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HMIFirst Sun Test Review

December 2, 2005

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Topic Presenter Time

Overview & Objectives Miles 15 min

Test Requirements Schou

Lessons Learned Bush

Test Plan Moskal

Test Descriptions Schou, Bush, Tarbell, Hoeksema, Miles

Test Data Processing Schou

Test Readiness Drake, Kirkpatrick, Miles

Concerns and Issues

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• Objectives of the sun test review:

– Verify that planned tests meet the verification requirements appropriate for the sun test.

– Show that all hardware, software, facilities, procedures, and personnel are available and prepared to support the test.

• Objectives of the sun test:

– Learn how to operate the HMI optics package.

– Learn how to characterize/calibrate the instrument. In some cases, obtain initial calibration parameters.

– Discover gross errors in design or workmanship of the HMI optics package.

– Determine position of focus to set the final shim on the telescope secondary lens.

– Results of the sun test will directly feed into the plans and procedures for the formal test and calibration series.

– The sun test does not provide formal verification of any requirements.

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HMI01567 – Page 4 HMI Sun Test Review – December 2, 2005= Sine signature= Transport HOP


AcousticsRandom Vibration

Cnfg I

Delivery to GSFC

40D Slack

Repeated for X-, Y-, and Z-axes

Quasi-static Loads

Cnfg II


Flight SftwrAcct Test

DevelopSW Accpt


Initial SunTests

In AirCalibration


Flight CCDDM CameraInstall ISS

BB HEB (no CIF)DM CCD, DM Camera



HOP w/BBFunctional


HOP w/BBFunctional




Complete Flight HOP Only - Functional Test w/ BBHEB

Flight HEB








VibrationRandom Vibration

Repeated for X-, Y-, and Z-axes

Quasi-static Loads












Test Align

Apr 06

May 06

Jul 06 Aug 06

Mar 06

Sept 06 Nov 06


Dec 05

Install FltCameras



HMI Integration and Test Flow

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HMI Instrument Test Configurations

• HMI Instrument Configuration 1– Brassboard Electronics Box

– Brassboard Cables

– Optics Package: Non-flight hardware

• Flight CCD with flight focal plane housing (one location)

• DM Camera (one location)

– Optics Package: Flight hardware

• Structure with alignment mechanism, legs, and mounting brackets

• Telescope assembly: front window filter, primary lens, secondary lens, mounting bracket

• Polarization selector and wavelength tuner (seven HCMs)

• Harness (mechanisms only)

• ISS mirror and beam-splitter

• Oven assembly

• BDS beam-splitter and fold mirror

• CCD fold mirror (two)

• HMI Instrument Configuration 2– Brassboard Electronics Box

– Brassboard Cables

– Optics Package: Install flight items

• Focal plane (two)

• ISS limb sensor and preamp box

• Oven controller electronics box

• More harness

• Finish heater routing

• Install vents

• Oven thermostat

• Replace Lyot elements one and two

• Replace NB Michelson

• Tests– Initial Sun Test

– Initial Functional Tests

• Tests– ISS Testing

– CCD Alignment

– In-air calibration

– HOP Vibration testing

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HMI Instrument Test Configurations

• HMI Instrument Flight Configuration– Fight electronics box

– Flight Harness

– Flight HOP

• HMI HEB Flight Configuration– Conformal coated boards in HEB

– Flight Harness

– Flight HOP

• Tests– Software Acceptance Test

– Flight CPT

– EMI/EMC Test

• Tests– HEB Vibration Test

– Vacuum Calibration

– Thermal Balance and Thermal Vacuum

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Test Article Configuration for Initial Sun Test

• Optics– All flight optics in place except as noted below.

– Michelsons are likely to be replaced with a better set after the sun test.

– Lyot elements 1 and 2 are likely to be replaced with better elements after the sun test.

– Telescope not set in final focus; final focus position to be determined from sun test data.

– No ISS actuation.

• Camera and Detector– DM camera electronics and flight CCD with

forward flight focal plane housing and flight-like headboard.

– No side camera.

• Thermal– Flight oven and preamp, ETU oven controller.

– No operational heater thermal control.

– No MLI.

• Mechanisms– All seven flight hollow core motors with flight


– Both flight focus / calibration wheels with flight optics

– Flight alignment legs.

– Flight shutters.

– No front door mechanism.

• Mechanical– Flight structure with legs and mounting


– Non-flight HOP cover; non-flight covers in place of radiators and vents.

• Cables– Flight HCM, shutter, and cal/focus wheel

harnesses; non-flight alignment leg harness

– Non-flight CCD flex cable.

– Brassboard intra-instrument harness.

• Brassboard HEB– No CIF.

• Environment– Ambient temperature and pressure

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Setting Final Telescope Focus

• The sun test must provide enough data to calculate the proper distance between the primary and secondary lenses, and hence, the proper shim size at the secondary lens.

• We have already used two tests to determine the proper primary-secondary spacing:

– Set up primary and secondary lens to form the best image, and measured the distance between the lenses and the image.

– Set up telescope and spherical mirror centered at telescope focus with interferometer to produce the best fringes, and measure the distance between the lenses and the mirror.

– Using a Zemax model to compensate for the in-air measurements and the as-built lens prescriptions, a shim size was determined.

• The focus test and image scale measurements will provide the data necessary to go back to the Zemax model and determine whether any further as-built deviations in the optics could be optimally compensated in the primary-secondary spacing.

• The results of these tests will determine the final flight shim for the telescope, and the secondary mirror mount with flight shim will be potted in place to that position.

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Sun Test Overview

Test Group Property Lead First Sun

Light Source PCU config

Target Writeup STOLs Dependencies before running test

Analysis software

1 Image quality Distortion Jesper+Cristina Yes Lamp None Dots Yes hmi_leg_focus 4a or 4c Ready2 Image scale Jesper Yes Sun None None Yes hmi_focus MDI code exists

3a MTF Jesper Yes Lamp None Dots Yes hmi_leg_focus 4a or 4c Basic code exists3b MTF Jesper Yes Sun None None Yes hmi_focus Basic code exists4a Focus Jesper Yes Lamp None Dots Yes hmi_focus Basic code exists4b Field curvature Jesper Yes Lamp None Dots Yes hmi_leg_focus 4a or 4c Basic code exists4c Focus Jesper Yes Sun None None Yes hmi_focus Basic code exists4d Field curvature Jesper Yes Sun None None Yes hmi_focus 4a or 4c Basic code exists*7 Ghost images Rock Yes? All? None TBD No*8 Scattered light Rock Yes? All? None TBD No10 CCD and Camera Flat field Rock Yes Lamp None None No hmi_flatfield11 Linearity John Yes Lamp None None Slides hmi_linearity

*12a Quadrant crosstalk John No? Lamp None TBD Yes Outline Outline*12b Quadrant crosstalk John No? Laser None None Yes Outline Outline13a Contamination Jesper Yes Lamp Hole None Yes hmi_pcu_hole MDI code exists13b Contamination Jesper Yes Sun Hole None Yes hmi_pcu_hole MDI code exists13c Contamination Jesper Yes Laser Hole None Yes hmi_leg_focus MDI code exists14 Image motions Offset and distortion Jesper Yes Lamp None Dots Yes hmi_wobble 4a or 4c Ready15 Filter transmission Wavelength and

spatial dependenceSebastien Yes Laser + Sun None None Yes hmi_detune27 Ready

16 Angular dependence Sebastien Yes Laser + Sun None/Hole

None Yes hmi_detune27 Ready

17 Stability Sebastien No? Laser or Sun? None None Yes hmi_detune2719 Throughput Sebastien+Jesper Yes Sun None None Yes hmi_detune27

21a Polarization All sorts of stuff HAO+Jesper Yes Lamp Pol None Yes hmi_pcu_ss_moda hmi_pcu_ls_modc


21b Polarization All sorts of stuff HAO+Jesper Yes Sun Pol None Yes hmi_pcu_ss_moda hmi_pcu_ls_modc


22 Observables performance

Doppler Todd+Tom Yes Sun None None Yes hmi_obs_seq 15. 21a or 21b nice MDI and IDL code exists

23 Line of sight Todd Yes Sun None None Yes hmi_obs_seq 15, 21a or 21b Same24 Vector Todd+Aimee Yes Sun None None Yes hmi_obs_seq 15, 21a or 21b

*25 Thermal effects Pointing John No? Lamp None Dots Yes? hmi_focus 4a or 4c Ready*26 Focus John No? Lamp None Dots Yes? hmi_focus 4a or 4c Same as 328 Alignment legs Range and step size John Yes Lamp None Dots Slides hmi_leg_focus 4a or 4c Ready29 Repeatability John Yes Lamp None Dots Slides hmi_leg_repeat 4a or 4c Ready

A has * for tests which may or may not be done

L does not include dependencies for analysisK has placeholder names for STOLs not yet written. Others may also be run.I only lists primary target

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Sun Test Flow


Image scale


Field curvature

Ghost images

Scattered light

Flat field Contamination

Image motions, offset, distortion

Filter wavelength dependence

Filter spatial / angular


Filter throughput


Doppler observables

Line of sight observables

Vector observables



Alignment leg range, step size,



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Sun Test Overview – Interdependencies

• At least three tests are prerequisites for other tests

– Focus• Can use either Sun or lamp

• Needed to reduce length of other tests

• Not needed for many tests due to bad seeing or spatial averaging

– Wavelength dependence• Either Sun or laser can be used

• Needed to set tuning positions

• Not needed for lamp or polarization tests

– Polarization calibration• Lamp or Sun can be used

• Needed to make observing sequences. Especially LOS.

• Note that none of these are dependent on each other

• Others are needed before analysis can be completed

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Sun Test Overview – Other prerequisites

• There are a number of other tests we need to perform before starting

• Determine exposure times

– Lamp

– Sun

– Laser

• Test various targets

– Determine spatial power and quality of each

• Alignments

– Stim tel

– Laser

– Heliostat

• Existing focus test procedure may be used for these

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Sun Test – Go/no go criteria

• Several types of criteria

– Prerequisites done – See separate charts

– Equipment available and properly configured• Laser and wavemeter working

• PCU properly configured

• Targets available/installed

– Sunlight• Some require long stretches of clear skies

• Others can use shorter stretches and/or light clouds

– STOLs working

– Procedural issues resolved

• See overview chart and individual tests for details

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Sun Test – Pass/fail criteria

• This is not an acceptance test!

– However, we are looking for gross errors

– Note that in many cases all we need is characterization NOT pass/fail

• Two levels

– Do we have the required data?• If no pass/fail then we only need to know when we have data of sufficient quality

– Have we analyzed the data?• If pass/fail needed or if test is prerequisite for other tests we need short turn around

• Analysis software for prerequisites is ready

• Preliminary results and decisions will be part of calibration meetings

– In case of gross errors high level decisions needed• Abort Sun test and fix problem

• Continue with other parts of test

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Sun Test – Priorities

• Several competing criteria for priority

• Make good use of sunlight– May not get that many days

• Do prerequisites first

• Equipment constraints– Don’t want to fire up laser too often

– Don’t want to change PCU configuration too often

• Allow efficient development and testing of STOL procedures– Easy ones first

– Test various types

• Maximize time to develop and run analysis procedures– Data of marginal quality (eg. clouds) may still allow for some testing

• May need data from other instruments– MDI under our control, but keyhole

– May like to have data from ground based. GONG, SOLIS, ASP,…

• Near real time flexibility will be required to be efficient!

• With this in mind…

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Sun Test – Attack plan

• Get STOLs for prerequisites ready before test starts– Focus done. Wavelength dependence and PCU both well defined

• Run all relevant STOLs we have as soon as we can– Can check for proper functioning – may do abbreviated versions to save time

– Gives sample data for analysis code development

– POR – Don’t do extensive real time debugging

– Run STOLs even if ideal source not available

– With luck we can have prerequisites done on day one!• Does depend on PCU operational

• Does depend on Sun shining or laser working

• Don’t use laser on day one– Probably takes too long to get set up

– Can use other sources for initial tests

– But do get it to work soon, especially if forecast calls for solid overcast

• Plan further tests depending on weather, people and equipment availability– Try to get prerequisites done as soon as possible

– Do weekly and daily planning

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Lessons Learned from MDI & FPP – Rock Bush, Ted Tarbell

• Have several “standard” stimulus setups, with more than one person knowing how to change from one to another.

• Keep a log of which setup is used for every test and any deviations from “standard”

• Test and cal procedures evolve by trial and error: need prompt (not necessarily real time) data analysis and STOL/procedure editing.

• Have scientists analyze the data who are not involved in collecting the data.

• Decide on measurements for trending and start early; keep standard, clear tables/web sites of results.

• Need quick look (almost real time) viewing of images during testing: interactive X, Y, I <I>, etc. measurements

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Sun Test Plan – Ryan Moskal

• Ground Support Equipment (GSE)

• Procedures (logs, shop orders, etc.)

• Test Flow

• Facilities

– Provide a description of the required test facility, including floorplan.

– Describe the characteristics and capabilities of the test facility and required support equipment. (lasers, interferometers, stim tel, PCU, heliostat, etc.)

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• Mechanical

– Targets: pinhole, other

– Stimulus telescope with white light lamp and dye laser


– Interferometer

– Heliostat

– Light meter for light source monitoring

– Wave meter for wavelength tuning verification

– Mechanical hoist

• Electrical– Spacecraft simulator

– Workstations for running STOL procedures

– Workstations for collecting data from instrument


• Software– Flight software



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• Testing takes place in HMI Cleanroom (Sun Lab, Bay 3)

• Shop order for each procedure

– Provides the steps to run one test procedure and gather data

– A procedure can gather data for more than one test

– STOL modifications necessary during testing are captured in STOL development shop order, not test procedure shop order

• Test setup log appears in Appendix A of test sequence shop orders

• Mate/De-mate log

– Must be updated throughout the testing process

– Step in shop order

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Test Flow

• PCU will always be in optical path but PCU optics will move out of the optical path when not in use

• Details on dye laser vs. white light lamp setup and how to switch between

• Details on GSE cover (Will there be a case where we need to remove the cover to adjust/examine?)

Align HMIwith heliostat

Align PCU inoptical path

Tests: Stim telwith lamp

Tests: Stim telwith heliostat

Tests: Stim telwith dye laser

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Test Setup – Stimulus telescope with white light lamp

Stim tel w/ lamp



Inside cleanroom

Outside cleanroom




Line of Sight

Work area



ce to




Entrance to gowning area

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Test Setup – Stimulus telescope with dye laser

Stim tel w/dye laser



Inside cleanroom

Outside cleanroom




Line of Sight

Work area



ce to




Entrance to gowning area

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Test Setup - Heliostat



Inside cleanroom

Outside cleanroom




Line of Sight

Work area



ce to




Entrance to gowning area


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Individual Test Descriptions

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Image Quality: Focus

• Purpose– Determine the nominal focus position

• Requirements– Need to take images for other tests near optimal focus. Also needed to set secondary shim.

• Description– Determine spatial power as a function of focus setting. Fit model to determine ideal focus.

• Test configuration– Stimulus telescope with lamp and desired target(s) (dots). Sun may also be used to illuminate target.– Also do with direct sunlight from heliostat.

• Test plan– Take images at all 16 focus positions.

• Data analysis– For each focus position determine the amount of spatial power. Fit parabola to three highest points to

determine best focus.– For the Sun it may be possible to use the sharpness of the limb.– Codes are ready.

• Procedure– STOL status: Exists.– Shop order status: Does not exist– The test timeline: 16 images of 10s or 3 minutes. Little setup required.– No particular personnel required.

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Image Quality: Distortion

• Purpose– Determine the amount of optical distortion.

• Requirements– 0.001% (0.02 pixels) based on Korzennik et al. (204) 0.01pixels desirable.

• Description– Determine parameters in distortion model by offpointing instrument using alignment legs.

• Test configuration– Stimulus telescope with lamp and desired target(s) (dots). Sun may also be used to illuminate target.

• Test plan– At each of 5x5 leg offsets, take images at a few positions around the nominal focus.

• Data analysis– For each focus position determine the offsets between each pair of images for a grid of points in the images.

– Fit distortion model to the measured offsets.

– Codes are ready.

• Procedure– STOL status: Does not exist

– Shop order status: Does not exist

– The test timeline: Each series is 25 offsets times 5 focus positions for a total of 125 images. At 10s per images this will take 20 minutes. Needs to be run for a few targets plus setup so a few hours.

– No particular personnel required.

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Mechanism induced images motions and distortions

• Purpose– Determine the image motions and distortions introduced by rotating the optics in the hollow core motors.

• Requirements– CPS gives 0.1” (0.2 pixels). IPD 4.3 gives a goal of 0.1 pixels.

• Description– Determine offsets by taking images of fixed target at various HCM rotation angles.

• Test configuration– Stimulus telescope with lamp and desired target(s) (dots). Sun may also be used to illuminate target.

• Test plan– For each of 7 HCMs and each of 10 or so angles, take images at a few positions around the nominal focus.

• Data analysis– At each focus position determine the offsets between each pair of images for a grid of points in the images..

– Code is ready.

• Procedure– STOL status: Does not exist

– Shop order status: Does not exist

– The test timeline: About 100 images. At 10s per images this will take 20 minutes. Needs to be run for a few targets plus setup so a few hours.

– No particular personnel required.

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Image Quality: Field curvature

• Purpose– Determine the amount of field curvature.

• Requirements– The change of focus as a function of image position should be a fraction of a focus step.

• Description– Determine spatial power as a function of focus setting, leg offset and image position. Fit model.

• Test configuration– Stimulus telescope with lamp and desired target(s) (dots). Sun may also be used to illuminate target.– Also do with sunlight.

• Test plan– Same as for distortion. Also use sun focus series.

• Data analysis– At each leg position and image position fit mode power as a function of focus position to determine best

focus. – For Sun test no additional analysis required.– For lamp test analyze focus as a function of offset and position to separate stim tel and HMI curvature.– Codes are mostly ready.

• Procedure– STOL status: Exists for Sun test. Does not exist for lamp test.– Shop order status: Does not exist– The test timeline: Same data as other tests, so no additional time required.– No particular personnel required.

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Image Quality: MTF

• Purpose– Determine the MTF variation as a function of image position.

• Requirements– Astigmatism should be a fraction of a focus step. The MTF at any k should not be degraded by more than

that corresponding to a(?) focus step. 10% or better knowledge is desirable.

• Description– Determine spatial power as a function of k and image position at best focus.

• Test configuration– Stimulus telescope with lamp and desired target(s) (dots). Sun may also be used to illuminate target.– Also do with sunlight.

• Test plan– Same as for distortion. Also use sun focus series.

• Data analysis– At each leg position and image position fit mode power as a function of k at best focus. – For Sun test no additional analysis required.– For lamp test analyze power as a function of offset and position to separate stim tel and HMI MTF.– Codes are mostly ready.

• Procedure– STOL status: Exists.– Shop order status: Does not exist– The test timeline: Sama data as for other tests so no additional time needed.– No particular personnel required.

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Image Quality: Image scale

• Purpose– Determine the absolute image scale.

• Requirements– The image scale should be between 0.494”/pixel and 0.505”/pixel.

• Description– Take images of Sun. Determine diameter and compare to ephemeris.

• Test configuration– Sun from heliostat.

• Test plan– Take solar images at each focus position.

• Data analysis– Determine solar image diameter. Look up diameter in ” in ephemeris. Divide numbers.

– Code exists.

• Procedure– STOL status: Exists.

– Shop order status: Does not exist

– The test timeline: Data already taken for other tests.

– No particular personnel required.

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• Purpose– Determine if any large particles are present in the optical path.

• Requirements– Any contaminants should not be large enough to degrade science.

• Description– Using a “pinhole” camera mode look for shadows from contaminants and determine their position in the

optical path by determining motion when moving pinhole.

• Test configuration– Stimulus telescope with lamp or Sun and direct sunlight. PCU with hole plate.– Laser in stimulus telescope with leg offsets.

• Test plan– For each hole position or each leg offset take image in obs and cal mode.– Also rotate each HCM at one or more hole and leg positions.

• Data analysis– Offset images proportional to pinhole offset. Look for shadows coming into focus. Determine position in

optical path from raytrace and proportionality constant used for shifting. – For HCM rotations look for moving shadows.– Codes exists for MDI.

• Procedure– STOL status: Does not exist– Shop order status: Does not exist– The test timeline: About 100 images each series. A few hours total.– Personnel qualified to change PCU configuration needed.

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Polarization calibration

• Purpose– Determine intsrument polarization matrix.

• Requirements– See IPD.

• Description– Using light with well determined polarization determine instrument response.

• Test configuration– Stimulus telescope with lamp or Sun and sunlight from heliostat.

• Test plan– Using PCU take series of images with various PCU and instrument settings.

• Data analysis– Too complicated to describe here.

– Codes are ready.

• Procedure– STOL status: Does not exist

– Shop order status: Does not exist

– The test timeline: 50-100 images in obs and calmode required for Sun and lamp. Total one day.

– No particular personnel required.

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Image Quality: Linearity & Light Transfer

• Objective– Determine the calibration necessary to correct for CCD response non-linearities, the exposure limit for

calibratable response, and the camera noise characteristics

• Requirements– Measure the CCD mean response and noise variance as a function of exposure time, from dark to full-well

• Description– Take pairs (or more) of “identical” images at each exposure time in a list, which ranges from the shortest

possible exposure to long enough to saturate the CCD

• Test configuration– Can be done with lamp or stable sun: best illumination is smoothly varying but not uniform– Can be done with dark current: useful for trending in test setups where no light source available

• Test plan– Set up light source (or block for dark test), take list of exposures, quickly look at data to verify adequate

exposure range, repeat with modified exposure times if necessary

• Data analysis– Plot & analyze linearity curve (mean output vs. exposure time) and light transfer curve (variance of output vs.

mean output)– FPP IDL code exists, mods for HMI are straightforward

• Procedure– STOL status: may exist (use a standard exposure list STOL)– Shop order status: does not exist– The test timeline: 20-30 images for each source desired, < 5 minutes per set, ~ half an hour for entire test– No special personnel requirements

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Alignment Mechanism: Step Size, Repeatability, and Range

• Objective– Determine alignment leg step size, step

repeatability, and full range of travel in arcseconds on the sky.

• Requirements and Description– Measure step size at center of travel, and at

300 arcsec from center, to within 0.25 arcsec.

– Measure step repeatability within the vicinity of the center of travel to within 0.25 arcsec.

– Measure step repeatability between center of travel and 300 arcsec from center to within 0.25 arcsec.

– Measure full range of travel to within 10 arcsec.

• Test configuration– Lamp input, Grid target, PCU out.

– HMI focused and image scale measured.

• Procedure– STOL status: hmi_find_center;

hmi_move_legs_to_center; hmi_set_leg_position, ral_tp

– Shop order status:

– Personnel: one test conductor; one data analyst.

• Test plan– Start with both alignment legs at home

position. Move one leg 3 single steps in one direction, then 6 single steps in the opposite direction, then 3 single steps back to the nominal start position. Take an image of the grid target at each position. Repeat with the other leg.

– Repeat the above, but with the starting position 300 arcseconds from home position (in a direction requiring equal actuation of the two legs).

– Calculate step size and step repeatability in arcseconds from images, using knowledge of image scale.

– Set alignment legs to the four extreme positions (which is about ±700 arcsec) and take images at each position. Measure range of motion in images using knowledge of image scale.

• Data analysis– Find crosshair centroids to within half a pixel in

HMI images.

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Observables: Doppler Velocity

• Purpose: – Test end-to-end function and performance of the instrument

with a prime HMI observable. Quantitative understanding of the sources, levels, and changes in the signal and noise in individual Dopplergrams and time series taken in different configurations will validate many other tests and calibrations. Images and data series will be used for testing analysis pipelines as well as the instrument and observing sequences. Generation of a rudimentary solar k-w diagram will demonstrate function of instrument hardware, software, and analysis components.

• Requirements: – A repeatable, uniform set of tuned filtergrams must be

obtained at a rapid, regular cadence to generate each Dopplergram. Individual Dopplergrams provide a reasonably good end-to-end verification that the whole system is working, once noise sources are understood. Times series of Dopplergrams are required to reduce noise and produce a signal that can be analyzed in the science pipelines. Analyzable data from at least one lengthy (several hour) sequence obtained with a reasonable cadence in sunlight must be provided in cal mode and in image mode.

• Description: – Single Dopplergrams will be used to characterize the

instrument performance and noise levels and validate instrument simulations. The early tests will be dominated by noise and so will provide only a gross indication of how things are working. Individual Dopplergrams for all sources except the imaged Sun should be very uniform and highly predictable. Solar observations will provide a known signal measured by other instruments against which to compare. Solar time series will be analyzed to disentangle the changes caused by the instrument and the Sun. Stim telescope observations may be useful for determining instrument noise levels and stability.

• Test Configuration: – Solar target should be centered and focused in image mode.

– The instrument should be in as flight-like a configuration as possible– proper focus and alignment, tuning, temperature control, guiding, air/vacuum, data collection, etc

• Test Plan: – The test begins and ends with a set of standard

characterizations and repeats a standard sequence in between. This presumes that you can record the sequence of filtergrams for a Dopplergram every minute or so.

– Start: Verify image focus and centeringCollect 5 darksRun shortest detune sequenceTake 5 Image-Mode DopplergramsTake 5 Cal-mode Dopplergrams

– Prime Dopplergram Sequence (run N times):Repeat Desired-Mode Dopplergrams 20-times, maintaining image centeringTake one Cal-mode DopplergramTake one Image-mode DopplergramTake 5 darks

– End: Verify image focus and centeringRun shortest detune sequenceTake 5 darks 

• Data Analysis:– Generate Dopplergrams from filtergrams

– Simulate instrument response under test conditions (e.g. noisy CCD)

– Characterize observed signal and noise levels in test configurations

– Compare observed data with expected signal and noise

– Compare with data from other observatories

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Observables: Line of Site Magnetic Field

• Purpose: – This end-to-end HMI observable test will demonstrate that

the instrument can measure magnetic fields. Sensitivity to noise will be somewhat different than Dopplergrams. Depending on noise levels, an initial verification of magnetic sensitivity will be possible. Systematic effects will reveal irregularities that are otherwise not apparent. Unlike the changing Doppler signal, averaging time series of stable magnetic observations should reduce noise.

• Requirements: – Rapid, repeatable sequences of filtergrams are required.

Remapping of filtergrams will be required, at least for time sequences. Algorithm for determining magnetic field from filtergrams required. Time series of magnetograms will be averaged to increase the signal to noise ratio. Simultaneous observations of magnetic field from other observatories required. Understanding of noise sources required.

• Description: – The line-of-sight magnetic field observable is conceptually

the difference of interleaved Dopplergrams observed in two circular polarizations. Understanding the Dopplergram noise is a component of understanding the magnetogram signal available during the sun tests. The magnetic sequence is significantly longer, so filtergrams may need to be registered to provide a meaningful signal, though the seeing will result in poor resolution. Magnetograms will probably require a better flat field than the Dopplergrams.

• Test Configuration: – Flight-like solar observations in cal mode and image


• Test Plan:– Know flat field

– Know dark current

– Short detune for solar orientation

– Take one cal and one image magnetogram

– Take one Doppler sequence in each polarization, cal & image

– Take time series of image magnetograms (10)

– Take time series of cal magnetograms (10)

– Take one Doppler sequence in each polarization

– Take one cal and one image magnetogram

– Short detune for solar orientation

– Know dark current

– Know flat field

• Data Analysis:– Filtergrams will probably need to be registered.

Magnetograms certainly will.

– Magnetic algorithm will need to be tested and verified

– Comparison with simultaneous MDI magnetograms to test sensitivity, noise, dynamic range, image quality

– May help with distortion

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Observables: Vector Magnetic Field

• Objective– Demonstrate that HMI can measure vector magnetic


– Demonstrate the proficiency of the polarization calibration

• Requirements– Active region on solar disk is required. Polarization

calibration tests (item #21) are needed in order to analyze data. Algorithm for inverting the observations is needed. Simultaneous vector magnetic field maps, from SOLIS perhaps, would be very beneficial. Hour long observations taken with "Mod A" and also in "Mod C" are needed.

• Description– The vector magnetic field is determined using a model

solar atmosphere and inversion technique with full Stokes profile information. Polarization modulation in the form of "Mod A" or "Mod C" will allow sampling of Stokes I, Q, U and V over the spectral line so that we can recover a coarse spectral sampling of these Stokes profiles. Demodulation of polarization is done in combination with a correction of polarization introduced by the telescope. The data is then inverted using a model solar atmosphere (ME) and least squares inversion code. Short term data products and ten minute averages will be made. For the second sun test with two cameras in place, a test for using both cameras for obtaining the vector field will be conducted.

• Test configuration– Flight-like solar observations in cal and obs mode.

• Test plan– Several flats and darks; detune seq; Take one Mod A

and one Mod C vector sequence in both cal and obs mode.

– Run one hour of Mod A; Run one hour of Mod C.

– One Mod A and one Mod C vector sequence in both cal and obs mode. Detunes; Several flats and darks.

– For second sun test that will have in flight optics, two cameras and be in vacuum, run an additional observation of an hour with only I+/-Q and I+/U observed on vector camera while the I+/-V is observed on doppler camera.

• Data analysis– Filtergrams will need to be registered. Polarization

states will be demodulated including correction of telescope matrix. Data will then be used with solar model and inversion code to recover vector magnetic field data. The signal and noise levels will be analyzed. Ideally, data will be compared to simultaneous vector data from another instrument.

• Procedure– STOL status: may exist (use a standard exposure list


– Shop order status: does not exist

– The test timeline: 20-30 images for each source desired, < 5 minutes per set, ~ half an hour for entire test

– No special personnel requirements

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Data Processing

• Will use MDI data system (DSDS) for storing data

– Should easily be able to handle data volume

• Will use HMI data system (DRMS) for metadata

– Still in beta test, but alternatives exist

• A few basic utilities will be available

– Data query, selection and export

– Image reconstruction (remove cross)

– Etc.

• Analysis will be done with ad-hoc code

– Mostly IDL

– Observables code may have to be optimized to reduce computing time

– Codes for prerequisites exist

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Hardware Readiness – Kirkpatrick

• Alignment status

• Camera

• Safe-to-Mate



– Air-to-Vac Corrector• Air-to-vac corrector lens used with either the heliostat or the Stim-Tel to produce images in focus at the

location of the CCD with the instrument in ambient pressure.

– Stim-tel

– Heliostat

– Other GSE

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Software Readiness – Drake

• Topics

– Flight Software


– Camera


– Tables

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Sun Test Electrical Block Diagram



1553 BusMonitor

StanfordGSE @ LMSAL


















Ethernet (GB)

Data Analysis

@ Stanford








Sun Test Electrical Block Diagram



FSW Repository





1553 BusMonitor

StanfordGSE @ LMSAL


















Ethernet (GB)

Data Analysis

@ Stanford








Sun Test Electrical Block Diagram



FSW Repository



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Flight Software

• Mechanism control software and state machines in place for

– HCMs (3 Polarization Selector mechanisms and 4 Wavelength Tuning mechanisms)

– Shutters

– Calibration/filter wheels

– Alignment legs

• Two mechanism control software elements being completed

– Front door mechanism • Not needed for first sun test

• FPGA updated for problem with open/closed switches, not yet tested

• Only 1 of 2 FPGAs changed out on HEB brassboard system

• Sequencer

– Works with hard-coded framelist

– Framelist table upload in development

– Initial tests will not use sequencer

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GSE and Camera

• LMSAL EGSE In place and ready

– Release 6.6 development

– RAL GSE Camera Control Interface• Being modified

– PCU Control

– Stimulus telescope intensity control (not done)

• RAL GSE In place and ready

• Camera

– Development model camera control through RAL GSE from LMSAL EGSE STOL

– Work-around for lack of Camera InterFace (CIF) board in HMI brassboard

– Images have been taken through this interface and provided to Stanford for data analysis/processing

– Header content being updated

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Sun test STOL list

Name Status

• hmi_focus Written, not tested

• hmi_leg_focus Higher level STOL invoking hmi_focus, not written

• hmi_leg_repeat Higher level STOL invoking hmi_focus, not written

• hmi_flatfield Similar to hmi_leg_focus, not written

• hmi_pl_wobble Written, not tested

• hmi_wl_wobble Written, not tested

• hmi_find_center Written, needs review/demonstration

• hmi_set_leg_position Not written

• hmi_pcu_ss_moda Written, not tested

• hmi_pcu_ls_modc Written, not tested

• hmi_move_legs_to_center Use HMI_MC_AL_MOVE MECH=AL1/2 TARGET=X

• hmi_set_known_pos Need known positions

• hmi_set_home_pos Needs home positions

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Sun test STOL list

Name Status

• hmi_picture_loop Not written

• hmi_set_all_hcm_zero Needs encoder values to set HCM to

• hmi_set_position Not written

• hmi_dop_seq5 Not written, use wl_wobble_10 table

• hmi_detune27 Not written, make table?

• hmi_pcu_fringes Not written

• hmi_pcu_hole Not written

• hmi_linearity Not written

• ral_menu Works, being revised

• ral_tp Works, being revised

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Name Status

• cal_focus Done

• pl_wobble_10 Written, not tested

• wl_wobble_10 Written, not tested

• pcu_ss_moda Reviewed by Jesper, needs updating

Use equation to convert angle to encoder

Remove redundant areas

• pcu_ls_modc Reviewed by Jesper, needs updating

Use equation to convert angle to encoder

Remove redundant areas

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• Test Plan– This review chart package, together with a cover sheet signature page, constitutes the the

Sun Test Plan (HMI01567).

• Procedures (shop orders)– The test procedures are documented in the shop orders under which all tests are carried out.

No test may proceed without a signed shop order.

– Shop orders signed off by: Test lead; system engineer; deputy program manager; mission assurance

• Applicable Documents– HMI I&T Plan, HMI Contract Performance Spec, HMI Calibration Plan, HMI IPD

• Test Reports– Each test lead will prepare a test report and attach it to the shop order associated with the


– Test reports explain results related to requirements and identify trended data.

– For any failures, discuss root cause, corrective action, and plan for retest.

– All test reports related to in-air calibration items are due Feb 06.

– All test reports related to functional test items are due Mar 06. (To support pre-environmental test review).

– All remaining test reports due Apr 06.

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Concerns & Issues – All

• High priority items:– Laser brightness out of the fiber is low.

– Sunlight into stimulus telescope: If we can get lots of sunlight this will work better than the lamp for some purposes. Can also be used instead of laser light for a few tests.

– Laser reliability.

– Targets.

– Wavemeter accuracy.

– RAL headers.

– RAL camera interface: a lot of coding and testing is still needed.

– Flat field determination; need to decide what to do.

– Availability of people. We are stretched thin.

– Transfer of data from LMSAL to Stanford.

• Lower priority items:– Stimulus telescope brightness.

– We don't know how the solar image rotates during the day.

– Fastest cadence.

– Linearity measurement.

• Long term issues:– Monitoring of laser brightness.

– Scattered light in spectrograph.