Download - Hy-Vee Giving Tag Toolkit · 2020. 12. 20. · Giving Tag to raise funds for your organization! Page 06 Checks are sent out whenever you reach $5 in the Giving Tag Program, so this

  • H Y - V E E G I V I N G T A G P R O G R A M

    G I V I N G T A GM A R K E T I N G T O O L K I T

    C h e c k l i s t , T e m p l a t e s & T i p s

    W e ' r e H e r e t o H e l p ! P r o g r a m M a n a g e r - K i m M o n a c o - h y - v e e @ b a g s 4 m y c a u s e . c o m - ( 6 0 3 ) 3 8 0 - 9 3 4 6

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    Step 4: Celebrate!

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    Checks are sent out quarterly forthe Giving Tag Program, so this is agreat way to raise funds all yearlong.

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    W E L C O M E !

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    We’ve created this Marketing Toolkit to provide you with information andmaterials that can support and improve your outreach to friends, supportersand constituents. The information and suggested content is easy to use. Simply copy and pasteany materials that you like into your email program, social media accounts,and more! Quickly and efficiently spread the word to help drive awarenessand donations to your organization throughout the program. As you review the following pages and get familiar with our 4-step process(Educate, Communicate, Motivate and Celebrate), please remember thesethree suggestions:

    You can easily copy and paste (right click, then selectcopy/paste) any of the provided materials for yourorganization. Customize the language to fit your needs,or feel free to create your own message!

    Utilize the – We’ve created a variety ofimages for you to use as frequently as needed to supportthis program and increase your donations.

    If you need any other information on the program orassistance in navigating this toolkit, please do not hesitate toreach out to Kim Monaco, call (603) 380-9346 or email [email protected].

    The amount of donations and community connections youcan create are endless and easy. We look forward to

    seeing you succeed!

    Let's Get Started...

    Image Bank


    Welcome to the Hy-Vee Giving Tag Marketing Toolkit! The information and assets provided in this toolkit can beused to support your efforts in raising donations and awareness all year long for your organization in the Hy-VeeGiving Tag Program. To bring you success in the Hy-Vee Giving Tag Program, we have laid out a four step process: Educate,Communicate, Motivate and, finally, Celebrate!

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    Step 1: Educate

    Step 2: Communicate

    Step 3: Motivate

    Step 4: Celebrate!

    Start by educating yourself, yourstaff and your volunteers about theprogram and this opportunity.Page 03 - 04

    Spread the word! Use our emailtemplates and press release draftsto share the news in yourcommunity.Page 05

    It's GO TIME. Send yoursupporters to the store topurchase the bag and use theGiving Tag to raise funds for yourorganization!Page 06

    Checks are sent out whenever youreach $5 in the Giving Tag Program, sothis is a great way to raise funds allyear long.


    Page 06

    GIVING TAG 101

    When a customerpurchases a $2.50 red

    "My Heart" Reusable Bagat any Hy-Vee store, the

    customer can nowselect your organization

    as the recipient of a $1donation by following

    the instructions on theGiving Tag attached to

    the bag. Thisopportunity is available365 days a year. All you

    need to do is use thistoolkit to

    spread the word!

    Each month, leadershipat every Hy-Vee locationchooses a non-profit tobenefit from the Hy-VeeReusable Bag Programthat supports local non-profits. Any donationthat is not otherwisedirected by the GivingTag will be sent to this"default" non-profit. Youhave not been chosenas the default non-profitat this time, but if youare you will be notified30 days in advance.

    The TagThe Bag

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  • E D U C A T E

    The Giving Tag is a year long fundraisingopportunity to drive donations. With the Giving Tag, customers can supportthe community they call home by directingtheir $1 donation generated from thepurchase of a $2.50 red "My Heart" ReusableBag to the non-profit of their choice. Customers can simply follow the instructionson the back of the Giving Tag to select thenon-profit they would like to support!


    K N O W Y O U R O P P O R T U N I T Y

    HOW IT WORKSUpon purchasing the red "My Heart" ReusableBag with the Giving Tag at any Hy-Vee,customers are directed to: 1. Visit within 7 days oftheir purchase. 2. Remove the scratch-off layer on the GivingTag to reveal the unique code. 3. Submit their code and select the non-profitthey would like to receive a $1 donation - nowincluding you!

    Check out our for social mediagraphics, images of the bag with the tag,and more!

    Image Bank

    If the donation is not directed within 7 days of purchase,the donation will be sent to the Hy-Vee Reusable BagProgram beneficiary - the monthly featured non-profitselected by store leadership at the store where youpurchased the bag.


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  • S A M P L ES T A F F E M A I L

    Dear (Staff/Board/Volunteers), We are so excited to share that (name of organization) isnow participating in the Hy-Vee Giving Tag Program, which isdesigned to make it easy for customers of Hy-Vee stores tocontribute to their local community while supporting theenvironment. This ongoing opportunity can be taken advantage of at anyHy-Vee store. All you have to do is purchase a $2.50 red "MyHeart" Reusable Bag, follow the instructions on the attachedGiving Tag and we will receive a $1 donation!  This is a great way to support the environment andfundraise for our cause. If everyone on our email listpurchased just ONE bag and directed the $1 donation to us,we would receive a donation of $(how many people onyour list).  Let’s get started! We can begin by sharing the news of thisopportunity with our friends and family. Call, send emailsand post on social media. The more people who learn aboutthe program, purchase the red "My Heart" Reusable Bag anduse the attached Giving Tag to direct the donation to (nameof organization), the more money we will raise.  To learn more about this program, please visit Best,(Signature)


    Start by making sure your staff is fullyinformed on the opportunity to maximize

    your fundraising efforts later on.

    What is the Giving Tag?It is a tool to help raise donations all year long. You can raise

    donations at any Hy-Vee location through the Giving Tag. Donationchecks are mailed quarterly, so it is a great opportunity to raise funds

    throughout the year!

    What is the difference between the Hy-Vee Reusable Bag Program and the Giving Tag Program?

    The Giving Tag Program is an ongoing opportunity for non-profits toraise funds at any time throughout the year. Supporters can go to any

    Hy-Vee, buy the $2.50 red "My Heart" Reusable Bag and follow theinstructions on the Giving Tag to direct a $1 donation to an

    organization of their choice. The Hy-Vee Reusable Bag Program thatsupports local non-profits is an opportunity for non-profits who are

    selected on a monthly basis at every Hy-Vee location. The selectednon-profit in the Reusable Bag Program is the "default beneficiary"

    who will receive any donations that are not otherwise directed by the Giving Tag.

    What is the cost of the red "My Heart"

    Reusable Bag with the Giving Tag?The cost of the red "My Heart" Reusable Bag with the

    Giving Tag is $2.50.

    Where do I find the Giving Tag?The Giving Tag is affixed to the red "My Heart "Reusable Bag. These

    bags can be found on the designated reusable bag rack and at variousregisters.

    How did Hy-Vee hear about my organization?

    The Hy-Vee Giving Tag Program team conducted research to identify,qualify and screen non-profits for this program. Your organization

    stood out to us as an incredible non-profit in your local community.

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    K N O W Y O U R O P P O R T U N I T Y

    T I P # 1

    P R O G R A M F A Q s

  • S O C I A L M E D I AP O S T S


    (Name of your organization)(Phone)(Email)

     (Name of your organization) Participating in Hy-Vee Giving

    Tag Program  

    (City, State) – (Name of your organization), a non-profitcommitted to (description of organization), has begun

    generating donations through the Hy-Vee Giving Tag Program. 

    The Hy-Vee Giving Tag Program, which launched in November2019, is a reusable bag program that facilitates community

    support with the goal to make a difference in the communitieswhere customers live and work.

     When a customer purchases a $2.50 red "My Heart" ReusableBag at any Hy-Vee store, they have the opportunity to direct a$1 donation to a local non-profit by using the attached Giving

    Tag. (Name of organization) has already begun generatingdonations through the use of the Giving Tag.

     “(1-2 sentence quote reflecting excitement about

    participating in the program),” said (name of yourorganization) Executive Director, (name). “(Short quote on

    how this donation will help you fulfill your mission).”. 

    (Name of organization) is a non-profit based in (city, state).Founded in (year), (name of organization) has (describe

    efforts in the community since founding of company). Learnmore about (name of your organization) by visiting (website).

     For more information on the Hy-Vee Giving Tag Program, visit

    S A M P L E P R E S SR E L E A S E


    We’re excited to share that all Hy-Vee storesare now offering the Giving Tag Program! Every

    time a customer buys a $2.50 red "My Heart"Reusable Bag at any Hy-Vee store, they can

    direct a $1 donation to (organization) by usingthe attached Giving Tag. Visit your local Hy-Vee

    and pick one up today!

    We’re participating in the Hy-Vee GivingTag Program! Purchase a $2.50 red "MyHeart" Reusable Bag at any Hy-Vee storeand use the attached Giving Tag todirect a $1 donation to (organization).

    Looking for an easy way to go green? Pick upa few $2.50 red "My Heart" Reusable Bags at

    any Hy-Vee store. Each bag helps reducepaper and plastic bag use, and you can use

    the attached Giving Tag to direct a $1donation to (organization). It’s a win-win!

    S P R E A D T H E W O R D

    T I P # 2Use an image from our to reach more people and boostengagement on social media!

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    Image Bank

  • C O M M U N I T Y O U T R E A C H P L A N

    MOT I VAT EB A G S S O L D = D O N A T I O N $ R A I S E D

    The Giving Tag opportunity is ongoing!Customize your communication plan

    to maximize donations

    T I P # 3

    P A G E 0 6

    MonthlySend an email blast to your community to

    spread the word

    WeeklyPost to social media to encourage your

    followers to buy a bag

    QuarterlyPublish a press release

    to engage the media

    Repeat andbe Rewarded

  • T H A N K Y O U RS U P P O R T E R S

    Subject: Thank you! Hy-Vee Giving Tag Program Hello, Thank you to everyone that has visited aHy-Vee store, purchased a red "My Heart" ReusableBag and used the attached Giving Tag to direct the$1 donation to (name of your organization)! We’veraised a total of $(donation amount) so far. Whether you’ve bought a bag or helped spread theword, we couldn’t have done this without you. Themoney generated through this program will help usto (share what you will do with the fundsraised). If you haven’t had a chance to pick up a bag yet,don’t worry! The Hy-Vee Giving Tag Program runsall year long. All you have to do is purchase the$2.50 red "My Heart" Reusable Bag at any Hy-Veeand follow the instructions on the attached GivingTag to direct the $1 donation to our organization.  To learn more about this program, please visit Thank you for yourcontinued support! Best, (Signature)

    R E C E I V E Y O U RD O N A T I O N

    C H E C K

    CE L E BRAT E !

    Non-profits participating in the Giving Tag Program who earn$5 or more at any point will be sent their donation checks

    approximately 8 weeks after the close of the month in whichthe funds reaching or surpassing $5 were raised. Giving TagProgram beneficiaries who earn less than $5 throughout the

    year will be sent a donation check with any remaining balancein our account at the end of the year.

    You can raise funds all year long by using the Giving Tagattached to the red My Heart Reusable Bag!

    P A G E 0 7

    T H A N K Y O U & L E T ' S K E E P G O I N G

    T I P # 4Donation checks are sent out bi-annually, so continue to increasedonations any time at ANY Hy-Vee location.

    R E P E A T A L LY E A R L O N G

  • P R O G R A M M A N A G E R

    K I M M O N A C O


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    H Y - V E E @ B A G S 4 M Y C A U S E . C O MH y - V e e . B a g s 4 M y C a u s e . c o m