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Page 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Chantelle Brown

Page 2: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

 Forms:• Throughout the planning process of my music

video I had to ensure I followed the forms of existing music video's to ensure my music video attracted the target audience and to give me an idea of what to include for my music video. The forms I had to use, develop and challenge

• Camera Work• Mise En Scene• Editing

Page 3: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Camera Work

In my music video I used a variety of camera work throughout to make my music video more interesting and appeal to my target audience. The camera work I used throughout my music video was:


Page 4: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Movement:I used 3 different types of movement shots throughout my music video, these were as displayed below. Throughout my music video I could have used more of a variety of movement shots, in which would have made my music video more interesting to the target audience. Although all or most of my filming shots were handheld, I could have used a tripod to make some of my shots more steady ad some of them were a little shaky in places. I could also have used more pan and tilt shots as I only used a minimal amount of those camera movements throughout my music video. Other movements I could have also used within my music video are dolly shots and tracking shots, these would have made my camera movements more smooth and flow through the scene more consistently. The camera angles I did use worked well and effectively within my music video and added more of a balance to the music video in which attracts the target audience

Page 5: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

• Pan (x2)

• Tilt (x1)

• Handheld (All/most of the shots)

Page 6: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How do the camera movements compare and contrast to existing music videos?

The camera movements I used contrasts with other existing music videos of my chosen genre as they tend to use a variety of different camera movements throughout for example dolly shots, steadicam and tracking shots, whereas a wide range of my camera movements were handheld. My music video movements compare to other existing music videos as I used pan and tilt movements of which have been used frequently in existing music videos of this genre of which work effectively.

Page 7: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Angles:Throughout my music video I only used 2 types of camera angles, these were high angle and straight on angles. The reason I used these camera angles is because they make the music video look interesting and appealing to my target audience and work effectively within my music video. Throughout my music video I could have used other camera angles for example low angle shots and canted angles shots which would have made the music video more unique and interesting to the target audience, I could have also used more of a variety of high angle shots as I only used two. I used a wide range of straight camera angles that were straight on within my music video in which worked well and fit in with the genre of my music video and helped visualize the artist and performer more throughout the music video.

Page 8: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

• High angle shots (x2)

• Straight on (x5)

Page 9: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How do the camera angles compare and contrast to existing music videos?The angles that I used in my music video are similar to existing music videos of my chosen genre, as they tend to use a variety of high angle shots and straight on shots throughout the music videos. Looking back on my music video I could have used a wider variety of camera angles for example low angle shots, and canted angle shots which would have made my music video more interesting and gave me a more wider variety of camera angles throughout the music video. However music videos of my genre don’t tend to use canted angles that frequently.

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Throughout my music video I used a wide range of camera shots in order to make my music video more interesting and appealing to the target audience. The shot types that I used worked efficiently and effectively throughout the music video and made the music video more intriguing to the target audience rather than being one-shot type. Throughout my music video I aimed to use wide range of shot types to suit the genre of the music video and grasp a wider audience.

Page 11: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

• Close ups (x4)

• Wide angle shots (x6)

• Medium close ups (x5)

Page 12: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

• Still shots (x3)

• Mid/Medium Shots (x4)

• Point of view (x2)

Page 13: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

• Long shots (x6)

• 2 Shots (x10)

• Over the shoulder shots (x6)

Page 14: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Editing• Transitions (Fade in/out) Cross dissolve• Shot reverse shot• Long take

Page 15: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

TransitionsFade in/out – I used this transition for the end of my music video.

Cross dissolve – one of the effects I used throughout my music video was cross dissolve I used this effect because it was unique, different and tied in with my music video

Page 16: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Shot reverse shot

I used this effect within my music video to establish the conservation between my performers within the music video. The shot reserve shot effect worked well within my music video and compares and contrasts to other music videos. An example of where I used the shot reverse shot in my music video is.

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Long take

I used a long take within my music video near the start as I used a cross dissolve effects to work the two shots in together to create more of a story with the performers within the music video. This would essentially attract the target audience to the music video as they feel the story behind the lyrics.

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Black and White

An effect I used on the music video was black and white this effect has been used in other existing music videos and the effect tied in with and related to the lyrics within my music video. The effect I used worked well and would attract the audience more to the music video as it’s not all one colour contrast and looks unique to the music video.

Page 19: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Mise En Scene• Location• Costume and Make-up• Lighting• Props

Page 20: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

LocationA filming location is a place where some or all of a film or television series is produced, in addition to or instead of using sets constructed on a movie studio backlot or soundstage. In filmmaking, a location is any place where a film crew will be filming actors and recording their dialog. A location where dialog is not recorded may be considered as a second unit photography site. Filmmakers often choose to shoot on location because they believe that greater realism can be achieved in a “real” place, however location shooting is also often motivated by the film’s budget. The Filming locations I used throughout my music video was Gloucester Park and The Media Room

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Costume and make-upCostume simply refers to the clothes that characters wear. Costume in narrative cinema is used to signify character, or advertise particular fashions, or to make clear distinctions between characters. Make up and hairstyles establish time period, reveal character traits and signal changes in character. I did not focus that much on make-up as it was not a vital aspect of my music video. The costumes my performers wore matches contrasted with my music video as they one wore orange where as the main performer has aspects of red within her outfit

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Throughout my music video the lighting was not an issue when I was shooting in the park as it was daylight therefore the lighting was on point and worked well however within my shooting of the music video in the media room it was very low key therefore when I edited it I brightened up the lighting of the scene.

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The props I used throughout my music video were photo’s and a camera. I used the photo’s so my performer could look back through at the memories of the times she spent with her partner and to create a collage of the memories on the floor in the park. I used the camera so it would represent the performer capturing the memories of the times she spent with her partner.

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Throughout my music video I aimed to abide by Andrew Goodwin’s seven music video conventions, this was to ensure my music video appealed to my target audience, and worked together to create a successful music video of which would compare and contrast against existing music videos. Certain aspects of Andrew Goodwin’s seven conventions however did not suit the genre for my music video therefore I did not use the convention.

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The genre of my music video and the lyrics to the song did not suit this convention and would not have worked for my music video therefore I did not use this convention throughout my music video. Existing music video that this convention works for includes artists like: Rihanna, Miley Cyrus and other various artists.

Page 26: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Lyrics and Visuals

Throughout my music video I thought it was vital to ensure that the music video contained this convention. This because linking the lyrics to visuals would make my music video attract and make sense to the target audience. An example of where I related the Lyrics to the visuals in my music video is…

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Close ups

Throughout my music video I aimed to ensure I used a variety of close ups of both my performers (Narrative, and Vocal). The reason for this is because close ups throughout my music video would intrigue the target audience and create a dominant character and allow the audience to connect visually with both the performers. An example of where I used close ups of throughout my music video are…

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Star iconography

I did not used star iconography throughout my music video as it did not fit the genre or the concept of my music video. However music videos that have represented star iconography and captured the audience well and worked for throughout their music videos is Michael Jackson

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Music and visuals

Throughout my music video I aimed to ensure that I related my music to visuals, this was to make sure my music video was consistent, followed the conventions and forms of an existing music video. In order to achieve this, I made sure I changed the clip to the time of the music beat, aimed to ensure the timing was right and the music video was on queue.

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I aimed to ensure the genre of my song compared and contrasted with other existing music videos of genre. The genre that I chose for my music magazine is pop/indie; this is because Taylor Swift Red is not a usual pop genre song however it does follow similarities of both indie and pop forms and conventions.

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Develop (Influences/ideas)Throughout the planning stages of producing my music video, I had various influences from various existing music videos that helped me process my ideas and innovations. Cimorelli – Made in America – because the video’s a fun, lively music video which works well and suits the audience, the camera angles are represented well the video influences me to use similar features and its a mixture of performance and narriative. Union J – Carry you – because it a well thought out music video it uses good use of camera angles and the performers embrace the music video and have fun which is what I want to create in my music video. Demi Lovato – Give your heart a break – Because the music video uses a good use of camera angles, shot types which I could incorporate into my music video and it follows a goo storyline and concept

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Challenge (Broken conventions/examples of those who have)

Throughout my music video I have not broken or attempted to challenge any of the conventions my reason for this is because I was aiming to promote my music video at a much wider audience range rather than a niche audience. The breaking of music video conventions can divide an audience from your music video as some people like the breaking of conventions and are intrigued whereas others may not appeal to this type of music video. Some artists that have broken the conventions of a music video are for example