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, ;


Soli~ _lisle • Altl~er lll•li•• OHere~

Propoeale recelvlna much atten­tiOII. theee dlQII are p~aae. for con­Wltinlr 10lld waste a) fm:ercy, thus !K.Iplng to solve two problema at once. The Unlve111ley ct )(azyland Ia the latest to collllder p1aDe for COGitructlng a plarlt .dlat· Would -vert IOild wute to -..,'In the form ct etam.

· Choeenbelt c~ ol!lclalt atonr with thaN from other munleipeJIUee were invited to a meet!Jw oa April 211 to hear the ~ . All ~ted by Charles Jantho, dl~ ot the Uldvwllty'a ph18kaJ pl&nt, the plant would bum &pproldl!l&teb' 800 tOIIIB of soHd waste per ~. produc­IDC Iteam to ~ utiltled by the Uah'endty for t-t and JIC*Iibly aJr amdltloniDc. The only similar opentioft In this country· la cur­ratl;y in Nlllhvlle, although ac­~ to Jlllltho, the .. pl'OCYB Ia

--~~~~-Preeeat fOI'eCIIIU ~ that the UDivend!Ta eunent Iteam plAt located Oil !tot-. 1 would - their needll through 1810 af­Wr which time an ~e would' be aeedecl. A prlRcipal advalltqe o1 auch a plan, beeldee the energy ,_.ted for the Unlvel'llty, (wftich at oammt prteea Je eetimated to pradaoe a $2~ million aavlnp In fUel 0011t8 tor the campus) Is that lft eetlmalled 800 tone of trash WOilld be burned by the plant which Ia ~ 75'.11> of the volume ...Wed at B~n Station Road. Aoaorcllllc to Jantho approximately 1,1100 tQDa of 101ld W1!8te are gen­eNtllld in UJe county dally with 1,100 toDII halldled at Brown Sta­tloll Road.

P« each a p!W to lit ci{len.tion­al. tfiel'l! would a1IO he tbe need for trlulafer at&Uoa In 'Which the """' wouJcl be compact~ ud then bau1ed to tbe C8ll1pUI Ill trailer trucka at the rate of ap~tel)> :10 trucklbada per 24 hour period. While Jantbo IIJ)Oire enthullutlc­aiiJ o1 tht. projtct, ~ ooun­clllun ~e and ~ ad­miDllltntor KeMeth Dulle~,n . were 111!1. u- entlluai~Mk. ._"I ~ on the ablllq .of auch a pllllt to meet IIPA ..... atan-411rda a weD u Stille __ ~ llbiDdarda. which weN ~ u _.., ltrlnpnt than tM.e of i!:PA. It - DOted that tlM. NulatiPe plmt had had ellliaiNn problem~~ ud tt wu left uncle~~' whelber thele had beea ..,.., ~.

1MlJ, It wu I!Cittd-tlset the 1!11-peSI!d Ufe of the awn 8tatlon ...... Jandllll Ia - . Mth)Wed u not bqoftcl 1111 w,bioll ''hllll alao lllfthoe JDOYJq alleiid ~tAl alter­...__..utbelft,~~ ~ Por aae~~ a ,... .- ..._ lllll4bad 117 .Jutho to .,_. NdtiY wwJd require State, Oouni;F, Jlllun~ clJIIII and thllvenlt;y eooperatlon .,__ at: <a> the YOium• of trlab required; (bl eapltal lnw•

-~ ~ <$20 llliBton or -l; and (c) the IMed tor trane-ter atat1cma. Tbe oaJy cllapoaa1 eaat data provided - that the ooat for dumplnr trull refWie In a plut Uke. tldll would .not exceed tiM ooat of dllpoaa1 • .._ Sta­tsoft Road which t. p~y $4 ))l'r ton.

*· - -

CYO Ti;a$tl'eam Tim St._ ~'8 CYo track team

of 40 lloya ·liud trlrla Je havlna Ita most sueceutul aeuon In Ita three 1M~' hlatory. In th~ · ftnt meet the team won· five ~ and placed In live other&·. Ill tlltt third meet the lloya 1~11 ate ·~rouP won with only four ~ · In the nat meet two CYO t'fll;OI'IM were set beat:IDC t.hole ct' -- . 10 )'e&!'R' ataDdlar. Demllll . Cllllt:well (It)

eet tile - 100 ~ record ol 10.1 eec:ondll a6d from Noel Ulil broke hla owp one mile record with a 4 :U-9.

A regular ~ In the 440 yde. run Is Chrla Cantwell US) with the followiDc. placlac eonalstA!nti:V: Bill Blataey \ (9) 100 ydll.; John Vandenon <8> 100 and 440, Bill CantweU (9) 880 and mile, Frank Ricciuti <l&l 220 and 440, and Steve Marquea <Uil 880 and mile. Out­standing &IIIOJII' the r!r1ll are: Saa-­kla Vanderzon UOl 100 and 880, Theresa Downa. (11) 880 and mile and Jlary Blstany (13) 220 and shot put. The membera of the sev­eral boys' relay · teama -which are threatening aeveral recorda are: (12--13 yeara) Ra!idy OudeJ~W~a, BW Orton, Dave Bensel. Tom Cant­well, Steve Malques and Chrla Cantwell. In 14--115 t.eam Tim Hlll­hollon, Mark WMt~ Tom Noel · and D~nnls· Cantwell.

Mahurin Wins Race Greenbelt's ; .. NationallY ranked

runner Jack :Mahurin won the D.C. Road Runnera ~·a 9th Annual 5 Mile race-_ lMid a\ Beltway Plaza on Sat., ~24. His time of 2&:19.1 wu 29 aecondl- faster than his neareat compeutor..Jlgnated prizes were pl'eolented tiy BIU Barkley, Pre1ldent of the __ Beltway Plaza Merchant& Auoclation, and AI Ro­sen, PromoUon Director. Ken Brown won the prize for the 11rst Sprlnrhlll Lake lln~h"r. Other Greenbelt llnlshe~ · jlll\)uded Bob Larson, Hilton Grt!elibaum, Mark Stefurak. Shalq~ •• flllber, and Frank Paplnea11. ~ere- were M starlers and 77 llnlshen. In th~ ~ mile Run-F<ir-Your-t.lfe which preceded the & mile, there were 9~ tlnlahera, whose alee ~ed from 7 to 69. For Information on other D. C. Road Runner Club races, call M2-141ft, 474---eliU.

Rematio.- ·~~mew Camp PbHt ......

Camp PIDe 'rR& Is a fun and skill PI'OII'afll a( outd~r ~- ape· clal actlvltlea for boJa· -u4 rlrla 8-12 1Hrl of liP- . .- Ia oPerated by the Cit)' &eli ..... flall'.tl­camp maqpr Ia 1ft eJiule of the oday·to4ar .... Covn· sellon. to - Pt. ' tile lncitdlvdual needl of eaoll C1W1JtL llt provld· ed for camper .IIQIIPR bf tlrht to twelve :JOQ~n. 8pealalltta are In~.~-~ pro­rrama In ~ 'teanl*, tu.nb­llnr, trlaa,..,.. 41iieherr and cralta. IW . ~ _Information call the n.e.; · ~ Mon. thru

~L t-1 fllh,~,!-- ' -~ Ot, Open .,.... ~t

The aelllM'-'!; lin~ ti!Umamnt, eo-aponaoNC'lij tile· Reo. DaJt. and the Greeftllelt ,~ AuoOla· Uon, will bealn ·)'fl.; Kay 21, at I p.m., on U.S 8qdev.. Field Courta Play on Bat. will .llePI at 8 a.m: KAVA Nen

The lint lplf.lh Party of the se81011 will lie llekl at lie Mllnlol· pal Bwlmmlna Plldt, 1ili'· Sat, JUlie II, from 1:10 t!fl· • '10:10 p.m. Sounda ~ 1le ..... u well u refreshahelltt. .Siill up for ~"* 10ftball contlnuet· at the Youth Center until Til""" ,)(~ %7. ~

GrHnbelt: CAflES . t\ ·1 :·

The fnll,-rrJ ... ,. ......


·• ~·}# ..... ........... _

c ........ SHOEkEJ»AJR

. Whli( U Walt DISCOC1f41' PRICIS

!. .

Beltw•J'? Plaza 8IIIUod tbG .... lluotw llloea

Mebollllla ~a ~~prap .,...... M-tr ..... Sa&. 'Ill • ............... ANDUW .EMENY & SON

-~ ..... ~.....,......_


IIISIRAICE We can't' IJOive all l~~t~urance

problema : • • but our ''battlq averace" II! pretty rood.

We wri~ all llna of lnlur· ance . . . i Avllomoblle; Home­owner's; ~nter'a; Life; au.!· neu; etc.,J in compenlea like Travelers '"" JNA. We've been around a long timt!, and think we kriow l"lat we're doing.

Our officf Ia convenient. We're In the Cap.ol Vl.ew Office BuUd­lng, next to the Howard John· aon Hotelt at the AMapolls Rd. CRte. 4110) -exit of the Baltlmore­Waahln~n Pa.rkway.

If you: have an lilauranee quesUon i· . . or problem . . , why not rive us a call? Ferg Gemeny or me durlnc the day at 'l'f&.6~ Or, my home In the evening~ 1184~208.

No rua.rantee to work mira­cles, but we'll try.

w~ Que•eM.--dtft'fO


GREENBi:LT: BUY OF THE WlllEK: $13,000.

2 Bedroom Frame TownhOUIIO In Wooded Area and cloee to play around.

2-Bedroom lllnd Frame Town­houBO with Wuher, Dryer, Air Conditioner, Wall to Wall Car­petlnr tor oat;y $14,1100. 2 Bedroom Jl:nd Frame Town­hoU.e with Wuher, 3 Air ConciUdonera, . Wall to Wall Carpetlnr. Home to be sold ltelow A.ppraged Price. Now ..Uinr for UMOO. Call to llbow .•

~ 2 Bedroom Frame End Town-houae with 1 ~ Bath. Horne Baou up to woocta. A 100c1 buy at lll,liOO. a Bed- Frame TO\VnbOille appniaecl rilbt tor $111.200. Immedlllte ocoupancy. ·

f liiJ&rooaa Brick TOWJIJiouae oloae to -'lopplnr and Trana­portatlon. 1'hla home 11 in ex­cellent coadltlon. Very nice quiet area. 2 m with Den iliiOilry Tuwnhouae with Wuher, Dry­et, Air OondltiOMr, and Shed. .,.,1100.

aw·=room=•J1i;cllt:-_ -,;--;,M.a;-aon-ry-wlth Otlnlp cloHj to ltlopplnr and Tranapomtlon. .,a,ooo. a Bedroc~aa. 8J'iOli ~~-liitJM wlthta walldnr dhltaoce to Bboppmc Oellter ud Trana­portatlon. nu home hu a hure )1111'11, Wlahlnr :Machine, Dryer· ComblnM!on, 2 Window Air Condltlollen, Wall to Wall Catpetlnr, ·and Drapea Jnolud-­ed In .....

·serwyn W:· 3 B.,.rOoln Brick· Colonial In vel')' delllreble -. Thll brklk holae bai .a aoo n. ~~~~~ -.,ed Beokyatd. A muit to -. lit ....... JtHA-VA llnan-clnr. · .

MAJOR PRJMMY cotmSTS • Gi'Mnbelt Vote (unofRcktl returna)

'l'oe.J C.ter N. EDci .. SttiaiiUJI ..... u.s. Presldeat (Dem. nomlutloD) Edmund c. Brown 1318 45T 385 4'78 Jimmy Carter 743 3ot 203 :IU Morris E. Udall 3113 151 U5 11'7

(Rep. nomblatlaa) Gerald R. Ford 3114 liS 122 1ft Ronald Reagan 2'11 101. 89 11

U.S. Senator (Dam. nomlaatlon) Paul s. Sarbanes 1238 411 336 474 Joseph D. Tydings 1086 411 3" Ill

GREENBELT TRANSMissiONS 159 Centerway 474-1800


.. -~} ~m!ABJ.II WORK . -, AU WORK 11JLLY 61JAB62C'n~ZD

..... weelrdQI, 1-1 Sa&. 0,. ......... 'I'll-. . . . - \,







AUCTION Saturday, May. 22, 1976

Commencing at 10:30 a.m.

To ooforce our liens for •torare and/ or other charpa, We wiU aell by publle auctloll the complete contents of numeroua lloua&­hold ahipments. Conslatktr of furniture, antiques, atauware, pota and pane, etc.

Bryan Moving & Storage 5005 Cook Rei., hllsviU.

TO: G.H.I. MIM8IIS Report # J8 on GNMA Deferral ~ to k~Vtld

for Heat Con~e~Vatfon Prot"'"" :

Total Funds:

Less: Authoriz:ed Payments to Date


Interest Earned $1U25

Less: Cost of- Notices •o1 ---Total as above

Location: Equitable Tnut Compu7:

Certificates of Deposit


Total as above

Repayment Funds:

Collected thru December 1975

1976 Collectiona (5 montlus)

IntereAt Earned


Loeatloa: People• Natloaal Bank:

CerWlcatea of Deposit



- May 18, 117(

Jllillll' R; l'oater


-· $318,'164

178,402 ---142,272

13,834 ---



10i,896 ---$1511,806



5,381 ---





.. ;.,,_ .. r . '


• ·. ·~~- . ; ~~CilizentL .. _. ,~,~~ JltwS · .... _: · . •'·. . .~: ;r o1~<enl f! fncrtas.

. - , , __ : . . v,l.)..~t.\l ; -~ .,AI.... , - 1 , l\ ~a~~

2, ,a111 Very uttJe OI) tbe ta-ceat ta: ,_.

- . , .AH ~. . ~ • ..,.'-\lAY ~ ......_ lD the 117t;.T'l .. at the paWie.....,.. .v;- ·~-.. !!\!;i.• · :;!;vs··;, . .,. ~~# :o.SlE .-1 ..

• ,~ •. JeeW a··· ., . ·. a~u-.l- ==wDltabiDalac_t:._on~·~:oil~ ·a rexy ~- ...,.., -- - -: · · " ......... " · - • - For·F..Reolmltllij ~..::FoEti!;: .~:.rrd• .··

Pla1 Fer EWeriJ.-•nlletl ~~~ ~o: ~c::.~outh~,:: ·~~-=~·& b• AI Sblnlk - com~..tve portloll ~tt;;!,mr, BUzau. -........... ..._ ·· -· · ·· =- ,_

T " ~ Senior Rib 8allool. ..--._ ·, ' ' -..... ·e&e 111 o no one's surprise, James W. Sml~ was re-elected by his 01une o1ferinp are ~~e~q dlltrlb- Wltb reapeot to tba falmlr, ..- · · · ·' ·· Wlta --... J:::f llif-

c:olleagues to another term - his ftfth - as presiden~ of Greenbelt uted to lie tenth ud elwenth Ira- eral ,._. ..W for u laDnllt · w .J.. • ..;;..t · · -i Homes, Inc. at the May 20 board m4!eting. Also reelected for den from 1lxed bolindarlel. It ls Ill tile.polae '- beJilll4 die pro- · ~ L ·.- · another lear were Doh Yolk as vice-prilldent and JIDlel ~-a:. expected that retJatratiOD for tbele .poaed llldfOrllltnnltll at ., ud - ., ; ~en··}-·~. ,: . '· .· ... · . treasurer. ~e only switch in oftlcera saw Nonil.m Weyel selected atudenta wiU'bt! aecompllahed he- the~ Lildp of tbeJ'nat.r-;- f(./:. ' ~ as secretary m place of Steve Polaachik who declined to ""e; fore the achoot ,._ endl. llal Ordtr of Pollee. --•.. ~ #>slilli;ai Iii . ~ .:

Dlfernl of aaaqa ct each month _ ud It ,.. fait Over 811 appUcatlon• from atlld· a liOita1 ~ IUqtll of If, . · · die ~:. · · -~ ,_ The ~ received .a that the nat -tiDe ICbeduled enta ou~ ct Rooae\'elt'a attelid· '11111 lat.ter 1!1*4 tllat pdlloe .all ~~ n.; • _. ·~aaf:t -

from tbe Kember and Oomm .. -u.. .__ 1

ance ~ haft been received un- h&ve .JIIIlnUed 117 40 ~ iiJ. -- · · -- -.., '" · 1 ~;:~:-'

Rel&tionallOIIIIDfltee to~";. ft'clen 11118 10. would IIGt permit auf• der tbe open eJU011111ent provlalon the put,...-. 'l'lle lodlt ~.....- · · ~ or:..ll!il!ll · .· .. Income elderly or \dlaabled' GHI t time tor analJII& that will permit 400 atudentl to at- tor a l.t peroent ~. Ia•. · · - · ••• · · · ' · , memben to defer future Inc-• l'8llltbl& Beplatleni tend the new ·hl4'h acbocll p rovld· creeae in llkrl~ 'nla e1tt--.. · ..,.-.. ... ":' . · •· • .-:,,·iii In monthly chargee. A almUal pro- The board rave llnal approval ed that tben wiD lie no "ruual PI' hd· ~ 6

peNeat. e· ., . . - . ' ')~ cram waa In etrect for the yeara to the painting rerulaUona, the de- tlppllll'' at the aenlor blrh aebool lome dltr•~_ · . · Ia Opillloll 6e- · . .,.d Qi'' · · ·- -~ 19'12 and 1973. · tall• of which were ~nted In . tb&t the madenta woulcl normallt •eloped over the hlrlnf' of a paili · • ~ ..-. · . - 1.- ·

TJnder thll new PI'Oirllll!, · aa pro- the Kay ·e Newt (8evlew, The new attend. The oa1ce of Pupil Ao- patrolman If .UOb hlrlllr wou&d. 6e- 6~ ~ · · -. · ·~


posed by the Kember and Com· rerulaUona relax man:v ot . the re- countlnr ls 8lWnlnlna the• ·appll• lay auament\JII ~· replar poUoe · upte4 "·~~· · · _, ··'- .. munlty Relatlona committee, mem· strlctlona formerly In e1fect. A ma· catlona and It Ia unllke!J' thlt all force. 'l'he council II rell,otut· to _. ~ • • bera would, In e1feot, bor~VW money jor chanp permlta · memben If aelectlona will be made before. the uae a tra1ne4 pollee olllaer for rou- rtit7; IPPilil1 · .1 ·• ,II. ~ • . from the corporaUon to be repay· all' In aereement to requellt _that term enda. However, ftoolevelt Une patrol work at the. park. 'But IQf d - ~ able with lntereat at a later date a row of homea be painted more pdnclpal Robert Olden Aid that lOme m-ben ol the aucll.- felt Wlllrl4 .,._ · 1 '· a.:.t when tbetr bomea are IOid or other- than one color trim, provided they the IIOhool wJU 1M! open durinr the that the Ill~ d811W11Sa on ~.::.;::;:: ~ ~ . ~•e•••~ wile dllpoled of. Their collateral aaree to pay the additional COitl day and on 10111e evenlnp for this the pollee force cauaed -by IKP&II- ........--: ~. ·~ 12,

1* would be the equley In their homea, charred by .the contractor (or paint purpoae, U well .u for technical 11011 of Gl'ftnbrtar ud ·open~q ·of ..... 'I!L -~ c:::*" · 'ftle

The new propam dlffen from tile U111t themael\'e!l), lt It ll·not achool ..........., · Rootevelt aenlor IQh IIOhoal. r&- · · · · - - · · · IDciCJ the old one wtlh repr4 to the poeatble to obtain lllllllliDoua liP- Olden Aid that he wu ''more quire llllllltdiCe ·t~Jnac lind train- die,._.... ,.-tow.nP"!! aource of fundi for borrowlal. Tile proval Iii a court, 111 appeal 11181 ~ ·a llt.tle pleued" &t _tile num· lq ot new po11ve o11cen, ol & 11111P '~ ~ ~ ,B old plan wu financed by an u- be made to the IIWI&plllent. ller of ltudenta eepr to attend the At tile oollll~ 'dl th 41-. ~Df:~ · ~ llelllllent aplnt all ttte members. Similarly, with respect to wall TDO-at!alleat taobnlcal poftion of lloia, . ~- .Q· Wtl=1 5 ~~~ ' · · l'reit­The new plan calli for the re.ervu paint, members are free to choo~ RoaiMI9tJL ·o..t UOO · OCIIInV atu• ~-.... · ··. - ·· • · ..

1114 wriUeD llr --·---

of the corpo u bly - dlilttf b&ve taken tam and the crl- ' · · ~ WNIIIa !:C"·· .. 1fll ra on. - preeuma any approved wall color lnclepen• • .-.. tor the ··•~tJftw p-• •- ~~~ebe~tt~' "-":J! .. _ Nl noiUI_,. a . Ill-.

the •Luld Sale Renrves - to be dent of their netrhbor'l choice, -- _,_ - ·-· .. U-V> ._ U#

uled for thla purpoee, Thll wuacontrover11al Item ud ·=--~~!tu~·~::-~~: clt)'maalfer;,· .~A¥'ftl01re -.-:· t-:"0:._ J:f_ ·--~fi'GID-_-..= The new plan, a1ao dltrera from the board vqte In 4vor wu ' to - ....,. - ~· CliBIDI l ___,_;..~;

the old one with re1pect to quail· 3 u t10111e memberi feared the rar- ~u wiU retrllt•_ r ~or the com. • . • : s-~ ~-- _ ·~ tlcatlona. Under the - plan, ap .led appea~W~Ce of non-unltorm ~ithenalve p~ _llloludlq tllble Au~ , ~ to . ~- ~ .. witillttJj· ....... eo <I'** ol ap •>. total 11114 per- colon. Two. ftallle &llllrimenta one ill'denta who have taken the teat OARIII Will diD .,.... fa .. Cilblil. lt.

11,._., .... ~ ... ;,..,. •.. ...,....._~ ... -.-.. ",»~ L~ ·· __ , .......... ~ -•t dlablllt7, 11114. all ~~~~~ above the other aie aWl to ha'fll pteollaloal ~nt. .Al' a bitt.~ tl* ,.,._ wW ~~~ lor (all -~- ......

~,!i,'::: ~-q':':ih~~:'~ ' .•. ~ . . . . . . .. ·' ~'~'tO-;: :.u.. .... ..;.,, . '1'lla ' ·t;-.;r {Vi;'~ ~·On total of .the ·mem'ier'a mpnthly . The board approved a denatloll 'i 1hn1e of f- eouDiallon ...,.. ~ ~·· ·iO 1'.,_. .. ' .....,., JU!7 &. ~ DIQ' charpa moat equal at least 211 o't f'.lll to the Greenbelt Choral Art1 icl to 'Roolevelt 'IIW oa ,boUd, and · tloll ~ ~t IIIOIMJ. aliCia• . !Mfi.W. ~ .lit t PJD. Ill Ole percent ol total annual IJiccme Bocllety tor their June 12 premle~ Olden hu already lncllcated to •lon of th, ltai7lucl • ~ penter KIJl, with a. from all sourcea. Two yean' mem- performance o1 "We the People'' ,.nonnel 110111e preference with re- of .Juvenile Servloea to fwld · HIIP'• -"fAA!iq -~ In· per-berllhlp In qHI 11 alao required. . .. 'l'be Member and Conununltj IJ*t to teaohen. T he Interviewing 7& percent of the colt of the p~· ~· The ~ ~ · Ballonale . Relations commltltee IUI'felted •• , .... •· """t"mln«. Aa fllr u the rram. . . · Bud at ""- ·aeorp~ douat;p

that a survey of GHI members be aollaol handbook 11 concerned, Og· ··&me reaervatlons were espreailt pl'lllenla ~elr 'Tireworlra Concert" taken to determine are,, alae of dtll hopes to ret Input from stud· u to whether tile prori'MD W11 at tile ·Lake Park 8udlltaDd. T family, future lrutentlona about Jlv- llUJt. T ·he booklet should be dl•· provldlna aervlces that mlrht ·h p.m. followed by the- c6tY1 llre­lnr In GHI • . . The EnrJneerlnr trtbuted by tile end of June or the available kom other quaatera atlell WGrkl dllp!l¥, over the lake, _.,

Age 80 wu choeen because this la the minimum are for the city's tax credit, refuse fee credit and rentora' grant, the county'i dlaa· bHity tax crt'dlt ·and the State clr­j)U(t breaker for property taxes. Similarly, the $8,000 Income limit waa selected because the city's tncome limitation for lte several programs. The 2~ percent ratio of Jllon!JI)y · charrts to Income wu ae· lected because that Is the stendlu:d renerally employed u the appro­priate proporUon of monthly hous· lng cost to Income.

and Maintenance COIIlmlttee con· berlnnlnr of July and will contain u the church. Defendetl of .. · .dark. · · sldered favorably the auuestlon resulatlot\s, ma11 of building. Jist· jlroeram pointed out that the paoa, ~· . Gree~ Jlardl COI!tetlt - All for lneWUnr smoke detecton · In ld,r of statr and other pertinent cram provldu • wide variety of .. Open Clllllpetltlon t.. underway· tO GHI homes. lllformatlon. profesllonal aervioea to troubiiMl ;.rite a Greenbelt ~· to pnr

0 .Ogden ~~d his 1talf are .. ~walt- youth. Wmctenfekl tlald thet tile 'vide an ofllcl&t R)'IIIPhontc and.

The committee aurreated \hat the Interest charred be calculated monthly on the sum Cit the deferred lncreue In monthly charges at a rate ~ of 1 perbent hither than the maximum Interest rate the cor­poration Ia recelvlnr on ' any de­mand kvlngs account. The pur· pose of the Interest cll&fl' 1s to cover admlnllltratlve expenses and to make ce~ln that no coet will accrue to the other members of the co~poratlon.

It Is "stlmated that borrowings In the ftrst year would amount to about $9.000. No long-range costa were given and, tiJOme fears were exprosaod at the May 30 board meeting that the costa m!J'ht esca­late very rapidly. The Finance committee was asked for Ita views on the proposal. 'The board decided to schedule

further 411CU811on of the ~~ tl Ita July 8 meeting. The board ~Ill be meeting only once a month In the oummer - aeco~ '1\"UI'ilday

City to Fly l:tistoridla1• Thirteen historic 1lap wlll fty

contlnu&Jly on Southway Road b&-­rlnnlng this weekenod through Fla« Day, June ~4. These liars, which were flown previously on Presi­dent. ~ and :Maryland Day, p&rt ot the . clty'a CQIIllllemoratlon -ol the bicentennial year. Includeil are the Betsy Roes, Bliar Spanrled Banner, Bedford, Bunker Hill Wuhlnrton Crullers, Grt.nd Union; BeMinrton, Moult"-t; : · Gadlden, Firat Continental RerJment, Firat Navy Jack, Rhode i:sland Regiment and the new Bicentennial ftag.

WHAT GOES ON Thtll'8day, May 21, 8 p.m. Public

Meetlnr, University of Mary­land presents Design Plans for Houalng for the Elderly -· City omoea.

I'l-L, May Ill, I p.m. Duplicate Bridge, Youth Center

Sat., May 29, 1 p.m. Gr ... nbelt Municipal Pool opens for 1976 aeaaon.

Ann. May· 10, 10 a.ftl. American Legion AI\XIllary Wreath Lay­

' lng Ceremony, Center

'I HOLIDAY REPUSl ~CI-IID'UlE : Due to the Me~ D~ ~4ay ~n Jll:on4~• _May 31, ~re will .. he no l't!fUie collee~--on ~· .•.. 'llbt 8tlllf,r Tuesday route will ••be collected on Tuefldl¥ and Monaaye ,route will be collected on Wedneaday. There will be~ ~~:on Wednesday. An elfort \Will be made to collect all pa~ir on Tlitit'ldif. Refuae oollectlona tor ''l'rlday and I!Murday wW fOllow tl!e normal acheduJe.

1nr the go-ahead signal from voluntary profeulonal aervlces ,.;. marchlnc hand 11n'auplllent for the c?ntractor to move Into the celved from tile Unlvenlty of · olt;y funotlona. The wlnl1llll ·ar­lo1lools administrative offices. The Maryland alone would cost U14,~ r&DJI!IIIent will be performed · by !arret odate of June 1 may not be If paid for tit full value. t!le Green\lek Concert Band of met slnoe t1111re were delavs In the dellvery of 'inaterlala. The con· There waa abo concern that tile Prince Georges County on July i. tractor and aohool construction program wu not oriented to Greea- durlnr the Cit)' Fireworks Con­penonn~l are now maklq final belt realdenta. In reply, It wu- cert. checltl of the building ~d correc· lbflled that TO percent of the cltJn- Bicentennial Bcautlftcatlon - Cit)' Uve work In some a reM will be Wle are fronr Greenbelt. flower beds have been pl&nted with

.Some queetlona were aJao ralaed red, white and blue color achemee ilbout the future of the- program by the Clt,y'a Parb Department. lind how much of a· COIIInltment A special flower bed Ia looated at


MUNJCJPAL POOL OPENS the city was -maklna toward set- l.&kecreet Drive and Gree11bolt tlng up a ''departmeat of aocl&l Road spelling out ''USA - 200". At service~~.'' ·There wu pneral a- Southway Road, the prtnc:pal en­rreement, bqwever, tbat the city trance to the c~ty, a munlclp&l should continue -the prorram for looatlon directory, hletorlc marker,

• Aqua.tlcs - The _Greenbelt Muni­cipal Pool Is one of the most com-· plcte facilities of Its kind to be found In bile m..t:ropolitan aroo. With tltrPe pools and accessory ser­vice areas, It Ja deldrned to ·meet the summer IIWIJmiiiJIC needs of the entire communltt;y. Swimming activities Include Recreational Swimming, Structured Learn to Swim Pf<liP'RIIl, Diving In~trnotlon, Swltn ;Team, Aduk and, Children' a Oluees. Junior and Senior Llf,._ savlnr. Water Babies Prognun and Synchronized

Normal hours of operaUon are -1-8:16 p.m.; ~~eVen de.ya a. week for recreatlona.J awlmmlng. Morn­Ing hours are schedujed for ciU­ses. swim team praotlce and ren­~rai pool · malnteii&Jice. 'I'IIe Greenbelt M!mlclpal J;>ool w:n open (or the 1978 ...aon on Sa.turday, kay 29 at 1 p.m.

Pool appllcationa, with complete PI'Oil'IIID and f.,., details, are a\'811-­&ble by mall lind e.t thor City Trea­lurer'• Office In the Municipal llul}dlnr. Beeson pane~~ mav be purcheeed It the Tre•anrer'a- Of­tee Mondav throurh Frldav, from 4 am. to 4:80 p.m. . ··


the coming year at leaal ~~Qd Welcome Strn grt>oot visitors Mlacl'llaneous ltema to' our ci•t):. To help r.elebutc nR-

The bll<i!fal: hearinr cllsclosed tlonal holidays. hlatonlc flags will several mlscellanf!I)UII lteJIIB. It will deck poles erected f"""' th• po.trl<>-­cost the city $1.1100 to conduc• 0 tic red. whit~. an;! blue ft<>1vrr beds referendum on the housing for the '\llct'ng South way .Road. elderly project. The waste collec- • r--tlon budret includea f2,300. for the_ 1 Memorial Day Ceremony addition of a t&ll g4te I A wrroth·l•ylng c•rernon•r wl!l to aid In the collection of hewy· I b• held by th.r Amorlc~n Lel:lon appliance Items. The recyclablo Auxtllar-;oon Sunde.y Me.v 30 nt program for glass Ia running Into 10 a.m ~t the cent~; Mall. difficulties loecause of the law price . olfere(i. The electric bill for the ·--Urhted tennla oourta Ia proving a NOTICE burden on dle bucJcet. To date. revenue from the tennis eonrts rqual• $900; the Pepco bill, $8.000. ·

A feeler on dropplnl IOClal ae­Clll'lty protection for city employees ran Into nep.tlve l't!!Mltlon aeneully u aaveral pe1110n1 recounted the benellta ave.Uable from the pr<>--11'11111 that mtrht ba to.t. 'I'll• -.ltv must give two year'~ notice If they wllljt to drop out ct the social ae­curlty program.

A requoet from the audience waa fllee JRJOOI!lT,.,.,., 1. ool. t)

As a pubJic .,-,rvlcc, Twin Plnea Sa vlnp .& Loan ANOC)ation m1lntalns a NG\\'11 RevtfJw 'lloll fer th!' d~poslt of olaulfted .... and other material. Twin Plnea personnel should not bo lpvolved ln the prepan,tlon of adtl. If you have any questlonl, pleue e~ N<"Wt IWvlew penonnel dlrectl:v at t7~ or come down to the Newa Bf!Ylew office, 1~ Parkwav. Ttteaday even"''·' af­ter 8 p.m.

~ . :

, ,. j

•;I ·.l ' I J

I ~ '•

I .i I

.. ,.


Page 2: !;i.• · : · . •'·. . o1~

GttliiNBRf N8\k IEviElf AN l!liDEI'E!'liDEN~· lUC\viPAPBR

t;dltor• Jfar)' t~oa -.... ..... 4T4-410e AaiMH!Iale J!ltlltorL ~:;- B.,... -11'4-1310

1 1:-m \I fur" \11'\anller Ba1 ne!'>, \"lrgtn1a J.JeauchanJp, Ann Bolt, Marr·ClaJ'ke, )lar:: l~t,h•;u-bo,·. Jltnt'. CunuliY.,. )lir!am Corneli~ll, Th~ere;sa Crowle~, Judy (:vJd..;tt•ln Bt'rna·t· Kastn•·r, ~Jd l\.&Btner, lda1 tha Kaufman, Sue, l't•··,;th\ t'.uubt-1' Jt>utt l.t>\"t•:•aillt·, Loretta Levesque,llarbara Ltkowskl, Paula lla~k. J.ll•b .\h:lit:e, ( 1lga l't'nlit!)". AI Skolnik, Elaln~ Skulnlk, Richard Skolnik,

~~~~l~~.~·a~.-~~;;r. }-{ob('rta lt~.:,.L'tumara: t.1Joeulat'- Maaa~tPrr Joy Greig, 4i4-IJj3:!; 'sprln&lllll l.akt> C'lreulatloat Barb&ra Claw21on, 474-UU. ~biiNIIt>d M"r)· Tlla ... day D~~:~::e-~l~"J;:-,a~~'·~ Pabll•lllla.- Alllnl.. Ia~. l'n•:-., .\1 Sli:o,lnJI,; \•itt• 1'1''--~ .• Sid Kastner; ~en· .. Barbara I.tlkowski: 'frt·a,.., Hobert ~arnara. Paula Ma•k. M.\11, SUB8CRII'TIONS: $10.00 per rea•·· Adertlslng and ne\VB articles may be malted (Rox 88 Greenbf'lt); de-posited 4n our b6::c at the- Twin· Pln&J UtHce: or delin·red Co the editorial oftlce In the basem~~t Qf 15 Parkway U'14-4J!II). open atte1t I) p.m. Tuesday. Deadline Is 10 p.m. oh TuN4aY.

Volume .~9,Number 28. ThursdaY., May 27, 1976

An Edsel? To the EcJitmo:

Two Prince Georges county coun­cil members, ParriS Glendenln& and Frank Casula, deeerve a large •·ote of thanks. from Greenbelt area citizens tor oppoalftl sewer service for a car lot on part of the Golden Trian&lc, the hlp-priced P"\P81't1 bordered by Kenilworth A venue, Greenbelt Road and the Capital Beltway.

In stark contrast, -the only Green­belt resident on the County Coun­cil-Francis Wlrtte-firat flllletf to alert the ()toeenbelt govemliiellt of the imp@lldlna vote, and tllen tlml­cd a deaf ear on the clty'e plea for <tcnlal. Oountl! counclllillul Frank FrancoiS a~ opliled­that the proposed' Cedlllac deeler­shlp would be juat the 10rt of hll'h quality dcve"'JJment Utat the dense­ly woodl!d t1'8\:t deserves.

Glendenllll suspected an Edsel and added requirements for land- , scaplng aloll( t~te· Beltway plus county counc" review of the final sltr plan, before the counclt went ahead with ita wlteellnl' and deal­ing and apPrOVed the project. \ Remember ell that bombMt about "a new quality''? The olllclal mot­to of PG County remains Semper Eadem: ALWAYS THE SA)o(E.

RhPa L. COhPn

Just So Much Rhetoric To the Editor:

a multi-million dollar project for 40 years should be made by the voters and voters only, not ~ poll­tlclans.

The G....enbelt NP\\'1 B<>view re­fliRd to publish, as a paid article, th~ llyer that Ut Councilman Scwan's fuse. Yet they publlahetl the paid article of the opposition < Dove·Madden l, one of a series of ~ articles, It seems. Wonder where those "ppt'e old ne4!dy liOUia" are ftndlng the app\'Oxlmately $100 tl\at It will take? \'16 «.w tHANK$ To tlie Editor:

We wish to thank all of the won-- derfu! flllllllles of Greendale Pl., Greeilhlll Rd., and Greenway Pl. who came out on Sat., May 15 to work on the project of cleanlll( up the w~ behind our houses. A great deal was accomplished by this joint effort.

The city crew also did a fantas­tic job of removlnl' all ol the de­bris that we deposited on Green­hlH Rd. on the same day of our project.

Our 1lncere thanka to each and every one of you who showed up and worked bvd.


"Succeulul" SeniOf' Housi"8 favor of couDCU auumlng power To the Editor· . by defaultt it ft were_, which ap-

• · , pare11tly .tlilt W. the result It the ld~; :eG~:,~~·= ~ . allellllm.ent toi~e chartef ~ *,t 1 am surprlled to dll.4tvt tlie tutr . go tb tle vbtltt. 'l'he ~~~~~dkl of the local contr_.. •. over' t!W darter ·article put Uml.tlol'a ~

~ · - Ji(JIIIft ot the ~ouncl'f lb o-proposed Senior -Jto. th It 1 nally think ment building. As the old saying ~

1 e .! .. f.: :-no ~le

1roea. "Maybe we need more light .,.,. ltrlnowun a than heat". check .on the .council and should

In the New Jersey, Connecticut, not be weakened. Steinman New York area where I come F'redda from, there are nUIIlerour siMilar THANKS projects in successful operation, To Ole EditOr: . and all bave long waiting llsta of We wish to express our deep a})­appllcants. Moat local people are predation to our dear nellbbors quite proud of their Senior and the Ladles of Cllarlt)' of St. zen homes, feellng that they nave Hugh's catholic Churcll for their gained a beautiful new property kindness and help in our time of for their community at no coat to sorrow. local taxpayers; and at the 111111e God bless you aJI. time are making the lives of their Lorraine and AI Nuzzo senior Citizens more aec)ll'e, heal- Olive lllulllll thy, and enjoyable. Everyone Is ~-nL-IJilr •·AE. S very happy with their Senior Cit- .::n'V'C' ve...,._,. lzen hoine. ~ Ltlveii4Juil'. 4'Ctinir l)trecrtot

I 111n sure that Greenbelt wlll of tie YO\Ith l!le'l'Vf~ Btffl!a'll, lll'ld experience the same teellngs, once Rick Battler, Pre~141ent of Oreell­their project Is built and seen In belt CMUDIJ, llle., Mtendlfd till! actual operation. hearlllg. on pG181M6 f~ fi'OIIl

Edward B. :Reilly Prince Geol'le'• Uftttelt 'WI.y IWI

A Donterous Precedent To the Editor:

Tues., Hay 18. Tile $11000 requ..-ted by C4RES, Inc. could provide a


ReglsteT now for 1976·77. 3 and 4 year olds, a.m. or p.m., Mon., Wed., tl'ri. Creative prog'ram, arts 1: crafts, music rhythm, COJinltlve learning. Call Fran Lewis, 345·8914, ~93-2746.

-=-ria$11 q•

~.--'"' - _.......... Thursday, May 27, 11178

,P.rt-tl~ _.... worker with pri­mary . . w.poaalbiUty for deaJinc with the tlldlllta wbo frequently · C11Jitact .t!Hi Youth Service~ Bureau for aUIItadce but who d9 not fall wlttlln ·cAMs guidelines.

~u. ~ .1/ttdiUI · Former Greenbelt Leo R.' llfu!1ln

died on May 1~ at the a&llt of .'rt. Mr. Mulltn, a ~ 01 ohe ot

·the first t\venq-five flu;lllllel ~to mqve Into Greenllelt, "* f~ a baseball coach for the A .. jllilfl Letrlon.

SW'VIvlnl are ht. wife Oll~e E. of .Mtlcll: TcJwen, Col4111ll ·l!"a!k;

~ daulftter Lo~rallle :rfuzza W ·eon­In-law Albe~t Nuzzo, Sr., · 1Z-G Jtld!Je; 2 grandsons and 2 great­grandchildren.


ww.Mp .....

1111 ... 11111 .u&.

~•na&r !klllool t=*l &.M.

w~ ,.._.., lleiMMII

·=- -11 lit A.M. .......... 141-1111


Reprdleo ol the merits of the question of howllll( for tire elderly, It ~~et~IM to me a danteroul pTece­dent II being established If coun­cilmen, who are elected for a two year tenn, can commit the city to a loll( term oblil'atton without going to the voter~. Neltller a· pop: ular petition nor a questionnaire are adequate substitutes for actual voting (If •th.el! were, then Dewey would have been ~re1ldent iftltead of Truman). I happen to be tn favor ot noualq. for tbe elderlY, but at ._. time I 111n . In

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH <Mowatt Ml'lllorllll 40 Rldp Rd., G_.., Md. ff+-11111

Cburtlh Rahool 1:18 A.M. (For ALL Aretl

lllornln~t: Wonhlp - 11 ioo A.lll.

Sennon: "F'amona L&lt WrocW' Nur,ery Care for Infants Through Kindergarten. Councilman Schwan's despera·

lion Is comin& thru. I know, be knows, anyone who can read

~RVING ~ GRBNBELT AREA Rev. CUfton n. Cdnnlnl(ham (4,+-SUII .

knows that ... The city of Greenbelt cannot le·

gully ·•accord preference" to local re11ldenta.

Mr. Morgan !Executive Direc­tor. Prince Georges County Hous­lnl' Autht>l!tyl states that the clcy of Greenbelt ·will be '"rellpon.IIMe for taking and proeealng _appllea­tlonl for the proposed hou1lng pro­ject." At NO POINT does he lillY that the city may "accord preter­ence" to anyone, and they will be accepting and proceulnc appllea­tlona from non-rcaldents at the same time.'

Let ua go back to the 12 Apr. p11bllc hearing, which Mr. Morpn attended. Th!Jo quote Ia repetl· tlous, but necessary. N.,... Review, 10 Apr. 78: "Some confualon ar01e over occupancy elll'iblllty. Appar­ently the MARKETING PLAN for the project can be directed to ree­ldentll of Greenbelt but there can be NO RESIDENCE REQUIRE· MENTS and NO DI80Rl!M1NA· TORY PROVISIONS." Empball1 mine. That II the statement I w• agreeing with, not councilman Schwan's.

-The very first time ANY city of­ficial taking and proceellll( ap­plications from rc1ldentl and non­reeldenta "accords· preference" to an applicant for reuona of reel­dence in Greenbelt, they can be charged "flth dlBcrlmlnatlon. They will have dllcrlmlnated acatnat the non·re~ldentl. J:ven before the .Apr. 20 ~ ·hl!- -tile. .-Supnme Court. wblch certainly appUed to NEW OONSTRUCTION, the Fair Share Propam to whlcb . our of· llclall COIIIIIIItted thll city In 1m Is an olllclal qreement to accept pullllc bollllng (I.e. the occupaot. thereof) 011 a Metropolitan-wide .aak. Do.- couooll. pr'CipCIH to ·Is­non ..Utll!l lawa 111 order to cle­ftat libe demool'atlc .-. Yla ll'llfereadiiiDT Gr II tiJII j1llt 110 •ucb rbetorlc T

Tile ell¥ couaoll, thru t,IJelr ..,..., _...._.. .._ b84 .... ~ - '*' Oil the ~ In lllelr atU.pta to bl4e the 11117 truth llllout prlolttMI. ftllaDolal llabiHIJ, ~w .. _.. 011 -­""· .te. ... ot oat etu.w .... • tM!de, . ' ' .

The ooneenact au.- Gtoap · teeta tll&t ~ ·- '11'1 tiM •• charter wblcli. -11 P~ to · amend, 1a t11en to pi'OQct ..-....w f10IIl .. nap lllMrarr ...... ot an illeWDIIent COUftOIL A .._


1 Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Cabbage ..

Plants & Vegetoble s..ds Have A~wd

Lawn & Garden Fertlllaer Hydrated Lime

Top Soli Peat Mou

Cow Manure Pine !IIIIIch

Rabbit Feod Bird Peed

Full hM of ORTHO Productt orU. Seed - miXtures or yj;lllr. choice

1 0502 Baltimore Blvd, (Rte. 1) Beltsville 937-4141

Open weekdays 8-7:00, Saturday 8-6, I!IVNDAY, 11-! :OQ

Che1tnut 111111 Shopplna Center

I·HO· I·ILL PAY? For .Ienior Citizeas lo1ti11

.. The. Marylan~ 'state Fund will loan all the

money at a preferted lnttrett rate t9 tht City of GrM!Ibelt

which will co111lruct and operate 'the. project. The loan

. will be repaid ov_•r tO r•~'~ eadrelr from ~ rents pal,d .

· by t~ oeetqiU\U 'IIRI ~I hou11111 aalltaneeo Pll)'mtnla.

No City tu: money of any kind 11 lnvolYed.

Rablrtllow, ........

aa..lbett ·~·· ~ ~~~.

Allebony ._. x--. aw..., ...... Cit'-' Jlaullnt ~

... ~

... No. • neJCt week ton to obllpte ttllldl&lllO!m to···-.-..;..-.-............ _ .. _ ... -. ___________ _..._,



mnlted Church of Christl.

Hlllllde and Creacent Roads - Phone 474-«171 (morninpl

S.m. - 11 a.m. Worthlp Senlee and Chllfth Sthool

(lnfut Care at !·B Hlllllde)

Kn. Sherry Taylor and Rev. Harry TaJiu llllnlalen

The t is God's plus sign. It says,

God plus yovr life can make a tllfference.

Let Him put the plus in your life!

GREENBILT BAPTIST. CHURCH " ...... 8IMe I&IIIIJ for aD illltl Cllaa) lladaJ Wanlllp. ............ a.ntee (Wet) . ··-111.-. , ...... , .... lnu tran.lportatlon, call church ollkle 8:80-U:IO trltltd~


·::A1u:1ia,l £ in Cfaiitlatz .£ave,


tMtA~fiS~ of

~"' ~~ .~~ ~·. Greenbelt, Metryland

end drums, guit1us and piano 6905 Gt6fnbelt Rd. '--.

IIMIJ, llr II 0:11····· ·. '


~. May 2'7, 11178

Bicentennial \VQri , .Will Premiere in. Greenbelt -~~ NpCJrtu Jane OalmoD)o ...._., wtth·Dinlllu ~ - .............. of the G~ Choral Artl. Sflalet¥. ...._ the s JOIII'IormMce of We the Peaple, an orlalnal ohonl wor~ br

. J.._, whk:b the group wiii-~J-··Bt- -•--It 1:10 p.m. . . ~- ........

•: Xr. ~ a-~Htth ldM-fdlo ............... odliWeT A. About a :year aco, 1. .,. tblllldll& ~ a lllUIIoal PfOII'8a t.Jr ·._belt with a Bleeaeantar foou. I Jmew ud liked tbe ww11: f#. -l*er WDUIIID J.._ ad 1JP11b to llllll llbout wr11iDr a ~ -" am., Amerlcu thelnee. He CUIIe up with lmn1 ldeu 1111111 """* ot A1lraJiam L'-'bJ, Ollftlo WIIJ4tlt llb1mel, BNt 1111rte and lt&1pll Waldo lllmereon, amoq othera. W•dl.cualad·whleh Ide• ~rked llelt, 1114 I COIIIDIJII!oned him to comJ)Oie We the P11opJe. ' ': J!b;actly whet Is a chorat work? · 4: A' oboral COIIIpOiltioo II mualo wrltitlen for volCI!II · - either aD _. or Ill female or· mixed - that may or may not be acoompanled by !Min-ts. Quarteta and quintets we choral worka for tour or live ..._. 'l'bla acore Is wrtt:ten tor .mixed voices and Include~~ aoloa and a -.tor, with IU:OOmpantmeDt by orliBD. plano 'and penn.mon. ': II thla the II rat orlilnaJ work written for Greellbelt? A: . All ·(&r as I know, yea. I beUeve we are the llrat performing arts lftUP in this uea to Introduce an orllf)nat com]IOaltlon. It has been a *'lleqe to work throul'h new mualc, ff'OIIl the · bottom, aivlll( It · our owa Interpretation. The ;tecram la a 1111tque opportunity; rare for a . -unity performfng arts organization IIUUIIII.uch u we wiU be pre-lelllfnx the premier performance of a major mWJical compollltlon. ' q: Row many Greenbelters are Involved Jn the Choral Society and w~ .e.Peeplef · A: 'l'bere are approldmatetr. 25 Society members, and abou't 23 are perfomring In the concert. The Society Is open to men and women, 141 yean of age and above, who ue able to ling. · Q: Ia the CitY of Greenbelt spon110rlng the June 12 prog~am? A: 'l'lle City, through llhe Department of Recreation, oftlclaJ!y spon­- 118 and contributes to the Choral Society as It does to -the Greenbelt Ooaeert Band and athletic programa. However, we have not received adtltlonal money to llnanoe Utls concert.

Q. Jlow Is the Prorram being funded and approximately what wlll It ~T .

A: The coats are a.p~lng $1,000. We have some revenue from me.bera' duee, but we m1111t raise the balance through sponsor~' con­trtbatlona. We welcome donations of "flY lllze, and anyone aivlng $1 to $110 and up before June 1 wW have his or her name printed In the PI'OJTBIIl as a sponsor with the stze of the contribution. All contribu­tioN! iare tax deductible. Donations ahould be sent to Pat Martone, Pru!dent of the Greenbelt Choral. Arts Society, at 111-D Ridge Road. For more Information, call 3411-M71.


Musical at Holy. Crou Come 'I'opther, a· ;yOuth-oriented

mualcal Ulout rea.lo~PI be­tween mtan uid Oo4, will be per­formed by tile :youth ll'OUP IIJDpn at Holy Croll Lutlj11'111l Olurch 011 Sun. J(ay ao. at 11:111 a.m.' Tbll preaentatlon, accompanied by a 11-pf- band, and directed by Ann R. Monke, baa ·been et,bt months In t~~. Evei'JIIIIe Ill Invited; for further Information call 11411-sm.

SprlqbiD Lake reelcleftte are re-; · minded that weekly aervlcea are

belnl' held In the Commimlcy Room over the . Sprln&'l)ll Lake Druc Store on Sun~ at 1 .p.m. and the ni!'W Bicentennial ftag.

Babysitting W•rlcshop ~ Ate you a babyaltter· blltween 12

and 18 years old? Would you Hke to bec11111e more aware of your job and what pareota apeot of you? Why not regllrter for the Babysl t­tlnl' Worluhop to be held on Wed­needays at 7:80, p.m., bellnnlll( June 9 alld 1'1111J1lnl· tbrouab June 30. The pi'Cp&lli wlll cover i:are, eafety and ·entertainment of the

, child and will Include a panel d»­; CUBI!Ion on · attitudes and expect.,_ I tlons of parentll.




Study limits are conllned to the area Immediately adjacent to the exllltlnl' Maryland Route 118/201 Intersection necessary to accommodate the various In-terchange propbsall.

This projHt II c~~ Ill *• lltMe Sioon4ary ~ laulrQ9e'!Dellt ~ <lii'N~·1180l. )Jiow­ever, construction l«<vU.y II ~J'I!!w-t bfmPA the Pl'Op'alll perlo4. ~ of ll,I!Qe ~Wfed to oom­plete' project planal"-o )'I'Glttlt ~· ~· rfjlllt of 'W&7 acq~IJU6ri, .. 'iillJ ·,.,~ It one ol the l•IUal "lltell In m..-. .,..... aM -·- ftlaltrlilnenta t > Jll'lllfllll· tile ~ 111 ·g ...,ltloua manner to conttruetlon.

.. .. ,;;.;.,.,.v M·JOII aGiiiiJ : ,. .. -· ,1~,,"'.... .. •·· .. .,.., <,

' f •• • .... ...... ~a· - . ,

S3818' 495 EXIT 32W AND LANDova·~

cv- w....._ Area .&110 .....,,

LOU·~s ..

lllrectly acroa from entrallce to IADI!t09er Jiall



· Nobce ·of Clwter Amendment · · On 1\{ay 1'1', l8T8 the City Council of Greenbelt, )(aryland, adopted

Charter Alrj.endment Resolutions 19711-8 and 18TH, &Dd the followlnl Tltlea of these Reaolut1on1 ~re lhlr au-aries of the amenllmentl:

t:hartet Amendmen .. esolu.tion Number 1976-3


~~b~JNED=. ~~~~ GRIIIIINBIKiP, ft ~0, .o\MD .RUJIACl'Dftt AJ.ODNDIIIIN'M llicmON Ill,< TlTLm "CUb''DY OF . TO ~ Till; DEPOSIT OF MONZY8 BIQ:I\'IlD 'ft <Jftlr.: Mifll. Jl'INANVW. lMrrmlTioNB· iNIIIIa IN8VUD BY '1'lq. ~l!lMJ.r QQ'08IT IN8VJU.N(JJl . .

TION 08 '1'10!: ftlbBaa '•"'*"' 1il0; '14AN OORPO&\TION o& 'IIIE M'o\PIMID MYJJI'G8-8RABI: ANfi'B ~P,Oalt'ICQI", ' \ .< · :~

'.atciittiiAme~nae~ lteloludon ...,.._. ~


l!INDEDI, T!'n.lll ·~=~~r:~;;~t; ''HOME RUl.E," TG ~


.'II -~·

, I ' I


I 1


Page 3: !;i.• · : · . •'·. . o1~


'•' ...



()Wf. ~ Recreation Review Mary Columbo - Ml>-81«

Best wishes for a happy birthday to June Goldstein, S-Y Palteau, who ceiebrates her 15th birthday on June L

Former Greenbeltero, Peggy and Tommy Hieber, are the p1;0ud par­ents of a il 'lb. daugbter, Colleen Christine, born May 1. Colleen hu a brother, Chris, who celebrated his alxth b6rthday this month. The proud grandparents are Greenbelt­era, :Mr. and l\fn. Chuck Hyland and :Mr. and :Mm. Tom Hieber. ~ulatlons to Jim ·Wooddell

who graduated from the University of :Maryland on May 15. Jim re­ceived a degree In microbiology.

Happy twelfllh bll'thday to Tereea Alfaro who celebrated on May 12. Ill: was quite a birthday with a 21 "sungalute" fired by her sister Gina.

Oondolences to Lorraine Nuzzo, 12-G. who lost her father, formet Grecnbelter, Leo Mullen.

Happy birthday to the Dobbin grandchildren,. Amlee Heller cele­brated her 3rd birthday April 11. Her party was held at 10--T South­way Rd. She also celebrated sev­eral weeks ago with former resi­dents of Greenbelt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heller of Alexandria, Va.

Another happy birthday was cele­brated by Jamie Dobbin, S-U Lau­rie Hill Rd. who waa 4 on May 2. He celebrated with hls grandpar­en1s and his entire family.

Recreation Centers Holiday Houra 'lbe Youth Center &nd Spring­

hill Lake Center will both open at 9 a.m. on :Mon., :May 31 to accom­modate vacationing youth and adults who are cellibratlng Memor­ia:l Day. Gl'llellbelt MDDilllp81 Swimming Pool ()peQIDa-

The Greenbelt Pool will open for Its 1976 seeaon on Sat., May 29 at 1 p.m. Season passes wlll be on sale during tlle pool hours, and at the Munlc.ipal Bulkllng. Tennis (Jourt Uee

All terulls players are advised to. check posted rules and regula­tions for court use, as well as schedules for •lellsons and tourna­ments to avoid unnecessary incon­venience. Please sign In as re­quired. City Open Tennis Tournament

Action continues this week as quarter finals, seml-llnels and fi­nals ma.tchee will be pl~yed In Men's A & B Singles, Men's A & B Doubles, Women's Slncles, Wo­men's Doubles and Mixed Doubles.

. Play begins at 9 a.m. May 29 on the Braden Field Tennis Courts. All tennis enthusiasts Invited to come and enjoy 'tihe action. KAVA New.

The first spJash party of the . season, at the municipal swimming pool, wUI be held on Sal, June 5, from 8:30-10:30 p.m. Sounds wlll be provided as well as refresh­ments. Happy birthday to Joey Dobbin

who celebrated his 2nd birthday 'on May 23. Joey and his family went to Wildwood, N.J., and Her- · Baltimore Symphony Concert· shey, Pa. . A . special blcenten!'ial musical

Congmtulaltions to Michael and . program Is planned by the Balti­Deborah Harrington, 6201 Sprlnc- more Symphony Orchellt!a for their hill Drive, on the birth of their l!nnl concert In the 197~76 sub­son, Daryl Marty. He was bom scription series In .Prince George's :May 9 and wel8hed 7· lbs. 15 oz. County on Fri., June 4, 8:00 p.m.,

Congratulations to the follawiul at tbe Prince Geor&e's Community city employees who were awarded College in Largo. degrees at commencement exer- Highlighting the pJ;Ogtam, Coun­clses at the Unlvemlty of Mary- ty Oouncllman, Francis B. Fran­lsnd: IJeutenant John C. Krob; cola, will narre.te Aaron Copland;s Bachelor of Science; Staff Auls- "A I.Jncoln Portrail" The concert tan.t Barbara L. Havekost, Bacbe-- will open with Wagner's "Amerl­lor of Arts; and p&rt-tlme Admlil- can Centennial March," written lst.ratlve Aide Joseph W. · Beacle, In 1876 fDr the 1ooth anniversary Badtelor of Architecture. celebration of the country. As the

One point wu the dl1rerence u featured sololat, Patricia Jennings Alief' Kerr and Tony Ptaano won wlll perform Gershwin's ''Plano lut Friday'• duplicate bridge sea- Concerto In F. Minor." Oonductlng slon. Second place went to Ray the orchestra Is Dart'Old Hunt, who Carrier .. and Cll\ra J&eobs. Next has served as Aaalstant Conductor II'• me: Fric'\v. M'-Y 28, at Youth with the 'Baltimore Symphony since c..nt..r. 1:-.-,t,seaaon.





.... ~ l-1 w. Open 'to • p.m. '111un.


IUt DN1LWOa'l'll Aftllfft RIVDPALB, liD. DIU

m.ATD. '

Thursday, May 27, 1976

Concert ·at Parkdale Parkdale's Vocal Music' Depart­

ment will present 'A Rainbow of Song', their •!Ina! concert of the year this comllqf· Tues., June 1. The concert wiU begin at 8 p.m. In Parkdale's Multipurpo~e noom.

The concert, which will be pre­'dominantly secular In content, will Include performances by the Hand­bell Choir, the Choraletts, and the Concert Choir. Under tthe direc­tion of Dale K. No11nemacher, the three groiJ)ls will perform such works aa 'Both Sides Now', 'We've Only Just Begun', and 'Prisms' by '!he Handbell . Choir. The Concert Choir and the Choralettes will sing together In a performance of Peter J. Wllhousky's arrangement of 'The Bllllttle Hytnn of the Republlc.'

The Concert Choir Is now coln­pletlng Its fifth consecutive year as the premier choir In the County schools, having .recently received the highest pOSB!ble rating of 'A' at the County adjudication. This year they have been joined by the Handbell Choir In performances at the West Point Cadet Chapel, and the National Shrine of the Immacu­late Oonc<!ptlon. On Sun., May 23, they performed alone at the Wash­Ington Cathedral.

ANDREW GEMENY & SON II8Q8 Annapolla a-1.

·llya~ville, Maryland 201M


We can't solve aU lnsunmce problems . . . but our "llattlng average" Is pretty good.

We write all lines of Insur­ance . . . Automobile; Home­owner's: Renter's; Ufe; Bust­ness; etc., In companies like Travelers and INA. We've been around a long time, and think we know what we're doing.

Our office Is convenient. We're In the Capitol VIew Office Build­Ing, next to the Howard John­eon Motel, at the Annapolis Rd. qtte. 450) exit, of the Baltimore· Wa~~hlngton Parkway.

If you have an Insurance question . . . or problem . . , why not give ua a call? Ferc Gemeny or me during the day at 779-6190 Or, my home In the evening,~.

No auarantee to work mira­cles, but we'll try.

The :MARYLAND SOCIETY 0~ POETS Is compWng a book of

poelllll. If you have written a poem and would llllle our eelec­

tiOIIl collllnlbtee to conalder It for publieadon, send your poem and

a 8elf-ilddre811ed stamped envelope to:


~611 Court Square Bldg. .

Baltimore, Maryland 21202

City of Gr~nbelt, Ma.ryland

Notice of Charter· Amendment On May 3, 1976 the City . Council of Greenbelt, Maryland. adopted Charter Amendment Resolution Number 197&-2 <Resolution Number 325> and the following Tltlle of the Resolution Is a fair summary of

the amendment:

Charter Amendment ~lution Num~~ 1.976-2


















The above amendment shall become and be considered a part of the Charter of the City of Greenbelt, Maryland, according to the terms of the amendment, In all respects to be effective and observed as such. upon the 2.2nd day of June, 1976, unless on or before the fortieth day after passage. which shall be the 12th day of June, 1976, there shall be presented to the Council of the City of Greenbelt, Maryland, or mailed to It by registered mall, a petition for referendum signed by ·twenty percent or more of the persons qualified to vote In the general election of the City of Greenbelt, requesting that the above Charter Amendment be submitted on referendum to the voters or the City of Greenbelt. , ·

A copy of the above Charter Amendment Resolution Is posted In the o'rcenbelt Municipal Building In accordance with the requlrement.l or Section 18 (d) of Article 2SA of the Annotated Code of Maryland, an~ may be obtained from the City Clerk, 211. Crescent Road, Green­belt, Maeyland, Telephone •n-8000 or 47~.

Jalnel K. Olelle, City Manqer

PLAY IT SAFE (Use natural gas wisely)

Your gas furnace and water heater must be properly vented to the. outside of the

-building. K~p tb,e area·near your furnace tree of paints, solvents, papers, rags and other combustibl~.

Inspect your chimney and ftue pipe to make sure they are in good condition and provide a good draft. A cloaaed chimney is a bawd.

Never allow an addi· tion' to be built on your home without fint beint ~

· IUI'enopalinesareunder- ~ neath. .


If you' smell gas, call Washington Gu immediately at 750-1000 even if you do not UEIG gas in your own home. Leakage 'can be · dangerous and should be dealt with promptly by experts.

· If the odor is very strong and you are indoors, open windows and doors to venti­

late. Go outside. Call us ~~ .-neiahbor's houee.

Do not.tum any elec­trical mtches on or oft'. And do not li&ht matches,

l emoke ciprettes or create , any aource of combustion.

"J . . . .

WEt'lliOD·cu ---... ·..:.:.: '•to•'

; ,•

.. ' '•'J''

Thursday, May 27, 1976

. \

- ~ ..


DlAL. TRU1'14·.' - . .


. ' . ~


EVERY·DAY ,. ·~j

J -· .:~\


· ..... l.' ~ ,,, •.':" '" IIJ"- ~ '1-' "' ·~••••u.t'l ~

Recorded· music. and inspiration by·telephone . . . . -, ·•• t·. . .


. ', /

"· ... t ;j



Page 4: !;i.• · : · . •'·. . o1~

..... Thursday, May 17, lllff. ·

I \

, ...

. ,· 'I'hurs~ llay .,, lt78

CLAS··SIFIID •1!~ for a 10-word ll! 10o for each llddlilonal word: SQ~nlt

. ada . In wrlttnw, BeeoJl!panled' b:,<, lluh p&y~~~ent, eithl!t q, •the- N ... Review ollce at ~G ParkWay.-~ 10 p.m: of the 1iieeday preoedlq "ubUcatiCIII, o~ to the Twin . Plnee Satlnga lllld Loan olllce. Tbere i.e no cbarae for advertllbll Jtema tllat are foiiDd.

CALDWELL'S WASHI!ft SMV­ICE. All Dlakee expertly repaired. Authorized Whirlpool dealer. OR f-DII1G. ' f>i'AN'O TURING ANti' iiiPlDt - . Expert a11d keHdle :fltano·llemce to Greenbelt alftOe 111180. Bl!ftjamln Berkofaq 47~.

TYPEWRITJI\ RE'mf. ~ TRIC, STANI>Mm AND -PORTA­BLE Call .4'1' .... TYPwwRrra OR ADDII'U lilA­CHINE .. & UP; ROWM~it>'S ~ co .. 8l11 BMll'I­ltiORII :AVE .. IrtA~; MD.

ANtell lA ,..,... ............. Expert ....... - wll

install new/repair uteua fOr

Attic or. 0\fflfoon EveaiDD


TROMBONE TRUMPl!l'l' lllld VOiCE LESSONS. Prolellloll&l m118lcian wltb dcree. •74-4K&. CLARINET LJiiiONB: ·J.8t ~­net, U. S. Army nelll 8alrll. IQ,( decret- Pellbody ~r\latory. ·'Be­clnnen -·Advanced 414-.-. VACuuM CLibAfiii ·ftiPAll't -All branda and types. Call even­inca 474~. WJi!DDING PHOTOGRAPHY at low ratea; packlllf!l from ~G. call Z-t!l-31181 for appt.

t'OMtNG June 6th, (Sunday), An-. nual Partrldgeberry School 1arqe

& bake 'sale. See you there'. · De tail1 aoon.

PICNIC TABLE~~, .-.!lied 41 ·~ed. Vev at,_ .-k -'e. Free *Uwry, • .,.....,. .

Felt bU- f)l;ullh ·Ired Wltl'l bo1111:­- hel4tlbar4. ~lilr bureau wltl\" 11\lrrdl'. tlG. ·~· B1111)11111.ter Wanted, llolae mom~n~t and e\19nlnp. Jl\oa. llllodM, m-41at:l, worlt &41-1011. ·

I ~ apt. w/w oai'JIIItlna new< klteben lfPIIancee, ...._ ·fan; paneled fa,er, llllrlWed·•wall ltv­Inc room A;C. $10,294. . 474--8367.

'l'Ri:E WORK t17 ellfertenee4 olbD­ber-prunlnc, topplJII take downa:" .74-'181111.

TENN!'S ANYONE? 'Private small group lnatructlon. ICxcellent ratea. 730-88111 eves. :Antique G __ u_n_A_uct.l_on, __ 1100 __ antl_qu~

guns, 116 Kentucldea, awora, rellca, military .t decilrator lte1111. ll'rom'

CoUe«tiln • oUwn.

a '

4-br townhouae - 2 ~ bathe; full I ·' '\•' ,j· ",

buement; central :-'i ·-.:· · ·, J'or Information 4la1l 4744ltl o~


"SJNillJIIe.f• ,l•riaiWei~ ..

. .. Be-Web a!lt ·

.., ....... ,.., .. ~

M011., Mar 81, 10

wanted-Ride to ai-ocniielteolivaJ- AK., ~ntt-:~~·ui~~:r~~;~-r~±:!tll~~!!~~~tt~H-· escent Home- 7 am. to 3 p.m:·aiiift.-·'l-49S' E Will pay. Pleaae ca:ll Irene Hensel· Torma C1Uib. 3411-8680. ted. BahysltBnr dbne In my home. SiS: Educational bOoks and pm• tor 7898. au .... ut,ure t.eam4q can­For Sale; Triple-decker b.utilt beils. ter bl!ttWay Ptua 4Tt-lf/IIO, tit twin mattressea, $46. Call 47..._ ·

. 8713. I METAL Dl!l'l'IICTOR SALE - top

C!l.t lost- smaU callco-111 vlclnlty ~t 19 Court Rhwe. 846-81611. l!aie by owner; a ~.ruBe model'tl klteben and b&th, teparate' laundry room, fenced . ,arc~. Shed, waaher, dryer, dlawuher, lllld· new co11tlnuous clean Btove. 47..._ 7768. Will do leta, penna, thlta, etc., In mvhome. ~-

For Sale; hand lawn mower with catcher, $1G.OO, 47t-3'742.

HOUSE DOCTOR Expert craftaman wiU replace lwolrilll wiDIIow ................... &rlcal JoM, -u ~. -­.... ~e . tile, e&e. "-bbe Ueda and yard dutlra, c.ll evenlnp.


Do you need lawn work done? Three year'a experience and many reference&. Llll!t landacaplnc. call Dan Raley, 341!-2889; or )eave mell­..,.,, 47 .... 2191.

FOR SALE: Kitchen cabinet&; Set of 10 wooden bue and wall cabl­neta (walnut llnll!b) •100. ·474-1778. LlkJIIWOob a ))f., ClC humldift er, Beare beat wuher/dryer, TV antennL 47..._7~.

JlltNTIIifO and W&il papel'liic. • Jood Ol'eenllelt refererrce1, Call J'an1l Gomes, 4T....a1•. JilibMtf ftJil IL\lJJ: end Wilt, 2 bedroom~, praae, larle yard, ll!odern kltch lc bath w /w carpet on 2nd II~. JNII'CIUII&.on 1ft.~' fOi litii~ ~ 111 lpled 'btke i$0rt .. luxe w/leather addle. aoo. 47H'M8. f()ft IOOJl: carpet. drapea, kine­•• IP....._ mtl'l'Orl, llllelvea, mlac. Unlv. Square Aptl . .-e. fOR lALII: 1i'fi Rona& aiiilG sc.Uent -dltl011. l'ully equipped. Low alltflp. M«or ........- ,.... buUt. Ao~lme after 4 p.m. 2'17-

. •lN. ' ·

brudl mrw' and Uled, fNe a&telop and Jllfomlatlon. t-edlate 4tllv­ery, llliMIICilal IJwtlUII8lltll, lOUIA MNI'na. RIOhlllond, Va. UJI&. ·

tQR 8AlB - 1870 ll'ord Cllltoll! • door tedan 8 cyHnder automatic tran~mlaalon, air conditioner, toOQ. 474--«<N

. LAMPS 1\IIPAIRfD - Jl'leor and 'l'abl& '""· (!all el{elllnp 47"IIGIIO·

LIOiFI' HAULING, w/ ploh-up. Truck. Call Mike after 4:80. 474-11401.

<MARIIii'S POODL!l' QROOMING) mak• your · appointment& today~ Call 474·32111.

PIANO LESSONS: ;Peabody Con­aerv-tory Graduate, Bqlnnen· Advanced. 474-11222. _

DO YOU WANT HIGH IllARN­lNGS? Do you want a chaUenlilll career where the rew&rdl are di­rectly relate4 to your own per10nal elforta In your own protected terri­tory? Sell a, line of b!Jb-perfor­lll&nOe, blp ... ll&lil}' lubrlilallta that' enjoy 90% repeat bulnell, Be home every njpt while you buDd your own future with tfle acknowl­edlk Ieider In the qulllty lubri­cant' fteld. Oompreb.nalve company paid tralnlnc procram IInder the dlreetion of llldlled p~. Comp.ny lleae4ta Include lite ud two.)IIWIIatiOD luu- p....-. No f~l .. ,_ If you don't like work, 41on't -· But If you are wiiJiaa' to work,. llfwe a car, ancl have 1&111 or •tohiP'o&l expert-. tJien thll oppcll'tiiAftT .. for you, You oan join tiM ~ ranb of the ll!en who bave e&lllld up to eeo.ooD dltl pat pear. J'or further lnfonnaU~. •nd ~ to: Bruce ()aborne, A.NIItant 81.111 · .._.,.,, ·LIIbrlaatlbll ~ 1ln11- • Inc. 88Gi Airport :hK'IVt.Y, 1l'olt Worth, TexM, 'rUU.

I'OUND OAT: 011. SUJidQ, Ma1 21, mJ)e black aat with 4 white paWII, white ch11t. wblte llllue on nON. Call $46· 7116 to clahn .

-IInde Town­hoe• wlt1l W...... I Air ~. w1111 to wan Oai'J)tdllf. Home c. be IOld --~ ~ Prtoe. Now' l4llna tor -~- Call to ahow. ' ·

! tMm Bi'kik 'iWilho1181 oloee to abopp!ftl Uld Tran.t­portatlon. Thla llOIIt 11 In ax­cllllent condition. Very nice quiet areL 2 Bedt'OOni wlffi ben flf8i01iY TownhcUM with Wuher, Dry­er, Air Conditioner, and Shed. tJJ,IIOO. , • a Be&OOlil End Maloney wWi Oarap cto.e t.o lbOppiDI and Tra111pcntatlon. pa,ooo. a m Blick ~~"bathe within walklnr cllltance to ~ Center llld Trani­~- Thll ~ hu a Iaiiie pard, Wa.tlhlac :Machine, D~ Oaal'blnMI4a, I Window All' Callclltlonera. W.U 110 Wall ~--. and D,.PII lnclud-e4 .. .at. .

Lr;;ilftliiliiii: a a.s- Brklk very diiiN'b1e brlok hqple. ..... ·" •• ~ .,...,. ... ,...!. ~ -•••nu. .. va. clq. .

. ""'~ If!

·"" :,':"',.


Saturclay,-~.5,. 197t .... R.acf ~·,c:.m.r.

Pr01pect1ve bkldera IIIAY view the 1'- hta ..

8:00 to 10:00 A.M. llae day of U.. auo&IDD.

SEll THIS ... 8tudlo.tne. ,2 hr. !Uioary boae with enctoaed front porcb; laaprove-u throU,bout; excellent fii)JidiUQJI; 1-. POll· .-,ooo.oo.

Will HAVE ..• ICxceptloaally nlee I llr. coraw brick home; remoclete4 kltall,a A: laath-: l'jl/reflfwuher It 4rJtr: air -&: -.utllulb' landaclped :yards - $28,000.00 or 8118'1' OP'li'IIRI

N11XT TO WOODS • ·' , One-bedroom, 1ft a­frame apt. - ·lde6! boble tor Dille penoa or

. retirees! Extremely nlce Interior with lllce appl

A D()....lT-YOURBilLI' ... 2 br. lllllddle f­needl a bit of ~ellna'. to make tilt Nell townho~Ye for a •~~tarter' home! • - or Choner will take vfrer.

LARQE OORNIIR LOT . . . 2 llr. frame !101M with 11!&111 ~. RaMMI¥ palated latu­lor; nklf! appL 1-. poll.

.nnrr IUIIDUCmD •..• a bl'. ~ ,._.. a...e; .. · Wltib .... T.n CUll OM - ,_ In; IMnc.lq a~ on remainder ot clown p)'lllt.

' . ... JMiolaiATION ON ()Uit 1, •• I ... TOWNJIOUIIII, LilT OlJft IALIIII"IIIUIOJt'R& OM YOU ClOMPI.IITS AMI> D~da 1'10-tffl,llll POR BtTnNO • O.R~ IIOJIIJ.

OPJlN 7 DAYB A WllliiK ..•.•..•. ·····•···"·- ---


. .l

Page 5: !;i.• · : · . •'·. . o1~



Page a. .T.hws~I!.Y..May 27, 1976

BUDGET con't from page 1 made for a full-time .IJOCCill' fteld. Cotmcllman Dick Pi18kl 1111Qe8ted that It was time tbat the city ln­veatlpted the PIW and COIIII of utWzlna' the l&llita'r7 land 1ID tor ball fteldil.

s--,. At the outaet of the JH&rinr, Wel­

denfeld aclmowoledpd that the clcy prope~~t,y tax rate Ill hlcher tball that for IDIIIlY ather munlclpaHUea, but he obaerved tbat the cH;r p~ 'rides more and better quality ~er­'ricee ,such aa a full-time pollee depu1ment, a multi-varied recrea­tion program, outritanOing public worka depuQient, and a youth oo111111ellng service. Thus, he aald, tbe tax rates are not comparable, llecaUIIe the IS'Vicee are not com­parable. The pay-«r, be bellevee, b .een In such thlnp u a low crime rate.

Gleee II1UIIJIIarlzed the facton producing a 13-cent Increase In the property tax rate. A shortfall In revenue; reduotlon In a~~esanents of Greenbelt Homes, Inc, Spring­hill Lake, Chvlestowne VIllage, and Individually-owned. property; elimination of Federal funding of certain city jobs; tenlliutlon of l'ederal funding of CARES; opera­tion of Sprlngblli Lake ·Recreation Center- on a full-time basis; ln­creued preml\11118 for Blue Cross­Blue Shield and for retirement capital Improvements dealing with progi'ama; the need to catch--up on roads mainly; and, ftnally, but not leut, lnftatlon requlrlne a coat-of­living Increase for city employees a1110ng other tllinp.

New tiJ'culation Manager Bclnninr thla week. Joy Greig,

10! Northway, wiD take on the tuk at circulation m~~~U~ger for the Newa Review for old Greenbelt. Her telephone number Is 474-0382. · Joy and Bob Greig came to Greenbelt lllnt In 19811 from Berk­-"lre Count)> In aoutbem England. Qre1g taught at the Unlvel'llcy. of ~land then for ftve yean until U70 when the family retumed to llngland "tor II'OOCI·" ~owever, the Grelgs aoon returned (In 18'13) "4peclftcaDy to Greenbelt", ays WJw. Grelc. Now they plan to ltaf llere for good, abe 18)'1.

The Grelp have three children: llllzabeth. 11, II In lith crade at Jiforth End Elementary School and Andrew, 9, Ia In the third grade, Katherine Ia two yean old. Both llllsabeth and Andrew are News a..vt- camera. .

Mn. Greig replacea Lynetlt! Johnson, who bad the job for one ,.ear. Mrs. Johnson wiD not be lee\'lng the Newa Bevlew, but will try her hand on the b1181ness etatr. The News Review bids both ladles welcome In their new poal­llono and thanks Mn. Johnson for her year of service.

Summer Dance Camp There will be a Summer Ilanoe

Camp at Greenbelt Jr. HIP lpoll- -aored by the M-NCPPC, Depart­ment of Parka and Recreation. Each two week aeulon wiD be ceared to speclftc are groupl: K4 pde, ~ grade, 7-8 grade. The camp will begin the week of June 11. For lnfoflll!ltion about rel!l­tratlon, cost and time ple&lle call Louise Hughes or Elliott Carllen at~&.

PORTER'S UQUORS - ........ Bhd. &76-G'II (Dat to lloDonaJcl'1 ID (lollep

Park> We have the 1&rpK ..leetion at Wine~~ from around the 'lfbfl4 RPt"CIU prlOM OD-'1>~

0"'- llllrb'

Any queatlona about wtn. welcomed


SHOE REPAIR Whl'- u ·wait


• Belhray Plaza ~-----.... : ......... 0...." ....,., .... .......... "-t.'111t


Bicentennial Ball -Sponsored by

The City of Greenbelt Saturday, June G, 1878 - 8:30 p.m . .,. 1:00 a.m.

G...,.., 111111 ID S,.. BUlla'• VIIDida 130 Cre8cent' Road, Greenbelt, .~d

Featuring The Freel Perry Orchestra Tlcketll m&T be purchased at City Oftlce

Set-ups provided fUto Penoa


WE THE PEOPLE a . major Bicentennial work written especially for the Greenbelt

Chorai.Artl Society

by WWiam Johnaon

Saiturday, June 12, 8:30 p.m.

EJf. HUGH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, GREENBELT Adm. $1.00 adults $.110 children· 4t Sr. Citizens


Vacancies CIIJ!rently exlllt on several boards and committees and Council II •.eeklnr renmea from Greenbelt resldentl for cona.lde~on In ftlllnlt' tlieee or future vacancies. Interested persons DUlY obtain further Information concerning the follOWing boards and committees by calling <the City Offices - 474-8000 or. 474-&70: Advlaory Planning Board Park and Recreation Advill()fy Board Community Relations Advisory Board Council of Governments Citizens Advisory Committee on Public Safety

-and . Transportation ,

Gudrun H. Milia City Clerk

. '


•from d&¥ of deposit

Twin' Piau Sa'rilp J Leu Aua. 105 Centerway

Greenbelt, Mel. 20770 474-6900




HOURS Mon.-Thure. 9-6 Friday 9-8 Saturday 9-12

INSURED TO $40,000.00



,24 Months 36 Months Amount Monthly Total Monthl1' Total of Loan Payment Interest Payment Interest Sl,500 S88.84 •tM.H t41.11 $282.31 $2,000 91.92 208.08 84.18 3011.78 $2,500 114.110 16'1.10 86.20 18'7.10 $3,000 137.88 301.11 98.24 414 M llontb!7 paymeritl lnelude pl'llltlpel aD4 IDterllt (.1 oC 1~ ~ month on the unpaid baluoe - '·"" 11111ual rate) plua llfe 1Ji1o1uaot for ellflblft borrowert at DO IICidltlaMI ODIL '

.... ,...-w CREI)IT ; U'NIO.N

itl~~c.tlir) Orwa• J14 .,.,. , ,.._: ,..._ Boun: 0.0,: ... ' ., ....,..,.: t-1 ......,......,, ....

· 0011111 llf AIID - 'I'OUa ..... BICiiNTIINNIAL ~ CALIIINl>Ail

lull, lac. RedtN . . . . .

WARM SPRINGS are alwap nice times to took at bomel but thla IIPrlna' we have a coal IPI'Ine. For eample: '1'bl8 flflllu~ and qulilcy built 8 BR 2 1Mth CAC ltllllt lm!lla tile epltollle of quallt,. J'eatun~~ ln­!llude alate roof, CIII'POrt with llullt-ln -"ed and located on a beautltul comer Jot. Julde, Jarre Uv. room with fireplace aep. din. 'room and a 1'l'x21' reo. room Every appllanoe balcln· able Ia Included plua two Nlri­seraton . and W /W carpet throughout. Oven 1.1 oont. clean­lor, and a color TV utenna 11 alao Included. Already VA ap­pralled at $67,&00.


tile - l'l!ldier f.'Ai • .. here. To 1144 lo tbat, thfft 'II a -dlmeiJ.ioa tiiM wiD be ID tile way oC ~ ·Monpp I'IIIDken are Wylnr lo atart a "variabbe lntlnlt IJIOrlpce flult ohaDa'el with the tiUPIIIY of mo­ney aDd the f!CODOIIQ'. Bow would you like to receive a note In Y'lW' mall that 1ta11et1 your new IDtereM ...., for the ClOIIllnc year will be 10Mo%f BUY NOW AND AVOID THIS POTEN TIM. PROBLEM AND ELIM INATE THE RENTER TAX.

''BUTI'ON, BUTI'ON, who's go the bubton? All you need do Is P-• the buttons 34~2151 and call about this real buy with only $2628 to take over 8% APR Loan, . 2 BR't, 2 Baths, CJ£, wuher, dryer; all other appli­ances, plus sep. din. room. Call MG-21111 anytime day or night. $32,000 <Way below price!)

TO "PULASKI AND TO PULL YOU to our ofllce, call 846-21111 for either one of the~e homes In Capitol Plaza area. No. 1 • bu a beautlfull'ec. room aet up In a l&l'ace plus a 4 BR home with washer, dryer and 8 A/CJs plua W IW 08l'lletlng. Besldea, there Ia 4 car OSP, just the place to store your boat or trailer. U you want to begin your hame buying In a very convenient area thla Is the right place for you 1 Call MG-2151 anytime day or night for details on this delight­ful home. All terms S41,900.

FOR NO. 2 out the advan­tages of many homes and this second home in Cap. Plaza area Is a real buy! This 3 BR 1% bath home with rec. room In basement baa been Improved to the "nth" degree'. Beautiful paneled rec. room, with bar, large beautiful patio, plus many other features. All terms. $41!,-000

"LOOK OUT MOUNTAIN" here we come! You will have to aee this very line older 4 BR 1% bath home with buement, en­closed porch, plus added outlets for renting rooms. All iOCI!.ted on Approx. ONE THIRD ACRE LOT THAT IS COMPLETELY FENCED. EASY AOCESS TO UNIV. BLVD. OR RHODE IS­LAND AVE. If. you have been waiting for an older home­this .Ia the one for iuu, Perfect for setting up a vlace to keep children. U8,11M. •

"SAVEVANNA" and you wife too It you are crowded. Let ua allow you a line ~pe cod home With carare In 'Bel8ir. OWner need1 to leave very 100n and you lhould •ee thl• IIPiendld home. Many, many featUre. - hlclu41nr a. )lOot If you want lt. O«el'ed on. all terms .. Ut.T~.

YOtJ WILL "'GLE 'mORPE" When you - thll very ftne 1'"' bath brlo~t. c:l"C raat,bler with many a~. W/W CU'P. l'll'l!llllde Ml LR, np. din. room. phaa a C8l')IOI't tor only $47,800. OfteNd on 1111 terms.


OPI:N BOV8E IN IADWOOD SUNDAY: Sunday from 12:00 UDIU 8:00. If yo11 have ~ waltlnc tor oae of these &ie hc;mes then walt no more! You wW have to- thla f. BR 1% bath home With beautlfll! rec.' na., .LO'M OF ln'ORAGE SPACI!l + WORK ROOM. All· !~ted OD a beautiful level lot with a .paztc f.n back Offered on FlLVV A tenii.I-What a buy In Greenbelt! $U,OOI. .

WE SALUTE ·GEoBOIA tb1a week and to help you, let ua tell you about lthll 2 BR END twnholllle with woodll In b6ok. Great applltmoea, F /J' ret. waaber, dryer, a; A;C. Nice· patio and Iota of trees. All on a dead-«l~t. Take over pmta ol. 11111.711 that . Include all utilities 8XIC!I!pt' elecit. 4t phone with Ice. chm. pmt ... Financing avallldlle for dwn. pmt. Would you believe! $14,800.

OLD FOLU AT HOME, Or young folka? What an oppor­tunity to bily thla one BR apt. that baa everythlnr you could poaalbly wut. Can you tmare thla home with an almoat new washer, Telllodeded kit. A/C, W /W carp. througbout plus other featu- that are too nu­meroua Ito mention. Din. area Is ref~lne and pt.ant. lawn hu aboniba and beat of all a reduced price to $10,9110.

0 KEE FEE, NO FEE at all to a veteran ~ a quallfylllf Income and let Ul put you Into a • BR home wl4:b laqe fenced ye.rd and located clt:Nie to lhop­plnr. WE .ARoE NOT KIDDING! $38,000 VA 84)llll'alaedl NO CLO­SING COSTS We'D be "awllmp­ed with cllills on thll one 10 burry!

YOU WILL "MARBLE" at •thll fabuloua 8 'BR · CAC rambler with garage, that baa aep. din. rm. plua table apace kit. Mq­nlftcent rec. room with bar and added ret. A laundry room that Is out of thla world that baa a beautiful set of cllblneile, ataln­aell steel alnk, wMber 8t dryer all along one wall Cedar clo- ' set for clothing not In use. Other features, work room, 12x12 porch W /W ce.rpetlni and profeulon­al care for lawn thlllt le fenced. Swimming pool member!lhip av­ailable with home. You must see this one to believe the per­foot condition It Is In-just move In! All terms $515,960.

YOU'LL "()()''TTN" to this fine 3 BR brick home with abtlc and two .mclosed porches. Very close to the center of Greenbelt and waiting for jWII: the rlrht person to know obhe advantages of being eloae to the Greenbelt Shopping Mall yet have privacy. 'J1hla home Is one of the bellt you will find with an attic. Pric­ed belom apvralsal at $28,000.


thla very fine 4 DR 3 bath CAC home In Good Luck Wood1 so many featuree th~ It is lmpoll-­slble to !let them a:ll. However, features are: Modern kit. with all app., wuher, dryer, W/W carp. sub--biUiemeat llnlahed off. rec. room, 1un deck and a car­port. If you have been waltlnc for a fine hame thl1 Ia the one for you that will give you the· beat In ev~lng tncludlnr a baths! Fltf.tVA{O>nv. tei'Dui.' $5~,900 •

lASH INC., REALTORS Untv. Blv4. • Rhote h~ Aft.,

·345-2151 LET KASH HllLP 'tO'UI

Page 6: !;i.• · : · . •'·. . o1~


·.HI...• ro .. nJ.. &It ll CRESCENT R!Mo I, ' \9 "" "" GREENBELt, ArARYLAIWI) I; . .

207ar AT Ill. lews ·ltuitw ..... . ..,. llldala eor..a. ' ' . ''What happens when tbe GDA·~ ·11 pUl aft!" II a

que.Uon that Gle8Jlbelt BOID8I, IDe. ~ cleill with 1D die Mil' future. At two recent informational heariDP memllen ·.ot ~ GHI board of directors IDd of tbe Lo11J BaD&e PllnDiDC CoaaDiUee outlined ·plans for Ull.llri\ lilt ,._ of a 20 year protrlftl. A total Of some 85 Gm residents attendee~ at 1eut ooe cd the ~· lngs and the questioza..and-&D~Wer »eriod that followed.


Acti·vities for Greenbelt . Day


'-' p.m. Municipal Pool open; recreational swimming for all ages. 1-4!:15 p.m. Fiunlly Sw1m Party - Municipal Pool

Activities Include water polo, basketbllill, recreational and lap swlm­llling. Parent,. or an adult must IICOOIIIpany children.

B ,,Ill. Little Leas!Ue Baseball Game - Braden Field #2 under the lights. I p.m. Outdoor Movie Family Show - Free. Rebound wall adjacent to

~nBr of awlmlnlnc pool. Rain. locatlon: Youth Oenter. · SA.TVRDAY, JUNE~'

11 a.m. - • p.m. Ta:ble Geme Tournaments at Qreenbelt ·Youth Center &ad SilrlnahiH Lake RecreeUon Center: Table Tennis, Table Soccer

· and Pocket BIIllarda with trophies awarded In the followlnr cate­I'Qrlea: 10 a.m. - noon - 9 to 12 year olda ~ - ~·p.m. -' 13 to 16 year olcla 2 p.m. - • p.m. - 17 yeara & OYer ~011 wtll.t&ke place on the above achedule. Free

1t:IO &.111 ~reenbel\ Lake Run ~011 will be held at the Gunnel'll Mate Conceulon Stand tDr ~ liiiUIIDa' eveuta for Greenbelt at 10:80 a.m. •Cih SeJni.-Am\1181 G.reenbelt Lake Run - 2% mile (2 laps around the like) 8POMOZ'ed by Bowmans Gunnel'll Kalte. Nominal entry fee to - awalld8 for all ftnl.lllen. Call 'T~ or 47'-4292 for further detlllll. ' "Greenbelt Runnlnr Club Race , - 1\4, mile (1 lap around the Jake) CIOOrdlnated 'by Larry Noel Nominal entry fee. A-rda for leading runnel'll In VarioUI aae rroupe. · lllveryone t. Invited to partlclplllte who 1uu1 .run or jorred thaee ~ a~-11»1 wW at.o be acoepte4 s..tqrday mor.,lnr for aell1bel'lhlp In the Greenbelt ,Runnlnr Club.

1-8:15 p.m. Munleqlal Pool open for recreational IIWimmlnr far all ares. 1-f p m. 'B' IAacue Softball Galilee - Braden ll'lel~ #t ll .-. 'l'ellnlll 8ldlla Worlqlbop - ~raden ll'leld Coul'tll 7 &· 8. Demonatrla-

tlon ._.··o~tt Tennia Auoela't!On ror ·an ~. Wee · 1 8 :•10:80 p.m. Teen 8pluh Party - · :M:unlc!iJal Pool, Dileo Soun41, .Qaaee 9Pn to TMM l'r & UDder, IICIIDinal fee. Rala. {Qaatloll:

ThlllJ<lay, June 3, 1978

Sunday, June 6, ofllcla.lly desig­nated as ,Greenbelt' Day as a ape·

w cia.! Bicentennial project, hlrh· 11Jlrii.a weekend of specl811 events. The celebration. Is the secortd an• nual recornltlon of Greenbelt Day, procla.lmed laat year by City Coun­cil as the first Sunday In June.

While Greenbelt Day Is an ap­propriate, time to give reco'rnltlon In various ways to our country's forthcoming Bicentennial, It Ia prl· marlly a day to .commemorate Greenbelt's put, celebrate Green­belt's present and look toward• Greenbelt'a future It II a time for Gree11beker1 to enjoy tbe com­pany of other Greenbeltel'll and former residents. It Is a time for cltllen1 to 'live thourht to their community oand how they can make It a better place In wbloh to l,lve. It Ia a time for tbe cODUnunlty to reccwnlzG tlloae who have helped ~ make CJreenbeU What lt Ia today.

The Greenbelt Amerlcall Revolu· tlon Bicentennial Committee In Its early plannlnr concluded that one

. · way Gl(eenbeltel'll could celebrAte our Amel'lau hertlllp. wu to reC· Olllllse the contribution of tbla city to the hlatory of· America. and that one way to look towarda tbe future ot our country wu to oon· alder the future of eur own .ciley. The · futllrltr • llelliYed

At the North llnd School hearlnr · needl ud eltabll.lll prlorltlel. . At ' on Kay 211 the report of the IADr the ..- \!IDe, llbe DOtell, faQda

Ranae Plannlnr Committee waa mOlt .be ·built up to provide tJte pretented by Director Vll'(lnla 1110~ with wblch to aceo~~~P'IIIIh Morylidu, OOIIUIIittee chal-. At the roaL . . . . . the. May 26 meeU111 ln. the Green· A h7POtheUcal prcJIIIIID ·for re­belt 'Library It wu presented by hablU tat1on projecta dur!Dc ltle iDireetor Mary Clarke. Other apeak- next Ills .,_.. wu detailed by era ·at. both meeUnp were commit· Charles Schwu with the 814 of tee membera Charlea Schwan and beautlfuBy leetble dlartll ud W~~yne Wllll&D2JI. President ,James tables. Imp-til .plaalled for W. Smltb presided. the m&llinl'1' h- 1Dclucle elec·

The committee report, which waa trlcal heavy-up, lltorm doora. and .distributed to all om memben In windows. rep~~ent. of llat ~~ April, waa characterized by Dlree- and poreh rilofl, 1-sat!IOfto .ad tor Clarke as a document ouWn- a,lumlnum aiding. For lnllle'b!lllles lng a method for achieving a r~ the llat lncllldfis ftllillloiiDtllat of - the · goal of rehabiUtatloD of ptten, u well u fliob. Jlltlllr Greenbelt Homt~s. Inc. The aim, ·and nPJacement of '''rilien" (plpea . abe said II to preserve and en- · curyiD( W&Wr up to otbe aeeoad jlance the community aa It now ftoor) ud. tMm!te esterlllklatlon. eXIata. Sbe emphasiZed the lmpor- At pr.eftt P,.. and wftllolit··al­tance of Immediately obtalnlnr tbe lowanee ·tor ~ aavblp services of a conaultant with pro- th~ . qun~ey buJ,In&' or feaalonal experUae to evaluate · thio114b. i.alVap, Schwan · put· the

----------""""-\' • COlt. Of tbe·e.::yeu pRCNia ·a Q'ler WHAT GOES ON

• .. '1118,ooo.··~.~~·· ~ Nil«aelna' of pufdnc',:eourta.

M-. .June T, 8 pm. City Coun­cil Special Meetlnr for Adop­tion of Budlet.. :Munlelpe.l Bldr.

Tbun.. .June lt. I p.m., GHI Board Keetlnr. Hamilton Pl.

that thla recornltlon of our City abould not be juat a one tlme Bl· centennial 'event. but ohOIIId be -a contlnullll activity of the cley.

Bicentennial Committee chalr­ma~~. II Staphen PoluehiiL Otber membel'll are.·. ·woo- Alelblre, Uty oAUen, Albe11 . HeriiD(, ~an· et Jamet. Katberlnt Keene, Sue Lance, Anne Merit.. David Stern, and. Jfeni!J' 8poftr.

. are alrH4i lil p......,. '. · · Wqne ~· lilted, ... ·atter­

DatiVe · _.fldl lor .~ \be ,enofttloa p...-:. ·(~) ~ the r tllemlltrliblP. . (.,: ~ (I) ···~'of' .• ,·,.~~ ...... ,,:~ Jlq ~. '1'11¥ ~ of • federal mil~ ..... - ... = ~ed .. ~tolle explo~ u tile ~· ... . oldet to GODtlllUe ........ ltiiB1f for the amOunt llll'fl' ..... .0-.I· I) on the qNIIA 1110~ It eoa!d l'tlallle twr.tao a .,.. ·fcil' reaon­Uon, aal4 wuu.iu; liUl ae· aor­~M·WouJi atiR ~!Ave to,...... aubltet181 ...., ·to C&I!Y out. tile fUIIp~ · ...

· ··111· r.w ., ~; ea.~tt~· •~~­vtte~~ ~e ,plip

Yoaih. Ce'llter. • I , 1:80 111&-d ... ~ a.H - Greenbelt DaJ Danae featurl111 tile

l'red Perry .Orohe.tra. Drea: "ault-younelf" fi'OIIl 1'17&-1878. Oreoble HaD lD St. H\lltl'l Olurch Nom.lnal fee - Pro'ceedll to City .

PROCLAMATION WHJIIUCAS, on June 1, 1881 th11 lfaryllllld. a.t.e Lqlalature

en.aeted ·the Greenlltft Town Cbarter lllld GreeDbtlt "-e 4he ftnlt ~r tiiPe aovernment 111.dl,e 11t1te ot llar>'fallll: ud

-Tbat ·mare... lA .-tliJJ op· eratblc ... .,... will be held down &o 10 pereent If pollilltle;

-That reelllelita wbo lnltall ato"' 4oorl .-11~ . wllltlow• aboulll n• lllll*it, liD M n111l­llllned "' Ule ooqioraUol!l;

lllcellteJmlel ll'luld . IRJJID4l', JVNB, I - GREE!Qtl:l.T DAY

10 UD. 8oltba1l O.UU. on Braden ll'leld #2. Looal teama Include tbe Gntmbelt American LePon. The Sana of the American Leclon and tile OI'IIIIIMit Jq· CHI. .

1-f:lll p.m. :M:untolpll Pool QlltD tor recteltlonal awllll!Dinr for all ar•s. t-4 p.m; Kunl Palntfnl at eenterwq Un4erp~~~~. , .

WHEIUilA8, Iince that ~ the hiltory of Greenbelt, IQ planned developmen.t, b OOiaalualt¥ invclYIIIIent, and Ita ~n to tba :preeervatlon and lmprav-'!~ of Ita, unique way of life have be­oorne lmown throu,bout the wor14, and Greenbelt hal beoollle a model for othen tD emuJe¥; 4nd

-'nlat ~ ......... .118 __,. lleoaaie, dlloiiP reeldatl ean .<ancl ., IIIIUt1 IIIIMPIII8Dl of .. INI'4 . (or . ...-.. ~a ....... Oil ............ ltMl4ent. are lllvKed to lnu.tnte the!T arti.UC talenta on allocattcl

.,_ to deco~ the ~ with IJjltrlotle or olt)' -ea of their elialoe. ~ - 12 yean IUid over. Limited brumee and paitlt to be tumbhed by the. cley, lint oome, ftnt aerved. Atttata are eneoul-.,.4

. tD llrlnr tJJelt own ~peelill IIJliPila ~udlrlnr will be held at T 11.111. A plaque tor the work ohoiNm the lllo.t orlclnal !Jiuatratlon or 11101t 111\lque to the olty ~ be, praeated by the Greenbelt Reereatlon DoQiart:IIIIIDt lllld 'BqrDtennJal CllauaJttee. .

'2 p.a. 'G~t OW ~ l'I'QIIUl - OIIDtw Mall · WeJacae by Jla.)W GU Weldenteld. ~ bJ Steove Polalcblk - Chabman, Greenbelt Bicentennial Olllliatttee. ,., OehlllollJ. Greenbelt Collllert Band Petformance. Brlq a lawn chair or b)4Jiket, relax and enjoy! !lain location: Youth Center. ~ree

Reereation Review c.inp Pine Tftle

Thl1 BUmmer camp, o)>erated by tbe City of Greenhelt Recreation Deputment, oon•lltl of a fun and •kill Prori'IUil of outdoor and , IPe­clal acUvltles for boy1 and rlrlti are 6-12. A full time camp mana­ler. Scott PoWell, and Ullltant manager, Mike Qonnolly, are In oharre of the day to day operation. Counsellors are Janice McFarland, Karen Oold1teln, Gall Sarnl. Don­n11 Town••n~ and Anot :t.k'Farland. A counoellor Ia provided f"r raoh

lfGUP of ellht to twelve younr­lltel'll. 8peolalt.ta Grer· Scbelbj!l, JoAnl\ Rowe, Carol Oollina, Je&n Ann Raaely and Janet Goldbers, are In cbarre of lnlltruotlonal pro­(I'UIII «n aw&lllnlnr, tenntll, ·tumb­Unr. trampoline, ardtery and crafts. J'or further Information, call the Ree. Depart., Mon.-Fri., 9-S p.m., f7 4-t878.

KAVA Newt The ft111t spla.ah party of the sea­

oon will be held on Set., June ~. from 8:30 p.m. 'to 10:30 p.m. Juke box sounds will be f•atured, A nominal' fee will be charred.


WE THE PEOPLE a maJor Bicentennial work written etPf!Oially for tbe Greenbelt

Choral Arta 8oa)et,v

by William John10n

Saturday, .tune U, 1:80 p.m. • I

ttr. HUOH1J CA'MIOLIC CIWRCH, GNIII:MBIDI.II' Ada. n.eo lldultll a.eo ohiWren 1c Sr. Cltlllna

wiu:REAS, thro~hout the :v- the cltlleu cA Greel\belt have lhown their pride In .their COII!IIIUI\lty tbrouab Ulelr Jllol'Uolpatlon In many Prorruna 1l1ld actlvi!He aaa ljave worlrll!cl dlllaently to en­hance and keep alive the roa1l and ldealll of that ftrst . day of Ita Incorporation; and

WHER.EA8, In onter "to · c0111111emorate the anniversary of th~ clty'a Incorporation and In order to honor and refteet upon thla cll,y'a pa1t echlev-entll, to Jook towarda the cltta future and to renew !<Ia commrtment to the aoa1t of eoocJ cltbeJI.blp and oornmunltJ development" the Greenbelt Clt;v Council In lt'tll ldopted a ''R8olu­tlon to Dealrn.ate the Fll'llt Sunday In June of lllach Year aa GREI!IN­BELT DAY''; and

WHICREAS, In thla B4centennlal Year ol our· Nation when we reflect on our hllltory and mark th~ Birth of thla Country, Greenbelt will celebrate the llllth Annlverary of Ita Incorporation - tlle lncor­pomtlon of a "Now Town" which· in th011e short but evelltful yearo has been able to ofl'er Ia residents a way of life and true cltlunahlp Which our Nll.tlon'a founders envl1loned 200 yeaN 11'0 -

NOW THERl!:P'OttJ!:, I, Gil Weldefeld, Mayor of the CitY of Greenb~lt, Maryland. by authority veeted hi me by the Counol,l and the citizens of Greenbelt, hereby IMUe thl1 ProciiUIIatlon . on the occasion of this Second Annual.

GRHNBELT DAY • JUN£ 6, 1976 to .expmss pride In our city, rratltude for tile bl-1np of frlencll and ncll!'hbore, and hope In the conUnuatlon of the communi!)' ap,lrtt we all hold dear; and I urae all Greenbel.t cltlzcll8 to IIIOtlve~ •ltpreu th!a pride In our community - and our Nation - durlnr thla o....,nbelt Day Weekend by partlc!patlll( In the fe&ltlvltea piBnned for the enjoyment Of all our eltlzena and Greenbelt'• friends.

A 1'TII:I'l: Gudr\111 a,· XtU. aerk

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereuftto 1et my !land this 28th day of May, 1978 and have ooUB«< the 84!al c:Jl the C1ty of Greenbelt, Maryland, to be aftlxed Gil W etdenfekl, Mayor

City of Greenbeh, Mar'yland

auela .. dae ~t ot "rlael'l": . ' .

-'nlat a .. JIIU PrilcrUI .tl tar· mite. -trol ... .......,. !lien ..,...far the f- ......

<Tendttt IMpeetiOII ebou1d be ~ to the 11W01UJ bome• In one member'a opinion.)

'l'o make the renOYC!on proceas 11Dother tor ~ldlatli. a ~r auaaeted fi'OIII the lloor that the corpolatlon mllht de ·Well to ae­qulre ol\e entl~ - ~·with the connnt of llle relldenta; reno­vate It with epeed. Diety, and ec· onomy; and uae. It on a re'f!Oivlng bull ae t<;mporary bolllllllr for realdf'Dta In row• undei'IOIIII ex­tensive renovation.

Finally, aeveral membel'll uked why bank loan• for down payments on om unlta are IW1Jer to ob­tain than loana for condominium unlto. It wao explained that own­erahlp In ·a condominium Ia On a "fe~ almple" bula; the propert.)' Ia ~curlty for the loan. In a coop· · eratlve like OHI. the ft.,t mortit­qe Ia held by the corporation It· self. With the exception of a '"' 1a1rlnga and loan aaaoclatlons like, Twin Plnea. th•refore, ·~n!H!tVatl\oe bal\klnr lntereats ooq1lder loans to membera of a cooperaUve u "Me· ond mortcacea" on whleh hlaher lntereot ratn are u•ual. ·

One menlber sunnted . that· tlle Lona· Ranre Planning. 'COJiunlttee• might conllder the Ide& of conver­tlnr GHI to a cdl\dOnllhlum. tfnlPt pointed out thAt a cooperative of. feri IOml! adV!IntaiH, IUCl\ U ell• l~r lll"tllP~I"''1t ,_,p,.,...,,.nf"\.,,.,• l.,'\t-1111 In lepl and other ten. · and lower wa!.t'r ratea. '

At 10 o'cldek Ule -tlq -Iliad to be YM&tfocl to ~ lwJth Ubrary l'ellllaUona, ~ tile

lively ~ ~ •JI. eii4L

