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Hoddesdon Strategic Learning Network

To enhance TL literacy skills during the Year 6/7


Page 2: Hoddesdon Strategic Learning Network To enhance TL literacy skills during the Year 6/7 transition.

Hoddesdon SLN

John Warner School (Hoddesdon)

Sheredes School (Hoddesdon)

Broxbourne Primary School

Epping Uplands Primary School

St Cross Primary School (Hoddesdon)

Cranbourne Primary School (Hoddesdon)

Page 3: Hoddesdon Strategic Learning Network To enhance TL literacy skills during the Year 6/7 transition.

To enhance TL literacy skills during the Year 6/7 transition

To hold regular whole group meetings to discuss teaching and learning and to encourage the sharing of good practice at KS2 & 3.

The plan:

For specialist secondary teachers to work along side primary colleagues to teach lessons in the TL of their choice, focusing on literacy skills.

For primary school students to perform a short story of their choice as a whole class at the end of project enrichment day

To hold an end of project enrichment day, focusing on literacy and the World Cup 2010.

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Enrichment day

We held after school meetings once every half term. Attendance rates were variable which subsequently affected the productivity of the network this year.

We held a French enrichment day on 24th June. The day was attended by 139 Year 5 & 6 pupils from the four partner primary schools. The morning was spent doing French activities based on the 2010 World Cup. In the afternoon, pupils performed their short stories:

Broxbourne Primary: La Pequeña Oruga Glotona

Cranbourne Primary: Trois Petits Cochons

Epping Uplands:La Chenille qui Fait des Trous

St Cross Primary: Il Piccolo Bruco Maisazio

Dissemination of secondary teachersMembers of the network worked closely with partner primaries to help them learn their stories. This proved to be greatly rewarding for all parties involved.

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1. Au café français – students were provided with basic phrases in French which they used to purchase authentic snacks and drinks

2. L’informatique/ la géo – Pupils carried out a web quest using the website:

3. Les maths - Pupils played a game of Beetle in French to compile a football kit

4. Le dessin- Pupils designed and labeled a football fit for the Hoddesdon SLN squad.

Students were split into mixed groups to carry out each activity on a carousel basis. Students were encouraged to work hard and rewarded with prizes: French pencils , erasers, badges and stickers.

The enrichment day

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Assessing the impact of the 2009 – 2010 project

Pupils were asked to complete surveys three times during the year:



•June 24th

The findings are not conclusive as not all schools responded to each round and Epping Uplands had to bring Year 5 students to the Enrichment Day who had not completed the earlier cycles of questionnaires. However:

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68% of students initially thought it was important to learn a foreign language. This rose to 89% at the end of the year.

There was a steady increase in enjoyment levels throughout the year. Initially 29% of students enjoyed speaking to their friends/teacher in TL. This increased to 35%.

Pupils became more confident in their own abilities over the course of the year. In January, only 23% of all students questioned were happy to speak in TL in front of other people. By April this had increased to 33%. At the enrichment day in June this had further increased to 36%.

By the end of the year 45% of students looked forward to their MFL lessons.

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Students said that they did not like:


•having to miss break times to learn a second language.

• having to write down vocabulary.

•memorising words

•speaking with a foreign accent

Students do like:

•playing games

•doing plays

•using interactive whiteboards to play games

•lessons being fun

•speaking with a foreign accent

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Focus for 2010-11

To use interactive teaching resources to aid the teaching and learning process in MFL.