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Page 1: Horror film poster research


Page 2: Horror film poster research

SCREAM The film poster for scream 4 is very simple but effective. The colour is very basic with a colour scheme of black, grey and white.

At the top of the poster, it has a short slogan which gives the audience a little more insight in what they can expect from this sequel.

There is only one main image on the poster that takes up the whole poster. The image is of the killers face/mask which is very effective as once again gives the audience more of an insight into the film but without giving too much away.

The title of the film is at the bottom of the poster in bold letters, in white and is in a large font size to make it stand out from the rest of the poster. The date of when the film will be released and in cinemas is just below the title but in a smaller font size.

Page 3: Horror film poster research

THE EYEThis poster, straight away is extremely eye catching and draws you in. It makes you want to watch the film just with the amazing yet creepy image of the eye with a hand coming out of it.

Main image which takes up the whole poster.

The title of the film is at the bottom of the page but is visible and stands out against the white background

Above the title in a smaller yet still visible print is the main actresses name that stars in the film.

They have placed a banner at the very bottom of the poster, which contains the names of the film companies, directors, actors, screenwriters and producers

Page 4: Horror film poster research

THE THING This poster is very simple in terms of what is on the poster, the colour scheme and the fonts that have been used.

There is a ‘seller’ line at the top of the poster that tells you what other film the producer has made to draw audiences who were a fan of the other film. The title and the main image of the poster is combined together. I feel like this is very effective and a clever way to combined two aspects of the poster together.

Short and snappy slogan Website of the film, so

audiences can learn and interact more with the film before it comes out.

The month of when the film is out is in a different font and colour to the rest of the text on the poster which make sit stand out to the audience.

Page 5: Horror film poster research

HOUSE OF WAX This poster is another one that immediately draws you in and is aesthetically appeling to the eye. This poster makes you want to watch/know more of the film.

The main image is places at the top of the poster and is very effective in terms of look and it also relates to the title of the film well as the girl is melting out ‘wax’ which is in the film name.

Short and snappy slogan Release date of film in the same font and text as the slogan making it stand out but not take any attention away from the image and title.

The title is placed near the bottom of the poster and is in a completely different colour, font and style to the rest for the poster which makes it stand out a lot to the audience. I also feel like it breaks up the less important pieces on the poster. They have placed a banner at the very bottom of the poster, which contains the names of the film companies, directors, actors, screenwriters and producers

The names of the actors in the film is placed at the very top of the poster in the same font as the slogan and release date.