Download - In three words I can sum up everything I have learned up everything I have learned about life: ... Kroser: For creating my love for Israel.


The International Lives


Emily Morgan GorbyJune 1st, 2013

“In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: it goes on.”- Robert Frost


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Lessons worth sharingNever let positions get to your head.

You can spot her by the way she places a position before her name when introducing herself. She walks around a convention like the entire room should know her bio. She only talks to fellow board members and those she has

deemed worthy of friendly conversation. Yes. This is a BBG who has let a title get the best of her. Holding a postition does not make you better than any other member in the order.

In that same vein, positions that you have lost do not define you as a leader. A good friend once told me that

“the accomplishments of those who have lost a BBYO election outweigh the accomplishments of those who have won”

Remember the position does not make the person, the person makes the position.

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Love your Chapter First. The strenth of our chapters is directly proportional to the strength of our order.

I’ve learned that it’s the member’s responsibility to ensure your chapter’s greatness. Believe me, it’s worth it.

The feeling of witnessing your efforts come to fruition within your chapter is priceless. It’s a combination of pride and motherhood. A sence of accomplishment that is indescribable. Your efforts give

other girls a haven to learn and to grow. But simultaneously, you are learning and growing by building your chapter. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship--one that I hope to find something similar to after BBYO.

All year, we have been preaching “BUILD FROM OUR ROOTS”

Just make sure to let your roots build you as well. “The member does not join the International Order

The member does not join the region.The member does not join the council.

A member joins the chapter, and the chapter is where her loyalty should remain.”

Thanks for building me, Chana Leah.

I met my first “international friends” at my grandparents’ lake house. The summer after 8th grade, I met two best friends. I met Isaac, a kind-hearted boy from Wisconsin, and Natalie, a spunky girl with dyed pink ends from Cleveland. We discovered that we were all in BBYO on a

cloudy day when the three of us were walking back from swimming. To her surprise, Natalie noticed “BBG” printed across the back of my shirt. Crazy! Before that point, none of us even knew that the

other two were Jewish. But after one observation, we were instantly united by the 85 years of history and tradition that is B’nai B’rith Youth Organization. We talked about conventions, our chapters, and even

swapped apparel. We were three dedicated Freshman who had just fallen in love with an organization bigger than ourselves.

Over the years, BBYO lead us to different places. Isaac became less active during his sophomore year. He went to a couple of regional dances here and there, but never as much as he used to. When I asked him why, he said that BBYO gave him the safe

space that he needed in his early high school years. Once he learned confidence, he went out into the world to act upon his interterests. He was always grateful for the positive influnences BBYO added to

his personality. Natalie became super woman. Everyone in BBYO loved her. She lead her chapter to two Miriam Albert

awards, coordinated award-winning interfaith programs, went to Israel, and attended (and loved) Impact DC. In Natalies’s Junior year, she was too advanced for her high school, so she took all of her classes at

a local university. Simultaneously, she interned for Hillary Clinton. Yep. The Hillary Clinton. She simply could not fit BBYO in her demanding schedule.

And then there’s me. With BBG, I have traveled to countries that I wouldn’t have even known existed. I learned the importance of being politcally involved. I fell in love. I became a leader. I spoke to a crowd

of 2000. Most importantly, I met incredible people from 40 states. BBG provided me a world that cheered me through my victories, but taught me lessons (and never judged) through my mistakes.

With every effort that I gave, I gained twice as much in return. No BBYO story is better than another. It’s a beautiful concept. Though our stories are different, all three

of us allowed BBYO to benefit our lives in some way. We, like thousands of teens before us, gained traits and lessons that we applied to our futures.

In BBYO, we change the world, but while doing so, it changes us. Thanks for changing my life, BBYO.

Respectfully submitted with Undying love for Chana Leah BBG #2526, The Keystone Mountain Region #33, and the International Order of the B’nai B’rith Girls,

I remain, Emily Morgan Gorby

Damn proud B’nai B’rith Girl.


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PastReece Bergstrom, Evan Kimel, Ian Cullen, Jory Segal, Liz Cohen, Max

Frischman, and Zack Perlman: Under your influence, Going to CLTC was the only option. Thank you for showing KMR that it’s “cool” to be

internationally involved. CLTC 2 2010: For surpassing my expectation of CLTC and for showing me that BBYO exists beyond KMR.

Arielle Braude: For being my role model and my cheerleader in life. I would love you even if you were a convicted


Pittsburgh Diller Teen

Fellows ’10-’11 /Steve

Kroser: For creating my love for


Dorm 4 at ILTC 2011: For being my safe and

favorite space at Perlman.

Ambassadors To Bulgaria 2012: For introducing me to the word of Global

Jewry and being plainly fantastic. If you get the chance, go on Ambassadors to Bulgaria.

Chuck Marcus: For being my

biggest advocate.

PresentLogan Miller:

I wish that I could produce ideas similar to the ones you do. You think outside of the box better than anyone I know. GW is

extremely lucky to have a person like you.

Ryan Ladd: Before CLTC, I sat on Becca Lerman’s floor

as she told me about this cute kid named Ryan from Texas that the girls in her CLTC

group were Facebook creeping. You don’t need me telling you this, but you’re

extremely talented. I’m happy that I-board strengthened our friendship.

Nick Phillips: You rock and for more reasons

than just your nationality. I genuinely hope that people gave you credit not only for the quality of the work that you produced, but

also for the fact that you did it all from a different continent. Text me when you move to the states.

Benji Fages: If you had a fan club, I would be the

president. Thanks for being such a great person all year. Also, thanks for “getting” me at board retreat and IC. Communication isn’t our greatest skill, but please keep in touch. I hope you are as serious as I am

about Felicia and me visiting you in New in the Fall, because I am 100% serious.

Alex Finkelstein: In ten years, I’m going to be driving to work, doing my thing, when I suddenly hear your distinctive voice as a guest analyst on NPR. You’ll be discussing a presidential candidate’s military budget, as well as why his election will aid Israel in developing technology to fight terrorism in Lithuania while simultaneously passing same-sex marriage in Uzbekistan. You, your can-do

attitude, and your eloquent speech are clearly going far in this world. I am, and forever will be, honored to call such a unique

and determined person my co.

Iboard Staff: Thank you for constantly pushing us to dream bigger and always believing in us. The amount that you do extends far past your job description. Anita - thanks for understanding how I work. BBYO is incredibly fortunate to have someone as driven and inspiring as you. You rock. Rachel Hillman - Thanks for putting up with my daily

T.I. report requests and for understanding the dynamics of every region.

Ira Dounn: For being everyone’s mentor and friend.

Barb and Bob For being the world’s greatest parents.

Matt Feldman and Sam SilberFor teaching me about other cultures and

calling me Gorbalicious.

Hal Zeitlin: For being the best.









Present (cont.)Andie Djamal:

“You do you” better than anyone else I know. You would still be an amazing Shlicha if you did all of your work with your eyes closed. You’re going to love California and California is going to love you right back. Because I will always

think of you when I hear Adele, Want to hear a joke?

What do you call a computer in the ocean? A dell, Rolling in the deep.

Keep doin’ you, Andie Leigh Djamal :).

Hilit Jacobson: Holy cow. you are awesome. You’re one of those people who I want to brag about knowing. You’re creative, thoughtful, and intelligent. At college, I already know that I will constantly try to channel your focus and your supreme work ethic. Thank you for getting me through the entire election process. Have

an amazing time at American! Seriously, keep in touch.

Sarah Minion: Ready? I’m just going to rant about how great

you are: I don’t think that I can thank you enough. You are so down to earth and calming. I always know that I can turn to you if anything is ever wrong. Ha. Remember when we weren’t friends at CLTC? Remember when you and Julia Laibstain took care of me at CLTC

reunion? Sarah, The entire order knows how incredible you are. I can only hope that my

CLTC loves me half as much as yours loves you. You’re going far, but you don’t need me (or anyone else) to tell you that. Love you lots.


Jenna Kress and Eric Rosenberg: Jenna, you are what every BBG aims to be when she graduates. Your CLTC is so lucky to have a coordinator as fantastic as you. Thanks for being a great friend to everybody and for just being

your friendly self. Eric, I don’t think I’ve liked someone as quickly as I liked you.

We’ve been friends for less than a year, but I genuinely want to continue being your friend. Keep in contact from Illinois.

Judith Cohen, Harper Weissburg, and Julia Laibstain:Judith: Yay we’re friends. Yay we met at ILTC. Yay we’re real friends. I love you a lot a lot a lot. Vanderbilt will be amazing

next year. CLTC will love you. Thank you Based God that we are actual friends. It’s weird to think about what this year would be

without you in my life. Harper: You are fantastic. You are a one of those people who I want my grandkids to look up to and to know. Let’s be friends

for a while. Julia: 1) thanks for cleaning me/everything after the CLTC reunion. 2) Thanks for actually keeping up with the whole “CLTC big/little”. Claire loves you. Everyone loves you.

3) You always make me smile.

Delia Goldin, Michelle Wasserman, and Ally LevitRon:

I can’t picture BBYO without you three. You are the people that I find myself looking for at international progams and conventions. Life is

better when you guys are around. Love you lots

Emily Katz and Ariana Rothman: I’m leaving BBYO? We’ve been friends for three yeears?

what? To tell you the truth, I almost forgot to include you guys because you are so much more than just “BBYO friends”.

Emily, you have been my best “international friend” since after CLTC. You ALWAYS have my back. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS. Over the years, you have morphed into a best friend of the

family’s rather than just a friend of mine. No screen :) I love you!

Ari, Emily first described you as “an excited MIT who smiles a lot”. I don’t even remember how we became so close. Barb loves you. My friends all love you. You have clearly found a friend group in Pittsburgh. Thank you for always making me happy. Aajflkja you are honestly just the best. I’ll see you next year when I visit DC and the year after that when you attend

Muhlenberg (yeah you will!)P.S. Hi Ko’ach!

Lori Berenberg and Ariane SchafferBARUCH HASHEM FOR YOU TWO.

Lori, You legitimately came up to me and said “Hi I’m Lori let’s be friends” in the airport before ILTc. The quote that I mentally pair you with the most is “It’s me, you can be real here”. I can tell you anything and I know that you will just give me

good advice. Yay. Nyc is close to Allentown. Ariane, I thought you were SO WEIRD when I met you. You were wearing one Neon sock and Chacos. Your accomplishments are far beyond the BBYO sphere. There should be more peoople like you in

the world.“Hi I’m Ariane, I want a CLTC”


Present (cont.)Jessica MArkowitz and Elliana Tessler:

Jessica:I brag to my lunch table about knowing a human as cool as you. I can’t believe that I’m going to

Rwanda with you this summer. You have a personality that people gravitate towards. It is SO WEIRD to think that we have been friends for only

about a year. SEE YOU THIS SUMMER. YAY. Elliana: YOU ARE GREAT. Why do we suck at

communication. I haven’t “clicked” with someone as well as I clicked with you. You are such a genuine and quality person. I’m going to call you after I’m

done typing this. Umbitchemte.

Max Goldstein Debating if I should say something sappy about how much I love you and how much I value our friendship. Nah. I’ll just say that you have good taste in music and I will be a regular

visitor for you and Curtis at GW next year.





Lauren CharnovI’m so happy I met you at ILTC. Everytime I see you is better than the last (all 3 times we’ve hung out in person). I really love you. I am going to skype you soon because I really miss



Michaela Brown and Mika Stein I do not have words to describe my

excitement for you guys. Your personalities complement eachother in the best ways. Michaela, you are so goal oriented and positive. You live and breathe BBG The order is lucky to have you. Stay with me when you visit Liberty region next year! Mika, I’m glad I traded my sweatshirt

with you at IC 2011. You are such a stand-up person. It’s clear that every Aleph is going to look up to you. P.S. KMR is going to love you so make us one of your fist

stops :).

“ ‘I wonder what Piglet is doing’ said Pooh. ‘I wish to be there and to be doing it too’ ”.


MIT MOM! Max has been telling me about how wonderful you since ILTC, and you have surpassed all of his descriptions. I am so excited

for you. You have both the personality and the work ethic that screams “MIT Mom”. Stay

true to yourself next year. CALL ME ALL OF THE TIME. I gotcho’


Jonathan Ansell, Kate Blumenthal, Candace Braude, Aaron Cahan, Danielle Fallon, Kelilah Federman, Sean Frasier, Jamie Futterman, Felicia Gans, Rachel Goldberg, Grant Hansell,

Lauren Hisinger, Daniel Kaufman, Tony Kaufmann, Daniel Keidar, Elliot Kooden, Rosie Lenoff, Jacob

Levy, Sam Lourie, Brandon Myers, Jackie Pavlosky, Ben Sheppard, Nate Shiffman, Sarah

Shor, Adam Silverman, Eden Siskin, Josh Studley, Soraya Vaezi, Alexa Vecchio, Daniel Willenzik, and

Pauline Wizig:All I can say is thank you for being you. You’re the the friends who are always fun to and who I

always want to be with. Love you guys a lot.

Sofie JacobsI am such a fan of yours! I

am SO HAPPY that we became friends this year. Everyone who meets you loves you. Keep in touch next year, because we

should be friends for a long time. P.S. Lindsay is your counterpart yay.

69/89: You are going to do big things. You have SUCH an amazing board. I’m here for you if you need me!

Stay humble. Stay golden.

Lindsay and Rachel Gorby#gorbyfam #famfam

Lindsay, you’re going to be a great regional Gizborit. Keep tweeting funny things.

Rachel, you’re perfect. It’s not a secret that I love you guys more than anyone else in the world. If I didn’t include you guys in International lives, you would probably tell Barb so... yay sistafrans.

To the ones who are reading who I haven’t met: I was in your shoes. I used to google BBYO weekly to see if I could find releases, videos, speaches, anything that would teach me more. I hope that as you grow older, BBYO

consistantly surpasses your expectations.


sSari Misek and Kyle Price

Little did I know that I was going to meet two of my best friends at August Execs.

Sari, I am certainly not the first to tell you that you are the strongest person that I have ever met. You do

accomplish goals with poise and beauty. Somehow, Lory and I will find a way to instill your leadership traits and

strength into CLTC. I love you a lot. CALL ME NEXT YEAR, AND THIS SUMMER, AND ALWAYS.

Kyle, My Lord, do I love you. At August XX I never knew that I was going to meet someone, let alone a freshman, who would mean so much to me this year. I find comfort in your presence. You light up a room with your personality. It’s a fact that you are going to accomplish greatness both in and out of BBYO. Be friends with my sister this summer! You guys are going to get along well :). But seriously, be best

friends.Come to Pittsburgh. Come to Allentown. LOVE YOU.

Ben Ruttenberg and Claire AkersI cried when I saw “25th Regional N’siah: Claire

Akers” and “25th regional Godol: Ben Ruttenberg”. You are my favorite people in kMR, and I can’t believe

that you get to be cos. PSA FOR BBYO:






Maya Guthman and Ryan Dishell: What’s good, unopposed squad?

Maya, this is too weird. I’ve known you since you were literally a baby with shark oven mitts. There is nothing more relaxing than chilling with you at conventions and summits. Thanks for being there for me all year.

Ryan, I’ve known about you since Max Goldstein confessed his huge man crush on some kid from LA. I wish that I had met you long before IC so that I could spend more time with you in BBYO. Also, Take care of Lindsay for me.… yeah I said it.

Keep each other grounded next year. Contact me when ever because you are some of my favorite people. You guys are going to give Dallas an event bigger than the rodeo.

Maggie Rosen, Rachel Rothman, Elissa Koppel, Erin Koppel, Lena Hirsch, Jordan Kotler, Judah Burstein, Molly Mintz, Rechel Geiger, Sara Robinson, Alex Danoff, Linus Gordon, Sophie Harlam, Shea Northfield, Jamie Fanaroff, Jenna

Weberman Iboard is worth it because of people like you. You are both amazing individuals, and the leaders that make me confident in the future of the Order. BBYO is successful because of your restless dedication and bright, welcoming personalities.

Keep rocking next year. I can’t wait to hear about all that you do.

CLTC 2 2013CLTC is going to be

amazing. After CLTC, know that I will always be there for you. I feel so

honored and excited to coordinate the

best 12 days of your lives. You’re going to love BBYO as much



Ross Davis, Brad Honigberg, Adam Zall, and Gavri Schreiber.I’m putting you in “future” because you all will be in my future. I’m nervous that I won’t meet friends in college that are even close to as great as you guys. Even though the words “Life-long friendships”

are thrown around too much, I believe that through my four years of being “internationally involved”, I have met the four best friends that I will have for the rest of my life. What ever I write below in no

way accurately portrays how much you mean to me, but here goes nothing: Ross: You are SO BEYOND a “BBYO friend” You crossed the line from best friend to brother a while

ago. You had a large role in making CLTC awesome. Love you forever Romily Gorbis. Brad: I have never met a person so similar to myself in guy form. Sometimes it’s even a litle

frightening. You understand what I’m saying before I finsih my sentence. I can go to you with any issue in the world and I know that you won’t judge me. Yay Rwanda. I love you a lot a lot a lot.

Adam: If I were forced to pick someone to lock myself in a room with, I would choose you in a heartbeat. I can talk to you in a way that no one else would understand. Honestly I’m just excited to be friends with you for forever. You know that I’m only nervous about keeping in touch because I don’t want to loose you as a friend Confession: I even picture our families having shabbat dinner together in 20 years.So much

love for you, AZallswagsofficial.Gavri: How did we become so close so quickly. It’s gotten to the point where I say “I’m excited for-” and

my family cuts me off because they know the answer will be “to see Gavri”. I brag about you to everyone I know. I will never be able to figure out how you’re so smart yet so humble. Thanks for

getting me through this year. Love you lots.

Thanks for everything, BBYO.