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  • Information Sheet

    HAP 5068428

    MUMTAZ, Muhammad Hannan, 20 DEC 1991, HAP ID: 5068428

    Instructions to the client:

    Your eMedical case has been submitted to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). This letter outlinesthe immigration health examinations that you have completed.If you are required to complete further health examinations, you will be notified by DIBP once a Medical Officer has consideredyour case.For further information on DIBP's health assessment process, please see our website at:

    Any further queries about your visa application and/or your health examination results should be directed toyour visa officer. Staff at a panel clinic will not be able to help you with these queries.

    If you have not yet lodged a visa application, you must provide the health identifier on the top of this letter (i.e.HAP ID) to DIBP. It is recommended that you also submit this letter together with your application form when it islodged. Please make sure that you attach this letter to your visa application before submitting the form to DIBP. This willfacilitate processing of your visa application.

    Client personal details

    Title : -Family name : MUMTAZGiven names : Muhammad HannanGender : MALEDate of birth : 20 DEC 1991Country of birth : -

    Client identity details

    Identity document presented : Original PassportIdentity Document Number : AG0279942Issuing country : PAKISTANDate of issue : -Date of expiry : -Source : AustraliaClient visa details

    Visa: STUDENT (TEMPORARY) Higher Education Sector (Temporary)Health Case Status

    This health case was submitted to DIBP on 12 Dec 2013.

    Examinations required for this visa application Exam Status Clinic501 Medical Examination Completed Aziz Medical Center502 Chest X-ray Examination Completed Aziz Medical Center

  • Consent provided

    On 12 DEC 2013 you consented online to using eMedical to process your health examinations where available.