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How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids

“The Complete Guide to Understanding and Treating Hemorrhoids”


Samantha Brown

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Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5

Disclaimer Notice ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Ebook Distribution Rights ......................................................................................................................... 6

What Are Hemorrhoids? ............................................................................................................................... 7

7 Biggest Myths Surrounding Hemorrhoids .................................................................................................. 8

Hemorrhoids Are Permanent .................................................................................................................... 8

Hemorrhoids Can Lead To Cancer............................................................................................................. 8

Only Old People Get Hemorrhoids ........................................................................................................... 8

Anal Sex Causes Hemorrhoids .................................................................................................................. 8

Sitting On A Cold Sidewalk Causes Hemorrhoids ...................................................................................... 8

Eating Spicy Food Causes Hemorrhoids .................................................................................................... 9

Over The Counter Hemorrhoid Creams And Ointments Can Cure Hemorrhoids ..................................... 9

Hemorrhoids Surgery Will Cure Hemorrhoids .......................................................................................... 9

Types of Hemorrhoids ................................................................................................................................. 10

Internal Hemorrhoids.............................................................................................................................. 10

4 Grades/Stages Of Internal Hemorrhoids ............................................................................................. 10

Strangulated Hemorrhoids ..................................................................................................................... 11

External Hemorrhoids ............................................................................................................................. 11

Thrombosed Hemorrhoid ....................................................................................................................... 11

Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids ........................................................................................................... 13

Bleeding From the Rectum ..................................................................................................................... 13

Itching ..................................................................................................................................................... 13

Feeling As If You Constantly Need To Have A Bowel Movement ........................................................... 13

Pain ......................................................................................................................................................... 13

Skin Irritation .......................................................................................................................................... 13

Prolapsed Hemorrhoid ............................................................................................................................ 13

Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids ........................................................................................................... 14

Lumps Around The Anus ......................................................................................................................... 14

Itching ..................................................................................................................................................... 14

Bleeding .................................................................................................................................................. 14

Pain ......................................................................................................................................................... 14

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Swelling ................................................................................................................................................... 14

Causes of Hemorrhoids ............................................................................................................................... 15

Constipation ............................................................................................................................................ 15

Sitting For Prolonged Periods Of Time .................................................................................................... 15

Pregnancy................................................................................................................................................ 15

Obesity .................................................................................................................................................... 16

Lifting Heavy Objects .............................................................................................................................. 16

Chronic Diarrhea ..................................................................................................................................... 16

Hemorrhoid Prevention .............................................................................................................................. 17

High Fiber Diet ........................................................................................................................................ 17

Exercise ................................................................................................................................................... 17

Keeping Your Body Hydrated .................................................................................................................. 17

Avoid Sitting For Long Periods Of Time .................................................................................................. 17

Cut Back On Alcohol Consumption ......................................................................................................... 17

Weight Management .............................................................................................................................. 18

Medical Treatment Options For Hemorrhoids ........................................................................................... 19

Rubber Band Ligation .............................................................................................................................. 19

Sclerotherapy .......................................................................................................................................... 19

Infrared Coagulation ............................................................................................................................... 19

Cryotherapy ............................................................................................................................................ 19

Hemorrhoid Stapling Or Procedure For Prolapsed Hemorrhoids (PPH) ................................................. 20

Hemorrhoids Laser Surgery .................................................................................................................... 20

Hemorrhoidectomy ................................................................................................................................. 20

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids .............................................................................................................. 22

Eating A Diet Rich In Fiber ....................................................................................................................... 22

Warm Sitz Baths ...................................................................................................................................... 22

Applying Ice ............................................................................................................................................. 22

Hemorrhoid Creams & Ointments .......................................................................................................... 22

Over The Counter Medications ............................................................................................................... 23

Keep The Area Clean And Dry ................................................................................................................. 23

Avoid Putting Pressure On The Area ....................................................................................................... 24

Aloe Vera Gel .......................................................................................................................................... 24

Witch Hazel ............................................................................................................................................. 24

Alternative Natural Methods for Treating Hemorrhoids ............................................................................ 25

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Herbal Remedies For Hemorrhoids ........................................................................................................ 25

Aloe Vera ................................................................................................................................................. 25

Butcher's Broom ..................................................................................................................................... 25

Horsetail .................................................................................................................................................. 25

Dandelion ................................................................................................................................................ 25

Psyllium ................................................................................................................................................... 25

St. John's Wart ........................................................................................................................................ 26

Homeopathic Treatment ............................................................................................................................ 27

What is Homeopathy .............................................................................................................................. 27

Do Homeopathic Treatments Work? ...................................................................................................... 27

Are There Any Harmful Side Effects? ...................................................................................................... 28

What Is The Best Homeopathic Treatment For Hemorrhoids? .............................................................. 28

Best Hemorrhoid Treatments Compared ................................................................................................... 31

How to Choose the Best Hemorrhoids Cure for YOU ............................................................................... 32

So what should you look for in a hemorrhoids treatment? ................................................................... 32

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 32

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Hello and thank you for downloading “How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids”.

This eBook was written with hopes of providing the millions of people

suffering with hemorrhoids, a better understanding of what exactly

hemorrhoids are, what causes them, how to treat active hemorrhoids and

ultimately how to get rid of them for good.

I hope the information contained in this eBook is useful to you and provides some of the answers you are seeking on this topic.

On that note let’s begin…

Disclaimer Notice

The information contained in this document is based upon publicly available information sources and is believed to be true and correct as of the date of publication.

The information contained within this document is not presented with the

intent of diagnosing any disease or prescribing any type of treatment, it is

offered as information for educational, self–help and entertainment

purposes only. It is not intended to act as a substitute for proper medical

diagnosis or treatment.

The author of this eBook is not a medical professional and is not responsible for any adverse effects occurring as a result of the information contained herein.

If you suspect that you may have hemorrhoids, it is advisable that you contact your health care provider immediately. You should not begin any exercise or treatment plan without first consulting your Doctor.

The statements concerning the products mentioned have not been

evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are

not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should

not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or

illnesses without first consulting your physician.

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You are free to share this eBook with family and friends as long as no modifications are made to the document and the disclaimer notice is included.

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What Are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids (often referred to as piles) are enlarged or swollen veins that are located in and around the lower rectum and anus.

Most people do not realize this, but we all have hemorrhoids. They are

actually instrumental in helping to control our bowel movements and

protecting sensitive tissue in the anal area during bowel movements. If any

one of your hemorrhoids is removed it could cause you to lose some

control over your bowel movements, which is obviously not a good thing.

They are only problematic when they become diseased, dilated and


Hemorrhoids are a very common problem and can affect anyone at any age, however the older we get the better chance we have of getting hemorrhoids.

This is because the muscles in all parts of our bodies tend to weaken as we get older. Over 40% of people over the age of 50 exhibit some symptoms of hemorrhoids. Although hemorrhoids can be quite painful, they are not considered a serious medical condition because they are not life threatening.

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7 Biggest Myths Surrounding Hemorrhoids

Since there is a lot of false information and misconceptions surrounding hemorrhoids, let’s discuss 7 of the most common myths surrounding hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids Are Permanent

This is false. Hemorrhoids can be eliminated permanently if treated with the proper therapies such as H Miracle or VenaPro or other herbal remedies along with dietary and lifestyle changes.

Once you discover you have hemorrhoids, the sooner you begin treating them the easier they will be to eliminate.

Hemorrhoids Can Lead To Cancer

Hemorrhoids are nothing more than swollen tissue in the rectum and anus and although they are very inconvenient and painful, they do not lead to cancer.

Only Old People Get Hemorrhoids

This is false. While the most common age for hemorrhoid sufferers is between 45 to 65, people of any age, including children can get hemorrhoids.

Anal Sex Causes Hemorrhoids

While the act of anal sex does not cause hemorrhoids directly, it can damage muscles and tear tissue in the anus that can lead to hemorrhoids.

If you do engage in this practice be sure to use sufficient lubricant to avoid doing harm to the area.

Sitting On A Cold Sidewalk Causes Hemorrhoids

This is totally false. Sitting on any cold surface, including sidewalks does not cause hemorrhoids.

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In actuality sitting on something cold will cause the hemorrhoids to retract further in the body. However, sitting or standing for long periods of time can contribute to getting hemorrhoids because of the strain you are placing on the rectum.

Eating Spicy Food Causes Hemorrhoids

Spicy foods may send your digestive system into a frenzy but they do not cause hemorrhoids. Eating spicy foods do not affect veins or tissue, therefore, eating them cannot cause hemorrhoids.

Over The Counter Hemorrhoid Creams And Ointments Can Cure


Over the counter hemorrhoid creams such as preparation-h do not cure hemorrhoids.

These creams and ointments work well to relieve some of the pain, itching, irritation and swelling in the midst of a flare-up but they are not meant to be used as long term treatments and will not get rid of your hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids Surgery Will Cure Hemorrhoids

Having hemorrhoid surgery will get rid of your hemorrhoids in the moment but not necessarily permanently.

Most people who undergo hemorrhoids surgery are not aware that the surgery does not prevent hemorrhoids from reoccurring.

If your overall lifestyle and dietary habits do not change, there is a very good chance that even after having surgery the hemorrhoids will return.

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Types of Hemorrhoids

There are two types of hemorrhoids; internal and external.

Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are located inside the anal canal. They can be present

for years without being detected because they are usually painless unless

they become more severe and begin protruding outside of the rectum during

bowel movements.

4 Grades/Stages Of Internal Hemorrhoids

There are four stages or grades of internal hemorrhoids. Each stage marks an increase in severity and will require more advanced methods of treatment as they progress.

Grade 1 – With Grade 1 of internal hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoids are still located within the anal canal and have not prolapsed or protruded from the rectum.

At this stage, it is quite possible not to have any symptoms at all. That is how many people go for long periods of time without ever knowing they have hemorrhoids.

However, if you do have symptoms at this stage, it will more than likely be having some bright red blood on the tissue after a bowel movement or itching due to slight leakage of fluids.

Grade 2 – In Grade 2, the internal hemorrhoids prolapse from the anal canal during a bowel movement. However, they retract back into the anal canal on their own once the bowel movement is complete.

This happens because the tissue around the hemorrhoid starts to

collapse due to weakening of the veins or anal lining. When this occurs

the tissue begins to slide down and when you have a bowel movement

the pressure forces it to protrude outside of the anus.

Grade 3 – In this stage, the hemorrhoids prolapse from the anal canal during a bowel movement but they will not retract back up on their own. You will have to manually place them back inside.

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This stage can be very painful and cause significant bleeding if the hemorrhoid is irritated.

If hemorrhoids are in stage 3, another problem that you may encounter is that they can prolapse even when you are not having a bowel movement and this can be very inconvenient.

Stage 4 – This stage is obviously the most severe. At Grade 4, the hemorrhoids stay outside of the anus and will not retract even if you attempt to do it manually.

This stage can cause a lot of pain and bleeding. At this stage you have a high risk of obtaining an infection or getting a thrombosed hemorrhoid.

A thrombosed hemorrhoid occurs when a blood clot develops inside of the hemorrhoid tissue and cuts the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are extremely painful.

Strangulated Hemorrhoids

These occur when the prolapsed hemorrhoid gets caught by the anal

sphincter (the muscle that controls feces leaving the body). When this

occurs the blood supply to the hemorrhoid becomes blocked.

Strangulated hemorrhoids tend to be very painful especially if the hemorrhoid becomes thrombosed.

External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are located underneath the skin around the anus.

They are normally quite annoying and painful because they are located

outside the rectum and become easily irritated.

Most of the horror stories we hear about hemorrhoids are predominantly from external hemorrhoids. When they flare-up, they can cause a great deal of pain and make it difficult to do simple things that we take for granted such as sitting down or walking.

Thrombosed Hemorrhoid

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Thrombosed hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that have developed a blood clot within the vein and cuts off the blood supply.

Thrombosed hemorrhoids are extremely painful but in most cases can be treated without surgery.

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Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids

Bleeding From the Rectum

One of the most common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids is bleeding.

The blood from internal hemorrhoids is usually bright red and will be in the

toilet or on the toilet paper after a bowel movement.

As internal hemorrhoids especially in stage one are normally painless, you can go for a very long time and not even realize you have them. Finding blood after a bowel movement is how most people discover that hemorrhoids are present.


Because internal hemorrhoids can cause some stool leakage, it is not uncommon to experience itching and irritation in the rectal area.

Feeling As If You Constantly Need To Have A Bowel Movement

Internal hemorrhoids can also cause you to continuously feel like you need to have a bowel movement even after you just went. This happens because with the hemorrhoid present the bowel does not completely evacuate all of the feces.


Once internal hemorrhoids progress beyond the first stage it is not uncommon to experience pain in the anal area.

Skin Irritation

Some people with hemorrhoids experience stool leakage, which can cause additional itching and irritation.

Prolapsed Hemorrhoid

If your hemorrhoids have progressed beyond stage one, it is quite common for them to prolapse from the anus.

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Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids

Lumps Around The Anus

This is one of the most common signs of external hemorrhoids. There can be one or more lumps present and they are very sensitive and painful.


With external hemorrhoids, it is very easy for the hemorrhoid to be irritated by your undergarments, soaps and sweat. These things can cause the area to become very itching and irritated.

At all costs you must avoid scratching as this will only make it worse. It is best to wear cotton undergarments and utilize remedies such as witch hazel or warm sitz baths to relieve the irritation you are experiencing.


It is also quite common for some bleeding to occur when having a bowel movement.


With external hemorrhoids pain is common. Depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids pain can be present when standing, sitting, walking, having a bowel movement or when engaging in other normal everyday life activities.


Swelling around the anus is also a common cause of external hemorrhoids. This is particularly true if the hemorrhoid becomes thrombosed.

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Causes of Hemorrhoids

Some of the major causes of hemorrhoids are:


Straining to pass hard stool is one of the primary causes of hemorrhoids. The excess pressure put on the anus and rectum from the straining causes the blood vessels to become inflamed and irritated.

Being constipated on a regular basis will definitely lead to hemorrhoids. Adding fiber supplement to your daily routine can help alleviate constipation.

Sitting For Prolonged Periods Of Time

Hemorrhoids are a common occurrence in individuals who have jobs that require them to sit for long periods of time.

This is because sitting for hours on end on a continuous basis exerts a great deal of pressure on the anal area, and can be a major contributing factor in the development of hemorrhoids.

If you have a job that requires you to sit for hours on end, it is recommended that you take a few minutes every hour to stand up, stretch and walk around a bit to relieve some of the pressure you are exerting on your bottom.

Just relieving the pressure for a few minutes every hour can be instrumental in preventing hemorrhoids or avoiding future flare-ups.


Pregnant women are likely to experience hemorrhoids during the last

trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the added weight and pressure of

the baby, which puts a great deal of extra tension on the veins and blood

vessels in the lower part of the body. During labor, when a woman is

pushing the baby out, hemorrhoids can also occur.

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The good news is that in most cases they completely disappear after pregnancy.


When overweight, it puts a strain on your body to carry around the excess

weight. This is especially true when sitting. The excess pressure you are

exerting on your anal area from the added weight can cause hemorrhoids or

aggravate existing ones.

Lifting Heavy Objects

Constantly lifting heavy items puts a great deal of pressure on the lower area of your body which in turn can cause hemorrhoids to develop.

Chronic Diarrhea

The constant pressure and passing of stool, even though it is soft can aggravate and damage the veins, causing them to weaken, in turn causing hemorrhoids.

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Hemorrhoid Prevention

Some great ways to prevent and manage hemorrhoids are:

High Fiber Diet

A diet high in fiber is essential to preventing or managing hemorrhoids. Eating foods rich in fiber will keep the stool soft so that it passes easily and it will help keep your bowel movements regular.


Exercise is great for your overall health and well-being and can also be instrumental in healing and preventing hemorrhoids.

However, it is not advisable to engage in weight lifting exercises as this will cause additional pressure and straining in the hemorrhoid area.

When hemorrhoids are flared-up, light to moderate exercise is recommended.

Yoga is a great exercise which promotes mind and body health.

Keeping Your Body Hydrated

Drink at least 8 glassed of water daily to keep your body hydrated and rid your system of dangerous toxins.

Water is instrumental in moving wastes through the body and helps keep your bowels regular, which in turn prevents constipation and the need to strain during a bowel movement.

Avoid Sitting For Long Periods Of Time

If your job requires you to sit for long hours, be sure to take a few minutes each hour to stand up, stretch and walk around a little bit.

This will take some of the strain off of your bottom and help in the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Cut Back On Alcohol Consumption

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Alcoholic beverages dehydrate the body. When you are dehydrated, it causes your stools to be harder, which in turn causes you to strain during a bowel movement.

Many people do not associate drinking with hemorrhoids, but it can be a contributing factor.

If you must drink alcoholic beverages, be sure to follow it up with plenty of water to avoid dehydration and possible hemorrhoid flare-ups.

Weight Management

Try to maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise. Carrying extra weight puts additional strain on your body which is a contributing factor in the development of hemorrhoids.

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Medical Treatment Options For Hemorrhoids

When hemorrhoids get to a point where they are so severe and painful that

none of the normal treatments are working to bring you any type of pain

relief, it is time to visit your doctor to inquire about other hemorrhoid

treatment option, up to and including surgery.

When a hemorrhoid surgical treatment is needed, the proctologist (the

medical specialist dealing with anal-rectal health), will basically refer you

to a colorectal surgeon – another medical specialist. This surgeon’s sole

practice is to perform surgical procedures on the anorectal area.

Medical treatment options for hemorrhoids include:

Rubber Band Ligation

Rubber band ligation is one of the common procedures for treating hemorrhoids. This procedure is done by tying a rubber band at the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off the blood flow.

Doing this causes the hemorrhoid to decrease in size and fall off completely within a week or two.


This treatment works by injecting a chemical into the vein of the hemorrhoid. Once injected, the chemical causes the hemorrhoid to harden and die off.

Infrared Coagulation

Infrared coagulation consists of inserting a small probe into the anus that applies infrared light directly to the hemorrhoid. The infrared light reduces the blood flow to the hemorrhoid and will eventually cause it to shrivel up and fall off.

Infrared coagulation can be performed right in the doctor’s office. This is a preferred hemorrhoid treatment as it is very effective and relatively painless.


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Cryotherapy utilizes extreme cold to freeze the hemorrhoid off.

This technique works but many have reported intense pain afterwards and high recurrences of hemorrhoids at a later date.

Hemorrhoid Stapling Or Procedure For Prolapsed Hemorrhoids (PPH)

With this technique, the prolapsed hemorrhoids are pushed back into the anus using a specialized tool and once inside they are stapled to the walls of the anus. Any excess hemorrhoid tissue is removed.

This procedure does require an overnight hospital stay and pain management is necessary afterwards. With PPH hemorrhoids can possibly reoccur.

Hemorrhoids Laser Surgery

With this method of treatment, a small laser is used to eliminate the

hemorrhoid while simultaneously vaporizing it. There is also very little

bleeding using laser treatment for hemorrhoids because the laser

cauterizes the blood vessels while removing the hemorrhoid, thus

eliminating the need for stitches.

Other benefits of hemorrhoids laser surgery is that there is very little down

time, most patients can resume normal activities within a day or two. They

are able to do this because the tissue surrounding the hemorrhoids are not

harmed during the process and swelling, scaring and bleeding are

significantly reduced.

For most patients undergoing hemorrhoid laser surgery no overnight hospital stay is required.

Of course with any surgical procedure there are some risks such as the slight chance that the area could become infected.

Because the method used for hemorrhoids laser surgery does not leave an

open wound or require stitches the patient only experiences minor

discomforts and will have a much faster recovery time than they would

normally have with traditional surgeries.


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Is the surgical removal of the hemorrhoid. With this procedure, a local or general anesthetic is administered and the hemorrhoid is completely removed.

This procedure is the most effective and complete way to remove

hemorrhoids in the moment, but it also comes with the most

complications such as extreme pain, which the doctor will prescribe

medication for and sometimes problems urinating or emptying your


Also, even if you have a hemorrhoidectomy your hemorrhoids may very well return at a later date if you continue to do and eat the same things you did prior to the surgery.

These medical treatments are some of the options available for removing

hemorrhoids. However, it is always recommended that you try all available

options before electing to have any type of surgery because more often

than not, you can get rid of your hemorrhoids without having any type of

surgical procedure.

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Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

If you are suffering from any kind of hemorrhoid you can implement the following measures to ease your pain.

Eating A Diet Rich In Fiber

Included in this would be plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Foods high in fiber will help alleviate constipation and keep you regular.

In addition to a high fiber diet be sure to drink plenty of water. 8 or more

glasses a day is recommended. Drinking plenty of water is very important

in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Water helps to keep the body hydrated

and helps flush wastes from the body naturally.

Warm Sitz Baths

Warm sitz baths work well as an external hemorrhoid treatment. They are a great way to help soothe hemorrhoid pain. The warm water also help to reduce the size of the hemorrhoid.

Three 15 minute sitz baths daily would be ideal.

Applying Ice

Another hemorrhoid treatment that seems to give hemorrhoid sufferers immediate relief is applying ice directly to the hemorrhoid. The ice provides cooling relief on contact and helps to reduce the swelling.

Hemorrhoid Creams & Ointments

There are many over the counter hemorrhoid creams, foams and suppositories which will help bring some relief from your hemorrhoid pain.

If you opt for the creams you will want to use something that has hydrocortisone in it because that helps reduce any inflammation associated with the hemorrhoid. The foams work great as well because they contain a numbing agent, which not only numbs the area so you are free from pain, but also help to reduce swelling.

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You should not use these creams for more than a week at a time as they may cause additional irritation, thinning of the skin or swelling. Get the fastest, most effective hemorrhoids relief…. If you want fast relief from your hemorrhoids you will need an effective doctor approved treatment. This is the only way to get rid of hemorrhoids and get back living a normal, comfortable life.

For the fastest relief from hemorrhoids we recommend trying our number 1 rated hemorrhoids cure, H Miracle.

Over The Counter Medications

Over the counter mediation such as Aleve and Motrin work well for hemorrhoids because they contain anti-inflammatory properties that will give you some pain relief and help to shrink the size of the hemorrhoid.

Keep The Area Clean And Dry

Keeping the hemorrhoid area clean is imperative. After each bowel

movement be sure to clean the area with warm water or a moist cloth and

dry it thoroughly. Keeping the area clean and dry will prevent further

irritation and swelling in the area.

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Avoid Putting Pressure On The Area

If at all possible you should avoid putting excessive pressure on the area

for long periods of time. If you work in a position that requires you to sit for

hours on end, be sure to get up every hour or so for a few minutes. You

can also utilize an inflatable ring pillow (donut pillow) to take some of the

pressure off of the area while you are sitting.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel soothes the area and helps eliminate itching and burning.

You can purchase aloe vera from your local drugstore or you can obtain it

directly from the leaves of an aloe plant. Prior to applying aloe vera, be

sure to thoroughly clean the area.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is great at treating external hemorrhoids because it relieves

any burning and itching associated with the hemorrhoids, but also works

to reduce the swelling. Witch hazel can be found in liquid form, which you

can apply with a cotton ball. You can also find pads soaked in witch hazel

at most drug stores.

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Alternative Natural Methods for Treating


Herbal Remedies For Hemorrhoids

There are a number of herbs that work well in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Listed below are some of the more popular ones such as:

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a powerful herb that helps to boost the immune system and helps the body deal with pain. It is also instrumental at relieving constipation and inflammation.

Aloe Vera is available in liquid form for drinking or gel form, which can be applied directly to the affected area.

Butcher's Broom

Butchers broom is effective because of its cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is very effective at reducing hemorrhoid swelling.


Horsetail is a popular herb for hemorrhoids, because of its ability to heal and strengthen body tissue.


Is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids because of its ability to purify the blood and remove any bacteria that may be present.

Dandelion is available as a drink, tablet, or topical rub.


Psyllium is a bulk fiber that acts as a laxative and can help to ease the pain and bleeding associated with hemorrhoids. Psyllium aids in digestion and makes bowel movements flow smoother.

If you opt to utilize psyllium as a hemorrhoid treatment be sure to drink plenty of water to flush it through your system.

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St. John's Wart

St. John's Wart is one of the best herbs for eliminating pain, itching, burning and swelling associated with hemorrhoids.

Anyone of these herbs alone or combined will provide some relief from your hemorrhoid irritation. If you are interested in an herbal remedy that combines the power of herbs with other powerful minerals and oils check out the link below.

For A Hemorrhoid Treatment Guaranteed To Get Rid Of Your

Hemorrhoids Permanently Click Here

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Homeopathic Treatment

What is Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that is based on concept of

“like cures like”. The premise of homeopathy is to use “drugs, given in minute

doses, that would produce in a healthy person symptoms similar to those of

the disease”

This method of treatment was created in the late 18th

century by a German doctor, named Samuel Christian Hahnemann

The two main principles of Homeopathic Medicine are:

1. The first premise is that if a substance could cause a disease in a healthy

person, then small amounts of that same substance could be used to cure

those same ailments in a sick person. Once again, the principle of “like

cures like”

2. The second premise is based on the “The principle of dilutions (or "law of minimum dose") which basically states that the smaller the dose of medication given, the more effective it will be.

Homeopathic remedies are relatively safe and have not been shown to interfere with customary drugs.

As a matter of fact, homeopathic remedies are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS), that became a law in 1938 under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act .

Homeopathic remedies follow the same regulations that apply to non-prescription drugs. They are also regulated by the FDA which requires them to meet certain standards.

Do Homeopathic Treatments Work?

Homeopathic medicine has been used to successfully treat many ailments including hemorrhoids. They tend to work relatively quickly and have no side effects.

Homeopathy can be used to treat both acute and chronic conditions. Depending on the severity of the condition, you can begin feeling positive

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results in a matter of minutes. However, for most there is significant improvement within a few days.

Homeopathy is not just a quick fix, make you feel better now remedy. It addresses the root cause of the problem and heals the problem at the source.

In the case of hemorrhoids, homeopathy works to heal the hemorrhoids from the inside, targeting the root cause of the condition, in order to prevent the hemorrhoids from resurfacing in the future.

Are There Any Harmful Side Effects?

Homeopathic treatments have not been known to cause any harmful side effects when used according to instruction.

What Is The Best Homeopathic Treatment For Hemorrhoids?

There are a variety of homeopathic remedies available for hemorrhoids but the one that consistently gets raving reviews from its users because of its effectiveness is Venapro.

Venapro is a two part system that works to heal the internal and external effects of hemorrhoids. Venapro has uniquely combined homeopathic medicine with the healing power of herbs to create a one of a kind formula that eliminates hemorrhoids.

Venapro’s holistic hemorrhoid formula includes the following ingredients:

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Horse Chestnut, (Aesculus hippocastanum) – This herb is effective at improving blood circulation through the veins and helps to strengthen veins and tissue, hence why it works well in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Arnica (Leopard's Bane) – Arnica works to regenerate damaged tissue which is important to prevent hemorrhoids from recurring once they have gone. It also relieves pain, itching and swelling associated with hemorrhoids.

Fluoride of Lime (Calcarea fluorica) – This herb repairs tears and

cracks and helps to restore suppleness to muscles and veins. It also

works to repair varicose veins and veins that have become enlarged. In

addition, Fluoride of Lime provides relief from the itching and bleeding

associated with hemorrhoids. St. Mary's Thistle (Carduus marianus) – Is a plant found in Asia, Europe and the Mediterranean. It has been used primarily to treat varicose veins and congestion.

St. Mary’s Thistle is very effective at getting rid of bleeding hemorrhoids and reducing inflammation in other types of hemorrhoids including prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Stone Root (Collinsonia canadensis ) – Improves the function and structure of the veins and constricts the blood vessels, which reduces swelling. In addition, it helps to relax the veins in the anus, making it easier to have a bowel movement. Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) – Witch Hazel is an astringent that soothes, disinfects and reduces inflammation in the anal area.

Muriatic Acid (Muriaticum acidum) – This is a water based liquid that is used to reduce bleeding and remove swelling and soreness from the hemorrhoid.

Krameria'Mapato (Ratanhia) – This works to significantly reduce the hemorrhoid ache and burning, which helps you get back to normal everyday activities sooner.

26% Alcohol and Purified Water - Homeopathic medicine is prepared with alcohol and purified water to preserve and protect its purity. If you are allergic to alcohol or don't like the taste, you can dilute it in a glass of

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water, let the glass stand for several hours and drink. Almost all of the alcohol will evaporate by that time.

Venapro’s synergestic blend of herbs and homeopathic ingredients work in harmony to eliminate the body of hemorrhoids.

It is effective at curing internal, external and bleeding hemorrhoids. Most users experience positive results within a couple of days. Although your hemorrhoids may disappear fairly quickly, it is recommended that you use the product for 3 – 6 months to completely heal the body and keep the hemorrhoids from returning.

Venapro is relatively inexpensive for the results you will achieve. A one

month supply is $39.95 and if you decide to buy a 6 month supply at once,

you get 2 months free, making it only $159.95. This is much less than you

will ever pay for surgery and other semi-invasive procedures and Venapro

is a lot safer, has no side effects and comes with a guarantee.

You Can Learn More About Venapro By Clicking Here

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Best Hemorrhoid Treatments Compared

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids at the moment, or have done in the past and want to ensure they do not return, you will need the best hemorrhoids treatment to ensure you can continue your daily life in comfort and with confidence.

However, finding the best hemorrhoids cure for your individual needs can be difficult. This is why we have put together this page to help you compare the best hemorrhoids treatments available and make the right choice to get rid of your hemorrhoids for good.

Official Site H Miracle Venapro Hemorrhoid


Type eBook Spray and Pills Pills

Effectiveness Excellent Good Good

Speed Excellent Good Good

Long-Term Effects

Excellent Good Good

Guarantee 60 Days 90 days 30 days

Price From

$37.00 From

$26.66 From


Our Rating

Visit Site Visit H Miracle Visit Venapro Visit Hemorrhoid


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How to Choose the Best Hemorrhoids Cure for YOU

The important thing to realize is that not all hemorrhoid treatments work the same for everyone. We are all different in how our body responds to different ingredients so what works for your friend or even relative may not work for you.

Therefore the best way to choose a hemorrhoids cure is to stick with the products that have a long track-record of proven success.

Although this doesn’t guarantee you will also be successful – it greatly increases your chances.

So what should you look for in a hemorrhoids treatment?

· Safety – Ideally endorsed or approved by a medical doctor

· Effectiveness – Powerful ingredients that target the problem area · Proven Success – Look for products with reliable customer reviews

· Fast – Hemorrhoids are painful, use products that can clear them up in 1 week or less

· Guaranteed – If the product really works there will be a money-back guarantee

H Miracle – The Best Hemorrhoids Treatment Available

If you are looking for a safe, effective, proven, fast, and guaranteed hemorrhoids cure then there is really only one place to look – H Miracle.

H Miracle is a very impressive product that gets big ticks on all points in the bullet list above. It is all natural and has been shown to help: Hemorrhoids are an embarrassing, uncomfortable, and often painful problem. Thankfully H Miracle offers a safe and effective solution that avoids any embarrassing trips to the doctor or pharmacy. Available online, and can help put an end to your hemorrhoids for good.

Click Here To Purchase H Miracle


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As you can see, there are many different treatment options available for hemorrhoids.

Again, the best method is prevention. If you find yourself afflicted with

hemorrhoids, treat them with proven remedies such as H Miracle,

Venapro or Hemorrhoid Rescue until they vanish and then start a

prevention program to keep them from resurfacing.

If you have tried at home treatments and experienced no change in your condition after a week, you should immediately contract your physician for other hemorrhoid treatment options, up to and including surgery.

However, it is only recommended that you undergo surgery as a last resort.