Download - I ' I - s3.amazonaws.comVol+24+(1868)/Sabbath...GOLD COIN, Free 'Pf Governmeut. Tax, e Company's olBee, No 20 NlIIIII4u StreeJ, New York. I Sehednle. with tWeDty or ore CODpowI, will.

Page 1: I ' I - s3.amazonaws.comVol+24+(1868)/Sabbath...GOLD COIN, Free 'Pf Governmeut. Tax, e Company's olBee, No 20 NlIIIII4u StreeJ, New York. I Sehednle. with tWeDty or ore CODpowI, will.

"C ek.oo! cuckoo r cuckoo t t me soeak. nord, • o stole tluit retty nest

From poor little yellow-breast P', "Baal baa!" sa.i Ibe sheep- Jh DO' I WOuldn't 'treat n oor bird so. I ' I gave wool, the nest to line, But the nest was none of mlue. Baa baa,!" said the 8hee~"~ DO! I wollldn I treal poor blfd 80,"' I "Towhitf to t! weel WUlyon IIa me? Who 8tole fo eggs I lAId, And the nice warm neat p I

Bobalink bobalink I Now, what 0 you hink

o stole nest swu.y F m Ibe plnm-,treo, Ii>-day

Page 2: I ' I - s3.amazonaws.comVol+24+(1868)/Sabbath...GOLD COIN, Free 'Pf Governmeut. Tax, e Company's olBee, No 20 NlIIIII4u StreeJ, New York. I Sehednle. with tWeDty or ore CODpowI, will.
Page 3: I ' I - s3.amazonaws.comVol+24+(1868)/Sabbath...GOLD COIN, Free 'Pf Governmeut. Tax, e Company's olBee, No 20 NlIIIII4u StreeJ, New York. I Sehednle. with tWeDty or ore CODpowI, will.

8"" DR. WISTAR'S4,.\LS\HOFW Cmm-BY.!-Where thl! article OWll It Ii n ,,0 o supererogation to Bay W rd in iLs tavor, 80 wen Ia It e,tabllahed as au unl'aillng remedy for Coughs, Colds, Broncbitis, Croup, Whoop. irig Cough, ~.LbIM, dlaeoaes of the Throot, Chest, and Lnnga, BS "e'l .. that mOIl; dread­ed f oil dlaeoaes, Consnmptl n, which high medlcaloulhoruy hss prononnced to be no In­cumble~. ThOlll who have uoed this remedJl know ita value; th08e who have not, have bul to make a Bingle trial to be .. tWled thai of 011 othemit Ia eloe Teeg

"I used Dr Wlst&r'lI Ba.lsa of Wild herry my family for .. "eral y...... and al-

ways with the most beneficlal reaalta e being of dellcate habits, baa al. been lroubled willL • bard, dry, hacklnK cough whenever taking cold l and could obuun no :re-­lief from the v .. lo"us remedies she employed until she UBed. Wlstllr's Ba.lBnm, the etfect of which waa astonlahlDl(. A year ago. young man in tbis place was taken with bleeding at the lungs, w[th a Be cough, nnd wns glven OTer 1<> die by our beat pbyalclans, II belng ev­ident to olI that hls dJseiw:i was CollSumpUo . Upon hearing of /lla .... , my wife senl hlm a bottle of the -BalsD.m, which be'took. Bnd 8000, 10 Ihe .. tonlabm~nl of bla friends. he W08 a hili ACcustomed opation. In other cases we have ndministe the to tbe Consump"-tive, Bud nlway with tbe best or SUccetIL Theae Z'tatemen are slmple facts, wWeh can be vouched for t any time by calling 0 me at my store"

None genuIne nless signed £II BITrl'S n 0 the wrapper,

s but the Per es stronger, bet-ter, and will go farther than a doUsr botU. of .ny other kind known; beoldes, every bottTh In a box contalna .. diJferenl Perl'ame, a G ... Of choice Odor. They re nil the among the fashionable. For .. Ie everyw ere. Inqulre for Haisey" Toilet Go"",. Buy none bnt sealed boxes unless opened in your presence. WID

Mmt by mall POBt po on receipt of the price, by the proprle!o ,G • HAl.8EY. 93 White Street, New York.

DIED. Westerly, June 25th, 1868, of consum

tlon, JOIL" W. BAReu, son of Eid. Weeden Barber ngod 26 ye ....

c • CURRAN, bUeher,

.M.w. ""D WATRR STa Roch r, N. Y.

AUT ION t putch 10K ":F RL"'CE" and U EM­

H" Be g .. Machines. The pnbllc are hereby noll.Oed thai tho .e ... -

log-machines &Old by '&he H FJorence Sewing .. :Machine ompany," of No. 505 Broadway, New York, and coiled .. Florence Machines, and by the" Empire Sewing-MAChine Compa-ny," of No. 29l Bo".ry, Ne rk, IIIld call-ed " n 1bcb1nes, Are b.tnngem upon num UB Let Palent owned by the undenlgned; and said Companl V been 8C Without our alitllo4ty or i!cellJO September 10, 186i and In lstIon righll.

All pel11OD8 cantloned I buying,



ill p.ud on ODf oftet that date, GOLD COIN, Free 'Pf Governmeut. Tax, e Company's olBee, No 20 NlIIIII4u StreeJ,

New York. I

Sehednle. with tWeDty or ore CODpowI,

will. De). be received for examlDaUon, and gold checks for the .. me Wlll be delivered June

pared by SETH W. Fo" E & Sox, 1 T mont-st., Boston, nnd for sale by Dr11euglsts genernUy.

U'" GRA.eR's CELEB TKD SALll &. _ From

In Alfred, N. Y., June 24th, 1868. l&. GEO CJLUIl'LD, in the 7M year of He was a member of Ihe 1st Seventh-dal' ptisl Church of Allred, to the membel11hlp or which he WBS greatly endeared for bla true and faithful Chrl8lilLll life. "Blessed ore the

selllna', or tm8$ any of sald II lorence It or U Empire n Machines, (unless procured from

said "Florence Sew -Machine ~,~~~1~::1 ====;::=====;=======)= or "Empire Sewlng-Maehlue Company,


Mr James Curlin Amesbury. Mass. .1 I was nffllcted with" BCvere felon on ne

N B of my fingers, ADd tried many remedies wlth-, 0 ew edford, onl reUef My fnenda Induced m. to apply

yoW'Slllve In tW9 4"a18 it extracted the In. tlammatiou from my finger so as to enable mc to resnme my work f CD nlmost say ijJ.4t the &lve worked like maglc, for it effected a cure without leavmg a 5C1U'. I nnbesitatmgly pronounce :race's Balve an excellent remedy and do ot doubt 11 w111 be .pprecmteJ throughout the land.

o J Y 2.1 CENTS .A Box

BETti W FOWLE & 8'0 Boston. Proprie-tors Bold ~ thecnrles and roce", gen-emily

r Justtfica90n for callIug the pnblic attention

M"OTJIEl: B \1LE1'S QOIET[SO 8TH P, ore fnrmshcd by the ueney oud fatalL,y or Ihe

rm-109 Dud sert e tbe di.!cases, that one Ud

iu three dIes bet e the :fifth year. These facta

II ord conclusive argument for enfo:rcing on

mothers the import.'lDCe of using a remedy

never falls (when timely used to

effect a cure It great! ..... ts the child

throngh th months of teething, allays

the Stomach, and never fails- to regulate the bowels I !Il3kes sick nnd weak children strong :md healthy, produces natuml sleep for the

1 thereby affording rcK to .the mother For summer complaints, Dysentery and Dinr­rb.:m, it 3S no equol For Wind Coli, Con.

ions, Grlpmg, &c 9 t never fads to ve 1mmed'l'te reher. I

MOTHER BAILEY'S QC(ETnm 8 R'r'P, for ehlldren, IS on anginal medicine, \\ ell lb;hed, therefore me no other and yon are snf'e F r 88le by Drngl(late and Desle,.. In MedI­

IlAROS, New nd D, Ct , gent for the United <:States

IS" A CLl'-'-", S~ It SKill". and BeauUful mplex[on fnllowlhe use of Helmhold's COD­

ntrntad Exf.r1le1 Saroop8l'lllo. I temoVf8 black spots, pimples, moth.

p hes, alld I eruptions ot the 8 n

ood e- I:or TUB: SPRISG A!(D BUll Eft )Iosr1l8, the system n rnlly uudergpes 0. chauge, nnd

hIlls of Helmbold·s HIghly C01!centrn Exlract of

er lia8 rais­of excellent

Snraa.~rilla la an assistant or the eu.test nIne.

the utmost val

dead who die In the Lord." • v. B.

2d 1~~:~~~~~~r.t!~~~ of w~~chshe member till thus called. away.

" Shall I be missed when I am dead, When throbs no more ~1 aching bead, And e&rthIy pl.....,..s all have Ifown, And I hay found heavenq home l'


U p:lJ euts for the BABBATIl BECORDER rc o.cknowledged from week to week In the p8.-: per Persons sending money. the receipt at whIch is not duly acliD.owlcdgcd, should gh e us early nbtlce of the omlaslon.

PI, rll.NtI Weeden Clarke, W .... rly, 00 24 62 Bem P. Bentle , 2 liD 24 52 A. a Kenyon, ope Volley, I 26 24 02 A- R Babcock.] cwa N. J , 2 60 24- 62 Clark RogOl11, 1'IoinJleld," J, 2 00 24 52 J Hubbard," 2 60 24 62

1'8 H F.Rondolph " 2 50 24

B ~ &:,~~Ph, :: 2:g ~a Goo. s. Larkin, New ket,N. 2 ijO ra Iaaac H. Dunn," 2 50 24 John Brlgh~ Shiloh, N 2 50 24 Eunice A DaV1l!, " 2 W 24: 52 A. W. Thomas, u 4 00 2",,) 82 Geo. P. Maxson,.I'h Iphla, 2 50 2U 26 H. . Johllson l .MernlvUlet.,.Pa.:, 1 25 24 52 LeR0l' Burdick, Hebron, "s., 50 24 52 E11.a.; U. Brown, &nlthport, • J .2 00 2a 4 Clansso. lirown t Milton, Wii>, 2 50 25 25 B J. Clark" ()() 2~ 52 Abel Babcock, 2 50 24 62 Stlmuel H. GoOn, II 2 50 24 62 Erastus Brown, u 2 50 ~4 52 Wm B. Wells," 2 50 25 26 Omn Vmcent." 00 2-1 072 Robert Williams, 2 00 24 52 Ezm Goodrich," D ()() 24 52 Ezekiel B Rog ..... ,· 2 50 24 62

. T HamDton, " 10 ()() 24 52 Albert Williford, • 2 50 23 52 A. C Stannard. " 2 00 25 26 Mr •• S C. 250 24 52

H. Burdick, 2 50 2a 26 Perry Sweet," S8 24 52 Abram Allen," 1 25 24- 52 J H Sannders, " 1 20 24 52 U, G HumllWn 6 00 23 20 Wm.M.Hempbil, ,~mton, is., 2 50 25 52 (leo., • Coon, 4 ()() 24 81 R.C Dd, II .0 00 24 52 B B. Crandall, II 6 00 24 51 Nathan lIIaryatt, " 2 50 24 62 Clark Needfu" 2 50 24 52

P. Burdick," • ()() 24 52 M. M: DeLap, Boscobel, Wia 2 50 25 12 J 8 HIIDOD, Lima Center, 'Is.,2 50 25 26 c. A. Chapin, l1Ihrankie, Wla., 1 25 24: 62 Wm P. Benlley, Albion, WIs., 10 00 24 52 Joh ebiter, U 50 2.. 02 Oll er Da.vIs. I, 2 50 24 52

L nrdlck.. u 2 00 25 52 J. Stlllma I" 50 25 2U D.vld Weo!! " 2 50 25 26 Mrs A. CoOD, Edgerton, lB., 2 50 24 52

W Edw11l'ds, u 2 50 25 29 A. D Humpb y ". 2 50 2a 12 11' H C, im"", WIs, 2 50 24 52 R • Brown, U 2 00 24 b2

Coon, u 50 24: 52 Crando U D 00 24: 32

1.. Ala on. B'groot, lB., 2 50 25 26 Walwortil, Wia , 2 00 25 26

H 2002302 3 ()() 24 32

24 52 24 12 25 26 25 2a 24 62 25 2:1 24 8 2:1 87 24 52 24 52 24 52 24 52 2.1 62 24 52 24 52 24 52 24 62

to September 10, 1867,) .. they Wlll be pe111On-ally proeec for the Infringement.

Sni for an In uncUon againsl the .. Emp Comprmy II has been ommenced, and s

be institnted at Ilee againat the H IlPr­ence " Company and oil their Ageula, to pre-vent further Impooi pon the public wElEEli..ER & N F G CO, G & KER SEWING MAC' CO.


o A U T I o NI


e FWR&N COMPA~ advise their Agent., cualomC1'8.

" and the public, to take no at the news-

pa.per manlf'fi.tos of the Wheeler & Wilson


deny that :lny wing Machine made or BOld by them Infrmges soy patent right own by the Corporattoll8 above ed j au While they respecl the rights of rival manuf""tnrera, Ihey will defend thell' own agaInsl Infringe .. of theu- p&ten1.s, and 11be1e of their business.

The urts, nd not newspaper advertise-ments, mast settle controverted qUestiOIlS I

and the Florence Compa.ny IB abundantly sponslble for Ita liabUldes of every deac p_ t n B. HALE,


~ 2; RAIL OAD 24 52 Arenowllnlahedlllldinopeption. B ymlie. 24 52 of track hove been laid thla aprlng, and the

er, M ~i work along the wboleline between the AllanUc 24 52 and Paciflo States Ia being pushed forwiord more

want to know the lawa of heal h, We wnot sbun dIse .. e, e ant few Doctors' BlUs to pay, Or Undertakers' fees

ow all PltIs bave bad Illel d. , Thol phYBll: is decel~

The Lancet ODd the bloody Bo" I We never more sh311 greet. e know our stomach. were n m"de To drench with Pn YeS,

Brute lnstlnct ~hU1lS bateful dose, And evelT child thalliv ...

~:!II!.~~~~(l MAN-THER IS ll.AN but handles •

24 62 mpldly than ever before. More than twenty 1.~~~~~~~J::;,!i n ;;:;~:;:t~~~~'.!i; ~ ~~ thOD8ODd men are employed, It Ia Im- :_ 24 62 I ",.wb!e that the entire track, from Omaha to 24 52 Bacramento, will be ftnlabed 1869 In8\eOd of 25 2U IrtO. The means provided a mple, and 24 52 24 [,2 t energy, men and money cal\ do 21 52 the compleUon of thla 25 2U 24 62 G T NATIONAL WO 25 52 25 U 24 24 25 6 25 26 28 52 25 26 25 16 24 52 24 ii2 24 62 26 10

10 24 52 24 62 24 62 25 10 24 8 24 62

02 52

Page 4: I ' I - s3.amazonaws.comVol+24+(1868)/Sabbath...GOLD COIN, Free 'Pf Governmeut. Tax, e Company's olBee, No 20 NlIIIII4u StreeJ, New York. I Sehednle. with tWeDty or ore CODpowI, will.

RHO IS lID. lsi HopkinLon-A1fred B. Bll11l1ck.

Hopldnton-8. 8. Gold. oekvDle--ChapJIlllIllllatte80


, KENT 1

Nos. 56 00 58 STREET, I! .... = \

Bold by BREWS elol A&t1'ts, 40 Sla