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Page 2: How To Become a Super Hero


Page 3: How To Become a Super Hero

Author Note

I have been using the word superhero all over the small booklet, and every time I

used this word I felt uncomfortable. The reason of my discomfort was mainly

because the term superhero is very gender bias. It should be like superhero and

super heroine. So instead of using the word superhero or super heroine I have

decided to use this logo

So whenever you see this logo and if you are a male then read it as superhero and

if you are a female then read it as super heroine





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Chapter 1

Saving the World from Dr Apocalypses

In our society you would find people who fail to

see the big picture. There whole life is

surrounded by concerns of their own well being.

As time passes by these individual’s evolve into

opportunist, and from here the problems starts.

The sole purpose of these individuals is to make

sure that they have everything, and they are

willing to destroy any one who stands in their way.

I like to call these individual Dr Apocalypses.

The reason is simple they want to achieve so

much that they are will to destroy the planet and

every creature living in it. Here are a few

characteristics of these individuals

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POOR LEARNERS: They cannot see how they are

destroying the society and the people living in it

ARROGANCE: These individuals believes that

they are superior to others

GREED: They always have the feeling that they

don’t have enough

SELFISH: They most important thing on the

world is how they feel about themselves

IRRESPONSIBLE: They hate responsibility. They

believe it is not their fault the world is in this big


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These individuals cannot see their weaknesses.

And they are getting stronger day by day. Most

of them are at highly influential position in our

society. They have created a whole new culture of


Dr Apocalypses is not any individual. It is an

attitude that we carry with us. Whenever we

become selfish and greed take over then we

become Dr Apocalypses. Defeating individuals is

an easy task defeating their attitude it’s a whole

different ball game.

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Chapter 2

Why Justice League and Avengers

cannot solve our problems

Our challenges are more complex, they have

different layers. For example a factory polluting

the water and air cannot be shut down because it

has employees who would be out of work. The

in the justice league and avengers are excellent in

finding short term solution.

For example if a fire was started then we can

rely on the avengers or justice league to help us,

but they cannot device a plan to make sure that

these types of accident cannot take place again.

Similarly they can prevent a bank robbery but

they cannot prevent it from happening again.



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Here is another interesting scenario, how do you

think they would resolve the Arab, Israel

issue. Whose side would they defend; both

parties claim that the other sides are the real


Lastly these know who their enemy is, they

can see them. They can easily point out who are

the evil people. But in real life we are not in

particularly struggling against people, but against

their attitude.

So they might look good in the comics and movies

but in real life they would go cu coo in an instant





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Chapter 4

What can we learn from Justice

League and Avengers

I think after a few years won’t be able to

impress anyone. The reason behind is that our

technology has liberated us to the extend we can

become . Like we can fly see through walls,

go into space and so forth. I can imagine children

in the past loved superman for all the things he

did but two or three generation down the line

children won’t be so impressed by the concept of

superman or ironman. Simple because one day

technology would enables to do a lot of those

things independently.

However there is still something we can learn

from these , and apply it in our daily lives.







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If we study you would find a pattern how

they defeat the grand enemies and save the day.

I intend to develop a model and improve it a little.

Now this is how I think we should improve this



• The hero/heroine is stuck in the corner

• He is going to die


• He studies the enviroment

• keeping in mind his/her strenght

Designing • Design an escape


• Apply it



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By sharing your knowledge you would as an

individual would enhance your skills; plus you

would be helping others. Make sure you share

your failures also, this others facing the same

challenges put think of a better idea.

The Process of Escape

Let’s briefly discuss the process of escape:

Societal Challenge

• The hero/heroine is stuck in the corner

• He is going to die


• He studies the enviroment

• keeping in mind his/her strenght

Designing • Design an escape

Applying • Apply it


• Teach / Inform others how he/she has succeeded or failed

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This is basically the problem in hand. It could be

societal, family or any organizational. Whatever it

may be, write it down. Then simply ask “why” this

problem exists. You may come up with an answer

and then ask why again. What we are trying to do

is to distinguish between symptoms and root


“Root Problems”

This is the main problems


Smaller problems, they usually look like problems

but are only symptoms.

From the challenge we can develop objective we

are trying to achieve

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This is basically the study of the environment.

What resources we have, internally and

externally. Out of these resources which are

useful and which are useless. Resource can be

anything like human resource, economical

resources or natural resources even our skills

would be considered as a resource. Anything that

can help us resolves the current issue and helps

us achieving our objective or overcoming our



This is the part where we devolve a plan keeping

in mind our objectives.


In this step you have to put your plan to actions.

Make sure you write it in sequential form. Like

Step 1 --------------

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Step 2 --------------

Escape & Teach Others

Congratulation you are out of the challenge. The

tasks know here is to teach other. If you are not

out of the challenge then I would go back and see

where you went wrong

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Chapter 5

From to Super Leader

Do you really want to become a . Like I

discussed earlier technology has enabled us to do

everything they can do. Why not go one step

forward and become a super leader. You won’t be

working alone you would be working as a team to

protect the world form people whose attitude is

like Dr Apocalypse.

If you wish to work alone then I will not stop you.

But a brief reminder that people whose attitude

are like Dr Apocalypse are more in number and

are powerful. They always work in teams in the

form of organization. So there are likely chances

that in the middle of the battle you would give up

or even worst join them. So it’s better to work in





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There are basically five steps in order to become

a super leader:

The first thing you have to do is to understand

who you truly are. This is the most important

aspect of becoming a super leader. If you are

having a difficult time that simply mean you are


In life I believe the most difficult challenge is

the feeling that you are lost. Being lost does not

mean where you want to go. It simply means you

are not aware of your current position. So you

have to know yourself first. Here how you are

going to know yourself. List down your strengths

first. Your strength are things that you do well.

Make a list starting from the most powerful


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After this list down all the weaknesses of your

current society. Then look at them and see what

you can do to contribute to it. This simple activity

would motivate you to develop an action plan.

One should not be ashamed of recognizing your

weaknesses. Make a list of you weaknesses, from

this list develop a “Not to Do List”. This list

should contain activity that is a complete waste

of time.

The third step is to recognize your internal

enemies and your external enemies. Your internal

enemies are a reflection of your weaknesses. It

could consist of your attitude, habits etc.

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On the other hand external enemies are people

who are trying to put hurdles in your way. At this

point in time don’t show any reaction, just try to

listen what they are saying. These enemies are

providing you with vital info which would help you

when you are developing your own.

This step requires you to sit with your friends

and discuss how your group can solve the

community challenges. Your groups of friends

have to go through the same process but not as

an individual but as a group. You have to identify

your group core competencies by applying the

same formulae.

Group strength + Societal problems = Group Core


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Here you would start working as a group on small

group task. During the process evaluate the

group. Recognize all the hurdles which were on

your ways and develop strategies how to avoid

them in the future

After working on small projects you would be able

to understand how your group works. Plus you

would have a brief idea of your group weaknesses.

Now sit together and develop a shared vision

statement. A shared vision statement is where

your group members see themselves in the

future. This would be an important statement,

because your whole group would be motivated by

this statement.