Download - I HIGH SCHOOL Y 2017€¦ · Newsletter I HIGH SCHOOL QUIRINDI HIGH SCHOOL 113 Hill Street, Quirindi, NSW, 2343 Phone - 02 6746 1177 Fax - 02 6746 2648 E - [email protected]

Page 1: I HIGH SCHOOL Y 2017€¦ · Newsletter I HIGH SCHOOL QUIRINDI HIGH SCHOOL 113 Hill Street, Quirindi, NSW, 2343 Phone - 02 6746 1177 Fax - 02 6746 2648 E -



QUIRINDI HIGH SCHOOL113 Hill Street, Quirindi, NSW, 2343 Phone - 02 6746 1177

Fax - 02 6746 2648 E - [email protected]

Term 3 -

Week 1




Welcome Back!


Well, here we are at the start of another term. Welcome back to everyone. I know that this will be a busy and dynamic term with much happening to support learning and provide opportunities for our students.During the Staff Development Day on Monday, teaching staff took part in the second Visible Learning training day in Gunnedah. This approach to teaching revolves around the same ideas as Assessment for Learning and is about enhancing learning opportunities in the classroom for all students. This will be the approach taken across classes at QHS. The approach is based on solid research and measureable effect size on student learning. As parents and carers, it is important for you to be able to discuss learning with your child. I would encourage everyone to be having regular conversations with their children around what learning has been taking place at school. Quiz your students on what they learnt today, what do they know today that they didn’t know yesterday? What new skill do they have that can be applied elsewhere? Valuing education and learning in the home is key to students valuing the learning opportunities at school. The education of our children is very much a joint effort.We have had a few staffing changes. Mr Harradine has gone on leave for 12 months and Mr Wayne Miggins has picked up the teaching role. Mr Miggins comes to us with a huge amount of industry experience in metals and engineering. He has spent time with the students over the last 2 weeks of Term 2 and during the holidays.Ms Kathy Griffiths has settled into Science and is filling Mrs Batho’s role. Ms Griffiths comes to us as a qualified Science teacher and has also had the opportunity to meet students and work with Mrs Batho at the end of Term 2.

Mr Stokes has moved closer to home on the Central Coast and Mrs Rose Holland has taken up the teaching role in HSIE. As a qualified HSIE teacher Mrs Holland has settled in quickly and has developed a great rapport with students in a short period of time.Mrs Liz Saunders is away for 5 weeks. Mrs Lawson will be filling her role as Head Teacher Wellbeing. Should there be an issue in relation to wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Year Advisor or Mrs Lawson.I would also like to welcome two student teachers - Mr Steve Lasscock in HSIE and Mr Tim Hall in Science. Both are completing part of their teacher training here at QHS.The end of last term saw the Bellingen trip take place. This is an institution here at QHS and has been running for over 40 years. It is a huge amount of work, in terms of organisation, and I thank Mrs Saunders for everything she does in relation to this. It is also a huge opportunity for students to step outside of Quirindi and experience life in a different family environment. The connections made by students can be long lasting and the experiences they have, build their levels of confidence and resilience. Seeing firsthand how involved students were, I understand why this has been such a long running and treasured tradition at QHS.This is of course Year 12’s last term at School. After this term, they will move into their HSC examinations. This will bring to an end thirteen years of schooling. I encourage all HSC students to make significant use of the Study Centre and the experienced staff who are always willing to assist during this crucial time.

Ian WorleyPrincipal


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At the end of 2016, a number of pieces written by Quirindi High School students in the Creative Writing Club were entered by English Teacher, Lee Wall into the prestigious national writing competition, the Fellowship of Australian Writers Literary Awards. Earlier this year, Quirindi High School was notified that Mia Constable and Thomas Boorer had received the awards listed below:Mia Constable (pictured left) was awarded the Michael Dugan Short Story Senior Award - First Prize for her work ‘The Lady in the Street’.

Thomas Boorer (pictured right) was awarded the Young Poet of the Year Junior Award - Highly Commended for ‘A Farmer’s Gift’. Thomas was also awarded the Michael Dugan Short Story Junior Award - Second Prize for ‘The Secret Treasure’.“It is a national writing competition, so our students have done extremely well to be recognised from amongst their peers all over the country,” Lee Wall, English Teacher at Quirindi High School commented.A wonderful effort from our students and staff. Congratulations.

Quirindi High Students recognised in national literary awards

Local businesses show their support

The donation forms part of some $80,000 the businesses have donated to schools across the Liverpool Plains region in the past 17 years. Also pictured from left: Quirindi High School Sports Captains William Roxborough and Dayna Porter and Quirindi High School Vice Captains, Ben Hope and Lucy Crane, pictured at Friday’s Awards Assembly.“On behalf of the school, we would like to say a big thank you to the local businesses for their generous donation. We are very grateful for all the community and business support the school receives,” said Quirindi High School Principal, Ian Worley.Scott Jenkins from Pursehouse Rural and Simon Roxborough from Agracom attended the recent awards ceremony pictured with Sports Captains Will Roxborough and Dayna Porter and Vice-Captains Ben Hope and Lucy Crane.

Scott Jenkins from Pursehouse Rural and Simon Roxborough from Agracom donated (on behalf of the organisations) a cheque for $1,500.00 to the Quirindi High School to assist with school resourcing.

Quirindi High Student, Lacey Newcombe received the award for Most Outstanding Sportsperson at Friday’s official Awards Assembly. Lacey achieved a total of 88 points for her sports team Oxley to take out the title. Congratulations Lacey.

Oustanding Achievement

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The Study Centre offer students a supervised facility where they can complete their classwork, homework, research and assignments.The QHS Study Centre operates from the QHS Library on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3.30 – 5.00pmStudents are provided with a light refreshment during this time.The Study Centre is supervised by experienced teachers who can assist students with their homework and school assignments.The Study Centre is especially beneficial to those students looking for a quiet place to concentrate on their learning outside of their home or to those seeking help with a particular homework problem or their assignments.Students are required to sign in to the Study Centre and are supervised until 5.00pm. They are required to maintain school rules and expectations, work quietly and use the library resources respectfully and appropriately.Quirindi High School is proud to offer all students the ability to reach their maximum potential in a safe and supportive learning environment, external to their already supportive classrooms.It is great to see a variety of students from Years 7-12 making the most of this opportunity each Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon.Mrs Owen – QHS Study Centre Co-ordinatorQHS Study Centre - Supervision RosterTERM 3 - 2017 - 3.30PM - 5.00PM - QHS LIBRARY

Week ATuesday A - Adam Field, Kim Reichel, Emma CraswellWednesday A - Adam Field, Kim Reichel, Jen Stock, Vicki Saville, Lindi OwenThursday A - Vicki Saville, Tim Rowe, Jen Stock, Sean McLoughlin

Week BTuesday B - Adam Field, Emma Craswell, Kim ReichelWednesday B - Adam Field, Kim Reichel, Vicki Saville, Jen Stock, Lindi OwenThursday B - Vicki Saville, Tim Rowe, Jen Stock, Sean McLoughlin

ReservesJen Stock, Lindi Owen, Vicki Saville

ASCA – TRY SOMETHING NEW THIS YEAR!Are you interested in developing your

communication skills? Give ASCA a try this year!

Australian Speech Communication Association - ASCA - PROMOTES COMPETENCE, REWARDS EFFORT


The ASCA program has been running successfully at QHS since 2003. Participating in ASCA is a great way to promote your communication

skills, it’s a great certificate to include in your resume and at the highest level, ASCA is also recognised by some universities, who


ASAC Examinations will be held in Week 5, Term 3. SEE Mrs Owen in the Library for more information.

Congratulations: Quirindi High School Teachers, Chris Owen – Geography/History Teacher and Greg Chambers – PE Teacher, pictured with School Principal, Ian Worley received official recognition from the Department of Education on their Twenty Years of Service at Friday’s official Awards Assembly. Congratulations to both Chris and Greg for your dedication to educational excellence.

Congratulations - 20 Years Service


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In April a group of hard working students competed at the regional qualifying event for the NSW All Schools Touch Knockout held in Quirindi. After some fast paced, skillful plays and high spirited teamwork, the 9/10 Quirindi boys were successful on the day defeating all challengers to progress through to the State Finals. In May the 9/10 boys touch team travelled to Sydney to compete in the State finals. The team travelled by bus, driven by Mr McLoughlin, and the first stop was the world famous dining establishment Muswellbrook McCafe. Once Lachie Bradfield had devoured his jam and cream scones, the team ventured onto Newcastle to the sounds of DJ Clarkey, where they would rest up for the night.The team played 4 games the next day and after much excitement and moments of touch footballing genius mixed with some anguish and frustration, the team unluckily missed out on a place in the top 4. A series of disallowed tries in their first game against the much lauded Woolaware outfit, saw the team come away with an unlucky loss, but with their spirits intact. Playing the red-hot Blaxland side next, the QHS boys started slowly but rallied to finish the game strongly. The next game was against a strong Mudgee side. The team went down 6-5, just denying Quirindi the equaliser. The last game saw Quirindi pitted against Kildare and although competitive, the QHS boys were unable to overcome the intensity of the Kildare boys.

On the day there were many memorable moments and highlights: Angus Nichols’ light stepping helping

him cross the try line on more than one occasion.

The ‘Dynamic Duo’ Casey and Chase Clarke manning the wing.

Lachie Bradfield’s fantastic organisational and communication

skills.Riley ‘The Rock’ Medway’s strong

defence.‘Mr Consistent’ Hudson Shaw, helping

guide the team around the field.Bayley McCrae ‘The Energiser

Bunny’s’ live wire play.The ever-reliable Sam Palmer

displaying his versatility.Tyrone ‘The Gazelle’ Johnson

gracefully gliding across the turf.Brodie ‘Babyface’ Nankivell using his long reach to stop numerous attacking raids by the opposition.

Jack ‘RM’ Avard’s poise when under pressure.

“The boys are to be commended for the time and effort they have invested in developing their touch skills and knowledge. They have trained upwards of four hours most weeks since the start of Term One. This was a great learning experience for these boys and something they can take forward, and help them develop their touch footballing skills further. If they are able to maintain their commitment, I believe there are exciting opportunities ahead for them in the coming years,” said Coach and Teacher, Wayne HarrisMeanwhile, the Open Boy’s Touch side successfully navigated their way through the early rounds of the CHS Open Boy’s Touch Knockout. They knocked out schools including Gunnedah, Peel, Coonamble and Narrabri. The 9/10 boys combined with Jalen Darcy, Wesley Johnson, Riley Beresford, Will Roxborough, Ronnin Hadden, Bryce James and Ben Fechner, travelled to Inverell in June to contest the regional final. They will now compete in the first round of the State Finals this week. This game will see them take on Hurlstone Agriculture High School from Sydney.The Open Boys side have also been training after school with Coach Wayne Harris - learning valuable skills and the team have grown significantly in this time. While the team the team unluckily missed out on a place in the top four, Mr Harris said the team applied themselves well. Great effort boys!

Touch Football ReportQuirindi High School Boys Touch Football to compete recently at the State Finals in Sydney, included: Front row: Casey Clarke, Lachlan Bradfield, Angus Nicholls, Riley Medway. Back Row: Chase Clarke, Brodie Nankivell, Jack Avard, Hudson Shaw, Sam Palmer, Tyrone Johnson, Bayley McCrae with Teacher and Coach, Wayne Harris.

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Quirindi High School Under 16 Boys Rugby Union team achieved their first victory of the season against McCarthy College at the end of last term. In a close match, Quirindi students defeated McCarthy by one try – 27 to 22. Coach, and Quirindi High School History/Geography Teacher, Blake Hamilton said the team really deserved this victory at the closing stages of the season. “They have shown a strong a work ethic on and off the field for the entire season and should be proud,” he concluded

Rugby Victory

Lost property reminder: Have you been into lost property recently? We have a large number of items in the Lost Property basket. If you are missing

any items - we suggest you check it out this Term

Quirindi High School Open Girls Rugby Union team competed in the Tamworth, Friday-night competition recently to beat Tamworth High School. The girls also had a win against Oxley High School by one try in the seven-a-side rugby match.

“Congratulations to the students on a great effort on the night and for all their effort and commitment to training,” said Head Teacher, Human Society in its Environment and Coach, Ian Packer.The girls are now set to play in the semi-finals in July in Tamworth.

Hard work pays off

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Open Boys Touch Football

Open Girls Baseball

BEAU VALLEY SHIELDCelebrating over 40 years of tradition, 80 Quirindi High School students, 8 teachers and our Principal and Deputy, travelled to Bellingen High School for the Beau Valley Shield. The annual inter-school sporting, social and cultural three-day event was closely contested, with Bellingen retaining the shield.“The event was extremely successful, students enhanced their perspective on the world and gained an insight into how other people live, broaden their skills and experienced, other cultures families and societies.’ said Head Teacher for Wellbeing and Bellingen Co-ordinator, Liz Saunders.The students also attended a social on the Wednesday evening, unfortunately inclement weather on Thursday morning meant only table tennis and badminton were played due to grounds being closed. “We are the host school next year, meaning friendships that students formed on this trip will continue into the future,’ concluded Liz Saunders.Staff who attended from the school include: Greg Chambers, Julia Pursehouse, Ian Packer, Blake Hamilton, Adam Field, Kate Campese, Meg Outerbridge and Liz Saunders. Ian Worley and Catherine Loughrey watched the sports on Wednesday morning. Photos by Josh Redgrove

Open Mixed Volleyball

Open Girls Soccer

Spirit of the Shield

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Open Boys Soccer Junior Girls HockeySports Captains

Dayna Porter and Will Roxborough

In late June the Quirindi High School Year 9/10 Debating team travelled to Tamworth with coach Mr Owen to compete in the first debate of the Premier’s Shield Debating Competition.The team consisted of Emily Cronin, Lilly Nicholls, Grace Pezzuto and Josie Saunders.

This was the first time this group had worked as a team.“They only had one hour to prepare the debate from the time they were given the topic, so it is a very high pressure competition”, said Chris Owen.

A great debate

Lilly Nicolls, Emily Cronin, Josie Saunders, Grace Pezzuto

The topic - “That the NAPLAN exam should be banned in schools” saw Quirindi given the positive case.“Despite the Quirindi team presenting some good arguments, Oxley was able to counter each point, and were declared winners of the debate.”The main argument by the Quirindi side was that NAPLAN could be replaced with a more relevant exam that tested content instead of general knowledge. “The students were impressive as the debate was very close in relation to time and speaking matter and operated as a team. Oxley presented an argument that unfortunately was not countered by QHS, which lead to our defeat.”It was a long day of travel, and intellectual challenge, but the students from Quirindi High again demonstrated that they are up to the task!The team now go on to challenge two teams from Peel High School in the next round of debating competition.Mrs Stenner will be calling for nominations for the Sub-Junior team in early Term Three for all students in Year 7 and 8.“Debating helps students hone their analytical skills and prepares them for essay strategy. Presenting in front of an audience and learning to think on your feet also offers a depth of life skills. Debating is fun and team building, so I encourage all to give it a try.” Coach Chris Owen.

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PARENT TEACHER EVENING MONDAY JULY 24TH 4-7PMBook your Parent teacher interview on the Sentral Portal -

Having issues? - please contact Quirindi High School on 02 6746 1177

What’s on...July


Term 3 - 2017Wk 1 A = July 17 - 21 Wk 2 B = July 24 - 28 Wk 3 A = July 31 - Aug 4Wk 4 B = Aug 7 - Aug 11Wk 5 A = Aug 14 - Aug 18 Wk 6 B = Aug 21- Aug 25Wk 7 A = Aug 28 - Sept 1 Wk 8 B = Sept 4 - Sept 8 Wk 9 A = Sept 11 - Sept 15 Wk 10 B = Sept 18- Sept 22

24 July 2017 PLEASE NOTE - CHANGE OF DATE: 7-12 Parent Teacher Evening- 4pm to 7pm 26 July 2017 Joblink Plus Transition to Work for Yr 10-12 Special Ed students29 July 2017Gems from Europe31 July 2017 Year 12 Trial Exams

1 -7 August 2017 Year 12 Trial Exams2 August 2017 Joblink Plus Transition to Work Yr 10-12 Special Ed students 4 August 2017Blacktown Polynesian DancersNW Regional Athletics Trials Tamworth8 August 2017 Yr 5/6 Taster Day9 August 2017 Joblink Plus Transition to Work Yr 10-12 Special Ed students10 August 2017ASCA Workshops14 August 2017AECG meeting at Werris Creek Public School at 4.15pm14 -18 August 2017ASCA Examinations25 August 2017Drivers Expo 8.15am - 3.25pm28 August 2017Year 11 Final ExamsRSA & RCG 3.30-9.30pm


BE PROACTIVEThis means that students take responsibility for their actions. They focus on the things in life that you have control of and to focus on being the best student and person that you can be. These include - your behaviour, paying attention in class, attendance and wearing school uniform.

Over 100 eager Quirindi High School students attended workshops hosted by nationally recognised Cartoonist, Author and Educator, Andrew Cranna on Friday.The Sydney based Cartoonist, and

primary school Arts Teacher, known for his particular brand of zany humour made the illustration and writing workshop activities accessible and fun.“Students were mesmerized by his stories and creative approach to his writing as well as his talent as a cartoonist. He explained how he had overcome obstacles to follow his passion and ran a series of workshops and had students drawing with the opposite hand they normally draw with, which proved fun,” said Head English Teacher at Quirindi High School, Janelle Stenner.Well known for his Boyhound Boys series of cartoon novels, Andrew is also an

Illustrator for the Teaching Guide series, published by the NSW Department of Education and Communities.“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time interacting with students from Quirindi. As a self-taught artist, I hope my story of never giving up on your passion has also gone partway to inspiring the students,” said Andrew.Andrew, a regular at the Sydney Writers Festival where he runs workshops on how to create graphic novels and books, said his work is influenced by Japanese Manga, splashed on with pen and ink and more.“I’d describe my style as a splat of abstract cartoon, touched up with strokes of digital watercolour and served with a glass of icy-cold chocolate milk.”The humble illustrator said his number one tip for budding artists is to draw whenever you have the chance. “Carry a notepad everywhere you go and whenever you’re bored, draw. Another

piece of advice would be to never ever give up wanting to be an artist. No matter how hard things might seem, how many rejection letters you may receive, or how difficult something looks to sketch, if you love drawing, keep drawing and these obstacles will be overcome.”

Quirindi High School students, Matilda Eade, Zara McCarthy and Emily Bramley, pictured with Cartoonist, author and educator Andrew Cranna, who hosted a series of workshops with students at the school.

Drawing a crowd