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  • Greenfieldgeography

    IGCSE and GCSE Tourism


    3.3 Leisure activities and tourism

    Candidates should be able to:

    Describe and explain the growth of leisure facilities and tourism in relation to the main attractions of the

    physical and human landscape in an area or areas selected for study.

    Demonstrate an understanding that the effects of a growth in tourism are generally positive and that

    careful management is needed if problems are to be avoided. Reference could be made to advantages

    accruing from tourism such as growth in income, an increase in foreign exchange, employment

    opportunities, the development of infrastructure and facilities which may be used by the local population,

    the encouragement of other developments to take place in an area, cultural advantages, etc. Disadvantages

    might include seasonal unemployment, under-use of facilities at certain times of the year, increased

    congestion, pollution, a shortage of services e.g. water supplies, social/cultural problems, damage to the

    physical landscape, etc. A selected sample study should be used to illustrate both the benefits and

    disadvantages associated with the growth of tourism.

    Leisure: Any freely chosen activity that takes place in non-work time (IB definition).

    Tourism: The businessor industryof providing information, accommodations, transportation, and other

    services to tourists.

    Domestic Tourist: Someone who goes on holiday in the country that they are resident in (live in).

    International Tourist: Someone who goes on holiday to a country they are not resident in e.g. they live

    in El Salvador but go to the US for holiday.

    Resort: A type of large hotel that offers extra facilities like swimming pools, spas, restaurants, bars,

    activities, etc.

    Package Holiday: This is when all aspects of a holiday e.g. flights, hotel, transfers, etc. are included in

    one overall price.

    All-inclusive: A hotel or resort that includes everything e.g. food, activities and drink in one overall


    Low-cost or Budget Airline: Airlines that provide cheap flights by removing all add-ons as standard and

    charging people if they want then. For example if you want to check in at the airport or check a bag into

    the hold, reserve a seat or even eat food on the flight, you have to pay extra.

    Growth of Tourism

    Tourism is a rapidly growing industry and is considered by many countries to be an important

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    development strategy. Currently the majority of international tourists go to MEDCs, but many LEDCs are

    also seeing rapid growth in tourism. I will mention the growth in LEDC destinations a little later.

    Reasons for Growth in Tourism

    Leisure Time: Most workers now enjoy a two day weekend and in addition are entitled to several

    weeks holiday. This holiday time can be spent going on holiday.

    Paid Holiday: Not only do an increasing amount of workers receive holiday, they are also paid

    for it. This means that people do not lose their weekly income by going on holiday.UK workers

    get least paid leave - BBC article

    Income: More and more people are working in the secondary and tertiary sectors, where pay is

    generally higher. Also many more females are now working. This means that more people now

    have money to spend on holidays (higher disposable income).

    Transport: Air travel has become relatively cheaper and there are now more airports open for

    holiday flights. In addition road and rail networks have opened up new tourist destinations. Airbus

    and AirAsia announce record deal for 200 planes - BBC article

    Advertising: People are now bombarded by holiday adverts on the internet, television, radio,

    mobile phones, billboards, etc. This makes people more aware of holiday destinations and

    possibly more tempted to book them.

    Travel Programs: There are a huge amount of travel programs on television so people are able to

    view destinations that they have not heard of, tempting them to go.

    Tourist facilities: Tourist facilities have generally improved and increased in number. There are

    now many more hotels of all sizes and most have fairly standard services.

    Freedom: More people, especially women and the elderly are free to travel and go on holidays. In

    addition formerly closed countries like China now allow most of their citizens to travel.

    Range of holidays: There is now a much greater variety of holidays that can attract potential

    tourists e.g. golf holidays, diving holidays, walking holidays, cooking holidays.

    Ease of Booking: The internet has now made booking holidays much more straightforward. Also

    package holidays allow people to pay one price but have all aspects of their holiday paid for e.g.

    flights, hotels, etc.

    Credit Cards: More and more people now own credit cards which makes booking holidays and

    paying for things in a foreign country much easier.

    Passport Ownership and Visa Regulations: More people now own passports so are able to

    travel and the process of obtaining visas is now much more straightforward.

    Retirement and Life Expectancy: People are now living longer and remain healthier longer. An

    increasing amount of people also retire with a pension. This means that more people are fit

    enough and healthier enough to go on holiday.

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    Reasons for Growth in LEDCs

    New Destinations: People are getting increasingly bored of traditional locations and want to

    experience new and exotic destinations.

    Exchange Rates: LEDCs often have weaker currencies making going on holiday to them a lot


    Advertising/Ease of Booking: LEDCs now advertise themselves much better and it is easier to

    book these destinations online.

    Transport: Many countries have upgraded their transport infrastructure making travel to them


    Security: Many LEDCs are now much more stable with less security worries so more people are

    prepared to go on holiday to them.

    Although the graph above shows that international tourism is generally increasing (with maybe the

    exception of 2007) regions can suffer temporary or even permanent declines. A region may experience a

    decline because of:

    Terrorism e.g. Bali bombing or Mumbai terror attacks

    Crime e.g. Mexico or even El Salvador

    Natural disasters e.g. tsunami in Indian Ocean or hurricanes in the Caribbean

    Economic downturn e.g. recessions and debt crisis in Europe

    War e.g. Afghanistan

    Also some destinations may become run down or people simply get bored of going to the same location.

    The table above shows that France is the number one destination for international tourists. France is

    popular because:

    It is surrounded by MEDCs e.g. Germany, Belgium, UK, Italy and Spain

    It has an excellent transport network

    It has developed tourists facilities e.g. hotels and tour agencies

    It has many historical attractions e.g. Eiffel Tower and Carcassonne

    It is famous for its food and wine

    It has good weather in the south nearly all year

    It attracts many different holiday makers e.g. skiers, beach lovers, surfers and rafters.

    China is currently only 8th on the list, but it probably already has the most domestic tourists and in the

    future will probably attract many more international tourists.

    Although tourism is seen as a development strategy by many countries, it does not solely create

    advantages, but can also create some disadvantages:


    Local people can perform An increase in tourists may

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    traditional dance and music

    to tourists therefore

    protecting their local


    Tourists may pay to visit

    museums protecting local


    Historical ruins may be

    protected or rebuilt to

    attract tourists.

    May improve countries

    reputation and create

    cross-cultural links.

    Encourages education in

    order to work in tourist

    sector and should improve

    linguistic skills

    cause greater congestion,

    leading to longer periods

    spent away from families.

    Also increased transport

    may increase problems of

    asthma and traffic


    Tourism can increase

    certain crimes, like

    prostitution and theft

    People may become more

    materialistic and

    homogenised with the

    arrival of international


    May create racial tensions

    between tourists and locals


    Jobs are created for local

    workers in hotels,

    restaurants, etc.

    Secondary jobs are also

    created in shops,

    maintenance firms, etc.

    Workers and companies

    pay taxes to the

    government. This money

    can then be invested.

    People learn new skills that

    can then be transferred to

    other parts of the economy.

    New equipment or

    technology may be

    introduced to the country

    which again can be used in

    other sectors of the


    Local infrastructure like

    roads and electricity may

    be improved.

    Many of managerial jobs

    go to overseas workers.

    Local workers often get

    low paid jobs

    There is economic leakage

    (loss of money overseas)

    because many of the tourist

    companies are TNCs and

    the profit is sent elsewhere

    Many jobs are only

    seasonal so workers are

    only paid half of the year

    e.g. the ski season is less

    than 6 months long.

    The increased demand for

    products and services may

    cause inflation

    Countries or regions may

    become dependent on just

    one industry.

    May place pressure on

    infrastructure e.g.

    electricity and water supply


    National Parks may be

    created protecting areas of

    natural beauty

    Animals obtain an

    economic value if people

    are willing to pay to see

    Sometimes tourist

    developments may cause

    the destruction of forests,

    sand dunes, etc.

    Noise and light pollution

    created by tourist

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    them. If the value of the

    animal is greater alive than

    dead people will protect

    them. One good example of

    this is Mountain Gorillas

    which tourists will pay

    $500 to see.

    developments may also

    interfere with animals.

    Butler's Product Cycle

    The Butler's model attempts to show the cycle that

    all products go through from them being launched to

    them flourishing or being discontinued. People have

    applied the Butler's model to tourist destinations.

    The models shows that products or destinations go

    through six stages. The six stages are:

    Exploration: A newly discovered tourist location

    that only receives a very small amount of tourists.

    Involvement: An area that becomes better known.

    Tourism is supported by the local population and

    they start to build basic tourist infrastructure.

    Development: Tourism becomes an important

    sector of the economy. There is more investment

    from foreign tour firms. Infrastructure becomes


    Consolidation: Growth continues with resources

    diverted to the tourism sector. Areas may change to

    the exclusive use of tourists, possibly alienating


    Stagnation: There is increased opposition to

    tourism, tourist facilities may become tired and the

    number of tourist arrival plateaus or even declines.

    Rejuvenation: A tourist destination rebrands itself

    or improves tourist facilities, offers promotions or

    improves transportation.

    Decline: No improvements are made to the tourist

    destination and the number of tourists continues to


    The document below shows how the Spanish resort

    region of Costa del Sol has more or less followed

    Butler's product cycle.

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    Costa de Sol - Butler's Model.docx



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    Primary Tourist Resource: Pre-existing attractions that were not specifically built for the tourism

    industry e.g. churches, beaches, mountains, museums.

    Secondary Tourist Resource: Facilities that are built specifically for the tourist industry e.g. hotels,

    restaurants, museums.

    Human Attraction: An attraction that has been built or made by humans e.g. castles, churches,


    Physical Attraction: Natural attractions e.g. rivers, mountains, beaches or even the weather.

    El Salvador Case Study

    El Salvador is the smallest country in Central

    America. Its capital city is San Salvador. It has a

    population of just over 6 million and a GDP per

    capita of about $7,500. El Salvador has a long

    pacific coast, ideal for surfing. Inland there is a

    chain of active volcanoes followed by mountainous

    areas along the Honduran border.

    El Salvador's tourism industry has grown

    dynamically over recent years as the Salvadoran

    government focuses on developing this sector. Last

    year tourism accounted for 4.6% of GDP; only 10

    years ago, it accounted for 0.4%. In this same year

    tourism grew 4.5% worldwide. Comparatively, El

    Salvador saw an increase of 8.97%, from 1.15

    million to 1.27 million tourists. This has led to

    revenue from tourism growing 35.9% from $634

    million to $862 million. As a reference point, in

    1996 tourism revenue was $44.2 million. Also, there

    has been an even greater increase in the number of

    excursionists (visits that do not include an overnight

    stay). 222,000 excursionists visited El Salvador in

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    2006, a 24% increase over the previous year.



    The Orange Route

    San Salvador Cathedral

    Suchitoto and Ataco (colonial towns)

    The Flower Route

    Mayan attractions e.g. Tuzamal, Casa Blanca

    La Palma

    Perquin and El Mozote (war memorials)

    Joya de Ceren (the Pompeii of Central


    Lago de Ilopango

    Lago de Coatepeque

    El Impossible National Park

    Volcanoes (Santa Ana, San Miguel, Izalco,

    San Vicente, etc.)

    Pacific coast

    El Pital mountain

    Montecristo Forest


    Create jobs directly and indirectly e.g.

    Decameron resort

    Improves the image and reputation of the

    country (important after the civil war)

    Tourist companies and local pay taxes to the


    Attracts foreign investment e.g.

    Intercontinental and Hilton hotels

    Improved road signage

    Improved language skills, especially English

    catering for US tourists

    Diversification of the economy

    Increased protection of national parks and


    Crime - theft of tourists, but also extortion of

    tourist companies.

    Increased congestion on roads

    Inflation in tourist areas

    Privatisation of some beaches

    Air and noise pollution from increased

    amount of flights and tourist resorts

    Money diverted into tourism from other


    National Park: An area of land and water that is protected by law. Areas are normally made national

    parks because of their natural beauty and/or biodiversity.

    Honeypot: A location that attracts a large amount of tourists.

    Second homes: A house that is not a person's main residence. A person's second home is normally their

    holiday home.

    Rural depopulation: The movement of people out of the countryside.

    Service decline: The reduction in the amount of services provided e.g. closure of bus routes, post offices,


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    The Peak District National Park

    The Peak District National Park is an upland area

    located in Central England. It became the UK's first

    National Park in 1951. The Peak District covers an

    area of 1,440 km2. The Peak District is the world's

    second most visited National Park after Mount Fuji

    National Park in Japan. The Peak District is visited

    so much because it is surrounded by many large

    urban populations e.g. Sheffield, Derby, Stoke,

    Manchester and Nottingham.

    The Peak District has numerous human and physical

    attractions. Attractions include:

    Human Attractions

    Chatsworth Hose

    Peveril Castle

    Castleton (beautiful rural village)

    Bakewell (beautiful rural village and home

    of a local delicacy - Bakewell tart)

    Reservoirs (including Ladybower)

    Physical Attractions

    Natural moorland environment, including the

    parks highest peak (Kinder scout)

    Limestone feature e.g. Dovedale Valley

    Rivers e.g Dove

    Cave networks e.g. Blue John Cavern (some

    networks have been enlarged by mining)

    The Roaches (limestone cliff face that

    attracts climbers)

    Natural springs at Buxton

    Problems caused by Tourism in Peak


    Benefits of Tourism in Peak District

    The Peak District's roads are small and have

    become heavily congested.

    Some tourists drop littering which is

    unsightly and can harm animals

    Many tourists do not stay on the footpaths

    Job creation (it is estimated tourism creates

    14,200 jobs in the Peak District

    Income (it is estimated tourism generates

    over $600 million in income)

    Improved infrastructure (roads, electricity)

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    causing erosion either side of the path and

    damaging crops

    Some tourists leave farm gates open allowing

    animals to escape.

    A lot of the employment is only seasonal

    Many tourists have purchased second homes.

    This means many houses are vacant for long

    periods leading to rural depopulation and

    service decline.

    Tourists create air, noise and water pollution

    The large demand from tourists has caused

    local inflation (increase in prices)

    Improved facilities e.g. restaurants, golf

    courses, etc.

    Protection of historical landmarks e.g.

    Peveril Castle

    Protection of natural beauty

    Improved reputation and image

    Because tourism bring advantages and disadvantages, many people disagree over how the land should be

    used. You can look at these disagreements by completing a conflict matrix. If you think a group will

    agree on how to use the land you can put a tick, if you think that they will disagree you can put a cross.

    National Park Conflict Matrix.docx



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    A number of solutions have been suggested in the Peak District to try and reduce the impacts of tourism.

    The suggested solutions include:

    A charge to be placed on people entering the national park (entrance fee)

    A quota on the number of people visiting the national park e.g. 10,000 a day.

    Improved footpaths and improved footpath signs

    Increased fines for people littering and more bins.

    Improved public transport, especially park and rides so people leave their cars outside the national


    A redistribution of tourists. Advertise different sites with in the park better so people are spread

    out more evenly.

    However, a lot of these solutions are hard to implement because the Peak District National Park is a

    working park. This means people live and work within the park so any restrictions on movement or

    charges will be difficult to enforce.

    Sustainable tourism: Tourist activities that are socially, environmentally and economically sustainable.

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    Ecotourism: Holidays that involve eco-related activities and are sustainable e.g. hiking, bird-watching,

    horse riding, etc.

    Ecological Footprint: This is a measure of your demand on the earth's resources.

    Global Footprint Network

    Tambopata Ecolodge

    The Tambopata National Reserve (TNR) and the

    Bahuaja Sonene National Park join to create an area

    of sub-tropical rainforest covering 3,000,000 acres.

    The original Tambopata Candamo Reserved Zone

    (TCRZ) was created by a ministerial resolution in

    1990. Both reserves are located in the Amazon

    rainforest in south east Peru.

    Founded back in 1991, the Tambopata EcoLodge is one of the most establishedeco-tourism lodges on the banks of theTambopata River. With a capacity of only 59, itis one of the smallest lodges in the reserve.

    The lodge employs about 20 local Peruvians.All buildings are made from local materials,wood and thatch. There is no mains electricity,all rooms are lit by candlelight. However, somebuildings are now powered by solar energy.Local Peruvian food is served in the diningroom using local products.

    All transportation is by boat and the local guides aim

    to educate all guests about the importance of

    protecting the local flora and fauna.

    Tambopata Ecolodge

    Typical Ecotourism Activities How Ecotourist Resorts Can Be




    Bird watching

    Safari (animal watching)


    Use renewable energy sources e.g. wind and


    Build using only local products

    Serve only local food, using locally sourced


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    Beach cleaning

    Tree planting

    Completing bird and animal surveys

    Employ only local staff

    Recycle all waste

    Treat and clean all water

    Educate guests about the importance of

    protecting the environment

    Promote local culture

    Despite the aims of ecotourism caring for the environment and the local culture and environment, it still

    has its critics. Critics argue that most tourists still travel long distances to reach ecotourist destinations,

    thus releasing large amounts of greenhouse gases when they fly. Critics also argue that the building of

    any lodges will cause the destruction of the natural habitat and disturb local flora and fauna. Also guests,

    however careful will create waste that needs to be disposed of.

    Tourism tick sheet.doc



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    Tourism defintions.doc



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    IGCSE and GCSE Tourism