Download - In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 23/Jamestown NY Post J… · In proposing the B.P.W. Club for membership, the Chamber mem bership committee spokesman, George Redding .complimented

  • FIFTY JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOUBNAL—Thursday Evening, November IS, 1956

    S. Chautauqua Co.-Pa. ——^—

    Northern Area Personnel Honored at New High School

    LANDER—The Northern Area Joint School District honored all of the school svstem personnel at a dinner Friday evening in the new General Dwight D. Eisenhower High School.

    Harold W. Landin, high school principal, was master of ceremon-ies. Travers Stohlberg, president of the School Board, extended

    retings to the 180 present. John Stewart, a member of the Board and chairman of the building com-mittee, spoke briefly on the Board's opinions in regard to the completion of the school and use of the new building. Rev. Merrill Livezey gave the invocation.

    Members of the high school staff were* introduced, as were the staffs of the county office. Russell,

    Lander, and Sugar Grove Grade Schools, and the other school per* sonnel.

    An original skit was presented by Richard Andersen, assisted by David Bevevino, William Red in, and David Spencer. The movie, "School and Community", was shown. A tour of the new building was held following the program.

    Mrs. Hazel Kays and Mrs. Al-ien? Briggs, members of the Northern Area Joint Board, acted as the committee for the affair. Students in the High School art department made the decorations, under the supervision of Robert Lindquist art director. The dinner was served by members of the cafeteria staff.

    Russell WCTU Receives 17 New Members

    WrightSVJl le ' i ^ g S S i W f f i M,r gar« A surprise birthday party was rj^y were Mr. and Mrs. George

    held recently honoring Mrs. Jessie Burkland and family of Bemus Johnson. Guests included Mr. andpoint, a nd Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Arden Bull and family, Co- Dunkle and family of Starbrick.

    Michael and Steven Burkland re-mained for a few days' visit

    Mr. and Mrs. Henry Undell and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mills visited

    lumbus. Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson and family; Mr. and Mrs.

    RUSSELL — State .convention|George Hajnik and family of delegates, Mrs. Bessie Johnson. Youngsville. Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alberta Trauffer and Mrs. Ivajivan johason and sons; Mrs. Bru-Belle Richael, were guest speakers nette Hagle; Carrie Malm berg of at the November roll call meeting jcorry, Pa.; and Delia Salisburg of of the W.C.T.U. at the Akeley j Panama. church Tuesday, with a tureen Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dougherty luncheon. Hallie Russell led devo- and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lucas of,, tions with a Thanksgiving theme. [ Russell were weekend callers of! Saturday morning for South Amen-

    The county vice president, Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pearson. jca on a U.N. mission and will be Johnson, awarded the local presi- Mrs. Brunette Hagle attended gone from four to six weetas. His dent, Mrs. Lundgren. an 80-year!the funeral of Mrs. Ellen Smith memorial pin, for getting 17 new Saturday afternoon at Jamestown, members last year. The Russell Union won the Standard of Excel-lence and was sent $5 by the State W.C.T.U.', along with a

    Family Escapes Injury When House Burns Near Warren -

    WARREN—The home of Her-man E. Shirley, Fifth Street Ex-tension, was destroyed by fire Wednesday morning, when fire broke out in the partition be-tween the bedroom and kitchen. Occupants of the home at the time of the fire were three young children, Betty Jane, Z%; Cheryl Lynn, 2H: William, nine months old: the mother. Mrs. Florence Shirley, the grandmother, Mrs. Cora Cochran and a nephew, Robert Ford, 17. All escaped without injury. Robert Ford, who was asleep in an upstairs bed-room, was aroused by cries of the family and jumped through the window to safety.

    Mrs. Shirley said that within 10 minutes after the blaze wasi

    discovered the entire six-room, two story frame house was in flames. The Glade Township Vol-unteer Fire Department respond-ed to the call but the house was practically leveled by the time they arrived. The family lost all their possessions including a new freezer and a television set. The loss was covered by insurance.

    The family has moved in with Mrs. Shirley's sister and broth-er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dufresne, at R.D. 1, Akeley. Mr. Shirley is employed at the Chau-tauqua Hardware in Jamestown.

    The couple has three more children, who were at school at the time of the fire, Patrick, 8; Herman, Jr., 9; and Rosalie, 10. A seventh child, Edgar, 17, was working at the time.

    WILL PRESENT SACRED CONCERT—The choir of Cherry Creek Meth-odist Church will present a concert of sacred music at Sugar Grove Methodist Church Sunday at 4 P.M. Mrs. Gerald Hall is director.. The choir numbers 60. Linda and Janice Hall, musical prodigiies, will sing duets. The former has ap-peared in television over a Buffalo station.

    Warren Area C. of C. Accepts Women's Group

    WARREN—The Warren Business and Professional Women's Club has been accepted as a member of the Warren Area Chamber of Commerce.

    In proposing the B.P.W. Club for membership, the Chamber mem-bership committee spokesman, George Redding .complimented the women's organization on taking the initiative to support the Chamber P'-ogram and he also expressed ihe hope that other groups would rorouder similar action so that the (Tiamber could become a greater force in the community.

    Miss Arvilla Ittel is president of •he B.P.W. and will be the club's official delegate in Chamber of Commerce matters.

    Another Ike, Mamie Share Anniversary

    BECKLEY. W. Va. (* - Ike and Mamie recently celebrated their r>9th wedding anniversary at near-by Harper Heights — Ike and M^mle Alderman, that is.

    President Eisenhower wrote Ike and his wife. Mamie:

    "1 am honored to share with vou both birthday and nickname as well as the fact that we w?re N>th fortunate enough to marry Mamies. Mrs. Eisenhower joins nip in best wishes to you both . . ."

    Alderman, a retired railroader, farmer and coal miner, also has the same birth date as the Presi-dent.

    Corydon The following persons were re-

    cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Merle English: Mr. and Mrs. Larry Car-son, Bradford: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Clancy. Mary and Johnny Clancy, Garland;*Don Peterson and Knute Sandberg, Jamestown.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Learn, Jamestown, were Sunday callers of Mrs. L. J. Learn,

    Mr. and Mrs. Guy Crooks and Mrs. Lloyd Smith were recent visi-tors in Erie, where they visited relatives.

    Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Akers. War-ren, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Akers J

    Mr. and Mrs. Ted Whyte and family were Sunday callers at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

    | Charles Whyte. Mrs. Richard Ruth and children

    and Mrs. Fred Davis and son, Dennis, were visitors in Falconer. Sunday visitors at the Ruth home were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Reichen-bach and son, of North East.

    Visitors over the weekend of George Crooks, were Mr. and Mrs. David Counts, Bradford, MissThel-ma Crooks, Warren.

    Miss Walma Stryker h a s re-turned home following a weekend visit with her mother, Mrs. L. -R. Stryker.

    Mrs. George Akers was a recent visitor in Frewsburg.


    police sent out the warning to watch for a dog wearing a petti-coar. The canine was witnessed stealing newly-washed garments from a clothesline at an Alamo-gordo home.

    Warren Women Speak to WCTU At Sugar Grove

    SUGAR GROVE-The W.C.T.U. met at the home of Mrs. Victor Landin, with 21 members and guests present. Mrs. Theodore Al-lenson presided, and Rev. David Derk, pastor of the Evangelical United Brethren Church at Chand-lers Valley, gave Thanksgiving de-votions.

    New members enrolled included Mrs. Ellsworth Hale, Mrs. Lloyd

    !Brown and Mrs. Roy Thomas. Year books were distributed, and members voted to become a Life

    I Line Union. The hostess donated the book,

    "The Cup of Fury," by Upton Sin-clair, to be presented to the Eisen-hower School Library by the local group, and 50 copies of "Alcohol at the Wheel" were ordered tot the drivers training class of the school, school.

    Mrs. L. L. Adams is in charge of ordering copies of the Gospels to be sent to Veterans Hospitals. Mrs. George Johnson, Warren, gave highlights of the state convention at New Castle, and presented the group certificates from the state for Fruitful and Holdfast Union.

    Mrs. Iva Belle Richael, Warren, county,chairman of Armed Service Work, also spoke on the New Castle meeting. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Carrie Mer-edith. Warren.

    The hostess served luncheon with Mrs. Johnson offering the table prayer. Mrs. Ernest Landin will be hostess fo- the Christmas party on Dec. 14. The program will in

    Sugar Grove Church Holds Member Canvass

    SUGAR GROVE-The Presby-terian Church held its annual "Every Member" canvass Sunday afternoon.

    Lloyd Williams, a member of Board of Trustees, expressed the Board's appreciation to those pres-ent, and recognition was given Rev. James Fisher in observance of his birthday.

    A ham supper was served at the church under the direction of Mrs. James Fisher.

    Santa Claus To Visit Warren Next Wednesday

    WARREN—The retailers com-mittee of the Warren Chamber of Commerce is completing plans for a visit of Santa ClaUs to the Bor-ough at 4:30 P.M. Wednesday.

    Children of all ages are invited to be in Warren to see Santa ride through town and distribute candy to the youngsters along the parade route.

    Along with the arrival of Santa, the overhead Christmas lights will be turned on, as well as a huge community Christmas tree, provid-ed by the merchants in the 400 block. The tree will be placed on the vacant Carver Hotel lot.

    Secretary Rated High, Wife Gets Divorce

    Service Held By Church Men At Bear Lake

    BEAR LAKE—Men's Day serv-ice was held Sunday at the Evan-gelical United Brethren Church. Richard Jukes gave the invocation, and Gerald Crosby led the creed. Walter Newhouse. Sr., read Scrip-ture with Richard Crosby leading in prayer. Rev. Gerald Lundeen and Sam Groters presented a vo-cal duet. The speaker for the morn-ing service was Gerald Sager of the Diamond E.U.B. Church, who is also the Erie Conference E.U.B. Men's treasurer. Robert Johnston closed the service with the bene-diction.

    "Fruitful Union and Holdfast" cer-tificate. Warren County was on the winning green team in the state membership contest.

    Alberta Trauffer showed pictures of county and state officers recent-ly elected. Iva Belle Richael, coun-ty director for armed services, told of the work done all through the state last year for veterans, and urged all members of the local union to join in the project for December, when a box of gifts will be packed at the regular meet-ing and sent to veterans.

    The union voted to send 100 New Testaments with the other gifts.

    A total of 118 members was re-ported for the November roll call, with 17 new members being added. They are Fern Way, Norma Cable, Jean Yeagle, Lottie Clark, Myrtle Ferrie, Ethel Baker, Florence Lu-cas. Evelyn Haller. Eurouth Head-land, Jean Tonkin, B e r n i c e Peterson, Ruth Beckwith, Grace North, Louise Burford. Patricia Pe-terson, Avis Rosendah! and Mary Ostrander.

    Mr! and Mrs. Walfred Carlson at Fredonia Sunday.

    Mr. and Mrs. Homer Preston and son of Washington. D,C, have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ludwick. Mr. Preston let

    wife will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stockton at Columbus

    Albert Westren. Mr. and Mrs. James Durlin and

    family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee and fam-ily of Frewsburg.

    Mr. and Mrs. Luther Johnson visited Lillian Whiteley in Corry on Friday.

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hagle and son Robert of Erie were recent visitors of Mrs. Brunette Hagle.

    Lander Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lyon,

    and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Myers of Sugar Grove have returned from Huntington, Ind., where they at-tended the funeral of Mrs. Rudy Myers.

    Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Elliott of Silver Creek were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ludwick to attend the funeral of Mrs. Eva Montgomery.

    Betsy Firth of Indiana, Pa., and Leslie Firth of State College were home to attend the funeral of their

    J%r< meeting win *»hdd 'tSTSS^S.'Sffun. Z: I Mitchell Mahan were Lt. Kenneth

    ]Mason, Bremerton, Wash., Walter All dogs have the same number j Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Larson,

    of bones in their bodies, regard-1 Allan Hamilton, of Jamestown and less of their size. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Walsh and

    Mr. and Mrs. Hylmer Jones of during his absence. Springville called on Mr. and Mrs. Lt. Kenneth C. Mason of the Luther Johnson recently. Medical Service Corps, U.S.N., and

    Ivan Allen of Jamestown was a head of the Personnel Division of Sunday caller of Mr. and Mrs. the U.S.N. Hospital at Bremerton,

    Wash., arrived by plane Saturday for a two weeks vacation as guest of his sister, Mrs. Mitchell Mahan and family at Lander.

    Lottsville Mrs. Frank Brown, Salamanca,

    •pent last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Brown.

    Dr. Rodney Mallery, Ellwood City. Pa., spent several dayi last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mallery.

    Mr*. Ralph Flick. Saegertown. Pa., spent Saturday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Charlotte Clark.

    Mr. and Mrs. Don Price and Sharon spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Way, Cut-ting.

    Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Daughtery. Corry. and Mr. and Mrs. Orie Pud-der, Sugar Grove, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvan Ayling, Sun-day. .

    Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Brown and Marjorie were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allison Brown and family, Blue Eye, Pa.

    The 226-mile Grand RJver is Michigan's longest, with the 200-mile Menominee ranking second.

    SANTA MONICA, Calif. W -elude a tureen supperTan exchange I S J ^ i ^ H l L ^ M f h w of gifts, and members are to b r i n ^ J X ^ S fiffSSf-A"L£ gifts for patients at Erie Veterans Hospital.

    Thirsty Guests Set Fire to Hotel

    SAN JOSE, Calif. (J)—William Beudikofer is blaming the $100,000 fire which destroyed his grand view house in the Mt. Hamilton Range on the election.

    Beudikofer told sheriff's depu-ties he believed angered seekers for a drink started the fire.

    Required to close his tavern during polling hours. Beudikofer

    husband once told her: "A secre-tary is more important than a wife—you can get another wife any time."

    Mrs. Tobeler said she didn't get a1ong with the secretary of her husband, Paul, a wealthy indus-tralist.

    Mrs. Tobeler testified: "Once my husband picked up a ruler and a piece of metal and said. 'You girls fight it out. Here are your weapons.' "