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Hon. José-Marie Griffiths, Ph.D.


CAREER HISTORY • Education • Experience • National and International Leadership • State, Local and Corporate Awards, Honors and Projects

ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Research Administration • Academic Administration • Academics • Research/Research Funding

• U.S.A. • International • Corporate

• Professional Associations PUBLICATIONS — Extensive list available upon request PRESENTATIONS — Extensive list available upon request

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• B.Sc. (Honors), Physics, University College London, 1973

• Ph.D. Information Science, University College London, 1977


2010–Present Bryant University, RI • Vice President for Academic Affairs (2010-ongoing)

• University Professor (2010-ongoing)

2004-2010 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC • Professor, School of Information and Library Science (SILS) (2004-2010)

• Deputy Director, Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) (2007-2010)

• Director of Biomedical Informatics, Translational and Clinical Sciences (TraCS) Institute (2007-2010)

• Dean, School of Information and Library Science (SILS) (2004-2009) 2001–2004 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA • Doreen E. Boyce Chair, School of Information Sciences

• Director, Sara Fine Institute for Interpersonal Behavior and Technology

• Senior Associate, Learning Research and Development Center

• Professor, School of Information Sciences

1996–2001 University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI • University Chief Information Officer

• Executive Director, Information Technology Division

• Professor of Information Science, School of Information

• Director of the Collaboratory for Advanced Research and Academic Technology (CARAT) 2000-2001

1989-1996 University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN • Vice Chancellor for Computing & Telecommunications/ Information Infrastructure


• Director, School of Information Sciences 1992-1996

• Director, Center for Information Studies 1990-1995

• Professor, School of Information Sciences 1989-1996

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• Oak Ridge National Laboratory Collaborating Scientist in Information Science 1989-1996

1980–1989 King Research, Inc. Rockville, MD • Vice President, Information Systems: Planning, Design and Development 1982-1989

• Senior Research Associate 1980-1982

1982-1986 The Catholic University of America Washington, DC • Adjunct Professor, School of Library and Information Science

1979–1980 University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA • Visiting Professor, School of Library, Archives and Information Science

1979–1980 Marconi Avionics, Hertfordshire, England • Director, Education and Training Centre, Software Division

1978–1979 Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories, London, England • Director, Research Computing Laboratory

1972–1978 University College London, London, England • Lecturer, School of Library, Archives and Information Science, 1972 to 1978

• Research Fellow, Department of Computer Science and Statistics, 1977 to 1979

1976–1977 Queen’s University, Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland • Visiting Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Studies

1976–1977 The City University, London, London, England • Research Fellow, Department of Systems Science

1976–1977 Hospitals Computer Center for South-East England. London, England • Systems Analyst

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THE NATIONAL SCIENCE BOARD, 2006-2012 Governing Board of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Policy Advisors to the U.S. President and Congress

Together with the Director, the Board pursues the goals and functions of NSF, including the duty to "recommend and encourage the pursuit of national policies for the promotion of research and education in science and engineering."

In addition, The Board provides oversight for, and establishes the policies of, NSF within the framework of applicable national policies set forth by the President and the Congress, including identifying issues that are critical to NSF’s future, approves NSF’s strategic budget directions for a budget of over $9 billion, approves annual budget submissions to the Office of Management and Budget, approves new programs and major awards, analyzes NSF’s budget to ensure progress and consistency along the strategic direction set for NSF, and ensures balance between initiatives and core programs.

The second role of the Board is to serve as an independent body of advisors to both the President and Congress on broad national policy issues related to science and engineering research and education.

Committee/Task Force/Report Direct Involvement:

• The Committee on Programs and Plans (CPP)—provides guidance and advice on major policy issues related to the NSF research and related activities portfolio, reviews proposals representing a significant expenditure of agency resources, and makes informal recommendations, as appropriate, to the Board for its full consideration and action.

• CPP Task Force on Sustainable Energy (SE) • The Committee on Strategy and Budget (CSB) analyzes the Foundation's budget to

ensure progress and consistency against strategic direction for the Foundation and identifies strategic issues that are critical to NSF's future. The CSB makes recommendations to the full Board for the approval of strategic NSF budget directions and for the approval of the NSF budget submission to OMB.

• Chair, CPP Subcommittee on Facilities assists the Board in strategic budget planning with responsibility for the NSF-funded research equipment and facilities portfolio, including an annual review of the portfolio of all NSF-funded research facilities. The review considers currently operating facilities, as well as those under construction and in early and late-stage planning and provides an assessment of whether existing facilities continue to be the best use of NSF’s limited resources given alternative potential uses of funding for research facilities and individual investigator-led research.

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• The Committee on Education and Human Resources (EHR) - reviews and advises on strategic issues involving the scientific, engineering, and technical workforce; science and engineering education and training; and programs for minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. The EHR Committee performs the same functions as the Committee on Programs and Plans with respect to science and engineering education and other human resource programs.

• The Committee on Science Indicators - provides oversight for preparation of the Board's biennial report on science and engineering indicators.

• The Committee on Strategy and Budget Task Force on Cost Sharing

• Award Committee for the Vannevar Bush Award

• Task Force on the NSB 60th Anniversary

Reports to Congress/Published Reports

• Report to Congress on Interdisciplinary Research at the National Science Foundation August 13, 2008

• Report to Congress on Limits on Proposal Submissions by Institution August 13, 2008

• Report to Congress on Cost Sharing Policies at the National Science Foundation February 7, 2008

• Enhancing Support of Transformative Research at the National Science Foundation, May 22, 2009.

• A Companion to Science & Engineering Indicators, 2004, May 20, 2009.

• National Science Board Statement on Math & Science Partnerships, May 20, 2009.

• Merit Review Report FY 2007, August 1, 2008.

• International Science and Engineering Partnerships: A Priority for U.S. Foreign Policy and Our Nation's Innovation Enterprise, March 27, 2008.

• Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, February 22, 2008.

• Digest of Key Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, January 15, 2008.

• Research and Development: Essential Foundation for U.S. Competitiveness in a Global Economy, January 15, 2008.

• National Action Plan for Addressing the Critical Needs of the U.S. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education System, December 20, 2007.

• Moving Forward to Improve Engineering Education, December 17, 2007.

• A National Action Plan for Addressing the Critical Needs of the U.S. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education System, August 23, 2007

• Enhancing Support of Transformative Research at NSF, June 26, 2007.

• Report to the National Science Board on the National Science Foundation's Merit Review Process FY 2006, April 18, 2007.

• Hurricane Warning - The Critical Need for a National Hurricane Research Initiative, March 29, 2007.

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U.S. PRESIDENT’S INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PITAC), 2003-2005. Congressionally-appointed Federal Advisory Committee, providing the U.S. President, Congress, and the Federal agencies involved in networking and information technology research and development with expert, independent advice on maintaining America's preeminence in advanced information technologies, including such critical elements of the national information technology infrastructure as high performance computing, large-scale networking, cyber security, and high assurance software and systems design. As part of this assessment, the PITAC reviews the Federal Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program. Comprising leading IT experts from industry and academia, the Committee helped guide the Administration's efforts to accelerate the development and adoption of information technologies vital for American prosperity in the 21st century.

Reports to Congress/Published Reports

• Computational Science: Ensuring America’s Competitiveness, June, 2005 a list of findings and recommendations for strengthening U.S. research and education in computational science, which is an essential tool for advancing science and technology in general. In its principal recommendation, the report notes that "universities and the Federal government’s R&D agencies must make coordinated, fundamental, structural changes that affirm the integral role of computational science in addressing the 21st century’s most important problems, which are predominantly multidisciplinary, multi-agency, multisector, and collaborative." This theme of multidisciplinary research runs throughout the report.

• Revolutionizing Health Care Through Information Technology, Report to the President. June 2004. This report focused on showing how to accelerate the application of information technology in health care by analyzing one of the most fundamental and pervasive problems of health care delivery: the paper-based medical record. The report presents recommendations as to how to create a framework for a 21st century health care information infrastructure that revolutionizes medical records systems.

• Cybersecurity: A Crisis of Prioritization, Report to the President. March 2005. Vital to the Nation’s security and everyday life, the information technology (IT) infrastructure of the United States is highly vulnerable to disruptive domestic and international attacks, While existing technologies can address some IT security vulnerabilities, fundamentally new approaches are needed to address the more serious structural weaknesses of the IT infrastructure. In this report PITAC presented four key findings and recommendations on how the Federal government can foster new architectures and technologies to secure the Nation’s IT infrastructure.

U.S. NATIONAL COMMISSION ON LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION SCIENCE; COMMISSIONER, 1996-2002 The U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) is a permanent, independent agency of the Federal government charged by Public Law 91-345 to advise the President and Congress on national and international library and information

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policies, to appraise and assess the adequacies and deficiencies of library and information resources and services, and to develop overall plans for meeting national library and information needs. Broadly speaking, NCLIS is responsible for addressing the information and learning needs of the American people.

Reports to Congress/Published Reports

• Library and Information Services Policy Forum Proceedings "Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) State Grant Program: Implications for Use of and Additions to National Library Data". September 15-16, 1997.

• The 1997 National Survey of U.S. Public Libraries and the Internet: Final Report. December 1997.

• Policy Issues and Strategies Affecting Public Libraries in the National Networked Environment: Moving Beyond Connectivity. Charles R. McClure and John Carlo Bertot. December 1997.

• Assessment of and Planning for NCLIS Role in Library Statistics Cooperative Program (LSCP). Howard Harris. October 1997, Revised June 1998.

• Moving Toward More Effective Public Internet Access: 1998 National Survey of Public Library Outlet Internet Connectivity. March 1999.

• Report on the Assessment of Electronic Government Information Products. Westat, Inc. March 30, 1999.

• Library and Information Services for Individuals with Disabilities: A NCLIS Hearing in Washington, DC. July 8, 1999.

• Kids and the Internet: The Promise and the Perils. 1999.

• Preliminary Assessment of the Proposed Closure of the National Technical Information Service (NTIS): A Report to the President and the Congress. March 16, 2000

• Public Sector/Private Sector Interaction in Providing Information Services: Report to the NCLIS from the Public Sector/Private Sector Task Force. October 2000

• Comprehensive Assessment of Public Information Dissemination, Final Report, Volumes 1-4, January through June, 2001.

• Policy Issues and Strategies Affecting Public Libraries In the National Networked Environment: Setting Agendas and Extending Research Report prepared by: John Carlo Bertot and Charles R. McClure. December, 2001.

• Trust and Terror Brochure. July 2002.

• Trust and Terror: New Demands for Crisis Information Dissemination and Management. A Proposal to Expand the Role of US Libraries in Crisis Information Dissemination and Management. Narrated by Walter Cronkite. December 2002. (CD-ROM format)

This multi-media CD-ROM describes the proposal of NCLIS to expand the role of libraries as an essential component of U.S. crisis information dissemination and management.

• Library Statistics Cooperative Program, Prepared for the National Center for Education Statistics by the US National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. 1997.

• Kids and the Internet: The Promise and the Perils. Practical Guidelines for Librarians and Library Trustees. October 1, 1998; Revised April 1999.

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• Library Statistics Cooperative Program. 1999.

• Sister Libraries, A White House Millennium Council Project. 1999.

• Sister Libraries, A White House Millennium Council Project. Project Summaries From Designated Sister Libraries. September 1999.

• Sister Libraries, A White House Millennium Council Project. Project Summaries from Designated Sister Libraries. as of June 2000.

• NCLIS Brochure: Advancing Public Access to Knowledge Through Library and Information Services. August 2001.

• Library Statistics Cooperative Program Brochure. Prepared for the National Center for Education Statistics by the US National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. 2002.

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, OFFICE OF SCIENCE, 2009 Review Chairman for the review of the Office of Scientific and Technical information, 2009.

INSTITUTE OF MUSEUM AND LIBRARY SERVICES (IMLS), 2004-2009 Led two commissioned studies to inform IMLS program development:

• Interconnections: A National Study of Users and Potential Users of Online Information, March 2008

• The Future of Librarians in the Workforce, June, 2009

U.S. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY’S ADVISORY SUBCOMMITTEE ON NAVAL HISTORY, 1995-2003 Formally established as a committee of eleven civilians in 1956 as the Secretary of the Navy's Advisory Committee on Naval History, its direct and immediate antecedent was an ad hoc advisory committee that had met in 1952, 1954, and 1955. Its members are appointed by the Secretary of the Navy on the advice of the Director of Naval History to review and advise on the current and future plans of the Naval Historical Center. In 1996, the committee was made a subcommittee of the Department of Defense Historical Advisory Committee and reports directly to the Secretary of the Navy, and also to the Secretary of Defense through the Department of Defense Historical Advisory Committee.

PRESIDENT’S WHITE HOUSE Y2K ROUNDTABLE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, WASHINGTON, D.C., 1999. Advised on status of preparedness for Y2K; Tested remediated systems of Department of Education for interaction with institutions of higher education.

U.S. NATIONAL COMMISSION ON SOFTWARE ISSUES IN THE 80S, 1982-1989. Addressed a variety of issues including intellectual property rights, portability and interoperability of software.

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NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Science and Technology Center for Environmentally Responsible Solvents and Processes External Advisory Board, (1999 - 2001); Assessment of scientific and technical communication in the U.S. (1990-1991); Assessment of and recommendations for IT use within the Foundation (1991).

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Member of a blue-ribbon panel on the next-generation information infrastructure for the physical sciences (2000, 2007). Conducted research on the value of the Energy Database, the RECON network and intermediary organizations engaged in the dissemination of energy information (1982-1984). Member of a Working Group to investigate interoperability and integration of information and data systems (1982-1983). Designed and implemented a statistical metadata system to support the development of energy policy (1980-1982).

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Member of a blue-ribbon panel to review the USGS plan for a national biological information infrastructure (NBII), in response to a request from Congress (2003). Conducted research into the costs and benefits of a variety of USGS information products and services (1983).

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (1994-1997). National Advisory Panel, Assessment of the Role of School and Public Libraries in Support of National Education Goals Conducted research into future competencies of information professionals (1984-1986), diffusion of innovations in libraries 1986-1987), planning for information technologies in libraries (1982-1983).

NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Member of National Research Council Committees on: Information Technology Strategy for the Library of Congress (1999), Indicators of Internet Impacts on Development (1998). Conducted research for Institute of Medicine on Current Research on Aging 1989). Reports included:

• Internet Counts: Measuring the Impact of the Internet,1998

• LC21: Digital Strategy for the Library of Congress, 1999

Conducted research for Institute of Medicine to inform Congressional policy:

• Current Research on Aging, 1989

NATIONAL SCIENCE BOARD AND NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Advised National Science Board on trends in electronic publishing and predictions for digital libraries (1986); Conducted an assessment of scientific and technical information dissemination in the U.S. (1990-1991); Advised NSF on the use of IT to support its own operations (1991-1992).

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OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES Advised agencies on information technology trends, opportunities, costs and benefits; improving the quality and productivity of their operations; costs, pricing, value and benefits of various information and information technology services; digital library development and knowledge management/sharing. Agencies included NIH, NIMH, NLM, NASA, Departments of Labor, Justice, Defense, Commerce, and Interior, among others. Office of Technology Assessment; Advised and prepared reports on intellectual property rights in the digital environment (1985), and the effect of future information technologies on biomedical information retrieval systems (1982).

OTHER ACTIVITIES & AWARDS • Women’s Leadership Network, a senior academic leader organization sponsored by the

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 2008-ongoing

• University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Distinguished Faculty Award for Research, 2006.

• Represented AAU and scientific societies at Congressional House Science Committee symposium on database protection (1999); Member of a higher education policy advisory group convened by IBM (1996-2001).

• Reviewer/advisor on Response to Congress on the proposed National Biological Information Infrastructure, 2003.

• National Information Standards Organization, Board of Directors, 2000-2003.

• NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Information Science & Technology Visiting Committee, 2004-present; Library Visiting Committee Chair, 2002-present

• American Association for the Advancement of Science, Elected Fellow, September 2002.

• Association of Women in Computing, Special Recognition for services and support to women in computing, 2001.

• American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), Award of Merit, 1999; Research Award, 1990; President, 1993; Award for Contribution to Information Science, Los Angeles Chapter, 1999.

• Top 25 Women on the Web (WoW) Award, February, 1999

• Special Libraries Association, recognition for research, 1995.

• National Videographer Award of Distinction, for the video “The Power of Possibilities: Technology in the Hands of People,” 2000.

• National Communicator Awards, Crystal Award of Distinction, Visionary Concept, “Knowledge Communities: Technology, Tradition, & Transformation in Higher Education,” 1999.

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• Institute of Museum and Library Services, 21st Century Learner Steering Committee, 2000-2002.

• National Advisory Panel for the Assessment of the Role of School and Public Libraries in Support of the National Education Goals, 1994-1997.

• IBM Higher Education Policy Advisory Board, 1996-2001.

• Apple Higher Education Advisory Board, 1996 – 2001.

• Dell Higher Education Advisory Board and Dell Platinum Council 1996 - 2001.

• Xerox Executive Advisory Forum, 1997-1999.

• Chair, Alliance for Education and Training for Knowledge Work, 1995-1996.

International Activities

• Honorary Visiting Professor, School of Library Archives and Information Studies, University College, London, 2007-2012.

• External Examiner for the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, 2005-ongoing

• Reviewer for the Canada Foundation, Major Grants, 2008-ongoing

• U.S./U.K./Canada meetings on Information in the Economy (1986-1987); Served as a U.S. delegate to the meetings.

• G7 Meeting on Telecommunications and the Information Society, South Africa (1996); Served as part of a Canadian delegation and ran workshops on evaluating the impact of information on development for meeting delegates.

• U.K. Office of Arts and Libraries (1980-1996); Advisor and researcher on issues relating to measurement of library and information services performance and effectiveness, improving internal operations of the British Library R&D Department; and relevant trends and activities in North America.

• International Development Research Council (IDRC), Canada Advisor and researcher. Participant in a series of activities aimed at developing and testing approaches to measuring the impact of information on development and decision-making; information science curriculum development for African universities.

• UNESCO General Information Programme (1978-1989); Advisor on a variety of information technology, information services and education topics.

• NATO (1989-1991); Consultant, recommended measures, methods and models for evaluating information centers and services.

• The Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellowship in Information Science, 1977-1979.

• University College London, Honorary Research Fellowship in Statistics and Computer Science, 1977-1979.

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• The City University, Research Fellowship, Department of Systems Science, 1976-1978.

• The British Library, Research Fellowship in Information Science, 1974-1977.

• U.K. Office of Arts and Libraries, Advisor and researcher, 1980-1996.

• Member of UNISIST (U.N.) International Working Group on Systems Interconnection of the UNIBID Advisory Committee, 1978-1986.

• Member of Scientific Advisory Committee of COSTI (Scientific and Technical Information), Israel, 1983.


• NCB-Prepared (North Carolina Bio-Preparedness Collaborative) 2009-ongoing Leader of this collaborative effort to improved North Carolina’s preparedness against all threats.

• NC Public Sector Broadband Group, 2009- ongoing Member of the group and the healthcare subgroup

• NCHICA (North Carolina Health Information and Communications Alliance), 2008- Member of the Health Information Exchange Council’s Policy Development Committee

• Michigan Economic Development Council, Excellence in Economic Development Award, ,2000.

• Information Technology Associations of Michigan Award for Services to the IT Industry in Michigan, 2001.

• University of Pittsburgh, Academic Honor Roll (award for faculty who have earned “national or international awards of distinction”) 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004

• University of Michigan, Outstanding Leader Award, 2000.

• University of Tennessee, Outstanding Faculty Member, 1995-96. • Michigan Information Technology Commission (1997-1999); Appointed by governor to

represent higher education.

• Michigan Virtual University (1996-2001); Member of Board since its inception as the state’s distance education institution.

• Merit Network (1996-2001); Member of Board and Executive Committee of Michigan’s higher education network which also supports other educational and non-profit organizations, as well as the state’s Internet 2 connectivity.

• Tennessee Information Infrastructure, Appointed by governor, Chair, Committee on State, National and International Telecommunications, 1996-1996.

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• NYSTAR Program (New York System of Technology to Achieve Results) (2000-present); Senior consulting scientist to the N.Y. State legislature.

• Advised states on the application of information technology, especially the development of statewide networks; the development of cooperative activities among organizations; strategic planning for information services;; and the costs, benefits, value and impact of information services to their stakeholder communities. States included: Arizona, Texas, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Massachusetts.

• Ann Arbor IT Zone (now known as Ann Arbor SPARK!) (1999-2001); Principal force and Founding Chairman of the Board of this not-for-profit organization aimed at attracting and retaining hi-tech talent in the Ann Arbor region of the state. The IT Zone was awarded the first Excellence in Economic Development Award by the Michigan Economic Development Council in 2000, and the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce’s Award of Excellence in 2001.

• Three Rivers Connect, Board of Directors, 2003-2005

• City Charter High School, Pittsburgh, Board of Directors, 2003-2005

• MedSMART, Inc. Board of Trustees, 2001-present

• Michigan Economic Development Corporation, IT Advisory Committee, 2000—2001

• Assistive Media, Inc. Board of Directors, Chair, 1999—2001, Director 1999-present

• Focus Health Inc. Board of Directors, 2000--2001

• Ann Arbor Girls School, Board of Directors, 1999—2001

• University of Michigan, Global Program on Youth, External Advisory Committee, 1999—2004; ATLAS Oversight Board, 1998-2001.

• Knoxville Regional Oak Ridge Network (KORRNet), Steering Committee of the Member,1994-96. Principal sponsor and Steering Committee member of this Knoxville- Oak Ridge Regional Network, a community freenet.

• Lockheed Martin Energy Systems: Senior Technical Advisory Committee to Data Systems Research and Development Division, 1989-1994, Chair 1992-1994.


UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, TRACS INSTITUTE (2007-2010) Deputy Director, Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA), (2007-ongoing) and Director of Biomedical Informatics, TraCS Institute (2007-ongoing) TraCS Institute Biomedical core activities include:

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• The Carolina Data Warehouse – Health (CDW-H) a collaboration among UNC faculty, staff, and IBM personnel with expertise in health care research, informatics, and data management. This includes a critical CDW-H application called the Research Portal, which is a gateway for investigators to conduct searches for research cohorts and to store the transaction results for subsequent analysis and use. The CDW-H project makes data from the UNC clinical enterprise and operational support systems available to clinicians, researchers and administrators. The goal is to leverage the data for new and innovative analytical and research activities in biomedicine and health care. The core data cover a variety of domains, ranging from billing and insurance to diagnosis and medication.

• The Biomedical Informatics Education Initiative is actively planning the development of the Clinical Informatics Master's Degree program, certificates, and courses with partners from a wide variety of disciplines including Medicine, Public Health, Information and Library Science, and Nursing.

• The Data Management Service Initiative is a collaborative effort between the Biostatistics Core and Biomedical Informatics Core. Plans are to (1) complete software development and implementation by October 2009; (2) motivate the use of standard forms and database structures across NC TraCS protocols, in order to realize cost savings in systems implementation while maintaining high quality data; and (3) create a secure interface with the CDW-H for specific data fields that yields efficiencies in data collection.

UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, SCHOOL OF INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SCIENCE (2004-2010) As Dean of the School for Information and Library Science (SILS) responsibilities included developing and supporting the active research endeavors of the School faculty and staff. SILS is home to: the Interaction Design Laboratory (IDL), a research facility focusing on initiatives in the areas of human computer interaction and user-centered information systems design. SILS also houses, "the Public's Library, a Web-based conservancy of freely available software, music, literature, art, history, science, politics and cultural studies. Formerly MetaLab, features a diverse, expansive and ever-growing collection of information. The Open Video Digital Library Project, funded by the National Science Foundation, is a shared digital video repository and test collection that contains video or metadata for 2,000 digitized video segments. Other important research areas include information seeking and use, collaboration, bioinformatics, metadata and health informatics.

Accomplishments included:

• A 475% increase in total awards for the School, from $1.6 million (academic year 2003-2004) to $7.7 million (academic year 2008-2009)

• Successfully recruited the Data Intensive Cyber Environments (DICE) group to move to SILS in fall 2008. The award-winning research group, formerly of the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego, has an international reputation in developing digital data technologies. For more than 10 years the DICE

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group’s data grid technologies have been used in research projects worldwide to manage large, distributed data collections and support discovery, access, retrieval, replication, archiving, and analysis tasks.

• Principal-investigator or Co-Principal-investigator on six funded research projects (Active Awards, September 2004-June 2009) totaling $32 million ($6.5 million sole PI, $25 million co-PI)

UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH, SARA FINE INSTITUTE FOR INTERPERSONAL BEHAVIOR AND TECHNOLOGY: DIRECTOR (2001-2004) As the first director of this endowed Institute, responsibilities included development of a programmatic framework and research activities.

Accomplishments included:

• Obtaining funding for six major research projects in the first year and a half of development

• In three years obtained over $3 million in new research funding.

• Led projects involving researchers from 8 different units of the University and 6 other institutions.

• Indicative of the institution-wide scope of these projects, was asked, with the Dean of Arts & Sciences, to lead the development of a Strategic Alliances Program for the University similar to one initiated at the University of Michigan.

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN: UNIVERSITY CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER, (1996-2001) Research administration responsibilities included:

• Sponsorship and oversight of the Center for Information Technology Integration (CITI), an advanced technology research organization that was fully grant-supported;

• Initiation of an innovative Strategic Alliances Program with corporations, which federated shared technology needs allowing the University to leverage its total resources to take significantly increased advantage of corporate investment and philanthropy in technology-related areas, and resulted in millions of dollars of new investment in the University;

• Creation of the Collaboratory for Advanced Research and Academic Technology (CARAT), an innovative approach bringing together faculty and staff from multiple disciplines to work on advanced technology applications; expanding use of collaboration technology to support multidisciplinary and multi-institutional research efforts;

• Establishment of graduate student IT fellowships to acquire and disseminate advanced computational knowledge and skills.

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UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE: DIRECTOR, SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SCIENCES (1992-96); DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR INFORMATION STUDIES (1990-95) Developed a team of research associates to obtain and implement grants and contracts for research in information science including working with: the National Science Foundation, ARMA International, the second largest vendor of online databases, the Internal Revenue Service, NATO, AGARD, the British Library, the Council on Library Resources; and major corporations such as Procter & Gamble, Kodak, Unilever, etc. Directed or was a principal in all of these projects. Increased external funding from $35,000 in 1990 to over $4 million in 1995.

OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB. COLLABORATING SCIENTIST IN INFORMATION SCIENCE (1989-1996) Was the first information scientists appointed under the Distinguished Scientist Program. Affiliated with the Data Systems Research and Development Division and Information Services Division. Participated in advising and research activities with particular attention to large scale heterogeneous databases and systems, and economics of information systems. Collaborated with the ORNL Supercomputing Center to expand services and provide training for new users; developed a research partnership with the Center of excellence in Computer Security; worked with the ORNL CIO to implement high speed connectivity between ORNL and the University of Tennessee; participated in planning for high energy physics capabilities SSC, SNS. Led the effort to host IT Summits in Chattanooga and Oak Ridge.

KING RESEARCH, INC: VICE-PRESIDENT, INFORMATION SYSTEMS: PLANNING, DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT., WASHINGTON, D.C. (1980-89) Responsible for one of the company's three groups that dealt with research, planning, evaluation, and design of information systems projects. Responsible for up to 35 staff (mostly high-level professionals), and directed a variety of projects relative to information and information technologies in all sectors. Projects of this Group accounted for over two-thirds of total company revenue annually.

DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH COMPUTING LABORATORY, IMPERIAL CANCER RESEARCH LABORATORIES, LONDON, ENGLAND (1978-79) Founding Director of the Research Computing Laboratory for the use of computers for research initiatives at the largest independent medical research laboratory in Europe, including recruitment, hiring and training of a computing staff (15 computer science professionals). Early work included application of biomedical image analysis approaches as well as early protein sequencing and clinical data systems development.

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ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION BRYANT UNIVERSITY, SMITHFIELD, RHODE ISLAND As Vice President for Academic Affairs I am responsible for all academic and research programs within the University’s College of Business and College of Arts and Sciences. This includes the University’s strategic planning process, reviewing both the undergraduate and the graduate education curricula to ensure continuing and increasing excellence, strengthening selected academic and research areas, and recruiting and retaining outstanding faculty. Bryant University has a distinguished history of nearly 150 years, providing rigorous academic programs that integrate business and liberal arts. The University has over 3,300 undergraduate students from 27 states and 54 countries, and over 240 graduate students in three master’s programs. Within six months of graduation, 96% of surveyed graduates were employed or enrolled in graduate school. The University is one of Business Week’s “Top Undergraduate Business Programs”, “America’s Best Colleges”, Barron’s “Best Buys in College Education”, the Princeton Review’s “Best 373 Colleges”, and is recognized as a Campus Technology Innovator by Campus Technology magazine.

UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, SCHOOL OF INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SCIENCE As Dean of the School for Information and Library Science (SILS), I was responsible for leadership and operations for the #1 ranking information and library science school in the U.S., as well as participating in the administration of the oldest public university in the country. SILS is home to more than 250 master's degree students, 50 doctoral students, 40 undergraduate majors, 25 minors and certificate of advanced study students. Its professional degree programs in library science and information science are fully accredited by the American Library Association. Leadership and coordination of 23 full-time teaching faculty members and about 25 adjunct and visiting faculty members. Accomplishments over the five years include: • A 333% increase in philanthropy to the School (from $2.4 million to $8 million)

• A 57% increase in ALA accredited Master’s students (172 to 270)

• A 20% increase in Faculty(25.5 to 31 FTE)

• A 42% increase in minority enrollment (11 to 26 students)

• A 67% increase in University funding to the School

• Exceeding SILS contributions goal to the University’s Campaign by 16%,

• Maintained SILS standing as the #1 Graduate Library and Information Science School in the country (US News & World Reports rankings), improved the School’s rating in multiple categories

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• In a time of decreasing University funding across the institution, SILS was provided increases for Teaching Assistant support plus $100,000 for a new faculty position for the new Biomedical Research Center

• Significantly expanded SILS participation and leadership in the health informatics and open source/open content arenas

• Gained approval by University administration for a new building for SILS, including for the first time SILS’ facilities needs established as part of the University’s Campus Plan.

• International Partnerships: Developed new academic partnership/internship agreements for SILS with:

• The Universidad Carlos III De Madrid in Spain,

• The Universidad de Granada in Spain, and

• Chulalongkorn University in Thailand,

• Are in discussions with the Computer Science department at University College London, England.

• The Kenan Institute Asia, in Bangkok, Thailand

• Appointed to the Chancellor’s Task Force on Engagement with North Carolina.

• Appointed to the University Strategic Information Technology Planning Oversight Committee

• Were successful in the retention of highly sought mid-level and senior faculty by analyzing salary compression issues and developing a more appropriate compensation plan within the school.

• Recruitment of two top new faculty who also enhance the diversity of our teaching staff.

• The School successfully completed a rigorous reaccreditation process, which involved faculty, staff, students and selected members of the campus community. The result of our efforts was the reaccreditation of the Master’s in Information Science and the Master’s in Library Science programs for the next seven years. The report from the Committee on Accreditation recognized SILS “as an example of educational excellence.”

• SILS hosted multiple international and national conferences on campus that were well-attended and highly successful including:

• The 6th Annual Joint Conference on Digital Libraries was at capacity with nearly 500 attendees from 22 countries.

• The DigCCurr2007-2009 Symposia on digital curation grew to more than 300 experts from 10 countries.

• The 4th International Evidence Based Library & Information Practice Conference had over 300 attendees from 12 countries in attendance.

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• The annual Lifelong Access Libraries Institutes, a national initiative of the Americans for Libraries Council (ALC) which is a component of ALC's multi-year Lifelong Access Libraries initiative.

• The iConference 2009 brought together over 300 scholars and professionals who came from diverse backgrounds and shared interests in working at the nexus of people, information, and technology.

UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH As Director of the Sara Fine Institute for Interpersonal Behavior and Technology, was responsible for creating a programmatic agenda. The Institute was engaged in the exploration of interpersonal behavior and technology in five broad thematic areas: Teaching and Learning; Collaboration; Knowledge Creation, Communication and Community; Under-represented Populations in Science and Technology; and Leadership and Management. Activities included research; educational outreach; test-bed development and evaluation; surveys; publishing; and communications. Accomplishments included development of: • Several multi-million dollar proposals

• New academic programs in instructional technologies and leadership and management.

• Development of significant collaborations with the Hillman Cancer Center, the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, University Center for Social and Urban Research, University Center for International Studies, School of Engineering, and School of Arts and Sciences.

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN As Chief Information Officer (CIO), was responsible for the development and implementation of all information technology programs and priorities to enhance the University's distinction in teaching and learning, research, administration, and public service. U-M is one of the largest research universities in the U.S.A, with an annual budget of $3 billion and research expenditure volume of over $600 million a year (1997-98), and home of one of the nation’s top medical centers, 31 research centers, 10 institutes and 4 research museums. A member of the Office of the Provost (one of two senior positions reporting directly to the Provost, the other position was the Vice President for Research), was responsible for working closely with University executives, the regents, deans, directors and faculty in the expansion and integration of information technology to enhance the work and impact of the extended University community. Also was responsible for the University’s relationships with external organizations and individuals relative to information technology, including constituency relationships to expand the University’s resource base. As Executive Director of the Information Technology Division (ITD from 1996-2000) and Information Technology Central Services, (ITCS from 2000-2001) led the University's primary academic and administrative telecommunications, networking, computing, and infrastructure organization. In this role directed a staff of over 1,200 employees, who

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designed, deployed and operated all of the centralized technology services in support of teaching and learning, research, and public service. Directly responsible for an annual budget of over $150 million and coordination responsibility for units with budgets totaling more than $200 million. Accomplishments included: • Creation and implementation of a new technology service delivery and costing model for

faculty, students and staff that increased service levels by 200% to 1,000% while simultaneously cutting costs 50% to 75%, enabling redeployment of resources to needed areas.

• Initiation of an innovative Strategic Alliances program with corporations, which federated U-M’s shared technology needs in such a way that the University leveraged its total resources to take significantly increased advantage of corporate investment and philanthropy in technology-related areas.

• Bringing the ITD budget into balance during my first year (for the first time in many years) and continuing to do so over a period when the number of technology users on campus grew from 30,000 to almost 100,000 and technology funding basically remained flat. Fiscal control was achieved through simplification and consolidation of internal operation, processes and procedures to cut costs, while maintaining employment for all ITD staff. Strategic goals, objectives and measures of accountability were publicly announced and reviewed annually.

• Planning and implementation in the far-reaching areas of: Internet 2 initiatives, instructional technology deployment, advanced technologies in support of research, and a comprehensive plan for telecommunications infrastructure upgrades.

• Collaboratory development in partnership with others across campus along with numerous interinstitutional collaboratories and other joint initiatives including:

• security and authentication development for the University’s administrative computing,

• new Internet2 applications,

• expansion of the U-M’s digital library services,

• expansion of instructional technology capabilities and support for faculty curriculum initiatives, and

• policy development in the areas of confidentiality of electronic records, use of published software, computer system and network security.

• Extensive internal and external communications including broadcast and print mass media, institutional spokesperson on all IT-related issues, broad and positive local and national press coverage, and development of award-winning multi-media materials.

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UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE While at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as Vice Chancellor for Information Infrastructure Accomplishments included: • Worked with the student governance bodies to develop a student technology fee program

that increased the annual revenue stream to the division by over 50%.

• Within one year, developed and conducted a participatory planning process to establish a vision, long-range plan and organizational structure for University computing and telecommunications.

• Established two campus-wide advisory groups and an external advisory council (for instructional technologies).

• Negotiated individual service agreements with academic and administrative units.

• Established a “customer” advocacy group.

• Initiated campus-wide distribution of Lotus SmartSuite for collaborative and workflow applications.

• Established an instructional technology function and planning for a new building to house the function.

As Director, School of Information Sciences, accomplishments included: • Increased student enrollment by 150%, faculty and staff resources by 50%, and the annual

budget by 120%.

• Initiated a participatory strategic planning and continuous improvement process to examine possible new directions for the School. Eight new directions were established with emphasis on a restructured curriculum including concentrations and a research agenda.

• Concurrently with implementing change, successfully brought the School though an internal program review and formal external accreditation with new standards applied.


UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH, SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2001-2004 Classes taught include: Leadership and Design of Organizations; Research as Rhetoric; Technology, Information and Society: Convenience or Chaos? Other academic activities: University-wide Ad Hoc Distinguished Professor Nomination Committee; Chair, School of Information Sciences Dean’s Search Committee; Member, Global Studies Program Advisory Committee; Member, College of General Studies IT Industry Advisory Board; Member, Graduate Faculty. School of Information Sciences member, Doctoral Studies Committee; Member, Admissions Committee; Member, Curriculum Committee; Member, Faculty Development & Evaluation; Member, Planning and

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Budgeting Committee; Chair, Faculty Search Committee (for 3 positions); Member, Robert Korfhage Award Committee; Academic Director, Certificate of Advanced Study in Leadership and Management (2003-ongoing).

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, PROFESSOR, SCHOOL OF INFORMATION, 1996-2001 Classes taught included: Leadership and Organizational Design; Leadership and Management of Information Technology Organizations; Research as Rhetoric (all graduate level classes). Freshmen Seminar Women in Technology. Other academic activities: Member, Capital Campaign Planning Committee; Chair, Information Technology Strategic Directions Group; President’s Information Technology Revolution Committee (PIRC); PIRC Infrastructure Sub-committee; PIRC “What should we teach?” Subcommittee; PIRC “How should we teach?” Subcommittee; Information Technology Policy Committee; Distance Education Task Force; Media Union Executive Committee; U-M Digital Library Program Governing Group; School of Information -- Governing Faculty; Curriculum Committee; Promotion and Tenure Committee; Information Economics, Management and Policy Program Committee.

UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, PROFESSOR, SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SCIENCES, 1989-96 Classes taught included: Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to the Internet, Foundations of Information Science, Scientific and Technical Communication; Technology, Information and Society; Seminar—Prevailing Issues of the Information Age. Other academic activities: Chair, Instructional Technology Advisory Committee 1992-1994; Information Resources Planning Council 1992-1994, Grants for Instructional Technology Committee, 1994- 1994. Chancellor’s Advisory Committee for Planning and Budgeting 1994-1996; Student Affairs Council 1995-1996; Faculty Data Form Committee 1992-1994; Distance Education Advisory Committee 1993-1996; Academic and Research Advisory Committee, UT Computing Center 1992-1994; Faculty Affairs Committee 1994-1996; Dean's Council 1992-1996; the Board of the Tennessee Center for Literacy Studies 1993-1996.

The Catholic University of America, Adjunct Professor, 1982-86 Classes taught included: Database Design; Information Retrieval; Microcomputers for Information Management. Other academic activities: Curriculum Design Committee.

University of California, Berkeley, Visiting Professor, School of Library, Archives and Information Studies, 1979-1980 Classes taught included: Information Retrieval; Information Systems Design; Foundations of Information Science; Doctoral seminar—Contemporary Information Science Issues.

Marconi Avionics, Hertfordshire, England, Head of the Education and Training Centre, 1979-80

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Classes taught included: Systems Analysis; Structured Design Techniques; Management of Complex Software Projects; Hardware Design Processes for Software Engineers; Software Design Processes for Hardware Engineers.

University College, London, England, Instructor, School of Library, Archives and Information Science 1972-1978 Classes taught included: Online Search Methodologies; Information Retrieval; Database Design; Computers and Archives Administration. University College, London, England, Research Fellow, Department of Computer Science and Statistics, 1977-1979 Classes taught included: Computer Software Optimization; Development of Computer Models; Computer Modeling and Simulation. The Queen’s University, Belfast, Department of Library and Information Studies, Visiting Professor, 1976-77 Classes taught included: Library Automation; Information Retrieval.


MAJOR RESEARCH THEMES The design, analysis, integration of heterogeneous, large-scale databases and systems, and social and economic issues and effects of information systems to create effective and valuable information exchange between people (as individuals, groups, organizations and cultures), recorded knowledge and technology.

SELECTED RESEARCH PROJECTS • Return on investment analysis of information systems and libraries, including multiple

approaches to cost/benefit assessment, including impacts to communities based on availability, use, wages and gross regional product.

• Influences of the digital revolution on the conduct of research, especially focused on similarities and differences among researchers in different countries, sectors and disciplines, and in the implications for providing resources and support to the research efforts.

• Success criteria and best practices for information technology in higher education collecting and analyzing data from executives in over 1200 U.S. higher education institutions.

• Development of protocols and policies for resource sharing across organizations on local, state and regional levels, including both public and private institutions. Required the development of organizational structures and communication forums to accommodate and facilitate cooperation among organizations with vastly different cultures, organizational structures, perspectives and agendas.

• Return on investment analysis of information systems and libraries, including multiple approaches to cost/benefit assessment, including impacts to communities based on availability, use, wages and gross regional product. Influences of the digital revolution on

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the conduct of research, especially focused on similarities and differences among researchers in different countries, sectors and disciplines, and in the implications for providing resources and support to the research efforts.

• Success criteria and best practices for information technology in higher education collecting and analyzing data from executives in over 1200 U.S. higher education institutions.

• Development of protocols and policies for resource sharing across organizations on local, state and regional levels, including both public and private institutions. Required the development of organizational structures and communication forums to accommodate and facilitate cooperation among organizations with vastly different cultures, organizational structures, perspectives and agendas.

• Analysis of the impact of information and information systems on decision-making for development, especially focused on evaluation and measurement for developing countries, and models to assess the value of investing in information systems for a specific country.

• Design of methodologies and systems to assess the value of information systems, including costing and pricing.

• Review of potential models and systems for the development of a “next generation” national information infrastructures for the physical sciences and biological sciences.

• A digital data exchange system for bioresearch to allow biomedical researchers implement cost-effective data sharing plans, including the design of a scalable, modular architecture to remotely access, index, manage and discover data from observations, experiments and computations.

• Multiple database design and creation projects for medical imaging, sequencing data (e.g, proteins), and clinical study data.

• Design of an international computer system to build adaptive, responsive models of treatment for psychiatric illnesses, based on electronic capture of treatment outcomes and real-time modification of treatment protocols. Included extensive consideration of regional cultures as they affect approaches to diagnosis and treatment, requiring systems that not only provide alternate information capture and delivery options, but also result in recommendations of culturally-accepted and possible treatment regimens.

• Design of metadata and a metadata database system for improving access to 300 numeric and statistical databases to improve the ability of energy analysts to navigate through all recorded knowledge in the field of energy. This included capturing and analyzing data lifecycles, from data processing systems through the publication of findings. Resulted in the first operational metadata system, still in operation today. Design and testing of a system, using computer modeling and simulation, for the integration of heterogeneous distributed databases in a multi-level secure environment.

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U.S.A. • U.S. Department of Defense

• U.S. Department of Education

• U.S. Department of Energy

• U.S. Department of Labor

• National Science Foundation

• National Academy of Sciences

• Institute of Museum and Library Services

• Internal Revenue Service

• National Institutes of Health

• National Institutes of Mental Health

• National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

• Agency for International Development

• Office of National Drug Control Policy

• National Commission on Libraries and Information Science

• Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Center for Information Security,

• Special Libraries Association

• States of California, Arizona, Texas, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Massachusetts

INTERNATIONAL • National Physical Laboratory (England), Nuclear Physics Division

• U.K. National Health Service

• Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories



• International Development Research Council, Canada

• British Library, Research and Development Division

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• Johnson & Johnson, Inc.

• Eastman Kodak, Inc.

• Colgate-Palmolive, Inc.

• DuPont, Inc.

• Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

• Baxter Health Care, Inc.

• Maxwell Online, Ltd.

• National Rural Electrical Association

• Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

• IBM, Inc.

• Apple, Inc.

• Ameritech, Inc.

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS • Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2001-date; Nominating

Committee Section T, Information, Computing and Communication, 2004-present.

• American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) – Chair, Program Advisory Committee, 2002-ongoing; President 1993; Board Member 1992-1994; Chair, Program Committee for ASIS Mid-Year 1996; Chair, Nominations Committee 1993, Chair, Professionalism Committee 1987-1988; Research Committee 1982-1986; Education Committee 1983-1986; Networking Committee 1981-1987; Awards and Honors Committee 1993-95; Accreditation Task Force 1993-1995; representative on the ALISE/ASIS Cooperative Activities Committee, 1993-1995; representative on the National Commission on Software Issues in the 80's 1982-1989.

• Other Memberships:

• Institute of Information Scientists,


• British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group,

• American Library Association,

• Association of Library and Information Science Educators

• Library and Information Technology Association.

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• Association of Women in Computing


PUBLICATIONS Extensive list available upon request


Extensive list available upon request

Excellent references available upon request