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Page 1: iCE-N :: June 2011

Unkule to bring a great

value to the participant‘s

life in general as well as to

professional life. Such

programs like Yoga and

Pranayama are good

for peaceful mind, body

a n d s o u l . T h e s e

categorized programs are

targeted at the top, middle

and lower level of an

organization and will prove

to be a good first step

towards the ‗Learning

Organization‘ concept.‖

The special programs

include following topics:

1. Emotional Intelligence

in Business tactics

2. Discourses on Vedanta,

Vedas & Yoga

3. Learning Pranayama &

based Meditation

4. Power of Prayers &

Mantra Chanting

5. Anger, Anxiety, Ego, Arrogance & Stress


T h e ‗ L e a r n i n g

Organization‘ is a concept

that was coined through

the work and research

of Peter Senge and his

colleagues (Senge, 1994).

It encourages organizations

to shift to a more

interconnected way of

thinking. Organizations

should become more like

c o m m u n i t i e s t h a t

employees can feel a

commitment to.

―I am very keen to take on

‗Learning Organization‘ as

CE-N, India‘s annual vision

for 2011-12‖, Director for

CE-N, India, Santosh Kolhe

said. He added, ―The only

thing one can predict

about the future is

‘change’. In the coming

year, I see CE-N, India as a

very flexible organization

where people will accept

and adapt to new ideas and

changes through a common

vision; an organization that

learns and encourages

learning among its people,

hence creating a more

knowledgeable workforce.‖

―Developing a ‗Learning

Organization‘ is simply an

attainable process with

long - term benefits like

g r ea t e r mo t i v a t i on ,

creativity, improved social

i n t e r a c t i o n a n d

i n t e r d e p e n d e n c y ,

innovation and better

customer relations. It is a

concept that is becoming

an increasingly widespread

philosophy in modern

companies, from the

largest multinationals to

the smallest ventures. What

is achieved by this

p h i l o s o p h y d e p e n d s

considerably on one's

interpretation of it and

commitment to it.‖, Kolhe


He was recently speaking at

the launch of a variety of

training & self motivating

programs under the banner

of BrainAge Resource

Qual ity Enhancement


He said, ―We are launching

special programs in

association with renowned

personality like Dr. Nitin

‘Learning Organization’ - Vision 2011

I n s i d e t h i s i s s u e :

Energy from the Moon with Luna Ring 2

There is no honour in killing 2

When a good job turns into a bad trap 3

Vasota: A dreamland for trekkers 4

Today - the best day in my life 5

Chat with Christian Becker 6

Stories and more

iCE-N V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 5 1 7 J u n e , 2 0 1 1

Page 2: iCE-N :: June 2011

P a g e 2

“900 cases of

honour killings

take place every

year in the

States of

Haryana, Punjab

& Uttar-Pradesh.

Another 100 to

300 cases take

place in the rest

of the country.”

There is No Honour in Killing

Energy from the Moon with Luna Ring

A group of Japan‘s

engineers plans to exploit

moon for an everlasting

generation of power. It is a

fact that four decades

have passed since humans

last set foot on the moon.

Japanese major Shimizu

Corporation has now

charted out a novel idea

f o r g e n e r a t i o n o f

a l t e r na t i v e en e r g y ,

following realization that

Japan‘s energy system has

been dealt with a massive

blow by the disaster at the

Fukushima nuclear power

station. Shimizu‘s program

calls for a massive 12 mile-

wide, 6,800 mile long

―Luna Ring‖ of solar panels

to be constructed on the

moon‘s surface. The solar

panels will harness solar

(Continued on page 3)

Honour kil l ings are

murders. Dozens of

people, both women and

men are killed for "honor"

every year, falling victim

to the deeply rooted caste

system, which dictates an

individual's social standing

based on the caste they

are born into.

There was a happily

married couple living for

one year in our area,

Husband was well qualified

civil engineer and wife was

also graduate, well

mannered women, but

they were not from same

caste and it was a love

marriage against their

famil ies , but later


After one year, once

husband‘s elder brother

came to meet them and to

stay with them for a week.

The couple was very happy

on his arrival unaware of

the untoward incident

coming their way. The

elder brother always

thought that his brother‘s

wife belongs to lower cast

and not fit for my brother;

she had completely

dishonoured their religion

and must be punished. At

mid night he attacked his

brother‘s pregnant wife

and hit her with a rod on

her head. She sustained

major i njur ies but

unfortunately lost her


There are many similar

cases like Nirupama

Pathak, 22, a New Delhi–

based journalist, allegedly

murdered by her own

mother. She had wanted to

marry a fellow journalist

who belongs to a lower

caste — and she was

pregnant. The family

claimed that Nirupama had

killed herself, and lodged a

case against her boyfriend

for exploitation and

abetting suicide. But when

the postmortem results

revealed Nirupama had

been asphyxiated, the

police arrested her

mother, Sudha Pathak.

Though Western readers

associate the term more

w i t h T a l i b a n - r u l e d

Afghanistan than with 21st

century India, honour

killings are shockingly

frequent in villages in the

northern and northwestern

parts of the country,

where those daring to

cross the barriers of caste

are made to pay with their


Women, since they have

property rights, are a

threat if not kept under a

vice like grip. It is no

surprise that Haryana, one

of India's wealthiest states

with a largely farm-based

economy, has the highest

rate of selectively aborting

female fetuses, a practice

that has skewed the

(Continued on page 5)

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Energy from the Moon with Luna Ring

P a g e 3

power directly from the sun

and then radiate it straight to

Earth via microwaves and


As per Shimizu Corporation‘s

estimate, it can potentially

raise 13,000 terawatts of

continuous energy sent to

various receiving stations

around the Earth that in turn

can be distributed to earth‘s


With NASA‘s expedition plans

(Continued from page 2) for the moon grinding to an

indefinite halt, the innovative

Japanese company hopes on

building the huge lunar

construction project with aid

of what Japan is good at, the

robots. In fact, humans will be

seldom involved in moon

except for just supervising the


The company believes that a

shift from economical use of

limited resources to the

unlimited use of clean energy

is the ultimate dream of all

mankind. The Luna Ring aims

will put to play ingenious ideas

coupled with advanced space


An American Indian tells about a brave

who found an eagle's egg and put it

into the nest of a prairie chicken. The

eaglet hatched with the brood of

chicks and grew up with them.

All its life, the changeling eagle,

thinking it was a prairie chicken, did

what the prairie chickens did. It

scratched in the dirt for seeds and

insects to eat. It clucked and cackled.

And it flew in a brief thrashing of

wings and flurry of feathers no more

than a few feet off the ground. After

all, that's how prairie chickens were

supposed to fly.

Years passed. And the changeling eagle

grew very old. One day, it saw a

magnificent bird far above in the

cloudless sky. Hanging with graceful

majesty on the powerful wind

currents, it soared with scarcely a beat

of i t s s t rong go lden w ings.

"What a beautiful bird!" said the

changeling eagle to its neighbor.

"What is it?”


a n

eagle -

t h e

chief of

t h e


the neighbor clucked. "But don't give

it a second thought. You could never

be like him."

So the changeling eagle never gave it

a second thought and it died thinking

it was a prairie chicken.

When you have what most

people consider a ―good‖ job,

it is easy to feel obligated to

stay where you are. After all,

you have what most people

want, right? It may be true

most people settle for a

―good‖ job, but then there are

some of us who aren‘t satisfied

with that. We want work that

feeds our passion. Work that

has meaning that extends

beyond a pay. And we need

work that lends itself to the

lifestyle we want, instead of a

job that forces us into survival

mode: just hanging on,

tolerating Monday through

Friday and spending the

weekend to detoxifying

emotionally and mentally.

For anyone whose ambition is

nudging you on to make your

next best career move, here

are a few thoughts on breaking

free from the bad trap of a

good job:

1.The first way to break free

from the t rap i s to

acknowledge it is just not

working. Regardless of how

anyone else feels or what

anyone else likes, the live you

life can only be experienced by

you. If you are listening to

other people, more than likely

folk who are afraid to take

their own journey, you are

selling your self short. Isn‘t it

time you stopped living

someone else‘s dream and

started focusing on yours.

(Continued on page 5)

When a good job turns into a bad trap

Chicken or Eagle?

As we engage in

our day-today

activities at

work in office,

it's all too easy

and obvious to

get agitated and

impatient. That

brings a negative

strain of thought

instead of a

positive one. But

how do we

overcome that?

Read on.

Page 4: iCE-N :: June 2011

P a g e 4

“It's one of life's

most awesome

facts that

people are

drawn to those

who are good


Are we really listening?

Vasota: A dreamland for trekkers

Fort of Vasota is deep into the

woods, guarded by wild

carnivores. Earlier famous due

to the presence of sloth

bears, there is no road for

Vasota, crossing the Shivsagar

Lake is the only way to this

scenic place.

It is located on the edge of

the 420 sq km Koyna Wildlife

Sanctuary. Currently, the

sanctuary is said to be home

to bears, leopards and even

tigers. Other fauna includes

sambars, gaurs, barking deers,

pythons, cobra and Indian

giant squirrels.

A three-hour climb from the

base takes you to the top.

While there have been no

report of any attack on

trekkers by wild animals, it is

advisable to stay in a group all

the time. The forest is filled

with jamun trees and

blackberry shrubs.

Before the forest cover, near

the peak, a trail to the right

leads to Nageshwar cave. Lord

mahadeo idol carved in the

cave of Nageshwar is thronged

by hundreds of devotees on

shivratri. It is believed that

water droplets from the

rooftop of the cave fall on the

shivling all year round.

The entrance of the fort is

marked by a small staircase

leading to the hanuman

temple. The entrance of the

fort is marked by a small

staircase leading to the

hanuman temple. The path to

the right takes us to the

Mahadeo temple. After a hard

day's work one can take a dip

(Continued on page 6)

faces. It's in the very words that we use to follow up with in our discussion with that person. The good news is that by making ourselves aware of the fact that we're not truly listening we can begin at that very moment correcting the problem. Make yourself aware of the importance of listening and you'll reap many rewards. It's one of

life's most awesome facts that people are drawn to those who are good listeners. U p o n r e a d i n g t h e biography's of many leaders one thing is clear. Each in their own way are magnificent listeners.

The next time your in conversation with someone think about this question for a second. Many times we're simply thinking of what we're going to say next, rather than actually listening to the person with a clear mind. If you're guilty of this at times there's some really bad news. The other person knows this as well. It's written all over our

i C E - N

T.Raja - 10th June

Deepak N.R. - 12th June

Pravin Shelke - 17th June

Debkumar Manna - 26th June

Birthday Greetings from CE-N

Page 5: iCE-N :: June 2011

There is No Honour in Killing

P a g e 5

demographics so much that

there are only 861 women for

1,000 men. Young men are

forced to purchase brides from

other states.

A stringent law to stop ―honour

killings‖ is on the anvil and the

government is geared up to

bring the bill in the ongoing

sess ion of par l iament.

Government felt a law was not

the answer to the problem

given the fact that various

traditions are followed across

the country.

What can we do to prevent

such a thing from happening?

Firstly, the mentality of the

people has to change. And

when we say that the

mentality has to change, we

mean to say that parents

should accept their children‘s

wishes regarding marriage as it

is they who have to lead a life

with their life partners and if

they are not satisfied with

their life partner then they

will lead a horrible married life

which might even end in


Secondly, we need to have

stricter laws to tackle these

kinds of killings as this is a

crime which cannot be

pardoned because. Humans do

not have the right to write

down death sentences of

innocent fellow humans.

(Continued from page 2)

accomplishments, the many

blessings, and, yes, even the

hardships because they have

served to make me stronger.

I will go through this day with

my head held high, and a

happy heart. I will marvel at

God's seemingly simple gifts:

the morning dew, the sun, the

clouds, the trees, the flowers,

the birds. Today, none of these

Today, when I awoke, I

suddenly realized that this is

the best day of my life, ever!

There were times when I

wondered if I would make it to

today; but I did! And because I

did I'm going to celebrate!

Today, I'm going to celebrate

what an unbelievable life I

have had so far: the


c r e a t i o n s

will escape

my notice.

Today, I will

share my


for life with

other people. I'll make

(Continued on page 7)

2. Accepting a good job is something

you do – not who you are. In many

cases a good job requires you

compartmentalize, becoming two

different people. You have the 9-5 full

time job person who is just a shell of

who you are. Then you have the after-

work and weekend persona where you

come alive. I‘ve never been good at

managing that kind of split. This isn‘t

about working all the time; it‘s about

being able to be 100% of you 100% of

the time.

3. Realize making good money does

not equal having a great lifestyle.

Good jobs, especially good jobs that

pay well can keep us leashed to a life

that is less than we dream for

ourselves. We tolerate assignments,

conversations, and mediocrity on a full

-time basis and still expect to have

enough life left over for living. That‘s

tough. Money allows us to take care of

ourselves and our family, but money

alone won‘t get us to lifestyle we need

to feel fulfilled.

Getting out of the trap of a bad

job requires creating success on your

own terms instead of settling for what

there is. It‘s living out the experience

of finding work that meets the

requirements of your financial needs

and aligns with your purposed passion.

Even when it seems like having both a

career you love and one that allows

you to earn what you need, refuse to

believe that you have to choose one

over the other. The good news is you

can escape the bad trap. The greater

news is you are the key to your own



(Continued from page 3)

When a good job turns into a bad trap

Today - the best day in my life

Page 6: iCE-N :: June 2011

P a g e 6

Are we really listening?

Vasota: A dreamland for trekkers animals are believed to come

to the lake after dark, so one

can sit high in the safety of

the watchtower and watch

the wild on a full moon night.

Getting there

Reach Satara by train/bus.

From Satara reach Bamnoli

(35 Km.) by bus. From

Bamnoli take a boat ride to

Met Indavali, which will take

close to an hour. It‘ll costs Rs

in the cool waters of

the Shivsagar Lake or

quietly sit on the edge

of the lake and watch

numerous birds in


An added attraction of

V a s o t a i s t h e

watchtower built by forest

officials near the lake. Wild

(Continued from page 4) 1400 for a return journey and

c a n c o m f o r t a b l y

accommodate 10 people. In

order to visit Vasota, one

needs to take permission of

the forest department, which

can be obtained on the spot

from their office located at


i C E - N

Christian Becker, Structural Project

Manager, CE-N Bochum was recently on his

visit to CE-N, India. Here are the excerpts

of the heartfelt chat with him.

Who inspires you in life?

-There are number of people inspiring me

with number of things which I like.

What is the most important thing in your


-Health, family and friends.

What is your favorite food?

-I like Indian food but it is so spicy!! I had

few problems at first but now I like it very

much. In Germany also I go to Indian


What is one memory you have as a kid?

-Learning swimming with father.

Which is your most favorite place?

-It is Chile, near South America.

If you could have a lunch with 3 people in the world? Who would you choose and why? (Laughs) Never thought about this! Bono - Singer/rock star Barack Obama

How do you describe India? What do you

like most about this place?

-Here people are so friendly, no bitter

experience. I visited Ajanta Ellora, Juhu

Beach with my colleagues and I liked it very


And what was the thing you did not like?

-The temperature here does not suit me.

Next time I will come in winter!

What would you like to say about CE-N,

India office?

-I received a very warm welcome and met

friendly, good natured people.

What is the best part about working with CE-N? -I got a chance working on really challenging projects, and many landmarks. They are creative and interesting whereas at other places it was boring.

Christian Becker at

the Marine drive,

Mumbai during his

recent visit to India

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Two frogs

P a g e 7

A group of frogs were travelling through

the woods, and two of them

fell into a deep pit. When the other

f rogs s aw how deep the p i t

was, they told the two frogs that they

we re a s good a s dead . The

two frogs ignored the comments and

tried to jump up out of the pit

with all their might. The other frogs kept

telling them to stop, that they were as

good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs

took heed of what the other frogs were

saying and gave up. He fell down

and died.

The other frog continued to jump as

hard as he could. Once again,

the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop

t h e p a i n a n d j u s t d i e . H e

jumped even harder and finally made it

o u t . Wh e n h e g o t o u t , t h e

other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?"

The frog explained to them that he was

deaf. He thought they were encouraging

him the entire time.

This story teaches two lessons:

1. There is power of life and death in

t h e t o n g u e . A n e n c o u r a g i n g

word to someone who is down can lift

them up and help them make it

through the day.

2. A destructive word to someone who is

d ow n c an be wh a t i t t a k e s

to kill them.

Be careful of what you say. Speak life to

those who cross your path. The power of

words… it is sometimes hard to

understand that an encouraging word

can go such a long way. Anyone can

speak words that tend to rob another of

the spirit to continue in difficult times.

Special is the individual who will take

the time to encourage another.

Today is the day I quit worrying about

what I don't have and start being

grateful for all the wonderful things

God has already given me. I'll

remember that to worry is just a waste

of time because my faith in God and

his Divine Plan ensures everything will

be just fine.

And tonight, before I go to bed, I'll go

outside and raise my eyes to the

heavens. I will stand in awe at the

someone smile. I'll go out of my way to

perform an unexpected act of kindness

for someone I don't even know. Today,

I'll give a sincere compliment to

someone who seems down. I'll tell a

child how special he is, and I'll tell

someone I love just how deeply I care

for her and how much she means to


(Continued from page 5) beauty of the stars and the moon, and

I will praise God for these magnificent


As the day ends and I lay my head

down on my pillow, I will thank the

Almighty for the best day of my life.

And I will sleep the sleep of a

contented child, excited with

expectation because I know tomorrow

is going to be the best day of my life,


To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind;

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet;

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them;

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true;

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best;

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your


To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of

the future;

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to

criticize others.



Today - the best day in my life

Page 8: iCE-N :: June 2011

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This newsletter is for internal circulation in CE-N only. Published on behalf of CE-N, India by Santosh Kolhe.

Letters to the editor and contributions can be sent by e-mail to: [email protected] | For feedback, visit here.

P a g e 8

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