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Quality in Health and Healthcare Institutions

Denny John, MBA (Hosp Mgmt)

Associate Administrator

L V Prasad Eye Institute

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The cost is long forgotten but the Quality is remembered forever


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Quality - Definitions

Quality - The Need

Quality - Implementation

Quality - Measurement

Quality - Outcomes


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Quality - Degree of excellence

Quality can be defined as a measure of the degree to which delivered health services meet established professional standards and judgments of value to the consumer.

Quality may also been seen as the degree to which actions taken or not taken maximize risk and other untoward outcomes, given the existing state of medical science and art.

Quality - Definitions

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Quality is frequently described as having three dimensions:

Quality of Input resources

Quality of the process of services delivery

Quality of Outcome of service use

Quality - Definitions

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Core Standards - must to meet

Developmental Standards - represent degree of excellence

Quality - Definitions

Adapted from ‘Standards for Better Health’, Healthcare Commission, NHS, UK

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Minimum levels of care


Market Forces

Health Insurance

Rise in Incomes

Quality - The Need

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ISO Certification



Quality - Implementation

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TQM ( Total Quality Management)

CQI ( Continuous Quality Improvement)

Six Sigma

TPS ( Toyota Production System)

Quality - Implementation

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Control Charts

Cause-effect diagram

Data collection : Focus groups, market research, surveys

Quality - Measurement

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Flow Diagram

Pareto Analyses

Planning network : PERT, CPM

Quality - Measurement

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Patient Safety

Patient and Staff Satisfaction

Cost containment

Quality - Outcomes

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Ultimately, the secret of quality is love. You have to love your patient, you have to love your profession, you have to love your God. If you have love, you can then work backward to monitor and improve the system.

Avedis Donabedian, MD MPh