Download - Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center · Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything.

Page 1: Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center · Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything.

Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod 9600 Leverne, Redford MI 48239

Office Phones: 313-937-2424, 313-937-2233

Senior Pastor: Rev. Paul Undlin, [email protected]


Concordia Lutheran School Principal: Mrs. Judy Schwaegerle, [email protected]



Pastor’s Page

The Lesser of Two Evils… I recently came across a quote by the noted Christian author, C.S. Lewis, from his book, Mere Christianity…

“I feel a strong desire to tell you–and I expect you feel a strong desire to tell me–which of these two

errors is the worse. That is the devil getting at us. He always sends errors into the world in pairs–

pairs of opposites. And he always encourages us to spend a lot of time thinking which is the worse.

You see why, of course? He relies on your extra dislike of the one error to draw you gradually into

the opposite one. But do not let us be fooled. We have to keep our eyes on the goal and go straight

between both errors. We have no other concern than that with either of them.”

The context in which I’ve been seeing it is, of course, political (what else is to be expected this time of year)

and is aimed at those who are disgusted at the choices being offered… but who are considering which option

is the least distasteful – or at least voting against the other, equally bad option.

The point that Lewis is making boils down to the reality that the lesser of two evils is still evil.

In our society today we’ve bought into the whole mindset that there can only be two sides to any given issue.

You are either completely, totally, utterly pro or con on any given subject. No matter the topic – you are on

the side of angels and your opponents might as well be demons. This holds true whether topic up for debate

is churchly or secular, holy or profane – I am utterly right & you are damnably wrong!

This is the poisonous lie of the devil. He seeks only to separate and divide, and one of his primary tools is

based on this lie – that there are only two options (bad & worse)… and that you have to choose which you

will take… and the lesser of two evils somehow becomes good…

This was part of his tempting of Adam & Eve in the Garden… it was part of his tempting of Jesus in the

wilderness... and it’s a part of his continuing lies and temptations today.

By definition the lesser of two evils is still evil.

So… what do we do? How do we, as Christians, handle face up to these lies & temptations of the devil? The

answer is surprisingly simple and yet profound… Jesus.

Jesus, the Son of God, the Word of God made flesh. Jesus, the One who recognized the devil’s two-pointed

lie for what it was and remained true & focused on His Father and His work. Jesus, the One who willingly

and freely suffered all the horror and sin and evil that this fallen world could dish out and crucified & buried

it in a tomb. Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. Jesus, your Lord and your Savior.

As Lewis points out, when our eyes remain focused on the One who is Truth… the lies & temptations of the

devil are shown to be nothing more than the filth and squalor of the gutter.

As Christ-followers, we can do nothing less than recognize sin and evil for what it is… and it is our

responsibility to call a thing what it really is… but it is also our responsibility and our calling to love as we

have first been loved (while we too were but sinners & enemies of God) and to confess that there but for the

Grace of God…

Blessings, Pastor Paul

August 2016

Page 2: Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center · Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything.

Stewardship Minute

“Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift” (2 Cor. 9:15)! This is St. Paul’s

exclamation upon hearing the Corinthian church’s response to the preaching of the

Gospel of Jesus Christ and his request for support for the Church in Jerusalem.

The Christians in Corinth heard and received God’s mercy in Christ, and they

responded to St. Paul’s call to support Christians in Jerusalem with a collection.

The Corinthian’s joy filled Jerusalem’s need.

This is the reality of stewardship. Because of God’s generosity in the giving of His

Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from

Him. What do we receive? Everything. All that we are and all that we have is the

Lord’s. He is the creator and the giver. We are His creatures and those who

receive what He gives.

It sounds easy. And it is. But then again it isn’t. Stewardship is easy because it

God’s work. Through what God gives, we give to others. Through what God

gives, we support the work of the church for the life of the world. He gives; we

receive. And like our generous Father in Heaven, we, as His children, use what He

gives to us to love and serve others.

But stewardship is also difficult. That is because it goes against our natural

inclination to think that what I have is mine to do what I want with. This is our

sinful nature. It is our selfishness and our greed. How can we who have been given

everything—life, food, clothing, house, home, forgiveness, divine sonship, an

eternal inheritance—be so stingy with what we give to the church, the place where

we hear about and receive all that God gives us and does for us? We are all guilty

of this kind of thinking. And the only godly response is to repent and trust in the


For if God has given you His own Son, will He not give you all things? Yes. He

will. This is His sure and certain promise. God provides for His people. He

provides everything we need for this body and life and for the life that is to come.

The church is a mercy place. It’s a place where God’s mercy in the death and

resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, is given and received. For we who believe in

Christ, it means forgiveness, life, and salvation in the face of sin, death, and the

power of the devil. Here in the church we inhale God’s mercy in Word and

Sacrament, and exhale this same mercy in love and service to our neighbor. And

that is an enduring, joyful thing to do. Our joy fills our neighbor’s need because

His joy filled ours (Heb. 12:2). Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift!

Page 3: Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center · Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ELDERS REPORT – For July 5 Meeting (June stats)

Attendance Report: Average Weekly Sunday Attendance in June 97

THANK YOU Sandy Consani

for sponsoring Altar Flowers on Sunday, July 17 in honor of the birth of her grandson, Lukas Lee Archer Gaffke

Lisa Gross for sponsoring Altar Flowers on Sunday, July 24 in honor of Brian & Cynthia Moehring’s Anniversary

MEMORIAL DONATIONS In Memory of Ed Kreutzkamp

From: Richard & Sandy Bryer From: Marilyn Wischer Designated For: Family Choice Designated For: Undesignated From: Ralph & Oma Butzke From: Dave & Margie Milz Designated For: Deficit Designated For: Budget From: Glenn & Gloria Eicholtz From: Bob & Judy Cochran Designated For: Undesignated Designated For: Undesignated From: Mick Giandiletti From: Marian Salo Designated For: Undesignated Designated For: Undesignated From: Jim & Debbie Pranschke Designated For: Undesignated

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Mr. & Mrs. Dan Woodruff, in memory of Bob Luedtke Designated For: Undesignated

From: John & Nancy Haskin, in memory of Mildred Kindl Designated For: Undesignated

The Treasurer’s Report for July 2015 - June 2016 will be available in next month’s Newsletter

Week Month Date Count Service Day Sunday TOTAL




40 32

8:30 a.m. 11 a.m. CLS Graduation @ St. Paul’s




43 50

8:30 a.m. 11 a.m.




44 50

8:30 a.m. 11 a.m.

Congregational Meeting Father’s Day


26 26 45 82

8:30 a.m. 11 a.m.

Ellen Mill’s Retirement Celebration


Page 4: Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center · Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything.

Church Council Meeting Minutes

July 26, 2016

Present: S. Consani, D. Lapham, S. Fischer, M. Giandiletti, J. Hoeft, R. Lewandowski, S. Lubeck,

D. Pranschke, F. Weide.

R. Lewandowski opened with a prayer.

Treasurer’s Report – June was a tough month with income being $1,100 less than budgeted. It

will be tight going through the summer. ECC is on budget. The deficit drive is going slow. A

budget needs to be developed for Coffee Hour/Fellowship and special luncheons.

Christian Education – VBS is done for another year. While all had fun, our numbers were down.

We do not have enough of a presence in the community to draw in children. S. Consani asked

that all pray for guidance and ideas going forward, to find our “niche” in the community. A

canoe/kayak day for August is being explored. D. Reschke wants to plan a day in September.

Perhaps another dance can be held in the fall to raise money to support something in the

community to get our name out there. Also, looking at planning another community event next

summer. Invitations will be mailed to the congregation’s children inviting them to Sunday

School this September.

New projects and ministries should fill out a form to establish the purpose and cost of said


Properties – AC project is completed for the day care, preschool and office. The project came in

a little under the budgeted estimate. The exhaust fan in the church needs to be repaired. The

parking lot was restriped by the Schwaegerles.

Pastor’s medical insurance increased by approximately $1,500 for the year. $1,000 of the

increase was already approved in the budget. The Elders proposed that the church also cover

the additional $500. Council approved the Elders’ recommendation.

Council closed with The Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Lubeck

Page 5: Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center · Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything.

Keluarga kami: semakin banyak! (Indonesian for “Our family getting larger”) These updates are usually focuses on the work that is being accomplished in Southeast Asia, and especially on what’s going on in Indonesia, which is where we live. But at the end of May our lives changed in a wonderful way: the Ferry Family was blessed with the birth of Kiddo #5, Chloe Elizabeth.

Chloe was born in North Sumatra, at a hospital in the city of Medan, where we now live. Once there, I went down to complete the registration paperwork as the staff requested. I came back 20 minutes later to find Cheryl holding Chloe in her arms… it was all over that quickly! Thanks be to God for His protection and grace. Both Cheryl and Chloe came through things just fine, and everyone’s adjusting to the house’s new little ruler.

We had the great privilege of seeing Chloe brought into the kingdom of God through the waters of Holy Baptism right away that next Sunday. It was during the small Divine Service in our home chapel, and all her sisters and brother were on hand to witness, assist (in their own ways), and sing. I’m sure they will tell marvelous stories about it in the years to come.

By necessity, the majority of June has been spent getting documents arranged. Little Chloe Beth will be a US citizen and not an Indonesian, so we’ve had to get papers from not only North Sumatra, but from our US embassy as well. Added to that is the fact that our residence permits for the whole family were expiring this month and had to be renewed. Our friends in the Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI) worked hard for several weeks to make the renewal possible, and we’re grateful for their partnership and friendship.

As this update is written, our family residence permits have been extended for another year, thanks be to God and our GKLI friends. And the new passport for Chloe has been picked up in Jakarta in record time! Now we have to take her passport out to Immigration right after the holidays for Idul Fitri have ended and offices open up again.

Especially during this month of Ramadan, we are so grateful for your continued interest, friendship, prayers, and partnership in the work we’re doing here. We cannot begin to describe how much your ongoing love means to us.

Great big news to share:

The Ferry Family is coming home to visit! We’ve just set the plan for our very first family trip back to the US since leaving to live in Indonesia. We will be back in the US from late September through early December. That means we could be arriving at a location near you! We would especially be interested in any midweek opportunities to visit: group meetings, school assemblies, etc. Check the website below for the scheduled appearances, and email us for more information: [email protected]

Review of June 2016 Issue #33 The Ferry Family: serving in Indonesia & Southeast Asia

Selamat The Ferry Family Update

Page 6: Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center · Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything.

Ferry Family Update

Carissa (4 years old now!) celebrated her fourth birthday this month. This makes the third birthday she’s had since we moved to Indonesia! She got to make and wear a special birthday crown, and found some ice cream to share with the rest of the household, a rather rare treat for us in Indonesia.

The rest of the Ferry kids have been taking turns helping to care for their new baby sister. Cassie really seems to appreciate being a big sister for once!

To support the work of the LCMS through the work of the Ferry Family, you may send a tax-deductible gift to:

The LCMS “Miracle” Central P.O. Box 66861 or 40718 Highway E 16 St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 Mapleton, IA 51034

Make checks payable to The LCMS, and mark them “Ferry – Indonesia.” Gifts can also be given securely online through our online giving page at

Prayers, Praises, and Thanksgiving

* Thanksgiving for safe delivery of Chloe Elizabeth, and that it was quick for Cheryl!

* Thanksgiving for a smooth renewal process of our resident visas once again, so we can continue serving here

* For our friends in the GKLI, that they would stay faithful and strong in the Word, especially as they approach their synod convention in July

* Thanksgiving that our family remains healthy and at peace in this strange and wonderful place called SE Asia

To be added to this mailing list, visit our website:

Above left: Caitlin makes use of the JELLO that was sent to us

Above: the Four Ferry girls!

Left: The Ferry Family visits the Sultan’s Palace in North Sumatra and makes some new friends

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H-T Food Assistance Program If you are in need of food assistance, we invite you to attend our S.H.A.R.E. Program on Saturday, August 6 from 9 - 10 a.m. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Sunday, August 7 Please plan to join us at the 11 a.m. service on August 7 for the Installation of Lisa Gross as our new Preschool Teacher, and the re-dedication of our Concordia Faculty ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++





PINOCHLE Saturday, August 13

Bring a finger food and meet at the

Cochran’s home at 7 p.m.

Join us for Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study Saturday, August 27 from 9 – 10:30 a.m.

Coffee and Donuts provided Please invite a friend!



19600 Haggerty Rd., in Livonia We will get together on Tuesday, August 30 at 6:00 p.m. Check the sign-up board in the ramp way for monthly restaurant information. Please call Judy Cochran if you want to coordinate transportation. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

September NEWSLETTER DEADLINE is Wednesday, August 24. Please send your information via e-mail to [email protected] or call the church office at 313-937-2424.

August’s activities will be fun and fellowship ---

Free Will RIB Dinner

followed by lawn games, including the FIRST Annual Croquet Tournament. We need to know how many to plan for, so please sign up (on sign-up board, on clip boards floating around, or see Jim Pranschke) Don’t miss this Premier Summer Event!!!

Thursday, August 11th 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Page 8: Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center · Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything.

Please keep our shut-ins in your prayers.

A card or phone call from you would bring a special ray of

sunshine to their day.

Stan & Ethel Bukoski, 12121 Cardwell, Livonia 48150 734-425-1708

Marge Bunting, Heartland Health Care Ctr., 28550 Five Mile, Rm 27A,

Livonia, 48154 734-427-8270

Jane Keene, 29435 Brown Ct., Garden City, 48135 734-525-8128

Gordon Klein, 8605 Rockland, Dearborn Hgts., 48127 313-278-2359

Bernie MacFarlane, Village of Redford, 25330 Six Mile, #H204, Redford, 48240


Marion Miller, 17161 Cameron Dr., Northville, 48167 248-348-8437

Margaret Schuman, 11788 Farmington Rd., Livonia, 48150 734-266-1954

Page 9: Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center · Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything.

SERVING YOU IN AUGUST CHANCEL GUILD Clean: Janet Krupski Communion: Ardythe St. Pierre Linens: Cathy O’Dell ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Aug 07 Sharon Fischer, Walter Schultz, Dan Woodruff, Daryl Lapham Aug 14 Bob Cochran, Judy Cochran, Charles Fischer Aug 21 Jane Reed, Gerry Moehring, Lisa Gross Aug 28 Mick Giandiletti, Sally Lubeck, Jim Lubeck, Judy Cochran (dimes)


ELDERS 8:30 a.m. service 11 a.m. service

Aug 07 Gerry Moehring Mick Giandiletti Aug 14 Paul Mills, Ken Lindeman Rich Lewandowski, Jim Pranschke Aug 21 Chuck Fischer Bob Cochran Aug 28 Ken Lindeman, Paul Mills Mick Giandiletti, Rich Lewandowski



Aug 07 Bekah Hoeft, Gale Molisee Aug 14 Sue Sheppard, Michele Barnes

Aug 21 Lisa Gross, Lisa Hicks-Clayton Aug 28 Michele Barnes, Sue Sheppard ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Aug 07 Mary Murphy, Ardythe St. Pierre, Janet Krupski Aug 14 Barbi Hardoin, Sharon Fischer, Bill Ehlers Aug 21 Chevy St. Pierre

Aug 28 Jennifer Undlin ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

PRAISE TEAM Julie Gnagey, David & Zoe Hardoin, Jim Hoeft, Ben Mitchell, Larry Thornton ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

READERS 8:30 a.m. service 11 a.m. service

Aug 07 Judy Schwaegerle Kris Bieniewicz Aug 14 Cheri Petri David Hardoin Aug 21 Sharon Fischer Tom Pichan Aug 28 Ken Lindeman Becky Bozzi


USHERS 8:30 a.m. service 11 a.m. service Aug 07 Paul Mills, Paul Kacsmark, Sharon Fischer, Bill Ehlers Ron Bozzi, Chris McDonough, Chuck Hanson Aug 14 Jim Pranschke, Chevy St. Pierre, Mick Giandiletti, Jim Pranschke, Joseph Pranschke Ken Lindeman Aug 21 Don Rahn, Barry Matukaitis, Bill Mueller, Josh Schwaegerle Gordon Kraning, Gordy Kraning Aug 28 Bob Cochran, Gerry Moehring, Frank Weide, Steve Vedder RJ Passeger, Ian Passeger, Kyle Bieniewicz

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Page 11: Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Center · Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything.

August 2016

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6Paul Mills Dan Woodruff Mary Krause Shirley Cookson

Gerry Moehring Daryl & Debra Lapham

7 8 9 10 11 12 13Emmanuel Rankine John & Mary Nurmi Diane Matukaitis Walter & Carolyn Schultz Richard & Sandy Bryer Kyle Bieniewicz

David & Lynda Giacobozzi Judy Considine

Lowell & Marie Peterson Robert Passeger

Jackson Pichan

14 15 16 17 18 19 20Jim Lubeck Barbara Brzuchanski Alex Gojkov Richard Dawkins Beth Lubeck

Alex Molnar

Derral & Jenine Wiatr

21 22 23 24 25 26 27Debbie Pichan Bob Cochran Cash Caltabiano Sandy Bryer

Teri Pisha Marta Helwig Karl & Kimberly Smith

28 29 30 31Charlotte Salo Kristine Meyering

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Jonathon & Sarah


Please keep the Salo and Ferry families in your prayers

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Concordia fundraiser

fit & fresh sells practical and fashionable lunch bags, portion control containers, back packs, water bottles, and more – for school, home and office. Help support Concordia, and purchase your back to school needs between August 1- 21st at Simply enter our group ID “Concordia”, and CLS will earn 40% of the total of your purchase. Orders will be shipped right to your door within 3-5 days.



Lutheran Night It’s Lutheran Night at Comerica Park! Come see the Detroit Tigers vs the Chicago White Sox on

Tuesday, August 2, at 7:08 p.m. Tickets are $21 per person.

For ticket information and tickets, please contact Tom Wing from Historic Trinity at 313-567-3100

or 586-321-5926; or by email at [email protected].