Download - How to Raise Your Vibe

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At this time in our history, more people are “unwell” than ever before. Our latest medicines and therapies do not seem to help. People are suffering.

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Experts agree that stress, in one form or another, is the bottom line cause of this “un-wellness”.

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And what is stress?

• It is how your body responds, consciously and unconsciously, to your genetics and environment.

• It can be good, as in a pleasant surprise, or it can be bad, as in a trauma. It can be major, as in a car accident, or “subtle” as in the toxins in our food that we consume every day.

• It can be the stress of disease coding on the DNA, or the stress of negative thoughts.

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Most people don’t realize…

there is computer software available that can help manage stress in its many forms. It actually sends digital information to the human system and helps manage the body’s response to stress.

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Technology is changing our lives in so many ways. But there’s a reason this approach to wellness can be so powerful. Have you ever heard of “like treats like”?

Well, we’re very similar to computers.

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We’re bio-computers.

This doesn’t mean we’re robots, or not spiritual beings, but that our whole system works like a powerful computer system. Our brain is the CPU; DNA is our software, etc.

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Like manmade computers…we have downloads: Every word, expression, environmental issue, etc., is downloaded in our human software.

We were even born with downloads from our ancestors.

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And everything means EVERYTHING.

Chemicals in our food are downloads. Frequency from cell phones, TV, etc., are downloads. Our words and conscious thoughts are downloads. These downloads can create tremendous stress on a conscious and unconscious level.

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The downloads are stored in your cells; on your DNA. This is referred to as cellular memory. It’s why so many people live a life of struggle without understanding why. It’s stress in its many forms.

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Up to this point we haven’t been able to do much about this. Now, with the latest scientific findings, we can.

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We now understand that our human system has a vibration, and that the higher this vibration, the better life is. We also know that many of the programs we’ve downloaded have lowered this vibration.

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Low vibration would be illness, poverty, etc.

High vibration would be optimal health, wealth, joy

and abundance.

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With too many lower vibrational downloads we may actually develop an “electrical malfunction”.

This further weakens our system. A cycle is started because lower vibration attracts more of the same.

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The rich get richer… the poor get poorer…

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Fortunately, there is now technology to help undo this. It helps to raise vibration.

Once a person understands how this works, there’s no reason why they should be unhealthy, in pain, or suffering in any way.

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