Download - Homework One SP2016

  • 7/25/2019 Homework One SP2016


    Geop 4096/Geol 6331 Homework One

    Due February 9, 2016

    Homework assignments must be completed independently. Please safeguard your work all parties

    involved in plagiarism will be given zero points and further actions regarding academic dishonesty may

    be taken by the university.

    Important Note !"pe#$ally %or t&$" a""$'nment, neatne"" w$ll be a %a#tor $n your 'ra(e)

    *$n#e $t mu"t all be &an(wr$tten, I w$ll not 'ra(e anyt&$n' t&at I mu"t "tru''le to rea()

    +o$nt out your label" neatly, "$n#e $t m$'&t be ea"y to #on%u"e your an"wer" ot&erw$"e)

    1). The Earth is composed of numerous entities composed of lithospheric material

    known as Tectonic Plates, and knowing them is of fundamental importance to

    understanding Global Tectonics. or the map below with the plate boundaries

    demarcated in bold red lines, label each of the following ma!or and minor plates on

    the map"1 point for each plate)#

    $natolian $ntarctic $rabian $ustralian %aribbean %ocos

    Eurasian &ndian 'uan de uca (aca (orth $merican


    *khotsk Paci+c Philippine cotia omalian outh $merican

    unda -angte


  • 7/25/2019 Homework One SP2016


    ). *ne of the most signi+cant elements of plate tectonics is the concept of mantle

    /ow and the resulting dri0ing force known as basal drag2 where slow con0ection of

    asthenospheric material e3erts a frictional force on the base of the lithosphere. This

    powerful force is often characteried as the conse4uence of a mantle plume,

    otherwise commonl5 called a hotspot. *n the +gure below are twent5 stars

    representing the surface e3pressions of the theoried locations of ma!orhotspots6plumes which ha0e been tomographicall5 imaged to the deep lower

    mantle 7Montelli et al., 889:; label each of the following on the mapne3t to their

    corresponding star " points each)#

    $far, Ethiopia $scension %anar5 &slands Easter &slandEifel,

    erguelen ?eunion amoa Tahiti

  • 7/25/2019 Homework One SP2016


    @). Throughout this course and in an5 con0ersation with a Tectonoph5sicist, 5ou

    ma5 hear the term craton "often alternati0el5 called shields, which are simpl5

    cratonic terranes e3posed at the surface) used fre4uentl5. %ratons form the

    nucleus, in man5 cases, for the continental landmasses we know of toda5. alahari %raton "%ombination of >aap0aal B Cimbabwe %ratons) iberian


    uperior %raton Tanania %raton Dest $frican %raton D5oming


    -ilgarn %raton

  • 7/25/2019 Homework One SP2016


    9). The following is a collection of other assorted ma!or tectonic features, including

    rift ones, notable orogenies, signi+cant subduction ones "also known as trenches2

    or arcs2), and midAoceanic ridges. or the following, simpl5 drawing a circle around

    "or pointing to, due to the small sie) the area in 4uestion will be sucient "be sure

    to label them on the map, of course) "1 point each)#

    $ndean ubduction Cone $lpine *rogen5 $ppalachian6Fariscan *rogen5

  • 7/25/2019 Homework One SP2016


    I). $ ke5 element to understanding Plate Tectonics is the knowledge of the histor5

    of the assembl5 and breakup of supercontinents or assemblages of landmasses

    known as cratons "the nuclei2 of the modern continental landmasses) and their

    relati0e timing. or each of the +0e supercontinents listed below, describe boththe

    landmasses which comprisedthe supercontinent"i.e. Haurentia, Haurussia,

    Gondwana, notable cratons, etc.) and the relative timing"i.e. Hate (eoproterooic,

    Earl5 'urassic, etc.) for full credit "9 points each entr5, 8 points total). or help,

    refer to the Nance et al.7819: article posted online with the assignment.




