Download - I 6 AERC e International Get-Together - THE GLOBAL TIMES · 2015-11-30 · ‘Vande Mataram’, to loud cheering. Stu-dents from AIS Vasundhara 6, Pranav and Vasavi who were part

Page 1: I 6 AERC e International Get-Together - THE GLOBAL TIMES · 2015-11-30 · ‘Vande Mataram’, to loud cheering. Stu-dents from AIS Vasundhara 6, Pranav and Vasavi who were part

IInnttoolleerraanncceeAERC International Flight


International Flight


An International Get-Togetherwas organised by AmityEducational Resource Centre on

Oct 9, 2015 at AKC house. The eventhosted by Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan,Chairperson, Amity Group of Schools &RBEF was graced by the presence of Dr Ashok K. Chauhan, FounderPresident, Amity Universe, members ofthe Chauhan family and heads of otherAmity institutions.The guests for the event were ambassa-dors and delegates from various Euro-pean countries like Switzerland,Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Germany,Slovenia, Slovakia and Lithuania. Theevent also saw dignitaries from Japan.The occasion witnessed the participationof heads of different organisations suchas European Union, UN Women, IndiraGandhi National Centre for Arts, UN-ESCO, AFS, Goethe Institut, Amity Uni-versity etc. Parents, principals andstudents from Amity who hosted the in-ternational students were also present.The show began with an energetic songperformance by Amitasha students.Congratulatory video messages from in-ternational partner schools, organisa-tions & cultural centres were played.Speaking on the occasion, ChairpersonDr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan shared, “ Eversince the establishment of AERC in2007, we have made great strides in con-necting our students with the world.Today, Amity has fostered internationalbonds with more than 30 countries.” Shealso announced the launch of two newinternational projects with the EuropeanUnion. Also speaking at the occasionwere people from various participatingcountries. H.E. Martin Strub, ambassa-

dor of Switzerland to Sudan and Eritra,who could not attend the programme es-pecially sent a message that said, “Amityencourages fruitful debates and friend-ships between participants and itstrengthens the bond between nations.”H.E. Talat Kelpsa, ambassador toLithuania said, “Education can connectdifferent cultures and countries andAmity is a big contributor in bridgingthis relationship.” Ann Marshal, part of

the delegation of the EU spoke about thescope of higher education in Europe es-pecially through the Erasmus MundusScholarship programme. A member ofthe Swiss delegation thanked Amity andthe host families for their involvementwith the Swiss students and enrichingtheir stay.One of the highlights of the get-togetherwas the versatile welcome address bythe two comperes in various European

languages while welcoming the guests.Cheers and loud applause could be heardwhen foreign exchange students fromSlovakia and AIS PV dressed in tradi-tional Indian costumes, danced to Indiansongs. The Swiss foreign exchange stu-dents performed an Indian folk dance. Afew other foreign students rendered anear perfect rendition of the iconic song‘Vande Mataram’, to loud cheering. Stu-dents from AIS Vasundhara 6, Pranav

and Vasavi who were part of the foreignexchange programme shared their expe-rience as to how it helped them evolvetheir global perspective and become abetter human being. Vasavi also recited apoem, describing her stay abroad. Italianexchange student Emmanule Falli spokeabout the warmth and care he receivedfrom his host family. The parents of theparticipating students also shared theirexperience and thanked the Chairpersonfor providing such opportunities to stu-dents. They appreciated her for her per-sonal involvement in the students’ livesand her vision and nurturing leadershipfor the students. The family that hostedEmmanule thanked Chairperson for giv-ing them a chance to host him and makea friend and son for life. At the event,Founder President applauded the workof all the schools and Chairperson. Hefelt that this event will connect peopleand cultures and appreciated all those in-volved in the programme, enabling toreach greater heights. Jyoti Arora, director, AERC, spokeabout the exponential growth of the pro-gramme and how it was promoting unityin diversity. She said, “AERC is a gate-way to the world. Amity and AERC withits constant endeavour to open new fron-tiers of education have launched manynew programmes every year, andAIMUN, which is the largest MUN con-ference in education has reached its sixthyear and is one of the most awaitedMUN conference.” She also thankedChairperson for her involvement and en-deavours in the projects. The foreign students were awarded an‘Amity Alumnus’ certificate on the oc-casion. The evening concluded with hightea for the dignitaries and all those whowere present at the event. G T

Vasavi Sridhar of AIS Vas 6, IX who visited Slovakia fora month under the Nurturing Leadership Programmeshares her experience in the form of a poem....

Those were the days Golden daysAs I see my diary and smileThe days which are so cherishedWords which make me relive each moment

I started looking forward to each dayAs there was something exciting for meMeeting ambassadors and dignitariesAnd listening to their childhood memories

There were five of usEach of us filled with excitementLittle did we knowThat journey would change our existence

My heart was filled with excitement and enthusiasmDuring my visit to Indian embassy and UN centre in ViennaWhen I met Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

My mouth was wide open with surpriseSlovakia welcomed us with its cold climateChilly winds and warm sunlightThe hosts were friendly and caringThe teachers affectionate and lovingMy host sister, Kristina was sporty and kindLucia greeted me with tasty Indian cuisinesAnd someone like Henrieta is difficult to find

The Trenchin castleReflected the royal history of SlovakiaThe trip to botanical garden was really newsyWith the beautiful flowers and endangered species

Hiking on the mountains was the most adventurous partA feeling of pride filled my body when we reached the peakIndeed it felt like a glorious victoryI had conquered the weakness within me

I enjoyed riding a horse in RiecniceThe heaven of Slovakia, the statue of JanosikThe national hero, the Maj festivalAnd Slovakian wedding Have created an everlasting memorabilia.

“AERC is gateway to the world. Amityand AERC with its constant endeavourto open new frontiers of education havelaunched many new programmes everyyear, and AIMUN, which is the largestMUN conference in education hasreached its sixth year and is one of themost awaited MUN conference.”

Jyoti Arora, director, AERC

This special event saw the world converge, bearing testimony to Amity’s firm belief in thephilosophy of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ - the world is one family

“There is immense scope for higher ed-ucation in Europe especially with pro-grammes as the Erasmus Mundusscholarship.”

Ann Marchal, First Counselor and head of political

section, European Union

“Ever since the establishment of AERC in2007, we have made great strides in con-necting our students with the world.Today, Amity has fostered internationalbonds with more than 30 countries acrossthe world.”

Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan, Chairperson, RBEF and Amity Group of Schools

International students pose with their Amity Alumnus certificate along with Amity heads and foreign guests

“I am extremely proud to see how this in-ternational programme has expanded overthe years under the leadership of yourChairperson under the aegis of Amity Ed-ucational Resource Centre. This will go along way in connecting people and cul-tures of the world. ”

Dr Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Universe

Germany Switzerland

Slovakia Italy Japan





Quote Unquote

Exchange students from Germany studying at AIS MV present Indian dance

Chairperson Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan felicitates the German students

The exchange students from Switzerland, studying at AIS Noida, present Gayatri Mantra

A memorable sojourn


Amitasha students present a melodious song Dignitaries with Amitasha students


“Education connects different culturesand countries and Amity is a bigcontributor in bridging this relationship.”

H. E. Laimonas Talat KelpsaAmbassador, embassy of the

Republic of Lithuania

“International get-together is a great ini-tiative to connect education across bor-ders. Amity is certainly a pioneer in thisfield.”

H.E. Jozef Drofenik, Ambassador of Slovenia,

embassy of the Republic of Slovenia

Chairperson Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan addresses the gathering

Exchange students from Slovakia studying at AIS PV present a fusion danceChairperson with Vasavi

Chairperson with Italian exchangestudent Emmanule

Dr Atul Chauhan, Chancellor AUUPwith Shozo Kitamuri, director,


Exchange students from Denmark play Indian musical instruments

Versatile comperes from AIS Saket

Chairperson with the guests

Founder President with other dignitaries

Host family members speak on the occasion

Chairperson welcomes BorisJeslovsek with potted plant

Founder President Dr Ashok K. Chauhan with H.E. JozefDrofenik (L) and Arnaud Gaspart (R)

Chairperson Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan with H.E.Laimonas Talat Kelpsa (L) and Anne Marchal (R)

International Get-TogetherI can tolerate anything exceptsarcastic remarks.

NNiimmiisshhaa RRaajjppuutt,, AAIISS VVaass 11,, XXII AA

I can tolerate anything except beingquestioned about my capabilities andloyalty towards my friends and family.

SSaaiijjaall DD,, AAIISS VVaass 11,, IIXX BB