Download - Import Export Database


To install studio open another terminal and go to following folder/enovdata/enovia/studio/ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformRichClients.AIX64/1 ./

Oracle Path/ora11g/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network

To export OOTB databaseLogin to test server using enovadm6 (Secure123) and open the terminalPATH=/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:$HOME/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:

export PATH

export ORACLE_BASE=/ora11g/app/oracle

export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1

export ORACLE_SID=PLMTEST(Give Database Name)


expdp enovadm6/enovadm6@PLMTEST VERSION= DUMPFILE=dmpdir:expDPJuly1202.dmp LOGFILE=dmpdir:ExportLogexpDPJuly1202.log

exp enovadm6@plmdev statistics=none file=exportFeb9.dmp log=feb9.log

(expdp is to export the dump across the version & exp is to take the dump in same version)

To import databaseDo the following steps to import1. Login to test server (Xbrowser) using enovadm6 and secure123 open the terminal.

1. Set the oracle home folderexport ORACLE_HOME=/ora11g/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1

1. Go to following foldercd /ora11g/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin

1. Open the SQL Plus and login with sys usersqlplusEnter user-name: sys@plmtest as sysdba (if use name is enovadm6 then password is welcome6)Enter password:plmtest

1. Drop the table spaces (data & Index)drop tablespace TBS_DATA INCLUDING CONTENTS;drop tablespace TBS_IDX INCLUDING CONTENTS;drop tablespace ENOVIAQAS INCLUDING CONTENTS;

1. Drop the userdrop user enovadm6 cascade;

1. Create an user enovadm6 with all permission including DBAcreate user enovadm6 identified by enovadm6;grant all privileges to enovadm6;Grant succeeded.commit;Commit complete.

1. To create tablespace(Data & Index)

create tablespace ENOVIA DATAFILE '/oradata/PLMTEST/enoviaqas.dbf' size 5120M autoextend on next 128M;

create tablespace ENOV_VAULT_DATA DATAFILE '/oradata/PLMTEST/tbsdata.dbf' size 5120M autoextend on next 128M;

create tablespace ENOV_VAULT_IDX DATAFILE '/oradata/PLMTEST/tbsidx01.dbf' size 5120M autoextend on next 128M;


1. map a directory with enovadm6 in sqlplus

drop directory dmpdir; (If Directory already exists)create directory dmpdir as '/data_upload;

1. Copy the dump to the above directory

1. Import the dump using the command below

impdp enovadm6/enovadm6@plmtest dumpfile=dmpdir:expdp.dmp logfile= dmpdir:TestImportLog.log remap_tablespace=ENOVIA:ENOVIA,ENOV_VAULT_DATA: ENOV_VAULT_DATA,ENOV_VAULT_IDX:ENOV_VAULT_IDX;

impdp enovadm6@plmdev dumpfile=dmpdir: expDPDump.dmp logfile=dmpdir:expdatP24march.log remap_tablespace=ENOVIA:USERS,ENOV_VAULT_DATA:USERS,ENOV_VAULT_IDX:USERS

( *******Modify the config.xml & Store Location,Tidy & Index Vault***********)