
V;DLS Jppf BIIIIIE 5UIp ,5EgU :nad. ihe e("44 /f oa'. oi Ht*- I \-' Ie ./ )//BElrrEEr , - -L aG. c (4.r =(o /u a+ baV r €-3Son or €tVeT H€Rr€ -uv'€> 46fc':'A A**'a bnvt€s

("the Apprentice")of the same piace

("the Parent")of the frrst part the said ( tnc rarclrr" /

of the second part and SaiJVl vl* X /ubv*,:&AL'V4*ES ffirrc,!(..the Emptoi,er.,)

of the third part WtrNessrs as follows:-

1. THE Apprentice with the consent and approbation of the Parent binds himself Apprentice to the

Employer to learn it. urt, trade or business of ft TfgZ --LJR-N€re* - and with the Employer

after tt e man-ner of an Apprentice to serve for the term of 1l years-ftom the. g /6 H T'r-l;;i;it

- ilE t--- t$ti.e. erpinng on @,o+ . .l3f5,and the {pprentice asrees to exclude

un_"-.igt-,t'to a ridundan.., pur*..,t in the event ortn.-.\1pi.ioitfie said term without its being renewed and an-v"

clai-1,", respecr of nghts,rnci. Section -i,1 olrhe Emploi,ment Protection (Consolidation) Act i978 in relation to

this con'.rait

- ::...--:-..- >--:'; ...; i.:.;.:.3:. \:a;:-r!:<-':;:i;'-J' ^<.' l' 5 ';';:- :'=lL;L-:

tlt Do no damage to the Emplo1 er or ro hir goods. nor suffer such damage to be done b1 others. and

forthwith give notice to the Employer of the same when necessary

(3) Not waste the goods of the Employer nor lend them unlawfully to any person, nor do any act whereby

the Employer ma.v sustain anY loss

(4)NotwithouttheconsentoftheEmplo-verbuyorsellonhrtbehallorabsenthimselffromtheEmplo-ver's service without leave

(5) In all things behave himself as a laitirful Apprentice towards the Employer and others having authority

over him

3. (l) iNconsiderationolthe premisesandolthesum of f


(thereceiptwhereof the

Employer acknowledges) the Empio-ver shail take and receive the Apprentice dunng the term and by the best

*.irrin the power oitne fmptoyerieach and instruct or cause to be taught and instructed the Apprentice in all

the branches of tlr. art, trade br business afloresaid. and in all things incrdent or relating thereto(2) provided lhat the Emplo-ver wiil release the Apprentice during working hours without loss of pay for

one da1' eaih u,eek or for an equivalent biock period during the curenc.v of such course or courses of further

educaticn as nia).' frc11-l time to time oe appropriite to be assoiiateci with training in the said art, trade or business

I TijL lprprenlice shaii be enriti:cl to lemun.ra'Licn (rihich shali be pai,j br the Emp1c1'er

r.ri: :i.,st:l ,l'.sl- /;.,1 1c=-P,N& W/T,1 4'E €*Otn-'€€2tt/G

i t,< -'^ -9 \ 6 € -S A S!913,,'AT; sx (e? t a: 'q ,n' '+< -Tie 'v c=€5

5. (l) THE Emploler shall not be entitled to make an1 deduction tiom the sard remuneratlon 1n respect

of the usual hoiidays lwirlctr are Bank and orher public holidal's plu s 2<Z D/iper annum) or anv other holiday

from time to time aliowecl b1,the Employer to the Appreniice but-(subject always to sub-clause (2) below) the

,qap..nti.. shail not be entirled to any remuneration ii ind rvhile he is absent from work through sickness in:-,tt-'

oi oiher incapaeit-v "iirri".gh

his own def ault and in rhe case of absence from any such cause the Employer shall

be entitied todeduct irom th! said remuneraticn a part proportionate io the number of working hours lost through

such absenc,'' .

(l) prrtrided that the Emploier shall pertbrm hi I obiigations uncler the Socral Securit-'- and Housing

Benents \cr iqsl and ror rhe pL,4.oscs-olsratutor'. sick pa., the qua[fring dals ola rieek are N{onda.vs to Fndal's

TH: t.-l::.::..:: .- l, :. . - t-.- t-,.-,t:.. ,.,.1:;li,r:; fr-t't:itrti s;h:nte 'cr rr':tson t-rfhis.\pprenticeship

.o- >c, (.b)o "..:

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9. THIS Deed shall if its provisions are duly complied w'ith by the Apprentice be delivered to the Appren-

tice on the completion of the terrrr with a Certificate of such service endorsed thereon