Download - iMiilll rl fli - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduOrders deceived will have Jh-omj-and Careful Attention. W. G. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. f;r,tf Draw KTehane on ti,e

Page 1: iMiilll rl fli - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduOrders deceived will have Jh-omj-and Careful Attention. W. G. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. f;r,tf Draw KTehane on ti,e


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sJnsiitfss . dccrliscmcnts

riv nr t "vrnT?To MONTHLY PAYMENTS.


Pacific Cflmmercial Advertiser !



Every 3IorniuR Except Sundays. I

BONE MEAL!!trwiorcrFire and 3Iarine Insurance Co.

C lau.i Spreclceln. We have Just received, by the steamer ALA- - --ElUplo VHlGllt OfflCCU'm. ft. Irwin.All accounts for Advertising and Job Prluttug

at the

Pacific Commercial A. ttler

The unilf rtiiucd arc now preyuicd to rcceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the t&anufactory of liuck & OhlacdtSun Francisco:

The following is a report of the couipo

Automatic Trash Foodnio rrHE undersigned has moved intot.CUllIj;, the office of Mr. J.E.Wiseman, where he

5 .'

nto.000,000:(CAPITA L..CLAUS 8PIECKf:LS & CO., will be prepared to furnish household servknts.

0111s, 00 Aus'O-vmnes- e interpreting, ana aFTaviiiu: litnl Furnaces,

For four and five foot furnaces, complete withgeneral Dusiness. j, SOYONG


Daily 1. V. Advertiser, one f;arDaily r. C. Advertihek, six niomiisDaily V. C. Auvkhtiser, thrf-- c months..Daily P. C. Advertiser, ner month

AX Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-dersigned are prepared to accept risk against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on carOj

grate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines....G O..... 3 00.... 1 f.O


or this mute are now 11. successful operaUon atSpreckelsville, Makee Company and other

neiit i".art3, as obtained by Chemical analy-sis:

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 " "Silicious Matter 4.65 " "Lime 31.70 " "Phosphoric Acid 23.11Oxide of Iron 85 "Carbonic Acid 1.89Alka Salts 52 "

Weekly P. C Advertiser, one year 5 00freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

j lAssiiH promptly aIj ttel A-- payable.BANKERS;vgn Huhscription, V P. C. A. (includingplantations.


Office will from this date be prwutil for pay-ment monthly.

Honolulu. March 2. 1SS.S.

Till ton Iron Works,HINCKLEY, SPIERS & HAYES


postagp) 6 SO i

S2-i- wtf W5I. U. laU'IN & CO.Payable Invariably in Advance Interested are requested to call and examiue theabove. For prices and mrthcr particulars ap- -


295tf AsenU. No. 110 Sutter Ht., San Francisco, Cal.

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per ctut.Orders deceived will have Jh-omj-

and Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.


Draw KTehane on ti,e principal parts of theworld.

. L. STAKLKV. JOHN SMtP A.N f.Spruance, Stanley & Co.,

Importers and Jobber. of Fine


41o front Si.. Snu I'rant-lsrtt- .

r.7 tf w

Upon arrival at San Francisco Klve your ba

E S T V. L I S II E D 17 10.

EFFECTED .UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total Hum Insured in 1SS1 - - 318,539,316

Claims arranged by the local acents. and paid


if. Eli. f..Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

look. News.

gage In charge of this Company If you desire aafeand prompt delivery.

Agents of Company meet all steamers, deliver-ing freight or baggage to all parts of the city, or

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange liiisineKs. shipped to any part of the world. As unscrunul

ous persons often represent themselves as agentsof this Company, be sure the Company you giveyour baggage in charge has Its office No. 110 Nut-ter street. 83Jf8

with promptitude and liberality. S. 1?. Taylor So Co.Agents South Coast 'np( r Mills. Pruprh lors

Pioneer ar.d G rotihijO 1'kj er MliU.Th Jurisdiction, of the Local Tribn:..;s recognized,

Flat ruiI EabcJ I'aiteni,Hinder' Hoard,Twiues, Etc.


Iif'posits beailiiR inter fit ncelved In their S:.vlugs Department subject to published rules andregulations. T7oc"tf

We have received n consignment o the mostKoonomical ai.J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, vis.: ATTOnXEY8.AT.LAM. 8TKAW PAP LIC, BOOK. MANILA, F.TC.G. VV. fvlacfarlane & Co.,Manufacturers and Dt akrs,CLAUS OPUKCKSI.S M. i. ;riis. lOdiwtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. CXABEXCK W.

ASHFORD.l and 410 Clay street, Sun f'ranrtscu, CalVOLKKY V


It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk andButter producer In use.


203 EeideiIorn Street.Q Ashford A. Ahlord,A.. I. HALL & SONATTORNEY'S, COUNSELLORS, BOLICITORH,


X It. --Special Attention urtveu



WM. G. IKWIN & Co.,SKiAlt FACTORS aail Conuuissiou

Honolulu H. I. l

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,Importer nnl M'holeMnle Denier i

Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-ing and Fancy Ooods. No. 11 Kaahumanu .strei-t- .

Honolulu, H. I. i:Stf-w- tf

Commission rcrclinnts,the TostHale, adjoiningOffice HonoluluOffice.

Od Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nilritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 &H. ol this meal is equal to 300 lbs. of oats,or iim ffs. of corn, or to 767 Es. of wheat bran.

267ddlwtfLarge contract. 63 thfcw NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY.

A. ROSA,AT LAW AND NOTARYATTORNEY with the Attorney General, Alii

olani Hale, Honolulu, II. I. 67 mr20 12 tf

An Engagement with Sir. Lincolii ThatBlight Have Saved Ills Life.

Long Brant Cor. Philadelphia Timer."Had President Lincoln kept an en-

gagement he made with me he mightperhaps be living still," said Mr. han-tlal- l,

of New York, formerly of St. Louis,the other evening. Mr. Kandall is thofather of Mrs. Garrison, and tho con-versation took place on the piazza of herresidence here. When urged to tell thestory of how this could be, ho mentionedthat during the latter part of the winterof 18G5 he, knowing the state ofaffairs in tho part of Missouri withinthe rebel lines and in tho adjacentstates, where Kirby Smith, with 20,000men, was only hold in check and keptfrom making raids by CO, 000 men of thoUnion army, and, being aware thatKirby Smith and his men having hadno pay or clothing; issued to them forsix months, weie greatly dissatisfiedwith Jeff Davis and tho Confederategovernment and iere maddened by theknowledge of the necessities of theirwives, children, mothers, and sisters,who were actually barefooted as well a3otherwise scantily clothed, thought thathe would try by peaceable means to ridthat part of tha country of Smith andhis men and prevent their making anymore raids. 1 his he sought to do bygetting permission for Union men to buytheir cottou, which ho knew was packedready for sale, and permitting the desti-tute southerners to buy the necessities oflife in return.

He opened negotiations with PresidentLincoln at Washington through "Dick"Yates, who at one time was governor ofIllinois, and represented to him thowise policy of adopting the plan he pro-posed, for he said there wee no otherConfederates in arms in that part of thexountry, and he felt convinced the planhe urged would effectually dispose ofSmith and his men, and that money tobuy the necessaries of life procured bythe sale of cotton and the opportunitygiven to purchase such supplies would, hethought, convert some of them into goodI nion men, while it would induce all tocease raiding. "And if you do not buy

. their cotton, "Mr. Kandall pleaded "they

lor Sale in Lots to Suit.oui Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

$10,000,000HA JiT.A I. Dunham. Carricran & Co.AlsoH. HACKFELD & CO.,

G E3i KitA I, (OJIJIISSIOX AOEXTS.T 11 If Queen St., Honolulu, H.I.

FNLIM ITKP LI A 11 1 LIT Y HARD WARE,our usual supply of the b?st kinds of

liny, Oats, Wheat, Corii. Etc., Etc. ION AND STEEL MERCHANTS


San Francisco, Insurnnce 01 all description

. will be effected at Moderate Kates of Premlum, bv the undersigned.

WM. O. IUWIN & CO.Managers for Haw. Islands

Queen fc Edinburgh Streets,WHOLESALE KKTAIL

Dealers hi

HAY AX1) GRAIX,Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

CECTL BROWN, ATTORNKY-AT-LA- ANDPublic, Campbell's Block, Merchant




The Ii isdo 11

Iron & Locomotive WorksJ" Island Orders Solicited.C. O. BERGER,OKNKKAL ASKN'CY


Assets Jf;0,000,00i)

Corner of lieule and Howard .Streets,SAX FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 91. f And Solicitor In Chancery. -o- meer-CampbeH's

Block, second story, rooms 8 and 9. Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu, II. I. " 405 tf

Demiiii: Palmer Milling Co.,OF THE CAPITOL MILLSPROPRIETORS 201 Davis street, San Francisco

Manufacturers of and DfuJci In Flour, Grains oall kinds. Oatmeal, iirau, M Idtllli n, CorntnealGround and Rolled Barley, Cracked WheatCracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, till Cake MealHominy, Etc., Etc t9i-w,'i- .i y

KXjIN K & CO.,Importers of

HATS and CAPS.Nos. 26 and 2i Uatiery Street, S. E. Cor. of Pine.


V II. TAYLOR-.- ..JOS. MOO UK......

ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Importers A' Commission MereliantH.

Honolulu, H. I. 14-- tf

W3L McCANDLESS,So. G Queen Street,

Fish Market. Dealer fif choicest BEEFi'VEALMUTTON, FISH, etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnot:ce, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 102 tf


rnnLbSALE ikai,es and ukxeral Jobbers in W1NK. and LIQIOKS.

So. 12 Kaatiiimanii Street,HONOLULU. . 19-- tf




SURANCE CO. Fiue axd Mabixe. PLANING MILL......520,000,000Combined Capital




Real Estate In any part of the KlnjoBought, Sold aud Incased on Commission

Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn

XO. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 10-t- f


Assets - , 500,000

M. S. Grinbaum & COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY,Co.,Fire and Makixe.

C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.

Contractiiig& Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hani and Soft Stovewood, Cutand Split.

21-- tf

Capital ...f 200,000

H. II. KLt.lh. J. W. MILL ICR.

ELLIS & MILLEKWholesale and CommlsMlon Dealers In

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPEAR STREET,

Between Market and Mission, SAN FRANCISCOCiT Orders Solicited. t23dc.-2iM-

Wliittier, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of


pUILDKRS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN1) all its branches; Steamboat, Steamship,Lund Engines and Boilers, Ilhjh Pressure orCompound.STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barffes and Steam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be employed, speed, ton-nage and draft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR TRILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- MA-CHINERY' made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiier or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked-fo- shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work andWater lipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tohand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship aud Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- che Coast of the Heine Safety Koiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation orCity Worts' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block.

"V. 4 '


. . ?


f 1




1 .

) .v

1 ;

f i




if.;:.)I 'J--

4 h -

n J








? --A


SJF E S!audFire


oiieril Mcrrlutitaiso null Com inMore tin ut, Honolulu, II. I.

No. 12t California street, San Francisco, Cal.101-jyl-- ly

J. 31. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

Proof, Rurglar Proof,Burglar Proof.



WENNEIl & CO.93 Fort Street.

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

IWatckcs, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate,Elegrant Solid Silver Tea Set.

Suitable for Presentation.ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY

A Specialty.

Repairing In all lt branches.Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

Eastman'sRoyal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smith & Co.

Sample bottle free.

C. O. BEEGER,10 0my29 HONOLULU. 11. I.

27 Meriliant St. Honolulu. II. I.6 t

fAgent for Hawaiian Islands22(!se30-l- y


Manufacturing Jeweler,

will burn it as soon as they see Federaltroops approaching to seize it. It isready alike for sale or for tho torch."He went to see President Lincoln finallyhimself, and succeeded in convincinghim of the wisdom of tho proposed planand secured the necessary permit tostock a boat with supplies and to sendit and purchasers of cotton to properpoints on tho Mississippi, whenconegotiations mHht be opened for thepurehase of cotton so much needed , inNorthern factories and for tho sale offood and clothing to the starving,ragged Confederates.

All seemed likely to go well, the boatwas duly fitted up and stocked at greatexpense and started on her trip, but un-fortunate delays were made by thenaval officers commanding our squadronon the Mississippi and by army officersguarding posts on land, and the vesselwas not allowed to proceed. Finally,after many attempts to set mattersright. Mr. Kandall determined to go toWashington again, see Mr. Lincoln,Stanton, and Welles, and send tho boat,which had already cost a large sum, toits destination. President Lincoln firstmade an appointment to see Mr. Kandallat the White House on Friday evening,April 14, 1865, and the latter was aboutto take a train from New York,whither he had gone, to Washington, tokeep tho engagement, when he receiveda telegram saying that tho presidentpreferred to postpone the conversationuntil Saturday evening, because howished to have time, when it took place,to talk at length with Mr. Kandall, andon Friday ho wished togoandseo LauraKeene in "Our American Cousin."

So Mr. Randall started from XewYork Friday night to keep the engage-ment for Saturday evening, and onreaching Baltimore next morning wasamazed to find his train under arrest,the order having been issued to allowno trains to leave tho city in any direc-tion, and was appalled to learn that tho


21-2- 3 Front St., : x San ic'ranrliro.4Jl-d2!l--

American Exchange Hold,

SanMiuc Street,Opposite Wells, Fargo it Co.'s Exptess, 0110 dooi

from Bank of California.


This Hotel Is In the very center ol the hunlncHSportion of the city, and has been renovated andnewly furnished throughout. But one b'ock fromthe Oregon steamship Company's ofilce. Thetraveling public will find this to be the mostcon-venien- t,

as well as th most comfortable and re-spectable Hotel In the city.

Board and Itooru, $1 and $1 23 per dayHot and cold baths free. None but the most ob-

liging white labor employed.



THY IT. 68 tfXo. 60 Xunaun Street.


Kennedy and Martin Magazine Killos. Reming-ton, Sharps and Ballard Sportirig Riiies. Agentsfor . W. Greener. Colt, Parker and RemingtonRrecch-loadin- sj Double (Jims. C(t and Smith AWesson Pistols. N.CURRY fc BRO., 113 San-som- e

street, San Francisco, Cal. :sfl-l- y


Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 If



Metropolitan MarketfOpposlte Wildf r Co.'s


I300IC BINDER,Paper Ruler and Blank Cook

Man niacin rer.General Commission MerchanttJ EEP.ETANIA STREET. AT PRESENT

1 tm i occupied by A. Ehlers. Possession givenMay 1st. Inquire on premises or of

1 10 tf L. WAY, street, in rear. 350decl Proprietors.KIXCl STREET,binding of all descriptions neatly and

promptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu

Sales of Furniture. Stock, Real EstateGeneral Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole Acent for

Awrta & European Merchandise.191-t- f

Q. J. WALLER, PROPRIETORGazette Building,MERCHANT STHEET. Prize Sliootiiiir 3rateli!tf




CLAY, Etc.211-21- 3 DRUMMStreft, h t. Cly and Washington,

J. C, J0IIXS0X & CO.,I'i:X TO A I.I. MIETITOK.H. Choicest Meats from Finest Ilerti.cause of this was the assassination of j LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY


Notice to the Ladies.San Francisco, Cal.12 and H Pine street.


EE. JF. Molte, Propr.OI'KS FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M



CJi p ii x's; and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy II PES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, ar.d a Large Varlety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elr-ean- t

BS8S5WJ58 I CO, SULIASO IAIISon the Premises.

The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire aLI X( II. A SMOKE, OR A CJAME OF


Atrent fur Kirby's Santa Cruz TannerleM.IIan;es and all other kinds of leather.

15ilseS ly

President Lincoln m Washington thoprevious night.

The Antelope of New Mex-ro-


Even in his most graceful movementsthere is something of gross materialityabout the deer, from which his brightcousin of tho plains is entire' free.Whether, in clear outline against ih--

Families and shipping supplied on SHORT

To take place at the Fort-stre- et Shooting Gal-lery, now buiiiling npar the Pantheon Stables.

The following prizes will be given :

First Prize. For highest score, a bronze plantexbust of Kuiakana.

Srcond Prize. F..r next highest score, a Kame-hnnivh- a

st-t- ue, three feet high, carv-- d from Ua-wa- ii

wood.Thi.d Prize. For the third best score a plaster

bust of the lat Queen Emma.Fourth Prize. For the lowest score, a phi-ite- r

jI. GOTO,NOTICE and at thei'.ijMician iiik! he stands on a distant swell watci

ing you, or like a stilted ghost looms j

afar throncrh the mirasre of tho Iicafea ...i... i;iice. Maunkand skia disease a spec- -

ea street, in the residence

P. O. Box 2J32. SAN FP.ANCI.-C- O.52s-ra-,- 7

a. 31. Josselyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers In

Ship Chandlery,39 and 40 Market St., Han I'raiicTweo.Agents for Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufacture

log Company. 628fe2)-l- y


YOLO MILLS,NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, ?JAN

FRANCISCO, Cal.Telephone No. 553.

Ilinz A Plaeninnn,Manufacturers t E.ttr.t Family, Graham, RyBuckwheat and Rice Fi ur; Rye, 0 t. Corn andl'eed Corn Meal: Sao. Tapioca, rarlna, Bnck-- w

heat Groats, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Barey. Ground Feed, etc., etc.Dealers In Grain and Feed of all k tndi. Grinding

done to order. 113 ang2d ly

statue of Kamehameha.The prizes are on exhibition at the shop of F. N.

j Otrem! a. No. 130 Fort street, nest door to Lane's; marble shop, where competitors can r irwter tiu ir


The Louvre of Brussels,Fort street, next door to Mr. Spreckels A

Co.'s Bank, hai Just received anelegant assortment of

(1 entlemeu's FurnishingsIn the latest style; also n quantity of

Ladies' Goods,In silk, French flowers and Austrian feathers,

embroideries, linen and Spanish laces,trimmed hats,

ifoYS- - AND YOUTHS' SUITS,And a larsje assortment of other goods too nu

Lowest Market Prices.nlain far OUt Of shot, Circ i.'S around frmerly occupied by Dr. Fitch. Honolulu, ui, , , hours. 1 to 5 p.m. Sundays. S to 12 a. m. N. B.ith eel, t .io ..n- -you with legs hlmy 1,,irtil,, on the ot;ier i?iIa,;(!S , an ociMiit t v m2;S OCt-- 'J SOter.

Iale kt I'ublislietlMiootiiijf to beIlereufter.LEVI STHAUSS & CO.,

It and 1; Pattery street, San Francisco, Cal.

telope is all spirituelle. ;mJ fr-.-iu- likea being from another Sv'-ero-

, l orn onlyto vanquish space. The deer loves thet rovrded woods and cramped up hills ;

but the antelope is haDpy only on theboundless open. When troubles arisethe deer steers for the haven of brush ;

but the antelope steers for the open seaof the plain. To the antelope the deer'sswiftest pace 13 only plsjy, and a runthat may be death to a fat deer is onlya pleasure stroll for this gayjover.

(Jne 'Sihting" shot and live "Score" shots willbe allowed each competitor.

Professional shots will be handicapped and puton par with amateurs.

Mr. T. H. Bohme will canvass for competitors'names, and is authorized to receive fees andmonies on my account.

mchS-lt- f F. N. OTREMBA, Manager.

All meats delivered from this market are thorougly chilled Immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all Its Julcv properties,and U GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELTVERV THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. H3-t- f

merous to mention.t7"Ca!l early and examine.

Clxas. Xicliiels.Hon0lu'u, March 11, IS5C. j lOTsepll

Importers of Foreign and Domestic Drygoods,Hosierv, Ladies and Gent's Furnishing Goods.

Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of theeele-harte- d


H. J. X0LTE.26-t- f


'i , r:.

i y 1

Page 2: iMiilll rl fli - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduOrders deceived will have Jh-omj-and Careful Attention. W. G. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. f;r,tf Draw KTehane on ti,e

pacific Commercial Advertiser, April 10, issg.KM

THE DAILY lie, which policy If pursued, would deliverover to a foreign power several islands in .mismunts.

o) 0J h M GREATClearance Sale of Furniture!

On account of removal,

C. E. WILLIAMSWill sell Furniture and Upholstered Goods at COST for CASH during the re-

mainder of this month.


II. B. M.'s S. Satellite.H. B. M.'s S. Satellite arrived in port

yesterday morning about 10 o'clock,thirty-si- x days from Coquimbo. TheSatellite was here the latter end of lastyear, arriving on September 25th fromEsquimault, B. C. On the 10th of Oc-

tober she left for Hilo, at which port anumber of the officers went ashore andvisited the volcano. She left Hilo onthe loth and touched at WashingtonIsland on the 23d. Left the same dayfor Fanning's Island, arriving there onthe 24th. Was at Jarvis Island 25th to27th, Maiden Island 30th, and Starbuckthe 31st. November 2d was at Pen-rhyn- n,

and from the 9th to the 21st atTahiti. Called at Raratonga, remainingbut a few hours, on the 27th. On the18th of December touched at PitcairnIsland, remaining till next day. Sailedthence for Coquimbo, on the coast ofChili, S. A., arriving o i the 17th of Janu-ary. After refitting, went for a cruise ofthe British fleet on the coast of SouthAmerica, to Caldera and back. March10th,J left Coquimbo for Honolulu, theHeroine also leaving for the same port.On the 13th observed the Heroine at sea ;

lost sight of her on Sunday at noon.Had a fair passage, with strong north-east winds.

The following is the list of her officers :

Captain Arthur II. Alington.Senior Lieutenant Francis C. Jones.Lieutenant Francis C. M. Noel.Lieutenant William I. V. Hudson.Navigating Lieutenant H. W. Saville.Staff Surgeon John Lyon, M. D.Paymaster Charles Topping.Chief Engineer John Swanson.Chaplain and Naval Instructor Rev.

J. E. S. Mason, B. A.Sub-Lieutena- nts Charles M. Masters,

Fred. D. G. Browne and Bertram M.Chambers.

Assistant Paymaster Graham

TEMPLE 0161 and 63

We are pleased to announce the Rrrlval of ourLaces, Ribbons. Clothing and Gent-s- ' FurnishingAND UNRIVALED

In all our

Fort Street.:o:--

immense Invoice of Dry OimmIs. Fancy d.Goods, and are now offering UNI KKl'El'KNTKD


Ladles', Men's, Misses' and ChildrenV SHOE, which

LETTING DOWN THE PRICK.'Just received, 100 pes of Very tine Victoria I.awn, at f 2 a pee.

Just received, a very large assortment ot new Spring styles in Lawn, 4-- Batiste, Satcena, plainfigured and brocades. White Pique, and a full line of Dress Goods, the latest out. LACE BOl CLE.Ladles Tricot Cloth in all the new shades.

40 doz Ladles' Llsltt Thread Hose, at 40c, the best value ever offered,

CLOTHING DEPARTMENT.Just received, all the latest styles in

Boys' and Children's Suits.GREAT BARGAIN Boy's Blue Flannel SAILOR SUITS at 2 50 a suit.Jnst received from Eastern Manufacturers,

we offer at




Win. G. Irwiii & Go



In Barrels,Half BarrrU,

And Boxes.

CUBEIu Half Barrel-- .

And Boxes.


GOLDEN C. tCOFFEE,-- InHalf Barrels

And Boxes.







Salmon.CASES t. TINS.




Flour.FAMILY Cln quarter sacks),

BAKER'S EXTRA (tv half sacks),

Cases .Medium Bread.

Lime and Cement.



Reed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.

is A TENTH, (suitable for camp-ing and surveyiug parties.)

113 i



General Business Offices



P. O. BOX 315. TELEPHONE 172

(Established 1879.)

The following various branches of business willenable the public on the Islands and from abroadto gain general information on all matters in thefollowing departments:

Real Estate DepartmentBuys and sells Real Estate in all parts of tbe

Kingdom.Values Real Estate and Property in city and

suburbs.Rents and leases Houses, Cottages, Rooms and

Lands.Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repalriug and

Collecting of Rentals.Draws legal papers of every nature Searches

Titles, Records. Etc.

Employment DepartmentFinds Employment in all branches of industry

connected with the Islands.

General Business MattersKeep Books and Accounts, collect Bills, loans

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire and Life Insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

with the Islands coming from abroad fullyanswered.

Custom House Broker.Merchants will hnd this Department a special

benefit to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney aud delivering thesame at a small commission.

Soliciting: Agent for the "MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCL COMPANY OF NEW YORK,"the largest, grandest and soundest InsuranceCompany in the world.

AGENT for the

"4reat Burlinirtou Hallway Route,'In America. Travelers Journeying by rail InAmerica will find this route the most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN PALACESLEEPING CARS and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and fare no route can excel this.

AGENT for the

Hawailu Opera House.Managers ot Hrst-clas- s companies abroad will

address me for terms, etc.

Popular Millinery House,

104 Fort Street

wmcn 2evr Zealand as well as the otherAustralasian Colonies had a valuable trading interest; (c) by the delays that haataken place in determining the control ofcertain foreign agents by timely representations to their respective oovernments.

We thus have the New Zealand Gov-

ernment reviewing Imperial policy, anddelining to be made a mere convenienceof by any public man in England who,through the accident of politics or birth,might happen to be for the time at thehead of the Foreign or Colonial Office.This is an attitude of strength and self-respe- ct

which will not be misunderstoodby Downing street. It undoubtedlymust lead to considerable modificationof British Imperial policy in the Pacific,and indirectly also may help to strengthenthe claim of Hawaii to the leadership ofa Polynesian Confederation.


Among the suggestions one hears onthe streets is the necessity for more carein the work of city scavenging. Thework certainly might be better done thanit is. For example, the dump cart em-ployed along the line of King street yes-terday might be described as a dustmill. Ten per cent at least of all thedry dust shovelled up and pitched to-

wards the cart was carried away by thewind, to the discomfort of passers-b- y andinjury to property of various kinds. Asprinkling of water before shovellingwould go far to abate this perambulatingnuisance. Culd it not be arranged tohave Dodd's watering carts precede thedump carts, and thus reduce somewhatthe volume of dry material to bemoved. If this is not feasible, someother plan might be devised for the pur-pose. During the high . trade winds nowprevalent the advantage of street clean-ing as now practiced seems to be exceed-ingly problematical.

It is suggested that instead of import-ing all the provender for horses andother draft stock from the Coast, a greatdeal of it might be raised on this islandand other islands of the group. Soil andclimate are favorable, and only the willto do appears to be wanting. Of coursethere are many who allege that it is im-possible to raise our own fodder supplies,but wherever the experiment has beentried, with water available, it has suc-ceeded. At least enough hay and greenfeed should be raised for dairy stock.

Signor Campobello and his accomplished company of artists may be ex-

pected on Saturday or Sunday next, andit is suggested that the lovers of inno-cent amusement in this city shouldcome out in force and make their firstnight a great success. Nothing putssuch a damper upon professional talentas to have a coldly critical reception attheir opening performance. A littlegenerous applause and warmth goes along way towards bringing out the verybest points either of an actor or asinger.

It is suggested that the author of thearticle on "misappropriations" in lastevening's paper, should try and understand his subject before he begins towrite upon it. Lack of veneration is notthe only qualification needed for reviewing the financial policy of the Kingdom,but it is the only one put forward in thearticle in question. How could there be"misappropriation" of public funds byLegislative enactment? Some of theappropriations may have been superfluous ; others may have been niggardlywhere they should have been liberal;but in neither case could there havebeen "misappropriation."

It was suggested by the Advertiserseveral months ago that the staff of attendants at the Lunatic Asylum shouldinclude female nurses. This suggestionis again renewed. It would doubtlessincrease the expense of management,but the necessity of the case does notadmit of much discussion on the pointof expenditure. There appears to bevery little interest taken in the unfortunate inmates of the Lunatic Asylum bycharitably disposed people, presumablyon the supposition that public institutions should be left exclusively to Government supervision. This is a mistake.Valuable suggestions often come fromcasual visitors to public institutions inother countries, and there is no reasonwhy it should not happen here also.

It is suggested that local cricketersshould get up a series of matches withthe officers and men of the British warships known to be coming here, one ofwhich indeed is already in harbor. TheBaseball League Clubs occupy the Ma-ki-ki

recreation ground on Saturdays during the season, but a series of cricketmatches might be arranged for on offdays. It would doubtless be an agreeable way of entertaining our visitorsduring their stay at Honolulu.

It is suggested that in revising the taxlaws during the coming session careshould be taken to make the burdenpress as equally as possible upon allclasses and interests. Production, in itsvarious forms, now bears almost the entire burden of national taxation. Let theunearned increment of capital as it were,bear its Quota. Why should industry betaxed and usury pass scot free ?

Technical education is coming to thefront in all progressive countries. Thissubiect has not been lost sight of by the-

Hawaiian Government, a beginning having been made at Lahainalula, Maui, under the direction of the President of theBoard of Education, with promising results. That an appropriation to found

a a

and equip a technical school will beasked for during the coming session isprobable, and if the money be voted, itis suggested that the school be established at Honolulu, where greater facili-ties exist for carrying it out successfullythan at any other point on the Islands.

Pacific Commercial Advertiser





Feracsnzn JO 00Blx moatbs 3 00

Per montb............ 60c

098abcrlptlons Payable Always InAdvance.

CoshudoIc&Uods from all parts of the Kingdomwill always be very acceptable.

Persons residing In any part of the United humcan remit toe amount of subscription due by PostOffice money order.

Matter intended for publication in the editorialcolumns should be addressed to

E&rroa Pacotc Commjcrcial AdvertiserEasiness communications and advertisements

should be addressed simplyP. C. AOVKBTISKB,"

And not to individuals.

THEPacific Commercial Advertiser

Is now for sale daily at the Following Places :

J. M. OAT & CO Merchant streetCRYSTAL SODA WORKS Hotel streetN. F. BUKOE8S .Klng streetWOLF Sl ED WA RDM. ..Cor King and Nuuanu stsO. J. MCCARTHY- - Hotel street

Five Cents per Copy.

FRIDAY April 16th


During the short tenure of power byloru aausDury, an arrangement wascome to with the French Governmentwhich may have a much wider range ofinfluence upon British Imperial policythan the apparent importance of thetransaction would suggest. In consideration of France relinquishing certaintreaty rights as to the fishing on theNewfoundland coast, which were oftrifling money value, but exceedinglydistasteful and annoying to colonial fish-

ermen, England agreed to withdraw itsjoint guarantee of the independence ofHaiatea, an outlying island of the So-

ciety group, and permit France to annexit. The transaction was altogether fa-

vorable to France, but it ignored theguaranteed rights of the natives ofllaiatea.

This transaction has caused a gooddeal of irritation in the Australian Colo-

nies, more especially as it has been fol --

lowed by a proposition to give Colonialassent to a provisional agreement en-

tered into by Lord Derby, w hile Secretaryof State for the Colonies under Mr. Glad-stone's previous Administration, for amuch larger scheme of partition.France is to be permitted to an-

nex the New Hebrides group ona promise not to make any islandof that archipelago a penal colony;while the Colonies, which want the Isl-

and of Rapa for a coaling station in thePacific, when the Panama canal hasbeen constructed, are not to" be gratifiedupon that point. As a matter of factRapa was used as a coaling station bythe Australian and New Zealand line ofmail steamers, sailing from Sydney andWellington to Panama, before the Frenchoccupation. This line having been suspended and the San Francisco route, via 1

Honolulu, having been established, theFrench were left in quiet possession andtheir right cannot well be questioned atthis date.

The Colonial Governments will notgive their assent to this scheme, andthey have gone a great deal further andflatly refused to contribute to the ex-

pense of the Imperial navy in Austra-lian and New Zealand waters, whichAdmiral Tryon was commissioned to ar-

range for. Victoria, New South Walesand New Zealand are positive and out-

spoken. In the general plan of com-

bined defense as outlined by the. Ad-

miral, New Zealand was to be the base ofdefense for the Australian Continentfrom anv enemy approaching from theWest, and therefore as this was theciuarter from which, most danger wasto be aprrvihended, New Zealandshould be the great naval rendevousThe Colonies were to pay the cost of theImperial fleet, also for the constructionof vessels to be built at the discretion of

the Lords of the Admiralty for thatstation, and in the event of war were toplace their own armed vessels and tor-

pedo boats absolutely at the disposal ofthe Admiral commanding. .Furthermore, the Colonies were to engage to payfor the destruction of all property at undefended points, which might be liableto fall into the hands of an enemy in theevent oe war. This involved a veryheavy expenditure without control bythe Colonial Governments, but it isprobable that they would have consentedto a modification of the plan if it hadnot been for the general surrender bythe Home Government to France of allthe points in the annexation game in theWestern Pacific. New Zealand hasformulated its objections in this way :

(1.) That the commercial interests ofEngland herself entered much more large- -

into the question than the Admiral allowed to appear; that the concern ofNew Zealand has been mucn moumea Dy

the colonial policy of the British Govern-ment in several particulars (a) by with-holding the Royal assent from Sir Ci.

Grey's bill of 182, which provided for per-mission to annex any island of the Pacificwhose people might wish to be annexed toNew Zealand; (b) by the policy of theGovernment of Great Britain, in respect tocertain islands of the Navigator Group,and by overtures since made for the cessionQl the New Hebrides to the French Repub-- ,

N. S. SACHS, Proprietor.:o:

In onler to make room for our immense stock of

Summer Millinery GoodsTo arrive er next steamer, we are now offering the entire stock now on

hand of



"3 1

Absolutely Pure.This powder never varie s. A marvel or punty.

Strength and vholesomeness. More economicalthan the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com-petiti- oi

with, tho multitude of la-te- st, shortweight, alum or phofphate powders. Sold ONLY IScans. Royal Bakim Powdol Co.. 108 WaU-e&- J

K. Y.9d-w-if

Assignee's Sale.Y ORDER OF F. H. OEM NO, ESQ,. AsB signee of the estate of

Meller & Halbe,We will sell at Public Auction

On Friday, April 10th,At 10 o'clock A. M., on the premises,


the entire Stock and Fixtures, consisting of

Marble Top Tables,Show Cases,Chandeliers,Vienna Chairs,Crockery,Plattrd Ware,Assorted Candies,Preserves,Candy Boxes,Ice Cream Cans and Tubs,Counter Scnles,One Kevolvlng Bake Oven,Hefrlgerators,Candy Machine, Etc., Etc.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,apH-t- d Auctioneers,

Third Annual


Hawaiian Jockey Club,


Kapiolani Park"IN

June 11 and 12, 1886.

FIRST DAY, JUNE 11, 1886.


Running race, half mile dash, open to all.

1 KAPIOLANI i'AUK PLATE.Running race, dash, open to all horses bred

in the Kingdom that have never run at anymeeting of this Association.

3 KIXU'S PLATE.Trotting and pacing, mile heats, best two in three:

free for all horses not having a record of threeminutes or better; to be owned and driven bymembers of the Jockey Club.

4 HAWAIIAN JOCKEY CLUB CUP.Running race, a sweepstake of $50 added ; cup to

be won by the same person twice, the secondwinuingto tre at any future Annual Meeting ;one mile dash, open to ail three-yea- r olds;sealed nominations, inclosing a fee of $10, to besent to the Secretary of the Hawaiian JockeyClub on or before 2 p. m. on the4th day of June.Final acceptances as to the balance of sweep-stakes on or before 2 p. m. on the 10th of June.Second trial Cup run for last year.

5 OCEANIC PLATE.Running race, one mile dash, free for all Ha-

waiian bred horses. Maidens allowed fivepounds.


Running race, a sweepstake of $25 added, three-quart- er

mile dash, open to all two-year-o- ld Ha-waiian bred horses. Cup to be won by horsebeating the two-ye- ar old record, 1:21.

7 KAMEIIAMEHA PLATE.Running race, one and one-ha- lf mile dash, open

to all.8 PONY RACE.

Running race, mile dash, open to all ponies of 14hands or under.


Running race, three-quarte- r mile dash, free forall.

2 LUNAMAKAAINANA PLATE.Trotting and pacing, mile heats, best two in three;

open to all Hawaiian bred horses.

3 ROSITA CHALLENGE CUP added.Running race, mile dash, free for all; winner to

beat the record of Rosita, l:47'4. Cup to be runfor annually and to be held by the winner untilhis time is beaten at a regular meeting of theAssociation. -

4 THE QUEEN'S PLATE.Running race, mile, free for all Hawaiian

bred horses.

5 THE HAWAIIAN PLATE.Trotting and pacing, mile heats, best two in three;

all horses having a record of 2:30 or better to goto wagon.


Running race, a sweepstake of .50 added, one anda quarter mile dash; free for all three-yea- r oldsowned by members of the club. The cup to berun for annually.

C. 0. BERGER,Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Clnb.


-- IN-



-- :o:-

-- OF-


EISHEL,Honolulu, II. I.

Gunner George W. Spry.Boatswain Richard Cumner.Carpenter John E. S. Brown.Midshipmen George A. Kirk and Geo.

E . B. Hand.


Thursday, April 15th.Ah Pung was brought up on remand,

charged with affray. He pleaded notguilty, while the woman he had thefight with had pleaded guilty the otherday and was fined $5. After hearing theevidence His Honor found Ah Pungguilty and fined him $15, with $1 50costs.

Ah Ho was charged with violating ex-

press rule No. 1, by not having hislamps properly numbered, and was fined$5. Costs, $1 10.

John Smith forfeited bail of $6 fordrunkenness.


G. W. C. Jones, executor, vs. EdwinJones, assumpsit for $G5. The Hon. W.C. Parke stated that the bill was correct.The amount was paid out on account ofdefendant. The plaintiff is the duly ap-pointed executor of the will of the lateGeorge Pracht, who died in 1884. HisHonor gave judgment for plaintiff for theamount claimed, with $0 50, attorney'scommission, and $3 95 costs.

M. W. McChesney & Co. vs. W. L.Wilcox, assumpsit for $44 24. Judg-ment for plaintiff for the amountclaimed, with $3 CO costs.

Suit for TrespassThe civil suit of Ah Choy vs. J H.

Soper, Marshal of the Kingdom, wascommenced in the Supreme Court yes-

terday before Mr. Justice McCully. InNovember last the Marshal, with a num-ber of officers, took a search warrant andmade a raid on the Tong Hong Society'shouse on Beretania street. Ah Choyhas a private room there, and it was en-

tered. He also claims he was assaulted,and brings the action for trespass, claim-ing damages to the amount of $1,000.

The following jury wa3 sworn : W. C.Wilder, W. F. Allen, N. S. Sachs, A.Young, Jr., E. C. Rowe, L. Way, T. M.Starkey, Geo. W. McLean, G. Brown, C.M. Cooke, T. G. Thrum and R. Stirling.Messrs. Kinney & Peterson appear forthe plaintiff and Hon. S. B. Dole for de-

fendant. The case will be resumtl at 10o'clock this morning.

Tbe L.ate Mr. L I. Rice.The funeral of the late Mr. L. L. Rice,

father of Mrs. J. M. Whitney, who diedon Wednesday, took place yesterdaymorning at the residence of Dr.Whitney,Punahou. The services were conductedby the Revs. J. A. Cruzan and C. M.Hyde. The attendance of friends wasquite large. The remains were interredin the Nuuanu Valley Cemetery.

The deceased was bom in Otsegocounty, New York, in 1801. He went toNew York city when quite a young manand learnt thoroughly the printing busi-ness. In 1S30 he removed to the Stateof Ohio, and a few years later edited andpublished a paper at Cleveland. In 1848he was editor of a paper at Columbus inthe same State, and for some time Stateprinter. He removed to Oberlin in 1875and four years later came to Honolulu,where he has since resided with hisdaughter, Mrs. J. M.Whitney.

Scaffolding Gives Way.On Wednesday afternoon the scaffold

ing inside the new Station House gaveway, and Mr. Fred Harrison, the contractor, and a Portuguese, who were atwork on it at the time, were precipitatedto the ground. The Portuguese had hisface rather badly cut, while Mr. Hani-so- n

escaped with a few bruises.

Royal Visit to Kan Francio.Her Majesty Queen Kapiolani will

leave for San Francisco by the OceanicCompany's Royal Mail steamer Maripoi aon May 8th, to be absent two or throsmonths. Her Majesty will be attendedby Mrs. Curtis P. Iaukea and Mrs.Swan.

OPENINGS DAYSFrench Pattern Bonnets, New Straw Goods, Ribbons,

Trimmings, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments,Frames. Etc., Etc.,


March 27th, 39 th and 30th.

Horsemen and Others !


CHAS. J.Corner Fort and Hotel streets


P-ei- The eleventhK manufactured-- p"v'f some1

key saddles,dom, and which

have Skeleton and "English Jockey Saddles,thing to fit out a s Htable. I haveam now bettor pit-pare- than evi-r- , as I havencicm mis r.ingciim. ray jrooa.s win m- -

other lHlands nromutlv attended to.4


Proprietor CornerMUTUAL TELEPHONE 299.

of June is at hand, aud I have, thereforeof the finest single-strappe- d harness withsomething never attempted before in this King

all good horsemen know the value of I l7iHoods and Sheets of all kinds, and brlrv

always manufactured the best harness aidthe best net of workmen I ever ha 1

mmh ai moueiare priceH. Orders

DEPARTMENTS.Real Estate Broker.

Custom Iloase Broker.Money Broker.

Fire antl Life Iuatiranee Atfeut.Km ploy men t Ageul,

Kail road A ice nt andCieneral Business Agent


J. . WISEMAN,?4- - myG-8- 6 HONOLULU, H. I.

from tLe


Harness Store,


taxis' rtf-x-

Page 3: iMiilll rl fli - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduOrders deceived will have Jh-omj-and Careful Attention. W. G. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. f;r,tf Draw KTehane on ti,e

iff t





Supreme Court-Ap- ril Term.MR. JUSTICE mYVLLY PRESIDING.

Thlksday, April loth.Ah Choy vs. J. II. Sopor, action for

trespass. Tried before a foreign jury.Still on triil. Kinney & Peterson forplaintiff, S. B. Dole tor defendant.

AT CHAMiJUKS KEFOKE PRESTON, J.In re of W. II. Aldrich, for




Of elementsTh grosser feeds the purer; earth the sea;Earth and the sea feed air. Milton.

'Tis not yet too late.Seize wisdom ere 'tis torment to be wie;That is, seize wisdom ere she seizes thee.

Younj.But life's way is the wind's way, all these

thingsAre but brief voices breathed on shifting

strings. Light of Asia."Hold the trinket near thine eye,And it circles earth and sky;Place it further, and behold !

But a fiber's breadth of gold.S T E A M


The Drivers of the Company will notifySEVEN DAYS prior to calling for Clothes.

;AT A flLTTATlr'QTjii f V. Ill i l AJU

II. V.. TF.I.F.l'HONF NO. 100.

2i it

TO INFOltM THE LADIKH OF IlOXOI.l l.V AN ll THE PI P. I I C HEX EUAI.LY THA T IInVM opened an oftioe in the Beaver Block, Queen Mreel, Of poslte Messrs K. Hclischlnet;t r Annd invite their inspection of my large stock of Irish Linens, imported direct from Belfast, ennse tlni;of the follow ing :




Monograms and Crcslx inserted in Damask to order for vert low red en.

Also, Hoylies. Toilet Covers, (ilass and Tea Cloths, Pillow Ltn?ti3, Sbeettngs, Printed and PlainLawns,, Huck and Fancv Towels, Huck Towelling, Unbleached Dam:i"k, OriU-j- , Cambric nndHemstitched Handkerchiefs, suitable for ladies and gentlemen's use.

Any Lfngth Cut.A!;.o, an invoice of BKP.FAST MFSLI N'M new patterns, fust rolirs.

W. C. SPROULL.Agent for THE YOB K ST. FLAX HPG. CO., Ltd., Belfast ; J. S. BLOWN A SONS, Beliu 't ; T. t

G. A. WOK KM AN, Belfast : II. E. HOUNsELL, Ltd.. Urldpnrt, Eng. lift tf


j II. U. M. 8. Heroine may be luke.l furat any hour from CViuiinbo.

J. number of officers from II. 15. M. S..Satellite were ahore yentcrJay.

The Leleihoku (Juard.s (cavalry) wereout drilling on the ilain la.-s-t evening.

The Honolulu 1!if1 nieft fur iwn mment drill thw evening at 7:30 o'clock.

The lx)ok of the .sea-son- . The IIoxoi.lli:Almanac and Directory op. 155. Price,&J cents.

The Supreme Court will it in banco to-

day after the trespass case at present be-

fore a jury is concluded.The Campobello concert season i- - for six

concerts, the price of season tickets beingfixed at $10. Single tickets are $2.

Quite a mail was forwarded from II. li.M. S. Satellite yesterday by the barkentineEureka for England, via San Francisco.

The Bishop of Honolulu will hold a con-firmation in St. Andrew's Cathedral onApril 2:M (Maundy Thursday), at 7 p. m.

The steamer W. (J. Hall is due this af-

ternoon from Maui and Hawaii. Thelatest news from the volcano may be ex-

pected.The Queen's Own will parade au hour

before the departure of the Mararoa andmarch to the wharf to see Captain U'Con-no- r


The Union steamship Company's lloyalMail steamship Mararoa is duefrom San Francisco with fourteen days'later news.

There was no session of the SupremeCourt yesterday morning,.Mr. Justice Mc-Cul- ly

attending the funeral of the late Mr.L. L. Rice.

The Hon. J. L. Kaulukou, Postmaster-Genera- l,

and his Deputy. Mr. Fred. AVun-denber- g,

assumed the duties of their officeyesterday morning.

At 10 o'clock this morning Messrs. E. I.Adams fc Co. will sell the stock and fix-

tures at the store of Meller it Halbe, confectioners, Lincoln Block, King street,

Four sick Chinese arrived by the schooner Haleakala yesterday from Mr. C.Afong's plantation, Pepeekeo. Hawaii, andwere taken to the Queen's Hospital fortreatment.

No book ever published contains so muchreliable and valuable information regard-ing the Hawaiian Islands in such smallcompass as the Honolulu Almanac andDirectory, 1880. Price, 50 cents.

Mr. Lewis J. Levey will hold his regularcash sale at 10 o'clock this morning, sellingamong other things dry goods, sugar,furniture, bread, a lot of Muscovy ducks,Brahma chickens, two mules and twodump carts.

The horse attached to Horn's baker)'wagon ran away yesterday from some-where up the N'uuanu Valley road. Aftermaking a tour of a number of the principalstreets it was stopped near the HawaiianHotel without doing any damage.

Wing Wo Chan & Co. call attention to avery superior lot of Manila cigars in boxescontaining f0 to 100. It Ls the best cigarever imported here, and will be sold at avery reasonable price. Smokers of thefragrant weed are invited, to call and trythem.

A Burgrlar at Work.On Wednesday night a burglar visited

a two-stor- y house occupied by natives' atKapuukolo, King street, while the occu-

pants were down stairs, the burglar ran-sacked the upper story, and putting a lotof things in a trunk, placed it near a doorready to carry off. A silver watch whichhad beou left on the trunk had been re-

moved to a table. The burglar evidentlygot scared away, as when one of thenatives went up stairs he found the trunkand watch in the position above men-

tioned but no signs of any personaround. Not the least noise was heardby those down stairs.

- Holy M eek.The following are the Cathedral ser-

vices during Holy Week at St. Andrew'sCathedral, which commence on Monday,the 19th instant : Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday, Holy Com-

munion at G :30 a. m. ; matins, 9 a. m. ;

evensong and address, 7 p. m. On"Wednesday afternoon there will be anadditional service at 4 :30 p. m. GoodFriday, ante-communi- on office, at G :30

a. m. ; matins and sermon at 9 :30 a. in. ;

meditations on the seven words, 1 :30

p. m. ; evensong and sermon, 7 :30 p. m. ;

Saturday (Easter I've), matins and ante-communi- on

office, G:30a. in.; evensong(first service of Easter), 7 p. m.

Xens from Hawaii.The Kilauea Hou arrived yesterday

from Hawaii. The purser reports thatthe weather was so rough at Hamakuathe steamer was complied to leave with-

out taking aboard all her cargo. OnWednesday the schooner Kulamanu,while at Kukaiau, lost her only boat. Itwas full of lumber at the time, and thesea being rough, the boat was dashed onto the rocks and smashed to pieces. Oneof the occupants, a sailor, was badly hurtand is not expected to live. Two otherswere also badly injured. The Kula-

manu will remain at Kukaiau until theschooner Leahi takes her a new boat.

Mooulifflit Coucert.' The Itoyal Hawaiian Band gave one

of its popular moonlight concerts lastevening at Emma Square. It was abeautiful, clear evening, and the pro-

gramme of choice music was listened toby a large and appreciative audience.Four new pieces were played . Theselection from the "Mikado," Gilbert &

Sullivan's latest, is very pretty , and thereis no wonder the oiera is an attraction,wherever it Ls presented.

The Bethel iAiiiehew.

The ladies' lunches at the vestry of theBethel church were brought to a success-fu- l

as well as a financial close yesterday.The lloyal Hawaiian hand was presentand played an excellent programme of

music. The total receipts amounted to4G3, divided as follows: Tuesday, $171 ;

Wednesday, f 131 ; and. Thursday, $161,

C OUNSKLOK-A- T I. AW. KOOM , OVKKtin.- - ll.iuk, I'nvk :.s !:! ii. j

A run).I'Al.lU.V, SAIjDI.KI: AM) 11 A 11-- tI"KTKK makvr, does not m e.i to toil Hit- peopl

of Honolulu that what he says he can substantiatei nnd stand by. In tho card published l.v another

harness maker in this cur, he -- tatos that lo onej ran manufacture key saddles here btu himself.

Peter Ditlton is compelled, in self defense, to sayI that he can and will supply key s.tddle harnessesj as periecuy nnisiied us any taut can he mar.i:- -

rueturea here or here, and if his old friendswill give him a call they can see a home manu-factured article that Wiil defy competition, t heold hands in Honolulu do not . are to stand at thestreet corners blowing th.-i- own trumpets, butimis: let the public know w hat they can do as wellor better than the new comers.

tf PKTKli l'ALTON. K insr

j Hawaiian Hell Telephone Co.

a. lie Telephone Stations ha e been estahli.-he- d j

in the districts of Kwa, Waianae and Wailna.which ure avuilabie to iioiisubscribcis at .the fol- - j

lowing rates:KWA 10 i ts. per MessageWA1ANAL and WA I A I A A ...21 cts. per Message

Kwa .Station is at the residence of Hon. A.Kai.ln,

Waimiae .Station is at the store of M. Mahelona.Waiahnt station i.s i.tthe residence of S. K.

Ma hoe,Who, for a reasonable consideration, wiil under-take the delivery of messages in their respectivedistricts.

Facilities for telephoning from town can be fur-nished at the Central OOice, on Me: chant street.

tiOPFKKV UROWX:President H. 15. Tel. Co.

Honolulu, March 81, lsstl. 'aprHO

81,000 Keward.

Lost! Lost !

A small boy, about the s!ze of a man, shoes inhand, empty has on his hack, containing two rail-road tunnels, and a bundle of bungholes. Whenlast seen he was shoveling wind otr the CourtHouse, with the intention of raising moneyenough to visit


Barber Shop, corner of King ami Alakea streets,to get one of those far-fame- d and world-renown- ed

shaves. W'hosoeverffives information concerningthe above child (he has whi.-ker- s and mustache)will be prosecntt d to the full extent of the law.

;iven under my Hand andHeel, this forty-fourt- h day ofNeptober, Anti-Peanut- s Klght-ee- n

Hundred and Fast Asleep.

The Academic School


tages to the daughters of residents id theHawaiian Islands.

The course of study is modeled from that ofthe best girls' schools in the Kastern States.

The teachers are M Its. K. B. C. WA .LACKand KKV. OKO. WALLACE. Both nre gradu-ates of fine schools and nre trained and exneri- -

j enced educators.vv.ins irom leu vcars opwaru are auumiou.

To all who complete the course, and pass satis-factory examinations, a certificate of graduationwill be presented.

The best instruction in French and Latin iswithout extra charge added to that in English.

A few boarding pupils are received. These en-Jo- y

all the advantages of a superior boardingschool, Itistheaim of the school to train cul-tured and retiued women.

The Summer Term begins Monday, April 2Cth.By permission reference is made to Messrs. T.

H. Havies, T. K. Walker, J. B. Castle, Prof. M. Sr.Scott. Major A. Rosa. l"S-up"- 0




PRINTING OFFICEIs prepared to do all kinds of

Commercial & Legal Work


Having just Ecccived a Complete and NewAssortment of

Job Types and 'Ornaments

Of the Latest Styles. fr m the most Ctlebra ted Foundries of the United States,

and employing only Experiencedand Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

Letter Ileud.Kill Head.

Circular.Xofe HeniU.

Mitten.eiils,IHII l l.juiiuy:.

Contracts.Morlcase Ehtuks,

Lenses,S !i ijji it i; Contractu,(In Hawaiian & English;

Calendar.Hl.'iiiR Ctic-k- ,

ItOIHl.SiorU Cert l tier. t.

Sttisiiies C;i !!.Meal tieck.

Milk 1'ickflt.Knnk liecE,

Order.ItTei !t.

Slarrlae Certificate.Diploma.

Catalogues, j

Hlotf ius: l'ad s j

DrnjrgKts Label. j

Envelope. j


Shipping Ker-eiptss-, i

Hall lrojj'raiiiiiieH.Tlieatre I'rasraiiiisiew,

And in fact errrvthinq whicji a First- - j

Class Office onn do.

P. C. A. Job Printing Office









5 ' ! JI ' a V


discharge from bankruptcy. The usualaffidavits preliminary to discharge are j

filed and oath of the bankrupt presented, j

Mr. J. Shaw appears for Mr. J.T. Water-hous- e,

and desires an explanation of thedei;ition of considerable sums of moneydrawn from the firm lefore suspension.The Court says Mr. Waterhous- - shouldappear ier.sonally or by cou..--- l, andcontinues hearing till next Monday, thatthe assignees may be present before dis-

charge is granted. A. liosa for petitionerfor discharge.

In re estate of G. Pauleleahana (k), ofMoanalua, Oahu, deceased. Hearing onIetition of Kawahaoi I'au, the widow,for probate of the will and for letters ofadministration with the will annexed toissue to her. Proofs having been heard,the Court admitted the will to probateand ordered letters of administration withthe will annexed issue as prayed for,under a lond of $250. The will was con-

tested by Uwini (w) and Kaimuale (k)on the ground that the disposition of theproperty was unequal and made withouttheir knowledge. The Court said thematter of disposition was out of thequestion, but if the parties can provethat the will was fraudulently madethey can Ik; heard on that point. Theparties in contest brought no witnessesand had to abide by the Court's ruling.Value of the estate is estimated to be$2,000. Kinney fc Peterson for pro-


Captain O'Connor nnl the o,ueeirOnn.

Captain W. F. O'Connor, the topularcommander of the Queen's Own, intendsleaving on the Royal Mail steamer Mara-

roa on Saturday or Sunday next forQueensland, to accept a lucrative ap-

pointment in the ordnance department.Captain O'Connor has been on theIslands about two years, and took com-

mand of the Queen's Own in May, 1SS5.

He has brought the company to a highstate of proficiency in the short time hehas them in charire. and his place willbe hard to fill.

Last evening the company had a streetparade, and on returning to the armory,before dismissal, Captain O'Connormade a short farewell address. He saidhe was sorry to tell them he was aboutto leave the Islands. He hoped theywould attend their drills regular, obeyull orders from their superior officers, anduphold the dignity of the Queen's Own.He would always remember them withpleasure, and watch carefully for all newsregarding their future welfare. Hecould not help but feel proud of the stateof discipline he would leave themin. The company then gave threehearty cheers for their late Captain, andas they passed out of the Armory shookhands with him, at the same time wish-

ing him much success in his new sphere.

Y. M. C. A.The annual meeting of the Youn

'Men's Christian Association was held;last evening at their Hall, with a verygood attendance. The election of officersfor the ensuing year resulted as follows-- :

President, W. A. Bowen; Vice Presi-

dent, T. May ; Recording Secretary, IV.

W. Podraore; Treasurer, T. S. South-wic- k;

Directors, P. C. Jones, Jr., an.dW. W. Hall. The usual monthly re-

ports were read and accepted. After thesinging of a hymn the meeting a'd-journ-

until next Thursday evening,when the standing committees will beelected and the officers' annual reportspresented.

NJKnn Vb-- u ikfltifn V

The barkentine Eureka left for SanFrancisco yesterday with a cargo of do-

mestic produce valued at $39,900. Shealso carried a mail from the Tost Office,consisting of 204 letters and 120 pack-ages of papers. The family of Mr. IsaacMoore were passengers by her, and alarge number of their friends assembledon the wharf to say good-by- e.

Sal vase Sale.Mr. J. II. McCoocy, of the linn of

Duchanan, Pearson it Co., London & Mcl- -

honrne, has arrived with a larpre lot ofgoods purchased from the great fire ofMessrs. Whitely it Co., Westburn Grove.London, consisting of English and Scotchtweeds, silks, satins, French and Taislcyshawls, Irish linens, table cloths, towels,etc. The above goods will be sold at groatbargains, as Mr. MeCooey leaves for Aus-

tralia as soon as possible. P. S. All goodswarranted sc?md and perfect. Will be of-

fered for inspection in a few days.

olgATittC Crystal.LPopula- - Science News.

America has long been celebrate--among mineralogists as the homo o-

enormous crystals; and the prodLrioiM '

specimens of apatite, beryl and othtrminerals have been the subject of wonderment. But for size, the crystals of j

spodumene exposed in the excavationsupon the Etta tin-min- e, in Penningtoncounty, Dakota, carry off the palm.Professor Blake, reporting on the sub-ject, is authority for the statement thatone of these crystals is thirty-si- x feet inlength in a straight line, and from on8to three feet in thickness. The cleavageis smooth and straight, but the lateraland terminal planes are obscure. Crys-tals from five to twenty feet lor..g arenumerous, and recline in all directions.

Dangers ot Celluloid Teeth.Chicago Tim?.

Celluloid may be a useful material formany purposes, but it is not likely tobecome popular among cigar-smoker- 3

who wear false teeth. A Pittsburglover of the weed absent-mindedl- y

smoked the stump of a cigar too closeto his celluloid teeth, and an explosionoccurred which used up his mouth sobadly that he will want to take nour-ishment through a tube for some timeto cqrae.

A large lot of the above celebrated Cologne just received.

T A I T T 1 T 1 rLA U is mxi

:o:- -

AWlI'JiM I HO I iil'.

V. O. 1U NO. dvu


l'niirinsrl lor i:x-'IItu- r rliiRliirutiirin.s-- l lor Durability In Wonr,I'lisit rpnsso:! for lienuly T Designs.

Obtained IllnHe.! AuiirilH, viz:MEDALS Belfast. IS 14 and 170; London. Iv l,

lii.: and lOold i INTO : Puris ,(.;oldi, W.7; Inhlt:,and EST 2 ; Phlludi Iphla, 17(1.

Table Cloths from C to 7 yurdu In lenn t h, it hnnpkins to match.

The above are made f the III T IftlMf nutConrtrai Flax : spun, woven and blenched In Ire-land ; the patterns woven In t he Table 1 luen m edesigned by IIlIsiH AltTI"Ts, who have lormany years excelled those of any other coun-try.

A M A I iU

ViSro lasting


Those very desirable premivs,

No. 210 Kino- - street,

Lot IOO Uy 30O. ItniiiiJuif Tliroulito Viiiinii Street.

With t'ood d'.veiliiif; house of eiht i ooms - bath ,kitchen, closets, etc., etc. ( urringe houses,stables, servants' rooms nnd all fiicef;-,ar- nutbuildiiife'H.

Grounds m ell stocked with trees and shrubbery,and supplied with arte.dn water.

Will fell low on easy terrcs. Apply to

M. W. M. T 1IINEV & SON,niarMlf 42 Queen .Street

To the Public.

A iiv J. ill. lilt; liiuisjer I ().,

OhV evwth C. K. Miller. 4.' Merr hant -- treet.

Pell Telephone .'; 7 7 Mutual Telephone ?..I am fully preparer! to do nil kinds of draynge,

hanliiK or moving work, all of wulch I will guor-aute- e

to execute S. r. GRAHAM, Proprietor,

It has pleased HU Majesty the KInx to appointHod. J. L. KAFXUKOU, Postmaster-Genera- l ofthe Kingdom, la place of Hon. If. M.Whitney.

IoUnl Palace, April 15, lhiO.

F. WL'NDEN'BUKG.Esq., has been this dayduly appointed Deputy Postmaster General of theHawaiian Kingdom.

Bureau of the Postal Service, April 13. 1.J. L. KAl'LVKOl",

Postmaster-General- . "

Approve! April lj. Hi'i.CHAS. 'I. GULICK,

dfcw:$t Minister of Interior.


AKKIVAI.1.Tucbsiav, April 15.

11 it M S Satellite, Aliinjton, W days from

Ktmr James Mnkee, Weir, from Kapaastmr James I Dowsett, Dudoit. from Pnia,

Maulstmr Kilauea Hoii.AVcLsbarth. from Hamakua .

.Nehr Haleakala, from Pepeekeo, Hawaiijschr Leahl, from Koholalele. Hawa'ischr Manuokawai, from Koolau

ikiaict i icr.s.Thubsuav, April 15.

Am bktne Eureka, J Lee. for San FranciscoNorwegian bark Cap, Christiansen, for Maiden

Island, K. S. I.Mtmr James I Don-sett-

, Dudoit, for Pala.Maui, at3 pm ,

.Schr Nettie Merrill, for LahainaSchr Wailele, for Kuan, Mautbcbr Khukai, for W'alaluuTern Ke Au lluu, for Kauai

Vetneli IOrtvin To-I)- aj .Stmr James Makee, Weir, for Kapaa, via

Waianae, at 2 p mMtmr Waimanalo, Neilson, for Waimanalo.Schr Ualtakala, for Pepeekeo

l OItKKiX VS.4LM IX roilT.Ger bark Apcllo, II Groth. from Callao, S AAm bit Chan B Kenney.ll M G Dahler, from

Newcastle, N S WAm bktne Katie Fiickfiife'er, Young, from New-

castle, N a WAm bktne Klla, K M Howe, from Han Frauriwo.Am bark James Stone, C V Barstow, from

BostonAm bark Sonoma, B C Howes, from Newcastle,

N S WBrit bark Natuna, II Grahn, from GlasgowHBMS .Satellite, A 11 Alington, from


Kxperte.i from t'orelu Ports.Am bktne Nellie M .Shuie, from New Vork,

due April 15-- 30

Brit bark Lapwin?, IV Gruchy, from Liverpool,due May 20-3- 1

lint bk .Star of Devon, from Newcastle, NSW,due March 15-3- 1.

German bark Furst Bismarck, fro n Bremen,due June

Am bktne Malay, from Sydney, due April 20-3- 0

It B M .S Heroine, Irum Caiiao, H A, due April2V31

II B Af H Triumph, Baird, from F.stitiiinault, dueApjU25-3- 1

Brit bk Burmah, J"nn, from Gla."gow, dueJune 25-3- 0

K M S S Marar t , Bnti, J im.-- s K. Idie. from SanFraticlwo, en m it? to A u.':!a'i.l and sydn-- y, dueApril 17

Haw Miss stuni-liktn- e Morrjn I Bray,from Jaluit, S S i Hil, Hawaii, iue April7-- 15

Am bktne V ll Dinion.1. II C Iloudlette, fromMan Francisco, .lue April 'JO-- O

A r.. bkine Cm le Sam, from Newcastle, X s W,due April

teteamshlp Kio de Janeiro, It V Hearborn, fromHan Francisco, en route t Ilnnskong, due April21-2- 2

British ship Kate Davenport, from Newcastle,N: K W, due April 15-2- 0

Am ship Kxcelsior, from Newcastle, N S W,due April 20-3- 0


- For San Francisco, per bktne Eureka, April 15

Mrs Isaac Moore. Miss Bichanlson, Mis. Moore,Master K Moore and H Howie.

EXPORTS.For San FrancUco, per bktne Eureka, pril 15

--H Hackfeld A Co, 6,073 bags sugar; M S Grln-bau- m

ft Co, 66 bags sugar and two bags rfce. Dom-estic value, 39,900.


Capt. Chas. Dudoit, of the steamer James I.Dowsett, reports that an American barkentine en-

tered Kahulul, Maui, April 14th.

The schooner Manuokawal brought 617 bagssugar from Koolau, Oahu, April 15th.

The steamer W. G. Hall, Captain Bates, will ar-

rive this afternoon from windward ports with

"Sar. , AtiSThe Pucltic Mail CCdTpany's barkentiue Eureka,

Captain Lee, sailed for San Francisco, April 15th,

with 6,739 bags sugar and 6S0 bags rice, weighing450 tons, and valued at f 39,900.

The schooner Leahl brought 1,800 bags sugar

from Kohalalele, Hamakua, Hawaii, April 15th.

Keports rough weather. The sugar will be putInto the bark Charles B. Kenuey.

The steam-barkcuti- ne Morning Star is daily ex-

pected at Hiij, Hawaii, from the South Seas.

The British tern Lottie Fairfield arrived at Dilo,Ht.'aii, April 9th, from here. She will load sugarfjr San Francisco.

The s.hooner Uaieukala brouxht 1,300 bag3sugar from Pepeekeo, Hawaii, April I5th, whichwere put Into the bark Charles B. Kenney.

The captain of the schooner Haleakala reportshaviug passed the Oceanic Company's brigantiqeJohn D. Spreckels off Maul, April 1 1th, bound forSan Francisco with sugar.

The steamer James Makee brought 2,031 bagssugar frcan Kapaa and Kila' ea, Kauat, April 15th,

which were put Into the Oceanic Company's ware-

house. Itcports rough weather. She sails at 3

o'clock this aftrnoou for Kauai, via Waianae.

The steamer James I. Dowsett brought 1,200

bags suga.-- from Taia. Maui, April 15th, whichwere transferred to the bark Charles B. Kenney.Keports that it was blowing hard at Paia whenkhe Kfu

The Norwegiau bark Cap, Captain Christiansen,sailed In ballast for Maiden Island, April 15th.

The baikentine Katie Flickinger finished dis-

charging her SOO tons coal withiu live days. Shewill load sugar for San Francisco.

The steamr Kilunca Hon brought 2,730 bagssu'ar from Ilakalau, Hamakua, Hawaii, April15th.

ftjniubliugr and OpItimJtaltN ou Kauai.On Saturday last Police Officer Guer-

rero arrested two Chinamen at Lihue,Kauai, smoking opium. The wholeof the paraphernalia and a tin of opiumwas also captured. They were taken be-

fore Jude Hapuku and lined $S0 and f"0respectively.

The same night the officer made a raidon a Chinese house and arrested four j

Chinese in the act of gamblin-- . They j

were let off by paying a tine of each, j

Last Wednesday nint another raidwas made on a gambling house ami nine j

Chinese arrested and a lot of parapher- - j

nalia ami money captured. They wereto be tried yesterday morning. j

- j

There will be the usual service at St. j

Andrew's Cathedral this evening at 7 j

o'clock, conducted by the Bishop of Hono- - j

who will deliver an address. j

Thus our've?, beloved, lieRinged with love's fair boundary;Place it further, and its sphereMeasures but a falling tear.

.John Pw Tabb.


Simple lUiles as to Food and DrinkThree Other Rules.Youth's Companion.

We have now reached the hottestpart of the year, and the beginning ofthe season when old and young arepeculiarly liable to sudden andmalignant disorders. Modern scienceholds that these diseases are propagatedby germs, which are developed by heat.Finding a congenial place of growth inthe blood and tissue of the human body,the parasites multiply and affect' theworking of our organs, injuriously,sometimes fatally.

It is part of the same theory that aweak or previously diseased body is amore inviting field" for the ravages ofdisease-germ- s than is a healthy body.Let it be supposed, for example, thatthe seeds of disease enter the bodythrough the mouth, and are swallowedeither with impure water or with thefood. A vigorous and healthy stomachmay digest these germs as well as anyother vegetable or animal matter, whilea sluggish stomach may give them timeto establish themselves in their newquarters.

Cholera is not the only disorder to beguarded against, and by taking regu-larly, every summer, the proper precau-tions against the ordinary summer dis-eases, wo shall bo better prepared fordefense against cholera, if it shouldcome.

The rules are very simple. First, asto food. It should be thoroughlycooked, so thoroughly that if it c on-tain-

any disease-germ- s, they would bedestroyed. Perfectly ripo fruit that hasnot begun to decay is also approved,but it should be carefully avoidedupon the first appearance of an epi-demic disease.

Probably more evil is done by ourdrinks than by our food. Alcoholicdrinks will not contain any disease-germ- s,

but they stimulate the stomach,and when the inevitable reaction comesthe body is less able to resist the attackof disease. To bo avoided always, it isparticularly necessary to avoid them inthe summer. Unless one is sure thattho water supply used in the family isfree from vegetable and. animal matter,and very little water is free from it, allthe water should be boiled before it isjused.

For drinking purposes boiled water isvery "fiat." Heat drives out tho air,and a fish can not live in boiled water.Consequently, when your boiled waterhas cooled fill a bottle two-third- s full ofit and shake it vigorously a few min-utes to restore the air to it.

To these rules add three others: Keepthe body clean; avoid violent, heatingexercise; don't worry. We are awarethat it is not easy to observe all theseinjunctions. There aro circumstanceswhen one must take risks. But thenearer one can come to' a perfect ob-servance of them, the less danger willthere bo of falling a victim to the sum-mer diseases.

San Francisco Fosx . A mine is a minefor once, and then it becomes a hole inthe ground, but a turnip field will growturnips for centuries.

Australian Mail Service.


The new and splendid Al steamship

6 55

i it the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

ou or about

Vlay 8th.And will leave for the abve port w ith mails andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPEBIOKACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. CI. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and hue Al steel steamship

WW 59MAEAEOAOf the Union Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

And will have prompt disputeh with mails andpassengers for the above ports.

For Height or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-COMMODATIONS, apply to;

Wm. (t. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

NOTICE.THE FIRM NAME OF TOXOLENDER' CO., the undersigned have started

business as CARPENTERS AND PAINTERS,No. 54 King street. They are prepared to takeworks under contract; wMil do all wort intrustedto them neatly and at moderate charges. lieadj-mad- e

Furniture always on Land.AH HEE,AH WAI,voxo;sel".

All orders promptly attended to by So Young,Manager. l37-je- 6


HOLLISTEE & CO.1O0 ."Port Street,

Horsemen, A.tten tioilPETER I.A.ET01Sr,

Saddles? and Harness Maker,Returns tbai.ks to his numerous patrons in Honolulu and in the Hawaiian Islandsfor their liberal support during the last twenty years, and bcH leave to Htate that Le banon hand and is ready to make to order SINGLE OK DOU15LE HARNESS of the verybest quality, as far as material, mounting and workmanship can go. Following m tint-iDg- s

on band, viz:

Gold, Silver, Nickel, Rubber and Davis' Rubber.P. DALTON employs no middle men iu the purchase of his stock, tut pays CASH

for all his goods. lie denies that any one can nell cheaper than be can, and as a compe-tent harness maker defies any one to give better work than be can.

A full assortment of Chamois, Brushes, Mane Combs, Oils and Dressings and allarticles needed for stable use always on hand.

P. DALTON makes no statement on paper that bo is not prepared to carry out infact. Any article purchased from him and not found suitable, can Lc returned uiid tbemoney refunded.

Single Strap Harness with Iey Saddle a Siveeialty.TELEPHONE 111. 130t.f 02 KING STREET.

Hawaiian Opera House.


CONCERTSTo be fjiveii in Honolulu during the month of

April, under distinguished patronage.

Artists:SKiNOlt ENRICO CAMPOHELI.O.of Her Majesty's Theater, London.

MISS MAY MITCIIELE ftPRINfl,The Young California Prima Donna.

Miss PAULINE JORAN,Violin-Virtuoso-


It l--, proposed to s;ive five cone rt. for whi. h ft

subscription of ?10 is aHed. slngie tickets, --' 00.

These concerts nre Under the management ofHIGNOIt CAMPOI'.ELI.O, and wiil be elven oniyin case a subscription of 2.iyju ls raised.

Full particulars can be h:td at theofilce of J. E.WISEMAN.

Subscriptions payable on arrival of company,m-- s

N'OTTGK.MELLER vfc HALBE HAVINGMESSRS. a deed of of a" their

property to me. notice is hereby civen to all per-sons having claims against them to present theatne, properly authenticated, to me at mv office,

SI Kin? street. Honolulu. F. II. CEDING,rated Honolulu, April 13( use, apl4d2t 1


k., , :rrrlttM' wrniiri'

Page 4: iMiilll rl fli - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduOrders deceived will have Jh-omj-and Careful Attention. W. G. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. f;r,tf Draw KTehane on ti,e




Groceries? jProvisions and. Feed)EAST fORXEP. FORT AND KING STREET S.

ew Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe. Srti Californiaproduce by every sreamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of caar?e. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction jruaranteed. Vustoflice Box No 145Telephone No. 92. -- 8 apl7

The History of a Rose., Land and Water.

A very curious story is told as to thediscovery of the variety of rose knownas the White Province, La Blanche orUnique. Mr. Daniel CJrimond, of LittleChelsea, nurseryman, was on businessin the count v of Norfolk 110 years ago,when riding' leisurely along the road heperceived a rose of groat whiteness in amill, lie alighted, and on close inspec-tion discovered it to be a Province rose.He sought an interview with tho inmateof the mill, an elderly woman, andbegged a flower, which was given tohim. The old lady must, no doubt,have been considerably surprised in be-

ing in turn presented with a guinea."In cutting off the flower," so runs

the tale, ".Mr. Grimond cut three buds,and on arriving at the nearest inn hepacked up the flower and sent it di-rectly to Chelsea," addressed to his fore-man. Two of the buds grew, andthe following autumn the florist wentdown to Norfolk again and bought thewhole stock for 5 guineas. The fore-man was then allowed to propagate it,and for doing so wa3 allowed 5 shillingsa plant for three year.-- . At the expira-tion of that time the plants were soldout at a guinea apiece, the foreman'sshare of tho profits amounting to

May 8tii Per Miiripoiiii. 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alnmeda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packages,


"Will be Sold av tho Lowest Market Rntes


1888. Third Year of Publication. 1886.


KXIiLUSTRATED.) M:. "W. McOliesney Sr Son,ly 12 nnd It Queen Mreol. Honolulu.For tho Year of Our Lord 1SSG, Containing an

Ecclesiastic'! Calend'Astronomical, Civil &



Climbing the Mountain View of the ,

Crater An Awe-Inspiri- ng Scene.(Edinburgh Scotsman.! j

A party of adventurous Scots ascendedthe laboring pile of Vesuvius during therecent eruption. One of the travelerswrites: It was a beautiful, clear, cold,starry morning, and we all felt in thebest of spirits. At last vre turned offthe main road and made straight throughnarrow lanes for the burning mountain.It seemed to be in good working orderthe fire fountain playing on the summit,the streams of lava pouring down itssides and collecting into five red, glow-ing caldrons. By 4 o'clock we reacheda little plateau called the Atrio delCavallo, where we all dismounted tomake the further ascent of the moun-tain on foot, it being too steep and ruggedto take the horses. After a half hour sstruggle among loose ashes we came toslopes o: lava, the appearance of whichwas most striking. It exactly resembledthe entrails of a great monst r, literally"the bowels of the earth." Again wepassed through ashes, and in someplaces, where the former were verysteep and deep, a sort of scorije cause-way was I'd to assist the toilsome as-

cent.- We were now thankful to reach a"half-wa- y house," or rather a sort of

sheltered seatformed of blocks of lava. Again webent our steps upward, going zigzagamong scoriae and lava, passing variouslittle extinct craters until we eame towhere the mountain was hot, and wherewhite sulphurous smoke was rising allabout. We soon saw where we wereat the fountain-hea- d of the two streamsof burning lava. These we must crossbefore we could make a further ascent.We approached as near the streams ofburning lava as its scorching heat per-mitted. We saw it issuing from whatlooked like huge, black, cast-iro- n

cylinders. These were formed of theouter rim of lava that had graduallycooled somewhat and hardened. Theburning mas? moved constantly, but notequally. It seemed to pulsate and throbin its flowing to be jerked out of thecylinders.

I think the worst and most dangerouspart of the whole ascent had now to bemade. This wa3 an almost perpendicu-lar cone of loose ashes. At every stepwe sank to the knees, so our progresswas exceedingly slow. Right belowwere the burning streams of lava, intowhich it seemed we were bound to slide.Above us was the crater, whoso thun-dering- s

we could hear and whose trem-blings at times we thought we felt.Breathless and exhausted, we frequentlylay'down among the ashes. But at lastwe gained the summit, and all our ex-

ertions were rewarded.Such a sight! The crater of Vesu-

vius! A perfect hell of sulphur, fire,and smoke, cinders and ashes, and red-ho- t

stones; its flooring of hardened lavaeverywhere rent by seams and cracksand yawning chasms emitting stiflingvapors, while in the midst of it all rosethe last-forme- d central cone of smokingdebris, belching forth clouds of sul- -

fyhurous vapor, and at intervals withand with an efi'ori

that shook the mountain, throwing, likea mighty fire-fountai- n, showers of rockand scoria high into the air.

Amid tho terror of the scene theivwas an element of great beauty. 1 lu-

nch and varied coloring that everywhere prevailed was wonderful, fromthe purest white up through all shadesof yellow and rich orange to deepest reds,the deposits of salts and sulphur andiron and chemical matters. Near thenone there were two tremendous chasms.

THE HONOLULU IKON WORKS CO.Unve oi!ii!ttMl niul otter for snip iU loUowlitff Hwllrr. vie:

1 PAIR C()3rOI.TXI) STEEL' BOILEKS1 Combination UoihT, 12 ft. x 5 ft. Gin.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 1 ft., also1 Seeoml-Han- d Tubular Hotter, 12 ft. x 4 ft.

io.vje.sii Apniy to xiie Honolulu Iron Works Co.

Official and Business Directory of HonoluluTOGETHER WITH

Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAW'N ISLANDS,

Great pains and expense Lave been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and" tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latesmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by ex-pert writers,, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Elegantly Illustrated.-


All the Latest NoveltiesEvery

It. F. DILLINGHAM,PrcsldentajHl 3fuime'ef7'EUREKA," "PARAGON" AM) "RED CROSS


Nu?cj'sir to Dillinlinm A Co. inn) Nnmnel Xotf.FXEERubhrfjpii--xh,'- : I'a'rts, H. and L. Trucks and Fire Department supplies generally. Square FlaxTracking, Rubber Parkins, etc., etc. Send for elrrulars and prices.

3G California street.

Telephone 240.To the edge of these we could';

A.VIJ- -

Land Shells.

FOK SALE, HAWAUAXFERXS, MOUNTEDor unmounted, as may be desired, at $10 per

complete set of 115 species, or at 10 cents perspecimen or any number required. The fernsare named and put In neat cases sufficiently se-cure for mailing to any part of the world. Also, Ha-waiian land shells for sale at from 10 to 20 centsper species. Each species Darned and representedby from one to five pairs i f ."hells. Fern Seeds a

, at 10 cents a sp . us. Please addressD. P. BALDWIN",

522 tf Lahaina, Maui.


Contractor and Builder,S6 IIot-- l tr?t. Honolulu, II I..

(Opposite Fashion Stables).


All work in my line faithfully done. Flans andspecifications mpde. Jobbing in all details doneat short notice. Good work and low charges ismy motto. :;c


Steam Navigation Co.t LI MIXED.,


BATES Commander

Will run regular. y to Maalaea, Maui, and Koniand Kuu, Hawaii.


Will run regularly to NiiwilHvili. Koloa, Eleeleand Waimea, Kauai.


Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maul, and Kukul-hael- e,

Donokaa and 1 aauhau. Hawaii.

STEAMER ..lAiiEs jTAIvEE,'... Commander

Will run rogiilarly to Kupaa, Kauai.

T. H. KOSTEtl, President.J. Kna, secretary.


T.imltHf ).

STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanoei

Leaves Honolulu as per following srhedule,touching at Lahaina, Muulaea, Mnliena. Malm-kona- ,

KawaihaeLuupehoehoe. ililo and Keauhou:Commencing on MONDAY. October 12th, and

thence on the first Monday foilowinc the arrivalot the "Alhineda" and "Mariposa." on the Nthand --- d of each month:

The steamer KInau will make the VOLCANOTKII reaching Keauhou on Wednesday niorn-iiis- r.

irivinjr tourists two iay ar.d two nights atthe VOLCANO HOL'SK.

When the 8th and 22d of the mntu full onMonday, the Kinau will leave that day.


The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On lido trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and retain Samrdaymoniing.

I'ASSKXGEU TRAIN'S will conned with theKinau at Mahukona..

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia andPaauhau on down trips from Hi'o for 1'assengersif a signal is made from the shore.


iLoretizen, Conimandi r.i,

; Leaves Honolulu every Monday nt 5 p. m. torI Kunakakai,Kahu!ui, every week: Iluelo, Hanaj and Kipahulu. Keanae, Mokulau and Nun every

other week. Returning, will stop at the abovej ports, arriving hack Saturday mornings,j For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Wcisbarth, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Paauhau, Kohol.ileie,Ookala. Kukaiau, Uonohlna, Lnnpauoeboe, Haka-ia- u

and Onomea


(Pavies, Commandori

i Will leave regularly fvr same ports as KilaueaHon.

STEAMER MOKOIJ1,i McGregor, Commander;.

Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m. forKaunakakal. Kamalo. Pukoo,I.ahaina. Lana!,

and Ivalaupapa.leaves 1'ukoo Friday a.m. for Honolulu,

arriving Saturday morning- -

tiT The Company will not be responsible forany freight or unless receipted for, norfor personal bi.gase unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAM'Ii G. WILDER, Tresident.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Quh n streets.60-- Iy Mar 30

The crnMaaTTilainfl jwf thr. opene(1 a

IL? Zll when the present eruption LEWIS & CO.,U7 nuil G9 Hotel Street,

Importers and Dealers in Stuple and Fanry Groceries . New Goolb continually on the wav.

JUST RliiCKIVED,A full nnd complete line of FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES,

fioiiit liinyr Xcw for RrakfuMt.'jt .Slireilel laixe. J

The very best of Island RiUter aiways on hand, and plenty for everybody. Prices low


300 pounds sterling, Not the leastpleasant part of this pleasant little"romance of the rose" is the fact thatthe old lady who had been '.he uncon-scious discoverer of a grand secret inhorticulture was gratified by receivingout of tho proceeds of tho undertakinga handsome present, consisting of a sil-

ver tankard and other plate of the valueof GO pounds sterling.

Ileal! ns Carpet by Steam.lliostou Commercial Bulletin

The process of steam carpet-beatin- g

is not generally understood, some per-sons having an idea that, by this process,the carpets are "steamed" in some way,and then subjected to a beating thatknocks out the last particle of dust ordirt. There are several styles of ma-chines, but the process in all of them isentirely free from cither of the abovemethods.

The carpets are simply placed in acylinder twelve feet in diameter and fif-

teen feet long, and "agitated" untilthey are clean. Tho cylinder is per-forated, or, more correctly speaking,there are spaces between the cioss-bar- s

constituting the outer part of the cylin-der sufficient to afford thorough ven-tilation to the carpets and allow thedirt to escape All tho dirt and dust,as it falls through the openings in thecylinder, is drawn downward and out-ward by a patent suction fan and blownoutside the building. The carpets areagitated by tho revolving of tho cylin-der, till after an hour's experience theyare free from dust and moths, and ap-pear like new fabrics. Tho nap israised and brightened, and withoutthe slightest injury to the most delicatefabric.

How to Form a Library.The

A well-know- n author recently com-mended the following rules to bo ob-

served by youthful readers who are be-

ginning the collection of books.Set apart a fixed sum, weekly or

monthly, as the case may be, in propor-tion to your income, and spend that andno more for books.

Always devote a portion of yourmoney to acquiring works of reference.

Never buy a worthless book or edi-tion.

Take care not to buy too many booksof one class.

Do not, at least until you have a faj,, ., ,T - ? i .11 j ; i 'buow ol uouks, Ltj utiuueujjrj--Tjuyi- n'x fwrsrwatrtrtrtiiur. -Do not spend too much on magazines.Be particular as to tho binding of

your books.Keep a catalogue of your books, en-

tering in pencil inside of each the dateof purchase and tno cost, ana in mecatalogue all particulars as to loans.

Take care to read what you buy, andbuy only what you Avill read.

A Theory Concerning Wedlock."Unci's Bill"" N-i- York Letter.

A questfon of religion and marriagehas been raised in society by the theorj-o-f

a wealthy father, which he has putinto practice in the case of his daughter,that wedlock ought to be forbidden toher sex uuder 25 years of ago. Heclaims Bible backing for his belief thatthe marriage state should not be enteredinto until the mental and physical development is complete. 10 eany mar-riages he attributes much of the familyunhappiness of tho world. II is girl is18. He enters no protest to her be-

trothal, for her choice of a husband isone that pleases him; but he commands,on pain of disinheritance, that the nup-tials be deferred seven years. As thepersons are of great account socially thecase is under wide discussion.

Didn't Want the Pictures.Exch-msje.-

A good story is told of a New Yorkmillionaire, who, having had a newhouse built, negotiated with an artistfor some pictures for his dining-room- .

After some weeks the artist, not havingreceived any call for his pictures, orwhat was of more consequence to him,any check for them, called on his pa-

tron to push tho business to a conclu-sion. "Well, you see, my clear fellow,"said Cror sus, "I'm afraid we can't takethem after all. The paper in thatroom is so handsome that it would bo apity to cover it."

Sign in Cuba.Havana Letter.

Signs are taxed cents per letterevery year in Cuba, and the ingeniousCuban does not put up a sign if he canhelp it, or else paints on it an emblem,as a boot, a trunk, or a cigar. If wordsmust be employed, it is not an uncom-mon practice to dash a daub of paintacross the lettering, producing a legalobliteration, yet leaving an inscriptionthat can still be deciphered.

IJrlilitnesj of the Sun.i?ton Dud,et.

Professor Young says when you con-sider the brightness of the suns surfaceyou find it to be about 150 times as brightas one of our calcium lights, and aboutfour times as bright as the brightest ofthe points in one of our electric lights.

Petit Senn: To endeavor to move bythe same discourse hearers who differin age, sex, position, and education isto attempt to open all locks with thesame key.

Ii'tesins of Hujo's Ux:ie.Cincinnati Commercial Gizctte.

The twenty years of cxilo were doubt-less a godsend to one who might havebeen used up amid the pleasures anddebaucheries of the second empire. AtHauteville house he led a temperate andlaborious existence, and the motto overone of the doors in this seaside mansionwas: "To riso at 6, and dine at 10; tosup at 6, and to bed at 10, makes a manlive to ten times ten."

rYEAR A N- -



San Franrisco, C'kI.

P. O. Box 237.

Arpad Haraszthy k Gos

CALIFORNIA WINESAre pronounced by ell connoisseurs as being theonly brand of American Wines equal to the bestFrench and Gorman Importation.












WHITE WINE,And the celebrated

ECLIPSEChauipusrne, are kept in stock in cases and 5Rhrt 10 uaHon kegs. These Wines are noted fortheir absolute purity and being thoroughly matured. The sales hems? more thau double that ofall other brands of California Wine combined, Is asuaranteecf their popularity. Try them onceand you will never buy any other. Wold ex- -eltisively bv

HAMILTON JOHNSON.QtiMu Street. Honolulu.

-- rtaJ

rfJ teller aufl Manufacturer MOf nil I)'S'rijttons of

!BOQTS SHOESXT Orders from the other Inlands solicited.

Xo. 114 Fort St.. Honolulu.


Fort Street- :o:


i. .Ta

:,m0$mmPlliliPliWihmmi5WAFf '


f--. v.i?ii.-: rr-



A larKe Invoice of

P I 0 K

IMPORTERS,JrTonoliilii "EI. I.

in Fancy Goods deceived by


JAMES . SPENCER,Secretary and Treasurer.


1 Just Receivedr a


- : J' ltli Lines of TjeHtrahle

TSiStfc. Goods vpon most FavorableTerms.




Housekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron Work

i t. Thair worn Tim rosprvn rsfrom which flowed tho two rivers oflava that were now coming down themountain's sides.

The guide did not wish us to linger,so we undid our baskets and set abouthaving breakfast. It was now 6 o'clock,and we thought we had earned thismeal after a five hours' climb. B.ut ourappetites were not worthy of tho occa-sion; a littlo seemed to satisfy us.There was some excuse for this, for thethin crust of lava on which we sat washot and trembling, and the "crater," sofar from being appeased by our pres-ence, seemed to be extra irritable, forwe had scarcely started breakfast, andwere doing .admirably, when, with anoise like thunder, he cast a cloud ofsmoke over and about us, which hastened our bidding him "good-mornin- g. "

A Useful Collection.IWcshinRton Cor. B.vnon Budget.

The newly-establishe- d National Mu-

seum of Hygiene of the navy depart-- ,

ment now. gathers all the sanitary worksof the world, and collects models an 1

examples of everything relating to pub-lic health and to the preservation of life.The library already contains over 3,000volumes on hygiene, with a reading-roo- m

containing periodicals and scrap-book- s

devoted to the subject. There isa chemical laboratory for analysis, amicroscopical bureau and a photographicestablishment. There are models ofthe best plans of sewerage, samples ofclothing worn by the. different armiesand navies, drawings of hospitals,water and gas fixtures, apparatus forphysical culture and exercise, every-thing, in taort, calculated to preservehealth or to prevent disease.

A Nevada Salt WelL.Exchange.

The well at White Plains, Nev., isdown over 2,300 feet and can go nofurther until the water, which is 17 percent, salt and so heavy that the ropesand tools float on it, and the drill doesnot penetrate the rock, is shut out.

A Seedless Currant Grape.A currant grape that has no seeds is

grown to a very great extent in manyparts of Greece, the annual productionbeing 66,000 tons, of which tho UnitedStates buvs annually about 16,000 tons.

Slopped His Paper.An Arizona man has stopped taking

an agricultural paper. He wrote tothe editor asking how to get rid ofgnats. The answer came in the nextissue of the paper, "kill them."

Velocity of Sound In Ice.The velocity of sound in ice has been

determined by Trowbridge and McRaoto be about 9,500 feet per second, orabout nine times the velocity of soundn the air.

Swift: It is in men as in soils wheresometimes there is a vein of gold whichthe owner knows not of.

Sallust: A thousand evils do not af-'e- ct

that man which hath an idle andanprofitable carcass.

have confidence, but bo careful inwhom you place it.


Lumber and. Coal,Doors.J Sash and Blinds. Allkir.dsef B II LD KDS' HABDWAHF., I'alnte, Oiln, GIuhn, MattingCorrugated Iron, Portland C ment ; STKKL NAILS, much superior to Iron, and cost but II t tie


Machine WorksSo. to 5i Fremont Street.

SVN FRANCISCO.Manufacturers of New and dealer m Second-h.ui- d

Boiler. Engines and Machinery

Of Every Description.

Have constantly In stock New and Second-han- d



Catalogues and price lists foi warded upon appli- - ,

cation. ff2U ly-


It. G. SilESOYICU & CO., j

Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers InForeign and Domestic Fruits, green and driea;manulaciurersof Desiccated CocoauUt. Datiauas, j

Limes, Fine Apples, Sicily Lemons, TahitiOranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Datesand Smyrna Fiss, '

racking Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex- - .

perienvct in shippinK to China, Australia, Mexico,Central Amenta, Eastern States, etc. Tropical!Fruits imported direct by every steamer.

Branch House, San Francisco, F. O. box 138s. j

Honolulu, II. I., V. O. box413, 4li and 417 Washington street, opposite Post j

Ollice; 412, 414 and 410 Merchant street.479 feb26 87 SAN FHANCICO.


, .


. I It- -TTmJ. '



AO MnimJLOIG l'tll KliCfcb.'

Just received, ex 51 A KT II A DAVIS, from Boston,

Downers Kerosene Oil. j

Standard Kerosene Oil. :

Water White Keiosene Oil.


John F. Colburn,Impirter and Dealer in

Hay and G rain- -

Corner Kin? and M.iv.iir.Uea Street.


UiTCJood delivered promptly.' Mutual telephone 3'7 lHtf



Stoves, Ranges and

Plumbing, Tin, Coppevrx

AND WHOLESALE DEALER IXIMPORTER Provisions, Produce and CaliforniaWines, sole Aorent for Falk's celebrated 51 1 L-- !WAUKEE PILSNER BEER.Beaver Block, Qneeu Ht Honolulu.

"W t r. ri',l,(J''f.',.tiu,Mjn