Download - In Harmony! · 2020. 2. 5. · In Harmony! February 2020 A Newsletter by Harmonics International Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance of light, sound and color that enhances

Page 1: In Harmony! · 2020. 2. 5. · In Harmony! February 2020 A Newsletter by Harmonics International Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance of light, sound and color that enhances

In Harmony!February 2020

A Newsletter by Harmonics International

Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance of light, sound and color that enhances and brings forth the emanation of your own vibrational rhythms. Peace: Activate the body’s healing intelligence, to cleanse toxins, release stress and restore the body, mind and soul connection. Joy: Activate the life-force energy and potential of anything it is placed in or on, harmonizes disharmonic energies and chemicals. Harmony: Restore balance in the glandular and cardio-vascular systems and assist in releasing chronic patterns of degeneration. Creativity: Enhance the fire of life, creativity, rejuvenation. Balance: Balance minerals/electrolytes, relax sore muscles and joints, promote self-love and trust. Strength: Restore the energetics of the immune system/viral defense, enhance relaxation and focus. Action: Balance the flow of vital energy in and around the cells. Confidence: Neutralize the negative effects of chemicals, repair DNA, revitalize the body. Security: Enhance longevity, defend against parasites and fungus. Discernment: Defend against harmful bacteria, strengthen immunity. Intuition: Enhance the energetics of the brain, awaken intuition. Organization: Restore electro-magnetic & neuro-muscular systems.

Harmonic Products energetically support those challenged with the stress of the following disharmonic emotions and conditions: Peace: Anxiety, diabetes, hypoglycemia, stress, insomnia,headaches. Joy: Depression, epilepsy, environmental illness, emergencies. In emergencies use Joy to release the stress and seek medical care. Harmony: Anger, glandular, intestinal and cardio-vascular. Creativity: Frustration, fatigue, uterian problems, low sex drive. Balance: Shame, magnesium deficiency, weight control, arthritis, osteoporosis, muscle spasms, lung, liver and kidney conditions. Strength: Virus, AIDS, Hepatitis C, addictions. Action: Judgment, dyslexia, sciatic, hip pain, herpes, skin conditions. Confidence: Low self-worth, DNA, erectile dysfunction, rape, allergies, chemical toxicity, chemotherapy. Security: Fungus infection, candida, allergies, asthma, parasites. Discernment: Doubt, harmful bacteria, infection, inflammation, ulcers. Intuition: Indecision, migraine, bi-polar, ADHD, mental confusion. Organization: Neuro-muscular, MS, lupus, cirrhosis, CP, autism.

Four of the Harmonic Liquid Formulas inspire a full Spectrum of Harmonic Energy - a Rainbow of Harmonic Energy within - AWAKEN, Ebony, Opal, Manna!

The Divine Harmonic Healing Energies within the body are FREE - you were born with them. However, we live in a society that may not support and

may actually diminish the emanation of the Harmonic energy within, the Rainbow of Life. Harmonic Liquid Formulas were created to stimulate and assist you in restoring these

wonderful energies within and amplify their magnificence.

FABULOUS FEBRUARY 2020 SALE - YOU CHOOSE!!Any 3 - 2 oz. Harmonic Liquids - Only $149.00!Any 3 - 1/2 oz. Harmonic Liquids - Only $39.00!

Order at 800-243-6156 or 715-355-8515 or online at www.harmonicsinternational.comIMPORTANT: If ordering online, notate FREE choices in “customer comments”.

Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease. For treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.

Page 2: In Harmony! · 2020. 2. 5. · In Harmony! February 2020 A Newsletter by Harmonics International Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance of light, sound and color that enhances

Several weeks ago, I met an amazing retired chiropractor. He had received Rich’s book “Proclamations of the Soul” as a gift and had fallen in love with it. He called me to ask if I would come to see him.

He told me many stories about all of the people he had assisted in overcoming physical distresses and restoring health throughout their being. Over twenty years ago, he had left the world of engineering to become a chiropractor. With his three degrees in engineering, he listened to his instructors from a very mechanical perspective. It was here that he first learned about the “meninges”. The meninges is the triple layer sack which contains the spinal and cranial fluids. As he contemplated on the role of the meninges, he came to the revelation, that if the stress were released from the meninges, the body would return to its natural state of harmony - a homeostasis of health and vitality.

His realization was that every time a person experiences a stress, it causes stress on the meninges. Much like twisting a rubber band with a pencil, the more the stress, the shorter the rubber band becomes. Eventually this stress shortens the spine, putting pressure on the discs and twisting the vertebrae, which in turn effects the nerves and neuro-transmissions going out to every part of the body. In addition, this stress is absorbed by the fascia tissue, diminishing and distorting the flow of energy through the meridian system which can lead to stress in the vascular system and eventually create stress in every part of the body.

As I sat listening intently, I realized he was describing the simplicity of the physiological response to stress. I then asked him what he did to assist people. He said, “Bottom line – release the stress, and the body heals itself”. In working with his patients, he soon realized that he needed to find a more efficient way to assist them. He began to explore and utilize techniques from several other schools of healing. He found that using tuning forks and colored light on specific master points of the body was one of the most effective modalities he could use.

He was about to show me his technique, when he said that his only regret was not being able to create liquid tuning forks. He had tried unsuccessfully for several years, believing that this would be the key to empowering people to help themselves.

That was all it took for me to run to my car and pull out the Harmonic Liquid Formulas. I placed before him the 12 individual liquid colors of the rainbow and our 4 “rainbow” formulas. He was amazed and delighted – “liquid tuning forks, liquid light”. For the next 5 days we worked together creating protocols using the Harmonic Liquid Formulas. From his years of research and practice, we pulled out the protocols from which he had the most success. He realized that we had something he could not create with the tuning forks – a rainbow formula. Pointing to his protocols he asked me, “And what is simpler than this?” My answer - “a Universal Protocol”, to hold someone in the Breath of Life and their Rainbow, 24 hours a day.

Using the “Rainbow” formulas allowed us to consolidate and simplify the protocols he had used for years. I had developed 4 “rainbow formulas” over time. The Harmonic AWAKEN works with the electromagnetic body, waking up the movement of the Breath of Life and the Rainbow through the body. The Harmonic Manna works with restoring the Breath of Life at the cell wall and the integration of the Rainbow at a cellular level. The Harmonic Opal works with restoring the Breath of Life and the Rainbow within the meridian system and the major centers within the energy body. The Harmonic Ebony works with aligning the energy field and assisting the body in transmuting deeply embedded negative energies in the body back into their original harmonic rainbow form and releasing the stagnation back into the movement of the Breath of Life. They all work with restoring the Breath of Life throughout the body. They all contain the Rainbow of Life. They basically all do the same thing, but from different points of reference and focus.

At this time, I am excited to introduce you to the Harmonic Universal Protocol he developed using our Harmonic Liquid Formulas of AWAKEN, Peace, Joy, Harmony and Manna, and Proclamations from “Proclamations of the Soul” by Rich Work.

Several specific protocols have been developed that can be used along with the Universal Harmonic Protocol. after the first 21 to 42 days. These protocols are available by request at 800-243-6156 or 715-355-8515.

Several weeks ago, I met an amazing retired chiropractor. He had received Rich’s book “Proclamations of the

Discovering the Universal Harmonic ProtocolArticle written July 2007

Page 3: In Harmony! · 2020. 2. 5. · In Harmony! February 2020 A Newsletter by Harmonics International Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance of light, sound and color that enhances

Universal Harmonic Protocol InstructionsThis Universal Harmonic Protocol is designed to provide an energetic homeostasis of harmony and

balance, restoring the Breath of Life and Rainbow of Life. It uses the Harmonic Formulas of AWAKEN, Peace, Joy, Harmony and Manna, and Proclamations by Rich Work.

We discovered, the Protocol will assist in holding the Rainbow in the energy field for about 12 hours in the beginning, therefore most do it twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening. Gradually this time extends. For some, it takes 21 days before it will hold 24 hours, for others it may take 42 days. The determining factor will be the stress level and specific traumas during the day. For example, on a very traumatic day, I used the Protocol 3 times. On a very calm harmonic, joyful day, I only used it once.

The longer a person is on the program, the more cells join into the Breath of Life and their individual Rainbows. During this time, negative emotions are being brought to the surface and transformed into positive energy, decreasing stagnation and blockages within the energy body, promoting health and vitality. At some point, critical mass is reached and being in the Breath of Life and in the Rainbow becomes the normal, natural state of being and only maintenance is required.

Application of the Universal Harmonic ProtocolFor each application, place 3-4 drops of Formula in the palm of your hand. Dip your finger into the drops and apply, hold and breathe at each Point. Then rub your hands together, spreading the moisture over front, back and sides of hands and wrists. State the proclamation - then breathe deeply to embody the words.

Put 3 drops of Harmonic AWAKEN in palm of hand; apply a drop to each of these points. 1. Third Eye – the point between the eyebrows.

2. Navel – inside and about 1 inch around. 3. Tailbone – the bottom four segments below the sacrum.

Rub your hands together, spreading moisture to front, back and sides of hands and wrists.Peace of Mind

Whatever laws I have owned, whatever beliefs I may have,whatever vows I have taken, whatever contracts and agreements I have made,

that have allowed distortion of my Divine Truthand have prevented me from experiencing rest within my Being,

I now transmute into Unconditional Love and embrace into my Oneness.I reclaim my peace of mind and peace in the minds of all mankind

who are open to accept this Proclamation of their own Free-Will Choice.And so it is. (Breathe Deeply)

Put 3 drops of Harmonic Peace in palm of hand; apply a drop to each of these points. 1. 2. Atlas Transverse Process – the hollow behind each earlobe. 3. Atlas – the hollow at the base of the skull, the top of the spine.

Rub your hands together, spreading moisture to front, back and sides of hands and wrists.Establishing Intent to Move Forward

Whatever is interfering with my Free-Will Choiceand my ability to move forward in my life

according to my Heart’s Desires,I choose to embrace into Unconditional Love.

And so it is. (Breathe Deeply) -----continue next page

Harmonic Protocols do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies of the body.For diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.

Page 4: In Harmony! · 2020. 2. 5. · In Harmony! February 2020 A Newsletter by Harmonics International Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance of light, sound and color that enhances

Put 3 drops of Harmonic Joy in palm of hand; apply a drop to each of these points. 1. 2. Energy points – Midline between the sternum and side of the body, two to three finger widths down from the collarbone (above each breast). These points may be tender to touch.

3. Xiphoid – the small projection at the lowest end of the sternum (breastbone).Rub your hands together, spreading moisture to front, back and sides of hands and wrists.

Removing Control PatternsFrom the Divine Love that flows within my Being,

whatever laws I have owned regarding my control patternson all levels of my Being,

I now embrace in Unconditional Love and transmuteinto the divine expression of Creative Love.

And so it is. (Breathe Deeply)

Put 3 drops of Harmonic Harmony in palm of hand; apply a drop to each of these points. 1. 2. Dimples at the top edges of the sacrum

3. Tailbone – the bottom four segments below the sacrumRub your hands together, spreading moisture to front, back and sides of hands and wrists.

My Connection to the EarthFrom the Divine Love that flows within my Being,

I proclaim my desire to remain in my physical body so I may experience and fulfill my journey in peace and joy upon the Earth.

I see those energies within me that are connected to Creationflowing through my Being, reconnecting with the Earth in Divine Perfection.

And so it is. (Breathe Deeply)

Put 3 drops of Harmonic Manna in palm of hand; apply a drop to each of these points. 1. Third Eye – the point between the eyebrows

2. Navel – inside and about 1 inch around3. Tailbone – the bottom four segments below the sacrum

Rub your hands together, spreading moisture to front, back and sides of hands and wrists.Desires of My Heart

From the Divine Love that flows within my Being,I ask that my Being be filled with Infinite Love,

Infinite Healing, Infinite Protection,

Infinite Power and Wisdom.I call forth my Grand Adventure in feelings and emotions

that will bring me Happiness and Joy.And so it is. (Breathe Deeply)

For additional support add 3 drops ea. AWAKEN, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Manna to water and enjoy.

Y Experience the Universal Harmonic ProtocolY(A simple and easy application that takes only a few minute in the morning and evening.)

Universal Harmonic Protocol Products - AWAKEN, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Manna - Get all 5 for 1 AMAZING Price!! NOW thru Feb. 2020 - at least 50% OFF!!2 oz. pkg. $195.00 * 1/2 oz. pkg. $58.00!! (reg. pkg. prices - 2 oz. $375 ** 1/2 oz. $116)

Harmonic Products, Protocols and Programs do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies of the body.For diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.

Page 5: In Harmony! · 2020. 2. 5. · In Harmony! February 2020 A Newsletter by Harmonics International Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance of light, sound and color that enhances

Harmonic Breath of Life RejuvenatorReconnect to the flow of Life Ions within Creation -

the Universal Life Force - the fluid Universal Breath of Life!

Rejuvenate the Breath of Life in your body, mind and emotions.

• Harmonize angular, toxic disharmonic energy back to the fluid ionic wave of positive Life Force energy.• Harmonize irregular wave patterns in neurotransmitters of the brain and nervous system, while restoring and synchronizing the body’s natural pulses and rhythms.• Dismantle disharmonic energy grids of limitation, suppression and disempowerment to restore motivation, upliftment, freedom and empowerment throughout your being.

The respiration of the Breath of Life between you and the Life Force Energy ofDivine Love within Creation may be more important than oxygen itself!

The Breath of Life is the inhale and exhale of “ions of life”, that have been in the Universe since the beginning of time. Scientists and those working with quantum physics are just now discovering this element of life, photon energy, that has not until recently been measured and quantified; but is now believed to be the basis of life itself - the element of vitality and rejuvenation that can explain the power of spiritual healing and wholeness.

2 1/2”x 2 1/2”x 3/8” (square colored engraved acrylic)

Suggested Uses:Personal Rejuvenating Techniques - place the Breath of Life Rejuvenator:

A. Over Heart Center - to transform and harmonize interfering harmful energies while restoring Life Ions in the blood and tissues within the heart.

B. Over a chakra, energy center of the body or acupuncture point – to transform and harmonize disharmonic energetic interference and restore the flow of Life Ions in proper rotation and balance.

C. Over any distressed part of the body – to transform and harmonize energy fields and reduce discomfort.D. To increase the rejuvenation process: place your fingertips on the Rejuvenator while it is placed on the

body. This assists in harmonizing and restoring the energy meridians, increasing the flow of Life Ions throughout your cells and systems throughout the body.

E. In addition, a drop or 2 of a Harmonic Liquid Formula of your choice can be placed on top of the Rejuvenator.

a. Harmonic Opal or Harmonic Peace are always good choices.b. The formula matching the chakra color or energy center is also good.

Examples: Harmonic Intuition on the Rejuvenator over the 3rd eye. Harmonic Harmony on the Rejuvenator over the tailbone.

February 2020GREAT Sale - $149.00!

(reg. $249.00)

Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies of the body.For diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional!

Page 6: In Harmony! · 2020. 2. 5. · In Harmony! February 2020 A Newsletter by Harmonics International Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance of light, sound and color that enhances

Create an ever-expanding “Photon Fountain” of harmonizing Life Ions for your body, home and environment with the

Harmonic Breath of Life Rejuvenator!WOW! $100 OFF through February 2020 - Only $149.00!! (reg. $249)

Call 715-355-8515 or visit for more info and to order!

Environmental RejuvenatingUse the four columns of the Environmental Harmonizer plus the Breath of Life Rejuvenator:

Place the four columns of the Environmental Harmonizer together with a logo facing outward in each direction. Band together. Then place the Breath of Life Rejuvenator on top. The harmonizers create a vortex of energy to encompass your home and carry the Life Ions and harmonizing energies of the Breath of Life Rejuvenator throughout your environment. As energies in your environment begin to clear and harmonize, the sphere of Life Ions “Photon Fountain” enlarges. Within a few weeks this sphere may expand to include and cover your home, yard and everything in it - people, pets, plants, water and electrical systems and appliances, etc. At first, you may desire to place this next to your bed at night, to enhance and harmonize your being while you sleep. During the day, move it to the center of your house. You may also desire to add a Harmonic Vitalizer between the Environmental Harmonizer and the Breath of Life Rejuvenator: --- to speed up the process of Harmonizing the destructive foreign angular particles and grids within your energetic bodies which have come from the cyber digital technology, WIFI, ELF, HAARP, chemtrails and Morgellons. See - Vitalizer, for more information.

Personal RejuvenatingUse the Breath of Life Rejuvenator, a set of 4 Environmental Harmonizers and Harmonic Liquids.

Place the Breath of Life Rejuvenator under a chair or massage table on the floor centered underneath you. Place one column of the Harmonizers by each leg with the logos facing inward. Then sit or lay down for 10 to 15 minutes -- just long enough to clear and balance the meridians and chakras. These can also be used during a one-hour massage or healing treatment -- for yourself and others. (May desire to do daily.)In addition, a Harmonic Liquid Formula of your choice can be placed on top of the Rejuvenator. Harmonic Peace or Harmonic Opal are really good choices, however, any one of the Formulas can be used -- read the label on the liquid Formula to determine which qualities you desire to enhance.

Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease. For treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.

Open a continuous flow of energy in all energy systems of the body with Harmonic Liquid Opal!

• Transmute energy blockages creating pain, leading to degeneration.• Open the flow of energy in and around damaged tissue to allow the cells to be properly cleansed and fed to enhance the body’s natural healing process.• Open and activate the movement of energy within the energy centers and circuits of the body.• Harmonize disconnection, fragmentation, etheric blockages, negative spiritual energies and patterns.

Suggested Uses: Enhance the movement of photon energy, stimulating the movement of the Life Ions throughout the cells and systems of the body: Take 5-10 drops under tongue or in water 2 times a day or as desired. Put drops on pulse points. Use with the Breath of Life Rejuvenator as mentioned above.

Harmonic Liquid Opal - See SALE on 1st page.Call 715-355-8515 or visit for more info and to order!

Page 7: In Harmony! · 2020. 2. 5. · In Harmony! February 2020 A Newsletter by Harmonics International Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance of light, sound and color that enhances

Rejuvenate the Breath of Life in your body, mind and emotions with theBreath of Life Rejuvenator!


• Physical and Energetic Body: The physical body has an amazing etheric energy system. When this system is functioning in perfect order, we move in a natural state of healthful vitality calling forth the things and experiences we desire in Divine Love.

• Mental Body: The mind, brain and creative thought process is imperative to basic human function. When this system is functioning in harmonic order, there is divine rhythm between knowledge, wisdom, intuition, discernment and conscious awareness with a steady untiring stream of positive thought patterns. This creates an environment for creative thought, motivation, stability and positive action. Disharmonic grid patterns can cause interference and constriction in neurotransmitters in the body leading to mental confusion, brain fog, depression, fatigue and despair.

• Emotions and Emotional Body: The natural, original emotions can be seen in a baby. They consist of Peace, Joy, Harmony and Love, plus the multitude of subsets of these basic emotions. Disharmonic emotions are created from reactions to disharmonic life experiences as well as disharmonic cyber frequencies that include subliminal and hypnotic suggestions. When the nerves work as a flow line for the transmission of disharmonic electromagnetic signals, it can leave you feeling sad, depressed, angry, fearful or anxious. Duetostresses fromtoxicdisharmonicenergies, thatare foreignto thenaturalvitalstateofbeing, thesystemsbegintodegenerate,fragmentanddisconnect.TheperfectblueprintforthesesystemslieswithinthecoreofourBeing.Thekeytorejuvenationistotransformtheseangulardisharmonicparticlesandgridsbackto�luidlifeforceenergyencouragingthereturntoanatural�lowofLifeIons-waveoftheBreathofLife.

Within the stillness of Divine Peace, there is always the Breath of Life

- the movement of consciousness from one to another -the fluidity of awareness, inspiration and Divine upliftment

from the Heart and Mind of God to you and from your sacred acknowledgment, back to the Heart and Mind of God,

ever expanding the continuing knowledge of the Divinity of Self. From Symmetry of Divine Love

Strongest Frequency Wins Everything in our reality vibrates at a frequency. This frequency can be harmonic or disharmonic. Today we live in a world full of disharmonic frequencies – from toxic air, water and soil pollution to toxic vibrational cyber frequencies. Fortunately we still live in a Universe where strongest frequency wins. A harmonic frequency will always transform a disharmonic frequency into a harmonic form. Example:

- drops of Harmonic Peace will transform water back to its original Breath of Life(and you can feel and taste the difference immediately)

- drops of Harmonic Joy will transform chemicals in food and body products(and by placing a few drops in wine or a Soft Drink you can immediately taste the difference)

- and this is true for all of the Harmonic Liquid Formulas Call 715-355-8515 or visit for more info and to order!

Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease. For treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.

Page 8: In Harmony! · 2020. 2. 5. · In Harmony! February 2020 A Newsletter by Harmonics International Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance of light, sound and color that enhances

Harmonics International2042 Ryan Rd.Mosinee, WI 54455


Any 3 Harmonic

Liquids - GREAT Price!!

Inspire the magnificence within youwith Harmonic Products.

When you are in the Rainbow of Life, you bring Peace, Joy, Harmony, Creativity,

Balance, Strength, Action, Confidence, Security, Discernment, Intuition, Organization

to your world and the world around you!

“God, this is a good book!” by Rich Work All truth is truth, but not all truth is your truth!

NOW On Sale thru - February 2020 - $10.95 (reg. $16.50)There are many who will try to tell you what your truth is.

If you allow them, they will. It is for you to discern what is right for you. That is the lesson.As we awaken to our truths, teachers will come forth to see if we will listen with our heart,

our intuition, our feelings. The heart connection is the direct connection to universal knowledge.Your eyes want to believe what they see.

Your ears want to believe what they hear.Your heart can neither see, nor can it hear.

It knows. Listen with your heart. For more information on all Books, Tapes and CDs and to order, call 800-243-6156 or 715-355-8515, or

view our website for information and online ordering at