Download - Ice cxf component.pptx


Expose a DataBase through SOAP over HTTP

Kunal MittalIntegration Expert – Integration COE

Sankar Santosh kenguvaPractice Manager - Integration




❖Apache CXF

❖CXF Component in Mule

❖Simple Use Case



● The principle behind this approach is our API LedConnectivity Methodology , which is an evolution of SOA.

● For years, most organizations have tightly coupled their frontend applications with the backend enterprise systemslike ERP and databases. The logic to access and process datafrom backend systems is baked directly into these front endapplications. If there is any change in the backend system, itturns into a very costly exercise to propagate that change toeach dependent application


❖ MuleSoft Anypoint Studio

❖ Database like MySQL, DB2, Oracle DB

❖ Soap-UI for Testing


Apache CXF

• Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps

you build and develop services using frontend programming

APIs, like JAX-WS and JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety

of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP, Restful HTTP, or CORBA

and work over a variety of transports such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.

• CXF is often used with Apache Servicemix, Apache

Camel and Apache ActiveMQ in service-oriented architecture

(SOA) infrastructure projects

CXF Component In Mule

The Mule CXF module provides support for web service integration via Apache CXF. Apache CXF is an open source services framework that helps you build and develop services using front-end programming APIs, like JAX-WS.

The CXF Component was formerly known as the SOAP Connector.

Use Case

Expose a Database Through system API using SOAP over HTTP

Steps :

• Start MuleSoft Anypoint Studio and point to a new workspace.

• Create a new project. File -> New -> Mule Project

• Give a name to the project and click finish. You will see the mule configuration file where we can now add the Mule flows.

• Copy the schema and WSDL for loan service in the following directory path of the project, Project-Name/src/main/resources

• Add HTTP endpoint to the Mule configuration file. Dropping the HTTP endpoint on the canvas will automatically create a flow

• In the HTTP endpoint properties tab below click on connector configuration.

Step 1 :

Configure as Below and Click Ok

Step 2 :

Add value “loan” to the path variable in HTTP property.

Step 3:

Add the CXF component to the flow.

Step 4 :

Change the configurations for the CXF component to match the parameter from the WSDL. Add the WSDL location in the advanced tab.

Step 5 :

Add transformer “Dom to XML”.(Note: This transformer will convert the org.w3c.dom.Document object to XML message. This way we can apply XPath expressions to extract various values from the incoming message payload.)

Step 6 :

Add the database connector to look up the table.

❖ Configure the database with all the parameters.

❖ Configure the database connector property with the following select query by using the XPath query to extract the input parameter from the request * from loan where loan_id = #[xpath3("sch:getLoanRequest/sch:loanId")]

Step 7:

Start SOAP-UI and create a new project. Add a new WSDL and enter the link as follows: http://localhost:8081/bank/loan?wsdlRun the request and check the response

Thank you !