Download - iAnnotate 2014

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iAnnotate 2014Building a community to enable the annotation of the

world’s knowledge

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Annotationthe practice and the result of adding a note or gloss to a

text, which may include highlights or underlining,

comments, footnotes, tags, and links

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PeerLibrary: What comes after open access?

• Open Scholarship

• Knowledge Layer

• Accessible Science

• Social Annotation!

• Real-time Collaboration

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Open Annotation Data Model

• Consider a variety of use cases

• Consider edge cases

• Consider extensibility

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• Set of connected resources

• Body

• Target

• Body related to Target

• Nature of this relationship changes according to the intention of the annotation

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iAnnotate conference format

• Succession of short talks (30 over 2 days)

• Open Space sessions from 2pm

• Hack days

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Annotation who’s who• (Dan Whaley, Peter Brantley & Randall Leeds)

• W3C (Doug Schepers & Ivan Herman)

• Open Knowledge Foundation (Nick Stenning)

• UC Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard, MIT

• RapGenius, Logos Bible Software

• ArXiv, AGU


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• Open Source Javascript library (

• Based on open standards effort in the W3C’s Open Annotation community working group

• Allows annotation of text, images and more

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eLife• Pre-publication enhancement of peer review


• Design workshop

• A new ALM (Alexander Garcia -

• What is interesting in the paper?

• What are the hot topics in the paper?

• The conversation is the aggregator

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Shared values

• Lots of github accounts

• Lots of sharing of experiences

• Common aims

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