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PETEr DöhlESchif fahr ts-KG


CrEWING Greetings from Crewing HamburgINsPECTION Cold Ironing sTOrIEs FrOM BOArD Refugees on Board of Döhle Ship & Ethiopian CadetsAGENCIEs The ETCC & HammonIa officer SeminarsPECIAl Döhle - a Pioneer in Container Shipping & PD Photo Contest 2014

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The biggest maritime fair sMM closed the gates in hamburg a few weeks ago and most of the staff here took the opportunity to discover the latest news on the market. Though we are still fighting strong, life goes on and we are continuing to develop ourselves, procedures, visons and opportunities.

During last month some changes took place in our agency network. After 14 years of fruitful cooperation the General Director of Doehle Manning Agency Odessa (Ukraine) Ltd. Mr. Volodymyr Sozontov retired and left the company. We are thankful for his loyalty and strong commitment to the Döhle Group and hope he will enjoy his retirement. His team will keep his spirit and our seafarer will remain to have the familiar structure and faces in the office.Our well-known Director Capt. Waldemar Perchel from Doehle Marine Services Europe (DMSE) will take over the leadership in Odessa.As previously announced we are furthermore streng- thening our cooperation with Columbia Shipmanage-

ment in Ukraine and Mr. Sergey Maslov and his team will support our activities and needs in that region.Furthermore we welcome Iris Baguilat, Esq. as new President of Doehle Seafront Crewing (Manila), Inc. With her expertise in the maritime industry we are expecting to have a strong partner at our side. Capt. Padiz stepped out from Seafront but has joined Doehle Shipmanagement Phils Corp. (DSPC) as Director and will bring in his sea life experience for the career planning of our seafarers.We do hope with all our internal changes and developments we will continue to deliver the relevant quality to our clients as well to our seafarer and to keep a positive momentum in this very difficult market.

Kind regards annette Suhrbier & Capt. Roy machart


Dear Captains, officers, Crewmembers,

we are happy and proud to deliver you a new issue of our “hOMEPOrT PD”

Newsletter. This is already the 3rd edition in this new format! Quite many of you have asked us to publish a periodic newsletter and we hope to have met your expectations. Many different subjects have been touched and there are many more to come. Our team is constantly collecting and sorting out all aspects of shipping which affect our company and might be of interest and use to you. This mainly for the sailors working on one of our vessels or the vessels of our good customers, but as well for our employees ashore, for example in the crewing/manning agencies all around from Manila via Constanza to Gdansk, on the Isle of Man or in Hamburg.

Do you have an idea for a story you would like to share? Have you had experiences on board or ashore that your colleagues should know? Please don’t hesitate to send it to us or just contact us. In case of need, we would be more than happy to help you out in phrasing your story. Also your comment on our Newsletter “hOMEPOrT PD” is much appreciated as we want to be closer to you and are happy to learn about your thoughts. Exchanging opinions, views, memories and impressions is of great importance for us. To enhance our communication we are doing a lot. One example: do you know that there is a new PD Sailors Blog on board of our ships? We kindly invite you to use it. In our next issue we want to report on the subject of “safety on board” and if you like to share some ideas or experiences we are more than happy to learn about that. Now we wish you enjoyable reading, always a safe voyage and send you the best regards from the head office in Hamburg. Wulfert Kirst

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+++ t icker ++++++ After incredible 45(!) years of working at Peter Döhle Schiffahrts-KG, the entire staff and his family wished our colleague Albert Tim-mann a farewell and thanked for his great support through all these years. We wish HAPPY RETIREMENT!++++++ PD Group took into commercial, technical,

andcrew management “the ZIM DJIBOUTI” one 10,062 TEU and two 8,242 TEU container ships “(ZIM CHICAGO & ZIM LOS ANGELES)” as from July/August. +++

+++ After 25 years sea service with Peter Döhle Schiffahrts-KG and HAMMONIA Reederei Captain Klaus Peter Fricke finished his career. We wish him all the best!+++

+++ Two newbuildings of 4,896 TEU called HAMMONIA AMERICA and SAPPHIRE with a modern wide-beam design constructed at Zhejiang Ouhua Ship-building in China joined the fleet of HAMMONIA Reederei in spring/early summer this year. +++

BENEFICIUM ACTIvITIEsNearly one year after the incident of Typhon Yolanda the donations given are showing success in the Philip-pines. Many of our colleagues ashore and seafarer have donated and with PD Beneficium eV we have carefully chosen projects that are supporting children, orphans and widows in the region where a number of our sea-farers are coming from or having families. One project is the Piaggio School on Islas de Gigantes an Island in the chain in the Northeastern IloIlo. In this project we are cooperating with ALPS (Aid Line Philippe-

Swiss (ALPS) Inc. The Building of the school is almost completed and needs just a little additional paint. We met Markus Duenneisen from ALPS who is doing a great job together with his wife and is controlling and supporting the activities with a great professionalism but as well with a big heart for the people who were suffering so much. He is pushing forward the building of the Elementary School in Barangay Granada. We will keep you posted about further developments and projects and thanks again to all of you who donated.

+++ t icker +++

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COlD IrONING “Fit for the Future – Fit for your Trade”. This being one of the aspirations of Döhle Group, the future emission restrictions are a matter which are in the focus of our technical operations. Therefore, together with the shipowner vIlMArIs as well as their long-term charterer hAMBUrG sÜD we arranged the installation of the future-oriented “Cold Ironing Equipment”. But where does this strange term actually come from? – It first came into use when ships had coal-fired engines. When a ship tied up in port there was no need to continue feeding the fire anymore and the iron engines literally cooled down. Even further, no excessive heat & steam could be used for “ironing” the sailors clothes… Hence, the term “Cold Ironing”.

So-called Alternative Maritime Power (AMP), or “Cold Ironing” is the practice of receiving shore-side electrical power onboard at berth while the main as well as aux engines are turned off. This procedure permits emergency equipment, reefer container, cooling/heating, lighting and other equipment to receive continuous electrical power while the vessel is in cargo operations.The environmentally friendly technology mitigates harmful emissions from the diesel engines by connecting to a more “green” electricity source of shore-based electrical power. Thus, shore power considerably saves fuel consumption while in port, and eliminates the related air pollution. Our technically and commercially managed vessel CAP CORRIENTES (ex VIL DARDANELLES) is a 2013 Chinese-built 3,868 TEU wide beam containership with a five years charter to HAMBURG SÜD. As the good vessel is regularly calling once a month Californian ports, the charterer decided to equip the ship with this new technology.Working hand-in-hand, coordinating the collaboration between different suppliers, charterer’s personnel as well as our good crew was a major task to be done by

us as a shipmanager. At first stage, various onboard installations and arrange-ments had to be made in order to accommodate the required equipment. Cable connections within the main switchboard and the distribution box on the weather deck, as well as pipings for the cooling system were suitably rearranged.At second stage, a special 40ft container was installed on board as part of the high voltage shore connection system (HVSC). Afterwards, a commissioning was executed with all involved parties in the two relevant ports of Oakland and Long Beach. The port supplies 6.600 Volt(!), comparing to 230 V coming out of the electrical socket in a European household, this shows the power being involved. The commissioning in both ports was executed successfully and the first operations will be done.We at Döhle Group always welcome such advanced technical projects and are happy to provide new economic and environmental solutions for shipowners, as well as provide our crew opportunities to continually increase their technical expertise.

adrian ade

The good vessel … required Pre-Work … The hvsC 40ft Container …

…up to the pier…AMP Cable Plug is moving out… ...from the container…

…is plugged in… ...synchronized direct on MsB... ...and connected!

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EThIOPIAN CADETs We established the Ethiopian Cadet Programme in our fleet in June 2011 and started with a pilot project only. At the beginning we selected Engine Cadets, but since October 2013 we employ Electrian Cadets, too. All Ethiopian Cadets who are lined up for our vessels have already completed their formal education and hold a degree in mechanical engineering before joining the maritime field for post-graduation. In cooperation with the Ethiopian Manning Agency EMA Gmbh and the support of our crewmembers on board, cadets are prepared for the later Engineer/ Electrician position.

here is a report from three of them:

In December 2013 we joined the aVa D as junior electrician cadets. When we first boarded aVa D it was a very exciting experience. This was our first time being outside of our country, and we had never been aboard a vessel or even seen one except in a movie! We had received some early information about the possible challenges that we might face such as seasickness, adapting to new foods and home sickness, but we were able to make some preparations to overcome these challenges before boarding. The first trial we faced was seasickness. Our fellow seafarers were extremely helpful, offering us moral support and advising us which medicines would be soothing. Before long, the vomiting and headaches dissipated as we quickly adapted to sea life.

The second challenge was adjusting to a new food culture. Ethiopians are accustomed to eating together, in one dish with no fork or knife. We quickly acclimated to the new food culture and preparation methods. Thanks to modern technology, we were easily able to overcome the final challenge: homesickness. Of course, we missed our families and friends but email, social

media and cell phones allowed us to stay in contact. By conquering these initial challenges, we were inspired to immerse ourselves in our new environment, learning all we could and developing our skills on-board. We spent our time expanding our basic knowledge of electrical and mechanical systems of the ship, and were fortunately able to put into practice everything we learned during our time at EMTI

“(Ethiopian Maritime Training Institute)”.In addition to their unlimited support, senior engineers provided thorough familiarization of the systems and encouraged us to study various manuals. With our focus now mostly on learning our new jobs, we also enjoyed many happy and memorable times aboard aVa D. When we had free time we played tennis and other recreational games. When we had the opportunity to go ashore, we appreciated the chance to experience other countries’ cultures and food. We also enjoyed celebrations onboard with unforget-table food, drinks and especially the dancing parties. There were barbeques, Christmas and New Year holiday celebrations and even birthday parties. Those festivities created the opportunity to grow relation-ships among all crew members.

Living with different nationalities, sharing their cultures and learning how to communicate with seafarers speaking different languages creates quite a unique situation. The idea behind working onboard is to join a worldwide group. After overcoming initial challenges, we discovered a large, supportive group who helped each other, appreciate each other, and works hard in all circumstances. It is a very interesting life and still we continue to learn new things every day.

Contributed By: Junior Electrical Cadets Alemu Workneh Hailu and Beyene Tarekegn Silas

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In the morning of July 6th, 2014 MV ‘Cindia’ received the order from the Italian Coast Guard to change course in the direction to the Italian Navy War ship ‘P404-Vega’ for a Search & Rescue (SAR) operation and to transfer an unknown amount of immigrants on their ship and bring them to the harbor of Palermo, Italy. Not an easy situation for the captain and his crew who had no experience in such cases.They reached the Ship ‘P404’ at about 6.45 p.m. and commenced the transfer of 230 Refugees (141 men, 44 women and 45 children) from the Navy vessel to MV ‘Cindia’ with great help of all Crew members from all departments. On July 7th the vessel received order to assist another SAR operation in the vicinity.After 3 hours sailing and 2,5 hours assistance, the Captain received the final order to sail to Palermo, Italy. Once all was settled, the Captain attempted to communicate with the people who came from Libya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Syria and Egypt. One man who spoke English was nominated as the key-person to


interact and for translation. All refugees were allocated on deck and between the holds, but once sea spray accrued all people were shifted on accommodation decks. The cook and the crew were able to serve and feed the 230 refugees with 3 warm meals per day (long soup and tee). On July 9th, MV ‘Cindia’ reached the harbor of Palermo. All Refugees were disembarked directly to the Italian Red Cross tents for a medical check. Except of few typical problems like seasickness and eye infections, everyone was fine. In the evening the refugees were disembarked and thanked the Captain and the Crew who gave them a chance of a better life. During the disembarkation the refugees had power to say “thank you”, “shoukran”, or “inshalah” to the crew. The Crew was very happy and pleased to hear it.The refugees were placed in churches. MV ‘Cindia’ was now allowed to resume voyage with her cargo to the final destination-port of discharging at Annaba in Algeria.

rEFUGEEs ON BOArD OF DöhlE-shIPOn July 9th 2014 MV ‘Cindia’ reached the harbour of Palermo with 230 refugees onboard.

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WhAT TO DO IN sUCh sITUATIONs?A few advices to avoid panic or chaos:

1. All superstructures should be locked except one entry which should be guarded. Try to control people inside vessels superstructure. Priority only for children and their mothers or sick persons only.

2. Try to find one or two leading / smart refugees with knowledge of English and promote them as the “key-people”.

3. Please be diligent with distribution of water. Feel free to take advantage of all water and soft drinks which are available. Just send a list with the final amount used.

4. Sanitary, washing water on deck should be available 3 times per day and consumption should be monitored.

5. Portable toilets or a place designed for on deck should be marked and supported with water from fire system or buckets.

6. All refugees’ movement must be monitored, observed by the crew and reported to the Captain.

7. All times, activities, occurrence, even small details must be recorded for evidence.

marisa Burkhard & Capt. Zbigniew Gara

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On July 12th 2014, around 40 officers from Romania, Ukraine & Bulgaria attended the 1st HAMMONIA Officer Seminar held in Constanta/Romania which has been arranged in collaboration with our manning office Doehle Manning Agency Romania. The main aim was not only to update our seafarers with the latest developments in the Company, but as well to receive an objective feedback from our crew concerning the situation o/b their vessels. For this reason, officers sailing in different ranks were invited in order to give them all the opportunity to exchange opinions. Additionally, those officers who did not visit the Hamburg office yet, had the chance to conduct an open dialogue with the HAMMONIA Management. The meeting commenced with the general presentation held by Mr. René Menzel, Mr. Kay Thürnagel, Mr. Vasile Constandache & Mrs. Anca Dobre, addressing topics such as Company Overview, Market Environment, Ship Performance Measures, Quality Reports, PSC,

Future projects or Career Development. Following the opening presentation, a more interactive discussion was held in order to highlight current strengths and weaknesses and learn from each other how continuous improvement and support to our seafarers can be ensured.The day finished with a positive feedback and a tasty dinner in a very relaxed atmosphere, proving once again the importance of maintaining close contact with our employees so that mutual goals can be achieved. To summarize, we are pleased that the first HAMMONIA seminar held in Europe proved to be a great success and we hope for more similar events to materialize in the future, in both owners’ & seafarers’ benefit.

anca Dobre

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The heart of ETCC is a simulation centre that meets all the needs of modern shipping. Its main Bridge Simulator boasts of 270° visibility equipped with the latest navigation and communication components. Another Bridge Simulator provides 120° visibility. The Engine Control Room can simulate various types of engines from leading manufacturers including a power panel room. The Training Galley is for Cooks to plan out menus and do actual cooking. The Dormitory which can accommodate 300 trainees is also used for Messman trainings.With conducive training rooms, ETCC has installed software systems in its IT rooms including ECDIS, Quality Management, ISM and Cargo Handling programs from various manufacturers.The ETCC management team consists of fully qualified professionals with extensive knowledge, hands-on experiences and passion for teaching in their respective fields.

ThE ETCC The European Training & Competence Centre, Inc. (ETCC) was established to help improve the competencies of seafarers in the maritime industry. By providing state of the art equipment and competent Trainers and Assessors under premium conditions, clients are assured of quality and world-class trainings for their fleet.

This training is tailor-made for new or about to be promoted Third Officers of the client company with the main objective of further preparing them as Officers in the fleet. As a Standard Competence course, the attendents were made to understand the standards & expectations of the Company with regards to their rank level. The second week of their course was focused on leadership, how to manage people under & above them as well as their roles as business leaders onboard. Applications of all theoretical concepts were done in the bridge simulators using ultra large container vessels as their simulated environment. Half of the participants were young, impressionable officers while the others have been ratings and are willing to take on the new challenge as Officers.

As their careers progress in the fleet, they are also planned to undergo more trainings in ETCC suitable to their rank levels: Enhanced courses & Standard courses for 2/O, C/O, Master. In this concept, their technical and soft skills will be built and strengthened, thereby assuring the client company of a steady supply of competent Officers manning their ships. ETCC has likewise conducted courses for Engineers (from 3/E to C/E) as well as for Cooks & Messmen.This is also a very effective retention initiative for the client company. It delivers a message to the seafarer that his career and skills development are being thought of in a systematic manner.

Lisa Schröder

sTANDArD COMPETENCE 3rD OFFICEr sEMINAr ETCC has recently conducted the Third Officer Standard Competence course from Aug. 4 – 15, 2014 for seven participants under the Career Path Concept of the Döhle Corporate Academy.

ETCC is headquartered at the Döhle Haus Manila, Philippines in order to meet the growing importance of quality, training and education of seafarers in the region.

Rainer Starke

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Today, more than 110,000 ships ply the oceans to serve the need of the ever growing world population. For 6.9 bn. humans around 7 bn. tonnes of cargo are transported annually, more than one tonne of oil, iron ore, grain, garments, machinery parts, TV sets or toys for each of us each year. The story told by these little figures is the story of globalisation, in which shipping plays a vital role. Without the growing productivity of shipping, without the efforts and risks of ship owners and their employees in our industry, the world would have a different face, people would still be poorer, would not enjoy the benefits of modern technology and the trappings of comfortable little helpers in our households. And even if not all of us share the same standard of living, the world would not be such a good place to live as it is now.

Container shipping as we know it today started in the late 1950’s and it is not only a story about shipping and ships but also about standardization, as with so many new developments, it started in America. It was Malcolm McLean, an American trucker, who in 1955 from Waterman Steamship Corporation a tiny company – Pan-Atlantic – carried out transports along the east coast of the United States. To overcome the obstacles of cumbersome loading or discharging and of high freight costs along the American coast-line, he incorporated the McLean Industries. It was in April 1956 that his first Ship, the IDEAL X, a converted World War II - T2-Tanker, left Port Newark, New Jersey, for Houston, Texas with 58 35’ Containers on board. The tanks of the ship were still used to carry liquid cargo.McLean was not the first to operate metal cargo boxes. As early as 1929, an American steamship operator – Seatrain – operated specially built ships capable of carrying railway boxcars. But McLean’s idea was not about sailing ships, but moving cargo in the most efficient way. To achieve this, it was of paramount importance to think of a system more than just a vessel. The container should fit into the whole logistic chain, truck, rail, port and ship. So the box had to be interchangeable – standardized. Soon afterwards, in 1958, the United States Maritime

Administration considered a box with 8 feet width, 8 feet height and 12 and 24 feet, 17 and 35 feet or 20 and 40 feet as standard. But it was the National Defence Transportation Association that opted for the 20 or 40 feet container, so it was advisable for a ship-owners or shippers to go for this size in order to qualify for military cargo. By 1964 the International Standard Organization adopted these standards (20/40) with other sizes being “series 2” containers.In the mid 1960’s one of the first trades that started containerization was the transatlantic – service. US-American shipping companies operated rebuilt conventional cargo liners to Europe. Because of the strong American ties to Bremen, this was the first regular port served.The US American shipping company Sea-Land Services, Inc., owned by Mr. Malcom McLean, operated rebuild conventional cargo ships to Europe. Because of the strong American military ties to Bremen, this was the first regular port served and Sea-Land appointed Paul Günther, today a member of the Döhle Group, as its general agent in West Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Following this important assignment, Paul Günther very successfully introduced this pioneering door to door shipping product to the commercial cargo market in these three countries.



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As large containerships could not call all ports because the facilities, like gantry cranes, were not in place, a fleet of feeder containerships soon filled that gap. Peter Döhle was one of the first to realize the opportunities in this new mode of transportation. Already in 1964 containers were carried on coasters, that served the Irish Sea and North Europe – a lot of them chartered to liner operators via the Döhle chartering department. The first “real” containership in the German merchant fleet, the BELL VANGUARD, built in 1966, was owned by Jürgen Heinrich Breuer, who laid the chartering into Döhle’s hands. At that time the mainstay of

Peter Döhle Schiffahrts KG was not ship owning but chartering, and this service is still one of the back-bones of our company, with today a modern fleet of more than 500 vessels of different types handled by the various desks within our group. But only two years later Döhle took delivery of his first own container- ship – the IMPALA, Sietas built and capable of carrying 63 20 feet containers. She was chartered out to European Unit Routes, a P&O affiliated company and engaged in the short sea liner service between the UK and the Netherlands. Since then most of our new buildings have been able to handle standard containers.


As most of the trans ocean liner at that time were owned and operated by the liner shipping companies themselves, the tramp owners, like Döhle, provided the smaller tonnage feedering containers from smaller ports to the bigger hubs to be sent to their destinations. But with the growing of the container service, also the feeder ships became bigger, the SALZBURG of 1972

had a capacity of 183 TEU. She was part of a series of six sisters, remarkably built in Austria, a country that does not have a sea shore.In close cooperation with the Sietas yard in Hamburg Neuenfelde, numerous full containerships have been built since the 1960’s for Döhle or for our clients.


In 1982 the first ship with more than 1,000 TEU, the APOLLONIA, was delivered from the German Flender Werft to Döhle assuming a long term time charter to ZIM lines under the name ZIM BRISBANE. Even though the majority of our ships had still been built in Germany, Döhle recognized the signs of the times and went abroad to China. ARABELLA and ACTUARIA, built in Shanghai, gave our company many years of service. Sold after 24 years to Indonesian

owners, ARABELLA today still trades as MARINA STAR 2. With a capacity of exactly 2,000 TEU the DIANA entered service in 1990 as the EUROPEAN SENATOR, delivered from Hyundai in South Korea; she was a re-sale from company Egon Oldendorff. Döhle exceeded the 3,000 TEU threshold in 2001 with a series of 18 ships of the B178-class from Szczecin in Poland.


KAThArINA – B178-ClAss TYPE shIP WITH 3,091 TEU

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To cope with the increased demands of the liner operators, Döhle took delivery of its first ship exceeding the limits of the Panama-Locks, the TAMINA, with a beam of 40.1 metres and a nominal intake of 5,527 TEU. Our company is one of the major suppliers of tonnage to the liner shipping industry, which grew and provides more and more efficient ships to cope with the ever intensified international relationships between the economies. The fleets of the 100 largest liner operators are highly dependent on the service of the so called tramp owners like Döhle. Of their 4,932 ship with a nominal capacity of 17.7 Mio TEU nearly 50% (8.8 Mio TEU)

are chartered in. 2,660 ships do not belong to the operators, indicating that the bigger ones above 12,000 TEU are owned by the operators.Thanks also to our company, the costs of transportation do not matter anymore, or as economists Edward L. Glaser and Janet Kohlhase suggest, “It is better to assume that moving goods is essentially costless than to assume that moving goods is an important component of the production process.”Döhle provides also four of the state-of-the-art mega-carriers, with 12,500 TEU intake. These ships are employed on the main arterial east-west routes, especially from Europe to the Far East.


Today Döhle offers directly owned containerships as well as a lot more connected to our group, nearly all of them continuously employed. Together with our technical department, we try to find ways to optimize our vessels to serve the needs of our clients and to save fuel wherever possible. And even if the time are hard

in shipping these days, Döhle is well prepared to cope with this situation and is one of the very few shipping companies in Germany providing a such a wide scope of maritime services and fulfilling the individual requirements of our clients.

Karsten Kunibert Krüger-Kopiske

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PD PhOTO CONTEsT 2014As our first Photo Contest in 2013 was such a huge success, we were so much pleased to launch a second one in our last hOMEPOrT PD edition (Spring 2014). Throughout the summer we then received a great number of pictures, all showing the motto »Your Ship, Your Work« in a lot of individual ways. Half a year later we are very happy to announce our 15 winners and would like to thank all contributors for the great insights into their daily lives.Once again, choosing the winners was a very tough task for our jury. Even if criteria such as technical quality, motif or pictorial design could give some

rough guidelines, with so many willing contestants the choice will never be easy..! But after some discussions and reviews the final winners were picked .Meanwhile most of the winners will have received their awards and prizes. Furthermore, we will be happy to celebrate the winners and other contributors by placing their pictures in our newsletter or annual Döhle calendar.We like to thank you all letting us on board of »Your Ship« or showing us » Your Work« and are already looking forward to our next contest!

PD CI-Team

OUr WINNErs 20141. Oleksandr Stepanyuk2. Nicolas Pankratz3. Mark Herbie Dela Cruz4. Edward Barroquillo

5. Sherwin Salarza Mañus6. Peter-Michael Friedrichsen7. Stineru N Eduard8. Elmorn B. Belaza

9. Larry B. Jopio10. Laurentiu Capatina


Stineru N Eduard (7. Place)

Oleksandr Stepanyuk (1. Place)Larry B. Jopio (9. Place)

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EDITION 2 | sPrING 2014

IMPrINT PETER DÖHLE Schiffahrts-KGElbchaussee 370 | 22609 Hamburgtelephone: +49-40-38108-0e-mail: [email protected]

We kindly ask for your understanding that Peter Döhle Schiffahrts-KG does not guarantee for completeness, content or actuality of any kind of information which belongs to this newsletter. Structure, content and image of the PD Newsletter

‚HOMEPORT PD‘ is under copyright. Any use is only allowed with the prior written consent of Peter Döhle Schiffahrts-KG.

Editorial Staff: Annette Suhrbier, Jan Droege, Adrian Ade, Lisa Schröder

Design & Art Editorial: Bianca Glagla

Point of contact: [email protected] Copyright: Peter Döhle Schiffahrts-KG

Sitz der Gesellschaft Hamburg, HRA 69072Komplementär: Jochen Döhle, Christoph Döhle, Beteiligungs- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft Peter Döhle mbH, Sitz Hamburg, HRB 13259

Geschäftsführer:Jochen Döhle, Christoph Döhle, Wulfert Kirst, Dr. Gaby Bornheim