Download - In This · improved school performance, better school attendance, higher GPAs, enhanced self-confidence and better attitudes

Page 1: In This · improved school performance, better school attendance, higher GPAs, enhanced self-confidence and better attitudes

Summer 2013

1229 S. St. Francis Drive, Suite C, Santa Fe, NM 87505 ● 505-983-8360 ●

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern New Mexico

In This Issue: Bigs of the Year, pg 2 ● Welcome to Big Brothers Big Sisters, pg 3 ● January is Mentoring Month, pg. 4Paying It Forward, pg 5 ● Little Bigs, pg 5 ● Gala photo spread, pg 6 ● Thank You Gala Donor list, pg. 7 ● Contact Us, pg 8

Wishes Can Come True

Andrea Fisher Maril, CEO Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern New Mexico

Andrea Fisher Maril, CEO

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ngSummer 2013 issue 9

Throughout northern New Mexico kids are making their Christmas lists. If you have kids or grandkids, you can probably guess what the list looks like: Furby and Leapfrog Leap-pad will join ever-popular Barbies and Legos for pre-teens, and i-pad minis, tablets and Xbox 360 will dominate lists for the older set.

We can’t make those wishes come true for the kids we serve —and quite likely their parents can’t either. But for kids like Hannah, Ava, Andrés and Lee, a mentor can make a world of difference, playing board games,

making cookies, going for hikes, watching movies or just hanging out.

By next holiday season there will be new fads, flashier and more costly than ever. But the gift of mentoring can last a lifetime. Kids identified to be at higher than average risk for failing to complete their high school education who are matched with an adult mentor benefit greatly in improved school performance, better school attendance, higher GPAs, enhanced self-confidence and better attitudes toward school.

You can make more wishes come true. The combined cost to recruit, screen, train and matchvolunteers and to oversee matches is $1,250 per match per year. An investment now can prevent a larger debt down the road: $2,526 per year for foster care, $17,429 per teen pregnancy, $39,000 per year to incarcerate an adult.

For kids like Hanna, Ava, Andrés and Lee, what counts right now is the gift of a Big. Please consider a gift of your time or your treasure to make more wishes come true.

All the best to you and yours in this holiday season,

Page 2: In This · improved school performance, better school attendance, higher GPAs, enhanced self-confidence and better attitudes

Volunteer Highlight: Bigs of the Year 2012

Steve Mclellan, Big Brother of the Year Steve and his Little Brother Jacob, age 13, have been matched for three years. Since being matched, Jacob’s confidence and self-esteem have improved and he is more outgoing. Charmaine, his mother, has always said how wonderful of a Big Brother Steve is to Jacob. That’s one of the reasons Program Specialist Alyssa Benner nominated him for this award.“Jacob always says thoughtful and reflective things about why he enjoys his Big Brother,” explains Alyssa. “Jacob comments how Steve’s optimism and positive outlook are appreciated, and how Steve ‘brings me up to a higher mood.’” Steve is an artist and Jacob is into sports, and they enjoy doing both types of activities together. They like playing basketball and Jacob loves the art projects they do together. “This is a perfect match and they are so good for each other,” says Charmaine. “When Jacob comes back from an outing with Steve, he is so happy.

Every year we seek nominations for Big Brothers and Big Sisters who have gone above andbeyond what it means to be a Big. Below are this year’s winners.

M’lea Walsh, Big Sister of the YearM’lea and her Little Sister Christina just celebrated six years of being matched.In those six years, there have been lots of “firsts”; First time adventures around New Mexico, such as Bandolier National Monument and Carlsbad Caverns; First time on a plane (to Florida); First time looking at the ocean and playing in the sand; first time at Disneyland and first time for a college visit!

There will probably be more college visits in the near future for the soon-to-be high school senior. M’lea emphasizes education and often helps Christina with homework. Christina even lived with M’lea for a short time while her family was in transition, so that her education would not be interrupted. Although she has always been a “good kid” – since being matched with M’lea, Christina is working harder in school and planning more for her future. Christina not only wants to go to college, she would like to become an attorney. “Different activities that M’lea and I do have kept my interest in school, explains Christina. “So many times things I learn about or want to do show me that more schooling will be needed beyond high school.”

Jessica Segovia, High School Big of the Year Jessica became a High School Big in 2011 through the AVID class (a college prep class), and the Leadership class at Pojoaque High School. She sees Anahi, her Little Sister, twice a week through these classes. Jessica and Anahi love to play games and enjoy making holiday crafts together. “Initially Anahi was reserved and didn’t open up much around new people,” explains Kim Dasso, former Program Specialist. “This year Anahi has opened up a lot and I believe this is because Jessica’s focused dedication and concern for her has given her greater confidence in both social situations and conversing with others. Jessica has become a constant in Anahi’s week, and she continues to thrive because of Jessica’s devotion to being a constant figure in her life.”

Nancy Graves, Lunch Buddy of the Year After first getting involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters through financial giving, Nancy decided to become a Big Sister. She just finished her second year of being matched with nine-year-old Joana. When they were first matched, Joana was extremely shy and conversation could be difficult. By breaking the ice with a game and asking open-ended questions, Nancy is helping Joana come out of her shell. Joana now smiles more, talks more and enjoys school more. But one particular match moment stands out in Nancy’s mind.

“Because Joana is shy, it’s hard to know what she’s feeling, explains Nancy. “ I got insight into how she feels about our friendship when I got to her school one day last year and found her in the nurse’s office. She wasn’t feeling well, but wouldn’t let the nurse call her mom to come get her because she didn’t want to miss our Lunch Buddy date. That was a memorable moment.

Jacob and Steve hanging out.

M’lea (with Little Sister Christina),receives her award at Partner Celebration.

Nancy and Little Sister Joana making crafts at school.

Jessica with Little Sister Anahi enjoy playing outside.


Page 3: In This · improved school performance, better school attendance, higher GPAs, enhanced self-confidence and better attitudes

Estate Giving


If you or someone you know is looking to make a lasting difference in the lives of our local children, giving an endowment gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters is an opportunity to help children avoid risky behavior and fulfill their potential in a way that will matter as much in the future as it does today.

Long time Santa Fe Resident and philanthropist, Diane (Dee) B. Jergins came to believe in the work of Big Brothers Big Sisters after careful research and thoughtful consideration in planning for her estate. Dee passed away on January 28, 2013, and generously bestowed a gift to our endowment fund.

Dee, a Stanford graduate, along with her life partner, Betty Gardner Meyers, were prominent businesswomen in Santa Fe and owned several buildings in the Sanbusco market area. Together they owned and operated Cookworks. After selling Cookworks in the early ‘90s, they opened a high-end women’s clothing store called “Trio.”

Dee was a true Santa Fe Philanthropist who made major gifts to entities that promoted her love of classical music and opera, performing arts and animals, just look around Santa Fe’s most endearing non-profits and you are likely to see Dee’s name as a supporter.

So why give a gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters? Dee had one child – a daughter named Daphne – who had a troubled life despite all her mother’s efforts to intervene. Sadly she died an early death as a result. Dee wanted to help the children of Santa Fe stay away from dangerous paths. When she found out that 46% of children who are matched with a Big Brother or Big Sister for at least a year are more likely to stay away from drugs and alcohol, she knew that she wanted to give a gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Please think of us in your estate planning. We accept cash, real estate, land, stocks, bequests, and other gifts. If you are interested in making such a gift to the or would like more information about doing so, please contact:

Monica Martinez, Chief Development Officer505-983-8360; [email protected]

After one year in the program:46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs27% less likely to begin using alcohol52% less likely to skip school Youth are also more confident in their schoolwork performance and are able to get along better with their familes

Want to get involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters in other ways besides becoming a Big or giving a financial gift? Check out these other ways to give back in BIG ways!

1. Become a Community Partner: We are always looking for businesses willing to give a discount for Bigs and Littles – such as restaurants, museums, retail stores and other places that provide “kid-friendly” activities! Just a few recent examples include, Santa Fe University of Art & Design (SFUAD), our 2012 Community Partner of the Year, gives matches free use of the Driscoll Fitness Center, offers special tennis programs for Bigs and Little’s and internship and college experience days to Littles. Santa Fe Mountain Center, our LGBT 2013 Community Partner of the Year, provides free trainings (such as bullying prevention) for Bigs and Parents.

2. Does your place of employment have a community outreach program or give donations to nonprofits? Businesses such as PNM, Wells Fargo and Kohl’s have community outreach programs that encourage employees to get involved with non-profits and we hope that you choose Big Brothers Big Sisters! We have many ways to volunteer without becoming a Big. Volunteer at special events such as Bowl for Kids Sake, golf tournaments or gala.

3. Creative Ways! Dillard’s nominated Big Brothers Big Sisters for a Kiehl’s Skincare Charity donation, and in February 2013 we received $1,000. JC Penny’s and Worth Collection both gave a percentage of their profits to Big Brothers Big Sisters. Little Sister Cannon and Big Sister Karen set up a lemonade stand on their one-year match anniversary and donated all profits to us!

4. Become a Business Partner. Operating a business (even a nonprofit) costs money. Big Brothers Big Sisters welcomes sponsorships that help offset some of these business costs. Alphagraphics Santa Fe, our 2012 Business Partner of the Year, offers generous print discounts and provides in-kind donations to offset print costs for many of our events.

Other Ways You Can Give BIG

Little Sister Cannon and Big Sister Karen sell lemonade to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters..

Little Sisters Eve and Nia perform at at Ohkay Owingeh’s feast day.

Page 4: In This · improved school performance, better school attendance, higher GPAs, enhanced self-confidence and better attitudes


A Graduation Message From Nancy to Desy:Be Grateful for all that you haveBe Responsible for all that you doBe Appreciative for all you receiveBe Determined for all your goals

Nancy’s favorite memory with Desy: “Our first trip to Santa Fe when we shopped at Hot Topic. We both became sisters that day.”

Desarae “Desy” graduated from Los Alamos High School and plans on attending college at UNM-LA this fall.

Although Desy will officially be “aged out” of the program, she and Nancy plan on staying in touch.

How Desy has grown as a person: “When we were first matched, Desy was shy and insecure about our relationship, but we’ve grown to be great friends. She is outgoing and more secure about herself and I admire her strength,” says Nancy.

Tereza, Little Sister & Kathie, Big Sister

Matched since March 2009

Desy, Little Sister &Nancy, Big Sister

Matched since September 2008

Kathie’s Favorite Memory with Tereza: “The day we went on a sleigh ride in the Valle Grande. We went with some other Bigs/Littles and we had such a fun day. The Valle was covered with snow and we had snowball fights, made snow angels, had a great sleigh ride, and ate sandwiches on the sleigh.”

How Tereza has grown as a person: “Tereza has grown up and matured so much since I’ve known her,” says Kathie. “She is very focused on her future now and I know she will work hard to be a success.”

Kathie’s graduation message to Tereza: “We have been through thick and thin together and have remained sisters. I feel so blessed to have been your Big and to know such a beautiful, fun, responsible, thoughtful young lady. I wish you only the best, and I know you have a great future ahead of you.” - Kathie

Tereza graduated from Los Alamos High School and plans on attending college at Eastern New Mexico University this fall.

Although Tereza will officially be “aged out” of the program, she and Kathie plan on being friends.

“We have always said that we plan to be friends forever, explains Kathie. Even though I won’t see her much, she is in my thoughts and memories of such fun and good times.”




Bailey graduated from Wingate High School in McKinley County and plans on continuing to be part of the rodeo circuit as a team roper and bull rider. He would like to attend a UNM branch or trade school where he would learn to work with mechanical and body repair in the automotive industry.“Even though Bailey graduated, I am very interested in him continuing his education and some kind of trade, says Anthony. “We plan on still hanging out together when possible, especially for rodeos and anything fun. He knows he can call me anytime if he needs to.”

Anthony’s Favorite Memory with Bailey: At a Bowl For Kids Sake fundraiser in Gallup, Bailey celebrated his birthday, won prizes for the most money raised and was presented with one of the decorated bowling pins to take home for himself as a trophy. He was on cloud nine and said he would remember that day for the rest of his life. He smiled all the way home.

How Bailey has grown as a person since being matched with Anthony: “Bailey’s grades have improved and he has set goals in life for himself. Graduation meant so much to him because it wasn’t easy and he worked very hard to make it happen,” explains Anthony. “I have seen Bailey mature into a confident young man. He has also gone from being a team roper to becoming a bull rider, an accomplishment in which he is very proud.”

Anthony’s graduation message to Bailey:“I am so proud of you Bailey, watching you work so hard to make sure you did everything necessary and more so you could walk with your classmates for graduation - even if it meant going to summer school and taking on extra credit work home. Thank you, Bailey, for sharing your life and family with me. It has been a blessing. I continue to keep you in prayer and will be around for you as long as you want me to be. God Bless” - Anthony

Bailey, Little Brother & Anthony, Big BrotherMatched since April 2010

Hats off to the grads!

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of NM Service Areas

San Juan






LunaDona Ana






Los Alamos

Santa Fe

Rio Arriba Taos


San Miguel



Colfax Union

De Baca


Otero Eddy





BBBS of San Juan Co.

BBBS of Northern NM

BBBS of Central NMBBBS of Southwestern NM

BBBS of Southeast NM

Hats Off To The Grads Cont.

Aaron Alejandra Alex Allycia Alonzo AmberAshlee Ashley Autumn Bethany Candyce Carlos Chad Chantal DanielleDawn Deanna Dimitry

High School Bigs

Clarice Jadalin


Adrian AlexBrayamDalilah DavidDominic EbonyGabby Juilissa KarinaMatthew Saraii Savannah Shenyah Sunshine

Sixth Grade

Hats off to the grads cont.

Little Bits about our programAs you can see, we always need more Bigs!

Ethnicity of Littles Served in Northern NM

American Indian/Alaskan NativeHispanic





EnriqueJessicaJulioKassie Keane Larissa Lauren Lori Mathew Mecole Rafael Red Hawk Shania Stephani Tyler Tyrell Wyatt

Little Sister Clarice (with Big Sister Doreen)graduated from Kindergarten.

Big Brother Aaron (with Little Brother Sonny) graduated High School.

Little Sister Shenya

(with Big Sister Alyssa)

graduated from 6th grade.


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Big Brothers Big Sisters in New Mexico

jOIN us For A little Magic

Under the BIG tOP

10.5.2013Join Honorary Chair Kate Snow of NBC News

The LITTLE Gala For a BIG Cause

Benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern New Mexico

Date: October 5, 2013tIME: 6:00 P.M. Place: Hilton Santa Fe Golf Resort & Spa at Buffalo Thunder


In Remembrance of

Larry JobeJan 23, 1956 - April 26, 2013

Do you want to help us reach our gala goal of raising $225,000 for kids in Northern New Mexico?

Here are ways you can get involved with The Little Gala For a Big Cause: Become a committee member: Use your talents and connections in the community to help procure auction items and sponsorships and assist with ticket sales. Donate an auction item: From teeth whitening sessions to jewelry to villas in Cabo, we like everything from the practical to the lavish and everything in between! Become an event sponsor: Multiple levels with publicity opportunities are availablePurchase a ticket or table: Tickets are $150 each or $1,500/table of 10. Contact 2013 Gala Chair Carrie Oliver-Bertram at [email protected]

Estella Loretto, Featured Artist

Chef Charles Dale, Culinary CoordinatorWe are proud to announce that award-winning chef Charles Dale will be the Culinary Coordinator for the 2013 LITTLE Gala For a BIG Cause. Dale’s new restaurant in Santa Fe, Bouche Bistro, located at 451 W. Alameda in Santa Fe, looks and feels like a neighborhood Parisian local’s hangout - complete with cozy banquettes, wood-burning fireplace, open kitchen and one of Santa Fe’s nicest patios, with cuisine that is inspired by his native France.

We are excited to announce our Featured Artist for the 2013 LITTLE Gala For a BIG Cause is Native American sculpture, painter and jeweler, Estella Loretto. Loretto is recognized internationally as one of the finest sculptors living today. Her genuine spiritual nature defines her commitment to integrity and authenticity in her art and in her life.

Larry was born and raised in Oklahoma and was working for CHRISTUS in Houston when he stumbled upon Santa Fe during a business trip. He fell in love with the City Different, and as fate would have it, there was a position open here with CHRISTUS. Larry relocated, calling Santa Fe “home” since June of 2010. Shortly after, he got involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters, thanks to the testimonials of some close friends who were involved with the program. He attended the Mayor’s Ball in 2010 (benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters), which further sparked his interest and compelled him to get involved with the board. Despite his cancer treatments, Larry chaired the 2012 Little Gala For a Big Cause with such pride, and we dedicate The Little Gala For a Big Cause 2013 to him.

Larry enjoyed music, art and travel. Throughout his life he played various instruments including guitar and saxophone, and also sang in his church choir. In the last few years he focused on his love of art and spent lots of time painting. Larry loved the Lord and was dedicated to his faith. His smile was “infectious” as described by his closest friends and his goal in life was to make people smile. (quote from Andrea or board) – I.E. “ We know Larry made lots of children smile by helping to make it possible for more local kids to get a caring adult friend and mentor through Big Brothers Big Sisters.”

Jackie Gendrich and Larry Jobe at the 2012 Little Gala For a Big Cause.

Featuring Wise Fool NM

Purchase tickets online at, call 505-983-8360. or email Ron Ruybal at [email protected]

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Bowl For Kids’ Sake turned 30, which means we’ve been rolling since 1983! As a tribute to our ‘80’s beginning, we celebrated in April and May with ‘80’s themed bowling events. Little did we know how so totally psyched our bowlers would get. A BIG Thank you to everyone who helped make


BOWL FOR KIDS’ SAKE 30th anniversary

Here are some tubular highlights:

22 State Teams

63 Teams from Santa Fe County

43 teams from McKinley County

14 teams from Los Alamos/ Rio Arriba Counties

7 teams from San Miguel County


Highest Individual FUNdraisers:Robin Smith: Calvin Fields: Ron Ruybal: Imelda Garcia:

Highest State Individual Fundraiser: Veronica De Leon-Dowd $1,456


Junction Junkies-80’s Rule

Rosemont Rollers

I can’t believe it’s not GUTTER!

The Striking Tigers





$3,483.00 $2,208.00

Highest Team Fundraisers

Wake me up before you go bowl

Rolling since 1983

Rolling since

19832013 Title Sponsors

Bowling Centers:Historic Plaza Hotel

Gal-A-Bowl Strike Gold Lanes

A total of $145,000 raised for kids in Northern New Mexico!

The Alley Sheedy’s

M.A.D Pinheads

The Chart Toppers


Striking Tigers


The Junct on Junkies

Page 8: In This · improved school performance, better school attendance, higher GPAs, enhanced self-confidence and better attitudes

Grant Souces

Beaver Toyota of Santa FeEd BermanMyrna and Barry BernardChris BeyerBig Brothers Big Sisters of AmericaHeather BradyKirk BramlettSanford and Jane BricknerConnor BrowneCafe CafeCash CowElizabeth CavasosNelson ChadwickScott and Elizabeth ChristopherCity of Santa FeCombined Federal CampaignCommunity 1st BankConcho Resources Inc.Robert and Nikki CunninghamDavid and Deborah DouglasAlice DunnLon and Ann EricksonTim Farrell and Kristina AlleyWilliam and Elinor FriesPaul GoldingSteve HarperJoan and Wayne HeftyeHeritage Mark FoundationHilton Santa Fe Golf Resort and Spa at Buffalo ThunderStephen and Jane HochbergKevin and Elizabeth HoganHome Depot GallupHotel Santa FeArthur HullWayne Vinson Walden and Jocelyn JansonsCheryl JohnsonJunctionKia Santa FeBettie Kroutil

Keith LambethPeter LovatoAndrea Fisher MarilSusana Martinez and Chuck FrancoBrian and Karin McMahonDavid and Joni MillerLeigh MoiolaAlex MotolaKelly and Steve MyersTom and Brenda NickoloffSandy OstermanAlan and Dolores OvertonDan and Ashlyn PerryPiedra Partners LLCPlaza HotelPNM Resources FoundationPamela PorterLori PrimasRed Rock Insurance AgencyAndrew RodriguezChristopher and Kathy RyonLes and Lisa SamuelSan Juan County PartnershipTaryn SandfordSanta Fe Community FoundationSanta Fe Police Officers AssociationSlate Stern P.C.Robin SmithSonicSouthwest Indian FoundationAndy and Linda SpinglerState of NM, Department of Finance & AdministrationDarlene StreitGeorge StricklandTekSystemsMichael and Kaye TrespUnited Way of Northern New MexicoWal-Mart Supercenter of Santa FeAlva Yazzie

Coronado Paint & Decorating CenterDallago CorporationEarl’s RestaurantFirst American TradersFour Corners Welding & Gas SupplyGallup Custom TintingGallup Journey Inc.Gallup Propane Service, IncGallup Title CompanyJemez Mountains Electric CooperativeJerry’s CafeKiwanis of Las VegasNavajo Tribal Utility AuthorityRed Roof Inn GallupRichardson’s Trading CompanySouthWest MobileSupersmith, Inc.The Rosebrough Law FirmUS Bank Gallup Vision ClinicWest End Donut & DeliZuni Coffee Company



Aegis Business Services Altura Communications CaitCo Drainworks Del Norte Credit Union

Dillard’s/Kiehls Gallup MedFlight Kohl’s Cares Los Alamos National Security, LLC Molina Healthcare PNM

Bowl For Kids’ Sake Sponsors

Title Sponsors: Bowling Centers:

Thank You DonorsThese donors gave $500 or more from November 15, 2012 to June 1, 2013*

*Please forgive us in advance if we omitted your name. Let us know and we wil include it in the next edition

Castle FurnitureCellular OneClay Fultz Insurance AgencyDental InnovationsEd Corley NissanFirst Financial Credit UnionGallup Kiwanis ClubGallup Lions ClubGenesis Spas & Pool Supply, LLCKohl’sNavajo Nation Oil & Gas CompanyNew Mexico Bank and TrustPinnacle BankRE/MAX of Los Alamos, Kelly MeyersRed Rock Insurance AgencyZia FinancialAdvanced Technical ServicesAlpine Lumber CoAmerican Tire FactoryBallew ConstructionButler’s Printing and Office SupplyComfort Suites Inn, Gallup

Clear Channel Media Hutton Broadcasting KRSN AM 1490 Luna Community College Culinary Arts Club Millenium Media Pronto Signs and Graphics ‘Round the Roundhouse Santa Fe New Mexican Santa Fe Screenprinters

Girl’s Just Wanna Have Fun


Page 9: In This · improved school performance, better school attendance, higher GPAs, enhanced self-confidence and better attitudes

Gaylabration Award Winners Contact Us

Join us for our Annual Picnic!For Community-based Bigs, Littles and families!Date: August 3, 2013 Time: 11:00a.m. - 2:00p.m.Place: Alto Street Park and Bicentennial Pool Pool admission: children 10 and under $1.00, 11-17 $2.00 and adults $3.00Details: Join us for games, activities and swimming. This will be a brown bag picnic, please bring your own food and Big Brothers Big Sisterswill provide drinks and snacks.

Kirt and Javier were matched in October 2006. Since then, Kirt has watched Javier grow up from a 10-year-old boy into a 17-year-old senior in High School! Kirt is supportive of whatever Javier wants to do, and supports his dreams of going into film directing. The two were even featured in a Big Brothers Big Sisters PSA that will be airing later this year, and Kirt has taken Javier to the Santa Fe University of Art and Design to check out registration and participate in an internship. Kirt says he is especially appreciative of Isabella, Javier’s mother, for her support and encouragement of the match.

Kirt Kempter, 2013 LGBT Big Brother of the Year

Kirt with Little Brother Javier

Satellite OfficesMcKinley County T. (505) 728-8356; (505) 728-2120 Catholic Indian Center503 West Highway 66Gallup, NM 87301

San Miguel/ Mora Counties T. (505) 426-8510801 Friedman Ave. / P.O. Box 1465 Las Vegas, NM 87701

Main Office1229 S. St. Francis Drive, Suite C Santa Fe, NM 87505T (505) 983-8360 F (505) 983-1280TF 1-866-983-8360

Our StaffAndrea Fisher Maril, CEOChris AlexanderAlyssa BennerDawn BrownKenna ChavarriaPatricia EdgeCarissa EretPaul HerreraIris HillisCheryl JohnsonSarah LuginbuhlMonica MartinezAna MayorEmily Nunez Emily PachecoVelora PeacockEileen RichardsonRon RuybalRay SanchezKim SiebertTashima Wildrose

Big Brothers Big SistersExecutive Board Executive Board Officers:Connor Browne, PresidentRandy Dry, Vice PresidentHeather Brady, TreasurerPhyllis Gonzales, Co-SecretaryAshlyn Perry, Co-Secretary

Los Alamos & Rio Arriba County Regional BoardArt Brown, Co-ChairLiz CavasosRhonda HerreraKelly Myers, Co-ChairDr. Cedric PageLiza Salazar

Santa Fe Regional BoardAmy Johnson, Co-SecretaryLisa Hecker, Co-SecretaryPeter LovatoTaryn M. Sanford, ChairHalle TreanorShanna Webb

Regional Boards

Board Members:Lee Cabeza de VacaTimothy FarrellCarlos GonzalesKatherine JetterThomas OdaiAlan OvertonRobin SmithGeorge StricklandGeno Zamora

McKinley County Regional BoardRaymond CalderonYavon DevlinAraceli GutierrezSteve HarperJoshua LucioAta Lth Chee Montaño, ChairRebecca OstrovskyLiz Sanchez

Taos CountyT. (505) 779-0315P.O. Box 1755Taos, NM 87571

Additional County Contact Information: Los Alamos/Rio Arriba: (505)-614-4231All counties may use the toll-free number 1-866-983-8360friend us on facebook!

Kim Dasso, 2013 LGBT Big Sister of the Year

Before being matched, Kim wanted to be sure that the family was OK with her being gay. Lala and her mom Cynthia have both been wonderful and supportive of me and my partner. Lala has told me “I think people should be able to love whomever they want.” I will miss Lala over the summer while I am in graduate school, but I am very happy to report that we will carry on in the Fall. “Lala is an inspiration to me,” says Kim. “She is only 11, but she has such a consciousness of the world.” The two enjoy drawing, cooking and baking together, going to events and hiking.

Kim with Little Sister Lala

Summer 2013