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  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    How I Got Blitzed and Lived to Tell

    the Story: Supplier Development -

    Fast, Slow, Kaizen to the Max!

    Patricia E. Moody


    Patricia E. Moody, Inc

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Lets Zero in On Supplier


    Expertise at the supplier level does not equal

    expertise for the customer


    Suggestion systems Kaizen programs

    Honda BP, Chrysler SCORE, Motorola U, Nypro

    Institute Typical results: Improved productivity, inventory

    down, waste gone, lean mfg and smarter


  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Supplier Development Methods

    Classic Industrial Engineering

    or, The Kaizen Family:

    Honda BP

    Kaizen Blitz and other Kaizen programs

    Chrysler SCORE Solectron C.S. Index

    John Deere programs

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    The Roots of Kaizen (to make better)

    Post-World War II Japan industrialproductivity 1/8 of U.S.

    1948 Training Within Industries ramp-up

    1950s - Juran, Deming, Shainin QualityDrives

    Labor unions outlawed --Quality Circles 1960s - Toyota Production Systems and JIT -

    5Ss, U-line cells, pull systems, fail-safe,

    visibility systems, fast flow, jidoka

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Typical Kaizen Process Elements

    1. Kanban 2. Cells

    3. Pull systems and one-piece flow vs. batch

    4. Standard work (industrial engineering)

    5. Tool boards, maps, video, observations,

    base and on-going data gathering.

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Learning to See

    Gemba - The Three As

    The Seven Wastes


    The Supplier Survey

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    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Honda BP

    origins of BP proven results

    not-consultant dependent

    13 weeks

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    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    What is BP?

    Best Position Best Productivity

    Best Product

    Best Price

    Best Partners

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    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    BP Basic Data

    Created by Teruyuki Maruo, Japan 1977

    90+ companies - 120+ projects

    Supplier associates affected 120k NA

    Productivity gains overall: 47% (totalpieces/hr before BP compared to after)

    Quality improvement overall: 30% Cost down overall: 7.25% +/-

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    BP Basics

    Associate involvement

    Utilize existing resources

    Minimum investment

    Raw material utilization

    Identify and eliminate waste


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    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Seven Wastes

    Over-production Idle time

    Delivery waste

    Waste in the work itself

    Inventory waste

    Wasted movement Waste from rejected parts

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Plan Do Check Act

    Plan: Analyze situation, make schedule, assignresponsibility

    Do: Implement the plan

    Check: Compare the results from implementationagainst the plan

    Act: Countermeasure faults. Standardize andrepeat continuous improvement cycle.

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    The 3As

    Go to the actual place, the value-adding

    location, the mountain where the gold is


    See and touch the actual parts to understand the actual situation.

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Kaizen Blitz

    Rapid improvements in typically 3 days, set-up reduction 70 - 90%, productivity 20 - 60%,

    process time reduction 40 - 80%, inventory

    reduction 30 - 70%, walking distancereduction 40 - 90%

    Just do it! - Change is good!

    Powerful (and dangerous)

    What happens next?

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Kaizen Blitz Principles

    Be open-minded. Maintain a positive attitude.

    Reject excuses, seek solutions.

    Ask Why? Why? Why?

    Take action. Implement now. Dont wait for

    perfection. Go to the experts.

    Disregard rank.

    Just do it!

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Four Days to Blitz, The New Way

    Prework: Learning, Planning, Preparing

    Day 1: Hit the ground running, Do it Now!

    Day 2: Build it, Try it, Change it!

    Day 3: Change it again, Try it again and


    Day 4: Refine it, Test it, Prove it!

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Three Steps to Workforce


    Step 1. Perform a workforce audit.

    Step 2. Create a training and development

    master plan that includes:

    Component 1: The Budget

    Component 2: The Management Review

    Component 3: The Capabilities Survey Step 3. Reward results and build


  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Four Steps to Process Flow


    Step 1 - Compress a sequence of process


    Step 2 - Put process steps in parallel (vs.

    serial) Step 3 - Build on process platforms. Copy

    and improve.

    Step 4 - Expand the view of the process, e.g.

    from a group of cells to flow.

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    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    How to tell if there is


    1. Time

    2. Space

    3. Resource use - resource usage ratios,


    4. Results - process quality, primary

    customer satisfaction, secondary customer

    satisfaction, financial cash flow.

  • 7/30/2019 HOE I GOT-SEEN-19.11.10


    Copyright 1999 Patricia E. Moody, Inc

    978-526-1278 [email protected]

    Customer/Supplier Alignment

    It is NOT about sameness; it IS about parallel

    movement in the same direction.