Download - In moderne videospellen werpen de helden de … gedrag van de helden zo nu en dan volkomen anders is dan onze traditionele waarden .Wat voor invloed heeft dit op de kinderen/ volwassenen

Page 1: In moderne videospellen werpen de helden de … gedrag van de helden zo nu en dan volkomen anders is dan onze traditionele waarden .Wat voor invloed heeft dit op de kinderen/ volwassenen


In moderne videospellen werpen de helden de wereldorde van goed en kwaad omver. Geef aan hoe

het gedrag van de helden zo nu en dan volkomen anders is dan onze traditionele waarden .Wat voor

invloed heeft dit op de kinderen/ volwassenen die deze spellen spelen?

Mogelijke uitwerking

Good versus bad

“BOOM….PAM….TSSS, GO MARIO!” Yes, you did it, you made it to the next castle. This may sound

familiar to gamers; you need to attack the bad guy so you will be the hero! Mario needs to beat

Browser, so he can save princess Peach! But how many turtles have died for princess Peach? How

many opponents did you beat before you could save the princess? Therefore, gaming is bad.

First of all you saw it in the introduction already, it sounds so good that Mario wins the game. But

you forget that before you become a hero, you need to beat the bad guy. And even though it is the

bad guy you are hurting, violence is wrong.

The next reason why gaming is bad is that games show unrealistic role models. The heroes cannot do

anything wrong. If they steal anything, it is good, because he is the good guy. Some psychopaths

might feel the same if they are addicted to that game. Because their hero is a good guy in the game,

they feel like they are the good guy in real life. But instead they are stealing, hurting and in the worst

case murdering people.

Well, not all gamers are psychopaths. A normal gamer might think: but games are just for fun and

they provide me some relaxation. Indeed they do provide some relaxation, but they are also secretly

influencing your brain. Because , even though gamers are unaware of that, gamers are getting more

quarrels with other people. Gamers are not able to place themselves in someone else’s situation.

They do not see that the bad guy has his story, too. Perhaps that Mario is the bad guy chasing Peach

and Browser is just protecting Peach.

So, Mario may not be such a good guy at all, and maybe Peach does not want to be saved. Violence is

bad, even if it is in a game. There might be psychopaths inspired by the game heroes, because game

heroes are unrealistic role models. It is not possible that in the real world there is someone like

Superman, the man who cannot do anything except for good things. Even though most gamers are

playing games for fun, they do not know that secretly they are influenced by the game they are

playing. That is why I stay with my thesis, gaming is bad.

Inhoud: 6 punten: aan alle criteria is voldaan

Grammatica: 3 punten: een aantal kromme zinnen en veel herhalingsfouten (stijl valt onder


Woordgebruik: 5 punten

Spelling: 2 punten

Opmerking [M1]: However,…

Opmerking [M2]: You already saw...

Opmerking [M3]: Incorrecte

verbinding: And weglaten: Even though…

Opmerking [M4]: As i.s.o.because

Opmerking [M5]: However,…

Opmerking [M6]: Steal,hurt etc.

Opmerking [M7]: Give me….

Opmerking [M8]: Influence


Opmerking [M9]: Zie opm. boven

Opmerking [M10]: stijlfout

Opmerking [M11]: that weg

Opmerking [M12]: Pychopaths might

be inspired…. Gram.fout

Opmerking [M13]: but

Opmerking [M14]: play

Opmerking [M15]: I stick


Page 2: In moderne videospellen werpen de helden de … gedrag van de helden zo nu en dan volkomen anders is dan onze traditionele waarden .Wat voor invloed heeft dit op de kinderen/ volwassenen

Coherentie: 2 punten

Totaal: 24 punten.

Cijfer: 7