Download - Hollywood Post WWII & Casablanca. Hollywood & WWII European film production stopped or was used for the war effort FDR let the film industry remain independent.


Hollywood Post WWII & Casablanca

Hollywood & WWII• European film production stopped or was used for

the war effort• FDR let the film industry remain independent• Hollywood responded well– Films used to boost morale– Documentaries kept people informed– Training films for armed forces– Stars entertained troops, supported relief efforts, and

enlisted– Theaters sold war bonds

• Movie plots were reworked to support the war

• Released in 1942• Plot: happens in 48

hours in Dec. 1941 pre-Pearl Harbor

Casablanca: The Music

• Score by Max Steiner• Themes:– As Time Goes By: Pre-existing song turned into main

theme. Used as a love theme between Rick & Ilsa.– La Marseillaise: French national melody– Deutschland uber Alles: German national melody– Laszlo: theme for Laszlo’s character and his fight for

a free France• Lots of American source music