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How to Be Purposeful, Profitable, and Empowered as a

Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur

HSE® Self-Quiz Success Guide

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Congratulations on taking the online Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur® (HSE®) Quiz! I’m so absolutely thrilled

that you’re here.

Based on your results, you scored between 10-21 true answers which means you are a Super Highly

Sensitive Entrepreneur!

I’ve prepared this HSE Success Guide to support you in fully understanding what it means for you

to be an HSE, so please read it from top to bottom. I’ve also designed this guide to be easy and accessible

to support you in being able to take in this information while remaining connected to your HSE Strengths™

such as Intuition, Empathy and Deep Thinking and have them working for you, rather than slipping into one of

the most common HSE Shadows™: Overwhelm.

So, whether at this point you have a brilliant idea for a business, or have just started your business, or whether

you want to break through to the next level of your business, the time between the idea, its implementation, and

right after can feel uncertain, risky, and plagued with persistent unsettling questions – and as an HSE all of this

“inner-talk” can feel magnified a thousand times over!


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“Am I doing this the right way?

What steps are really going to get my business off the ground?

How do I go to the next level without feeling like a crazy person?”

You tell yourself:

“I desperately do not want to fail, and yet I’m stuck so I feel like I already have. I need help, but don’t even get me started

-- there are too many products, programs and ‘gurus’ out there. Why do none of them seem to ‘fit’ with who I am?

Whose advice can I trust?

How much time, energy, and money do I have to spend until I find the right resources?

Or is it just me?

Am I just not meant to be in business?”

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Here’s the first thing to know:

You’re powerfully supported and you’re not alone. As an HSE, you are literally empowered,

starting with this HSE Success Guide, to transform the business (or business idea) you have

into the highly financially successful, sustainable business you truly desire.

To start, here are some quick bullet points about what it means to be an HSE:

You most likely have often felt like a misfit. One of the main reasons is that you actually

enjoy your own company and are totally comfortable being alone. So, you

wonder how on earth can you be successful in business if it requires networking,

marketing and spending a lot of time with people, let alone go to the next level that

requires you to manage a team...

You’re extremely conscientious and are very project-oriented because you’re

responsible and thorough in your work; however, you’re unsure of how to clearly

communicate this to potential clients and position this asset as something that your

clients should “invest” in.

You tend to compensate for your sensitivity by either protecting yourself through being

alone too much, (the HSE Coping Mechanism of “Hiding”), or by trying to be ‘normal’ or

sociable, which then over-stimulates you into stress (the HSE Coping Mechanism of

“Pushing”). This creates a gas-brake effect, which can feel crazy-making as well as

work against creating a steady stream of self-employed income, leaving you

feeling scared and a nervous wreck.

You’re extremely introspective, intuitive and creative. It’s these skills that have

called you to be a coach, healer or creative entrepreneur. However, the marketing and

selling needed in order to be successfully self-employed can feel daunting and become

overwhelming quite quickly, leaving you feeling muddled, confused and hopeless.

You’re naturally deeply spiritual, more than you may even admit to your very best friend.

In truth, this is one of your greatest blessings and one of the greatest assets to your

clients. The question is, how much of this should you share and is it safe to share?

Most likely, you’ve received past criticism, in some way, for this incredibly valuable trait.

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What’s resonating for you so far?

Again, I’ve personally created this entire HSE Success Guide based on my own experience

of being a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur as well as my experience of successfully

mentoring thousands of other HSEs, just like you, to create high levels of self-

employed financial success. My primary intention is for you to be able to learn more

about what it means for you to be an HSE so you can set yourself up for inner and outer

success immediately.

Again, I’m just so thrilled you’re here! Everything is about to change for you and your

business for the better.


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What’s the difference between an HSP and an HSE?

A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur is a person with highly sensitive abilities who has chosen to utilize

these special traits within the world of self-employment. Being highly sensitive does not necessarily

mean that you’re introverted or shy and it for sure doesn’t mean that you’re “less than”. However,

most likely, if you are highly sensitive, you have been given the message over time that your

traits are not assets but hindrances. Perhaps you heard things, growing up, like:

Stop being so sensitive. Cry baby! What’s wrong with you?But in truth, you’re coded to be extremely successful within the world of self-employment

in what Dr. Elaine N. Aron, one of the primary researchers of the highly sensitivity personality trait and

author of the book Highly Sensitive Persons, refers to as the “advisor role” within society. She states,

“For aggressive societies to survive they always need that priest – judge – advisor class. Highly

sensitive persons tend to fill that advisor role. We are the writers, historians, philosophers, judges,

artists, researchers, theologians, therapists, [coaches], teachers, parents, and plain conscientious

citizens. What we bring to any of these roles is a tendency to think about all the possible effects

of an idea.”

It’s no accident that the coaching industry

has exploded in recent years, offering a ton of

business-building opportunities aimed at a more

“spiritual” practice of integrated business and

marketing. Literally, as Highly Sensitive

Entrepreneurs, our time has come.

However, as Dr. Aron states, “to perform our role well,

we have to feel very good about ourselves. We have

to ignore all the messages from the ‘Warriors’ that

we are not as good as they are. The Warriors have

their bold style, which has its value. But we, too,

have our style and our own important contribution

to make.”

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The key is, how do we do that? How do you use your highly sensitive abilities as HSE

Strengths to support you in being purposeful, profitable, and empowered, rather than

HSE Shadows working against you so you are overwhelmed and undervalued? The answer

to this question is exactly what this guide is designed to teach you.

Just a few years ago, I experienced a very dark period in my business. I was working with a

marketing mentor who really was not a match for me. There was a lot of pushing to do more, more,

more. How much income her clients were generating meant a lot to her. Being pushed to do more

triggered my HSE Coping Mechanism of Pushing (although I didn’t know that’s what it was at the

time), and I brought my business across the million-dollar mark that year, but at a high cost to

myself: I was exhausted and barely had anything to show for it. I was miserable.

It was an absolute dark night of the soul. I was disillusioned with the coaching industry. I looked around and thought, what is happening

here? I said to myself, I’ve got to figure this thing out, because if this is what it means to be a

successful coach, I don’t want it.

Well, through that process I discovered Dr. Elaine Aron and came to understand that I’m a

highly sensitive person.

Being highly sensitive didn’t surprise me; what really stunned me was how highly sensitive I was.

Off-the-charts-score. Because one of my foundational principle teachings is understanding that

your ideal client is a version of you, I brought the assessment I had taken to one of my in-person

Training Retreats with my highest-level clients at that time, and every single person in the room

was also highly sensitive. I thought, huh, something is happening here...

Through my in-depth study of Dr. Elaine Aron and her work, I began to understand that being highly

sensitive did not mean that I was weak, incapable or even shy. What it did mean was that I was deeply

intuitive, empathic, and creative; I began to piece together how all of this made an impact on my


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According to Dr. Aron, 20% of the entire world population is uniquely genetically coded

to be a “royal advisor.” For those of us attracted to being a coach, a healing practitioner, or a

creative entrepreneur, we are literally lined up, aligned for success, because we’re naturally coded

to be in these professions. So, I thought to myself, if this is the case then that means we are meant

to be in our businesses, selling and marketing as highly sensitive people in a way that is also

different than the other 80% of the world.

For the past 30 years, I’ve been a student of the spiritual and psychological curriculum of A Course

In Miracles, and this teaching defines a miracle as a “shift in perception.” I began to clearly

understand that this is exactly what is required for a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur to be

successfully self-employed. We must begin to shift our perception of ourselves. Our difference

does not mean we must hide in the shadows of our highly sensitive traits; it means we must claim

the abilities we’ve been coded with as strengths, as gifts. We must use our Highly Sensitive

Strengths to create our business success, to create Business Miracles®.

Now I’ve taken everything I’ve discovered and learned to create Training Retreats, Classes,

Courses and Business Mentoring Programs to support fellow HSEs in generating more

income than they’ve ever imagined within their royal advisor role, while also following their own

circadian rhythm and allowing their HSE Strengths to lead the way for their productivity and

creativity. In doing so, they can thoroughly enjoy their life, just like I do now. :)

And now I want to share what I’ve learned with you, too! Let’s start with the top Core

Characteristics of a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur…

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1. You feel what others are feeling:You’ve noticed how sensitive you are to the emotions of others. Even before they tell you how they are feeling, you

already know. You can enter a room, a conversation, or a situation where you’re coming into contact

with another person or group of people, and you have a sense of the general mood of the environment.

Perhaps you can feel what type of mood or conversation was taking, place just before you arrived, even if the

people who were there are no longer present.

In the past, this may have sent you into the HSE Shadows of overwhelm and over-protection; however, as you

learn to utilize this highly sensitive trait as an HSE Strength, you’ll find that this supports you in being

highly effective at networking (yes, it’s true! You can enjoy, and receive business from, networking!) and even

more effective, when it comes to having a selling conversation.

The reason why is, you naturally listen consciously and know the right questions and comments to draw people

out and make them feel heard. When you’re able to really own this HSE Strength you find that people around you

seem to gravitate toward you and unload all of their pain and problems onto you. However, it’s when you slip

into the HSE Shadow of feeling compelled to help - even to your own detriment, because others take

so much from you - that you often feel drained of energy and extremely tired. This might push you so far

as to even develop chronic fatigue syndrome or other health ailments.

This is why you must learn, as I teach in my Foundational Principle Course: 6-Month Group Mentoring

Program, to manage your energy. Having energy management as a Core Practice and engaging in it

consistently makes all the difference. Energy management allows you to utilize your ability to feel deeply both

for the benefit of yourself and others, rather than feeling like you’re at the mercy of the energies around you and

therefore constantly needing to stay in recuperation mode.

emotionsThe Top 9 Core Characteristics of a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur:

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2. You are very intuitive:You seem to know things without being told. You sense what needs to be done or what’s about to happen.

Your gut feelings nearly always prove to be right. You’re aware of what’s happening for people below

the surface, in between the lines, and without a reason that necessarily makes logical sense. All you need to

do is look at their faces or listen to their tone of voice, and you know instantly whether or not they are telling

the truth.

When you don’t know how to powerfully utilize this highly sensitive trait, you’ll find yourself personally

affected by negative and stressful situations and people. The “taking on” of these feelings most likely

shows up as physical symptoms; this is especially true if the person you’re relating to is sick or depressed, as

you could actually develop the same symptoms! This is often what would happen to me in my previous career

as a high school drama teacher. I loved my students with all of my heart, but, because I didn’t understand that

I was highly sensitive, I would spend most of the weekend recovering and so the rest of my life was a mess as

a result (I couldn’t maintain a romantic relationship to save my life. Sigh.)

You may have also been told in the past that your gut feelings were “wrong,” because you didn’t

have the “facts or figures” that the other 80% operates under or needs to have in order to believe that

something is true. As a result, you may have lost faith and trust in this innate ability of yours. The real truth is

that your intuition is one of your best business-building assets. It’s what makes you an excellent coach, healer

or creative entrepreneur. According to A Course In Miracles, “You create what you defend against. The only

way you can really be safe is in your defenselessness.” When things are dangerous or critical, we come back

to our right mind. This is why your intuition is not only available to support you when working with clients,

this is an HSE Strength you want to (and can!) be utilizing as a Core Practice in all aspects of your

business: marketing, selling, offerings and operations.


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3. You are highly creative, imaginative, and loving:As a Highly Sensitive Person, you need to focus on work and activities that stimulate your creativity

and passion – which is probably one of the reasons why you’re attracted to being self-employed in

the first place! I know when I worked in the public school system I would want to crawl out of my skin during

faculty meetings, because I could see all of the more creative and effective ways we could be using our time.

Meanwhile, my fellow teachers were happy to get paid to sit there listening to an administrator drone on about

nothing useful at all!

When you get bored, you resort to daydreaming, doodling, etc. However, when you’re allowed to access your

creativity and your imagination, the sky is the limit! Your business is the ideal outlet for this energy! Yet, I

watch so many HSEs join coaching and business training programs that are not a match and slip right back

into the trap of believing their own business needs to be built a certain way (a way that works for the

other 80%) and then, once again, feeling like there is something wrong with them (I get it, because I made this

mistake, too!)

Also, you’re very conscientious and try hard to avoid making mistakes. Partnering these traits with your

creativity and passion creates a formula for off-the-charts financial success, but when you use

this highly sensitive trait to match how the other 80% teaches marketing and selling, it’s a self-esteem and

financial disaster waiting to happen. Yikes. This is an energy that can be easily shifted, and it’s a concept I

teach about in my introductory Business Miracles Class: Financial Flow.


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4. You can easily get distracted:Loud noises or sudden dramatic movements startle you. You feel overwhelmed by things like bright lights,

rough fabrics, and strong smells. (You also happily notice very delicate smells, textures, and sounds :)).

So, if you have to multi-task or have too much coming at you at once, you feel rattled and


Therefore, in order to be a profitable HSE you must learn how to arrange your priorities and your

tasks to match what you need in order to best focus (bite sized and baby-step actions work

best for you) and to learn an imperative HSE Core Practice – boundaries. This can go against

everything you’ve been taught culturally (if you haven’t noticed, the rest of the world seems to be thriving

on doing as many things as possible all at once) and familiarly (most of us who are highly sensitive grew

up in our families or close circles as the “designated patient” or the “feeler of the family”. We learned how

to anticipate others feelings and used this to keep calm and order, so the idea of boundaries can feel

very foreign.) yet this is an absolute must. This is why an imperative, foundational tool in the A Course In

Business Miracles Mentoring Programs is having a plan that is both energetical and practical, aligned

with who you are, and something that you re-new and re-commit to every 30 days (again, bite sizes!).


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5. You rearrange your environment to meet your needs:Since you can so easily be distracted and overwhelmed, you tend to create your living and working

environment to accommodate your sensitivities. Most likely, you arrange your schedule and

commitments to avoid unpleasant, chaotic, or overly stimulating situations.

This is all well and good (believe me, I live in Manhattan, NY, so I know a thing or two about creating sacred

space in what otherwise could be chaos!), but when it becomes detrimental, this leads to hiding or

the typical highly sensitive roller coaster of suffering - self-soothing - suffering - self-soothing -

suffering - self-soothing.

Of course, this also makes self-employment and working from home very attractive, doesn’t it? I know when

I was receiving training for my first business as a Nutrition and Wellness Coach the head of the training

program referred to the profession as being “able to stay home curled up like a cat on the couch,” (I was

sold!). Of course, I quickly learned about this thing called “marketing,” which wasn’t a very cat-like activity at

all – UNTIL I learned how to market in a way that utilized my HSE Strengths! Now this is what I am

here to teach you, too :)


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6. You don’t like narcissists:You’re particularly bothered by people who put themselves first all the time and aren’t sensitive

to the feelings of others. You may have thought (until now) that there was something wrong with you. Why

isn’t everyone aware of others to the degree that I am?

As a highly sensitive, you are so aware of the feelings of others that you’re able to move to the other

side of the sidewalk so someone can pass. You’re more than willing to make room for a group of people

coming onto the bus, or you find yourself making eye contact with a by-passer … all in the name of making it

easier for everyone — yourself and others.

Where this can get you into trouble is when you tend to attract narcissists as your clients. (There’s

an HSE joke I like to tell: “A narcissist will always land on their feet, and if they don’t that’s because an HSE

was there to catch them.”) Again, most of us learned somewhere along the way to be the person who listened

to everyone else’s problems, at our own expense. And, yes, it’s nice to finally get paid for it, but you must

get very clear for yourself: is this truly who your ideal client is? I am going to go out on a limb and say, NO.

The reason I can say is that one of the Foundational Principles I teach in my A Course In Business

Miracles 6-Month Group Mentoring Program is that your ideal client is a version of you. This doesn’t

mean that every highly sensitive is only here to work with highly sensitive people. Again, we are the Royal

Advisors. The Warrior Kings/Queens need us, and not all Warrior Kings/Queens are narcissists.

Another place to keep an eye out for yourself is regarding whom you choose as a mentor. Many

HSEs will tend to choose business and marketing mentors who are Warrior Kings/Queens or narcissists or

both, because there is this little secret part of us that wants to believe “if I just hang around enough Warrior

Kings/Queens, maybe I’ll become one and no longer feel left out.” And, of course, this is not true. You will

always be you. The key is to claim, own, and have work for you all of the richness that your HSE Strengths

have to offer you so, you can live a life of peace and prosperity as YOU.


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7. You can weave a beautiful story:Because of your highly sensitive nature, you most likely are able to elegantly and graciously use

descriptive words to narrate and create the most divine stories. In short, an HSE Strength is that

you’re excellent with language.

And this is an excellent trait to apply to your marketing and your selling conversations! All you need to do is to

develop this as a Core Practice and give yourself permission to claim this HSE Strength.

There is a beautiful teaching in A Course In Miracles: Littleness vs. Magnitude. It says, “Be not

content with littleness. But be sure you understand what littleness is, and why you could never be content

with it. Littleness is the offering you give yourself. You offer this in place of magnitude, and you accept

it. Everything in this world is little because it is a world made out of littleness, in the strange belief that

littleness can content you. When you strive for anything in this world in the belief that it will bring you

peace, you are belittling yourself and blinding yourself to glory. Littleness and glory are the choices open

to your striving and your vigilance. You will always choose one at the expense of the other.”

You are literally coded with the traits to transform your marketing through your magnitude. Now, it’s about

choosing. Which will it be for you?


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8. You invest fully in your work (when you’re passionate about it):Due to your ability to pick up on how people are feeling, you’re able to respond to the needs of others

and help them work in the most optimal way. Also, because you tend to be a deep thinker and perhaps a

little bit of a perfectionist, you tend to put everything - and even a little more than is needed - into tasks. This

is such a benefit to your clients and makes you stand out from so many other coaches, healers,

and creative entrepreneurs. The key becomes learning how to use your excellent story-telling skills to

share this exceptional trait in your marketing, and doing so consistently.

Now, I want you to imagine what it would be like to be in a Community of HSEs, just like you,

where every member brings the same level of passion and conscientiousness that you do to the

community… Truly, as HSEs, we thrive in aligned communities. because we feel rewarded when we can

support others, and even more so when this support can be reciprocated. Unfortunately, for most of us, that

hasn’t been our previous experience, because when we are in misaligned communities we tend to be the

everyone’s “listener,” “leader” or “weight puller.” This is why aligned community is such a key element

in the A Course In Business Miracles Courses and Mentoring Programs. The acceleration that occurs

when HSEs are brought together in aligned community is extraordinary.

It’s also beneficial to be part of a community that understands that you need some down time every day and

that you often need to take some in a quiet place to recharge. We get it because we are all doing it!


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9. You experience the extraordinary:You’re able to experience, feel, and see what is beyond the ordinary…a sound, a sense, a color not

yet created, a tool that hasn’t been developed, but is needed by many … highly sensitives have the

ability to sense when someone is going to call them, send them a text message, or stop over for a visit, and

can even pick up on personal messages offered from others while engaging in other conversations. We also

have the ability to tap into what the collective, our community, and our world need in order to heal, grow, and


This trait is your top HSE Strength when you learn how to harness it for the benefit of your business and all

of those whom you serve through your business. Most likely, you’ve suppressed this ability in the past and,

as a result, slipped into the HSE Shadow of perfectionism. However, when you bring this ability to the

forefront it is your top moneymaker, because it’s a wealth of intuitive knowledge waiting to be

tapped into so you can unleash all of the wisdom you’re meant to share through your business.

It’s literally the seeds of your own unique approach, your proprietary system, your own process, and your

offerings that are waiting to blossom. You have within you the very things that will stand you out from others

and will be a beacon to your ideal clients!


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HSEs are at a Pivotal Place to Intuitively Influence the World:

Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs are literally poised to have a huge ripple effect on our

economy. According to the Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute, women

entrepreneurs will create up to 7.5 million new jobs in the U.S. by 2020, literally transforming

the workplace for millions of Americans1.  So, even though experts repeatedly confirm that our

economy is the weakest it has been in years, there is a huge economic shift occurring in the

way entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs specifically, are stepping up to impact the


This economic shift is connected to a larger paradigm shift (a time of change from one way

of thinking to another, brought about by an agent of change2) that is transforming the way we think

about, do, and are in business. Innovative entrepreneurs are now doing business from their hearts.

They’re activating and choosing to rely on their natural intuitive gifts, be in their passion and be

profitable. This way of being in business was simply not practiced as little as 10 years ago. This way of

being in business is the way of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur!

1 Special Report: Women Small Business Owners Will Create 5+ Million New Jobs by 2018, Transforming the Workplace for Millions of Americans (December 2009). The Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute. 2 For example, agriculture changed early primitive society from hunting and gathering to settling and growing food. Thanks to personal computers and the internet, we are right now shifting from a manufacturing-based, industrial society to an organic, service-based, information-centered society, and advances in technology will only continue to have a dramatic global impact!

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So, now let’s be super clear about your best next immediate steps:1. You’ll be receiving FREE periodic emails from me filled with ideas, insights and inspirations about how to best thrive in your HSE Strengths and experience Business Miracles® on a daily basis. Read these. :)

2. Click Here or go to to apply for a spot in the A Course In Business Miracles Mentoring Programs. You’ll be connected directly with a trained-by-me Business Miracles Enrollment Coach for a private, one-on-one Clarity Call where you’ll get a clear, indeed, if A Course In Business Miracles Mentoring is the best next step for you.

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“I have created new program offering, raised my prices with greater ease and confidence … gaining thus far 6 new clients!”

I entered the A Course in Business Miracles 6-Month

Group Mentoring program knowing that I wanted help

and a system to manage my Interior Design and Feng Shui

practice. As a highly sensitive person I was confused by

how I wanted to operate versus the way the other

80% of the world assumes it should be.

My anxiety has been so greatly reduced following

Heather’s program and making it my own. The

immense support of the Community and the Coaching Team have given me a reliable place

to go as often as I need help. I am no longer alone.

I joined the yearlong Core Mentoring Program while at the Training Retreat. Here is where

I stepped into a whole new level of business and personal success. I have created new

program offerings and raised my prices with greater ease and confidence. I

have entered new areas in my development, including giving workshops on Feng Shui and

gaining thus far 6 new clients.

I continue to manage my time, my energy, and have just signed on a large

commercial client, without going into overwhelm.

The future looks so much brighter as I continue with ACIBM.

~ Mindy Wagner, Core Mentoring Program Member - Interior Design Feng - Shui – Ashton,


Here’s just a sample of the HSEs I’ve mentored who are now creating and living the balanced business life they have always desired.

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21The Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur | A Course In Business Miracles with Heather Dominick |

“I re-enrolled 3 year long clients into another year long program even after increasing my rates by 30 to 40%!”

When I started with A Course In Business Miracles in March

2014, I hardly knew why marketing is done and how

important it is to market – as Heather Dominick says “If you

are NOT MARKETING, you are NOT IN BUSINESS.” These words

really hit home about two years ago; I realized how much I

had been hiding and resisting marketing. I used every

excuse there is: bad health, issues with family, I do not have

the time, lack of confidence, I am not good enough, and total

analysis of everything. Nothing was good enough.

Before mid-year 2016 I had only had one group channeling—which is one of the main ways I

market—with little or no results. Then in 2017, I had 6 group channelings, 2 in Washington DC

and 4 here in Iceland where I live. These were all fully booked and from every event I had 100%

sign up for my email list and I had 100% sign up for my Call To Action!

By using the Marketing Tools Heather provides in her Foundational Principle Trainings, and

staying consistent with Energy Management I have increased my clients from 3 to 5 clients in

year long programs; and from 0 to 3 clients in smaller programs. I also re-enrolled 3 year long

clients into another year long program even after increasing my rates by 30 to 40%!

All of this would not have been possible without Heather’s teachings and support. Her teachings

are specially designed for HSEs and therefore it is easier for me to use these teachings and her

methods, which always see the positive. A difficult and a complicated task becomes really

simple and easy to perform when her tools are used. For example, the Energy Management

has helped me so much and has become a tool that I could not be without.

~ Ingibjorg R Thengilsdottir, Eminence Mentoring Program Member - The Miracle Messenger -

Reykjavík, Iceland

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22The Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur | A Course In Business Miracles with Heather Dominick |

“I feel more confident and as a result have seen a massive growth in the number of clients and my income over the past 12 months!”

Prior to joining the A Course in Business Miracles Mentoring

Program I was floundering with my marketing and

getting clients, I didn’t have any good systems in

place, I hadn’t really defined who my ideal client was, I didn’t

have a good handle on my service offerings, I was in a state of

overwhelm about transitioning out of my corporate job and

into being and entrepreneur, and as a result of all this I didn’t

have many clients and I wasn’t meeting my income goals.

The Foundational Principle Trainings have helped

me to build a structure within my business. I increased my prices and have a program

guide to give to my prospective clients, packages of my services that give my clients options,

and marketing tools and processes. I feel more confident and as a result have seen a

massive growth in the number of clients and my income over the past 12 months.

I can’t quantify the growth because I didn’t previously keep good records but I am consistently

keeping my schedule full with new and continuing clients. One of the big changes has been

my planning and scheduling of my time so that I am focused and able to complete

client projects on time without any added stress while still being able to market and

build my business and have time for myself and my hobbies.

I love Heather’s approach - it isn’t about being salesy, it isn’t being pushy, it is

about being your authentic self and taping into why I love doing what I do and why I want

to help my clients. Her Foundational Principle Trainings provide guidance and insight to

allow me to develop my business the way that best fits with who I am and how I

can work best with my clients. They lay a foundation for me to build on. Heather’s program

provides a supportive Community that has helped me smoothly transition from my corporate

position to being in business full time for myself.

~ Caren Osborne, Elite Mentoring Program Member - Chief Memory Keeper, Memory Lane

Photo Solutions – Andover, CT

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“I am finally on a schedule that allows me to take time off, while completing my weekly tasks, without feeling overwhelmed!”

Prior to starting the A Course in Business Miracles

Mentoring Program, I felt overwhelmed with running

a business on my own. It was to the point where I

started to question if I should continue with my business

and if I was doing what I was meant to do.

Since starting the course, so much has happened.

First, I am finally on a schedule that allows me to take time

off, while completing my weekly tasks, without feeling


Second, I discovered that I’m not only supposed to continue with my skin care line but I’m also

supposed to work on a new project, that I’m not only passionate about, but will help transform

people’s lives.

All this and just in 3 months! I can’t wait to see what else I discover. What I love about

Heather’s way of teaching is that it makes sense to me. The assignments feel tangible and

not out of reach. But the most valuable part of her teachings so far, have been the tools

she’s created. Because of these tools, I’ve been able to discover my purpose, my

strengths, and how to seek answers within myself. These tools have also allowed me

to write out how I want my days to transpire. Sounds crazy but it actually works. Gratitude for

Heather and this program is what I’ve learned the most.

~ Rebecca Schuster, 6-Month Group Mentoring Program Member - Founder of Love Becca -

Burbank, CA

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Heather Dominick: Official Biography

Can you be highly successful in business and highly

spiritual at the same time. Let’s take this question a

step further. Is there a direct relationship between your

spirituality and great success?

Heather Dominick is a woman who is impressively

successful, and highly spiritual. A former high school

drama teacher who collaborated with none other than

Bette Midler. A graduate of NYU where she received her

first coach training. Heather is the winner of the 2015

Best of Manhattan Coaching Award and creator of the

2014 Stevie Award winning virtual event A Course

In Business Miracles®: 21-Day Discovery Series

that attracted close to 6,000 official registrants from all around the world including: Iceland, Nigeria,

Russia, Asia, South America, Australia, Europe and the U.S.

She has appeared on Lifetime Television and has been published in numerous books including

Stepping Stones to Success alongside Deepak Chopra.

An exceptional facilitator and teacher Heather is known for creating a safe, sacred community for

true transformation whether she is teaching a Business Miracles® Class, delivering training online or

in-person or mentoring members of her Business Miracles Community in her various Mentoring

Programs. She has helped thousands of HSE®s release life-long limiting beliefs,

overcome fears and learn how to build their business in a way that actually feels so

good that they can’t help but create solid, sustainable, high level financial success.

Heather is also the founder and leader of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur® movement

since 2010.