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SURF INTERNET Everyones here had a hobby. My hobby is to surf internet. For me, to surf internet is a best way to find information and discover new things and knowledge.Ladies and gemtleman, I really enjoy to surf internet because it is a way to gain more knowledge about others things such as how to keep fit.It is also a way to find information about others peoples in other countries such as traditions, costumes, languages and etc.Ladies and gentleman, We can also discover new things such as information from ancient peoples that exist before we was born.We also can improve our knowledge and gain more knowledge due to our lesson in school.Ladies and gemtelman,Where there is a pros there also had cons, because to surf internet if we careless or using it without limit it can destroy ourselves.Thank you.KINDNESSLadies and gentleman,Kindness means being generous to everyone and also be good to others peoples.Kindness is a good attitude that everyone should had.Ladies and gentleman,If we did or show our kindness to others it is good because we can make a lots of friends.We can also helps other peoples who needs helps due to their condition.My parents always advice me to be kindness to other peoples especially peoples older than us.ThaNK You

LITTLE RED RIDING HOODLong, long ago there was a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood. She lived with her grandmother in a village. One day, grandma pointed her fingers at the fruits. She told her to take the fruits home. Ill, replied the little girl.She liked to walk in the woods. On her way to her grandmas house, she met a wolf. He looked very cheerful and he asked her very gently.Where are you going little girl?Im going to see my grandma who is very sick, replied Little Red Riding Hood. There were two Paths. The wolf said, Lets each take one of these paths and see who gets to your grandmas house first.Let me take this path by the lake. You take the other path by the windmill, said the wolf.One, two, three...go shouted Little Red Riding Hood. They set of at the same time.It was the wolf who reached the house first. He knocked at the door and said, Grandma it is your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood. Let me in. Little Red Riding Hood pulled out the peg and lifted the latch.As soon as he entered the house, the wolf attacked grandma and swallowed her. The squirrels and mice watched with horror. They got into her bed.Little Red Riding Hood arrived at the house and asked to be let into the house. She heard a voice coming from the room. Pull out and lift the latch. She opened the door and went in. She was surprised to see her grandma.Grandma, you have a big ears! she said.Ill hear you better now, replied the wolf.You have got a big nose, she Said again.Ill smell you better with this big nose,, replied the wolf.And youve got big teeth! All the better to eat you with, said the wolf.The wolf leapt from his bed and in one mouthful he swallowed the little girl. The wolf went to sleep in a quiet corner.The animals waited and watched. As soon as he went to sleep, the animals tied a rope around his tail. They pulled and pulled. He was very heavy. The wolf couldnt keep his food in his stomach. He threw it out. Out came Little Red Riding Hood. Whal a trick!The animals were kind. They cut the rope loose and chased the wolf away. The wolf felt ashamed and he promised never to be greedy again.