Download - How to change the GEN4 PRO XTREME Wireless to change the GEN4 PRO XTREME...In order to change the BS3 GEN4 Wireless Network default password, the NETGEAR N600

Page 1: How to change the GEN4 PRO XTREME Wireless to change the GEN4 PRO XTREME...In order to change the BS3 GEN4 Wireless Network default password, the NETGEAR N600


How to change the GEN4 Wireless Network password for the “NETGEAR N600 Race Car” wireless router

The GEN4 Wireless Network default password is identified on the GEN4 Wireless Network Name (NETGEAR) and Security Key (Password) ID card included with the GEN4 PRO XTREME system. The default password is used to establish the initial wireless connection between the PC & GEN4 Wireless Network. The following details how to change the GEN4 Wireless Network default password for the “NETGEAR N600 Race Car” wireless router.

Note: These instructions only pertain to how to change the GEN4 Wireless Network password for the “NETGEAR N600 Race Car” wireless router. Instructions on how to change the GEN4 Wireless Network password for the yellow “GLiNet In-Vehicle” wireless router are located on the BS3 website under the GEN4 PRO XTREME section.

In order to change the BS3 GEN4 Wireless Network default password, the NETGEAR N600 Wireless Router must be powered on and wirelessly connected to a PC.

Note: STEP 1 of the “How to establish Wireless Ethernet connection between BigComm Pro GEN4 software running on a PC and GEN4 PRO XTREME ECU” instructions, located on the BS3 website under the GEN4 PRO XTREME section, explain how to establish a wireless connection between the PC and GEN4 Wireless Network.

Once a wireless connection between the PC and GEN4 Wireless Network is established, type the following address into your PC’s browser; and hit the enter key.

Page 2: How to change the GEN4 PRO XTREME Wireless to change the GEN4 PRO XTREME...In order to change the BS3 GEN4 Wireless Network default password, the NETGEAR N600


After hitting the enter key, a Sign in window will pop open asking for a Username and Password.

Type in admin for the Username and password for the Password and then left mouse click on Sign in.

Page 3: How to change the GEN4 PRO XTREME Wireless to change the GEN4 PRO XTREME...In order to change the BS3 GEN4 Wireless Network default password, the NETGEAR N600


Once Sign in is selected, the following NETGEAR configuration window will open. Once open, highlight and left mouse click on the Wireless icon.

Page 4: How to change the GEN4 PRO XTREME Wireless to change the GEN4 PRO XTREME...In order to change the BS3 GEN4 Wireless Network default password, the NETGEAR N600


Once the Wireless icon is clicked on the following window will open. Once open, type in a new GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR password in the Passphrase: window under the Wireless Network (2.4GHz b/g/n) section & and the same new GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR password in the Passphrase: window under the Wireless Network (5GHz b/g/n) section.

Note: The GEN4 Wireless Network naming convention, when used with the NETGEAR N600 Race Car wireless router, is “GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR 0001 thru 9999”.

Once the new passwords are typed in, move the mouse over the green Apply button and left mouse click on it. Once the Apply button is clicked on the GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR network passwords will be changed and updated.

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Because the GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR network passwords have been changed, the wireless connection between the PC and GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR network will be disconnected. Therefore, the next time a wireless network connection between the PC and GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR network is attempted, the newly created GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR network password must be used to establish the connection.

Once the new password, also referred to as the “network security key”, is typed in, left mouse click on the Next button.

Note: Only use the GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR network. Do not use the GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR-5G network.

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Once Next is selected, the following window will open showing the GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR network is “Verifying and connecting” and attempting to establish connection with the PC.

After a brief period of time, the following window will open to indicate the wireless network connection has been established between the PC and GEN4 WIFI NETGEAR network.