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Annual Report 2011

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Annual Report 2011 2


Mission Statement

To promote the interests of members in the heritage and tourist railway and tramway sector, and to encourage best practice in all fields and to promote the sector as a significant tourism and cultural activity. 1. To represent its members interests to government and other bodies. 2. To maintain high standards by requiring members to conform to the HRA Code of Conduct. 3. To provide professional advice, a full information service and such other help and assistance as may be appropriate. 4. To provide a forum for the sharing of information, and experience. 5. To help members to develop their business. 6. To encourage and assist members to develop education policies and practices. 7. To encourage excellence by organising awards and competitions. 8. To encourage and advise members on the heritage aspects of their activities, including establishing and maintaining sustainable collecting, interpretation and archiving policies.

Contents, Acknowledgements & Mission Statement Page 2

President’s Foreward Page 3

Vice President Page 4

Chairman’s Review Page 4

HRA Annual Awards 2011 Page 7

HRA Board Page 8

HRA Officers & Advisers Page 9

HRA Annual Statistical Survey 2010 Page 10


Editorial Team: The report has been edited by Peter Ovenstone & Steve Wood & produced by Steve Wood.

Editorial Assistants: Ian Leigh & Clifford Jones.

Technical Consultant: Technical aspects of the report have been worked by Andrew Goyns.

Photographs: The editors wish to record their thanks to the contributors of photographs and for their waving any fees for reproduction.

Printers: Printexpress (Cumbria) Ltd

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I am delighted to offer a President’s message at the end of my first full year in the job. At the start of 2011 I said that these were challenging times for the railway heritage movement, and that has certainly proved to be the case. My aim is to give all of you who do such a wonderful job in running heritage railways and tramways, and care for precious artefacts in museums and collections all the support I can in Parliament. I was able to do that first in a very direct way when I initiated a debate in the Lords on the role of railway heritage and the contribution it makes to national life just a year ago. That was a well attended occasion, with a significant num-ber of influential speakers, all of whom spoke up strongly for the sector. We followed that with a hugely successful reception in the House of Commons which many of you attended, and gave you the opportunity to meet (and in some cases, lobby) your own Members of Parliament. The host was Nicky Morgan, MP for Loughborough and a great supporter of the Great Central Railway. So enthusiastic was she about the event that she suggested to Peter Ovenstone and me that we form an all-party parliamentary rail heritage group. This duly happened last summer, with Nicky as chairman and me as vice-chairman. David Morgan says more about the group in his Chairman’s Report. There have been two matters of legislative concern during the year. The first is the continuing saga of the Railway Heritage Committee’s abolition under the provisions of the government’s Public Bodies Act. As you are probably aware, I succeeded in persuading ministers that even if the RHC disappeared, it was essential that its powers of statutory designation were retained. They have agreed that they should pass to the trustees of the Science Museum (of which I happen to be one), and after a period of consultation and the laying of a statutory instrument, the new arrangements are likely to be in place by March 2013. The second issue which has engaged me in recent months has been the epidemic of scrap metal theft across the nation, fuelled partly by the rise in world metal prices, and partly by the wholly inadequate legal framework for deal-ing with this crime. As a number of you have told me, heritage railways have been particularly hard hit, as has the national railway of course, and I am determined that something should be done about it. We are making progress, and ministers have admitted that the Scrap Metal Dealers Act of 1964 is well past its sell-by date. I have spoken in a number of debates in the House of Lords on this subject, asked questions, introduced a private member’s bill, and tabled an amendment to a government bill, with the aim of outlawing cash transactions. At the time of writing this is unfinished business, and I have no intention of letting go. Away from Parliament, I have enjoyed a fulfilling year at a number of heritage railway events around the country. These included the Chappel and Wakes Colne heritage centre opening, the Great Western Society’s celebrations at Didcot and anniversary dinner, the RHT plaque unveiling at St Albans signalbox, visits to the North Norfolk, and the Severn Valley railways, the HRA autumn weekend in north Wales (which for me included memorable journeys on the Welsh Highland and Corris). I thank everyone for your warm and generous welcome. It’s good to see that you are in such good heart.

President’s Message Lord Faulkner of Worcester

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Vice President Brian Simpson MEP

It has been another difficult year for Heritage Railways. Although our members have done better than other sections of the UK economy, 2012 still promises to be a more challenging year in more ways than one. Attracting visitors to our railways has always been a prime objective of our members. In more affluent times, the ability for those visitors to spend has always been taken for granted. Now we are faced with a situation that demands more effort on our part to maintain income for our member railways. And that means ensuring the product we offer not only gives value for money but also offers a pleasurable and en-joyable experience for all our customers. Fundamental to all of this is the principle that we that we can run our rail-ways as safely and as professionally as possible. The responsibility for this rests not only with Directors and Manag-ers but also with our volunteers. Every single one of us involved in this great movement of ours has a responsibility to act safely and in a professional manner and ensure we adopt the highest possible standards. In the 2010 Annual Report, I mentioned the inclusion of Industrial Heritage as part of the European Union's Tourism Strategy. During 2011, our Chairman was invited to speak in Brussels at a conference organised by the European Commission on this subject. This is a major step forward in ensuring that that the voice of Heritage Railways is not only heard but is taken seriously throughout the whole of the European Union. We are now seen as serious experts in our chosen field and I for one believe that this is something HRA and FEDECRAIL can by justifiably proud of. Of course we still have to be vigilant against the over-zealous civil servant, who from time to time still causes us a few problems. Certainly from my position as Chairman of the European Parliament's Transport and Tourism Com-mittee, that watching brief will continue. Finally, last year I referred to the amount of "clutter" that bedevils our rail-ways and I must say I think there has been some improvement, so thanks for that. This year I want to mention the standard of coaching stock (the bit the fare-paying customer travels in!), which in some instances leaves a lot to be desired. Remember it's about enjoyment and value for money. A tired-looking, unheated, musty smelling coach doesn't deliver either. To everyone involved in our movement, a big thank you for all you do.

Chairman’s Review David Morgan MBE TD

1. Introduction

2011 saw a step change in the role and activities undertaken by the Association. At the Annual General Meeting held in STEAM Museum in Swindon, Dame Margaret Weston DBE, our President for over 20 years, stood down and handed over the mantle to Lord Faulkner of Worcester. Dame Margaret herself was appointed as our first Honorary Patron in recognition of her tireless service and unceasing support for the Association. In particular, the advice she has given me over the years would fill a book but it always proved to be sound and very supportive. We all owe her a large debt of gratitude.

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2. Our new President

Lord Faulkner of course needs no introduction, having been the champion of the heritage railways sector in the House of Lords for a number of years and having retired from the Chairmanship of the Railway Her-itage Committee in 2009. It is particularly appropriate that he should take over the Presidency at this time when so much new legislation is being introduced that could affect our activities and indeed he has initiat-ed amendments to legislation in seeking to protect our activities as with his proposed recent amendment to the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill whereby purchase of scrap metal for cash would be prohibited. It was very much at Richard Faulkner’s suggestion that we organised a reception at the House of Commons in June, kindly hosted by Nicky Morgan, the Conservative MP for Loughborough.

3. Parliamentary activity

The success of the House of Commons reception was welcome recognition that the Association enjoyed political support from all sides of the political divide. Indeed, quite apart from the 160 representatives of member railways present, we were joined by at least 40 parliamentarians from both the House of Com-mons and the House of Lords. Three ministers were included in that number including Theresa Villiers MP, the Minister for Transport, who spoke to the meeting.

4. All Party Parliamentary Group

Our profile was further reinforced by the establishment of an All Party Parliamentary Group which is chaired by Nicky Morgan MP with Lord Faulkner as a Vice-Chairman, along with representatives of the three main political parties as officers. It has proved to be one of the fastest growing parliamentary groups since it has been founded. The HRA has agreed to provide the secretariat for support and in re-turn they have very kindly invited us to send representatives to their meetings and any member who has a burning issue is invited to contact myself, Mark Smith or Peter Ovenstone should they wish to be kept in-formed of meetings and to enable them to attend.

5. National Railway Museum

Relations with the NRM, York, have also been enhanced by attendances at HRA meetings of both Steve Davies, the Head of the Museum, and Helen Ashby, the Head of Collections. Furthermore, it was Steve Davies who encouraged the Network Rail initiative of identifying signal boxes being made redundant or obsolete and being listed for future preservation by extending an invitation to the HRA to participate in the working group, along with English Heritage and other interested parties.

6. Apprentices One of HRA’s concerns has been the retention of traditional skills and teaching the next generation the skills that are in danger of being lost, particularly in relation to boiler work. This coincided with the launch of the National Skills Academy (Rail Engineering) (NSARE), whose Chief Executive, Gil Howarth, invited the HRA to participate which is being led by David Woodhouse and Chris Smyth. Gil did identify at the preliminary meeting that boiler work would probably be outside the scope of the new Academy. 7. Boiler Engineering Skills Training Test The apprenticeships being promoted by NSARE dovetail nicely into the initiative being pursued with the Boiler Engineering Skills Training Trust (BESTT) which I have recently joined as a trustee. We are at-tempting to identify what training schemes are out there and what facilities and resources already exist within the heritage railways sector. On 1 December a meeting with the potential stakeholders was held with the trustees and representatives of HRA, Maritime Heritage Trust, the Association of Independent Museums and the National Traction Engine Trust. HRA will probably be represented by Bill Hillier, Chair-man of the HRA Operating and Safety Committee, who also serves on the Boiler Standards Working Par-ty. 8. Traditional Skills Survey The other initiative has been the start of a survey being carried out by John Hayes MP, Minister for Fur-ther Educations and Skills Training who invited me for discussions at his Department in July. This was to explore the possibility of carrying out a survey of traditional skills and in the hope that there may be further developments during the course of 2012.

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9. HM Railway Inspectorate

For a number of years, HRA has liaised closely with HM Railway Inspectorate (HMRI) and the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) of which it forms part. A number of recent incidents has highlighted concerns not only of Safety Management Systems but has also raised issues of governance. As a result HRA is organ-ising a Safety Seminar on 20 March 2012 (to be repeated on 24 April 2012) at the invitation of ORR which will be addressed by both members of HMRI and Corporate Lawyers to address both issues following dis-cussions with the Chief Inspecting Officer of Railways. The Association has offered help to those mem-ber railways who have sought assistance or have suffered from problems with those issues.

10. Strategic Review

At the same time we have been carrying out an internal audit of our activities led by Alan Greer and Paul Lewin with a view of making the Association more fit for purpose in the 21st Century. This has resulted in a radical reform of the web site and general presentation of the Association and at the same time Alan Greer is leading with the preparation of a business plan to plot a course for the next few years in the fu-ture.

11. Europe - FEDECRAIL

HRA still plays an important part on the European front through the European Federation of Museum and Tourist Railways (FEDECRAIL) which continues to benefit from the advice and support given by our Vice President Brian Simpson MEP, Chairman of the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Commit-tee. As FEDECRAIL President, I was invited by the European Commission to speak at its seminar on the value of Industrial Heritage as a generator of Tourism in Brussels in September. In particular, FE-CECRAIL has continued to seek a solution to the problems posed by the introduction of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) through its mainline working group, chaired by HRA Director, Steve Wood, and I am pleased to report that there are now chinks of light beginning to appear in the dark-ness. The 2012 conference, which is open to all HRA members, is being held on 10 to 12 May in Sweden and will be followed by an extensive visit programme.

12. Outreach - WATTRAIN

At the World Congress held near Brisbane at the Queensland Rail Works Museum in 2009, the delegates agreed that a worldwide organisation should be set up under the name of WORLD ASSOCIATION OF TOURIST TRAMS AND TRAINS (WATTRAIN). This has now been incorporated as a Company Limited by guarantee with its registered office in London. The directors include two HRA Board members in addi-tion to myself as its President, together with an Australian, an Argentine and a Japanese colleague. We have adopted a Business Plan which is published on our website at and we are in the throes of organising a conference at the National Railway Museum in York from 3rd to 6th October 2012.

13. Internal Changes

As some members may know, Mark Dewell has stood down as HRA Webmaster; the website is currently being overseen by HRA Director, Paul Lewin. Andrew Goyns has also stepped down as Finance Director because of ill-health but has kindly agreed to take on some of the administrative duties being relinquished by David Woodhouse. Ian Leigh has been appointed Finance Director in his place with effect from 1st De-cember 2011.

14. Future Prospects

It is difficult to tell what the future holds for our sector but if the financial vagaries of recent months tells us nothing else, there is no doubt that we are not impervious to what happens on the far side of the world. We can learn a lot from other countries and vice-versa. I am by nature an optimist – my glass is always half-full and not half-empty - and it’s fair to say that I believe that the British Heritage Railway Sector is amazingly resilient.

15. Conclusion

A large number of our member railways have bucked the trend and have shown an increase in passenger numbers and turnover. Our aim in the HRA is to help you to improve your railway’s or tramway’s sustain-ability, whether it be by reducing costs, improving training or increasing income. If you believe that there are issues we are not addressing or other ways with which we could be helping you , please let us know.

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HRA Annual Awards 2011 HRA ANNUAL AWARD (LARGE GROUPS) made to a HRA member organisation, in corporate mem-bership Category 4 and above, for: an outstanding achievement in railway preservation is made to the Great Western Society (Member Category 5) in recognition of fifty years of excellence culminating in the restoration of the Steam Railmotor.

A COMMENDATION is made to the North Norfolk Railway (Member Category 6) to mark its achieve-ment of the end of a long struggle to provide a viable level crossing with the potential to bring major eco-nomic benefits to the local community.

HRA ANNUAL AWARD (SMALL GROUPS) made to a HRA member organisation, in corporate mem-bership Categories 1 to 3, for: an outstanding achievement in railway preservation is made to the Elec-tric Railway Museum, Coventry (Member Category 2) in recognition of its excellence in the preserva-tion of less fashionable stock outside the scope of most heritage railways.

THE JOHN COILEY AWARD for locomotive projects is made to the Deltic locomotive 55002 Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI) group at the National Railway Museum in recognition of the vol-unteer led restoration of the locomotive to full working order, maximum benefit from minimum resource.

HERITAGE RAILWAY INTERPRETATION AWARD is made to the Welsh Highland Heritage Railway for the setting up of a Museum dedicated to the interpretation and explanation of the wider narrow gauge railway systems, the placing of Porthmadog in this context and providing conservation facilities, in an ac-cessible and family friendly manner.

RAIL EXPRESS MODERN TRACTION AWARD is made to the Deltic Preservation Society for com-bining with ‘Locomotion’ Shildon and the East Lancashire Railway in the Deltic Gathering celebrations to mark the half century of Deltic locomotives, including seven such locomotives.

STEAM RAILWAY AWARD is made to The Spa Valley Railway for the extension to Eridge.

The Board has agreed that the PETER MANISTY AWARD be made to the Scottish Railway Preserva-tion Society in recognition of its continuous developments in the presentation of Scottish railway history.

Photograph Captions:

Front Cover: Steam Railmotor at Great Western Society, Didcot. (Photographer: Frank Dumbleton)

Above Left: Electric Railway Museum, Coventry. (Photograph supplied by: Ben Goodwin)

Above Centre: “Oliver Cromwell” on Sheringham Level Crossing. (Photograph: Tony Streeter)

Above Right: Steam Railmotor on shed at Didcot. (Photographer: Frank Dumbleton)

Back Cover (Top): Deltic line up at Shildon. (Photographer: Langtree Photography)

Back Cover (Bottom): HRA Parliamentary Reception 21st June 2011

Left to Right: Rt Hon. Theresa Villiers MP, Minister of State for Transport, Lord Faulkner of Worcester, President HRA. Rt Hon. Nicky Morgan MP, Chairman All-Party Parliamentary Group on Heritage Rail. David Morgan MBE TD, Chairman, HRA.

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Patron: Dame Margaret Weston DBE

President: Lord Faulkner of Worcester

Deputy President: S Richard Bowker CBE

Vice Presidents: Ian Allan OBE, Allan Garraway MBE, Brian Simpson MEP


Board Members

All Correspondence and enquiries to:

Andrew Goyns, 28 George Street, Altofts, Normanton, West Yorkshire WF6 2LT

Tel; 0800 756 5111 x 900 Fax: 0844 736 5887 E-Mail [email protected]

Chairman: David Morgan MBE TD

12 Cheyne Gardens, London SW3 5QT Tel: 0800 756 5111 x901 Fax: 020 7222 6208 Email: [email protected]

Vice Chairman: Mark Smith

25 Peile Drive, Taunton TA2 7SZ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x902 Fax: 0845 834 0988 Email: [email protected]

Company Secretary: Peter Ovenstone

33 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AU. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x331 Fax: 0131 220 5886 Email: [email protected]

Finance Director: Ian Leigh

206B North Row, Milton Keynes MK9 3LQ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x422 Fax: 01908 696422 Email: [email protected]

Managing Director: David Woodhouse MBE

8 Ffordd Dyfrig, Tywyn, Gwynedd LL36 9EH Tel: 0800 756 5111 x224 Email: [email protected]

Geoffrey Claydon CB 23 Baron’s Keep, West Kensington, London W14 9AT. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x903 Fax: 020 7603 6405

John Crane 10 Hurdeswell, Long Hanborough, Oxon OX29 8DH.Tel: 0800 756 5111 x702 Fax: 01993 883384 Email: [email protected]

Andrew Goyns 28 George Street, Altofts, Normanton WF6 2LT Tel: 0800 756 5111 x320 Fax: 0844 736 5887 Email: [email protected]

Alan Greer 9 Fox Croft Walk, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 3YB Tel: 0800 756 5111 x704 Email: [email protected]

Bill Hillier 19 Simon de Montfort Drive, Evesham, Worcestershire WR11 4NR. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x431 Email: [email protected]

Paul Lewin Station House, Minffordd, Penryndeudraeth, Gwynedd LL48 6HF. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x703, Email: [email protected]

David Madden 52 Station Road, Sheringham, Norfolk NR26 8RG. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x221 Fax: 01263 824924 Email: [email protected]

Ian Smith 88 Westbury Place South, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 3DA. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x151 Fax: 0113 276 0349 Email: [email protected]

Chris Smyth 7 Woodside, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 8BX. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x701 Email: [email protected]

Steve Wood

15 Croftlands Drive, Ravenglass, Cumbria, CA18 1SJ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x421 Fax: 01229 717080. Email: [email protected]

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HRA Officers and Advisers ** See Board details for addresses etc. not shown below

HRA Ireland:   

Chairman: Johnny Glendinning Crunagh 9 Highfields Court Lisburn Co Antrim BT28 3GF Tel / Fax: 028 9266 2181 mobile: 07803 239 123 Email: [email protected] Vice Chairman: Clifton Flewitt, 6 Waterloo Avenue, Dublin 3, Republic of Ireland Tel: +353 1 8554081 Secretary: Richard Kenny, 55 Harmony Hill, Lisburn, Co. Antrim BT27 4ET. Tel: 02892 670050. Email: [email protected]

HRA Archivist: Vacant Archiving Adviser: Dr Dudley Fowkes, 18 Helpston Close, Westhouses, Alfreton DE55 5AX. Tel: 01773 830520. Email: ar-

[email protected] ARPS Ltd Hon. Sec: Mike Stanbury, “Beechcroft”, Station Road, Wakes Colne, Colchester, Essex CO6 2DS Tel: 01787 224724. Awards and Competitions: Annual Awards: Ian Smith. **    

Carriage & Wagon: Chris Smyth. ** Publications: Clifford Jones, “Great Gable” 3 Links Crescent, Seascale, Cumbria, CA20 1RB Tel 019467 29099 Email: [email protected] National Railway Heritage Awards: Robin Leleux, 3 Sycamore Drive, Addingham, Ilkley, LS29 0NY. Tel/fax: 01274 593235. Email: [email protected]

Charities: Nigel Ward, 9 New Brook Street, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DQ Tel: 01943 601173, Fax: 01943 604270 Civil Engineering: John Buxton, Cambrian Transport Ltd, Green Farm Country House, Falfield, Gloucestershire GL12 8DL 

Tel: 01454 260319 Email: [email protected] Diesel & Electric, Press Officer, Sidelines Editor:

John Crane. **

Disabled Facilities: Andrew Braddock. “ABOUT”, 4 Borderside, Yateley, GU46 6LJ Tel: 01252 876295 Fax: 01252 879924 Email: [email protected]

Education: Vacant Employment: John Suggett: c/o Eldridges. Avenue House, Avenue Road, Freshwater PO40 9UZ 01983 752492 

Email: [email protected] Environmental: Tony Tomkins, Mount Pleasant House, Aspley Guise, Milton Keynes MK17 8JU. Tel: 01908 582544. 

Email: [email protected] FEDECRAIL: 

HRA Representatives: Peter Ovenstone **, Steve Wood. ** European Co-ordinator: Livius Kooy, De Akker 25, 7481 GA Haaksbergen, The Netherlands. Tel/fax:+31 53 57 27357. Email: [email protected]

Fire Safety: Michael Tarran, 419 Halifax Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD6 2JY. Tel: 01274 608582 Email: [email protected]

Forestry: Gordon Heddon, 31 Lordsmill Road, Shavington, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 5HB. Tel: 01270 568706. Historical: Vacant Information Papers Distribution:

Dr Alan Saunders, 31 Cedar Avenue, Malvern Link, Worcs WR14 2SF. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x423. Email: [email protected]

Internet: Vacant

InterRail Passes (Corporate): Di Akers, "Neves" , Holmwood Close, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 3JJ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x425. Email: [email protected]

Legal (UK and English Law): David Morgan. ** Legal (Scottish Law): Andrew Boyd, 12. Learmonth Place, Edinburgh EH4 1AU Tel: 0131 332 3696 Email: [email protected] Loco Boilers: Contact David Woodhouse ** Lottery Grants: Jackie Cope, 30 Gledhow Drive, Oxenhope, Keighley, West Yorks BD22 9SA Tel: 0800 756 5111 x333. 

E-mail: [email protected] Mechanical Engineering: John Butt, The Old Stables, Grove Farm, Church Road, Stoke Hammond, Bucks Tel: 01525 270491. 

Email: ([email protected]) Medical: Contact via Bill Hillier ** Meetings Secretary: Bill Askew, 24 Grosvenor Road, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 7JG. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x427 E-Mail: [email protected] Membership:   

Private Members: Dr Alan Saunders (see Information Papers above) [email protected] Corporate Members: Steve Wood ** ([email protected]) Small Groups Liaison: Ian Smith ** ([email protected])

Museums: Rob Shorland-Ball, 216 Mount Vale, York, North Yorkshire YO24 1DL. Tel + Fax: 01904 632751. Email: [email protected]

Overseas Liaison: Richard Tapper, 39 Grange Court, Boundary Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 7PH. Tel: 01635 30464 Fax: 01635 35083

Press (Railway): Ian Smith ** ([email protected]) Public Relations: Rupert Brennan Brown, 18 Holloway Road, Duffield, Derbyshire DE56 4FE. Tel: (Mobile) 07973 950923 

Email: [email protected] Railway Heritage Register Car-riage Survey/Carriage Restoration:

Michael Cope, 30 Gledhow Drive, Oxenhope, Keighley, West Yorks BD22 9SA Tel: 0800 756 5111 x333 E-mail: [email protected]

Railway Operating: Operating & Safety Committee via Bill Hillier** Rating: Roger Wilkins, 1 Shaw Street, Worcester WR1 3QQ Real Estate: Tom Carr, 9 Corton Road, Norwich, NR1 3BP. Tel: 01603 612035. Email: [email protected] Safety: Bill Hillier ** David Woodhouse ** Specialist Adviser: Richard Gibbon, 202 Mount Vale, York YO24 1DL. Tel: 01904 631840. Email: [email protected] Swindon Historic Castings: Andrew Goyns (Company Secretary)** Taxation & VAT: Martin Bairstow: Email: [email protected] Tramways: 

Michael Crabtree, 31 Nevis Drive, Crewe, CW2 8UH. Tel: 01270 212778 Email: [email protected] John Shawcross, 10 Birch Avenue, Ambergate, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 2GL Tel: 01773 856116 Email: [email protected]

Young Volunteers: Liz Fuller, 261 Lower Higham Road, Chalk, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2NP: Tel: 0800 756 5111 x424. Email: [email protected]

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This report comprises the results from the tenth year of the organisation by HRA of a formal Annual Statis-tical Return from members at the request of Her Majesty’s Railway Inspectorate. The period covered is the year ending 31st December 2010.


The production of statistics was a formal requirement for many years; however it lapsed for Heritage Rail-ways and Tramways. Following many discussions the HMRI, originally under HSE and now a part of ORR, asked the HRA to compile a minimum set of uniform statistics from our members. The HRA has found that in addition to the formal requirement these figures are extremely useful when lob-bying on behalf of our members. In that regard the HRA has from time to time added a topical additional question, such as value of grants received. Apart from sending the required detailed results to HMRI we also use the summary figures to demonstrate matters such as; how safe we are, and the economic value of this sector to the community. Whilst we may break down the results into significant groups such as Standard Gauge, Non-Standard Gauge, and Museums, we do not disclose individual data without the prior agreement of the source of that data.

Format of the Return

The format has been largely unchanged for several years and as a result we can now look at the trends of the sector. A standard form is used for all Operating Railway and Tramway Members. The one-page return is in five sections; 1 Basic Information, 2 Passengers & trains, 3 Staff, 4 Financial details, and 6. a Stock check; with notes for completion on the rear. We have produced a shorter single-sided form for all other corporate members, Non-Operating Members including Societies, which contains only the minimum specific information we need from them. The blank forms are sent to members in the last few days of December; before the 31st ! They are also available for downloading from our web-site. Significant Dates The formal return is for the calendar year ending 31st December. We appreciate that the financial figures for some members do not end on this date and allowance is made for this.

The form needs to be completed by 15th March each year to meet the various schedules.

Results for the year ending 31 December 2010

The responses are from both standard gauge and non-standard gauge operating member railways and tramways, some of which are located in major museums.

Over and above the operating members we had responses from many museums and centres which do not operate public pas-senger train or tram services.

The summary result for the year ended 31 December 2010 of all corporate members are given in the block to the right

The figures reported show a small decline in reported numbers of visitors this year compared to the previ-ous year (-5%) but a slight increase in the number of passengers (+2%) with a welcome increase of turno-ver of +3%. However if trends are tracked on a long-term like-for-like basis it can be shown that the sector has sound growth; alas the increases in Turnover are probably matched by a similar increase in Costs.

Our Operating Members reported underlying increases per year over the last four years of 3.8% for Visitors, 4.7% for passengers and 6.2% for turnover.

Results at a Glance – 2010

We earned £84 million pounds whilst carrying 6.8 million passengers over 527 miles of track from 406 stations.

(Std Gauge 352 miles and 213 sta-tions)

Annual Statistical Survey 2010

Bill Hillier, HRA Returning Officer

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Here we look in a little more detail at the sections of the survey:

Visitors welcomed and passengers carried by trams & trains We welcomed 9.1 million Visitors; of whom 6.8 million rode on our trains.

Our passengers took15 million Passenger Journeys, trav-elling 119 million Passenger Miles.

We operated 1.3 million Passenger Train Miles.

These figures imply that there was an average of 91 peo-ple travelling on each train.

Turnover Summary The growth in turnover over the last eight years show-ing the four reporting headings is illustrated in the graph to the right. An analysis of this year’s results is given below.

The proportion of sales income from train operations remains constant with the 3% increase in ‘other’ accounted for by a 1% decrease in shop sales and 2% decrease in catering.

The 20% “other” comprises in the main workshop services and charter trains

Working Staff Our members directly employ 2,108 people (up 6%), howev-er more are now part-time staff. They also benefit from the work of 17,824 volunteers (up 1%).

The resulting number of Full Time Equivalent” staff is around 3,659 (up 1%).

Stock Check The numbers given in the table below include all those vehicles that could reasonably be made available but exclude “Barry Wrecks” where these are still largely in ‘as found’ condition.

Thanks The HMRI and the Board of HRA wish to thank members for their responses. We look forward to the prompt completion of the returns for 2011 before 15 March 2012.

Total Mainland Std G Mainland NON-Std G Non Mainland + Museums

Steam Locomotives 782 519 155 108

Diesel Locomotives 1,038 635 294 109

Diesel Multiple Units 279 236 2 41

Coaches 2.043 1,322 498 223

Wagons 4,225 2,849 1,119 257

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