Download - IBM Research Report · Storage Clouds (public or private) are recent models for storage provisioning. They are highly distributed (employ multiple storage nodes), scalable and virtual-ized

Page 1: IBM Research Report · Storage Clouds (public or private) are recent models for storage provisioning. They are highly distributed (employ multiple storage nodes), scalable and virtual-ized

H-0320 (HAI1408-001) August 4, 2014Computer Science

IBM Research Report

Storlet Engine: Performing Computations in Cloud Storage

Simona Rabinovici-Cohen, Ealan Henis,John Marberg, Kenneth Nagin

IBM Research DivisionHaifa Research Laboratory

Mt. Carmel 31905Haifa, Israel

Research DivisionAlmaden – Austin – Beijing – Cambridge – Dublin - Haifa – India – Melbourne - T.J. Watson – Tokyo - Zurich

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Page 2: IBM Research Report · Storage Clouds (public or private) are recent models for storage provisioning. They are highly distributed (employ multiple storage nodes), scalable and virtual-ized

Storlet Engine: Performing Computations in Cloud Storage

Simona Rabinovici-Cohen, Ealan Henis, John Marberg, Kenneth NaginIBM Research – Haifa

Haifa 31905, Israel{simona,ealan,marberg,nagin}

ABSTRACTThe emergence of the cloud storage as infrastructurefor serving large amounts of data over the WAN sug-gests new storage/compute paradigms. We propose ex-panding the cloud storage from only storing data todirectly producing value from the data by executingcomputational modules - storlets - close to where thedata is stored. This paper describes the Storlet Engine,an engine to support computations in secure sandboxeswithin the cloud storage. We describe its architectureand characteristics as well as the programming modelfor storlets. A rules mechanism allows implicit stor-let activation via predefined conditionals complement-ing the explicit storlet activation. The security modelsupports storlets multi-tenancy and various types ofsandboxes that constrain the resources available for thestorlet execution. We also provide a performance studyof the Storlet Engine prototype for OpenStack Swiftcloud storage.

1. INTRODUCTIONCloud object storage is emerging as an infrastruc-

ture suitable for serving large amounts of data expedi-tiously. Storage resources provisioned from convergedinfrastructure and shared resource pools present a cost-effective alternative to the traditional storage systems.The cloud provides new levels of scalability, elasticityand availability, and enables simple access to data fromany location and any device.

Unlike traditional storage systems that have specialpurpose hardware optimized for I/O throughput withlow compute power, the cloud object stores are builtfrom commoditized off-the-shelf hardware with pow-erful CPUs to cheaply serve large data sets accessedfrom anywhere over the WAN. We propose to leveragethe storage hardware processing capabilities to executecomputations. We define Storlets as dynamically up-loadable computational modules running in a sandboxwithin the storage, and propose them for the cloudobject store. While with traditional storage systems,analyzing data requires moving the data objects fromthe storage system to the compute system, we propose

to upload data-intensive storlets to the storage systemand execute the processing close to the data residency.

For example in the pathology department, a tissueblock is cut off into thin slices and mounted on glassslides. The thin slices may then be stained with differ-ent stains, e.g. HER2, PR, ER, and images are takenfor the original and the stained slices. These imagesmay be very large up to 200K over 200K pixels and canconsume about 5-10 GB storage. Various computationsand analytics need to be performed on those large im-ages such as aligning images taken from the same tissueblock, extracting a region of interest from an image andtransforming it to a standardized format for a mobiledevice, detecting the cells in an image via computervision algorithms, finding similar images by analyzingtheir features. Moving these large pathology imagesfrom the storage system to the compute system forprocessing is expensive, time consuming and sometimeseven impractical. We created instead, Image AlignmentStorlet, ROI Extraction Storlet, Cell Detection Storlet,and Features Similarity Storlet respectively. These stor-lets are uploaded to the storage and executed close tothe data. Only, the result of the computations, whichis generally much smaller than the original images, isreturned to the pathology workflow that initiated thesecomputations. Moreover, when the computation mod-ules are updated e.g., due to new computer vision algo-rithms, they are dynamically uploaded to the storage,sparing the need to move large data again.

Briefly, the benefits of storlets are:

• Reduce bandwidth – reduce the number of bytestransfered over the WAN. Instead of moving the dataover the WAN to the computational module, we movethe computational module to the storage close to thedata. Generally, the computational module has muchsmaller byte size than the data it works on.

• Enhance security – reduce exposure of sensitivedata. Instead of moving data that has PersonallyIdentifiable Information (PII) outside its residence,perform the computation in the storage and therebylower the exposure of PII. This provides additionalguard to the data and enables security enforcement


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at the storage level.• Save costs – consolidate generic functions that can

be used by many applications while saving infrastruc-ture at the client side. Instead of multiple applica-tions writing similar code, storlets can consolidateand centralize generic logic with extensive or complexprocessing, and all applications can call these storlets.

• Support compliance – monitor and document thechanges to the objects and improve provenance track-ing. Instead of external tracking of the objects trans-formations over time, storlets can do that internallywhere the changes happen.

To enable the use of storlets, the storage system needto be augmented with a Storlet Engine that providesthe storage cloud with capability to run storlets in asandbox that insulates the storlet from the rest of thesystem and other storlets. The Storlet Engine providesa powerful extension mechanism to the cloud storagewithout changing its code; thus making the storageflexible, customizable and extensible. It expands thestorage system’s capability from only storing data todirectly producing value from the data. At a high levelone can say that storlets in cloud storage are analogousto stored procedures in a database.

The concept of storlets was first introduced in ourpaper [1] where storlets were used to offload data-intensive computations to the Preservation DataStores(PDS) [2][3]. It was afterwards investigated in theVISION Cloud project [4]. Our main contributionis the definition of the Storlet Engine, an engine tosupport computations in a sandbox within the cloudstorage. We describe the architecture of the StorletEngine in the cloud storage, its characteristics as wellas the programming model for storlets. We describe arules mechanism that allows implicit storlet activationvia predefined conditionals, thereby enabling automaticconditional activation of storlets. The security model ofthe Storlet Engine supports storlets multi-tenancy andvarious types of sandboxes that constrain the resourcesavailable for the storlet execution including accessto filesystem, network connections, memory and cpuconsumption. We also provide a performance study ofthe Storlet Engine prototype for OpenStack Swift.

The Storlet Engine was developed as part of PDSCloud [5] that provides storage infrastructure for Euro-pean Union ENSURE [6][7] and ForgetIT [8][9] projects.We prototyped a Storlet Engine for the OpenStack Ob-ject Storage (code-named Swift) that is an open sourcesoftware for creating redundant, fault-tolerant, eventu-ally consistent object storage. It is a distributed scal-able system, and uses clusters of commoditized hard-ware to store petabytes of accessible data. The StorletEngine prototype is used to process archived data setsin medical, financial, personal and organizational usecases. Various data sets and storlets were examined for

the ENSURE and ForgetIT projects including deiden-tification storlet to deidentify sensitive medical records,image transformation storlet to transform images tosustainable formats, fixity storlet for flexible integritychecks of objects, and various image analysis storlets tostudy pathology images.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-tion 2 surveys related work. In Section 3 we providethe Storlet Engine architecture and the programmingmodel for storlets. The rules mechanism for implicitstorlet activation is introduced in Section 4. Section 5discusses the security model to support multi-tenancyand various types of sandboxes. In Section 6 we studythe performace of the Storlet Engine. We conclude inSection 7 with a summary and future plans.

2. RELATED WORKStorage Clouds (public or private) are recent models

for storage provisioning. They are highly distributed(employ multiple storage nodes), scalable and virtual-ized environments that offer availability, accessibilityand sharing of data at low cost. OpenStack is an emerg-ing open source software for building cloud computingplatform for public and private clouds, with a hugeamount of interest and rapidly growing community. TheOpenStack software includes the Swift object storage[10] on which we implemented our Storlet Engine pro-totype.

Efficient execution of data-intensive applications wasinvestgated for many years e.g. [11]. As the data objectsbecome larger and distant, there is an increasing focuson performing computations close to the data.

Stored procedures and active databases are at a highlevel analogous to storlets in object storage. However,object storage is meant for large blobs and provideseventual data consistency while databases are meantfor tabular data and provides strong data consistency.Consequently, the Storlet Engine need to confront withdifferent challenges and solve them with distinct ap-proaches.

Ceph [12] is a free software storage platform designedto present object, block, and file storage from a singledistributed computer cluster. Ceph’s main goals are tobe completely distributed without a single point of fail-ure, scalable to the exabyte level, and freely-available.The data is replicated, making it fault tolerant. Cephsoftware runs on commodity hardware. The system isdesigned to be both self-healing and self-managing andstrives to reduce both administrator and budget over-head. Ceph has the ability to add class methods whichenables computations in the storage. However, theseclass methods cannot run in a sandbox for now. In con-trast, our Storlet Engine runs code within a sandbox,which provides better security.

OpenStack Savanna [13] attempts to enable users to


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easily provision and manage Hadoop clusters on Open-Stack by specifying several parameters like Hadoop ver-sion, cluster topology, nodes hardware details. Savannaquickly deploys the cluster and provides means to scalealready provisioned cluster by adding/removing workernodes on demand. A similar technology is AmazonElastic MapReduce (EMR) service that exists for sev-eral years and provides elastic Hadoop cluster on Ama-zon cloud. In both technologies, the data is still trans-ferred from the object storage to the compute nodes,unlike our Storlet Engine that performs the compute inthe proxy and object nodes of the cloud object storage.

ZeroVM [14] (bought by RackSpace) provides a vir-tual server system (called a hypervisor), specifically forcloud use. It is an open source lightweight virtualizationplatform based on the Chromium Native Client (NaCl)project. Each request to a ZeroVM App (zapp) resultsin the spawning of an independent instance, isolatedand secure, spinning up in under 5 milliseconds, anddestroyed after finishing the request. ZeroVM allowsto bring the hypervisor to your data, with a fully exe-cutable size under 75KB, allowing embedding directlywithin the storage system. ZeroVM has been integratedinto OpenStack Swift in a project code named Zwift. Itclaims to be fast, secure and disposable but the useof NaCl requires customized versions of the GNU tool-chain, specifically gcc and binutils. Consequently, ex-isting code need to be recompiled for the NaCl tool-chain which is sometimes non-trivial. In contrast, inour Storlet Engine recompilation is not required, andexisting code can be executed unaltered.

Offloading data maintenance functions from the ap-plication to the storage system is an ongoing trend.For example, Muniswamy-Reddy et al. [15] introduceprotocols for the cloud that collect and track the prove-nance of data objects. In another example, You etal. [16] present PRESIDIO, a scalable archival storagesystem that efficiently stores diverse data by providinga framework that detects similarity and selects fromdifferent space-reduction efficient storage methods. Inboth cases, some specific computations are performed inthe storage system, but the mechanism for that is notgeneric as in the Storlet Engine that enables dynami-cally uploading and executing new functions wrappedin storlets.

The Storage Resource Broker (SRB) developed by theSan Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC) is a datagrid technology middleware built on top of file systems,archives, real-time data sources, and storage systems.The SRB code was extended into a new system callediRODS [17], Intelligent Rule-Oriented Data manage-ment System. The iRODS was integrated with AmazonS3 to provide policy-based data management via flex-ible policies and a rule engine. iRODS creates a datagrid with computational micro-services to manage the

various policies in the grid. It includes a uniform namespace for referencing the data, a catalog for managinginformation about the data, and mechanisms for inter-facing with the preferred access method. iRODS andSRB run above the storage level, whereas our StorletEngine resides within the object storage layer.

Docker [18] is an open source project to pack, shipand run any application in a lightweight container. Thesame container that a developer builds and tests ona laptop can run at scale, in production, on VMs,bare metal, OpenStack clusters, public clouds etc.Docker containers can encapsulate any payload, and willrun consistently on and between virtually any server.Common use cases for Docker include: automating thepackaging and deployment of applications, creation oflightweight, private PAAS environments, automatedtesting and continuous integration/deployment, de-ploying and scaling web apps, databases and backendservices. The Docker mechanism can assist our StorletEngine by providing quick and lightweight sandboxes.

3. STORLET ENGINE ARCHITECTUREThe Storlet Engine provides the cloud storage with a

capability to use storlets that run in a sandbox closeto the data. Figure 1 illustrates the Storlet Enginearchitecture that is generic with respect to the cloudobject storage system. It includes two main services:

• Extension Service – connects to the object stor-age and evaluates whether a storlet should be trig-gered and in which storage node.

• Execution Service – deploys and executes stor-lets in a secure manner.

The extension service is tied to the storage system atintercept points and identifies requests for storlets byexamining the information fields in the request and byevaluating predefined rules. The extension service thenperforms a RESTful call to one of the execution servicesthat executes the storlet in a sandbox according to theclient request and its credentials. The only componentthat will change when implementing the Storlet Enginein one cloud storage or another is the intercept handlerof the extension service. The intercept handler needs toadapt the hooks into the object storage and may needfor that either the source code or an open interface tointernally connect to cloud storage. We prototyped theStorlet Engine for OpenStack Swift Object Storage.

The Storlet Engine supports multiple execution ser-vices and multiple programming languages for storlets.It supports execution of Java storlets in an executionservice based on IBM Websphere Liberty Profile prod-uct that is a web container with small footprint andstartup time. We also support native execution servicefor storlets written in Python or other languages thatare wrapped in a Docker container [18], which is open


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Figure 1: Storlet Engine Architecture

source software to pack, ship and run an applicationas a lightweight Linux container. A storlet may callother storlets; even if the other storlet is in a differentexecution service.

The Storlet Engine can reside in the storage interfacenode (e.g. proxy node in Swift), and in the storagelocal node (e.g. object node in Swift). The Swift proxyservice is responsible for the external interface. It is gen-erally more CPU and network intensive; thus, the proxynodes that host those proxy services have generally pow-erful CPUs and large network bandwidth. The Swiftobject service holds the actual data objects. The objectservices are generally more disk and I/O intensive; thus,the storage nodes that host those object services havegenerally large disks and good I/O throughput.

We implemented the ability to run storlets eitherin the interface proxy servers or in the local objectservers to take advantages of each node underutilizedresources. The performance study in section 6 showsthat it’s preferable to run data-intensive storlets in thelocal object node. Yet, for storlets that are computeintensive or access several objects in different objectservers, it may be preferable to execute them in theinterface proxy node.

A Storlets Maketplace can be used as a repositoryof storlets from different vendors. An application ontop of the storage can mashup and use different stor-lets from the marketplace for creating its functionality.For example, an HMO can create in the Marketplacea deidentification storlet that complies with HIPAA. APACS provider can create in the Marketplace an imag-

ing analytics storlet. Then, another application canuse the two storlets from different vendors to analyzedeidentified medical images and correlate them withdeidentified medical records.

Storlets can be triggered either explicitly by addingspecific information fields in the HTTP requests to thecloud storage. Alternatively, storlets can be triggeredimplicitly by rules as described in section 4.

The Storlet Engine supports two modes of opera-tions. In the synchronous mode the storlet runs withinthe HTTP request/response that initiated its execution,namely the HTTP request ends after the storlet endsits execution. In the asynchronous mode the HTTP re-quest that initiated the storlet execution ends as soon asthe system registered the request in a queue. The storletruns in the background and may accumulate results inan output object that also includes information aboutits completion status. Later on, the storlet initiator mayaccess the output object and retrieve the results of thecomputation. Currently, we support the synchronousmode only.

3.1 Storlet DevelopmentA storlet is a data object in the object store that

includes executable code. The Java storlet code is basedon the standard Java servlet technology; thus the storletdeveloper may use the extensive existing developmenttools for servlets. The storlet includes three aspects:

• Lifecycle management – includes operationssuch as storlet deployment, storlet configurationand initialization, processes and threads manage-


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ment, storlet execution, inter-storlet communica-tion. Lifecycle management is provided by theStorlet Engine.

• Business logic – the actual functionality of thestorlet. This is provided by the client or applica-tion that creates the storlet.

• Services invocation – calls performed by thestorlet to external functionality provided by theStorlet Engine, e.g. calls to access objects in cloudstorage, create index, integrity check. Some ofthe services are basic primitives that the storletcannot implement by itself while other servicesprovide ”ease-of-use” functionality that could beimplemented by the storlet as well.

A storlet may originate from several sources: writtenby a system administrator; written by a user; or boughtas part of a third-party package or downloaded fromsome site. Further, storlet execution can be initiatedat different privilege levels: by an administrator; by aprivileged user; or by a regular user.

The Storlet Engine must guard against malicious in-truders abusing the storlets, and legitimate users over-reaching their privileges in the storlets and accessingdata that is not permitted to them. Based on the sourceof the storlet, the initiator, and the storlet functional-ity, a certain level of trust should be associated withthe storlet. We provide a mechanism for sandboxing ofstorlets that is further described in section 5.

3.2 Services StorletsThe Storlet Engine provides special services storlets

that can be used either by external clients or called byother running storlets. One such service storlet is theDistributed Storlet. The Distributed Storlet is a com-pound service storlet that executes multiple storlets ina pre-defined flow. It is a compound storlet in the sensethat it calls other storlets and consumes their results. Itis a service storlet as it is provided by the Storlet Engineitself, and not by external developers. This storlet isintended for analytics processes where distributed data-intensive processing on multiple objects is required.

The input parameters to the Distributed Storlet in-clude the resources data objects to process, the splitstorlets to activate on the resources and the merge stor-lets that combine the results. The Distributed Storletactivates multiple split storlets in parallel on each dataobject at its residence. Then, it waits for all split stor-lets’ results and calls the merge storlet (if exists) tosummarize the results. The merge storlet may be absentif no merge of the splits results is needed e.g., when thesplit storlets just add or change content in the objectstore. In the end, the distributed storlet will send asoutput the result of the merge storlet. In case there isno merge storlet, the distributed storlet will return back

a success/failure message to indicate the split storletsresults.

Conceptually, the Distributed Storlet has similarityto MapReduce programs that transform lists of inputdata elements into lists of output data elements [19].However, the distributed storlet is specialized for dis-tributed processing within the cloud storage nodes,sparing the data transfer to the compute nodes.

Another service storlet is the Sequence Storlet whichis a compound service storlet that executes multiplestorlets one after the other. The output of one storletis the input to the next storlet in the sequence. Theoutput of the final storlet is returned to the user. TheSequence Storlet is provided by the Storlet Engine asall services storlets.

Those services storlets are written in Python and runin the native execution service within a WSGI servercontainer.

4. RULES MECHANISMThe goal of the rules mechanism is to allow implicit

storlet activation via predefined conditionals, therebyenabling automatic conditional activation of storlets.The storlets implicitly invoked by rules are in additionto the explicit storlet activation. Normally explicit stor-let activation, if requested, takes priority and overridesimplicit storlet activation. However, rules are also usedto enforce access control related actions by marking therequest with a specially marked flag. For such requestspassing through the rules mechanism is mandatory. Forexample, mandatory de-identification storlet on sensi-tive data is enforced for requests having limited accesscredentials.

The rules mechanism is implemented via a rules han-dler that implements the rules logic (per stored rules), incombination with the user and system parameters. Therules handler is part of the extension service in each oneof the Swift nodes that includes the Storlet Engine.

Rules consistency is an important issue. When us-ing rules and rules logic, logical inconsistencies may beeasily inadvertently introduced. For example, a usermay define a (first) rule for a named container, statingthat every pdf formatted data object is to be auto-matically transformed (via storlet) into a jpg formatteddata object. Another (second) rule may specify, for thesame named container, that the inverse format trans-formation should be applied. It is beneficial to have anautomated consistency checker within the rules handler;however, in the current implementation we assume thatthe consistency of rules (and lack of conflicts or repe-titions) is done by the rules author. Automatic rulesconsistency verification is left for future work.

4.1 ApproachWe use a predefined rules set and logic to infer at


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runtime which storlets should be implicitly invoked onwhich objects. Since in our approach explicit storletactivation overrides implicit activation, the REST re-quest is first analyzed to determine if an explicit storletactivation is present, and only if it does not, the ruleshandler mechanism is called (with the exception of arestricted-access marked request, as mentioned above).

Since many tenants may be using the same storagesystem, the rules of one tenant should not affect othertenants operations. Hence, by design, the rules are keptas a per tenant editable object in the storage cloud.For a specific tenant, the rules object has specified ac-cess control to prevent unauthorized rules definition ormodification. Typically, administrator access rights arerequired for rules editing, although these editing rightsmay be delegated to other users of that same tenant.

Typical inputs of the rules handler include requestparameters, system metadata (e.g., content-type), usermetadata (e.g., role, tenant), and the stored rules set.The output of the rules handler includes a full speci-fication of the objects, parameters and REST requestheaders required for invoking a storlet. On the basis ofthis output a specific explicit REST request for storletinvocation is issued by the extension service, and han-dled by the existing explicit storlet dispatch mechanism.

Separate rules may be defined per HTTP command(PUT/GET/POST etc.), which provides greater flexi-bility for the rules handling mechanism.

The rules form an ordered list, in the sense that whenthe rules conditionals are tested for a match againstrequest parameters, the first rule that matches the re-quest inputs is activated. The following rules in the listare ignored (even if some would have been considered amatch too). This design implements a prioritized list ofrules, and the prioritization simplifies both rules defini-tion and activation, as well as performance (following amatch, the remaining rules need not be checked).

Examples of executing storlets on the basis of prede-fined rules and various input parameters include: a) de-identification storlet (depending on the role attribute ofthe user in the request), b) content transformation forthe entire container (depending on the content type ofthe object provided in the request).

5. SECURITY MODELThe Storlet Engine is an extension of the storage

system. As such, it needs to adhere to the followingsecurity requirements.• Storlets should execute in a protected environment

where users (clients) do not over-reach their privi-leges. Specifically, access to data (e.g., Swift objects)from within a storlet should be allowed according tothe user’s permissions.

• In a multi-tenant storage environment, full isolationamong tenants is a fundamental concept. This must

be extended into the storlet’s environment. Storletrequests coming from a given tenant should not beexposed to any aspect of requests coming from a dif-ferent tenant (including data, state, etc.).

• Storlets originate from different sources. The code isnot always fully verifiable for safety and consistency.The storlet engine must guard against malicious stor-lets, as well as intruding requests wanting to abusethe storlets.

• Multiple storlets serving multiple clients co-exist inthe storage system. The storlet environment shouldsupport scalability. Storlets must not consume exces-sive resources (cpu, memory, etc.) that might degradethe performance of the system to an unacceptablelevel.

5.1 SandboxesWhen a storlet is deployed, it is placed in a“sandbox”,

that controls and limits the capabilities and actions ofthe code. A sandbox typically can block undesirable ac-tions, such as direct access to cloud storage, or commu-nication outside the local machine. It can also restrictaccess to the local filesystem and to local ports.

Currently two types of sandboxes are available, asso-ciating different levels of trust with different storlets:• Admin Sandbox: the storlet is fully trusted, has

no restrictions, and can perform all actions.• User Sandbox: the storlet is less trusted, and there-

fore restricted from performing certain actions, suchas writing to the filesystem except in designated workareas, reading from areas of the filesystem that areirrelevant to the storlet, making arbitrary networkconnections, or issuing sensitive system calls.

5.2 Implementing Multi-Tenancy and Sand-boxes

We implement a lightweight sandbox mechanism,leveraging capabilities of the underlying operatingsystem. It does not rely on unique properties of agiven storlet execution environment, and can poten-tially be applied in multiple different storlet executionenvironments in the same system. The only assumptionis that the operating system is of the Linux type.

In Liberty Profile, each web server executes in a sepa-rate single Linux process. Each running process has aneffective UID (Linux user identifier) and GID (Linuxgroup identifier), as well as a real UID and GID. Con-sequently, all the storlets deployed in a given web serverhave the same UID and GID.

In our implementation, a web server provides a singletype of sandbox for all storlets that are deployed in thatserver. In addition, we restrict each server to be engagedon behalf of a single tenant. A given storlet can be de-ployed independently in multiple servers, thus separateinstances of the same storlet can be made available in


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each sandbox for each tenant.Each tenant/sandbox pair is associated “perma-

nently” with a unique UID and GID. In particular,different sandbox types of the same tenant have dif-ferent UIDs/GIDs. All servers run as non-privileged(non-root) processes.

Each tenant/sandbox pair is also associated with aunique port number – on which the server listens forstorlet requests.

A mapping from tenant/sandbox to the UID, GIDand port number is made available to the relevant com-ponents of the Storlet Engine, such as the dispatch han-dler. The mapping can be pre-configured or dynamic,depending on the implementation. The UIDs/GIDsare leveraged to support filesystem permissions, firewallpolicies, and tenant isolation.

An effect of the unique UID/GID approach is thata well behaved server and its storlets can be protectedfrom some types of intrusion. More importantly, a stor-let in one server cannot cause damage to another server,since in Linux a non-privileged process cannot assumeanother UID/GID.

5.3 Access ControlEach storlet request is performed on behalf of a spe-

cific userid in the storage cloud. If the invocation is onthe data path of the storage system (e.g. get or putof an object), the userid is the one issuing the originaldata request. If the request is not on the data path ( internal request, possibly event driven), an internaluserid can be used.

Access control concerns authentication and autho-rization to perform certain actions. In the context ofthe Storlet Engine, there are two aspects of permission:• Permission to run the storlet on a given request on

behalf of a given userid. This can be approached inseveral ways. It may be user/role based. Data objectsspecified in the request may be associated with a setof rules determining what users and/or storlets areallowed to operate on the object. In fact, when thestorlet itself is maintained as an object, the rules ofthe storlet object can be used.

• Permission to access an object in the storage system(get, put, etc.). A storlet should be permitted toaccess only the objects that the client originating therequest is allowed to access. Access rights to objectsare enforced by the security mechanisms of the stor-age system. On access to an object, a storlet needsto present some credentials, usually obtained as aparameter. For example, a token or userid/passwordin Swift.Permission to run a storlet must be enforced before

the storlet is invoked. Once the storlet starts handlinga request, it is assumed that the storlet is authorizedfor the request. A typical storlet is performed on the

data path of the client’s original request to the storagesystem. The storlet is invoked after the storage systemhas already authenticated and authorized the client’srequest.

5.4 ScalabilityHaving multiple servers on each storage node can

have significant impact on the performance. Concep-tually, the number of servers would grow linearly withthe number of tenants.

Some resources consumed by servers can be config-ured at the process level. However, the number of ten-ants is unbounded, and thus also the number of differentservers. To support scalability, it becomes necessary tolimit the maximum number of servers that are concur-rently active at any point in time.

There are two approaches to this: Terminate runningservers in favor of new servers, or keep a fixed poolof servers that can dynamically change their associatedtenant/sandbox.


6.1 Test GoalsThe performance study attempts to answer the fol-

lowing questions:1. What performance benefits can be derived by wrap-

ping a function as a storlet? To answer this ques-tion we compare the performance of alternative stor-let wrappings against their performance when equiv-alent functions are run outside of the storage system.The comparison are taken while a fixed workload isrunning concurrently in the background to simulatethe environment in which storlets will run. We alsoexamine the performance with no workload runningin the background.

2. How storlets affect system performance? To answerthis question we change our view point and examinethe workload’s performance when running concur-rently with storlets or equivalent functions runningoutside of the storage system.

3. What is the performance implications of runningstorlets on the storage system’s interface nodes asoppose to running them on the local storage nodes?The interface nodes are the public face of storagesystem and handle all incoming API requests. InSwift interface nodes are known as proxy servers.Local nodes are where the data resides. In Swiftlocal nodes are known as object storage nodes.Our initial storlet implementation ran only on theinterface node. We questioned whether it wasnecessary to distribute the storlets to run on thelocal nodes since it was thought that the primaryperformance benefit of storlets was derived fromsaving network bandwidth outside of the storage


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system and that relative short distance betweenthe local nodes and the interface node would notgreatly affect performance. To answer this questionwe instrumented the storlet API to allow the userto specify whether a storlet is run on the interfacenode or local node.

4. What host resources are most affected by storlet? Toanswer this question we examine host memory uti-lization, load, cpu utilization and swap utilization.

5. Do the performance issues (described above) changewhen the storage system is a private cloud accessedover a high speed internal network or a public cloudaccessed over the WAN? To answer this question wecreated a Swift test bed with a 10Gb network to sim-ulate a private cloud and add delays to the incomingpackets on the client host running the storlets orequivalent function to simulate WAN access.

The rest of the paper provides details about the testmethodology, set up, and the test results.

6.2 Test MethodologyThis section describes the testing methodology and

terminology. Treatments are alternative storlet wrap-pings or equivalent functions. The study compares theperformance of the different treatments under differentconditions. The test conditions are described below:• Vary the number of concurrent threads running the

treatments• Vary object size accessed by the treatments. Two

classes of object size are used and listed below:1. KB1-100 Objects with content length ranging

from 1-100 Kilobytes are chosen randomly andare assigned to a thread running a treatment.The number of concurrent threads for KB1-100ranges from 0 to 200 threads.

2. MB5-100by5 Objects with content length rangingfrom 5-100 Megabytes in units of 5 Megabytes, i.e.5MB,10MB,...100MB, are chosen randomly andassigned to a thread running a treatment. Thenumber of concurrent threads for MB5-100by5ranges from 0 to 20 threads.

• Vary latency from host running the treatments to thestorage system interface node. The native latencyis less than 1ms and we emulate a WAN latency byadding 100ms delay to incoming packets using thenetem Linux tool.A fixed workload is run concurrently to each sam-

pling of a treatment and the workload’s performance isevaluated. The workload used is 100 concurrent threadsof REST get requests for objects matching the contenttype 1MB5-100by5 described above.

Figure 2 illustrates the storlet performance test bed.Treatments and workloads are run on separate hosts.

The treatment engine is limited to a 1Gb network cardwhile the workload engine drives its I/O through a 10Gb

network card. Their I/O is directed to an interfacenode, which services the REST requests on its 10Gbnetwork card. A test orchestrator running outside ofthe test bed uses Java RMI to orchestrate the test. Itsends orders to the treatment and workload engines tolaunch threads of REST requests to the interface node.It also uses RMI to monitor the host resource utilizationof the treatment engine and interface node.

Performance measurements are evaluated based onfollowing dimensions: response time, throughput, band-width, failures, and resource usage. Resource usageincludes memory, cpu, and swap usage.

6.3 Fixity Test Set Results OverviewThis section compares the performance of alterna-

tive fixity storlet wrappings with its counterpart equiva-lent application. The fixity test set includes treatmentsthat calculate a data object’s digest, using MD5 andSHA256, and returns the results to the client. We chosefixity as the subject of the performance test since itallowed us to easily compare an eqivalent function run-ning inside and outside the storage system while varyingthe object size and number of concurrent threads. Thedifferent treatments are described below:• fixityStorletAtInterfaceNode : FixityStorlet run on

interface node• fixityStorletAtLocalNode : FixityStorlet run on local

node• fixityAppWithStorletInfrastructure : The fixity appli-

cation runs on the treatment engine where it calcu-lates the data object’s digest. Even though the fixityapplication is not a storlet it is run while the storletinfrastructure is installed in the storage system. 1

• fixityAppWithOutStorletInfrastructure : The fixityapplication runs on treatment engine, but the stor-age system is in its native form without the storletinfrastructure. This treatment is included so we canevaluate the additional overhead associated with thestorlet infrastructure and compare it with the nativestorage system performance.

6.4 Fixity Test Results for Megabyte Size Ob-jects

This section compares the performance results of thefixity test set working with megabyte size objects.

Figures 3,4 and table 1 illustrate the relationshipsbetween the different fixity treatments’ response times.We observe that the fixityStorletAtLocalNode’s re-sponse time is consistently better than the two fix-ityApp treatments’ response time. While the fixityStor-letAtInterfaceNode response time is the worst. Whenwe compare fixityAppWithStorletInfrastructure againstthe fixityAppWithoutStorletInfrastructure treatment

1The fixity application is a Java class. This is an exampleof how the test tool can be easily extended by a user.


Page 10: IBM Research Report · Storage Clouds (public or private) are recent models for storage provisioning. They are highly distributed (employ multiple storage nodes), scalable and virtual-ized

Figure 2: Storlet Performance Testbed

we also observe that there is overhead associated withthe storlet infrastructure but that it is not significant.

Figure 3: Fixity treatments for MB size objects response timewith less than one millisecond latency between treatment hostand interface node.

Figures 5,6 and table 2 shows that workload responsetime follows the same pattern; the workload’s responsetime is best when it overlaps with the fixityStorletAt-LocalNode treatment, followed by the fixityApp treat-ments, and worse when it overlaps with the FixityStor-

Figure 4: Fixity treatments for MB size objects response timelinear models with less than one millisecond latency betweentreatment host and interface node.

letAtLocalNode. However, the differences between thetreatments is not as significant as what was observedwhen comparing the treatment response time. Sincethe workload is composed of megabyte get operationsthe figure also shows the degradation associated with


Page 11: IBM Research Report · Storage Clouds (public or private) are recent models for storage provisioning. They are highly distributed (employ multiple storage nodes), scalable and virtual-ized

Intercept Slope R.squared std-error

fixityApp WithOutStorletInfrastructure 13 0.29 0.479 0.0177fixityStorlet AtInterfaceNode 13 0.54 0.557 0.029

fixityStorlet AtLocalNode 2.9 0.5 0.609 0.023fixityApp WithStorletInfrastructure 12 0.41 0.443 0.026

Table 1: Fixity treatments for MB size objects response timelinear model terms with less than one millisecond latency betweentreatment host and interface node.

the storlet infrastructure for get operations but it is notvery significant. Notice that we captured the workload’sresponse time when no treatment threads were concur-rently running. In this case the average response timefor the gets on MB object without the storlet infras-tructure was 15.8 ms and with the storlet infrastructure16.4 ms. The difference, 1.4 ms, means that there wasa 3.8% degradation.

Figure 7 shows that the overall system throughputfollows the same pattern, namely throughput is en-hanced by leveraging storlets that run on the localnodes but worsens when the same storlet is run on theinterface node.

Figure 5: Workload response time for fixity treatments for MBsize objects response time with less than one millisecond latencybetween treatment host and interface node.

Intercept Slope R.squared std-error

fixityAppWithOutStorletInfrastructure 16.1 0.156 0.397 0.0106fixityStorletAtInterfaceNode 16.2 0.239 0.554 0.0118

fixityStorletAtLocalNode 16 0.115 0.164 0.0143fixityAppWithStorletInfrastructure 16.6 0.162 0.328 0.0128

Table 2: Workload for MB size objects response time linearmodel terms for MB size objects with less than one millisecondlatency between treatment host and interface node.

When we run the same test set but add 100 millisec-ond delay to incoming packets to treatment test engineand include the same megabyte workload but with noadded delay, the initial response relationship is still 1)fixityStorletAtLocalNode, 2) fixityAppWithoutStorlet-

Figure 6: Workload response time linear models for fixity treat-ments for MB size objects response time with less than one mil-lisecond latency between treatment host and interface node.

Figure 7: Overall system throughput for fixity treatments forMB size objects response time with less than one millisecondlatency between treatment host and interface node.

Infrastructure, 3) fixityAppWithStorletInfrastructure,and 4) FixityStorletAtInterfaceNode, but as the num-ber of threads per treatment increases FixityApps’ re-sponse time increases at a faster rate than the FixityS-torletAtInterfaceNode’s response time until it passes thestorlet thus rendering even FixityStorletAtInterfaceN-


Page 12: IBM Research Report · Storage Clouds (public or private) are recent models for storage provisioning. They are highly distributed (employ multiple storage nodes), scalable and virtual-ized

ode treatment a more desirable alternative than calcu-lating fixity outside of the storage system. We also ob-serve as the latency between the treatment test engineto the interface increases that variability between fix-ityAppWithStorletInfrastructure samples increase, butstorlet treatments remain more stable.

When we run the same test with no workload andwith no additional delay then there is little differencebetween fixityStorletAtLocalNode and FixityStorletAt-InterfaceNode.

6.5 Fixity Test Results for Kilobyte Size Ob-jects

This section compares the performance results of thefixity test set working with kilobyte size objects.

The benefits of using storlets for kilobyte objects doesnot become apparent until delay is added to incomingpackets to the treatment host. The response timefor all four treatment are similar when no delays areadded. However, when 100ms delay is added to thetreatment host’s interface to the interface node thefixityStorletWithStorletInfrastructure’s response timeis the worst. There is no significant difference betweenthe two storlet treatments, presumably because theFixityStorletAtInterfaceNode does not require muchmemory to calculate the data objects digests. Likethe tests results on megabyte size we also observeas the latency between the treatment test engine tothe interface node increases the variability betweenfixityAppWithStorletInfrastructure samples increase,but storlet treatments remain more stable.

6.6 Fixity Test Conclusions1. What performance benefits can be derived by wrap-

ping a function as a storlet? The test demon-strates that storlets that run on the local node andprocess megabyte size objects perform better thanthe equivalent functions running outside of the stor-age system. However, storlets that run on the localnode and process kilobyte size objects only performbetter than equivalent functions running outside ofthe storage system when delay is added to incomingpackets to the client host.

2. How storlets affect system performance? The testdemonstrates workloads that overlap storlets thatrun on the local node and process megabyte size ob-jects perform better than those that overlap equiva-lent functions running outside of the storage system.For kilobyte size objects there is no significant dif-ference to the workload. The storlet infrastructuredoes degrade performance for non-storlet related op-erations but it is not very significant.

3. What is the performance implications of runningstorlets on the storage system’s interface nodes asoppose to running them on the their local storage

nodes? storlets that run on the interface nodeand process megabyte size data perform worsethan storlets that run on the local node justifyingadding the complexity to the storlet infrastructureto support the distribution of storlet processingonto the local nodes. Using the interface node torun storlets is only recommended when the storletdoes not require much data handle as is the case ofthe DistributedStorlet(see Section 3).

4. What host resources are most affected by storlet?There is a correlation between memory utilizationand load at the interface node and the resultingperformance. However, it is not significant enough toexplain the performance difference between runningstorlets on the local nodes or the interface node.Rather, bandwidth constraints between the localand interface node are a better explanation. Thisargument is further strengthened by the fact thatwhen no workload is run in the background andthere is no network bottleneck storlet performanceon the local and interface nodes converge.

5. Do the performance issues (described above) changewhen the storage system is a private cloud accessedover a high speed internal network or a public cloudaccessed over the WAN? The performance improve-ments attributed to storlets that run on the localnodes is amplified as the latency increases betweenthe client host and storage system’s interface node.

7. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKThe paper presented Storlet Engine, an environment

supporting computations within cloud storage. Theidea is to extend the traditional role of object storageas a repository for data, by exploiting the computingresources of storage nodes to run computation modules– storlets – on the data close to where it resides.

We described the architecture and key features of thesystem. A rules mechanism allows implicit storlet acti-vation via predefined conditions, thereby enabling au-tomatic activation of storlets during data access. A se-curity model supports multi-tenancy and various typesof sandboxes to control the execution of storlets. Weconducted a performance study, evaluating the StorletEngine within an OpenStack Swift prototype.

There are multiple opportunities for further work andresearch. Our future plans include implementing ad-ditional execution environments in the Storlet Engine,offering diverse capabilities and computation models.Exploring the merit of a storlet marketplace, analogousto app marketplace, is a another direction, and in par-ticular identifying major use cases and applications. Fi-nally, for this evolving methodology, a standardizationeffort is a long term goal.


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe research leading to these results has received fund-ing from the European Community’s Seventh Frame-work Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agree-ment № 270000 and under grant agreement № 600826.

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