled.

The data received from user interaction unit is in the form of logical data which has to

be entered into pc Internet protocol window the accessing of data from a protocol window is

in the form of binary bit the required bit can be set reset using bit set or reset icon. The

Internet protocol address is separate and unique for every PC. Each and every PC under

internet Connection can be identified with this unique code. Now from the remote PC the

required IP address has to be entered after this the communication is build up.

Now the data passes from internet Connectivity and reach the destination end which is

a PC inside the industry because of synchronization and IP address the data available from its

port. The L P T port we taken as a Communication port for interfacing with next Stage. The

data available from the port is as per the logical level of the PC which has to be modified and

Synchronization with electronic circuit for this purpose we are using Opto coupler unit here

for the purpose of Synchronization and Converting to a logical level of the next Circuit.

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

Opto couplers are the optically isolated devices which consisting of LED and

photodiode internally the LED Signals are connected from the PC parallel port as per the data

execution from the remote PC. The data bits of every operation is given to the input terminal

of the Opto coupler that is LED input now the LED goes to Saturate and turn on me transistor

which gives the logical data incompatible with electronic circuit the data of PC and electronic

circuit and The logical data is Synchronized with electronics circuit.

The available data from opted couplers now has to be sending for further control using

encoder. The data encoder used here is priority encoder which encodes the data to words me

transmitting unit.

The encoder uses 4 bit data input line and these data input, are connected to the

respective Opto coupler output as in data available from Opto coupler goes high the encoder

sends the data Serially to transmitter. The need of encoder here is to concert data from

parallel serial for the purpose of send the data bit by bit with a transmitting frequency of 433

MHz to words me industry location where the process has to be control. The transmitter and

receiver used here are A S K type with a frequency of 433MHz.

When the transmitted RF data is interact with receiver inside the industry where a

process has to be control the data now available in the form of serial. But for further process

the data has to be Convert in terms of parallel here we are using decoder which is a

Compatible operation with encoder. The decoder has one input serial data terminal and four

output data terminals each bit which is available from the receiver Unit is convened into a

parallel data with synchronized frequency between encoder and decoder. The decoded data is

connected to microcontroller for further operation.

The controller used here is 89 c51 which is haring inbuilt memory of 8k and it’s a kind

of flash memory So that modifications to the codes can be easily possible. The data which is

connected to the Controller is continuously monitoring and the controller is so programmed

that the particular process has to be controlled with driving unit.

The driving unit is designed with relays and transistors from which the different

industrial processes can be possible to control. The need of relays here is to drive the process

control voltages with logical data from the Controller. Relays provide the complete isolation

between microcontroller and process system. Different processes can be possible to Control

here we are using temperature Control level control and some machine operation Control. The

temperature or oven Control is possible by just Connecting a thermister or a LM 35 sensor the

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

data can be Send to control the operation of over after reaching to a particular temp. The level

Sensing process can be possible to Control after the float level Sensor senses the level of the

liquid using Control bit the particular level can be stopped using the control bit. The machine

operation can be controlled by a switching action from the controlling unit. This system

provides complete control over all the operation and process control in the industry with

unlimited range of operation.


3.2.3 A) Introduction to Microcontroller:

Nowadays the introduction of a technology that has radically changed the way in

which we analyze and control the world around us, Born of parallel development in computer

Architecture and Integrated circuit fabrication, have seen the growth of the number of

personal computer users. From a handful of hobbyist and “hackers” to millions of Business,

industrial, government, defenses, Educational and Private users now enjoying the advantage

of inexpensive computing. A product of Microprocessor developed was Microcontroller.

The microcontroller which is a “True Computer on Chip”. The design of

Microcontroller incorporates all the futures in a Microprocessor: CPU, ALU, PC, SP and

Registers. It has also added the other futures needed to make a complete computer: ROM,

RAM, Parallel I/O, Serial I/O, counters and a clock circuit.

Like the Microprocessor and Microcontroller is a general purpose device but which is

meant to read data, perform limited calculation and control its Environment, based on those

calculations. The prime use of Microcontroller is to control the operation of a machine using

a fixed program that is stored in ROM and does not change over the life time of the system.

The 89C51 is a low power, high performance CMOS 8-bit Microcomputer with 8K

byte of flash programmable and Erasable ROM. The device is manufactured using ATMEL’s

high density, non-volatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard

80C51 and 80C52 instruction set and pin out. The On-chip Flash allows program to be re-

programmed in system or by a conventional non-volatile memory programmer by combining

a versatile 8-bit CPU with flash memory on a monolithic chip. The ATMEL 89C51 is a

powerful microcontroller which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many

Embedded control applications.

3.2.3 B) PIN Configuration of 89C51:

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

Microcontroller is a true computer on chip the design incorporates all the features found in a

microprocessor. It is a 40 pin chip consisting of 4 ports which can be used either input ports

or output ports. A pin out of the 89C51 packaged in a 40 pin dual input package is as shown

in figure.


Port O is an 8 bit open drain bi-directional I/O port. Each pin can sink 8 TTL I/P’s. It can

be configured to be multiplexed low order Address / Data bus during access to external

program and data memory. When a pin is to be used as an I/P, a 1 must be written to a

corresponding port O latch by the program, thus turning both of the transistor OFF, which

in turn causes the pin to float in high impedance state, and the pin is connected to I/P

buffer. When used as an O/P the pin latches that are programmed to a 0 will turn ON the

lower FET grounding the pin. All latches that are programmed to a 1 still float; thus,

external pull-up resistors will be needed to supply logic high when using port O as an O/p.

Post 0 also receives the code bytes during flash programming and outputs the code bytes

during program verification


Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The port 1 O/P buffers can

sink/source four TTL I/P’s. When 1’s are written to port 1 pin, they are pulled high by

internal pull-ups and can be used as I/P’s. Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low

will source current in because of the internal pull-ups. In addition port 1.0 and port 1.1 can

be configured to be the timer/counter 2 external count I/P’s (P1.0/t2) and the timer counter

2 trigger I/P (P1.1/T2(Ex)) respectively.

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

(T ) P1.0.2 1

T (Ex) P1.12








(R ) P3.0XD

(T ) P3.1XD

(INTO) P3.2

(INT1) P3.3.

(T ) P3.40

(T ) P3.51

(WR) P3.6

(RD) P3.7










































P0.0 (AD )0

P0.1 (AD )1

P0.2 (AD )2

P0.3 (AD )3

P0.4 (AD )4

P0.5 (AD )5

P0.6 (AD )6

P0.7 (AD )7




P2.1 (A )15

P2.6 (A )14

P2.5 (A )13

P2.4 (A )12

P2.3 (A )11

P2.2 (A )10

P2.1 (A )9

P2.0 (A )8


Fig 3.2.3 b) Pin configuration of 89C51


Port 2 may be used as an input/output similar in operation to port 1. Port 2 emits the high

order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to

external data memory that use 16 bit addresses. In this application, Port 2 uses strong

internal pull-ups. When emitting 1’s. During excesses to external data memory that 8 bit

address, Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special function Register. Port 2 also receives

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

the high order address bits and some control signals during flash programming and



Port 3 is an input/output port similar to port 1. The input and output functions can be

programmed under the control of the P3 latches or under the control of various other

special function registers. The port 3 alternate uses are shown in the following table.

3.2.3 C) Features of 89C51:

1. Compatible with MCS-51TM Products.

2. 8K byte of in system re-programmable flash memory.

3. Endurance: 1000 write / Erase cycle.

4. Fully static operation.

5. 3 Level program memorial clocks.

6. 256 X 8 bit internal RAM.

7. 32 programmable I/O Line.

8. 3-16 bit timer/Counter.

9. 8-Interupt Source.

10. Programmable serial channel.

11. Low power, Ideal and Power down modes.

12. Four register Banks each containing 8 registers

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

3.2.4 Power Supply Unit:

Fig 3.2.4 Power supply unit

A DC power supply system, which maintains constant voltage irrespective of

fluctuations in the main supply or variation in the load, is known as Regulated Power supply.

The 7805 IC referred to fixed positive voltage regulator, which provides fixed voltage 5 volts.

The 7805 regulator is known as fixed voltage regulator.

Fixed –Voltage regulator design has been greatly simplified by the introduction of 3-

terminal regulator ICs such as the 78xx series of positive regulators and the 79xxx series of

negative regulators, which incorporate features such as built-in fold back current limiting and

thermal protection, etc. These ICs are available with a variety of current and output voltages

ratings, as indicated by the ‘xxx’ suffix; current ratings are indicated by the first part of the

suffix and the voltage ratings by the last two parts of the suffix. Thus, a 7805 device gives a

5V positive output at a 1a rating, and a 79L15 device gives a 15V negative output at a

100mA rating. 3-terminal regulators are very easy to use.

The regulators ICs typically give about 60dB of ripple rejection, so 1V of input ripple

appears as a mere 1mV of ripple on the regulated output. A rectified filter and unregulated

DC voltage is given to pin of IC regulator. A bypass capacitor is connected between input

and ground to bypass the ripples and oscillations. The output capacitor is connected between

output and ground to improve transient response. The unregulated input is applied to the IC

must be always more than the regulated output.

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

3.2.5 Opto coupler With Transistor Interface:

Fig 3.2.5 Opto coupler with Transistor Interface

Above figure shows the circuit diagram of Opto coupler With Transistor Interface. To

provide isolation between the Microcontroller and the I/O devices an Opto coupler is used.

The Opto coupler is consisting of LED and the Phototransistor pair which is fabricated within

the chip. The IC MCT2E is a 6-pin DIP consists of LED and a Phototransistor pair. The IC

ILQ74 has 4 LED and 4 Phototransistor pairs.

Whenever the Microcontroller output goes high, the LED inside the Opto coupler

glows (ON) and saturates (Activate) the Phototransistor. The output from the Phototransistor

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

i.e. collector output saturates the external PNP transistor (BC557).Then the output of the

PNP transistor drives the load or LED etc, which is connected at its collector terminal.

The resistor 10KΩ connected across the collector terminal of the Phototransistor

provides the collector bias voltage and the resistor 1KΩ provides the base bias voltage to the

external PNP transistor (BC557). The LED which is connected at the collector terminal of the

PNP transistor indicates the status (Saturation) of the Phototransistor.

By using Opto coupler circuit we can prevent the Microcontroller from the

overload and avoid the damages to the Microcontroller. The IC ILQ74 has 4 inputs and we

can also use 4 inputs individually to connect to the Microcontroller I/O pins.

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3.2.6 Transmitter with Encoder Circuit:









43 3 M HZ T R A NS M ITE R























HT 12 E




























Fig 3.2.6 Transmitter with Encoder Circuit

The ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) type Transmitter tuned at 433MHz frequency

gets the data out pin of HT 12E encoder IC. There 8 number of address lines & number of

data lines are present in HT 12E. The data on D0-D3 pin transmitted serially & available at

data O/P pin. A RF transmitter of 433MHz have a pin of data in now the serial data from HT

12E is given to this pin. The respective Vcc (5V) & ground pins are connected. An antenna

terminal is connected to a Telescopic antenna. If the I/P data for HT 12E is 0001 (Binary) the

D0-D3 bits transmitted serially & 433MHz transmitter transmit these bits in the form of RF

waves through an transmitting antenna.

The encoder inputs connected in different application like sensors, keyboard to enter

the sensor data. HT12E is a series of CMOS LSIs for remote control. The encoders of this

type are capable of encoding 12bits; consisting of N address bits and 12-N data bits. The

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

HT12E has 8 address bits and 4 data bits. The data that is set on these data lines is sent

serially along with the bits set on the address lines. The address bits are sent in prior to the

data bits. The data as well as the address is transmitted in four successions. The data consists

of differing lengths of positive going pulses for ‘1’ and ‘0’.The pulse width for ‘0’ is twice

the pulse width of ‘0’.The frequency of these pulses may lie in between 1.5KHz to 7KHz,

depending on the oscillator frequency.

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3.2.7 Receiver with Decoder Circuit:










43 3 M HZ R E C E IV E R
































D IN14

















BC 548





Fig 3.2.7 Receiver with Decoder Circuit

The Receiver CKT is arranged as shown above. The 433MHz RF receiver (ASK type)

gets the data from antenna & the serial data is available at its data O/P pin. The corresponding

+Vcc & GND pins are connected to +5V source.

HT 12D Decoder decodes the serial data to parallel & it is available at D1- D4 data

bits the oscillating resistor of 51K is connected to its oscillating pins (pin 15 pin16) Pin 17 is

considered as going high when Transmitter starts generating & sending RF wave the pin 17 is

connected to a transistor & an LED which glows & indicates the link between Transmitter &

Receiver. If a data bit of 1010 is applied to the D0-D3 of HT 12E is Transmit serially.

Transmit 433MHz & now through Transmitter& Receiver receives the data bits & HT 12D

decodes the serial data bits to parallel & the same data i.e. 1010 is available at D1-D4 pins of

HT 12D.

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The decoder outputs are connected to microcontroller, LCD, relays or motor driver

circuit. HT-12D decoder is also a series CMOS LSIs for the remote control applications. The

decoder is analogous to the encoder that is specified earlier. It is also capable of decoding 12

bits of information that consists of N address bits and 12-N data bits. It has 8 address and four

data lies.

For the proper operation of the encoder/decoder pair, the address on the address lines on

both the ICs must be the same. The decoder receives serial address and data from its

corresponding series of encoders that are transmitted by the RF transmitter. Then it compares

the serial data obtained twice continuously with its location address. If both of them are

matched, the input data codes are decoded and transferred to the output pin. The VT pin also

goes high to indicate the valid transmission. The internal operating frequency is 50 times

greater than the oscillating frequency of HT12E depends on the values of timing register on

the pin OSC1 and OSC2.

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3.2.8 Relay Interface:

Fig 3.2.8 Relay Interface

The circuit diagram shows the connection of Relay Driver Circuit. When the logic signal

from the Buffer O/P is applied to base of the transistor through resistor 1KOhm the starts

conducting, it energizes the relay. The transistor act as a small signal amplifier resistor of

1KOhm is used to provide proper emitter base voltage to turn the transistor to ON state from

OFF state.

Relay is an electromechanical switch & it works on the principled energizing an

electromagnet. It consists of primary coil, 2 contacts one is normally open contact “NO” &

the other is normally closed contact “NC”& pole normally identified a common. When relay

is in off state the pole is connected to normally closed (NC contact).The load is connected to

the relay as shown in above circuit diagram. The load may be a fan or dc motor or heater coil,

when transistor starts conducting current starts flowing through the coil. Which develops its

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own magnetic flux when the strength of current is suitable; a sufficient flux when produced

attracts the pole to make contact with normally open position ‘NO’. Hence the load

connected to it performs its operation until the contact is broken. A diode connected in

parallel across the primary coil is to eliminate the effect of back EMF on the transistor.

Relays have great application in industry. Using the principle of energizing an Electromagnet

we can handle large voltages & current application without the risk of shocks.

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3.2.9 Temperature Sensing Circuit:

Fig 3.2.9 Temperature Sensing Circuit

A temperature sensing circuit is designed with thermister, OPAMP, Transistor and

Relay. The thermister is used as a “thermal sensitive resistor”. The thermister resistance is

very high at normal temperature. Here the OPAMP is used as a voltage comparator. The

thermister ‘T’ and variable resistor VR1 are connected to the non-inverting terminal Pin No 3

of the OPAMP to provide the potential difference. The inverting terminal Pin No 2 of the

OPAMP gets the potential difference from resistor R1 and variable resistor VR2, to adjust the

Reference Voltage. Under normal temperature thermister resistance is very high. So the

voltage at Pin No 3 is less than the Reference Voltage.

As soon as temperature increases its resistance decreases which increases the voltage

at Pin No 3 i.e. non-inverting terminal of the OPAMP. Now because of this condition the

potential difference between two inputs at comparator also changes and the output of the

comparator goes from its low to high state to activate (Saturate) the transistor. The collector

of the transistor further drives relay.

As long as the temperature is maintained high the OPAMP output remains in the same

state. When the temperature falls down on thermister, its resistance goes to increase. This

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decrease the voltage at Pin No 3. Because of this condition the OPAMP i.e. comparator

output changes from its high to low state. At this instant the transistors goes to cutoff and

deactivate the relay.

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3.2.10 Water Sensing Circuit:

Fig 3.2.10 Water Sensing Circuit

Above figure shows the circuit diagram of Water Sensing. It consists of Water Sensor

(Copper Conducting Plates or Probes), OPAMP, Transistor and Relay. The Water Sensor is

used for sensing the water level. The input probes are inserted in the well, storage tank or

submersible system. Here the OPAMP is used as a voltage comparator. The Sensor and

variable resistor VR1 are connected to the non-inverting terminal Pin No 3 of the OPAMP to

provide the potential difference. The inverting terminal Pin No 2 of the OPAMP gets the

potential difference from resistor R1 and variable resistor VR2, to adjust the Reference


When there is no water in the storage tank, well etc then the water resistance between

the input probes is more. At this condition the voltage at Pin No 3 is less than the reference

voltage and the output of the comparator is at low state which cutoff the transistor.

If the input probes get the sufficient water the resistance between the probes decreases

and the voltage at Pin No 3 increases which is more than the reference voltage. Now because

of this condition the potential difference between two inputs(Pin No 3 & Pin No 2 ) at

comparator also changes and the output of the comparator goes from its low to high state

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which activate (Saturate) the transistor. Then the output of the transistor is given to the

microcontroller for further manipulation.

3.2.9 Hardware model circuit

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3.3 Software Design:

3.3.1Software used:


3.3.2 Explanation of software:

Lalim parallel port control can control hardware through the parallel port (printer

port) and can also control a remote PC parallel port through a network. Most of engineering

industry using PC to control hardware with using additional I/O card but with lalim parallel

port control, you can use your default printer port controlling external device such as

switching on/off light or control electronic devices. What does this program trigger the

parallel port (printer port)’s data pin by your command. For example when you trigger pin 2,

your printer port’s pin 2 becomes +5 volt. With this +5 volt, you can build your own

electronic circuit to drive other external device. You can also build a simple circuit to test it

by connecting a LED with 1 K ohm resister direct to it.

3.3.3 Working of software:

The system divided in to two parts, the client side (remote PC) & server side (PC

inside the industry). In both side PC’s software called Lalim Parallel Port Controllable Basic

is installed. in client side PC double click on icon “Lalim parallel port control” a dialogue

box will appear like this in server PC also double click on same icon &same dialogue box

will appear. In server PC click on option “Connect as Server”, another “Server “ dialogue box

will appear, in that IP address will be there and that same IP address should be entered into

the client pc after entering IP address click the option “Connect” now both the pc are

synchronized. From client PC we can give the commands .Because of synchronization of

both PC that commands transferred to the server and those signals are used for further


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3.4 PCB Design:

3.4.1 PCB Layout:

Fig 3.4.1 PCB layout

3.4.2 PCB Preparation

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

Printed Circuit Board, popularly known as PCB, PCB is a piece of plastic insulating

board, on one side of which a complete layout diagram of an electronic circuit consisting of

copper silver conducting paths is printed by a special photo etching process.


The steps involved in the manufacturing of PCB are as follows:

Design and preparation

Pattern Design

Resist Application


Clearing and resist remover


1) Design and preparation:

Artwork should be prepared on transparent polystyrene film using block ink or

adhesive tapes and pads. In modern technique screen printing method is used for art working

of PCB. This is the primary step in fabricating the PCB.

2) Pattern Design:

In industrial work, pattern is usually transformed to the surface of the laminate by

means of screen printing or by photographic method.

3) Resist application:

Adhesive tapes and pads which have high chemical resistance and excellent adhesion

can be attached to copper clad laminate.

4) Etching:

Etching sol can be prepared using available etchers like ferric Chloride, cupric

chloride etc. Ferric chloride is popularly used. Etching can be carried out in a spray etching

chambers. Few drops of HCL can be added to FECL3 to spread an etching action. The

Etching process may take 30-40 min depending upon the PCB.

5) Clearing and Resist Removal:

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After etching, board should be washed under running water and then dried by

applying turpentine pads or spirit, the tapes can be cleaned off from PCB, Now printed

pattern will be clearly visible.

6) Finishing:

After PCB is cleaned, center of terminals can be center punched and holes can drill

over board. The drilling machine can be used to drill the holes. Then terminal points can be

lightly tinned. After wards suitable component can be mounted on PCB.

3.4.3 Soldering:

1. The two surfaces to be soldered should be thoroughly cleaned and made free from any

dust, grease or oil. Infect, through clearing of the PCB before beginning of the soldering

operation and proper tinning of the component leads at the time of soldering that

component achieves good result.

2. A small quantity of flux may be applied on the surfaces to be soldered. It is the function

of the soldering flux to keep away any oxide film. During soldering operation allow the

two surfaces to make a metallic contact and alloy with each other. The flux residue

should be removed after the soldering is done.

3. One of the most common problems in soldering is the application of insufficient heat.

The alloying action in soldering cannot be achieved without a uniform distribution of

heat b/n the solder and the metal being soldered. If hot solder is applied to a cold metal

or a cold solder is applied to a hot metal, there can never be a proper soldering action.

Soldering will be proper when the solder alloy is hot enough to remain in a liquid state,

as soldering is being done. To achieve a proper wetted soldering joint, heat up the

component terminal and slightly and apply solder by alloy right on the component lead

and instead of applying it on the soldering iron tip, melt the solder so that it flows over

the joint, Avoid putting solder metal and ensure that it is in the liquid state till it has

completely flowed over the joint. A perfect soldered joint would give a shiny bead like

appearance. Different electronic components used have different soldering temperatures.

Chapter 4

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This system provides complete control over all the operation and process control in the

industry with unlimited range of operation. The machine operation can be controlled by a

switching action from the controlling unit.

In this dissertation we are controlling temperature by connecting LM 35 sensor and

fluid levels of some machines by float level sensors.



D0 SET First device ON It may be either machine or lights operation

and we also provided level control


D3 SET First device OFF DO

D2 SET Second device ON It may be either machine or lights operation

and we also provided temp control by temp


D1 SET Second device OFF DO

Chapter 5

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5.1 Application and advantages:

1. Suitable for all kinds of Industries.

2. Less manpower is required and reduces the human effort.

3. This system provides flexibility and reduces the time.

4. Unlimited range of operation.

5. Also it can applicable for substations, receiving stations etc.

6. More accuracy and reliable.

5.2 Disadvantages:

1. One of the key problems in the internet based process control is the internet time

delay. If the internet is heavily loaded, the responses may be delayed & the operator

corrections may take too long time for correcting the system.

2. Another disadvantage is from Hackers, they may make miss use of the information on

the net.

Chapter 6


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6.1 Conclusion:

In this project the Internet protocol and wireless technology based process control has

been examined. Internet-based control is only an extra control level added into the existing

process control hierarchy.

Internet technologies can provide web clients a platform, not only for remotely

monitoring the behavior of process plants, but also for remotely controlling the plants as well.

One of the key problems in the Internet based process control is the Internet time delay.

If the Internet is heavily loaded, the responses may be delayed and the operator

corrections may take too long time for correcting the system. More advanced technologies

should be implemented to properly deal with the Internet transmission delay.

It looks that in the near future the attention will first go to develop web based

monitoring systems. When the problem of time delay is resolved the way for Internet based

control is widely open.

6.2 Future Scope:

1. This project can be made still advanced by using more and advanced sensors.

2. Wireless cameras and alarms can be used where ever required.

3. Automatic power management can be done using LDR.

4. More processes can be controlled by interfacing number of peripherals with the



[1].Egwin Warnier, Leena Yliniemi and Pasi Joensuu “Web based monitoring and control of

industrial processes”

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Industrial Process Monitoring And Controlling Using Internet Protocol And Wireless Technique

[2].K. K. SoundraPandian, Manoj Rao and Sameer Khandekar “Remote-access real-time

laboratory: process monitoring and control through the internet protocol”

[3].Sanath alahakoon , lilantha Samaranayake , thilakasiri vijayananda , Mats leksell

“Remote monitoring and distributed Real-time control via ethernet”

[4].Nurul Izyan Binti Ahmad Tarmizi “Remote process control and monitoring By using


Text Books

1.The 8051 Microcontroller And Embedded Systems By Mohammed Ali Mazdi

2.The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming And Apllication. By: Kennathayala





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ORG 0000H MOV P2, #00H MOV P1, #0FFH START: MOV A, P1 CJNE A, #0f1H, LOOP SETB P2.0 acall delay clr p2.0 SJMP START LOOP: CJNE A,#0f2H,LOOP1 SETB P2.1 acall delay clr p2.1 SJMP START LOOP1: CJNE A,#0f4H,LOOP2 SETB P2.2 acall delay clr p2.2 SJMP START LOOP2: CJNE A,#0f8H,START SETB P2.3 acall delay clr p2.3 SJMP START delay: MOV TMOD, #10H MOV R3, #10 AGAIN: MOV TL1, #08 MOV TH1, #01 SETB TR1 BACK: JNB TF1, BACK CLR TR1 CLR TF1 DJNZ R3, AGAIN RET


Microcontroller 89C51:

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APPENDIX D:Opto coupler MCT2E:

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