Download - Home Allowancek

  • 8/16/2019 Home Allowancek


    From: yusuf Mechanical Engineer –16/05/2016To: Admin DepartmentHead Oce!"A

    Accommodation Allowance

    Dear "ir#

    My name is yusuf# Empl$yment num%er 505# & ha'e recently ($ined and %een hired

    l$cally in Dammam)

    & discussed $n the matter $f h$using all$*ance and transp$rtati$n *hen & g$t the

    $+er letter %ut the sta+ made it clear that there are still a'aila%le r$$m in Dammam

    and need t$ %e ,lled in) -hus# & agreed t$ the $+er %ecause & had impressi$n %ased

    $n the acc$mm$dati$n that is g$ing t$ %e suita%le f$r %achel$rs)

    H$*e'er# *hen & ha'e chec.ed %$th a'aila%le r$$ms# $ne $f the $pti$n *as small

    and inc$n'enient# and the $ther r$$m l$$.s %igger and s$ & ha'e accepted the

    sec$nd r$$m since there *as n$ ch$ice) -hen hen & m$'ed in# & f$und $ut that the

    *ater supply is n$t al*ays a'aila%le and %een sa'ed in *ater st$rage *hich lead

    me t$ ta.e sh$*er using plastic *ater (ug) &n additi$nal t$ that# the air c$nditi$ner

    *as n$t *$ 'ery *ell and & *as n$t a%le t$ sleep all night)

    urrently & am staying *ith my parents and si%lings in Al!h$%ar *hich $nly

    0min t$ Dammam# and & al*ays ta.e ta3i g$ing %ac. and f$rth up t$ 6 times

    4*$ days in a *ee. %et*een Dammam and Al!h$%ar)

    & *$uld %e 'ery grateful if "DE can pr$'ide me a h$using all$*ance instead# s$

    that & can stay c$mf$rta%ly *ith my family and can share the rent *ith them unless

    if there is a'aila%le r$$m suita%le f$r l$cal single %achel$r)

     $ur c$nsiderati$n is highly appreciated

     -han. y$u


    Mechanical Engineer

  • 8/16/2019 Home Allowancek
