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Page 1: If my life were a message

I would tell you.....

Page 2: If my life were a message
Page 3: If my life were a message

Quotations & short passages to motivate and celebrate life

Written & Designed: by Kelly Levy

© by Kelly Levy. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented without written permission from the publisher. Contact: Kelly Levy, P.O. Box 104865, Jefferson City, MO. 65110

Page 4: If my life were a message

“ It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness” -Chinese Proverb

Page 5: If my life were a message

“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

The glow of a solitary candle can illuminate an entire room. It liberates us from the darkness & allows us to admire the flickering flame before us. We are drawn to the warmth of that solitary candle. It exhibits the passion that lies in the core of our souls. We cannot allow that candle to go out. Our soul then ceases to exist. So allow your candle to burn brightly. Offer to light the candle of people whose room maybe dim and the outlook dismal. If shared with another then another soon we can eventually light the entire universe. I rejoice for the light that shines within me. I thank others that allow their light to shine for others to see.

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“ Whatever you do will be significant, but it is very important that you do it.” - Mahatma Gandhi

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

Passion of purpose makes your existence an exciting experience. Find that one thing that makes you tick, that makes your soul come alive. Start using all your creative talents and breathe life into your purpose. Life is short and there are no promises of tomorrow. So live each day to the fullest. By opening your mind and heart you will fulfill the legacy and destiny you were bound to leave. Go forward with the spirit of originality, ingenuity and vision. When you are in-tune with yourself you can embrace the special contributions you have to offer.

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“ When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the

only way to dissolve that link and get free.” -Catherine Ponder

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

Forgiving is all about letting go of the past. Letting go of emotional baggage we carry from previous relationships and experiences. You have the power to choose. Do you choose anger or peace, sadness or happiness, blame or forgiveness? The choice is simple and it is yours. You hold the power . Forgiving is the entryway to better physical health, emotional and spiritual healing. We have to start with forgiveness of our self. Be kind to you. Forgive as often as you have been hurt. You have the control and authority to wipe the slate clean. Why don ’ t you do it? Free your soul, the gift of forgiveness is everlasting.

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“ If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote

poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”

-Martin Luther King

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

Many think the purpose of life is to be wealthy, drive nice cars, own fashionable clothing and eat at fancy restaurants. Wealth equals security and there is definitely nothing wrong with that. Once you are secure there is a higher purpose. Being materialistic keeps us from our fullest potential. It negates all the unique gifts and talents bestowed upon us at birth. We forget we can sing because we can hire a singer, we forget we sew because we hire a seam stress and we forget we can cook because we can hire a chef. Look within. Look at your potential. Look at your unique gifts and talents. They were bestowed to you. That is a true testament to who you are. Explore and rediscover who you are.

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“ Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health,

occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.” -Thomas Jefferson

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

We have all heard the saying “ L aughter is contagious.” When you listen to others giggling spontaneously and wholeheartedly, you are drawn to the simple pleasure of having fun. During rough times you can find liberation in the pleasure of laughter. Possessing a happy spirit makes you a pleasure to be around. At any moment you can access the joy within you, simple thoughts such as being alive and looking at the beauty in a butterfly. Whatever you are doing, you have to power to be pleasant and happy even if the situation maybe challenging. You share happiness by communicating it in all that you do. Cheerful moments are formed in your life and in the lives of others because you live from the happiness in your heart.

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“ Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” - Robert Collier

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

Successful people of the world have a clear mental picture of what they want to accomplish. Most things are created twice, first the mental creation and then the physical creation. Once we have decided what it is that we want to accomplish, we can direct our energy, attention and time in positive ways. Within all of us lies a creative genius. It is our destiny to pull these talents into our conscious thoughts and use all of our abilities. The power of focus and positive affirmations make all things possible. As we go about our daily affairs focus your energy on achieving your goals and those small efforts made day in and day out will make you successful.

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"We all need something to believe in, something for which we can have whole-hearted enthusiasm. We need to feel that our life has meaning,

that we are needed in this world." -Hannah Senesh

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

Sometimes we may tolerate clutter in our lives. You look in your closets or drawers and wonder how we have accumulated so much stuff throughout the years. Our thoughts and feelings can mimic those cluttered closets and drawers. We allow opinions and feelings to gather in our heart and mind. Those opinions and feelings form our world view or rules by which we live our lives. Some of these rules may serve us well, but others may be outdated. When we crowd our mind with outdated information we have limited spaces for new ideas. Starting now examine your world view and see what is true and what is false. Then dispose of any thoughts of uncertainty, scarcity, and unworthiness. Uncluttering our mind frees us. Creating a positive frame of reference which focuses on confidence, abundance and worthiness in our thoughts will allow good to fill our mind and heart.

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"It's not what we have in our life but who we have in our life that counts." -J.M. Laurence

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

Love brightens each day and is spoken and expressed in so many different ways. It could be a hug from a friend, a conversation with a loved one or a smile from a child. Families are unified and wars end when love comes into play. It has the power to do mighty things. In the past some relationships may not have seemed particularly important, however as we look back we realize that we had a significant impact on the lives of others. They loved us from a distance, they valued our word, they thanked us for making a difference, they were grateful for us being there for them. Love is the universal language and it never fails.

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"Circumstance has no power over you. Your inner weather is always and forever at your command.

-Olga Rosmanith

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

Some days we wake up and it seems the day may not play out exactly how we wanted it to. We fill unappreciated and gloomy. Know that you have the influence to carry your own weather. Feeling happiness would be complicated if we moved through life in a down beat manner or if we entertained sad thoughts. Live your life completely, leave no stone unturned. Focus on what you can influence and look for something positive in all situations. A positive personal philosophy allows good to flow to us, opening new paths which gives us a feeling of accomplishment. A peaceful spirit and inner optimism form a foundation of sincerity and anticipation! Believe all things are possible, you have control over three things, how you think, how you communicate and how you act.

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“We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.”

-Franklin Roosevelt

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

I am prepared to develop new skills. I am prepared for fresh experiences. I am prepared to look from a different viewpoint. Any situation or circumstance can appear as permanent or restrictive. Instead, envision the change you want to see, look towards a new horizon. A horizon filled with endless possibilities. As you envision your new horizon, you realize that with each new idea there is unlimited potential. Your life is not dictated by circumstance. Whatever your mind can imagine your heart will follow. Believe in your calling and no matter where you came from or what you believed in your journey will be magnificent. Welcome to your journey.

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“ I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now;

let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” -Stephan Grellet

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

Random acts of kindness are spontaneous actions taken by individuals who want to make a difference. It may be a small deed in your opinion but it meant the world to the other person. So consider situations in which you can show some compassion or assistance. Maybe a neighbor is not feeling well you could offer your assistance. Look in your community at the needs of the less fortunate. Can you share your time and talents in service to others? What are we giving back to our community? What contribution and legacy do you want to leave behind? I want to be kind, considerate and thoughtful. Celebrate the good you do and encourage yourself to give to others. In the end you receive the gift of gratitude and accomplishment.

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"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family and friends" -Anthony Brandt

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“If my life were a message, I would tell you...”

If you feel alone because an important relationship has ended, remember that you are never alone or without comfort. You may experience sorrow or sadness; however, you have the resiliency to bounce back. As the saying goes, “ T ime heals all wounds. ” If the saying is not completely true, time definitely can ease the pain. Look towards friends and family. When given the opportunity take time to say, “ I love you. ” Display kindness and concern toward others. When you put this into action, the law of love takes over, which will attract peace of mind and nearby friends and family.

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“Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.”

-John Wesley