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Ideas for Production

Jamie Mellors

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Idea 1My first idea is a way of representing the amount of horses deaths in the grand national using professional athletes. Showing an image of a famous sports team with gaps between each athlete. The way these death can be represented can be done in a number of ways. My first idea is to display a full team photo with one or two players missing, these two player will appear semi-opaque. This method will be very effective although it will mean recreating the background behind the players which would be challenging. Secondly i can attempt to cover up where the players stood using grave stones or ghosts this would mean that the poster will look a great deal less professional although it would mean an opportunity to stylise the image more maybe rotoscope the entire thing as to allow the gravestones/ghosts to appear consistent with the rest of the aesthetics.

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Idea 2

To gain more of a sympathetic approach my second idea involves famous horses from films, books, animation, television etc... The images on the posters will display them in different states based on the fact the poster is trying to convey. For example if a fact relating to broken legs caused by the sport then the image will mirror this. This idea might be too graphic, pursuing this idea will mean that the posters should be kept away from children meaning that a large amount of public places are out of bounds. Places such as swimming pools, sports centres, cinemas etc..

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Idea 2 extendedAs there is a significant lack of famous and beloved horses in media, I have evolved my idea to incorporate real horses. This idea has become even more uncomfortable to pictures than the pervious idea, although this can be a positive as it will hopefully stick in the viewer’s minds. This does not necessarily mean that the images will be gory beyond reason. I am attempting the indicate what injury has occurred externally. For example I have developed a single idea to be produced. The idea relates to internal bleeding in the horses’ lungs caused from excessive sprinting for a prolonged duration. To display this injury i will show blood coming from a real horses’ nose. This idea will work best if I produce multiple versions of the same design featuring different facts and illustrations. The continuing them throughout these posters will be that horses are not able to inform the rider that it is in pain. Meaning that an injury will suddenly occur unknown to the rider. A caption to accompany the image such as “If a horse could communicate they were in pain they would” to add visual effect to this caption I will edit a zip to the horses mouth. The idea being that the horse is not able to say they need to slow down. I will use a black background with some context of surrounding, such as grass and barriers that appear at race courses. The focus of the image will be centralised. The focus will change from fact to fact.

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Idea 3


My final idea is a timeline of a race horses life over the average 6 years that they live for. The poster will be minimalist visualised through small symbols and text below stating the year. The poster is designed to help the viewer understand how horses are bread and used to make money. The first section of the poster will be birth followed by running trials and testing. After this will be a syringe symbol to represent performance enhancing drugs. Penultimately is the flag that is shown when winning a race and lastly is a can on meat. The way the poster in envisaged in my head is not hard to look at unless the true meaning is understood. The whole idea is that it should be uncomfortable to image the message going across should also emphasise the fact that this is all happening to a very young horse. To put yourself in the position of the horse knowing nothing else but their current situation.

To accompany the image I intend to link facts with the five different stages of the animals life. I will create five versions of this poster all identical but for the fact featured. For example on one poster a fact will be present saying “Race Horses are forced to run at an when their body is not ready”. The viewer should be able to distinguish that this fact belongs to the second symbol in the timeline. Under this image the timeline will show at what stage of the horses lift this is at. These fact will accompany each stage of a race horses life. Once the horse is a winner it makes a great deal of money for the owner and is they turned into meat to be sold, the poster is designed to promote this kind of though. Much can be drawn from it as long as the aesthetics are executed correctly. The style of the symbols that make up the poster will not be 100% realistic although not cartoon like either.

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Example text


Fact displayed here

Timeline will range from years 1-6