Download - Idioms 1971

  • 8/12/2019 Idioms 1971


    After putting the above list in excel, removing duplicates and counting repeating

    of individual idiom in different papers, the list becomes as follows:

    a cock and bull story3

    a wild goose chase3

    between the devil and the deep blue sea3

    by and by3

    as cool as a cucumber2

    below par2

    blow one's top2

    call it a night2

    find one's feet2

    from pillar to post2

    hang up2

    leave in the lurch2

    the acid test2

    the tip of the iceberg2

    to back out 2to be in hot water


    to bear the brunt of2

    to beat the air2

    to burn midnight oil2

    to burn the candle at both ends2

    to have an axe to grind2

    to have your cake and eat it too2

    to kick the bucket2

    to read between the lines2

    to rob peter to pay paul2

  • 8/12/2019 Idioms 1971


    to take to one's heels2

    turn someone in2

    ______ dog seldom _______1

    _______ is the last refuge of the scoundrel 1_______ of the same ______ flock together


    a ______ child ________ the fire1

    a ______ in time save ______1

    a bad hat1

    a bird's eye view1

    a fair weather friend1

    a gentleman at large1

    a jaundiced eye1

    a left handed copliment1

    a miss is as good as a mile1

    a skeleton in the cupboard1

    a square mea1

    a swan song1

    a turn coat1

    account for1

    all ears1

    apple of discord1

    art lies in concealing art1

    as flat as a pancake1

    at cross purposes1

    at one's beck and call1

    at times1

    bag people

  • 8/12/2019 Idioms 1971



    bang into1

    bear out1

    bear the brunt1

    bear with1

    beat out1

    beer and skittles1

    besetting sin1

    between scylla and charybidis1

    blowing hot and cold together1

    blue blood1

    bolt from the blue1

    bring about1

    bring grist to the mill1

    burn one's boats1

    by fits and starts1

    by leaps and bounds 1carry out


    carry over1

    carry weight1

    check by jowl1

    cheeck by jowl1

    cleanse the augean stable1

    close fisted1

    come off1

    compassion fatigue1

    cover up1

  • 8/12/2019 Idioms 1971


    dead as doornail1

    democle's sword1

    dole out1

    down at heel 1down the drain


    eternal ________ is the price of ________1

    every dark could has a silver lining1

    every inch1

    fall back1

    figure out1

    flash in the pan1

    flavour of the month1

    fly in the ointment1

    foot the bill1

    from the horse's mouth1

    give every man thy ear but few thy voice1

    give me five1

    give someone the bum's rush1

    gloom and doom1

    go against the grain1

    go public1

    goes without saying1

    got up to kill1

    grey matter1

    hang in the balance1

    hard and fast1

    hilarious detract from

  • 8/12/2019 Idioms 1971



    hobson's choice1

    hoist on one's own petard1

    holding out the olive branch1

    horse trading1

    in a blue funk1

    in a nutshell1

    in a pickle1

    in athe doldrums1

    in black and white1

    in good books1

    in one's bones1

    iron out1

    it never rains but it pours1

    keep one's nose to the grindstone1

    letter perfect1

    life without a philosophy is like a ship without rudder 1like a red rag to a bull


    like two peas in a pod1

    lip service1

    live on the fat of the land1

    live with1

    loom large1

    make off with1

    meaningful dialogue1

    meet halfway1

    much _______ about nothing1

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    no to mince matters1

    not a leg to stand on1

    null and void1

    off the wall 1on right earnest


    one man's _______ is another man's __________1

    one the sky1

    out of sight out of mind1

    out to lunch1

    over head and ears1

    palm off1

    petticoat agovernment1


    play down1

    play truant1

    playing to the gallery1

    pocket the affront1

    point blank1

    put your foot down1

    run riot1

    salt something away1

    sell like hot cakes1

    set in1

    set one's cap1

    set one's cap at1

    set the pace1

    spade a spade

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    stare in the face1

    steal a march on someone1

    steal the show1

    sting in the tail1

    storm in a tea cup1


    swan song1

    sweet are the uses of ______1

    ta be taken aback1

    take a cake1

    take aback1

    take after1

    take for1

    take ill1

    take off1

    take over 1take someone to the cleaners


    take something with a grain of salt1

    take to1

    take to task1

    take with a grain or pinch of salt1

    taken down at peg1

    taken over1

    the backroom boys1

    the child is father of the man1

    the last ditch1

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    the lion's share1

    the onlooker sees most of the game1

    the ruling passion1

    the teeming meanings 1the writing on the wall


    thin end of the wedge1

    throw someone for a loop1

    tied to apron strings of1

    time and tide1

    to be a greek1

    to be at daggers drawn1

    to be on the carpet1

    to be under a cloud1

    to beat about the bush1

    to beggar description1

    to blow one's own trumpet1

    to break a lance with1

    to bring grist to the mill1

    to bring to book1

    to bring to mind1

    to burn one's fingers1

    to call a space to spade1

    to call in question1

    to cap it all1

    to carry the cross1

    to carry the day1

    to catch up with

  • 8/12/2019 Idioms 1971



    to clip ore's wings1

    to come to dead end1

    to count one's chickens1

    to cross the rubicon1

    to cry over the split milk1

    to die in harness1

    to discover a mare's nest1

    to draw the long bow1

    to fall back on something1

    to fall back upon1

    to fall through1

    to feel the pulse1

    to fight shy of1

    to fish in troubled waters1

    to fly in the face of1

    to foul of 1to give oneself airs


    to hang fire1

    to have a finger in pie1

    to have the courage of one's convictions1

    to keep at a respectful distance1

    to keep late hours to throw cold water on1

    to keep of house1

    to keep out1

    to let the cat out of the bag1

    to live from hand to mouth1

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    to look a gift horse in mouth1

    to make out1

    to monkey with1

    to move heaven and earth 1to narrow down


    to pig out1

    to pocket an insult1

    to pull oneself together1

    to push to the wall1

    to put out of countenance1

    to put the _______ before the _______1

    to put the cart before the horse1

    to put the lid on1

    to raise coin1

    to rest on one's laurels1

    to rise from the ranks1

    to rise like a phoenix from its ashes1

    to rub shoulders1

    to sail in the same boat1

    to send a person to conventry1

    to skim through1

    to smell a rat1

    to sow one's wild oats1

    to stand on ceremony1

    to stand up for1

    to stick to one's guns1

    to strike one's colours

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    to take the bull by the horns1

    to throw down the gauntlet1

    to turn a deaf ear1

    to wash one's dirty linen in public1

    to wash one's hand of1

    to win laurels1

    tower of strength1

    trudge along1

    turn a new leaf1

    turn the corner1

    turn to account1

    turn turtle1


    twiddle with1

    under a cloud1

    under the thumb of 1upset the apple cart


    vamp up1

    vested interests1

    wear the pants in the family1

    weather the storm1

    when all is said and done1

    where the shoe pinches1

    white elephant1

    whittle away1

    winkle out1

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    with open arms1

    worth your salt1

    zero hours