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Bachelors Health & WellnessJanuary 7th 2015

(SCMW, 2014), (Portion Distortion Image, 2013) (Snowman Image, 2014)

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Syllabus Week 1 Acupuncture (Slides 1 to 14)Slide 1 Intro to weeks 1 to 3 of seminar Slide 7 Body Mapping technique

Slide 2 Syllabus Slide 8 Acupuncture Meridians

Slide 3 Acupuncture Basics Slide 9 A bit of Acupuncture humor

Slide 4 Common Misconceptions Slide 10 Acupuncture Myths & Facts

Slide 5 What does it treat? Slide 11 Take Home Message.

Slide 6 Needle Size Slide 12 References

Slide 13 Speaking Notes Slide 14, 15 Appendix A & B

Week 2 Fish Oil Pros & Cons (Slides 16 to 27)Slide 16 Intro to week 2 Fish Oil Pros and Cons Slide 22 Fish Oil Cons: Slide 17 Fish Oil why one would take! Slide 23 Take Home MessageSlide 18 Fish Oil Why One would Take! Slide 24 ReferencesSlide 19 What is the RDA for Fish Oil? Slide 25 Speaking NotesSlide 20 Who Can Take Fish Oil? Slide 26 Appendix A: Fish Oil Quiz, (handout

Slide 21 Cons to fish oil? Slide 27 Appendix B: Resources, (handout, take home)

Week 3 Portion Distortion (Slides 28 to 44)

Slide 28 Intro to weeks 3 of seminar Slide 35 Portion Distortion Gone Wild! Slide 29 Portion Distortion & Obesity Slide 36 How Much Should You Eat?Slide 30 Portion Distortion Slide 37 Who Knew? Give Yourself A Hand! Slide 31 Portion Distortion Slide 38 What Can You Do? Plate Size.Slide 32 Humor, Obesity Gone Wild! Slide 39 Restaurant Leftovers

Slide 33 Body Compensations < 9% to > 45% Slide 40 Take Home Message.

Slide 34 Americas Expanding Waistline! Slide 41 to 44 References, Speaking Notes, Appendix's

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Acupuncture Basics

• Acupuncture has helped billions of people over the last 5,000 years. Acupuncture is the medical practice of inserting very fine needles into specific acupuncture points of the body.

• Why Should I? • Oriental medicine seeks to aid the body in healing itself.• Diagnosis are based on symptoms presented by the


(Laird, 2014, Acupuncture Needle Image).

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What many think but its not so bad.

(Michalak, 2014, Pin Head Image). (SCMW 2014, Acupuncture Spine Image).

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Acupuncture Does So Much!

• (NIH) Consensus Statement on Acupuncture; adult postoperative and chemotherapy nausea and vomiting and in postoperative dental pain, addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, asthma, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome.


Conditions commonly treated by Acupuncture:

Pain• plantar fasciitis, ankle, knee, leg, RLS, hip, low back, spinal, sciatica, neuropathy, neck and

shoulders, whiplash, headache, migraines, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, arthritis, numbness, tingling

Internal• GI tract, heart burn, gastritis, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, IBS, crones disease, ulcers,

parasites. EENT, Allergies, sinusitis, nosebleeds, tooth pain, bell’s palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, vertigo, ear infection

Others• asthma, bronchitis, chest pain, heart palpitations, cholesterol, high blood pressure, Liver

enzymes, immunity, gallstones, kidney stones,  UTI, PID, interstitial cystitis, PMS dysmenorrhea, infertility, adrenal fatigue, hormone imbalances.


• And many more! (Magbanua, 2010).

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How Tiny is An Acupuncture Needle?

(Welker, 2011, Needle Image). (Omni flow, 2012, Needle Size Image).

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Dr. Magbanua Body Mapping Techniques.

Some of the related tissues are as follows: Skin treats skin, Bone treats bone, Muscle treats muscle, Tendon

treats tendon. • The specifics of this technique are based on channel theory and

imagery to locate points.• Anatomical relationships on the opposite side of the body are used.  • Needle depth and placement are decided by condition being treated.

(TCM discovery, 2011).

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Acupuncture Meridians Needle Placement can be in the channel of the Meridian but doesn’t have to be exactly placed. This goes against some of the teachings in acupuncture schooling but Dr. Magbanua technique is now being taught in seminars locally and around the world.

Magbanua (2014) states that Needle placement is also on the opposite side of the body to help treat pain. An example, with low back pain on the right side the needles were placed on the left side. Utilizing Meridian tracks from ones ankles to ones elbows. Needle depth varied based off of condition that was being treated.

(Ronning-Topping, 2014 Meridian Line Image)

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(2014, image cat acupuncture). (2014, Porcupine Image Above), (A microscopic view of a replica porcupine quill Karp Lab/PA, Krumboltz, 2012

Hmm, I might Try the Porcupine but not sure about the cat.

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MYTH: Acupuncture hurts.FACT: The needles used are so thin and flexible that most people just feel a tiny prick and a warm feeling in the affected area – if anything at all.

MYTH: You can get diseases from acupuncture.FACT: Anyone practicing acupuncture in the United States is required to use disposable needles. So no needle is ever used twice.

MYTH: Needles are stuck into nerves.FACT: Needles are inserted into muscles. A certified acupuncturist has extensive education in human anatomy, so he or she knows the safe spots to use needles.

MYTH: Acupuncture only treats pain.FACT: Acupuncture has been known to treat a host of other problems including insomnia, fatigue, digestive problems, infertility, inflammation related illnesses and many more.

MYTH: Acupuncturists are not licensed professionals.FACT: Today, acupuncturists are required to do three to four years of graduate work in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and they also have to pass national certification exams, Clean Needle Technique certification, and CPR in order to be licensed by the state (Om Flow, 2012).

Acupuncture Myths & Facts:

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Take Home Message.Acupuncture is tolerated by most.

Needles are about the size of a human hair.

Acupuncture has been around for about 5000 years.

Especially helpful for chronic issues:

Pain: Total Body, back, carpel tunnel, sciatic.

Internal Issues: GI Tract like IBS.

Other: asthma

More than one way to do something:

Dr. Magbanua Body Mapping Techniques show that exact needle placement isn’t always needed and that Bone treats Bone, Skin / Skin, & Tendon/Tendon.

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References • Slide 1: The Self Centre Massage & Wellness(SCMW), (2014) Acupuncture Spine Image. http• //theselfcentre.comhttps://sp.yi, Link :Acupuncture Spine Image • Slide 2: Acupuncture Basics • Link: Acupunture Pain Clinic/ • Laird J., B.A., M.S.O.M., L.AC. (2014) Creator of Pain Relief Miracle, Image of Acupuncture needles, Rising Lotus Wellness

and Allergy Center Link:• Slide 3: The Self Centre Massage & Wellness (2014) Acupuncture Spine Image. http://theselfcentre.comhttps://sp.yi • Michalak, N.J., (2014) Forever Horror Pin Head Image. Link:• Slide 4: Cole Magbanua (2010). Acupuncture Gateway, Acupuncture Basics. Link: Acupunture Pain Clinic/• Slide 5: Slide 3 Welker D. PhD, MSc (2011) Complementary Oncology. Acupuncture May Stimulate Anticancer Immunity via

Activation of Natural Killer Cells. Needle Image, Article ID 481625, 14 pages. Link:

• Slide 6: Cole Magbanua (2010). Acupuncture Gateway, Acupuncture Basics. Link: Acupunture Pain Clinic/

• TCM discovery (Nov. 2011). The connecting lines of the meridians and collaterals and the acupoints, Image of Anterior Trunk

• Slide 7: Ronning Topping A., (2014). Image of Meridian Lines on the body. Link: Meridian Lines on the body

• Slide 8: Stringer K., (2014) Cat Acupuncture, Old Bridge Spine & Wellness Old Bridge Spine and wellness. Link:

• Ying Yang, (2014). Acupuncture Humor, Porcupine Doctor. Link:

• Slide 9: The Om Flow (2012) Acupuncture Frequently Asked Questions, • Link: • Slide 10: Take Home Message• Slide 11: References, Slide 12: Speaking Notes• Slide 13: Appendix A Hand out quiz, Slide 14: Appendix B Where to find information and resources.

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Speaking notes• Slide 1 Speaking Notes; I’d Introduce myself and my history, National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer, Graduate form Kaplan University Health and Wellness Program. I

well teach English has a Second Language and be a Personal Trainer or Life Coach in Rayong, Thailand. There well be a small quiz at the end of each presentation and hands outs for local resources to receive more information or learn more on a topic.

• Slide 2 Speaking Notes: I’d discuss the origin of Acupuncture, read slide info. Explain why many choose Eastern Medicine Philosophies over Western Medicine Philosophies. Many people prefer treating the issues versus masking the symptom with pills or pain killers.

• Slide 3 Speaking Notes: Many think the needles are big and they well turn into a monster like Pin head or the Needles well hurt. The needles do not hurt they are small and for most people you can’t feel

them. On occasion a needle depth can cause discomfort but by letting your Dr know they will adjust the needle for your personal comfort.

• Slide 4 Speaking Notes: Discus the three Points and give examples for each category, Pain, Internal, and Other uses. Discuss with audience to see anyone has any of the mention issues and whether they would try acupuncture.

• Slide 5 Speaking Notes: An Acupuncture needle is about the same size has a human hair and it is flexible. Though it appears scary looking they are not and a skilled practitioner can place them with no pain. Think the size of a human hair Not a Match Stick, Medical Syringe, or Sewing Needle, Acupuncture Needles are about the size of a human hair plus it is flexible and penetrates easily and for most pain free. It truly doesn’t hurt!

• Slide 6 Speaking Notes: The specifics of this technique are based on channel theory and imagery to locate the points.  This essentially means that when there is a skin condition, we look for the related area by channel and image, then needle that area, but only to the skin level.  If we needled to the bone level, the effectiveness would be less. Typically working on the left side of the body effects the right side of the body and working on the right side effects the left side of the body. Think of how Right handed people are left brained and Lefties are in their right mind (some humor has I’m a leftie).

• Slide 7 Speaking Notes: It is a bit different learning these techniques but there is something to them. Dr. Magbanua has been using these techniques for 15 years in the USA and teaching them for the last 7 years.

• Slide 8 Speaking Notes: A bit of acupuncture humor. Tease about owning a cat and that acupuncture needles are thinner than porcupine needles and they don’t have barbs that keep them hooked into your skin when you remove them. An interesting side note Researchers have found that porcupine needles contain "microscopic backward-facing deployable barbs" that enable penetration and "high tissue adhesion." In Plain English, the needles are really good at both breaking the skin and staying in place thanks to the barbs. The discovery could help those who require long-term IVs and be used for medical treatments that require staples to keep a wound from splitting (Krumboltz, 2012).

• Slide 9 Speaking Notes: Discuss the various Myths and Facts about acupuncture. Once again talk of my many months of treatment and what I experienced good or bad.

• Slide 10 Speaking Notes: Speaking Notes: Read the entire slide Take Home Message Acupuncture is tolerated by most. Needles are about the size of a human hair. Acupuncture has been around for about 5000 years. Especially helpful for chronic issues: Pain: Total Body, back, carpel tunnel, sciatic. Internal Issues: GI Tract like IBS. Other: asthma. More than one way to do something: Dr. Magbanua Body Mapping Techniques show that exact needle placement isn’t always needed and that Bone treats Bone, Skin / Skin, & Tendon/Tendon.

• Slide 11 References

• Slide 12 Speaking Notes

• Slide 13 Appendix A: Answer Key: Hand out for end of the presentation ask questions to see if they understood. Answer Key:

1. 5000 plus years

2. About the size of a human hair.

3. Bone/Bone, Muscle/Muscle, Tendon/Tendon,

4. Pain: Migraines, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, Internal: diarrhea, constipation, IBS Other: asthma, cholesterol, high blood pressure. (Several possible answers)

5. Open answer it is not for all some people fear needles or prefer Western medicine.

• Slide 14 Appendix B

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Appendix A, (handout)

Review questions on acupuncture. 

1. How long has acupuncture been around?50 years

5000 years

500 years

1500 years


2. How small is an acupuncture needle? About matchstick sized.

The size of a medical syringe.

Size of a sewing needle.

About the size of a human hair.


3. When using an acupuncture needle to treat a person what are some of the parameters, or needle depths utilized, an example: Skin treats Skin., What would bone, muscle, and tendon needle depth treat? _____________, ______________, _________________.


4. Name three conditions that acupuncture could treat, One each of Pain, Internal, &other.







5. Would you ever try acupuncture? Why or why not?


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Appendix B: Resources, (handout, takehome)


Visit DR Magbanua’s site to learn more on his pain management techniques, schedule an appointment, or learn about future seminars.


Visit this site to find out information and current research studies involving acupuncture.


This Site tells you basic information on acupuncture.


This site gives information on acupuncture and easy to read article and also tells how to find a acupuncturist in your local area.

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Week 2: Fish Oil; Pros & Cons!

(Image, fish Oil fish, 2014)

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Fish Oil why one would take!• Effective for• High triglycerides.

Research suggest that fish oil from supplements and

food can reduce triglyceride levels. • Likely effective for...• Heart disease.• Research suggests that consuming fish oil by eating fish

can be effective for keeping people with healthy hearts free of heart disease.

• People who already have heart disease might also be able to lower their risk of dying from heart disease by eating fish or taking a fish oil supplement (NIH, 2014).

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Pros: Fish Oil Why One would Take!

Preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Preventing re-blockage of blood vessels after angioplasty.


Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.

Bipolar disorder.

Cancer-related weight loss.

Coronary artery bypass surgery.

Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea).

A certain kidney disease called IgA nephropathy (NIH, 2014).

Movement disorder in children (dyspraxia). Endometrial cancer. Heart failure. Heart transplant.Preventing blockage of grafts used inskin transplants. kidney dialysis. High blood pressure.Weight loss. Weak bones (osteoporosis). Psoriasis. Psychosis. Raynaud’s syndrome. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Stroke (NIH, 2014).

Possibly Effective For:

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What is the RDA for Fish Oil?

NO RDA has been established. The American Heart Association recommends 2, 3.5 oz servings of Fish per week

TABLE 5. Summary of Recommendations for Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake

Population RecommendationPatients without documented CHD Eat a variety of (preferably oily) fish at least twice a week. Include oils and foods rich in α-linolenic acid (flaxseed, canola, and soybean oils; flaxseed and walnuts).

Patients with documented CHD Consume ≈1 g of EPA+DHA per day, preferably from oily fish. EPA+DHA supplements Could be considered in consultation with the physician. Patients needing triglyceride lowering Two to four grams of EPA+DHA per day provided as capsules under a physicians care (AHA, 2014).

(Food Guru, Fish oil fish image, 2014). (Children’s Book Guide, DR. Seuss, 2014).

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Who Can Take Fish Oil?• Fish oil is LIKELY SAFE for

most people, including pregnant and breast-feeding women, when taken in low doses (3 grams or less per day).

• High doses might reduce immune system activity, could cause loose stools, rash, and possible nose bleeds.

• Only take high does if under medical supervision (NIH, 2014).

(MOH, 2013, Image of Pregnant woman).

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Cons to fish oil? Study: Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acids & Prostate Cancer Risk Who: Older Adult Males.

What: High concentration of fish-derived omega -3 fatty acids in blood = 43% greater risk of developing cancer. When: 2012

Results: Those found with higher omega -3 fatty acids had higher risk than those with higher omega-6 fatty acids. Take Home Message: More research is needed, please check with your doctor if you’re a male over age 50 (Brasky et all, 2013).

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Fish Oil Cons:

List of common fish oil side effects:Fishy burps or belchingStomach upsetBloatingIndigestionUnpleasant taste in mouth List of uncommon fish oil side effects:Skin rashBack painFlu-like symptomsMinor infection (Kutty 2010). (SAS, 2014, Fish Burp


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Take Home MessageResearch suggest that fish oil from supplements and food can reduce triglyceride levels.

Likely effective for:Helping Heart disease.

Possibly Effective For:Mental health issues: (ADHD) in children, Bipolar disorder, Psychosis. Skin, bone, or joint issues: Psoriasis or Weak bones (osteoporosis). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Heart Issues: Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis). Preventing re-blockage of blood vessels after angioplasty, high blood pressure.

Breathing issues: Asthma.

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References: Slide 15: Opening slide: The Food Guru (2014) Fish Oil: The Magic Pill; Image of fish oil fish,,

Slide 16: NIH (2014). Fish Oil, What is it?

Slide 17: NIH (2014). Fish Oil, What is it?

Slide 18: AHA (2014). Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Children’s Book Guide (2014). Dr. Seuss, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish image,

The Food Guru (2014) Fish Oil: The Magic Pill; Image of fish oil fish,

Slide 19: NIH (2014). Fish Oil, What is it?

Make Our Health (Oct. 2013). Benefits of fish Oil supplements For Woman.

NIH (2014). Fish Oil, What is it?

Slide 20: Brasky T.M. Darke A.K., Xiaoling S., Tangen C.M., Goodman P. J., Thompson F. L., Meyskens G.E., Lomasian L. M., Parnes H. L., Kristal K & A (May, 2013). Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acids and Prostate Cancer Risk in the Select Trial. Slide 21: Reference: Social Anxiety Support (2014). Fish oil side effects, Fish Oil Burp Image,

Slide 22: Take Home Message

Slide 23: References

Slide 24: Speaking Notes

Slide 25: Appendix A Fish Oil Quiz, handout.

Slide 26: Appendix B resources, handout.

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Speaking NotesSlide 16 Speaking Notes: I’d Introduce myself and my history, National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer, Graduate form Kaplan University Health and Wellness Program. I well teach English has a Second Language and be a Personal Trainer or Life Coach in Rayong, Thailand. I’d welcome back everyone that came form my week one presentation and say that we will be doing roughly the same has last week and talk about Fish oil this week.

Slide 17 Speaking Notes: Read slide info and add that fish oil is sadly lacking in many US diets and unless you’re a twice a week fish eater you most likely would need to supplement for this.

Slide 18 Speaking Notes: Highlight any that the audience wants to speak on. Most people well have some experience with at least one of the mention issues. Adding fish oil is another tool for their health tool box. So many different possibilities.

Slide 19 Speaking Notes: There are no RDA’s set for fish oil at this time but the American Heart Association recommends 2, 3.5 oz servings of fish per week. I’d discuss what CHD is Coronary Heart Disease and why fish oil is import for those that have this. I’d crack a few jokes about DR. Seuss and explain that Dr. Seuss had it correct for saying up to 5 servings of fish weekly, (teasing everyone).

Slide 20 Speaking Notes: Read the slide, let it be known that fish oil can be taken by most people. If taking high does do so only with medical supervision.

Slide 21 Speaking Notes: Read the slide and then I would speak on the fact that this is a newer study and the preponderance of evidence suggest that supplementing with fish oil should be continue if not getting enough in ones weekly diet.

Slide 22 Speaking Notes: Go over slide and crack a joke about fish burps and having had the pleasure of one.

Slide 23 Take Home Message: Take Home Message read slide and add the personal Note when I'm taking fish oil my personal HDL levels dramatically improve.

Slide 24 References: Let people know where I got the information and where they can get more references. Slide 25 Speaking notes

Slide 26 Appendix A Fish Oil Quiz Slide 27 Appendix B Resources

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Appendix A: Fish Oil Quiz, (handout)

1. Name the main reason anyone would take fish oil?


2. Name two issues that fish oil is possibly effective For:



3. The American Heart Association recommends ____ servings of fish per week.

4. One common side effect from taking fish oil supplements. _____________.

5. List one uncommon fish oil side effects: ___________________.

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Appendix B: Resources, (handout, take home)

American heart Association daily recommendations for Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Site gives information and recommendations on fish oil intake. Fish Oil, What is it?

Flying fish company In Portland Oregon, to buy local and sustainable fish, Has weekly available fresh fish or seafood. flying fish local freash water and seafood://

Buying salmon from local tribes.Salmon Sales Locations

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Portion DistortionSubjects covered:

What is Portion Distortion?

Is Portion Distortion Contagious?

At what point is one Obese?

Obesity in the United states.

(Portion distortion Image, 2012).

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Portion Distortion & Obesity… Portion Distortion is a  An upward shift in the size and calorie count of a serving of a particular food served to the general public, especially in fast-food restaurants (The Free Dictionary, 2014).

Obesity is common, serious and costly, one-third of U.S. adults (34.9%) are obese.

Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of preventable death.

The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was $147 billion in 2008.

Medical cost for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight. (CDC, 2012).

You can’t catch portion distortion like a cold but you can learn to eat to much, One needs to learn not to supersize your food, especially fast food, or you’ll supersize your body!

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Portion Distortion

(High Heeled Life 2012, Portion Distortion Image).

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Obesity is on the rise! Sad Stats!

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Obesity Gone Wild!

(Thomas, 2010, Image man evolving to pig).

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Body Compensations < 9% to > 45%

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Americas Expanding Waistline! Calories 20 years ago / Today / Difference

Hamburgers 333 590 257 more

Pizza 500 850 350 more

Pasta 500 1025 525 more

Soda 85 250 165 more

Muffin 210 500 290 more

Popcorn 270 630 360 more

(Miles For thought 2013, Portion Distortion Image).

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Portion Distortion Gone Wild!

A moment on the lips a life time on the hips! (Gesundheit Big Mac Image, 2012).

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How Much Should You Eat?

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Who Knew? Give Yourself A Hand!

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What Can You Do?

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I Love Panera Too, order ½ with soup!Eat out, just eat half now and half later.

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Take Home Message

• Portion distortion is avoidable• Changes your plate size at home• Split meals at restaurants• Eat at home more!• Built in measuring cups, use your hands!

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References:• Slide 28: CDC (March 2014), Adult obesity facts. Retrieved from,

• Slide 29: High Heeled Life (July, 2012) Portion Distortion ~ The Other Side of Thin Part 5

• Slide 30: CDC (2014). Obesity Trends Among US Adults 2009 Map, And Facts on obesity, CDC,

• Slide 31: Thomas G. (Aug. 2010). Metabolic Typing: Explaining Food Guide Failures Part 3, Image of man evolving to pig,

• Slide 32: CrossFit Rebels (Nov. 2012). BODY COMP VS. BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) – what a joke!

• Slide 32: (2014) The Importance of Body Composition

• Slide 33: Miles for thought (Aug. 2013) Portion Distortion Image,

• Slide 34: Gesundheit Care (2008). Portion Distortion! Do You Know How Food Portions Have Changed in 20 Years? Big Mac Image,

• Slide 35 & 36: Topsy Tasty, (Feb. 2012). Estimate Serving Size With Household Objects / Or Your Hands, images, your-hands/

• Slide 37: Reynolds Margeaux Marrone, (March, 2013). Do Snack Time Right, Portion Pitfalls – Watch Out! Retrieved from, spring_2013/2013/03/

• Slide 38: Fooducate eat a bit better (2014). Four Graphic Examples of Portion Distortion – You’ll be Shocked Smoked Ham & Swiss Sandwich Panera Retrieved from the web examples-of-portion-distortion-youll-be-shocked/

• Speaking Notes Slide 39: Like everyone in the world it is nice to eat out but the best trick anyone can do is split a meal with a love one or eat half now and eat half later. Many restaurants well split your order to two plates or put half in a to go bag.

• Slide 40 Take home Message, read slide and let people know that they can change. •

• None, Slide 41: References, Slide 42 Speaking Notes, Slide 43 Appendix A Quiz, Slide 44 Resources

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Speaking Notes • Slide 28 Speaking Notes: Week three Portion Distortion Seminar, I’d Introduce myself and my history, I’m a National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified

Personal Trainer, A recent graduate form Kaplan Universities Health and Wellness Program. I well teach English has a Second Language and be a Personal Trainer or Life Coach in Rayong, Thailand. I’d go over the slide notes and ask the 4 questions covered on the intro slide.

• Slide 29 Speaking Notes: Portion Distortion goes hand in hand with obesity. Americans are becoming supersized. Other countries are having similar issues also. Countries That stick to the olden way of eating and avoid fast food stay leaner.

• Slide 30 Speaking Notes: Go over the different points on the slide, point out what we do at the movie theaters with over eating popcorn or drinking 3 sodas when we should have only one soda.

• Slide 31 Speaking Notes: I would point out the up word trend of obesity in America. All this has happened in the last 25 to 30 years. I would also add the side note that many countries with fast food restaurants are having similar issues around the world. Portion Distortion goes hand in hand with obesity. Percent of adults age 20 years and over who are obese: 35.1% (2011-2012) Percent of adults age 20 years and over who are overweight, including obesity: 69.0% (2011-2012) Percent of adolescents age 12-19 years who are obese: 18.4% (2009-2010) Percent of children age 6-11 years who are obese: 18.0% (2009-2010) Percent of children age 2-5 years who are obese: 12.1% (2009-2010)

• Slide 32 Speaking Notes: A bit of humor, noting that we are what we eat or perhaps we become what we eat. Need to get back to exercising or hunting and gathering are food.

• Slide 33 speaking notes: From less than 9% to greater than 45%. For a guy 12 to 18% body comp. is a typical or healthy range, for a woman 18% to 24% would work. I would ask were people felt they fell in. I would also point out that you could be over muscled and be considered obese if using a BMI scale.

• Slide 34 speaking Notes; I would discuss how Americas waist line is expanding due to Portion distortion. I would also explain that this is happening around the world and there is a strong correlation to eating out to much or eating at fast food restaurants. I would answer questions on Portion sizes.

• Slide 35 Speaking Notes: Do you want to walk for one hour and forty minutes, for your Big Mac? A moment on the lips a life time on the hips.

• Slide 36 Speaking Notes: Speaking Notes slide 35: How Much should you eat. I would hold up various house hold objects so that people could see a proper serving size. The hands on portion size demo allows many to get a great visual for what actual serving sizes. Most people are shocked when they see they only get a small scoop up pasta since the Olive Garden, or Spaghetti Warehouse offer never ending pasta plates or dishes and one could eat a weeks worth of food in one meal with left overs for later.

• Slide 37 Speaking Notes: You can use your hand size to determine how much to eat. I would demo this and have audience members show me their fist size. I would then go into a store of Eating with balance and eating about a handful size of protein and carbs at most meals. I would demo this with my fist size and say that you should eat to about your own fist size, I’d crack a joke: bummer if you have small hands.

• Slide 38 Speaking Notes: I would give this image to the class and have them answer which one had the most food. Then I’d ask them why they answered the way they did. Most answer the smallest plate. If you fool your eyes you fool your tummy. All three have the same amount of food but by switching to smaller plates you can trick your mind into thinking it has eaten more.

• Slide 39 Speaking Notes: Like everyone in the world it is nice to eat out but the best trick anyone can do is split a meal with a love one or eat half now and eat half later. Many restaurants well split your order to two plates or put half in a to go bag.

• Slide 40: None, Slide 41: References, Slide 42 Speaking Notes, Slide 43 Appendix A Quiz, Slide has the answers 44 Resources

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Appendix A , Portion Distortion Quiz, (handout). • 1) How long would the average person need to walk if they ate a Big Mac?

• 2) What Percentage of Americas are Over Weight?

• 3) What Percentage of Americans are Obese?

• 4) The average serving size of pasta is how much larger than 20 years ago.

A. Over 100 cal.

B. Over 150 cal.

C. Over 350 cal.

D. Over 500 cal.

• 5) How many more calories are in muffins today compared to 20 years ago


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Appendix B, Resources (Take Home)

• CDC website has obesity data and trends that one can look at for statistical data.

 • United States Department of Agriculture USDA, has many

resources for helping choose proper portion sizes, weight management, physical activity, and Super tracker with daly food plans and worksheets

• My Food Pyramid discusses amounts of daily servings of and a nice visual on how and what to eat.