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IFES Daily Prayer Guide F E B – M A R 2 0 1 6

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DEAR FRIENDSIn my role as UK Supporter Relations Manager for IFES, one of my greatest joys is the stories I hear and share of what God is doing in and through students around the world. Alongside that, one of my greatest frustrations is the stories of God doing incredible things I hear, but cannot tell, or only in part. As you pray through these prayer points, please take time to praise God every time there is mention of work in a sensitive location. Praise

him that he is building his kingdom in places where it is hard for his people, places where political or religious structures oppose the Gospel. Praise God that he is stronger, that Christ is victorious, and that day after day, his Spirit is speaking to students through their Christian friends and classmates.

Jill Bain IFES Supporter Relations

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06 – 10 FEBSouth Pacific06/02 As the academic year starts, please pray AFES Australia students will be loving, bold and welcoming and connect with many new students during orientation weeks.

07/02 PSFC Tonga ask for prayer for a new and growing group in one institution. One year into student ministry there, they want to see students being ‘real ambassadors to others around them’.

08/02 8-12 Feb sees TSCF New Zealand’s Launch camp for new and returning students and recent graduates. Pray they would explore faith, and be prepared for challenges and opportunities.

09/02 PSFC Fiji are rejoicing at a new group in Sangam Nursing College. Pray that their Bible studies would go from strength to strength.

10/02 Pray for the TSCF Papua New Guinea National Conference 25-27 Mar, which will gather around 2000 students, graduates and guests. Ask God to strengthen passion for student ministry.

01 – 05 FEBLatin America01/02 Pray for the IFES Latin America Staff Formation Retreat ‘Disciples of the Way’ - four weeks of fellowship, training and mission in Panama 1-28 Feb for 50 staff from 20 countries.

02/02 CCU Bolivia ask us to pray for the movement to expand into new areas, and for student groups to start in Pando, Beni and Tarija.

03/02 GBU Chile holds its National Students’ Camp 6-14 Feb. Give thanks for students staying on for the Service Camp, where they will help to maintain the Quino River camp facility.

04/02 CECE Ecuador student leader Tommy shares: ‘My university has several campuses, but our CECE group is the only one, we want to start groups on the others too’. Pray for students pioneering new groups.

05/02 Pray for Compa Mexico’s National Camp 21-26 Mar: ‘Jesus, Life in the University’. Ask God to help students implement what they learn on campus.

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16 – 20 FEBInternational16/02 Pray for Sabine Kalthoff and the Scripture Engagement team as they help students and staff meet the Living Word in the written word, and live out the Word in every relationship and situation.

17/02 Plans for the IFES Asia Hub in Malaysia are progressing. Pray for the ongoing decisions on technical issues and staffing. The hub will facilitate e-learning around the world.

18/02 Pray for Nick Addo and the IFES International Service Centre Finance Team at a busy time of year. Pray for strong working relationships with national movements and international staff.

19/02 As General Secretary Daniel Bourdanné’s sabbatical continues, pray for rest for Daniel and wisdom for Acting General Secretary Martin Haizmann.

20/02 Pray for Vinoth Ramachandra in his ministry to help movements better intellectually engage the university as he identifies resources needed by national movements and explores the best platforms to make them available.

11 – 15 FEBCaribbean11/02 Praise God for new staff in SCFSU Jamaica, IS/IVCF Trinidad and Tobago, ISCF Grenada and JSSM Suriname.

12/02 IS/IVCF Guyana student leader Xiomara asks us to pray for University of Guyana Bible Club ‘to be creative in spreading the untainted Gospel of Christ and the Kingdom of God’.

13/02 GBU Martinique are delighted to welcome home from France former board chair Dominique Trèfle with a Masters in Theology. He will now serve as the first GBU staff worker in many years.

14/02 Pray for first steps in IFES pioneering student ministry on St Maarten, after a recent visit by Clide Cambridge of JSSM Suriname. Ask God to help him identify locals who will lead the work.

15/02 GBEU Haiti have been restructuring. Pray for General Secretary Moril, and staff team Anthony, Godson, and Laurent in their new roles as they disciple students and share Christ.

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21 – 25 FEBSouth Asia21/02 BSFB Bangladesh continue to seek funding to develop student ministry and build their ‘Living Water Center’. Ask God to provide for their needs.

22/02 UESI India ask us to pray that more women would take up committee roles and provide leadership in student and graduate groups and in regional and national structures.

23/02 Pray for 2016 regional plans for pioneering in sensitive countries, including meetings with pastors, students and lecturers to share the vision of IFES and to train students.

24/02 FOCUS Sri Lanka praise God for a graduate publishing a paper which makes an important contribution to discussion on gender inclusion in the workplace. Pray for IFES graduates around the world seeking to influence their societies with Christian principles.

25/02 Pray for UESI India as they encourage leaders to develop a culture of accepting feedback from others to improve their personal, spiritual and leadership effectiveness.

26 FEB – 01 MAREurope26/02 ZVEŠ Slovenia want their small groups to be more than simple Bible studies. Pray they would be safe spaces to share life’s ups and downs, grow together in faith and intercede for each other.

27/02 Pray for winter camps and retreats in February and March in MEKDSZ Hungary, GBEU Switzerland, IFES Netherlands, and for the IFES Europe Global Impact conference on international student ministry.

28/02 Liselotte, CREDO Sweden student leader at the Royal College of Music asks us to thank God for the gift of music and

pray they would find new ways to express it to glorify Jesus.

29/02 GBU France’s mission week in Aix-en-Provence 29 Feb-4 Mar is one of many mission events going on in this region. Pray for seeking students in France and across Europe to find truth through mission week events.

01/03 LKSB Latvia are recruiting a volunteer to work with international students this year. Pray that the right person would be found.

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07 – 11 MAREast Asia07/03 Pray for Chris and Thurston, FES Malaysia staff pioneering student ministry in Timor Leste. Ask God to help them to learn the language and build relationships with students and church leaders.

08/03 FCS Macao recently appointed a new Board. Pray for God’s vision and equipping for all members.

09/03 IFES East Asia thank God for the recent hospitality of Perkantas Indonesia for the Regional Support Group. Pray that participants from across East Asia can learn from what they saw of the student ministry in North Sumatra.

10/03 FES Singapore ask us to pray for student leaders as they implement plans for the new semester.

11/03 Praise God that in the last three years, SONOKO Cambodia has gone from having no local staff to having four! Pray for all SONOKO staff to grow continually in their understanding of God’s truth.

02 – 06 MARMiddle East and North Africa 02/03 The student movement in one MENA country is praying for more staff to pioneer work in another city they don’t currently have capacity to support.

03/03 FCSI Israel are thankful for Arab and Messianic students, volunteers and staff who try to be salt and light on Israeli campuses. Pray for their ministry to grow this year.

04/03 Give thanks for a recent student conference in a MENA country, where some non-believers made first-time commitments to follow Christ.

05/03 Pray for the witness of Christian students in families who do not share their faith. A student shared: ‘At home, the moment I make a mistake, they say: “you go to church, is this what they teach? Is this what the bible teaches?”’

06/03 Pray that IFES MENA training would strengthen and empower students in their full confidence in the Gospel.

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12 – 16 MAREnglish and Portuguese- Speaking Africa12/03 SCOM Malawi student leader Joel asks us to pray for students’ personal relationships with God to be healthy, and that they would have the urge to share the Gospel at every opportunity.

13/03 Pray for the IFES EPSA initiative to mobilize and ignite a vibrant passion for mission among graduates, students and staff in Portuguese-speaking countries this year, including holding a missions conference in Mozambique in September.

14/03 The movement in a country experiencing persecution ask for prayer for wisdom in finding effective ways to communicate with non-believers.

15/03 Give thanks that Mukululi Ncube, FOCUS Zimbabwe General Secretary was able to attend the SWAFES Swaziland National Conference on behalf of the IFES EPSA Regional Secretary to help strengthen IFES work there.

16/03 Pray for GBUGB Guinea-Bissau, one of the newest movements in EPSA. Pray for students being discipled through Bible study groups at 6 universities there.

17 – 21 MARNorth America17/03 InterVarsity/USA South East region give thanks for Darius, a University of Tennessee, Chattanooga student leader seeking to be an example of a black male leader who reflects the person of Christ in a culture riddled with violence, crime, and fatherlessness.

18/03 Pray for focus and vision for the Inter-Varsity Canada Human Resources team on how to improve services for camp and campus ministries.

19/03 GBU Canada ask us to pray for group leaders, that they may see the work of the Lord in the lives of students.

20/03 Pray that students given Bibles in their own languages for Christmas by InterVarsity/USA’s International Fellowship at University of Wisconsin, Madison would be reading them.

21/03 Inter-Varsity Canada at Queen’s University ask us to pray that students with mental illnesses will ask for and receive help and healing from God.

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22 – 26 MAREurasia22/03 Give thanks for the 10 students who came to faith at the CCX Ukraine mission week in Kharkiv, and for Christian students who showed that they can answer complex questions about their worldview.

23/03 IFES staff in Central Asia praise God for partnership with a church to train leaders in theology.

24/03 Two recent conferences in Russia were organised either completely or with significant input from student leaders. Pray for more such student leaders.

25/03 Give thanks for the new Central Asian Christian who heard about sharing the Gospel through actions as well as words. He sacrificially bought trainers for PE for a class mate who could not afford them and was jogging daily in flip flops in cold, wet conditions.

26/03 Pray for ministry to international students in Eurasia. God is opening doors across the region.

27 – 31 MARFrancophone Africa27/03 Pray for IFES as we plan a training event for national movement staff. We hope for new participants from countries including Benin, Cameroon, Gabon, Madagascar, Mali, DR Congo, Rwanda and Togo in July.

28/03 GBG Gabon recently celebrated their tenth anniversary. Praise God for their ministry in Gabon’s high schools and universities.

29/03 Ask God to bless student ministry in a sensitive location in this region. Ask God to raise up and equip student leaders.

30/03 Thank God with GBEEB Benin for the commitment of their students, not just in effective and active evangelism in academic centres but also in the supervision of school groups.

31/03 Pray for UGBB Burundi as they seek to strengthen relationships between GBU staff and local student groups, and among the groups themselves.

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