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How the Americas Change: The Long 19th CenturyKristina UnderwoodHistory 141

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The Americas in the 19th Century

Late 18th- early 19th centuries, independence won from European powers

Independence of U.S. Canada and Latin America was exemplified by migration, the economy, civil wars, and conflicts between ethnics, classes, races, and sexes

Inspired others to want freedom from major powers while also showing the difficulties that freedom brings

By mid-19th century, the new free land controlled most of North America, though very unstable

Civil war in 1860’s led to abolition of slavery and the unity of certain states, northern states prevailed

U.S. expansion to the west began with the land from Britain and the purchased land from France, from here, Lewis and Clark surveyed and mapped the land resulting in conflict with natives and Mexico

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The Americas in the 19th Century


Canadian independence was gained without war, through agreements and led to a weak government of providences

Two groups in Canada- British Canadians and French Canadians (French outnumbered British until late 18th century biases)

Many British loyalists came to Canada from the US

War of 1812 created unity within Canada

Britain feared a Revolution of Canada allowed hem to govern own affairs, each province had own government

Canada grew in to a society that was politically unified

Latin America-

Latin American lands faced social troubles within their diverse regions

Simon Bolivar- region’s rescuer

Political system was unstable- went from one constitution to the next

Took land from indigenous people for cultivating and ranching

Juan Manuel de Rosas- military/political leader that brought order to Argentina

La Reforma- limited military and church power in Mexico

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The Little Ice AgeSeven centuries ago, 14th to 19th century, started at different times around the world, ended around 1850

Plummeting temps, climatic shifts, unpredictable, known as year without a summer in America and England, 4 degrees cooler average-> humans are vulnerable to the slightest temp change

weather changed dramatically, drenching rains lasted for five years-> crops washed away, bubonic plague (black death), at least 5 major volcanic eruptions in each century, improved farming economy-> live stalk, potato, wars and revolutions, moved American settlers west

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Frontiers of the Americas

Louisiana Purchase (1803)-

The United State’s (Thomas Jefferson) purchase of 828,800 square miles owned by France

Included 15 of today’s states and two provinces of Canada (Doubled the size of the U.S.)

Paid eleven and a quarter million and cancelled France’s $3,750,000 debt

Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)-

ended slavery and established a republic in the French colony Defining moment for Africans of the New World

Blacks who left Saint-Domingue for the United States brought stories and their ideas of abolition

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Frontiers of the Americas

The North American Frontier:

Prince Maximilian-

German explorer that found a Botocudos tribe and accounted for details

Also collected many plant and insect species that were unknown

Karl Bodmer-

Swiss painter that traveled with Maximilian and recorded images especially of tribes

Maximilian wrote books that included Bodmer’s painting, giving an accurate of the Old West

The South American Frontier:

Latin America contained much violence in the South

Many civil wars throughout the 19th century

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Crossroads of FreedomSeven Days Battle (June 25- July 1, 1862):

Took place during the American Civil War

McClellan (Union) vs. Lee (Confederacy)

Starting on June 26, the Army of Northern Virginia did most of the attacking during the battle

The biggest battle, out of the six, was on June 27 at Gaines’ Mill

Casualties 20 thousand Confederates & 16 thousand Federals

The 4th of July after the battle was known as the gloomiest day the people have experienced

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Crossroads of FreedomEmancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863)-

Ordered by Abraham Lincoln, freedom of slaves

Lincoln had a draft of the Proclamation in a desk drawer for two months, he wanted to wait for military improvements (which failed to happen)

Instantly freed 50,000 slaves, aimed for 3.1 million our of 4 million

Abolitions became a focus of the war

Led to the Thirteenth Amendment (December 1865)- abolition of slavery

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Crossroads of FreedomBattle of Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863)-

Largest amount of casualties of the Civil War Union 23,055 and 28,00 Confederate

The Civil War’s turning point, Union win

Meade (Union) vs. Lee (Confederacy)

Led to Gettysburg Address- Lincoln’s speech when the Soldiers’ National Cemetery was dedicated

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Crossroads of FreedomAbraham Lincoln-

16th President of the United States

Elected in1860

Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment

Gettysburg Address of 1863

Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in 1865, first assassination

Ranked as one of the greatest Presidents of the United States