Download - HVDC Unit 5 Version 1

  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    |,llDL 'Txpns rfl\ssIUrurr-r])\_ -){t;:..r },:t:,. tl

    Lrjt'iicl I Ltii,_-;,1 i_1i,;..ti.l.,ri,:.r: (2] {9) ili} r2ll {l]) i:jt) t;il tr)1,,jij} :c {:ija) tr.t .,1:c.l lntrodrciion t: :1s tar dirt EJ,irnt arc t,or n,r ,;ir.; \. .., _., ,c' tu r in holL l_ra..c and Erctrn.i, ., s '- ' '' _.rrlllca s o:''1 ,I)pe. arrc "'. 'n"'."i,: iii iiji'n.'."';"..u' ' '.''' '' ''' '' 1"s*,"i j,v". u,,'l",.lu',?i'''.'n;':;;;i'lL:::';''"-"''"''- l'l :.';'11:;:::;;:;;;:,,_ .:n. t d ijlercncrs c\jsr b.t..v.:r ,.c. .LJ.- 1, rre :pfto:.f ic c^ut" a.n;*" i,,, "r.L lj),ie1iot ,rli ;r'nr* a-.nd have a marked''-i r| lnc a.c_ ctia.a5r, lhe rad,dl dielr

    '; : :l;l;*r ;:ilj1iiq"l,iHi ;:".'.','.'":":",l"ill'.::I;,fi fi Jffi,'i:.: :.j..1):rircrri il r,.,.,..r: ,';f .c'. 'J-: I rL::'.\" f. "':l': ic i\ oriy re l. r...c,:.r,i:e(.r,,".,.*rl,n*,.,..^,': '',,1.: ,'. -i::a:,:..indt:ic:v"r-.ri'l1:I(nr:lrrenlc:rl,..e,JfiinJ:r,L'1 tt':':it''toilhcJ;r'"1:i-jn:tr'ssdisrrrb'rion;.rrl*i'"i.,; ]i ^ r'rr:':r' 'i " J iab:rra'|i:{io'', ;D rl,: cr\e "r "r.".". "^u,",r,"',,r"r tg' ct i'r:r' f.:u e,: lhe d e. crsc.suriece. bt r v id,. d.c. tr,."i*l,,,li:.fllii

    jl'.sr ri \r a- ' t ru.': is a' rh i co,r rtu.rorii,e,.rrc, bo..rrdr,, o,;,,;;;,.;;;;.'.''' ir'--'3 r' c'1J:..: rsLr:lac:or..Jr:,.nicorrdrLro.r: r'l't : otr'':'_rii::r'|::i_e.t,;,;;-';:,;jrr I lre C c, slrclt:jth ,)t a diclecrrtc rs mr;.""",.q ",".i'i.',*:,;J;:,,::::J,:, ',. '.,,-, I ,,. ,.1-i,,;1j ;i,",r,,' . ::lr a.r r:hj... | - 1s:npcr:,(u,., l;:: rj' i{c'ii'iran 'l' ^clr'";-tj *'.,,,,;lll' " ' i 11;'-'1r';tj1 :'i'rrro'rr o' t r',ir j,i ic.,.( .,r sr, ";, ;;,r";;; ;,::;:., ],..,,i;, ..',. . . -io,. ,.," ,"n,p"*,,,"t,,r( hr,r -rlro bI vdflario"i ;.'at"r,1,,, - ll ' r1'-r.::r: aid ti.( {rruc-\ir(,:,ar d. r\ i-: l, ,,, ,"n, o..u,ur" "r."i"-rr.i ll,l{ca lL, n.jnrn arjr;nE ir c., . ;; .,... : . /''i3J .rri.rett Jaclcri linil ri,. r ^"ri.-,;.,,,1,,.,"1.i.1iiii1,:'::.1;:'::ii:'J:,..,t,.,..::.i.,i,-,c;srir.,' lr 1 u dtr ol'.'ns of \c:rs . - . .1- '-" 'e a rr'\' ti: {:,: i';ii;:i:,1$:::; i*li: :i i;::; '''i, ": ; ;. ;"..i i.'j ;::l;:,tl:i:r' r'r. o.rc.r.i;, *#h ;.:.',,1. ., ; :l:'.,,"';lli l.l.,'. r::":ra..r, or-rrr. i..rer .rd r:re tJr.i.r"r .".1*1;r;,, j i1j. ,,.,, " '., ," . -, 'i l,- ,,;.;;.;,,:rij;

    i 4 {-




  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    ', fittr '\t'l'q ,'lu.rsrc llrE|i(, 1, .-riA ot o-L:. 1531r r.-J.r:

    I i:J:r l1 ; tis.:al 6l0l*j ,c ,d;,:i. ti;. .. a:"i

    :i,rs i n r.illy rosrcwhal belc$ 5.10t V, .ft,s., Bt iir c' eo'j {h:ri: clrrr\'ic,.s n$l st oli'il for llc fotesecnble iutllte."11 c ii iit ir prtclicc wilha.c. i5 determined by the onsel of di;rh:ri-1ci in loids i0 lrd,'di,rl.c tc. iD Ficnre 14.1. C..fnr..entr tr" csp4ciiatca af a :a -61:'j'j l:ole in s solidd;rlc.iric, C;1hat01 {he solid di.l..tric '.'rhjih is it sr'*: '\'jll1 il r:{lll:1"ilenr -. l'.i ir:"r,tr;" ..-r,lii"rr ;.;" p,tallclrliiil llre C"-a;conloi::: lrc::-'Ihcg J:nayliarealo*erpermit:{ririly rlrau thc nean peimiltivily oltlle dicl?clric' a::il l:r'r:' ir 1'ol1:s' 5t:di':ri $::l bi ligtrer,iircircrr:aserlepcnrliigoo(ltedi$ensionstilh'ili 'l':'l're\r' \'ii:'iri:"iS3''-i1'a'ros6the$rcic slsrr:n, rhe gas in llrc hole b.e3 *t do\'t, the rohse acro3 C. Riil ls:i r] laPidl}'liire iircirarge q'iil ilren exlinguish, btt dr:ring ths di ::'':: e cntrg) $ill b' r:':*sed ill lh' ''o.c v irtr itu porribilily ofsome damarcti;;,c rotra;i l/ acrors rlic whlle system j. fLrrth" i1::'::i'd, tlt:: r' ii bl i it; 'lisrl':1cior earh .rep if I'vo1ts, and siEllarly wia-l2.h slep c: ;' \"]llr $i 'i i ' tehns: :',tddnc'd';;;";t.'q*""", "'irrt ,-c.' ;l lhe insularior is sir''ssrj riro'e ihl "dischtrge ir6fticn,r ll.;e", 'd ischa rg.s lill occur each halfc;c1e ard the n'i'ibrt ot di:ti:;g'3 il]: 3 s; en vo:d _r';ll j.pena o:t ttr. tolal chaBgc in loltage wlriisl silli jn'ulatic: has iPolt{d aEd do-es I,rorl s'ri,sfacror i]] loi yeats w]th a ieu' discha.r'ges, il is ;]3l saf':1(. rlsli ii :r'u'i ebo\'' rhc

  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    -'_t . ,i' :\: r.ii'on .t .{1ti, rr,. ,' rrj:. .,J .,t,. i"..' ;i,r .' ,. .;(sJ\tcitrilli.t***iffi;{ffil',i^::ix:r,',:i.Tj a.:::,;:',?:,,i,;l*it$"'ffi"yJti:ir:ti;1u:,,:"idiijj

    . . . : ljrn( ofoijr: to pressi i:::J rj.., cabl.s, ;t lrls .Drcn Li.tJghr. fit tc api,rd an.tperas f lhe s:rurrinn in :l: a--: n b, ,:,. e-,,, ", .,,,,.'"r. . . i i'l;11 .:;l:: I:',,1, irren-r,rhoi, or M. rer'.er'"


    ::,1. l'.,j, ili


  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    : ri1cr. i: ro a.c. cxcilatior. olhai than flofi jlarltcnics, tlt. dicl(crric losses n.ili -ij:xsllcr \rjih C-c. On th. oilcr JlsnC, N.j1Il ,.c. 1rets d .tribxtiorl ;s d.tcrnrircC i.1.ivrr). n5ich rri..s litrlc silh l"nrfcratu,., $lcrcir qi(1, d.c. it rs riir

  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    ';ilui ',ir i':r5:ir;r r;:.: $,:ii r1.:r'r:r5.'1 1 i(:,r'::,.:r:i,iiiii:iii r;r. :ril,il:)1.; .: 1 ). r.i rli:.'rri ;?,:.1i,'l).: r.:..: )i ,iri., frr ^i:.iri iirg .i t:r$r . -i ir1,' l;t' r.j iili,rlrl :tj ..'firiici3:r.1: t:i i ) tini:i: lC. ii\jt.r . and r : i:Jrjx.:tr:c t:{:rrt: is li1,,,{t\rrr..n.ihL:L.r,. L r'.,i,rr,:

  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    f'li\ii("i a r.:ltr, i\) air': :s

    16 ia h. t.i.:ifi*u't 1.'i-? ):cononic (.jij of F3lrrhco.';ri.ll::*i h. .d..^ cnU.s' rt overlcsds, thc cuFe4l Eling cl'l'cnll. ri.;lx 1endcd ftR baseC otl a r,raxi_:.r.tts of 95' C and assune lhal tlrc cril. is ..::l'in l ]i lczd ei thr title of al*adt 10 short-citcsit rarings {hich arr :hoa: ij pat .d : .i rhose ot;taPeajrs. lrelifiinn icsts lyilh caltles having si:li a{rrirdtJ \ t}lo$ lhnt thiuilhi thc cata.bilities ol pollthenc cabl:.i.5lrcn81h ofpollle$e oab,e is somi{hfi hii:*:- {|en t:ai of papaa caltle andisrging frofi I $5C ro 2,100 k Per cm .ba(e k.:r': :ri rttr . 11 has been obsetved18 olTit strength tith rplated plls.s js lomer:il $re rapid thal wlh aP'r; atis$ Ito$ its scnsitivity lo ionis?{iot ':s :na t'cll b' irnproved h drelrds of irsllation ralislance oblait.d r|'itb :-)il'rlLnr cablcs atc ol guil air ro 1i1o5a attaitld eith oihet lypes ol catlt ::i it ta jlnllotranl lo slte5s thalr rcsistanc will be Ba;ntain.d c\,eli t]rpugh ::e polJlilt3. ccre is complctcll,?tcr afld cven whar lhc cable d al fte botto$ ': r'.1e s':i atd *rcfote irlljecldr prcsstres. The permilliriry of pob'lienc Ci tirncs that ot lir) is subsraa-l'n tlut of tny olher tsblc insulsnt atd, lhet::rr ' oilcts some advantagp ov"rf instlation.cabies sho$' up B'ell it tesp*1 of mtcl:nic':" rifti'riict Tlre lnodults ot .I"\' c.)n a;:.d wiaL lhat of n1.titi ao {h.i r-- :oi3i1 riiia: crPllrtinn tnC

    r54.t n1 :x a i.i s'6}ird{n*99f]91ir*ii31l *ls

  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    I,i: : i:i t'tr it :t t:at,i 1-clisliri ii i l{)ri 259i L.ti.j;i,,.1 :ir l)r.:ttilj ,crs On lil,j ollxr l1 r1il ii. t,l.iiLrl"s;s c f$.icntl.,.1r,r,; .:,ridiii'iLr.;. i(;,i. A, ilelils i'- q::1I(i'3i st {i':rfixlli srd as itr ,113"

    ;: r:..-lj lirllr-ilrii e:rc) cnb1.9' tDlytlcne is.obuii 3nd hir: :: hi:l 'hsiiI: ttrain. l s:::,'rirrc,r is:,.j':.1.'iil. buinot ctri 1lliCiii8 :is nbiiilv 1'' ltilisl?^r'l lic;v ech'l:.:,ar :. cj;riI:rIll'tic 1o jca{i,3nd'tircr{foic iLis r's lil i{r lrojd' ?imlrring 1l] tl'aid' l': i :r':']O" ' V d c. subrrari;re cabie is tho(n ii filuic 1'1 :i':rt)

    \tr.sq tam iJr'r,)lionsI 1 :.',1 t. t r1 '.13:.:81'ti tts rl Jtci' t;$di,:l.c1.jc}, lhe loli3ges and eleclrical slre"'5 f( c :rJtr icda'Y'rdi"'-".. ;r,tttt"a""rei papcr rliilrcLrlc, rvhilsl Iig :c l'i'5 '3iri:i5 1:'t ri" lrtc tac1ofi foi arii.i.clri..";;, , .,rr rlr: irulatiorr rerisunce ol tl'( i'rrtrc3' 'r"r : ':- ' i -i'rr t't..ra'rairte-'t;';,;t-;.;:;;.;; .tlrilsi llr31 ot Pol "ibrne $l('s ro Jri rrc: r-- f-" i itsr'o dbelir. *iuci given are spetinc rest values 'nd 'orlsidet?bli vdriniiols msyior o,r.r. "ootpt., n"uiro i, ,o|.Ie\vhal l'sr dep'nd'; s' n'i?'lly' but i'l c- is.'.r.,. C"P":J:r:

    "Surriira t y rh. c.1u lc.y oi l.J.a. Sul'::xir.'i r-r:ri'j r"r'l

    li,l::;.1:; l' lir ;i, ;;-.,-Jlii,i;r,r;,*:::':i l':l .:;i:.-:L":rlLi":i':

    *r.g-Im \-$t$$rirh *ffi*lg {;filct$&d[8.tstq .-f$"tf-n ;-IAIfr ,-rR*ls'n ,-ffi*| ,::un _ll *ttru.-|s'tftH(n-It-H""ffig*H[ffi:.Et''ffi .*

  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    I I;r.rr

    \\rjil re lcnitrriltlltf gr?d;cn in hs iiili.clr;a ih. :.::rj. il.:rI rcsisl3tr.. 1'.1 :. 3l( un 1nrr:,.). cjr{ foi airc lir',i .d l.erirt;on *ili: rcc1.::ii:rt -:,: t}ia:i'rl;sj11.}:{j:'ltopcriio,ta to ilrc rai:irs af lhe poini jir ihe ditl.i::i:, j for ihc 'i... ce c:dy x.lcg{B$tcrc S .= - :fjirlecuic strcss al rzdirs rI,- Vol a- :*:Radils ol poi[t considcicd in lh. di3]'$ d.r-Radr s olconduciori:Outer mdius ofrh: ii: e ri'Tie ,tiaximEm rtrsJ isl dr/e :- 4., ,:'--__---' f l{ ?)n" '1r - r't' 5 -''

    lrl Stteral lhe lol aic drop 67 rcros any eje]'aei::i tio ctdirl".c riL*..l:1 tlicl., e9s, iliraJ;ui x, is: 6/=:i-::' '< t"'\rhei. ,t:insulation .eskoce of thc dirlccrric a:-_i:i Soiiri (rsdi :s x)/",=,the r"6;", t""Ur*a. fferi per lnil la$gir, }t csblei:a ggn31rt, di IThjtgivett);..d,t ...-. .....---....-....-(i4:r :Ae 6howt il1 sectjcJn lr.4.i, I is r fuit:(ion oIbi i: iii::Fcraauie:ind stress.consice'ingle$pere1uGelTect9a}onf.herr'ncg.,io:isatal.i-chert8lP.fl.*Iellian1.he

    whcn cnrryjng load .u.ren6; r;s r.duais 1:.: slicsl ar lhccorductoi zrd jncrclscsat the serein becaure oflherelalh'a d.crsa* Lrf;:rsnletion resisran()e ai ihe former coir.rilb lhe lattcr. Ar ircacasa.of slicrr gsn.rj:\.' terrds ro t-edcce lhe i is i*t;or res)i]alue and hencetc slabilisc ot limii tirr te*dtr.\ lbr the stniss i rise or ir.rease at nnIt ordcr lo delerniinc ih. $trcss,i&di s reiali i:s:ri;' lindcr d;{fcrenl lcctpsrsiLrrecondiliolra cable diei.criic, thr

    'arteraar be

  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    Il l,i L{ 'i i (:lr(tiNl a4llJ t9

    0 lo 90 30 40 i0 60 70 E0 90 t00. Tempenatune oCr-{.rsji\il.-l{:::1r.i:trrr.|t:lr::r{.:s:i.s oj r tn rirr. lji.l..i.i.lo: ir :'.:.,i1 '.o:::i..1rcsr.l


  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    a .r:, N \ t r r'1i ri a:it.




  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    I r.: i, f i,, c.r,.: . .._,i, .ii. , . ,. .. ^-. .,.- ,, . :. .. :1. . .. .'.l ' , .L'.,.1', _iJ.f,i .,. tt:.,....:.,. ...;,..:i,".r., -., ,:::,. ",'1"-,. .,,,",:'..,,",;'''- :: i't: : :ir' .1 ::'JL >,riiii) 'llrr tit.atcr rjrr r1tio i tiu: hss ilri: ir,rfciijon oltlr.rr,ij.Sh:' r.,jro i cjDks i.a c Ire.rr.: r""jnt:. R ratuic glzdicnK acrors ahe djdc.lric bljl i:;: 3lre,llrr rat,... of _. Ceflcrall). sp:?kri . lire ternFirs{ure eiiict pre.,o$jrrtcj ild thcr\"-sion ot (.ress ir:c,e:rscs v,irh rtr. r.Jra,hcrr,rat rcsj.ii,.ir,cs atso ;;.; i;.;.,r.,:. .a{ing ofrh cable. Clee,tjilistl,. d;ct:flriclr rs crrr.rrr(h .rifiicuit to JtreeSUi\ lc, rJ,; chatter), aflJ i,r orJ.r,:tcly lbf (tr"rs d;sr.ibution ir r 't c. cxblc rsrfr.:: ' :n, , i, i '.,.;,,;i;;;.;;1;,;::,i ::l::1""' Ihe cii'Jrs oL'.i' sr,Ji. : ,'.-s'i,)nt. r?8c\. rlllty les:s al vl:lrus rangcs ollcrrrr. d lLrc ,nd






    . p.u. t'adial dtslonce acnoss ie dte/ednii. i.,; , < :st:'auli4n ct "o:r3tt s:rf .i iF oii i r,,cliD,cd Erc, c?trlc_

  • 8/12/2019 HVDC Unit 5 Version 1


    ''' : /. :' ^.''Lj':::: :,:,,',.-i t,,. :,, r ::rt r a,: .1... ;,.: : t,,..,,. , r( \'r I ._.- -'r', t.,:,. ,r.-,, .,."''.,.;*,, .., j,,_:;-t...'11.i r.,.sastjt,da-J.:.\rrojr,;,-j rr' |'j: iJ j'., . rl.,;c.. ..r .".,..,": -, t ''''' lnc cicli'.. 1:-rrrttr: ' .' z \ ir. . .. , c r 1 r..,:.,Oli,.,. , i'-";1*,1,,..rt,r,rprcssurct,,-.-.:.:..1- ,, .r..,.as. or 2.( l,_ ie,,r ,,

    "..,..,;"".:.,,r:","j"";',;;n:':::::;.;,.;, :l illiill;:

    l'u':t r 1nc..i:..,.rri., i,. :fpt;.r,:r,.,.. .'_.::' " : srr')rr-linc brcrl{c,.. r:J,xru, L:o .,c .\r nc r ,.c( ,o ..",.,.., ,, _'.i-ltt",. r,*r rr" , *i,,"loi,; ..';l'- "'l':-:."'1. ,j,c c,,,. dir;r.iirc; ;.br:,",:::.::i::']::;;;"';',,;il;,1:'.i..:l;l:'1,,1;l:::::;:,:l"riictec"csten''ri,';;'""; ''';;i:,::':il':iln::1'"*':';::l;:',i.;'',-i Ll::":l^:::: :t': ocs nd ki.qs"".r uu i." i..;"llll j,'j;:;,.l., ::.::.j a, '.: ,r cr.: b. shn* r:8. il,e ,Jic"mala;,d Jor,.' b.rcG rr.,. ,.",r..;;;,.. ;, ,:;:: '' " (: s:.r5sr;,.aL,rcsis6i;1.r,,.:.'.,; .i'. "l T;::li"i.l;l':,'l,i:l:j, . ::.l'l::iI jlTi,, l:-',1.1;l,-,;;'':',:,";:;.,l;;:.",,,1;;. i'.'g.,-.,.'."";"*.'"..i.,'i.1,'.,''..',;"*;,,,1,

    ,*;""i:';j,:.-:1,;:;';',:",.9,';::.1':;tt: :.:-ii.-",0...""a,,,.-cj::,.ri,,c,^:._l'::'l'1,.,1 ';,f:,: ::I:-::'::.=,:;' '.::ii.':j;i:,:.1,:;:"ji''i"",:-,,;""' ' ';.,l:: :;::::;:;l::;:l;i;l;,,l.l::*r;l.,.i::::'bc'-suni':,".,,,..,,.,.,.:,.l,'".....111;,..'ll.,",.( rL:r Jcsi3fl \alJr;t T.r.\.rcrut. Ih.itctioh,::t"j;Jj[;l:lll:il': " : . ..' so,s,c( F::rsjcar rroF:i :j ar.L^-ir" - ,,..,....,.., .,' . '-." 1byc.x.66-11,or.......-i-,ri..,.' :' '-, ,. ".,,;",, .i,i ' - . " ,, ,*i',*,T*J"-jJ:ll:i:.'f^;::.:

    '...;;;;;;';;:;,;li:;.": :. ..:' . ...,ni ,,o:u ^frhfd;)rcc,:r. ,r,f,.(J-;' i,l, . =:,,:i',i'Jl.;"#11;liii..i,;li,li'"r_.;:r.,r*.,r rhc c,"r,,,. )'-i'.',: . . ir, :L::jrjr:ari]ribec:,rse hcrari,refi :i,rs.,jtr-,-',:' ., -.lf ,:: ':: ., .''', ,' , ,'i'l;:;:;i:';::iil':, , .l




    il:":,5:,1.J:fr1.: :'